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Implementing the Surface Response to Excitation Method (SuRE) with Non-contact SensorsGonzalez, Sergio R., Jr. 15 November 2013 (has links)
Structural health monitoring (SHM) systems generally install low cost excitation component and/or sensors to the machines or buildings permanently to monitor the health of it. Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) systems use high cost sensors to perform the inspection of structures. It would be advantageous to inspect the some aerospace structures and parts in vacuum environment by using the remotely monitoring systems such as laser vibrometer. In this study, a scanning laser vibrometer is used to detect the location of the problem at the structure. For data collection and analysis recently, developed surface response to excitation (SuRE) method was used.
First the software of the scanning laser vibrometer was used to evaluate the capabilities of the system. The vibration of simple structures such as the cone of a speaker and a beam was tested when they were excited below 200 Hz and the mode shapes were studied. Later, the scanning laser vibrometer was used for implementation of the SuRE method. The surface vibration of beams and plates were monitored while their surfaces were excited at high frequencies with a piezoelectric exciter. External force was applied to one point of the surface of the considered structures. The scanning laser vibrometer evaluated the vibration of different points on the structure according to given program and obtained the frequency response before and after the external load was applied. The sum of the squares of the differences of the frequency responses were obtained for each point on the surface and presented with a contour plot.
Use of the scanning laser vibrometer was convenient at the test conditions. The calculated mode shapes were very similar to the expected ones when the simple structures were tested. The locations of the external forces were identified correctly when the beams and plates were tested. The study indicated that the scanning laser vibrometer and SuRE method may be used for identification of defects and/or loose fasteners.
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Klasifikace vozidel s použitím radaru / Vehicle Classification Using RadarRaszka, Aleš January 2017 (has links)
This Master thesis deals with usage of radar signal for vehicle classification. The thesis uses radar modules with continuous wave based on Doppler effect. Radar signal is processed by a series of signal processing method finished by Fourier transform. Data produced by FFT is used to create SVM and AdaBoost classifier which can be used to classify vehicles into groups.
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Experiments with GMTI Radar using Micro-DopplerDilsaver, Benjamin Walter 24 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
As objects move, their changing shape produces a signature that can be measured by a radar system. That signature is called the micro-Doppler signature. The micro-Doppler signature of an object is a distinguishing characteristic for certain classes of objects. In this thesis features are extracted from the micro-Doppler signature and are used to classify objects. The scope of the objects is limited to humans walking and traveling vehicles. The micro-Doppler features are able to distinguish the two classes of objects. With a sufficient amount of training data, the micro-Doppler features may be used with learning algorithms to predict unknown objects detected by the radar with high accuracy.
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Reproducibility of a continuous-wave Doppler ultrasound system for assessment of ascending aortic blood flow responses during graded exercise testing with healthy individualsWetherill, Lindsay D. January 1987 (has links)
Continuous-wave (CW) Doppler recordings of ascending aortic maximal blood flow acceleration (PkA), maximal velocity (PkV) and systolic velocity integral (SVI) were taken at each stage of a graded exercise treadmill test on two separate days with 30 physically active adult males. Signals were measured (Quinton Exerdop) for all cardiac cycles in the 3rd minute of each stage using a hand-held probe positioned at the suprasternal notch. A dedicated microcomputer, programmed to select "valid" beats on the basis of value consistency in the sample set, determined the acceptability of signals. No significant differences were found between the three trial means within each stage on either day for PkA, PkV or SVI. Significant (p <.01) intraclass reliability estimates ranged from r = 0.89 to 0.97 (Pk.A), r = 0.90 to 0.98 (PkV) and r = 0.85 to 0.95 (SVI) . Coefficients of variation were calculated at each stage to estimate the relative consistency of each measure. A gradual reduction of the coefficient of variation was observed for each blood flow measure between stages one and four. The test-retest (between days) reliability coefficients for PkA, PkV and SVI for stages one to four ranged between r = 0.51 to 0.78 (P <.004), but correlations for the pre-exercise baseline and stages five and six were lower. These results indicate that (1) PkA, PkV and SVI demonstrate greater measurement stability within each stage of a graded exercise test than is the case between separate days of measurement at the same stage; and (2) there is modest day-to-day response stability for clinical testing with the Doppler parameter of PkV. Reliability/stability was best in exercise stages which encompass the speed and grade range of 45.0 m•min⁻¹/10%. - 111.7 m•min⁻¹/14%, i.e., those in which all subjects can walk. / Master of Science
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Towards a Seamless Future Generation Network for High Speed Wireless CommunicationsAnoh, Kelvin O.O., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Chukwu, M.C., Buhari, M., Jones, Steven M.R. January 2013 (has links)
Yes / The MIMO technology towards achieving future
generation broadband networks design criteria is presented.
Typical next generation scenarios are investigated. The MIMO
technology is integrated with the OFDM technology for effective
space, time and frequency diversity exploitations for high speed
outdoor environment. Two different OFDM design kernels (fast
Fourier transform (FFT) and wavelet packet transform (WPT))
are used at the baseband for OFDM system travelling at
terrestrial high speed for 800MHz and 2.6GHz operating
frequencies. Results show that the wavelet kernel for designing
OFDM systems can withstand doubly selective channel fading for
mobiles speeds up to 280Km/hr at the expense of the traditional
OFDM design kernel, the fast Fourier transform.
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Diversité spatiale et compensation Doppler en communication sous-marine sur signaux large-bandes / Spatial diversity exploitation and Doppler compensation in underwater acoustic environment for wide band signalLyonnet, Bastien 19 December 2011 (has links)
Le milieu sous-marin est doublement dispersif, en temps et en fréquence. L'utilisation récente de signaux de communication multi-porteuses offre une solution pour lutter contre la sélectivité fréquentielle. Mais ce type de signaux reste très sensible à la dispersivité fréquentielle. Cette thèse se concentre sur le problème de la dispersivité fréquentielle qu'est l'effet Doppler. Des méthodes d'estimation du paramètre Doppler sont développées pour des signaux multi-porteuses DMT. Est également abordé le problème de la compensation Doppler dans les cas mono et multitrajets. Une méthode générale et une méthode spéci que au signaux multiporteuses sont présentées et testées sur simulation. Cette thèse se distingue par son modèle du canal sous-marin qui considère un paramètre Doppler différent sur chaque trajet. Ceci résulte de la géométrie du problème et des vitesses émetteur/récepteur considérées. Nous présentons nalement des méthodes pour séparer les différents trajets arrivant sur une antenne a n de pouvoir considérer un paramètre Doppler unique sur chacun. / The underwater channel is doubly dispersive, in time and freqeuncy. In the last decade, multicarrier communication signal , like OFDM signal, has offer a solution in order to struggle aginst multipath propagation. Unfortunatly, these kinds of signal is strongly sensitive to Doppler effect. This thesis focus on frequential dispersivity involved by Doppler effect. Several Doppler estimation methods are developped for multicarrier signals. Doppler compensation for one path and multipath channel is also considered. For this problem, we developped general method but also speci c method for DMT signals. Each of them have been tested on simulations. This thesis uses an underwater channel model presenting different Doppler parameter for each path. This approach is a consequence of the problem geometry, considering emitter/receiver velocity. Finaly, using an antenna, we present several methods in order to separate efficiently each arriving path ; allowing us to consider each separated path with a single Doppler parameter to compensate.
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Sensor de presença para semáforo inteligente de baixo custoSergio Ferreira de Oliveira 13 December 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho destina-se a especificar, analisar e ensaiar um sensor de presença para um semáforo inteligente de baixo custo. O sensor tem por finalidade a redução dos custos de implantação e manutenção nos sistemas de controles dos semáforos inteligentes, quando comparado a outros sensores, tais como, por imagem, ultrassom, laser, infravermelho, pneumático ou indutivo. O princípio de funcionamento tem por base a detecção de veículos na região de aproximação das vias de uma interseção por meio de um sensor que gera um sinal elétrico para o sistema de controle de tráfego. Utilizando sensores de micro-ondas de efeito Doppler e um circuito detecção o sistema torna-se de fácil implantação nos cruzamentos das vias públicas, por possuir tamanho reduzido, facilidade de programação e baixo consumo de energia, atendendo, portanto a necessidade de sistemas sustentáveis. Por motivo de segurança, ao ser iniciado ou reiniciado devido a falta de energia elétrica, o sistema funciona de forma temporizada por dois ciclos completos, tempo suficiente para que seja possível a detecção de veículos pelos sensores. / This work aims to specify, analyze and test a presence sensor for an intelligent traffic light at low cost. The sensor is intended to reduce the costs of deployment and maintenance of control systems in intelligent traffic lights, when compared to other sensors such as imaging, ultrasound, laser, infrared, pneumatic or inductive. The operating principle is based on the detection of approaching vehicles in the region of an intersection roads by means of a sensor which generates an electrical signal to the control system traffic. Using sensors microwave Doppler Effect and a loop detection system becomes easy to deploy in the crossings of public roads, for having reduced size, ease of programming and low power consumption, light, therefore the need for sustainable systems. For security reasons, to be started or restarted due to power outages, the system works timed by two complete cycles, enough time to be able to detect vehicles by sensors.
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Ultrazvukový průtokoměr pro dialyzační monitor / Ultrasound blood flowmeter for haemodialysis monitorKrohová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to get know about introduce the principles of hemodialysis, blood flow measurement methods and the creation the system and peripheral design of blood flow meter. The thesis contains an introduction to hemodialysis, a description of the dialysis monitor, the distribution of ultrasonic flow meters and system design of blood flow meter with a brief description of each function block, circuit diagram of a flow meter and experimental verification of the circuit. There are also the list of components, printed circuit board drawing and technical drawing of the sensor included.
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Multi-Photon Interactions with a Time StructureBaev, Alexander January 2003 (has links)
The present thesis concerns aspects of the interaction ofmatter in gas, liquid and solid phases, with electromagneticradiation, ranging from the optical to the X-ray region. Overthe last decade the availability of ultrashort strong laserpulses as well as of high power synchrotron sources of tunableX-ray radiation has stimulated a rapid development of newexperimental techniques which makes it possible to analysedifferent physical, chemical and biological processes inunprecedented detail. All of this urges a concomitantdevelopment of adequate theoretical language and methodscombined with simulation techniques. The first part of the thesis addresses nonlinear propagationof strong optical pulses. This study is motivated by thebreakthrough in synthesis of novel organic materials possessingprespecified nonlinear optical properties and which has led toa multitude of potential applications such as, for example, 3Dimaging and data storage, optical limiting and photodynamiccancer therapy. In order to clarify the underlying physics, astrict solution has been derived of the density matrixequations of a material aiming at an explicit treatment of itsnonlinear polarization without addressing a conventional Taylorexpansion over field amplitudes. Such a formalism is developedfor many-level molecules, allowing to solve the coupledMaxwell's and density matrix equations for the propagation of afew interacting laser pulses through a nonlinear molecularmedium. The theory presented is capable to account formulti-photon processes of an arbitrary order and for differentsaturation effects. The theory is applied to simulations oftwo- and three-photon absorption as well as to upconvertedstimulated emission of organic molecules in solvents. The second part of the thesis is devoted to resonant X-rayRaman scattering from free molecules, solutions and polymerfilms. The temporal analysis of the spectral profiles isperformed using the technique of scattering duration whichallows to select physical processes with different time scales.The slowing-down/speeding-up of the scattering by frequencydetuning provides insight in the formation of the differentparts of the scattering profile like atomic and molecularbands, resonant and vertical scattering channels, anomalousenhancement of the Stokes doubling effect. The lifetimevibrational interference (LVI), playing a crucial role inresonant scattering, is found to strongly influence thedispersion of the Auger resonances of polymers in agreementwith experiment. An almost complete quenching of the scatteringcross section by LVI is observed for the N2molecule. It is found that the interferenceelimination of the scattering amplitude gives valuableinformation on molecular geometry. The electron Doppler effectis minutely studied making use of a wave packet technique. Thesimulations show an "interference burning" of a narrow hole onthe top of the Doppler broadened profile of the Auger spectraof molecular oxygen. For the SF6molecule the Auger Doppler effect is found to besensitive to the detuning due to the scattering anisotropy. Inall of these studies the temporal language was foundconstructive and enormously helpful for understanding theunderlying physical processes. Most theoretical predictionsmade have been verified by experiments.
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Multi-Photon Interactions with a Time StructureBaev, Alexander January 2003 (has links)
<p>The present thesis concerns aspects of the interaction ofmatter in gas, liquid and solid phases, with electromagneticradiation, ranging from the optical to the X-ray region. Overthe last decade the availability of ultrashort strong laserpulses as well as of high power synchrotron sources of tunableX-ray radiation has stimulated a rapid development of newexperimental techniques which makes it possible to analysedifferent physical, chemical and biological processes inunprecedented detail. All of this urges a concomitantdevelopment of adequate theoretical language and methodscombined with simulation techniques.</p><p>The first part of the thesis addresses nonlinear propagationof strong optical pulses. This study is motivated by thebreakthrough in synthesis of novel organic materials possessingprespecified nonlinear optical properties and which has led toa multitude of potential applications such as, for example, 3Dimaging and data storage, optical limiting and photodynamiccancer therapy. In order to clarify the underlying physics, astrict solution has been derived of the density matrixequations of a material aiming at an explicit treatment of itsnonlinear polarization without addressing a conventional Taylorexpansion over field amplitudes. Such a formalism is developedfor many-level molecules, allowing to solve the coupledMaxwell's and density matrix equations for the propagation of afew interacting laser pulses through a nonlinear molecularmedium. The theory presented is capable to account formulti-photon processes of an arbitrary order and for differentsaturation effects. The theory is applied to simulations oftwo- and three-photon absorption as well as to upconvertedstimulated emission of organic molecules in solvents.</p><p>The second part of the thesis is devoted to resonant X-rayRaman scattering from free molecules, solutions and polymerfilms. The temporal analysis of the spectral profiles isperformed using the technique of scattering duration whichallows to select physical processes with different time scales.The slowing-down/speeding-up of the scattering by frequencydetuning provides insight in the formation of the differentparts of the scattering profile like atomic and molecularbands, resonant and vertical scattering channels, anomalousenhancement of the Stokes doubling effect. The lifetimevibrational interference (LVI), playing a crucial role inresonant scattering, is found to strongly influence thedispersion of the Auger resonances of polymers in agreementwith experiment. An almost complete quenching of the scatteringcross section by LVI is observed for the N<sub>2</sub>molecule. It is found that the interferenceelimination of the scattering amplitude gives valuableinformation on molecular geometry. The electron Doppler effectis minutely studied making use of a wave packet technique. Thesimulations show an "interference burning" of a narrow hole onthe top of the Doppler broadened profile of the Auger spectraof molecular oxygen. For the SF<sub>6</sub>molecule the Auger Doppler effect is found to besensitive to the detuning due to the scattering anisotropy. Inall of these studies the temporal language was foundconstructive and enormously helpful for understanding theunderlying physical processes. Most theoretical predictionsmade have been verified by experiments.</p>
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