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Návrh variantního dopravního připojení rozšiřovaného obchodního areálu v Modřicích / Variant design of transport connections of shopping centre in ModřiceKnopp, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a proposal and a comparison of several options of transportation planning in the shopping area in the urban area of the town of Modřice, which is enlarging due to the building-up of new commercial centres. The first part of the thesis consists of a treatise on the field of traffic engineering, road-traffic telematics and ITS. The core of the work is formed by a detailed analysis of the current state and calibration of the transport simulation system AIMSUN. The following part shows three different ways of transportation in the given area and all of them include a model of the particular area made in the program AIMSUN and an elaborate analysis of the proposed solution. In the last part of the work all the proposed solutions are compared according to the results gained from the AIMSUN model.
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Analýza ztráty zisku dopravní organizace v důsledku opravy po nehodě u autobusů s obsaditelností nad 30 míst / Analysis of Profit Loss for a Transport Organization as a Result of Repair Work After an Accident Involving Buses with a Carrying Capacity of over 30 PassengersPitaš, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The main aim of this master's thesis is preparation of economic and technical data for analysis of profit loss for a transport organization as a result of repair work after an accident involving buses with a carrying capacity of over 30 passengers. Master's thesis has three main parts. First part deals with technical data of buses SOR C 9,5, SOR C 10,5 a MAN Lion's Regio C, theirs equipment and service operation. Economic data about these buses are processed and evaluated in second part. Last part is devoted to the creation of methodology for calculation of profit loss of buses after an accident. It concerns about each model and category of buses with a carrying capacity of over 30 passengers as a whole.
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Identifikace vozidel na snímcích dopravních situací / Identification of Vehicles in the Images of Traffic SituationsPetyovský, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to propose methods for obtaining the additional vehicle parameters from the real-world traffic situations images and including existing information of the license plate and localization of the vehicle in the scene. The task is to use an existing installation of the camera systems based on data obtained from these devices to propose a new method of extraction of other vehicle's parameters. Solutions can be divided into two groups: 1. Methods for obtaining the features and methods of data evaluation which will lead to a vehicle's type identification based on a single image of the vehicle. 2. Methods for obtaining data of the vehicle's shape based on image sequence of passing vehicle.
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Vliv dopravně preventivních výcvikových kurzů na nehodovost a dopravní přestupky u českých řidičů / The influence of preventive driver training courses on the frequency of accidents and driving violations for Czech driversSlabihoudková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation deals with issues concerning driver education and driver training courses. It first deals with driver education in Czech schools and its representation in RVP.A comparison of driver education in the Czech Republic with driver education in foreign countries is presented in accordance with the results of research project Q F 44L/058/050. It also deals with the preparation of teachers for driver education in terms of a university study. The text attempts to highlight the importance of driver education throughout the entire lifetime of drivers. It covers driver education in the family, preschool, grammar school and high school education as well as preventive driving campaigns and training courses, and also in driving schools. The work also deals with differences between various ways of driving, and more specifically, those between defensive and cooperative driving. It attempts to find a delineation between these concepts in a non-uniform community of specialists. A significant part of the work deals with investigative research, which is primarily centered in interviews with transportation specialists, observation of participants in defensive driving courses and the analysis of documents. Keywords: traffic education, traffic prevention, defensive driving, cooperative driving, course of...
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Dopravní infrastruktura v Moravskoslezském kraji / Transport infrastructure in the Moravian-Silesian regionGrossmannová, Michaela January 2022 (has links)
The topic of diploma thesis is transport infrastructure in Moravian Silesian region. The thesis is separate to theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on region characteristics, regional development and transport infrastructure including financing. The practical part is focused on analysis transport infrastructure in Moravian Silesian region, which is mapped and described in detail. Using the knowledge from the theoretical part, the outcome is described impact of transport infrastructure on the region development.
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Státní fondy / State fundsValtr, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on financing of public goods through state funds, especially on the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure. The work consists of a general part, which is divided into three chapters focused on state funds, and special part, which is divided into two chapters focused on the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure. The first chapter of the general part at the beginning explains the terms of the budget and the budgetary system, and then presents the budgetary system of the Czech Republic. The second part deals with the term of fund management and explains setting of public funds system in the CzechRepublic. The second chapter of the general part deals with the general characteristics of state funds. At the beginning discusses the benefits of financing through state funds, then provides a brief overview of the history of state funds in the Czech Republic and at the end discusses the common characteristics and differences of the budgetary process and organizational structure of state funds. The third chapter of the general part is concerned on revenues and expenditures of state funds. The first subpart at the beginning compares the legal regulation of revenues and expenditures of state funds, then derives a typology of revenues and expenses and finally classifies legal categories...
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Poskytování veřejných služeb v integrovaných dopravních systémech / Rendition of public services within integrated transport systemsBudinský, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
Supplying of public services in transit districts The purpose of my thesis is study of public transportation as a public service, which is provided in transit districts. The thesis is composed of eight chapters and introduction. It introduces in with brief story to the subject of thesis and defines key terms for this thesis. First chapter does not focus on public transportation, but it looks at public service generally. It mentions important kinds of public service in western culture and deals with some of examples in the Czech republic. Second chapter presents key terms. In first sub chapter term is public transportation. It includes historical development of public transportation and its current situation. Second sub chapter contains development of transit districts around the world and in the Czech republic. Transport district is also known as a passenger transport executive. In Czech name "Integrovaný dopravní systém" is used, which stands for Integrated transportation system. Last sub chapter is about such system in Prague, capital of the Czech republic, which is called Prague transportation system (PIT). It not only describes PIT, but also illustrates history of public transportation Prague. Third chapter is about law 194/2010 on public passenger transport services. This law was prepared in...
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Dopravní chování obyvatel obcí zázemí Prahy / Travel Behaviour of the Prague Suburb PopulationPergl, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Travel behavior of Prague suburb population Abstract The hinterland of Prague is formed by the process of suburbanization, which influences the spatial structure of whole region. Changed spatial structure puts greater demand on the mobility of the population. The main aim of this work is the research of travel behavior of the Prague suburb population, who makes his movements primarily by the car. The work focuses on the factors influencing travel behavior, which are discussed in theoretical section. The next section discusses the measures against individual transport. The empirical part presents the results of survey in Prague southeast hinterland. Travel behavior is examined in terms of modal split and trip purpose. Further investagation is focused on citizens' satisfaction with the traffic situation in their municipality and reveals their sensitivity to various measures against car use. Key words: mobility, travel behavior, suburbanization, car use limiting, Prague
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Řízení o přestupcích proti bezpečnosti a plynulosti silničního provozu (se zaměřením na postupy prováděné před zahájením řízení a řízení v 1. stupni) / Proceedings for administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth highway traffic (with a special regard to acts carried out before trial and the first-instance proceedings)Neuvirt, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is "Proceedings for administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth highway traffic". Although there is no such special type of proceedings, it is an issue which deserves an attention. Every one of us is a part of highway traffic every day. Therefore it is important not only to know the rules by of it but also the rules and principles of the proceedings in which are transgressions against safety and smooth highway traffic heard. The aim of this thesis is to provide the complex summary of the proceedings for administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth highway traffic and to give notice of its unusualness from the basic proceedings for administrative transgressions. This thesis also points out the inaccuracies, wrongness and ambiguities of the proceedings' rules and also reflects and comments the latest amendments to relevant acts. The thesis is divided into nine chapters, from which the first and the last ones are introduction and conclusion. The second chapter clarifies the term administrative transgressions. The third chapter briefly describes the administrative transgressions against the safety and smooth of highway traffic and the interests safeguarded by them. The fourth chapter gives the overall summary of the administrative proceedings. The...
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Model dopravního toku s překážkou / A traffic flow with a bottelneckKovařík, Adam January 2011 (has links)
Title: A traffic flow with a bottelneck Author: Adam Kovařík Department: Department of Numerical Mathematics Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Vladimír Janovský, DrSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: janovsky@karlin.mff.cuni.cz Abstract: In this paper we study a microscopic follow-the-leader traffic model on a circu- lar road with a bottleneck. We assume that all drivers are identical and overtaking is not permitted. We sketch a small part of the rich dynamics of the model including Hopf and Neimark-Sacker bifurcations. We introduce so called POM and quasi-POM solutions and an algorithm how to search them. The main goal of this work is to investigate how the optimal velocity model with a bottleneck deals with so called aggressive behavior of dri- vers. The effect of variable reaction time and a combination of both named factors is also tested. Using numerical simulations we'll find out that aggressiveness and faster reactions have positive effect on traffic flow. In the end we discuss models with two bottlenecks and with one extraordinary driver. Keywords: dynamical systems, ODEs, traffic flow, bottleneck, aggressiveness. 1
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