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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização e adaptação do dosímetro Fricke para dosimetria em irradiação de sangue / Characterization and Adaptation of Fricke Dosimeter for Blood Irradiation Dosimetry

Lucas Sacchini Del Lama 31 October 2013 (has links)
A Doença Enxerto Contra Hospedeiro Associada à Transfusão (DECH-AT) é uma reação transfusional rara, porém fatal, que ocorre devido à presença de células T no sangue doado e que pode ser prevenida por meio da irradiação do sangue do doador e de seus componentes antes da transfusão. Assim, o controle de qualidade associado à irradiação do sangue é necessário para se garantir a qualidade do produto transfundido. Neste trabalho é proposta a caracterização e a adaptação da resposta do dosímetro Fricke para uso na dosimetria da irradiação de sangue, mais especificamente o Fricke Xilenol Gel (FXG). Este é um dosímetro químico radiocrômico, que apresenta as vantagens de ser tecido equivalente e de permitir a inferência espacial da dose absorvida dentro da faixa de doses usados na prevenção DECH-AT. Dessa maneira, de modo a possibilitar a inferência de dose absorvida em todo o intervalo utilizado na prevenção da DECH-AT (25 a 50 Gy), o FXG foi caracterizado e adaptado para aplicações dosimétricas envolvendo a irradiação de sangue e derivados. Os resultados com o novo dosímetro apontaram adequabilidade para toda a faixa necessária de doses absorvidas, com sensibilidade e desvanecimento temporal satisfatórios para aplicações rotineiras. Além disso, pela metodologia proposta neste trabalho, foi possível determinar as distribuições espaciais das doses absorvidas com o dosímetro proposto de uma maneira rápida e simples, mostrando assim que este dosímetro apresenta características convenientes para o controle de qualidade para a dosimetria da irradiação de sangue e de hemocomponentes. / The Transfusion Associated Graft Versus Host Disease (TA-GVHD) is a rare transfusion reaction, however fatal, which develops due to the presence of donor T lymphocytes in the donated blood and that can be avoided by the irradiation of the donated blood blood and blood components prior to transfusion. Thus, the associated quality control of blood irradiation is necessary to guarantee the quality of the transfused product. In this work it is proposed the characterization and adaptation of the response of a Fricke dosimeter to be used for dosimetry of blood irradiation, more especiafically the Fricke Xylenol Gel (FXG). This is a radiochromic chemical dosimeter, which presents advantages to be tissue equivalent and allows the spatial absorbed dose inference. In this manner, in a way to possibilitate the absorbed dose inference in the full interval used for the prevention of the TA-GVHD (25 to 50 Gy) the FXG was characterized and adapted for dosimetry applications involving blood and blood components irradiation. The results with the new dosimeter showed adequability for the necessary absorbed doses, with satisfactory sensibility and time fading for routine applications. Furthermore, according to the methodology proposed in this work, it was possible to determine the spatial absorbed dose distributions with the new dosimeter in an fast and simple way, showing that this dosimeter presents convenient characteristics for dosimetry quality control of irradiated the blood and blood components.

Imagens das propriedades viscoelásticas por ressonância magnética e ultrassom / Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance imaging of Viscoelastic Properties

Silvio Leão Vieira 16 October 2009 (has links)
Em tecidos biológicos lesados, a viscoelasticidade é a propriedade física que mais se modifica em relação ao tecido normal. Palpação manual é geralmente usada para identificar estas lesões, tais como nódulos e cistos. Recentemente, vários estudos envolvendo técnicas ultrassônicas e de ressonância magnética, denominadas elastografia, têm sido empregadas para avaliar as propriedades viscoelásticas dessas lesões. Uma das dificuldades neste tipo de estudo está relacionada ao desenvolvimento de simuladores de tecidos biológicos com inclusões equivalentes, uma vez que, essas estruturas lesadas originam-se a partir do próprio tecido biológico. Com base nessas motivações, técnicas quantitativas de elastografia por ressonância magnética e ultrassom foram exploradas para avaliar lesões simuladas em fantomas viscoelásticos. Estas lesões, com diferentes propriedades viscoelásticas, foram geradas no interior de um fantoma usando radiação ionizante. Os fantomas, também conhecidos como gel dosimétrico, foram desenvolvidos a base de pele animal, e irradiados utilizando um sistema de terapia de radiação convencional. Imagens de relaxometria por ressonância magnética (RRM) foram adquiridas nestes fantomas e usadas como referência padrão da dose absorvida e de sua distribuição. Os perfis da distribuição de dose avaliados nessas imagens de RRM e pelo sistema de planejamento radioterápico TPS 3D foram comparados aos de rigidez das imagens elastográficas. O estudo elastográfico nestes fantomas foi realizado utilizando os métodos de Vibroacustografia (VA), Vibrometria por Ultrassom (VU) e Elastografia por Ressonância Magnética (ERM). O segundo objetivo desta tese foi explorar a viabilidade de existência de speckle em imagens de vibroacustografia. Para testar essa idéia, um modelo tridimensional (3D) para a função de espalhamento de ponto (PSF) do sistema de VA foi simulada. O código da simulação foi desenvolvido em ambiente MATLAB e empregando sub-rotinas do programa Field II para simulação numérica dos transdutores. Imagens de ultrassom modo-B (IUSB) e vibroacustografia foram simuladas usando esse modelo de PSF-3D para um transdutor esférico e confocal, respectivamente. Essas IUSB foram simuladas para servir como um parâmetro comparativo com as imagens geradas por VA. As imagens de ultrassom foram exibidas em um plano tomográfico que corresponde ao plano de imagem da VA. As simulações foram realizadas utilizando um cluster de computadores de alto desempenho. Todas as imagens foram simuladas empregando um modelo de fantoma virtual não homogêneo com dimensões de (10 × 10 × 50) mm3. Os resultados preliminares mostraram um padrão de interferência nas imagens de VA, semelhantes à speckles, obtidas empregando o transdutor confocal. Estas imagens foram produzidas a partir de espalhadores localizados no interior do volume da célula de resolução da PSF-3D. / The viscoelasticity of injured biological tissues is the physical property that changes the most in relation to normal tissue. Manual palpation is commonly used to identify these lesions, such as nodules and cysts. Recently, several studies involving ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging techniques, called elastography, have been employed to assess the viscoelastic properties of these lesions. One difficulty in this type of study is related to the development of biological tissues mimicking materials with similar inclusions, once these injured structures originate from anomalies within the biological tissue. Based on these motivations, quantitative elastographic techniques based on magnetic resonance and ultrasound modalities have been used to assess injuries in viscoelastic mimicking-tissue phantom materials. These lesions, with different viscoelastic properties, were generated within a phantom using ionizing radiation. The phantoms, also known as dosimeter gel, were developed based on animal skin powder, and irradiated using a conventional radiation therapy system. Magnetic resonance relaxometry images (MRR) were acquired in these phantoms, and were used as absorbed dose standard reference and its distribution. The estimated dose distribution profiles from these images and the ones provided by TPS 3D software radiotherapy planning system were compared to the elastograms. The elastographic studies were conducted using Vibro-acoustography (VA), Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) and Shearwave Dispersion Ultrasound Vibrometry (SDUV) techniques. The second goal of this thesis was to explore the feasibility of speckle existence in vibro-acoustography images. To test that, a three-dimensional (3D) model for the systems point spread function (PSF) was simulated. The simulation code was implemented in MATLAB and using the program Field II subroutines. The numerical simulations were performed using a cluster of high performance computers. B-mode ultrasound and VA images were simulated using that PSF 3D model, for a spherically focused and a confocal transducer, respectively. These B-mode images were simulated as a comparative parameter to the images generated by VA. The B-mode ultrasound images were displayed in a tomographic plane corresponding to the VA imaging plane. All images were simulated using a virtual phantom with dimensions (10 × 10 × 50) mm3. Preliminary results showed a interference pattern in VA images taken with a confocal transducer. These images were produced from scatterers located inside the PSF resolution cell volume.

Desarrollo de Modelos de Simulación por Monte Carlo como Apoyo a la Medida de Radiactividad Ambiental en Operación Rutinaria y de Emergencias

Ordóñez Ródenas, José 16 October 2020 (has links)
[ES] En el apoyo a la mejora de la calidad de medida en el Laboratorio de Radiactividad Ambiental (LRA) de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), los códigos de Monte Carlo representan una potente herramienta para complementar las tareas relacionadas con la medida de la radiactividad ambiental, tales como la calibración en eficiencia de detectores de semiconductor, determinación de factores de corrección por coincidencia y caracterización de dosímetros de termoluminiscencia, entre otras. En la presente Tesis se desarrollan modelos de simulación en Monte Carlo a través de códigos y herramientas como MCNP6 y GEANT4. En primer lugar, se han realizado dos modelos de detector de semiconductor para espectrometría gamma, uno tipo HPGe (High Purity Germanium) y el otro BEGe (Broad Energy Germanium), ambos de alta pureza de germanio. Ambos detectores se emplean en las actividades y procedimientos rutinarios que se realizan en el LRA-UPV. Se detalla el procedimiento de caracterización geométrica de los detectores de semiconductor, así como del volumen activo del cristal de germanio hasta obtener un modelo geométrico optimizado. Por otro lado, se ha obtenido un tercer modelo de simulación, pero en este caso de un dosímetro de termoluminiscencia, en concreto de un TLD-100 LiF:Mg,Ti, modelo que se emplea en el servicio de dosimetría personal de la UPV. En el modelo de simulación se incluye una fuente puntual colimada de Rayos-X y el fantoma recomendado por la ISO 4037-3 (water slab phantom). Se obtiene la función de respuesta del dosímetro relativa a la energía del 137Cs y se estudia su comportamiento para diferentes condiciones de irradiación (calidad del haz de Rayos-X y ángulo de incidencia) así como para diversos materiales termoluminiscentes además del LiF. Los modelos de simulación para espectrometría gamma se han utilizado principalmente para la obtención de curvas de calibración en eficiencia para diferentes geometrías y matrices de medición, así como para el cálculo de factores de corrección por pico suma tanto para las series naturales del 238U y 232Th como para radioisótopos específicos empleados en la calibración experimental de los equipos. Por otro lado, se han aplicado los modelos de simulación en el contexto de respuesta en emergencias nucleares o radiológicas. En concreto, el modelo del detector BEGe se ha utilizado para desarrollar una metodología de optimización del proceso de medición de muestras radiactivas en matrices de agua de alta actividad. Esta metodología consiste en un procedimiento logístico que incluye un cribado o screening de emergencias soportado por simulaciones Monte Carlo, enfocado en elegir la configuración óptima de medición para obtener resultados fiables y precisos minimizando la manipulación de la muestra radiactiva. De este modo se reduce el tiempo de respuesta por parte del laboratorio, así como el riesgo de contaminación y exposición a dosis. / [EN] In support of the improvement of measurement quality at the Laboratorio de Radiactividad Ambiental (LRA) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), the Monte Carlo codes represent a powerful tool to complement the tasks related to the measurement of environmental radioactivity, such as the calibration in efficiency of semiconductor detectors, determination of coincidence summing correction factors and characterization of thermoluminescence dosimeters, among others. In the present thesis, Monte Carlo simulation models are developed using the MCNP6 code and the GEANT4 toolkit. Two semiconductor detector models for gamma spectrometry have been made, one type HPGe (High Purity Germanium) and the other one a BEGe (Broad Energy Germanium), both of high purity germanium. Both detectors are used in the routine activities and procedures carried out by the LRA-UPV. The geometric characterization procedure of the semiconductor detectors is detailed, as well as the active volume of the germanium crystal until an optimized geometric model is obtained. On the other hand, a third simulation model has been developed, but in this case from a thermoluminescence dosimeter, specifically from a TLD-100 LiF:Mg,Ti, a model used in the personal dosimetry service for the monitoring and assessment of the professionally exposed workers belonging to the UPV radioactive facility. The simulation model includes a collimated X-ray point source and the phantom recommended by the ISO 4037-3 (water slab phantom). The response function of the dosimeter relative to the energy of 137Cs is obtained and its behaviour is studied for different irradiation conditions (quality of the X-ray beam and angle of incidence) as well as for several thermoluminescent materials in addition to the LiF. The simulation models for gamma spectrometry have been used mainly to obtain efficiency calibration curves for different geometries and measurement matrices and to calculate true summing correction factors for both the 238U and 232Th natural decay series and for specific radioisotopes used in the experimental calibration of the equipment. On the other hand, simulation models have been applied in the context of nuclear or radiological emergency response. Specifically, the BEGe detector model has been used to develop a methodology for optimisation of the process of measuring radioactive samples in water matrices of high activity. This methodology consists of a logistic procedure that includes a screening for emergencies. This procedure is supported by Monte Carlo simulations, focused on determining the optimal measurement configuration to obtain reliable and accurate results, minimizing the manipulation of the radioactive sample. Therefore, the response time by the laboratory is reduced, as well as the risk of contamination and dose exposure. / [CA] En el suport a la millora de la qualitat de mesura en el Laboratori de Radioactivitat Ambiental de la Universitat Politècnica de València, els codis de Monte Carlo representen una potent eina per a complementar les tasques relacionades amb la mesura de la radioactivitat ambiental, com ara el calibratge en eficiència de detectors de semiconductor, determinació de factors de correcció per coincidència i caracterització de dosímetres de termoluminescència, entre altres. En la present tesi es desenvolupen models de simulació en Monte Carlo a través de codis i eines com MCNP6 i GEANT4. En primer lloc s'han realitzat dos models de detector de semiconductor per a espectrometria gamma, un tipus HPGe (High Purity Germanium) i l'altre BEGe (Broad Energy Germanium), tots dos d'alta puresa de germani. Aquests detectors s'empren en les activitats i procediments rutinaris que es realitzen en el Laboratori de Radioactivitat Ambiental (LRA) de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Es detalla el procediment de caracterització geomètrica dels detectors de semiconductor, així com del volum actiu del cristall de germani fins a obtindre un model geomètric optimitzat. D'altra banda, s'ha obtingut un tercer model de simulació, però en aquest cas d'un dosímetre de termoluminescència, en concret d'un TLD-100 LiF:Mg,Ti, model que s'empra en el servei de dosimetria personal de la UPV. En el model de simulació s'inclou una font puntual col·limada de Raigs-X i el fantoma recomanat per l'ISO 4037-3 (water slab phantom). S'obté la funció de resposta del dosímetre relativa a l'energia del 137Cs i s'estudia el seu comportament per a diferents condicions d'irradiació (qualitat del feix de Raigs-X i angle d'incidència) així com per a diversos materials termoluminescents a més del LiF. Els models de simulació per a espectrometria gamma s'han utilitzat principalment per a l'obtenció de corbes de calibratge en eficiència per a diferents geometries i matrius de mesurament així com per al càlcul de factors de correcció per pic suma tant per a les sèries naturals del 238U i 232*Th com per a radioisòtops específics utilitzats en el calibratge experimental dels equips. D'altra banda, s'han aplicat els models de simulació en el context de resposta en emergències nuclears o radiològiques. En concret, el model del detector BEGe s'ha utilitzat per a desenvolupar una metodologia d'optimització del procés de mesurament de mostres ambientals radioactives en matrius d'aigua d'alta activitat.. Aquesta metodologia consisteix en un procediment logístic que inclou un screening o cribratge d'emergències, suportat per simulacions Monte Carlo, enfocat a triar la configuració òptima de mesurament per a obtindre resultats fiables i precisos minimitzant la manipulació de la mostra radioactiva. D'aquesta manera es redueix el temps de resposta per part del laboratori, així com el risc de contaminació i exposició a dosi. / Finalmente, a la Universitat Politècnica de València por la financiación a través de la beca de Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI)-Subprograma 2 de la convocatoria de 2015 y a la Cátedra CSN-UPV Vicente Serradell / Ordóñez Ródenas, J. (2020). Desarrollo de Modelos de Simulación por Monte Carlo como Apoyo a la Medida de Radiactividad Ambiental en Operación Rutinaria y de Emergencias [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/152188

Comparison of the Effects of Cobalt-60 [gamma]-Rays and Tritium [beta][superscript -]Particles on Water Radiolysis and Aqueous Solutions and Radiolysis of the Ceric-Cerous Sulfate Dosimeter at Elevated Temperature / Comparaison des effets des rayons [gamma] du cobalt-60 et des radiations [beta][indice supérieur -] du tritium sur la radiolyse de l'eau et des solutions aqueuses et radiolyse du dosimètre au sulfate cérique-céreux à température élevée.

Mirsaleh Kohan, Leila January 2014 (has links)
Abstract : Monte Carlo simulations have proven to be very powerful techniques to study the radiolysis of water and the mechanisms underlying this radiolysis. Monte Carlo simulations particularly become important when there are no experimental results available in the literature due, for instance, to the difficulty of performing such experiments. This thesis presents a study of the radiolysis of water irradiated by different types of radiation and at various temperatures, employing Monte Carlo simulations. The first part of the thesis uses Monte Carlo simulations to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the self-radiolysis of tritiated water and to examine the importance of the effects of higher “linear energy transfer” (LET) by comparing [[superscript 3]H [beta][superscript -] radiations (mean initial energy of ~5.7 keV) with [superscript 60]Co [gamma]-rays (~1 MeV electrons). Our simulations showed that, for [superscript 3]H [beta][superscript -], we observe lower radical and higher molecular yields than in γ-radiolysis. These differences in yields are consistent with differences in the nonhomogeneous distribution of primary transient species in the two cases. Overall, our results corroborate well with previously reported work, and support a picture of [superscript 3]H [beta][superscript -] radiolysis mainly driven by the chemical action of “short tracks” of high local LET. This same trend in yields of radical and molecular products was also found under acidic conditions as well as in the aerated Fricke dosimeter. One of our main findings was that the measured Fricke yield G(Fe[superscript 3+]) could be best reproduced if a single, mean “equivalent” electron energy of ~7.8 keV were used to mimic the energy deposition by the tritium [beta][superscript -] particles (rather than the commonly used mean of ~5.7 keV), in full agreement with a previous recommendation of ICRU Report 17. The second part of this thesis investigates the radiolysis of the ceric-cerous sulfate dosimeter at elevated temperatures. In this radiolysis, H[superscript •] (or HO[subscript 2][superscript •] in the presence of oxygen) and H[subscript 2]O[subscript 2] produced by the radiolytic decomposition of water both reduce Ce[superscript 4+] ions to Ce[superscript 3+] ions, while [superscript •]OH radicals oxidize the Ce[superscript 3+] present back to Ce[superscript 4+]. Our simulations showed that the net Ce[superscript 3+] yield decreases almost linearly with increasing temperature up to ~250 °C, in excellent agreement with experiment. Above 250 °C, our model predicts that G(Ce[superscript 3+]) drops markedly with temperature until, instead of Ce[superscript 4+] reduction, Ce[superscript 3+] oxidation is observed. This drop is shown to result from the occurrence of the reaction of H[superscript •] atoms with water in the homogeneous chemical stage.//Résumé : La méthodologie de simulation Monte-Carlo s’est révélée être une très puissante technique dans l’étude des mécanismes de la radiolyse de l’eau. En particulier, la simulation Monte-Carlo se rend même plus importante quand les résultats expérimentaux ne sont pas disponibles, notamment dû aux difficultés techniques. Le mémoire actuel représente une étude sur la radiolyse de l’eau irradiée par différents rayonnements à différentes températures, en utilisant la simulation Monte-Carlo. Dans la première partie de ce mémoire, on examine les mécanismes d’auto-radiolyse de l’eau tritiée ainsi que l’importance de l’effet de « transfert linéaire d'énergie » (TLE) en comparant les électrons [béta][indice supérieur -] de [indice supérieur 3]H avec les rayons [béta][indice supérieur -] de [indice supérieur 60]Co. Nos simulations montrent que, pour les rayons [béta][indice supérieur -] de [indice supérieur 3]H, on observe moins de production de radicaux libres et plus de produits moléculaires. Ces différences de rendement sont en accord avec les différences de distribution non-homogène des espèces primaires transitoires dans les deux cas. En résumé, nos résultats corroborent bien avec les travaux publiés précédemment et donnent une perspective de la radiolyse [béta][indice supérieur -] de [indice [supérieur 3]H qui est en majorité contrôlée par l’action chimique de « trajectoires courtes » de TLE local élevé. La même tendance pour la production des radicaux libres et des produits moléculaires a été trouvée en milieu acide ainsi que pour le dosimètre aéré de Fricke. Un de nos résultats principaux montre que le rendement G(Fe[indice supérieur 3+]) du dosimètre de Fricke peut être mieux reproduit si une seule énergie électronique moyenne « équivalente » de ~7.8 keV est utilisée pour mimer la déposition d’énergie par les particules [béta][indice supérieur -] du tritium (au lieu de la valeur moyenne de ~5.7 keV qui est utilisée fréquemment). Ceci est en complet accord avec une recommandation du rapport 17 de l’ICRU. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire concerne la radiolyse du dosimètre au sulfate cérique-céreux à températures élevées. Lors de cette radiolyse, H[indice supérieur •] (ou HO[indice inférieur 2][indice supérieur •] en présence d’oxygène) et H[indice inférieur 2]O[indice inférieur 2] produits par la décomposition radiolytique de l’eau réduisent les ions cériques Ce[indice supérieur 4+] en ions céreux Ce[indice supérieur 3+], tandis que les radicaux [indice supérieur •]OH oxydent Ce[indice supérieur 3+] en Ce[indice supérieur 4+]. Nos simulations montrent que le rendement G (Ce[indice supérieur 3+]) décroît quasi linéairement avec la température entre 25 et 250 ° C, en excellent accord avec l’expérience . Au-dessus de 250 °C, notre modèle prédit une diminution marquée de G (Ce[indice supérieur 3+]) jusqu’à ce qu’on l’observe, au lieu d’une réduction de Ce[indice supérieur 4+], une oxydation de Ce[indice supérieur 3+]. Nous montrons que cette diminution est due à l’intervention de la réaction des atomes H[indice supérieur •] avec l’eau en milieu homogène.

Simulation Monte-Carlo de la radiolyse du dosimètre de Fricke par des neutrons rapides / Monte-Carlo simulation of fast neutron radiolysis in the Fricke dosimeter

Tippayamontri, Thititip January 2009 (has links)
Monte-Carlo calculations are used to simulate the stochastic effects of fast neutron-induced chemical changes in the radiolysis of the ferrous sulfate (Fricke) dosimeter. To study the dependence of the yield of ferric ions, G(Fe[superscript 3+]), on fast neutron energy, we have simulated, at 25 [degree centigrade], the oxidation of ferrous ions in aerated aqueous 0.4 M H[subscript 2]SO[subscript 4] (pH 0.46) solutions when subjected to ~0.5-10 MeV incident neutrons, as a function of time up to ~50 s. The radiation effects due to fast neutrons are estimated on the basis of track segment (or"escape") yields calculated for the first four recoil protons with appropriate weighting according to the energy deposited by each of these protons. For example, a 0.8-MeV neutron generates recoil protons of 0.505, 0.186, 0.069, and 0.025 MeV, with linear energy transfer (LET) values of ~41, 69, 82, and 62 keV/[micro]m, respectively. In doing so, we consider that further recoils make only a negligible contribution to radiation processes. Our results show that the radiolysis of dilute aqueous solutions by fast neutrons produces smaller radical yields and larger molecular yields (relative to the corresponding yields for the radiolysis of water by [superscript 60]Co [gamma]-rays or fast electrons) due to the high LET associated to fast neutrons. The effect of recoil ions of oxygen, which is also taken into account in the calculations, is shown to decrease G(Fe[superscript 3+]) by about 10%. Our calculated values of G(Fe[superscript 3+]) are found to increase slightly with increasing neutron energy over the energy range covered in this study, in good agreement with available experimental data. We have also simulated the effect of temperature on the G(Fe[superscript 3+]) values in the fast neutron radiolysis of the Fricke dosimeter from 25 to 300 [degree centigrade]. Our results show an increase of G(Fe[superscript 3+]) with increasing temperature, which is readily explained by an increase in the yields of free radicals and a decrease in those of molecular products. For 0.8-MeV incident neutrons (the only case for which experimental data are available in the literature), there is a ~23% increase in G(Fe[superscript 3+]) on going from 25 to 300 [degree centigrade]. Although these results are in reasonable agreement with experiment, more experimental data, in particular for different incident neutron energies, would be needed to test more rigorously our Fe[superscript 3+] ion yield results at elevated temperatures.

Testovací metody pro hodnocení radiačních efektů v přesných analogových a signálově smíšených obvodech pro aplikace v kosmické elektronice / Test Methods for Evaluation of Radiation Effects in High Precision Analog and Mixed-Signal Devices for Space Applications

Hofman, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The traditional radiation testing of space electronics has been used for more than fifty years to support the radiation hardness assurance. Its typical goal is to ensure reliable operation of the spacecraft in the harsh environment of space. This PhD research looks into the radiation testing from a different perspective; the goal is to develop radiation testing methods that are focused not only on the reliability of the components but also on a continuous radiation-induced degradation of their performance. Such data are crucial for the understanding of the impact of radiation on the measurement uncertainty of data acquisition systems onboard research space missions.

Zatížení pacientek při mamografických vyšetřeních / Evaluation of patient dose in mammography

Polášková, Markéta January 2008 (has links)
Breast cancer presents serious epidemiological problem, in result of which die more than 2 000 czech women every year. Screening mammography is one of the most expanded and most effective examinations for early detection of this desease but one has to take into account an inconsiderable risk connected with the procedure based on X-ray ionizing radiation. This diploma thesis deals with evaluation of the dose absorbed by the tissue. It contains the description of evaluation of the average dose in glandular tissue on PMMA phantom, as well as results of the measurements on conventional and digital mammograph. A data file with exposure parameters from mammography screening is included and interpreted. Also the Monte Carlo method was used for the dose evaluation, the thesis contains the brief description of the method, concept of analysis model in mammography and results of simulations.

Développement d'une technique de dosimétrie par gel de Fricke pour la vérification des plans en radiothérapie externe

Taghavi, SeyedehMarziyeh 04 1900 (has links)
Dans ce travail, la dosimétrie par gel de Fricke est proposée comme méthode pour mesurer avec précision la distribution de dose tridimensionnelle des plans de radiothérapie. Ce mémoire examine la faisabilité d’utiliser cette méthode pour la dosimétrie des faisceaux de photons d’un accélérateur linéaire avec lecture du gel par IRM. Cette étude comprend le développement des dosimètres de Fricke à base de gel, le développement de méthodes d’étalonnage et leur utilisation pour la dosimétrie de plans de radiation complexes tel que l’arcthérapie volumétrique modulée utilisé en radiothérapie du cerveau entier avec préservation de l’hippocampe. Les propriétés dosimétriques du gel de Fricke, y compris la réponse des taux de relaxation R1 et R2 à la dose, la linéarité de la réponse, la diffusion des ions ferriques et un effet gravitationnel d’inhomogénéité des composantes du gel sont décrits dans ce mémoire. De plus, les aspects pratiques de la mise en œuvre de la dosimétrie par gel de Fricke dans un flux de travail d’assurance qualité des traitements cliniques ont été étudiés, ce qui inclut la préparation du gel, le recalage des données de planification de traitement avec ceux d'imagerie du gel et les séquences de lecture IRM. Les résultats de cette recherche démontrent le potentiel de la dosimétrie par gel de Fricke comme outil fiable pour mesurer avec précision la distribution de dose tridimensionnelle des plans cliniques en radio- oncologie. / In this work, Fricke gel dosimetry is proposed as a method to accurately measure the three- dimensional dose distribution of radiotherapy plans. This thesis examines the feasibility of using this method for the dosimetry of photon beams from a linear accelerator with reading of the gel by MRI. This study includes the development of gel-based Fricke dosimeters, the development of calibration methods and their use for the dosimetry of complex radiation planes such as volumetric modulated arc therapy used in whole-brain radiotherapy with preservation of hippocampus. The dosimetric properties of the Fricke gel, including the response of the relaxation rates R1 and R2 to the dose, the linearity of the response, the diffusion of ferric ions and a gravitational effect of inhomogeneity of the components of the gel are described in this dissertation. Additionally, the practical aspects of implementing Fricke gel dosimetry into a clinical delivery quality assurance workflow were investigated, which includes gel preparation, the registration of treatment planning data with those of gel imaging and MRI reading sequences. The results of this research demonstrate the potential of Fricke gel dosimetry as a reliable tool to accurately measure the three-dimensional dose distribution of clinical plans in radiation oncology.

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