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Provocações sonoras : uma investigação da escuta na criação cênicaMendo, Marina January 2016 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta reflexões sobre o processo de criação de Fábrica de Calcinha, pesquisa artística realizada pela autora com o objetivo de explorar a sonoridade como ativadora e norteadora da composição da cena. O processo de criação partiu da sonoridade percebida no centro da cidade de Porto Alegre. O encontro com este material foi estimulado pelo procedimento de Derivas Sonoras, das quais participaram a própria autora, um músico e um performer. Construiu-se, assim, um arquivo de objetos sonoros (Schaeffer, 1966), objetos perceptivos decodificados pela mente como um som, gravados na memória dos corpos e em dispositivos tecnológicos, e recuperados em diferentes etapas do processo de criação. A escuta se afirmou como poética de trabalho, mediando as interações que deram forma ao material cênico. Para a organização das diferentes ações cênicas (físicas, sonoras e vocais) criadas em improvisações, foi utilizado, sobretudo, um modelo de partitura cênica desenvolvido pelo encenador e compositor Heiner Goebbels. / The dissertation presents reflections on the process of creating Fabrica de Calcinha (Panty Factory), artistic research done by the author in order to explore the sonority as activating and guiding the composition of a scene. The creation process started from the sounds perceived in the center of Porto Alegre. We used the Dérive Sonore procedure as stimuli for this encounter, which was carried out by the author herself, a musician and a performer. We were, thus, able to build a database of sound objects (Schaeffer, 1966), perceptual objects decoded by the mind as a sound, recorded in the memory of bodies and technological devices and recovered at different stages of the creation process. The listening of the material affirmed itself as poetic work mediating the interactions that shaped the scenic material. For the organization of the different performing actions (physical, sound and vocals) created in improvisations, we primarily used a scenic music score model developed by the director and composer Heiner Goebbels.
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Modélisation des évolutions à long terme du trait de côte et de l'érosion côtière / Modeling long term shoreline evolution and coastal erosionTran, Hai Yen 20 September 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur des modélisation des évolutions à long terme du trait de côtes, dans laquelle on propose un modèle qui combine à la fois une contribution des processus cross-shore et celle de processus longshore pour améliorer les capacités prédictives. Le modèle cross-shore de Splinter et al. (2014) est ré-implémenté dans un but de comparaison avec le modèle combiné. Nous présentons un modèle longshore simple basé sur une approche "one-line" moyenne dans le temps. L’analyse de ce modèle longshore donne l’orientation de la plage d’équilibre par rapport à l’orientation de l’onde incidente. Il révèle également qu’une partie de la variabilité saisonnière des positions du trait de côte est due au transport par la dérive littorale. Par conséquent, la contribution longshore du modèle combiné améliore les capacités prédictives. Les prédictions du modèle sont confrontées à des mesures des positions du trait de côte de différents types de plages, comme celles de Truc Vert, en France et des plages en baie avec courbure de Narrabeen, en Australie et de Nha Trang, au Vietnam.Cette thèse offre deux nouvelles contributions précieuses. Le premier est un modèle longshore simple et l’orientation de la plage d’équilibre. Le second est un modèle combiné de long-shore et cross-shore. / This research focuses on the long-term shoreline evolution modeling, in which a combined model comprising the shoreline change due to longshore drift in a cross-shore shoreline model is proposed to improve the predictive skills of the long-term shoreline response. The cross-shore shoreline model of cite{splinter2014} is re-implemented for a purpose of comprehensive comparison with the combined model. A simplified longshore shoreline model is developed on the basis of the one-line type approach. The analysis of this longshore model yields the equilibrium beach orientation in relation to the incident wave orientation. It also reveals that part of seasonal shoreline position variability is due to the longshore transport. Therefore, the presence of the longshore model in the combined model clearly improves the model skills. The shoreline evolution models are calibrated with data from different beach types, such as a straight open beach shoreline of Truc Vert, France and embayed beach shoreline of Narrabeen, Australia and Nha Trang, Vietnam.This thesis gives two valuable contributions. The first one is a simplified longshore model and the equilibrium beach orientation. The second one is a combined longshore cross-shore phenomenological model.
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Sustainability and outreach : analysis of microfinance banks in NigeriaOgunleye, Toyin S. January 2015 (has links)
The thesis empirically examined the implications of microfinance scaling up or sustainability on outreach in Nigeria. Basically, two methodologies were used namely, panel data econometric and survey methods. The panel dataset of 752 microfinance banks in Nigeria was used during the period 2011-2014, while the survey was conducted on some selected microfinance banks in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja in 2014. The findings from the thesis showed that, at the national level, yield, labour cost, orientation, efficiency, gender and size of loans are the major drivers of microfinance banks‟ sustainability in Nigeria. While at the state level, microfinance banks sustainability is driven by orientation and loan size. Findings also showed that sustainable MFBs tend to be more focused on the poor clients. The thesis showed that lending to female clients improves repayment rate of MFBs in Nigeria. Corroborating the regression result, the survey findings also suggest that lending to women had improved and enhanced repayment rate. In view of these findings, the thesis recommends that sustainability and outreach are not necessarily incompatible. However in pursuing sustainability greater attention should be on female clients, as greater lending to women would improve the repayment rate of MFBs and further engendered the industry sustainability.
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Mathematical modelling of electronic contact mechanisms in silicon photovoltaic cellsBlack, Jonathan Paul January 2015 (has links)
In screen-printed silicon-crystalline solar cells, the contact resistance of a thin interfacial glass layer between the silicon and the silver electrode plays a limiting role for electron transport. The motivation of this project is to gain increased understanding of the transport mechanisms of the electrons across this layer, which can be exploited to provide higher performance crystalline silicon solar cells. Our methodology throughout is to formulate and analyse mathematical models for the electron transport, based on the drift diffusion equations. In the first chapter we outline the problem and provide a summary of relevant theory. In Chapter 2 we formulate a one-dimensional model for electron transport across the glass layer, that we solve both numerically and by employing asymptotic techniques. Chapter 3 extends the model presented in Chapter 2 to two dimensions. To solve the two-dimensional model numerically we devise and validate a new spectral method. The short circuiting of current through thinner regions of the glass layer enables us to find limiting asymptotic expressions for the average current density for two different canonical glass layer profiles. In Chapter 4 we include quantum mechanical effects into the one-dimensional model outlined in Chapter 2 and find that they have a negligible effect on the contact resistance of the glass layer. We model the boundary effects present at the silicon emitter-glass interface in Chapter 5. Finally, in Chapter 6 we summarise our key results, suggest possible future work, and outline the implications of our work to crystalline silicon solar cell manufacturers.
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Literary subjects adrift: A cultural history of early modern Japanese castaway narratives, ca. 1780--1880 / Cultural history of early modern Japanese castaway narratives, ca. 1780--1880Wood, Michael S., 1969- 03 1900 (has links)
xvii, 417 p. : ill., maps. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / In the postwar era, early modern or Edo period (1600-1868) Japan has most often been represented as a culture in isolation due to ostensibly draconian Bakufu regime policies that promised death to any one returning from abroad ( sakokuron , or the "Closed-Country" theory). While historians of Japan acknowledge limited contact with Dutch, Chinese, Korean, and Ryukyuans, the two hundred and sixty-some years of the Edo Period has consistently been interpreted as a time in which an indigenous Japanese culture developed and flourished without the corrupting influence of extensive foreign contact. This project takes as its subject the stories of thousands of Japanese fisherman and sailors who became distressed at sea ( hyôryûmin ) and subsequently drifted throughout the Pacific before being rescued and repatriated by foreigners during the late 18 th and 19 th centuries. The hundreds of narratives that comprise this textual category of early modern hyôryûki or "castaway narratives" served as the primary means of representing encounters with foreigners in and around the Pacific region and, in turn projecting an emerging Japanese national consciousness. The origins of these hyôryûki are tied to the earlier establishment of diplomatic protocol for handling repatriated castaways primarily within an East Asian context and the kuchigaki ("oral testimonial") narrative records that resulted from interrogations of the repatriated subjects by both bakufu and domain officials. Late Edo castaways also had their stories of drift recorded in kuchigaki form, however with the encroachment of first Russian, and later English, American, and other western ships in the waters off the coast of Japan in the late Edo period (post-1780) other hyôryûki forms--both scholarly and popular--came to proliferate, as it became imperative to translate and re-imagine geopolitical developments in the greater Pacific. This dissertation not only uncovers a diverse textual and cultural category of hyôryûki , but also the complicated interrelationship between cultural production and concrete territorial and political concerns of the State. In so doing, it not only challenges traditional historiography of early modern Japan, but also reclaims a certain cultural specificity for the late Edo Japanese hyôryûki , contextualizing these texts within a more global process of colonization and modern Nation-State formation. / Committee in charge: Stephen Kohl, Chairperson, East Asian Languages & Literature;
Alisa Freedman, Member, East Asian Languages & Literature;
Maram Epstein, Member, East Asian Languages & Literature;
Jeffrey Hanes, Outside Member, History
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Provocações sonoras : uma investigação da escuta na criação cênicaMendo, Marina January 2016 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta reflexões sobre o processo de criação de Fábrica de Calcinha, pesquisa artística realizada pela autora com o objetivo de explorar a sonoridade como ativadora e norteadora da composição da cena. O processo de criação partiu da sonoridade percebida no centro da cidade de Porto Alegre. O encontro com este material foi estimulado pelo procedimento de Derivas Sonoras, das quais participaram a própria autora, um músico e um performer. Construiu-se, assim, um arquivo de objetos sonoros (Schaeffer, 1966), objetos perceptivos decodificados pela mente como um som, gravados na memória dos corpos e em dispositivos tecnológicos, e recuperados em diferentes etapas do processo de criação. A escuta se afirmou como poética de trabalho, mediando as interações que deram forma ao material cênico. Para a organização das diferentes ações cênicas (físicas, sonoras e vocais) criadas em improvisações, foi utilizado, sobretudo, um modelo de partitura cênica desenvolvido pelo encenador e compositor Heiner Goebbels. / The dissertation presents reflections on the process of creating Fabrica de Calcinha (Panty Factory), artistic research done by the author in order to explore the sonority as activating and guiding the composition of a scene. The creation process started from the sounds perceived in the center of Porto Alegre. We used the Dérive Sonore procedure as stimuli for this encounter, which was carried out by the author herself, a musician and a performer. We were, thus, able to build a database of sound objects (Schaeffer, 1966), perceptual objects decoded by the mind as a sound, recorded in the memory of bodies and technological devices and recovered at different stages of the creation process. The listening of the material affirmed itself as poetic work mediating the interactions that shaped the scenic material. For the organization of the different performing actions (physical, sound and vocals) created in improvisations, we primarily used a scenic music score model developed by the director and composer Heiner Goebbels.
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An incremental gaussian mixture network for data stream classification in non-stationary environments / Uma rede de mistura de gaussianas incrementais para classificação de fluxos contínuos de dados em cenários não estacionáriosDiaz, Jorge Cristhian Chamby January 2018 (has links)
Classificação de fluxos contínuos de dados possui muitos desafios para a comunidade de mineração de dados quando o ambiente não é estacionário. Um dos maiores desafios para a aprendizagem em fluxos contínuos de dados está relacionado com a adaptação às mudanças de conceito, as quais ocorrem como resultado da evolução dos dados ao longo do tempo. Duas formas principais de desenvolver abordagens adaptativas são os métodos baseados em conjunto de classificadores e os algoritmos incrementais. Métodos baseados em conjunto de classificadores desempenham um papel importante devido à sua modularidade, o que proporciona uma maneira natural de se adaptar a mudanças de conceito. Os algoritmos incrementais são mais rápidos e possuem uma melhor capacidade anti-ruído do que os conjuntos de classificadores, mas têm mais restrições sobre os fluxos de dados. Assim, é um desafio combinar a flexibilidade e a adaptação de um conjunto de classificadores na presença de mudança de conceito, com a simplicidade de uso encontrada em um único classificador com aprendizado incremental. Com essa motivação, nesta dissertação, propomos um algoritmo incremental, online e probabilístico para a classificação em problemas que envolvem mudança de conceito. O algoritmo é chamado IGMN-NSE e é uma adaptação do algoritmo IGMN. As duas principais contribuições da IGMN-NSE em relação à IGMN são: melhoria de poder preditivo para tarefas de classificação e a adaptação para alcançar um bom desempenho em cenários não estacionários. Estudos extensivos em bases de dados sintéticas e do mundo real demonstram que o algoritmo proposto pode rastrear os ambientes em mudança de forma muito próxima, independentemente do tipo de mudança de conceito. / Data stream classification poses many challenges for the data mining community when the environment is non-stationary. The greatest challenge in learning classifiers from data stream relates to adaptation to the concept drifts, which occur as a result of changes in the underlying concepts. Two main ways to develop adaptive approaches are ensemble methods and incremental algorithms. Ensemble method plays an important role due to its modularity, which provides a natural way of adapting to change. Incremental algorithms are faster and have better anti-noise capacity than ensemble algorithms, but have more restrictions on concept drifting data streams. Thus, it is a challenge to combine the flexibility and adaptation of an ensemble classifier in the presence of concept drift, with the simplicity of use found in a single classifier with incremental learning. With this motivation, in this dissertation we propose an incremental, online and probabilistic algorithm for classification as an effort of tackling concept drifting. The algorithm is called IGMN-NSE and is an adaptation of the IGMN algorithm. The two main contributions of IGMN-NSE in relation to the IGMN are: predictive power improvement for classification tasks and adaptation to achieve a good performance in non-stationary environments. Extensive studies on both synthetic and real-world data demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can track the changing environments very closely, regardless of the type of concept drift.
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Corrente de polarização e tempo de relaxamento em meios condutoresBalieiro, Vanderson January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Francisco Eugenio Mendonça da Silveira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2017.
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Caracterização funcional de adjuvantes em soluções aquosasOliveira, Rone Batista de [UNESP] 07 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
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oliveira_rb_dr_botfca.pdf: 2430018 bytes, checksum: 83351333d3d9c8a67f6e396d9780730d (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / A alta demanda por agrotóxicos pelos sistemas de produção agrícola, aliada ao possível uso inadequado desses produtos, torna a deriva um dos maiores problemas potenciais da agricultura atual, e a escolha correta de adjuvantes pode ser uma das alternativas para minimizar os impactos negativos causados pela deriva nas pulverizações. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito proporcionado por diferentes grupos de adjuvantes nas propriedades físicas e químicas das soluções, no espectro de gotas, bem como no potencial do risco de deriva quantificado em túnel de vento, como forma de auxiliar na escolha correta desses produtos para melhor utilização nas aplicações de agrotóxicos. Foram selecionados 18 adjuvantes comumente utilizados em misturas com agrotóxicos em pulverizações agrícolas, avaliando-se as propriedades físicas e químicas dos mesmos em soluções aquosas (viscosidade, densidade, tensão superficial e condutividade elétrica), o espectro de gotas e o potencial de deriva medido em túnel de vento. O experimento foi composto de 33 tratamentos, tendo a água como testemunha adicional, resultantes da diluição dos adjuvantes em diferentes concentrações, com três repetições. Para os ensaios em túnel de vento e análise de espectro de gotas foi utilizada uma ponta de pulverização XR8003 VK na pressão de 200 kPa, gerando um padrão de gotas médias. A deriva foi coletada no túnel de vento com fluxo de ar na velocidade de 2 m s-1. O corante Azul Brilhante a 0,6% (m v-1) foi utilizado como marcador para todas as soluções pulverizadas visando a quantificação da deriva por espectrofotometria. Os resultados mostraram que a adição de adjuvantes alterou as propriedades físicas e químicas das soluções aquosas em diferentes magnitudes, dependendo da concentração utilizada. Os surfatantes organosilicones... / Due to the high demand for pesticide by the agricultural systems and the possible inadequate use of the products, drift became one of the biggest concerns of the modern agriculture, and the correct use of adjuvants may be one of the possible alternatives to minimize the negative impact of spray operations. This study was developed to evaluate the effect of different adjuvants on physical and chemical properties of spray solutions, droplets spectra as well as drift potential measured in wind tunnel, aiming the correct choice of adjuvants to improve efficiency in pesticide application. For this purpose 18 commercially available agricultural spray adjuvants were selected including products usually mixed up with pesticides in the sprayer tank. The evaluation included physical and chemical properties of spray solutions (viscosity, density, surface tension and electric conductivity), droplets spectra and drift risk potential measured in wind tunnel. The experiment was set up with 33 treatments (solutions) obtained from 18 adjuvants used in different concentrations with 3 replications, including pure water as a standard. For wind tunnel tests and droplet spectra analysis it was used a Teejet XR8003 flat fan nozzles at 200 kPa (medium droplets) and all solutions were mixed up with a food color dye (Blue FDC) at 0,6% m v-1 for spectrophotometry analysis of drift deposits on the wind tunnel. The results showed that the addition of adjuvants changed physical and chemical properties of spray solutions in different magnitudes according to the product concentration. The organosilicon surfactants (Silwet 0.1% e 0.2% and BreakThru 0,1%) had the lowest values for surface tension, while the drift retardant based polymers (Define 0,06% e 0,12%) had the highest values for viscosity and density. There was high correlation between the Volume Median Diameter (VMD) and percentage of droplets smaller... (Completo abstract click electronic access below)
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Efeito do Glyphosate no crescimento, produção e qualidade da madeira do eucalipto (Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla)Salgado, Tiago Pereira [UNESP] 20 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:34:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2010-09-20Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:04:55Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
salgado_tp_dr_jabo.pdf: 919699 bytes, checksum: c2b46e671307dd0a1d6135456a265667 (MD5) / O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas distintas. A primeira, composta por quatro ensaios, constou da aplicação de glyphosate (360 g e.a.L-1) em eucalipto. Em todos os ensaios, mudas foram transplantadas em vasos de 5,0 L. Nos ensaios 1 e 2, foram aplicados volumes de glyphosate no caule do eucalipto. No primeiro ensaio, uma solução de glyphosate na concentração de 3% (v/v) foi aplicada nas doses: 0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 e 160 L.planta-1 e, no segundo, a solução a 2% (v/v) foi aplicada nas doses de: 0, 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 L.planta-1. Nos ensaios 3 e 4, foram feitas aplicações de glyphosate sobre o eucalipto. No ensaio 3 as doses foram: 0, 7,2.10-7, 7,2.10-6, 7,2.10-5, 7,2.10-4, 7,2.10-3, 7,2.10-2, 7,2.10-1, 7,2, 72, 360 e 720 g e.a de glyphosate.ha-1 e, no ensaio 4, as doses foram: 0, 9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 432, 576, 720, 1080, 1440 e 2160 g e.a de glyphosate.ha-1. Nos quatro ensaios foi utilizado o delineamento DIC, com três repetições. Nas plantas foram avaliadas: altura, área foliar, matéria seca de caule e folhas. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos a análises de regressao. Na segunda etapa, conduzida em campo, o mesmo clone de eucalipto foi plantado em 02/04/2004. Aos 1, 3, 5, 7 e 9 meses após o plantio (MAP), doses 0, 36, 72, 144, 288, 432 g e.a.ha-1 de glyphosate foram aplicadas sobre as plantas. O experimento foi montado em faixas de épocas de aplicação e doses do herbicida. As faixas tinham duas linhas de eucalipto por noventa metros, totalizando 90 plantas. Aos 10, 13, 26, 48 e 62 MAP foram feitas avaliações de altura e diâmetro. Com essas variáveis calculou-se o volume cilíndrico de madeira com casca. Ao final do ensaio (68 meses) foram feitas análises químicas de extrativos, lignina total, holoceluse e densidade basica da madeira nas doses de glyphosate aplicadas aos 5 MAP. Também foi avaliado o rendimento ao cozimento todas as épocas... / The study was conducted in two phase. The first, composed of four trials, consisted of the application of glyphosate (360 g a.e.L-1) on eucalyptus. In all the tests, seedlings were transplanted to pots of 5.0 L. In trials 1 and 2, it was applied volumes of glyphosate on the eucalyptus stem. In the first test, a glyphosate solution at 3% (v/v) concentration was applied in the. doses: 0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 4.plant-1 and, in the second, the solution at 2% (v/v) was applied in the doses of: 0, 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 viL.plant-1. In the trials 3 and 4, it was made applications of glyphosate on eucalyptus. In the trial 3 doses were 0, 7,2.10-7, 7,2.10-6, 7,2.10-5, 7,2.10-a, 7,2.10-3, 7,2.10-2, 7,2.10-1, 7,2, 72, 360 e 720 g a.e of glyphosate.ha-1 and, in trial 4, the doses were: 0, 9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 432, 576, 720, 1080, 1440 and 2160 g e.a of glyphosate.ha-1. In the fourth tests it was used the randomized completely design, with three replicates. Plants were evaluated by height, leaf area, dry matter of stem and leaves. The results obtained were submitted to regression analyzes. In the second stage, conducted in the field, the same eucalyptus clone was planted in 04-02-2004. At 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 months after planting (MAP), doses 0, 36, 72, 144, 288, 432 g e.a.ha-1 of glyphosate were applied on the plants. The experiment was installed in strip tests of varying herbicide doses. The strips had two lines of eucalyptus by ninety meters, total of 90 plants. At 10, 13, 26, 48 and 62 MAP assessments were held in height and diameter. With these variables it was calculated the wood volume with bark. At the end of the trial (68 months) it was performed chemical analysis of extractives, lignin total holoceluse and basic wood density at doses of glyphosate applied at 5 MAP. It was also evaluated the wood cooking, in all times of application and doses of glyphosate... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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