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Stavebně technologický projekt skladovací haly / Construction technology project of storage hallPetrík, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
In this diploma thesis is processed build-up organization of logistics centre in Ostrava. The build-up organization covers the implementation of ground works, foundation constructions and precast concrete framework. Storage hall of logistics centre is based on drilled concrete piles and precast concrete framework makes up main structure. Construction technology project contains time-schedule and financial plan for whole project, time-schedule of construction works, budget, technological standard for precast concrete framework, design of building site accessories, design of machine group, safety plan, check and test plan.
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Rezidence Sochorova - bytový dům BD 2, stavebně technologický projekt / Residence Sochorova - apartment building BD 2, construction and technology projectVybíral, David January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the building of a residential house called Rezidence Sochorova BD02 in Brno, Žabovřesky. The aim was the creation of the main parts of a constructional-technological project focused on the design of transport relations, the construction site facilities and its machinery, the creation of selected technological regulations and their control and testing plans. To secure safety and to protect health during the construction work itself, a risk plan and a suggestion of safety aids was created. In addition, an itemized budget of the construction, a time plan, environmental protection and a financial and time comparison of using a hopper in contrast to a concrete pump.
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Příprava realizace polyfunkčního domu v Pardubicích / Realization of a polyfunctional building PardubiceVýborný, Václav January 2016 (has links)
The main contens of the thesis is solving a construction-technological project substructure and the upper shell construction of a polyfunctional building in Pardubice. Excavation and foundation work are done in section A and B1 and B2. Drilled piles are foundation of a polyfunctional building. Drilled piles are support of reinforced concrete grillage, which are from strips foundation and foundation pads. Cast-in-place concrete frame is a form of load-bearing structure, which contens plate ceilings, pillars and walls. Peripheral masonry is from hellow clay blocks, which are between cast-in-place concrete frame. Diploma thesis includes technical report, plan of building side, schedule and the budget of the building, technological instructions, radon prevent, control and testing plan, safety, balance resources, selected constructional details, machinery composition, bill of quantities.
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Montovaná železobetonová konstrukce výrobní haly s administrativou / Prefabricated reinforced concrete structures industrial hall with administrationSitta, Martin January 2017 (has links)
As the main topic this thesis describes the design and evaluation of selected reinforced concrete members of the prefabricated reinforced concrete industrial building with administration at ultimate limit state in accordance with applicable standards. Movable overhead crane with carrying capacity of 50 tons is the main distinction of the industrial hall. Lateral frame whit main structural parts which are roof prestressed girder, load-bearing column supporting the overhead crane and drilled pile transferring loads from the upper construction to the load bearing subsoil, is designed in particular. Furthermore, design of the Gerber beam which forms the slab construction in the administrational part of the building is elaborated. Structural design and evaluation of other structures of the building is not part of this thesis.
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