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Geotechnical reinforcement work for foundation of extending an existing residential building / Grundförstärkning av grundläggning vid påbyggnation av ett befintligt bostadshusKarlbom, Malin, Hallman, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
The last hundreds of years there has been a land elevation that causes an increased distance between the groundwater level and the buildings founded on wooden piles. When wooden piles are exposed to air, rot fungus occurs which causes the pile to lose its bearing capacity. With the critical problem of housing shortage, the demand can be met if an innovative solution is created by extending a superstructure on top of an existing building within the city center of Stockholm. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether it is profitable to extend an existing building with a superstructure when reinforcing an existing foundation. By an extensive literature survey, a model is created and exposed to several analyzes containing both analytical and numerical calculations. Based on the acquired knowledge, the model reflects the most common building built within the city center of Stockholm, that was founded on wooden piles, where the geological conditions consist of clay. A new foundation has been designed consisting of drilled end-bearing steel piles. For the two pile dimensions of RD220/12.5 and RD170/10, the possible load transfer methods of full niches, ground beam with half a niche, yoke beams and slab with half a niche are analyzed, respectively. These methods were combined differently to obtain the possible combinations performed in this building, that in turn, gives the difference in the amount of work and costs. An intended superstructure consisting of four storeys in wood is then applied on the existing building to once again, obtain the differences in amount of work and costs. Comparing these two cases, the profitability is determined. The study shows for the larger pile that the superstructure entails no difference in the required amount of piles and therefore, no difference in the total cost compared to the existing building. However, for the smaller pile, the superstructure entails a small increase in the required amount of piles and the cost. The study resulted that the larger pile provides the cheapest geotechnical reinforcement work, regardless if the superstructure is applied or not, compared to the smaller pile. The thesis show that it is profitable to extend an existing building when the existing foundation is strengthened, due to the great revenue of the superstructure, which entails that the profitability is a fact. / Under de senaste hundra åren har det skett en landhöjning i Stockholm. Detta medför att byggnader som är grundlagda med träpålar får ett avstånd till grundvattennivån. Träpålarna utsätts då för luft som i sin tur leder till försämrad bärförmåga, vilket innebär att grundläggningen behöver förstärkas. En annan stor utmaning i Stockholm är bostadsbristen. En lösning för att kunna möta efterfrågan på bostäder är att bygga på höjden ovanpå en befintlig byggnad inom Stockholms innerstad. Detta kräver att grundläggningen klarar av att bära en påbyggnation, vilket leder till syftet för denna studie. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det är lönsamt att bygga på en befintlig byggnad när man samtidigt grundförstärker byggnaden bestående av träpålar. För att besvara studiens syfte har två modeller skapats och analyserats ur fler perspektiv som därefter jämförts. Modellerna baseras på en omfattande litteraturundersökning och återspeglar en befintlig byggnad i form utav den vanligaste byggda byggnaden i Stockholms innerstad med en grundläggning av träpålar. Den första modellen innefattar endast den befintliga byggnaden och den andra modellen innefattar den befintliga byggnaden med en påbyggnation av fyra våningar bestående av trä. En ny grundläggning behövs, då det är svårt att kontrollera bärkapaciteten hos dessa befintliga träpålar. Den nya grundläggningen består utav borrande ändbärande stålpålar där två olika dimensioner undersöks, RD220/12.5 och RD170/10. För dessa två dimensioner har olika lastöverförings- metoder analyserats separat, varav de möjliga metoderna för denna typbyggnad är hela nischer, markbalk med anfang, ok-balk och platta på mark med anfang. Dessa metoder för respektive dimension har kombinerats för att erhålla det totala grundförstärkningsarbetet som i sin tur genererar en skillnad i både mängd arbete och kostnad för de två olika modellerna. Därefter bestäms lönsamheten genom en jämförelse mellan de två olika modellerna. Studien visar att en påbyggnation inte medför någon skillnad i varken erforderlig mängd arbete eller kostnad för den större dimensionen. För den mindre dimensionen erhölls en ökning i både arbete och kostnad. Studien resulterande i att den större dimensionen ger totalt det billigaste grundförstärkningsarbetet, oavsett om en påbyggnation sker eller inte, i jämförelse mot den mindre dimensionen. Vid en grundförstärkning visar studien att det är lönsamt att samtidigt utföra en påbyggnation ovanpå en befintlig byggnad.
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No description available.
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Development of P-Y Criterion for Anisotropic Rock and Cohesive Intermediate GeomaterialsShatnawi, Ehab Salem 26 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Capacidade de carga de sapatas, estacas de pequeno diâmetro e tubulões curtos em função do SPT: um estudo em solos residuais de Gnaisses para a região Sul de Minas / Bearing capacity and shaft resistance for shallow foundations, small diameters piles and short drilled piers, as function of SPT: a study for the residuals soils from gneis of the southern region of the Minas Gerais State at BrasilTeixeira, Cornélio Zampier 01 August 1997 (has links)
Esta Tese aborda, de modo original e pioneiro, importantes aspectos da Engenharia de Fundações do Sul de Minas: a) sistematização de conhecimentos sobre a Geologia regional; b) identificação e caracterização da prática de fundações; c) definição (com a formação de um banco de dados) dos perfis mais representativos do subsolo de suas principais cidades; d) estudo dos parâmetros físicos, químicos e geomecânicos de um solo típico; e) implantação de campo experimental de fundações da Universidade Federal de Lavras, com a realização de provas de carga. Grande ênfase foi dada aos itens (a), (c) e (e). Priorizou-se o estudo das fundações de baixa capacidade de carga, no estudo do comportamento carga-recalque de ensaios de placa, de provas de carga a compressão em estacas-broca isoladas e de tubulões curtos instrumentados. Destacam-se as análises sobre os efeitos de forma, profundidade, melhoramento do terreno de fundação e de inundação nas fundações rasas e da variação L/d na resistência lateral unitária das estacas, sendo valorizadas as fórmulas empíricas com base no SPT. São apresentadas fórmulas de previsão de carga, em função do SPT, para sapatas, estacas de pequeno diâmetro e tubulões curtos e um estudo de custos, onde se mostra que a opção indiscriminada por tubulões é inadequada para certas faixas de carga de trabalho. Adicionalmente, são feitas recomendações para intensificar o uso de sondagens tendo em vista a grande variabilidade das propriedades dos solos regionais e para aumentar os fatores de segurança nestas fórmulas onde houver possibilidade de ocorrência de colapso no solo. / This work presents, at time, important aspects of Foundation Engineering at Southern Region of Minas Gerais State: a) systematization of the knowledge about regional geology; b) identification and characterization of practice in foundations; c) definition (though establishment of a data base) of most representative sub-soil profiles at main cities at the region; d) study of physical, chemical and geomechanical parameters of a typical soil; e) implementation of a experimental field for foundation studies at Federal University of Lavras, by execution of load tests. A large emphasis was given to items a, c and e. The study of foundations of low load capacity was prioritized when testing plates, isolated piles under compression and short drilled piers with sensors. Analysis such as form effects, depth, soil improvement and flooding on shallow foundations and variation of L/d on the lateral unity resistance by emphasizing the empiral equations based on SPT were all pointed out. Mathematical equations are presented for load estimation as function of SPT for small diameter piles and short drilled piers as well as a cost study where it can bem shown that the undistinguished alternative for piers is inadequate for some load values. In addition, due to soil spatial variability and safety factor increment on soils subject for colapse, recommendations on intensive use of SPT test are given.
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Advancements in rapid load test data regressionStokes, Michael Jeffrey 01 June 2006 (has links)
Rate-dependent effects introduced during rapid and/or dynamic events have typically been oversimplified to compensate for deficiencies in present analyses. As load test results are generally considered as the basis of performance from which foundations can be designed, it is imperative that the analyzed load test data be as accurate as possible. In an attempt to progress the state of load test data regression, this dissertation addresses two common assumptions made during the regression process: (1) the statnamic damping coefficient is constant throughout the entire load test and (2) the concrete stress-strain relationship is linear-elastic. Also presented is a case study where the inherent features of a rapid load test proved useful in identifying the occurrence and proximity of a structural failure within a drilled shaft.
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Caracterização de cascalho e lama de perfuração ao longo do processo de controle de sólidos em sondas de petróleo e gásPereira, Marina Seixas 14 December 2010 (has links)
Drilling, one of the stages of oil and gas exploration, now has as targets regions of
great complexity, with high depths. Coated or contaminated cuttings with drilling fluid are a
result of drilling. The drilling fluids are water-based or non-aqueous based liquids. A more
restrictive environmental legislation and the need to reduce the costs of drilling (exploration
and production) lead to optimization of solid-liquid separation and recycling drilling fluids.
Because oil industry has to submit itself to ever more stringent environmental laws it has
applied a great deal of investments on sustainability research. In this context, this work
provides a study of the characteristics of drilling cuttings and synthetic drilling muds at
different steps of the solids control sistem, in order to know their behavior and its change over
the process. The concentration of water, organic phase and solids in the mud were measured.
The density and particle size of the cuttings were analyzed. The rheology and thixotropy of
the mud were investigated. For this, samples of drilling mud were collected throughout the
solids control system of five PETROBRAS onshore drilling rigs in Bahia (BA). The
concentrations index are so important when investigating the efficiency of operation of the
equipments in the solids control. The density of solids is very close to the density of clays.
The results show that the rheology of drilling mud in the solids control process behaves as a
non-Newtonian fluid, pseudoplastic, viscoplastic and thixotropic. The particle size of solids
varies with operating conditions and always presents two average diameters by sample. The
cutting dryer, a vertical centrifuge, plays a key role in the waste disposal due the stringent
environmental laws, especially on offshore platforms. Thus, in order to research the
optimization or restructuration of this step in the waste disposal, a study was carried on this
equipment and the main points of its structure and operation were reported. / A perfuração, uma das etapas da exploração de petróleo e gás, hoje objetiva cenários
geológicos de grande complexidade, com elevadas profundidades. Como efluente da atividade
exploratória há a geração de cascalhos contaminados ou revestidos com fluido de perfuração.
Uma legislação ambiental mais rigorosa e a necessidade de reduzir os custos de perfuração
(prospecção e produção) apontam para a necessidade de otimização da separação e reciclagem
do fluido de perfuração de poços de petróleo e gás. A atividade petrolífera é desenvolvida em
condições cada vez mais restritivas do ponto de vista ambiental, sendo incessantes os estudos
e investimentos em busca da sustentabilidade. Como exemplos de equipamentos para o
processamento da lama de perfuração podem ser citados as peneiras vibratórias, os
hidrociclones e as centrífugas. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho traz um estudo detalhado
das características dos sólidos e da lama de perfuração base n-parafina em diferentes
pontos do processo de controle de sólidos, com o objetivo de investigar o comportamento dos
mesmos e sua alteração ao longo do processo. Foram realizadas análises de concentração de
água, fase orgânica e sólidos na lama, densidade dos sólidos, reologia e tixotropia da lama e
granulometria dos sólidos. Para isso, amostras de lama de perfuração foram coletadas ao
longo do sistema de controle de sólidos em cinco sondas de perfuração terrestre da Petrobras
no interior da Bahia (BA). As concentrações analisadas são de grande importância na
investigação da eficiência de operação dos equipamentos do processo de controle de sólidos.
A massa específica dos sólidos é bem próxima da massa específica de argilas. Os resultados
de reologia mostram que a lama de perfuração em todo o processo de controle de sólidos se
comporta como um fluido não-newtoniano, pseudoplástico, viscoplástico e tixotrópico. A
granulometria dos sólidos varia com as condições de operação e apresenta, no geral, dois
diâmetros médios em cada corrente amostrada. O secador de cascalho, um tipo de centrífuga
vertical, desempenha papel fundamental na adequação dos resíduos às leis ambientais de
descarte, principalmente em plataformas offshore. Assim, visando futuramente a otimização
ou mesmo reestruturação desta etapa do processo de descarte de resíduos, foi realizado um
estudo sobre esse equipamento e levantado os pontos principais de sua estrutura e operação. / Mestre em Engenharia Química
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Capacidade de carga de sapatas, estacas de pequeno diâmetro e tubulões curtos em função do SPT: um estudo em solos residuais de Gnaisses para a região Sul de Minas / Bearing capacity and shaft resistance for shallow foundations, small diameters piles and short drilled piers, as function of SPT: a study for the residuals soils from gneis of the southern region of the Minas Gerais State at BrasilCornélio Zampier Teixeira 01 August 1997 (has links)
Esta Tese aborda, de modo original e pioneiro, importantes aspectos da Engenharia de Fundações do Sul de Minas: a) sistematização de conhecimentos sobre a Geologia regional; b) identificação e caracterização da prática de fundações; c) definição (com a formação de um banco de dados) dos perfis mais representativos do subsolo de suas principais cidades; d) estudo dos parâmetros físicos, químicos e geomecânicos de um solo típico; e) implantação de campo experimental de fundações da Universidade Federal de Lavras, com a realização de provas de carga. Grande ênfase foi dada aos itens (a), (c) e (e). Priorizou-se o estudo das fundações de baixa capacidade de carga, no estudo do comportamento carga-recalque de ensaios de placa, de provas de carga a compressão em estacas-broca isoladas e de tubulões curtos instrumentados. Destacam-se as análises sobre os efeitos de forma, profundidade, melhoramento do terreno de fundação e de inundação nas fundações rasas e da variação L/d na resistência lateral unitária das estacas, sendo valorizadas as fórmulas empíricas com base no SPT. São apresentadas fórmulas de previsão de carga, em função do SPT, para sapatas, estacas de pequeno diâmetro e tubulões curtos e um estudo de custos, onde se mostra que a opção indiscriminada por tubulões é inadequada para certas faixas de carga de trabalho. Adicionalmente, são feitas recomendações para intensificar o uso de sondagens tendo em vista a grande variabilidade das propriedades dos solos regionais e para aumentar os fatores de segurança nestas fórmulas onde houver possibilidade de ocorrência de colapso no solo. / This work presents, at time, important aspects of Foundation Engineering at Southern Region of Minas Gerais State: a) systematization of the knowledge about regional geology; b) identification and characterization of practice in foundations; c) definition (though establishment of a data base) of most representative sub-soil profiles at main cities at the region; d) study of physical, chemical and geomechanical parameters of a typical soil; e) implementation of a experimental field for foundation studies at Federal University of Lavras, by execution of load tests. A large emphasis was given to items a, c and e. The study of foundations of low load capacity was prioritized when testing plates, isolated piles under compression and short drilled piers with sensors. Analysis such as form effects, depth, soil improvement and flooding on shallow foundations and variation of L/d on the lateral unity resistance by emphasizing the empiral equations based on SPT were all pointed out. Mathematical equations are presented for load estimation as function of SPT for small diameter piles and short drilled piers as well as a cost study where it can bem shown that the undistinguished alternative for piers is inadequate for some load values. In addition, due to soil spatial variability and safety factor increment on soils subject for colapse, recommendations on intensive use of SPT test are given.
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Limit state design for strengthening foundations of historic buildings using pretested drilled spiral piles with special reference to St. John’s Church in TartuAvellan, K. (Kari) 02 November 2011 (has links)
This thesis discusses strengthening foundations of historic buildings by means of pretested, end-jacked, steel piles; pretested, end-jacked drilled spiral steel piles, as well as the geotechnical and structural design of strip foundations using ultimate limit state methods. Strengthening the foundations of historic buildings is a field of engineering where every site is more or less different from another. The variation of the substructure, foundation, and soil circumstances make every case unique. Preserving heritage buildings by preventing structural decay requires know-how and suitable strengthening methods. Drilled spiral piles and jacked piles were employed as strengthening methods for St. John’s Church of Tartu, because of the sinking and uneven settlement of the building. The strengthening work at St. John’s Church was challenging due to the risk of collapse of this historic church. Underpinning with jacked piles is a preferred method for strengthening historic foundations and where drilled spiral piles were employed, the author of this thesis developed special equipment.
The strengthening method employed for the tower complies with the anastylosis principle by preserving the authenticity of the structures. Old block stones are visible upon the floating piled rafts. The empty space was left to give archaeologists and engineers a chance to study the realized work “in situ” in the future.
The foundation of the tower was underpinned step by step with end-jacked piles and a concrete raft poured step by step. The weight of the tower is 5 500 tons and it rests on four pillars. Every pillar rests on its own floating piled raft.
This thesis proves that by means of lower and upper bound theorems a floating, piled strip-foundation can be designed geotechnically and structurally using one method based on ultimate limit state (ULS) and serviceability limit state (SLS). The method takes the following into account as geotechnical requirements: total settlement and angular distortions; and as structural requirements; admissible plastic rotations, end moments due to displacement angle, as well as control of cracking. The chosen piling methods were suitable for St. John’s Church, and the installed piles work well in addition to the old foundations. The functionality of the strengthening techniques has been verified by test piling. Furthermore, every drilled spiral pile was preloaded twice and end-jacked for soil hardening. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä tutkimus käsittelee historiallisten rakennusten perustusten vahvistamista esikuormitetuilla teräksisillä puristuspaaluilla ja esikuormitetuilla, loppupuristetuilla spiraaliporapaaluilla. Tutkimus sisältää myös pitkänomaisen anturaperustuksen mitoitusmenetelmän, joka huomioi sekä murtorajatilan että käyttörajatilan vaatimukset. Historiallisten rakennusten perustusten vahvistaminen on insinööritieteen osa-alue, missä jokainen työmaa on oma, ainutlaatuinen kohteensa johtuen erilaisista maaperäolosuhteista, perustuksista ja rakenteista. Rakennuksen luonteen säilyttäminen edellyttää insinööriltä monialaista kykyä ja tietoa sopivista vahvistamismenetelmistä.
Spiraaliporapaaluja ja puristuspaaluja käytettiin Johanneksen kirkon (Jaani Kirik) perustusten vahvistamisessa rakennuksen epätasaisen painumisen ja sortumisvaaran vuoksi. Perustusten vahvistamista puristuspaaluilla pidetään yleisesti parhaana menetelmänä historiallisille rakennuksille. Tämän tutkimustyön tekijä suunnitteli erikoiskaluston työtä varten kehitetylle kierrepaalulle.
Anastylosis periaatteen mukaisesti käytetyssä tornin vahvistamismenetelmässä säilytettiin rakenteiden autenttisuus. Vanhat kivilatomukset ovat osittain näkyvissä. Niiden välissä oleva tyhjä tila antaa arkeologeille ja insinööreille mahdollisuuden tutustua suoritettuun työhön.
Tornin perustukset vahvistettiin vaiheittain paaluilla sekä valetulla betonilaatalla. Torni painaa 5 500 tonnia ja se on neljän pilarin varassa. Jokaisella pilarilla on erillinen kelluva paalutettu laattaperustus.
Tässä työssä on osoitettu, että plastisuusteorian ala- ja ylärajalauseiden avulla myötäävän kitkamaan ja myötäävän paalutuksen varaan perustettu pitkänomainen anturaperustus voidaan mitoittaa geo- ja rakenneteknisesti murto- ja käyttörajatilassa samalla menetelmällä. Menetelmä sisältää geoteknisinä vaatimuksina anturan pohjapaineen, kokonaispainuman ja kulmakiertymän (= epätasaisen painumisen) määrittämisen, rakenteellisina vaatimuksina plastisoituvien kohtien riittävän muodonmuutoskyvyn, kenttä- ja tukimomenttien, epätasaisen painumisen aiheuttamien pakkomomenttien sekä halkeamatarkastelun määrittämisen.
Spiraaliporapaalujen toiminnallisuus varmistettiin koepaaluilla. Maanlujittumista varten jokainen spiraaliporapaalu koestettiin kahdella esikuormituksella ja loppupuristuksilla.
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Založení mostu / Foundation of BridgeŠčudla, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on design of 5 - square bridge foundation in Ostrava Svinov including covering of construction pits. The bridge is founded on the groups of drilled large diameter piles. Design and assessment is realized in program GEO 5. The thesis is divided into 6 parts: introduction, geotechnical circumstances, concomitant report, static calculations, technical report and documentation.
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Stavebně technologický projekt polyfunkčního domu Art Passage v Trenčíně / Construction technological project of polyfunctional building Art Passage in TrenčínRozvadská, Marcela January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the structural and technological project of multifunctional building Art Passage in Trencin. Solve division building construction and civil engineering objects, draw up the draft machine assembly time and financial plan. They will further focus on the rough construction of the main building structure, where processing technology studies during construction schedule, the project site equipment, budget and other documents that are necessary for the proper implementation of construction.
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