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Clinical outcomes of dental implant treatment provided at the School of Dentistry, University of Otago from 1989 to 2005Verma, Rajiv, n/a January 2008 (has links)
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of oral implant treatment provided at the School of Dentistry, University of Otago from 1989 to 2005.
Methods: Oral implant patients (n=320) with 586 implants were identified and invited to attend for a clinical examination. Implant demographics of all the patients were extracted from the files. Implant demographics of the examined and unexamined patients were compared to assess if the examined patients were representative of the total group. One hundred and three patients with 214 implants agreed to attend for an examination. In the clinical examination full mouth plaque scores, probing depths, bleeding on probing and suppuration were measured. In addition, around implants recession and width of keratinized gingiva were also recorded. For the radiographic examination, baseline radiographs and radiographs taken at the time of examination were digitized and compared to measure the amount of bone lost or gained around implants using NIH Image J software.
Results: There were equal numbers of males and females with a mean age of 46.3 � 15 years at the time of implant placement. The smoking history at the time of examination was recorded, 56% of the patients were non-smokers, 37% former smokers, and 7% were current smokers. More than half of the implants (56%) were placed in the anterior region. Based on the type of implant system, 79% were Branemark implants, 10% Straumann, 6% Southern implants and 4% were unknown. Most of the patients (64%) had implant-supported crowns, 19% had fixed denture prostheses, and 17% had implant-supported overdentures. The overall implant survival rate was 97.7% with five implants lost (2.3%) and 8 implants treated for peri-implantitis (3.8%). The mean PD around implants was 2.3mm (SD 0.6mm), mean recession was 0.5mm (SD 0.8mm) and mean attachment level of 2.8mm (SD 0.9mm). Probing depths [greater than or equal to] 4mm with BOP were recorded around implants in 8.9% of patients. The mean full mouth plaque score was 30% while mean plaque score around implants was 15.9%. The average bone loss around implants was 0.3mm (SD 0.8). Maximum bone loss observed was 2.9 mm.
Conclusion: The prevalence of peri-implant inflammation and implant survival rates in this group of patients appeared comparable to that reported in the literature. The prevalence of peri-implant lesions was low in the group of patients examined.
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Clinical outcomes of dental implant treatment provided at the School of Dentistry, University of Otago from 1989 to 2005Verma, Rajiv, n/a January 2008 (has links)
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical outcomes of oral implant treatment provided at the School of Dentistry, University of Otago from 1989 to 2005.
Methods: Oral implant patients (n=320) with 586 implants were identified and invited to attend for a clinical examination. Implant demographics of all the patients were extracted from the files. Implant demographics of the examined and unexamined patients were compared to assess if the examined patients were representative of the total group. One hundred and three patients with 214 implants agreed to attend for an examination. In the clinical examination full mouth plaque scores, probing depths, bleeding on probing and suppuration were measured. In addition, around implants recession and width of keratinized gingiva were also recorded. For the radiographic examination, baseline radiographs and radiographs taken at the time of examination were digitized and compared to measure the amount of bone lost or gained around implants using NIH Image J software.
Results: There were equal numbers of males and females with a mean age of 46.3 � 15 years at the time of implant placement. The smoking history at the time of examination was recorded, 56% of the patients were non-smokers, 37% former smokers, and 7% were current smokers. More than half of the implants (56%) were placed in the anterior region. Based on the type of implant system, 79% were Branemark implants, 10% Straumann, 6% Southern implants and 4% were unknown. Most of the patients (64%) had implant-supported crowns, 19% had fixed denture prostheses, and 17% had implant-supported overdentures. The overall implant survival rate was 97.7% with five implants lost (2.3%) and 8 implants treated for peri-implantitis (3.8%). The mean PD around implants was 2.3mm (SD 0.6mm), mean recession was 0.5mm (SD 0.8mm) and mean attachment level of 2.8mm (SD 0.9mm). Probing depths [greater than or equal to] 4mm with BOP were recorded around implants in 8.9% of patients. The mean full mouth plaque score was 30% while mean plaque score around implants was 15.9%. The average bone loss around implants was 0.3mm (SD 0.8). Maximum bone loss observed was 2.9 mm.
Conclusion: The prevalence of peri-implant inflammation and implant survival rates in this group of patients appeared comparable to that reported in the literature. The prevalence of peri-implant lesions was low in the group of patients examined.
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For better or for worse ... : a case study analysis of social services partnerships in Aotearoa/New ZealandWalker, Peter E, n/a January 2007 (has links)
Partnerships between organizations are seen as one of the building blocks of the �Third Way� approach to welfare provision both in Europe and in New Zealand. While there is much discussion of this emphasis on building social capital and working in partnerships these partnerships are usually perceived as being between government and community or private organizations as part of a new phase of neo-liberalism. Using qualitative research this thesis explores three partnership sites: Those within a Maori social service provider, Te Whanau Arohanui, and the local Hapu and State organisations; that between the Ngai Tahu Maori Law Centre (an indigenous organization) and the Dunedin Community Law Centre; and finally the State lead Strengthening Families partnership initiative.
This thesis is concerned with the development of citizen participation in public policy decision-making through partnerships. While contemporary studies of policy change have identified stakeholder and actor-network forms as dominant these often seem even less democratic, participatory, accountable and transparent than those they have supposedly replaced. I draw on ideas of deliberative governance to explore options for both the theory and practice of sustainable, permanent and participatory policy change in an age of diversity. I suggest that the practice of Community Development is needed to supplement descriptive and post-facto accounts of policy change and so create a usable practice theory of effective mechanisms for participatory input.
Using a series of case studies of partnerships, a tentative practice theory and strategy for change is proposed. This is set within an interactive framework that is able to confront levels of power to encourage diversity and participation in decision-making from bottom-up initiatives.
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For better or for worse ... : a case study analysis of social services partnerships in Aotearoa/New ZealandWalker, Peter E, n/a January 2007 (has links)
Partnerships between organizations are seen as one of the building blocks of the �Third Way� approach to welfare provision both in Europe and in New Zealand. While there is much discussion of this emphasis on building social capital and working in partnerships these partnerships are usually perceived as being between government and community or private organizations as part of a new phase of neo-liberalism. Using qualitative research this thesis explores three partnership sites: Those within a Maori social service provider, Te Whanau Arohanui, and the local Hapu and State organisations; that between the Ngai Tahu Maori Law Centre (an indigenous organization) and the Dunedin Community Law Centre; and finally the State lead Strengthening Families partnership initiative.
This thesis is concerned with the development of citizen participation in public policy decision-making through partnerships. While contemporary studies of policy change have identified stakeholder and actor-network forms as dominant these often seem even less democratic, participatory, accountable and transparent than those they have supposedly replaced. I draw on ideas of deliberative governance to explore options for both the theory and practice of sustainable, permanent and participatory policy change in an age of diversity. I suggest that the practice of Community Development is needed to supplement descriptive and post-facto accounts of policy change and so create a usable practice theory of effective mechanisms for participatory input.
Using a series of case studies of partnerships, a tentative practice theory and strategy for change is proposed. This is set within an interactive framework that is able to confront levels of power to encourage diversity and participation in decision-making from bottom-up initiatives.
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The many derelicts of the War? Great War veterans and repatriation in Dunedin and Ashburton, 1918 to 1928Parsons, Gwen A, n/a January 2009 (has links)
The New Zealand Government�s repatriation measures to assist Great War veterans have largely been considered a failure. This thesis examines repatriation through the experiences of Dunedin and Ashburton veterans, demonstrating that within the context of the 1920s pre-welfare state these provisions proved to be both generous and far more successful than is often suggested. The Government�s repatriation response to returning veterans reflected contemporary attitudes towards dependency and need. Belief in self-reliance underpinned repatriation policy, with a stated aim of restoring veterans to the civil position they held prior to enlistment rather than providing assistance to move up the occupational ladder. Fear of the morally corrosive effect of dependency, as well as economic concerns, meant the repatriation provisions were principally concerned with ensuring veterans regained financial independence through employment. To that end war pensions compensated for lost earning power, rather than providing a full living income, and repatriation provisions largely consisted of assistance in finding jobs or obtaining farms and businesses. The Government�s repatriation provisions also reflected contemporary medical knowledge. The repatriation legislation restricted war pensions and free medical care to veterans with disabilities directly attributable to military service. However the link between military service and disability remained unclear in many cases. Slightly more than half of those discharged unfit suffered from sickness rather than wounds, many from conditions common among the civilian population. Contemporary aetiological knowledge often did not support the war pension applications lodged by returned soldiers disabled as a result of non-contagious disease, and an absence of clinical evidence undermined claims of latent illness. In addition the medical profession�s failure to adopt psychological theory and practice meant that by the early 1920s shell shock sufferers were treated according to psychiatric medicine�s understanding of mental illness.
Within the context of 1920s New Zealand the repatriation provisions were generous: the Repatriation Department�s work had no precedent; the war disabled were one of the few groups to receive state pensions and received more than other state pensioners; and the provisions of the soldier settlement scheme were available to all veterans, regardless of health, capital or farming experience. Despite the limited aims of the Government�s repatriation provisions many veterans did successfully re-establish themselves in civilian society. By the 1930s Ashburton soldier settlements had proved more successful than others in Canterbury, and compared well with other crown settlements in Ashburton County. More generally war service produced no dramatic change in the occupational structure of veterans: veterans generally retained their occupational status during the post-war decade, volunteers faring slightly better than conscripts but neither as well as their civilian counterparts. Although some veterans certainly did experience need and indigence after the war the majority of urban and rural men in the sample groups were financially stable, particularly after the boom and bust of the immediate post-war years. The men in the Dunedin and Ashburton sample groups represent the most successful of the returned soldier population nevertheless they show that a significant proportion of Great War veterans were successfully repatriated by the end of the post-war decade.
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The functional biology of Porphyra sp. in New ZealandSchweikert, Katja, n/a January 2007 (has links)
The intertidal red algal genus Porphyra is found on rocky shores worldwide. In the Northern Hemisphere the genus is well studied but there is a paucity of data on southern hemisphere Porphyra and even less on New Zealand Porphyra. The species� taxonomy has been undergoing revision since the late 1990�s, when it was discovered that the main species P. columbina and P. lilliputana reported for New Zealand were a combination of several endemic species. These species are found from the low to the high intertidal watermark; hence they are exposed to fluctuating stresses such as desiccation, temperature, high light and UV radiation. Algae have evolved a number of mechanisms to adapt to naturally changing increasing abiotic conditions, such as accumulation of screening pigments and changes in antioxidant metabolism during light stress. For terrestrial plants, polyamines (small aliphatic amines) have been shown to be involved in protecting cells from damage under conditions of stress including UV-B radiation; such mechanisms have yet to be identified in algae.
The overall aim of this study was to determine the importance of cellular processes in shaping the community structure of Porphyra on a wave-exposed shore on the east coast of the South Island, New Zealand. Porphyra distribution and community structure was assessed by regular monthly monitoring of presence and absence of Porphyra along four transect lines at the site. Enviromnental information was recorded to determine the effects of temperature, light, UV radiation, humidity and wind on Porphyra�s spatial and temporal distribution. Regular tissue samples were taken for species identification by the application of primers, which were specifically designed during this study. P. cinnamomea and Porphyra spec. "ROS 54" were identified as dominant species present almost throughout the year with a pronounced maximum in presence during late winter and spring, and some weeks of absence during April or May. The two dominant species were recorded from the low to the high intertidal shore, but the mid intertidal was identified as the preferred habitat. Other species that were found were rare and only present for a few months in a very restricted area. It was hypothesised that free radical generation and antioxidant metabolism are associated with desiccation tolerance in Porphyra. An attempt was made to investigate the impact of desiccation stress on Porphyra. The extraction process of antioxidants was problematic and no reproducible results could be obtained. It was attempted to investigate the spatial distribution of spores and conchocelis of different Porphyra species in the field, and determine if those found at Brighton Beach are species-specific in their morphology. This indicated that the two main Porphyra species at Brighton Beach not only prefer to occupy the same habitat but that they also have a morphologically similar conchocelis phase.
Mechanisms on a cellular level such as polyamine metabolism affected by environmental (abiotic) stresses are related to the alga�s ability to adapt to stress and therefore can have an effect on Porphyra�s distribution along the shore and its presence throughout the year. The depletion of the ozone layer has become an important issue as the effects of increased UV radiation on the environment, especially the intertidal habitat, are revealed. Marine macrophytes possess the main three. polyamines: putrescine, spermidine and spermine of varying levels. For the few species studied, Rhodophyta generally contain higher levels of polyamines than Chlorophyta, while polyamine levels for the one heterokontophyte analysed were between Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta. Levels of the three most common polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) were determined in P. cinnamomea under controlled UV exposure. Tissue discs were exposed to visible light (PAR), PAR and UV-A or PAR, UV-A and UV-B radiation. Discs exposed to PAR and PAR and UV-A showed little change in polyamine levels over a six day trial period, while discs exposed to PAR, UV-A and UV-B showed a significant increase in free, bound soluble and bound insoluble polyamines over the same period of time. Correspondingly levels of ADC and ODC, two enzymes involved in polyamine synthesis, were measured. ODC levels changed little while ADC levels increased significantly during UV-B treatment, indicating that under UV-B stress polyamines are mainly synthesized via the ADC pathway. The experimental set-up and process of this study has not been applied in macroalgal polyamine research and results obtained are the first indication that increased levels of polyamines are involved in protection and/or protection mechanisms in macrophytic algae to prevent UV-B damage.
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Wanderlust: A Poetry CollectionPainter, Holly January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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The functional biology of Porphyra sp. in New ZealandSchweikert, Katja, n/a January 2007 (has links)
The intertidal red algal genus Porphyra is found on rocky shores worldwide. In the Northern Hemisphere the genus is well studied but there is a paucity of data on southern hemisphere Porphyra and even less on New Zealand Porphyra. The species� taxonomy has been undergoing revision since the late 1990�s, when it was discovered that the main species P. columbina and P. lilliputana reported for New Zealand were a combination of several endemic species. These species are found from the low to the high intertidal watermark; hence they are exposed to fluctuating stresses such as desiccation, temperature, high light and UV radiation. Algae have evolved a number of mechanisms to adapt to naturally changing increasing abiotic conditions, such as accumulation of screening pigments and changes in antioxidant metabolism during light stress. For terrestrial plants, polyamines (small aliphatic amines) have been shown to be involved in protecting cells from damage under conditions of stress including UV-B radiation; such mechanisms have yet to be identified in algae.
The overall aim of this study was to determine the importance of cellular processes in shaping the community structure of Porphyra on a wave-exposed shore on the east coast of the South Island, New Zealand. Porphyra distribution and community structure was assessed by regular monthly monitoring of presence and absence of Porphyra along four transect lines at the site. Enviromnental information was recorded to determine the effects of temperature, light, UV radiation, humidity and wind on Porphyra�s spatial and temporal distribution. Regular tissue samples were taken for species identification by the application of primers, which were specifically designed during this study. P. cinnamomea and Porphyra spec. "ROS 54" were identified as dominant species present almost throughout the year with a pronounced maximum in presence during late winter and spring, and some weeks of absence during April or May. The two dominant species were recorded from the low to the high intertidal shore, but the mid intertidal was identified as the preferred habitat. Other species that were found were rare and only present for a few months in a very restricted area. It was hypothesised that free radical generation and antioxidant metabolism are associated with desiccation tolerance in Porphyra. An attempt was made to investigate the impact of desiccation stress on Porphyra. The extraction process of antioxidants was problematic and no reproducible results could be obtained. It was attempted to investigate the spatial distribution of spores and conchocelis of different Porphyra species in the field, and determine if those found at Brighton Beach are species-specific in their morphology. This indicated that the two main Porphyra species at Brighton Beach not only prefer to occupy the same habitat but that they also have a morphologically similar conchocelis phase.
Mechanisms on a cellular level such as polyamine metabolism affected by environmental (abiotic) stresses are related to the alga�s ability to adapt to stress and therefore can have an effect on Porphyra�s distribution along the shore and its presence throughout the year. The depletion of the ozone layer has become an important issue as the effects of increased UV radiation on the environment, especially the intertidal habitat, are revealed. Marine macrophytes possess the main three. polyamines: putrescine, spermidine and spermine of varying levels. For the few species studied, Rhodophyta generally contain higher levels of polyamines than Chlorophyta, while polyamine levels for the one heterokontophyte analysed were between Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta. Levels of the three most common polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) were determined in P. cinnamomea under controlled UV exposure. Tissue discs were exposed to visible light (PAR), PAR and UV-A or PAR, UV-A and UV-B radiation. Discs exposed to PAR and PAR and UV-A showed little change in polyamine levels over a six day trial period, while discs exposed to PAR, UV-A and UV-B showed a significant increase in free, bound soluble and bound insoluble polyamines over the same period of time. Correspondingly levels of ADC and ODC, two enzymes involved in polyamine synthesis, were measured. ODC levels changed little while ADC levels increased significantly during UV-B treatment, indicating that under UV-B stress polyamines are mainly synthesized via the ADC pathway. The experimental set-up and process of this study has not been applied in macroalgal polyamine research and results obtained are the first indication that increased levels of polyamines are involved in protection and/or protection mechanisms in macrophytic algae to prevent UV-B damage.
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The many derelicts of the War? Great War veterans and repatriation in Dunedin and Ashburton, 1918 to 1928Parsons, Gwen A, n/a January 2009 (has links)
The New Zealand Government�s repatriation measures to assist Great War veterans have largely been considered a failure. This thesis examines repatriation through the experiences of Dunedin and Ashburton veterans, demonstrating that within the context of the 1920s pre-welfare state these provisions proved to be both generous and far more successful than is often suggested. The Government�s repatriation response to returning veterans reflected contemporary attitudes towards dependency and need. Belief in self-reliance underpinned repatriation policy, with a stated aim of restoring veterans to the civil position they held prior to enlistment rather than providing assistance to move up the occupational ladder. Fear of the morally corrosive effect of dependency, as well as economic concerns, meant the repatriation provisions were principally concerned with ensuring veterans regained financial independence through employment. To that end war pensions compensated for lost earning power, rather than providing a full living income, and repatriation provisions largely consisted of assistance in finding jobs or obtaining farms and businesses. The Government�s repatriation provisions also reflected contemporary medical knowledge. The repatriation legislation restricted war pensions and free medical care to veterans with disabilities directly attributable to military service. However the link between military service and disability remained unclear in many cases. Slightly more than half of those discharged unfit suffered from sickness rather than wounds, many from conditions common among the civilian population. Contemporary aetiological knowledge often did not support the war pension applications lodged by returned soldiers disabled as a result of non-contagious disease, and an absence of clinical evidence undermined claims of latent illness. In addition the medical profession�s failure to adopt psychological theory and practice meant that by the early 1920s shell shock sufferers were treated according to psychiatric medicine�s understanding of mental illness.
Within the context of 1920s New Zealand the repatriation provisions were generous: the Repatriation Department�s work had no precedent; the war disabled were one of the few groups to receive state pensions and received more than other state pensioners; and the provisions of the soldier settlement scheme were available to all veterans, regardless of health, capital or farming experience. Despite the limited aims of the Government�s repatriation provisions many veterans did successfully re-establish themselves in civilian society. By the 1930s Ashburton soldier settlements had proved more successful than others in Canterbury, and compared well with other crown settlements in Ashburton County. More generally war service produced no dramatic change in the occupational structure of veterans: veterans generally retained their occupational status during the post-war decade, volunteers faring slightly better than conscripts but neither as well as their civilian counterparts. Although some veterans certainly did experience need and indigence after the war the majority of urban and rural men in the sample groups were financially stable, particularly after the boom and bust of the immediate post-war years. The men in the Dunedin and Ashburton sample groups represent the most successful of the returned soldier population nevertheless they show that a significant proportion of Great War veterans were successfully repatriated by the end of the post-war decade.
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Oceanographic Considerations for the Management and Protection of Surfing BreaksScarfe, Bradley Edward January 2008 (has links)
Although the physical characteristics of surfing breaks are well described in the literature, there is little specific research on surfing and coastal management. Such research is required because coastal engineering has had significant impacts to surfing breaks, both positive and negative. Strategic planning and environmental impact assessment methods, a central tenet of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM), are recommended by this thesis to maximise surfing amenities. The research reported here identifies key oceanographic considerations required for ICZM around surfing breaks including: surfing wave parameters; surfing break components; relationship between surfer skill, surfing manoeuvre type and wave parameters; wind effects on waves; currents; geomorphic surfing break categorisation; beach-state and morphology; and offshore wave transformations. Key coastal activities that can have impacts to surfing breaks are identified. Environmental data types to consider during coastal studies around surfing breaks are presented and geographic information systems (GIS) are used to manage and interpret such information. To monitor surfing breaks, a shallow water multibeam echo sounding system was utilised and a RTK GPS water level correction and hydrographic GIS methodology developed. Including surfing in coastal management requires coastal engineering solutions that incorporate surfing. As an example, the efficacy of the artificial surfing reef (ASR) at Mount Maunganui, New Zealand, was evaluated. GIS, multibeam echo soundings, oceanographic measurements, photography, and wave modelling were all applied to monitor sea floor morphology around the reef. Results showed that the beach-state has more cellular circulation since the reef was installed, and a groin effect on the offshore bar was caused by the structure within the monitoring period, trapping sediment updrift and eroding sediment downdrift. No identifiable shoreline salient was observed. Landward of the reef, a scour hole ~3 times the surface area of the reef has formed. The current literature on ASRs has primarily focused on reef shape and its role in creating surfing waves. However, this study suggests that impacts to the offshore bar, beach-state, scour hole and surf zone hydrodynamics should all be included in future surfing reef designs. More real world reef studies, including ongoing monitoring of existing surfing reefs are required to validate theoretical concepts in the published literature.
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