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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

K problematice vývojové dysfázie u žáků na prvním stupni ZŠ / To the Issues of Developmental Dysphasia of Primary School Pupils

HLEDÍKOVÁ, Monika January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with developmental dysphasia in pupils at primary school. The thesis is divided into three main parts, theoretical, case report of one boy and finally practical part. The theoretical part deals with the natural development of speech, prolonged period of speechlessness or delayed speech development and the main attention is paid to the developmental defect itself, ie developmental dysphasia. The case report contains a history of a long-term observed boy who has a disturbed speech development since birth, thus making communication difficult with the outside world. In the practical part is created a set of themes, ie different exercises and games for children suffering from a developmental disorder. These games are focused on the development of individual areas that need to be practiced and improved.

Klinický obraz vývojové dysfázie v konceptu neurovývojových poruch / The clinical picture of developmental dysphasia in the concept of neuorodevelopmental disorders

Pospíšilová, Lenka January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Developmental dysphasia (DD) is a developmental language disorder with high prevalence, but also with low publication index and confusion of the terminology (including the Czech version of ICD - "speech" disorder instead of "language" disorder). The scientific view has passed the development from a symptom, through the specific nozologic unit to the current term Developmental language disorder (DLD) and its classification among a new category of diseases in ICD-11 (existing in DSM-5) called Neurodevelopmental disorders. Another disorder with the characteristic pathology in communication is the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) which is classified as a disease of the same category as DD. Compared to DD, it has a higher publication index, lower prevalence, and even more serious consequences. Three different domains that cause confusion, both in ASD and DD, are "speech", "language", and "communication". The same confusion applies to the current subtypes in ICD-11 with the term "functional language". In the Czech Republic there are very few studies dealing with the patients with DD, their profile of a clinic picture has not been processed so far. In spite of the increase of Czech research of ASD there is a missing speech, language, and communication profile of these individuals. This has...

Évaluation des connaissances morphologiques dérivationnelles d’apprentis-lecteurs présentant une dysphasie

Gagnon-Nault, Marie-Eve 02 1900 (has links)
La dysphasie consiste en une atteinte sévère et persistante de l’acquisition et du développement du langage oral. Les élèves qui en sont atteints peinent à devenir des lecteurs habiles et sont à haut risque d’échec scolaire. Si ce trouble très complexe est étudié dans différents domaines (la santé et l’éducation, entre autres), peu d’études se sont spécifiquement intéressées à vérifier si les élèves dysphasiques possèdent des connaissances morphologiques dérivationnelles. Or, depuis un certain nombre d’années, de nombreux chercheurs soutiennent que ces connaissances, qui concernent la forme des mots et leurs règles de formation, peuvent constituer une stratégie supplémentaire aidante pour les élèves aux prises avec un déficit phonologique, comme les élèves dysphasiques. C’est dans ce cadre que se situe la présente étude, dont l’objectif général est d’évaluer les connaissances morphologiques dérivationnelles d’apprentis-lecteurs dysphasiques francophones du primaire. Pour y parvenir, trois tâches morphologiques, soit une tâche de jugement de relation, une tâche de dérivation et une tâche de plausibilité, ont été soumises à trois groupes de participants dont un groupe d’élèves dysphasiques (D=30) et deux groupes contrôles, c’est-à-dire des élèves du même âge chronologique (CA, n=30) et des élèves plus jeunes, mais du même niveau de lecture (CL, n=30). Nos résultats montrent que l’ensemble des trois groupes de participants a tiré profit des unités morphologiques contenues dans les items pour réussir les tâches proposées, les dysphasiques obtenant des résultats inférieurs aux CA mais comparables aux CL. Toutefois, ces résultats ne s’apparentent pas tout à fait au continuum de développement des connaissances morphologiques dérivationnelles établi par Tyler et Nagy (1989). De plus, aucun effet du type d’affixation (items préfixés vs suffixés) n’a été observé. Les résultats obtenus nous permettent de proposer des pistes d’interventions orthodidactiques visant l’enseignement de la morphologie dérivationnelle auprès des élèves aux prises avec des difficultés de lecture, à l’instar des participants dysphasiques qui ont participé à cette étude. / Dysphasia, also known as specific language impairment, is a severe and persistent impairment of acquisition and development of oral language. Students struggling with dysphasia have reading issues and are at high risk of school failure. If this complex disorder is studied in different areas (health and education, among others), few studies have specifically focused on the evaluation of morphological knowledge of dysphasic students. Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words and to how small meaningful linguistic units, termed “morphemes”, can be combined to form words. Over the past 30 years, numerous studies have been published on morphological knowledge, showing that awareness of words’ morphological structure can be a very helpful tool for students who are regularly exposed to unfamiliar words and can contribute to reading comprehension, among other skills. From these observations, we conducted a study to investigate morphological knowledge in young French students with dysphasia. To achieve this, three morphological tasks were used among three groups of students including a group of dysphasic students (D=30) and two control groups (students of the same chronological age (CA=30) and younger students of the same reading level (CL=30)). Our results show that all groups of participants took advantage of the units of meaning contained in the words in order to succeed tasks. Results also indicate that D and CL performed similarly on three tasks, but were outperformed by the CA group. For all three groups, results are not following the morphological knowledge continuum suggested by Tyler and Nagy (1989). Moreover, our results show no effect of the type of affixation (prefixed items vs suffixed items). These results have implications for teaching practices, especially when teachers plan specific activities to teach derivational morphology to students struggling with reading difficulties.

Hodnocení vývojové dyspraxie u dětí s vývojovou dysfázií / Evaluation od Developmetnal Dyspraxia in Children with Developmental Dysphasia

Morávková, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
Diplomová práce Hodnocení vývojové dyspraxie u dětí s vývojovou dysfázií Abstract This thesis focuses on possible incidence of developmental dyspraxia among children with developmental dysphasia. Theoretical part of the study summarizes information about developmental dyspraxia (sometimes also known as developmental coordination disorder). It also describes developmental dysphasia which is predominantly studied in logopaedics and it is less known in physiotherapy. The link between these disorders is the topic of the last chapter of the theoretical part. The aim of the practical part is to evaluate motor skills of children with developmental dysphasia with usage of diagnostic battery Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2. Both foreign and newly published Czech population norms have been used for analysis of the results. In the research, 89 children with average age of 69 months have been examined. The first group included 41 children with developmental dysphasia. For this first group, the control group of 48 children was also set up. The research proved statistically significant difference between motor skills of children with developmental dysphasia in comparison to the control group. This difference has been proven by both Czech and foreign norms. On the other hand difference between motor skills of...

Rozvoj sluchového vnímání u dětí s vývojovou dysfázií / Development of Hearing Perception in Children with Developmental Dysphasia

Rybecká, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with hearing perception of children with developmental dysphasia. It focuses on the use of the Elkonin method, specifically on the preparation of children before the application of this method. The aim of this work was to evaluate possibilities how to prepare children with developmental dysphasia in kindergarten special for application of Elkonin methodology. In the introductory parts of the thesis, the reader is introduced to the topic of disturbed development of speech on the basis of literature search, more specifically developmental dysphasia as a specific form of disturbed speech development. Furthermore, hearing perception and possibilities of its diagnostics are described, especially in preschool children and also in the context of developmental dysphasia. In the last subchapter, the reader is introduced to the possibilities of the development of auditory perception, in the form of suggestions for activities with children of pre-school age, and the Elkonin method itself, to which the activity in this work is focused. The final part of the thesis describes the application of selected development activities that were carried out for three months on a sample of children approaching the age recommended for the application of the Elkonin method. Its aim was to develop their...

Rozvoj perpcepčních dovedností u žáka s vývojovou dysfázií / Development of perceptual skills of the pupil with developmental dysphasia

Pastyriková, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with development of perceptual skills of the pupil with developmental dysphasia during younger school age. This thesis is divided in two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part includes three parts which characterize the whole concept of this problems. The first chapter deals with human speech development. The second chapter includes speech disorders , describes individual parts of speech disorders. The third chapter defines the developmental dysphasia and its terminology, etiology, symptoms and prognosis. It also describes diagnostic methods of the developmental dysphasia and follow-up therapy. The practical part contains a research survey based on efficiency own exercises set oriented on the visual and hearing perception by the younger school learners with developmental dysphasia. The research part contains research schedule, describes survey sample and research methods. At the end of the chapter the results of survey were summarized. KEY WORDS Language level, speech disorders, developmental dysphasia, speech development, visual and hearing perception

Rozvoj komunikačních schopností u dítěte s vývojovou dysfázií, využití systémů AAK / Development of child communication skills with developmental dysphasia, utilization of alternative and augmentative communication

Morávek Svobodová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the development of communication skills of children with developmental dysphasia, with the use of augmentative and alternative communication. The work is made up of theoretical and practical part. The research focuses on the influence of elements augmentative communication intervention in children with developmental dysphasia in preschool facilities. The research part is formed by empirical research based on a case study of a boy with developmental dysphasia, case reports describing the progress of special education intervention in preschool institutions, research part is completed by the conclusions of the investigation and recommendations for practice. The aim is to show the positive influence the course of education of children with developmental dysphasia support structured learning and noticeable advances in communication development of children with the support of the graphic expression.

Vzdělávání žáků s vývojovou dysfázií v mladším školním věku / Education of pupils with developmental dysphasia in younger school age

Fořtová, Zuzana January 2020 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT Master's thesis focuses on the education of pupils with developmental dysphasia diagnosis in the elementary school. The main goal is to describe education possibilities of these pupils. The thesis describes possibilities of parents and their children, types of elementary schools, where they can study, and what specific conditions are available for education of pupils with specific language impairment. Theoretical part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter focuses on child attending elementary school, communication skills development, compulsory education and education program for elementary school. The second chapter describes developmental dysphasia, its history and terminological definitions, etiology, symptomatology, diagnostics in the Czech Republic and abroad, differential diagnostics, therapy and prognosis. The third chapter describes pupil with developmental dysphasia attending elementary school, education readiness, approaches for pupil support in different elementary school types. The practical part of the thesis focuses on evaluation of conditions on three types of school, where a pupil with developmental dysphasia can be educated. Data is collected mainly by an interview. As the research strategy of qualitative research was chosen a case study. An observation is another...

Rozvoj sluchové paměti u dětí s vývojovou dysfázií v předškolním věku / Development of auditory memory in children with specific language impairment in preschool age

Kabatniková, Sára January 2021 (has links)
KABATNIKOVÁ, Sára. The Development of Auditory Memory in Children with Specific Language Impairment in Preschool Age. Praha: Faculty of Education, Charles University, 2021. 69 p. The Diploma Thesis. This thesis is devoted to the topic of the level and development of auditory memory in children with specific language impairment in preschool age. The theoretical part of this thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter describes the characteristics of memory - the classification, stages of the memory process and it also lists some tests that are used for memory diagnostics. The second chapter of the thesis describes the memory level in children in preschool age, particularly the level of auditory memory. The diagnostics options of specific language impairment and therapeutic exercises for the development of auditory memory are also described. The third chapter is formed around the subject of specific language impairment. It describes the etiology and symptomatology, especially the symptoms in auditory memory and it also contains possibilities of diagnostics and therapy of specific language impairment. The main goal of the empiric part of the thesis is to find out the level of auditory memory of children who struggle with specific language impairment and who are attending speech therapy...

Dítě s vývojovou dysfázií v běžné mateřské škole / Child with developmental dysphasia in regular kindergarten

Tuhá, Michala January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with children with impaired communication ability who are educated in regular kindergarden we use preschool also. The implementation of the research was selected as the research sample of 5 children with impaired communication abilities, specifically impaired developmental dysphasia. The theoretical part deals with the classification of impaired communication skills and the definition of developmental dysphasia. Comprehensively deals with the integration and education of children with ICA in regular kindergardens, preschool teacher quality and its role in the development of a child with ICA, focused on the development of children with developmental dysphasia. It also monitors the cooperation of kindergarden, parents and experts in the form of a speech therapist, workers SPC and PPC workers. The purpose of the research is based on interviews with parents, teachers, teacher assistants and direct short-term observation of the research sample in the form of 5 children with developmental dysphasia, who are educated in regular kindergarden to explore the learning process of a child with developmental dysphasia in regular kindergarden and map risks and benefits affecting his education.

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