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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Construction of a Copper Bioreporter Screening, characterization and genetic improvement of copper-sensitive bacteria

Motamed Fath, Puria January 2010 (has links)
In the nature, lots of organism apply different kinds of lights such as flourscence or luminoscence for some purposes such as defence or hunting. Firefly luciferase and Bacterial luciferase are the most famous ones which have been used to design Biosensors or Bioreporters in recent decades. Their applications are so extensive from detecting pollutions in the environment to medical and treatment usages. To design Copper Bioreporter, copper resistance promoter from COP operon which plays an important role in Pseudomonas syringae and pGL3 plasmid which has luciferase gene were utilized. To achieve that target, sequences of promoter were synthesized and inserted to pCR2.1 vector, then suitable primers with considering restriction sites were designed to get high concentration of DNA. After digestion of pGL3 and interested gene by Nhe I and Sac I enzymes, ligation was performed, and then recombinat plasmids were transferred to E. coli BL-21 as a host cell. Finallay, luciferase assay of designed bioreporter was performed by Luminometer in presence of different concentration of CuSO4. The result was maginificant that confirmed design of Copper Bioreporter.

The ghost in early modern Protestant culture : shifting perceptions of the afterlife, 1450-1700

McKeever, Amanda Jane January 2011 (has links)
My thesis seeks to address the continuity, change and the syncreticism of ideas regarding post-mortem existence in the wake of the Reformation. Prior to reform, the late Medieval world view of the afterlife was very straightforward. One either went to Heaven via Purgatory, or straight to Hell. In the exempla literature of the period, ghosts were seen to provide evidence of the purgatorial system. However, this doctrine was dismantled by reformers who rejected Purgatory wholesale. Reformers then put forth a multiplicity of eschatologies which included various strands of mortalism, none of which allowed for the possibility that the dead could return to the living. In theory therefore, the ghost should have disappeared from the mental landscape, yet it not only survived, but it thrived in Protestant culture. This raises three key questions which are absolutely central to this thesis. Firstly: by what mechanisms did commitment to ghosts continue in lay and elite discourses in early modern England, when religious authority denied the possibility of their existence? Secondly: what opportunities were there to incorporate ghosts into Anglican or wider Protestant belief? Finally: Why would many Protestant elites want to elide the doctrinal problem of their existence and assert that ghosts existed? The ghost must have served a purpose in a way that nothing else could. It is therefore the purpose of the thesis to examine the shifting role of the ghost in early modern Protestant England.

'The language of the naked facts' : Joseph Priestley on language and revealed religion

Kingston, Elizabeth S. January 2010 (has links)
Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) is usually remembered for his experiments in natural philosophy and celebrated for his isolation of the gas we now call oxygen. However, Priestley had a wide range of interests and published extensively on education, history, politics, political philosophy, language, theology and religion. He dedicated his life to elucidating a coherent set of epistemological, metaphysical and theological principles which he believed explained the human mind, the natural world and the nature of God and revelation. Recent studies of Priestley have emphasised the difficulties that arise from isolating the various aspects of his thought and the fruitful outcome of uncovering the many connections between his diverse areas of study. With this in mind, the present dissertation aims to elucidate the relationship between two aspects of Priestley's thought that have not previously been studied together. It examines his theory of language and argument alongside his work on theology and the evidences of revelation. Chapter One provides an overview of Priestley's epistemology, focusing on his work on induction, judgment and assent. Chapter Two looks at Priestley's analysis of the role of the passions in our assent to propositions and the progressive generation of the personality, while paying particular attention to the origins of figurative language. Chapter Three examines Priestley's theory of language development including the relationship between figurative language and the extension of vocabulary and the close connection between language and culture. Chapter Four demonstrates that Priestley's discussion of the evidences of revealed religion is structured around his theory of assent and judgment. It also explains how assent to revelation is essential for the generation and transcendence of the ‘self'. Chapter Five brings all the themes of the dissertation together in a discussion of Priestley's rational theology and examines his analysis of figurative language in scripture.

Development, validation and testing of an Islamic work ethic scale

Khorshid, Amir Mahdi January 2016 (has links)
Despite the varying levels of religiosity held by employees, in many cases representing deeply held beliefs, religiosity is usually overlooked and ignored in research in organizational behaviour and human resource management. In light of this paradox, the aim of this study is to further develop Ali’s (1988) Islamic work ethic (IWE) scale using conventional psychometric methods (Hinkin, 1995). Following theoretical development, item generation and testing of an item pool with 643 lecturers at a university in Kurdistan, the item pool was reduced to 24 items to produce a balanced multidimensional scale. The four dimensions are Work and Society, Justice, Self-Motivation and Work Principles capture the IWE scale which fits with the two resources of IWE construct (Quran and teachings of the Prophet (PBUH)). To provide evidence for scale validity, and drawing on social exchange and reciprocity theory, the relationships between the Islamic ethics scale, job satisfaction, affective, normative and continuance commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour were hypothesised and tested. Findings suggest that the Islamic work ethic plays a significant role in Islamic work settings and that the Islamic work ethic may change some widely reported relationships between variables observed in Western contexts. Findings reveal that the Islamic work ethic is a stronger predictor of citizenship behaviour than affective commitment and job satisfaction and is consistent with a strong influence of Islam on all aspects of Muslim life.

The relationship between Christian daughters-in-law and their non-Christian mothers-in-law in Taiwan : a theological and pastoral challenge

Hung, Yung-Ju January 2016 (has links)
What are the relational dynamics between Taiwanese Christian daughters-in-law (D-Ls) and their non-Christian mothers-in-law (M-Ls)? How does Christian faith influence their intergenerational relations? How best can a caregiver offer appropriate pastoral support and assist Christian women in dealing with their non-Christian M-Ls? These issues and problems have been largely ignored in the relative literature and have arisen from of my pastoral work and personal experience. As a female pastor and D-L, set out this study seeking to integrate professional and academic knowledge in order to answer these questions. This study focuses on women’s experiences, attempting to reveal those relationship issues, and determine any problems underscoring the daily interactions of D-L—M-L in Taiwanese society. In order to meet these aims, the thesis engages with feminist pastoral theology, social science methodology, psychological analysis, and cultural studies. The first part of this study explores literature relevant to the topic, and the living context of Taiwanese D-Ls, as well as feminist pastoral theology. It is concerned with how traditional Chinese and Western cultures define roles and construct intergenerational relationships. Social transition, tension between tradition and modernity, and the struggles and challenges in relation to these intergenerational relationships are examined. The traditional male-centred theological paradigms, in which gender is interpreted and which must be reinterpreted and reconstructed for developing feminist theology, is also discussed. The second part of this study describes its feminist research methodology. It sets out a framework for collecting data to aid in developing an understanding of Taiwanese Christian women’s experience. Focus group discussions were used to explore the collective voice of the D-Ls. The last part of this study involves the presentation of research findings, discussions, and suggestions for further thought and action. It illustrates key findings from analysis of the focus group discussions, and describes the daily interaction and cultural ideology they present, along with the roles husbands, fathers-in-law (F-L), children, and other family members play in the web of relationships. The findings reveal that D-Ls face the challenges of an androcentric and hierarchical family culture, a close-knit family web, and unequal power relations. Different religious practices impact upon the D-L-M-L relationship and this can be a source of tension or conflict. Christian teachings also convey potentially androcentric messages for women that can affect their self-image and cause other harmful consequences. However, many participating women indicated that Christian beliefs provide them with a spiritual strength which has transformed their lives, and led to relational restoration. The Bible, teachings and church groups provide religious resources that support them in the face of relational challenges. I end with self-reflection, noting the need for further theological construction, and propose an alternative model of Triune love, based upon feminist interpretation, as a foundation for family renewal and women’s emancipation. This theological model has implications for new forms of pastoral care which can promote gender equality and non-hierarchical, intergenerational relationships.

Convergent paths : the correspondence between Wycliffe, Hus and the early Quakers

Zemaitis, Daniel Staley January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines the correspondence in theology, practice and social views between Early Quakers and John Wycliffe and John Hus (QWH), founders of the late-medieval heretical sects the Lollards and Hussites. It discusses the diversity of religious experience that characterized the first generation of ‘Early Quakers,’ and argues the end of early Quakerism as 1678, when the Quaker establishment completed enforcement of greater conformity in belief and practice. The dissertation examines Wycliffe and the Lollards and Hus and the Hussites, placing them in an experiential religious tradition and exploring their belief in the need to return to a primitive church in reaction to the perceived apostasy of the Catholic Church. By focusing on possible modes of dissemination of Wycliffe’s and Hus’ ideas and personal stories in works such as Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, the thesis concludes that there exists a close correspondence among QWH respecting the following characteristics: (1) accessibility of Christ’s message; (2) belief in the visible and invisible church; (3) biblical authority; (4) personal understanding of Scripture; (5) opposition to established churches; (6) return to a ‘primitive church’; (7) attitudes toward reforming society; (8) the imminence of Christ’s return; and (9) the role of women.

Making and shaping the first Nishkam Nursery : a linguistic ethnographic study of a British Sikh project for childhood

Sagoo, Gopinder Kaur January 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents a study of the processes involved in creating the first Nishkam Nursery in 2009 in Handsworth, Birmingham. Led by British Sikhs, the project was embedded in wider work undertaken by the transnational ‘Nishkam’ community of practice. The research aim was to examine: 1) the blend of ideas and values guiding the nursery’s creation; 2) the ways in which the nursery world was configured in and through day-to-day communicative and semiotic practice; and 3) parental responses. I took a linguistic ethnographic approach to data collection and analysis and adopted a case study design. Three orienting theories guided the study: 1) ‘the cultural production of the educated person’ (Levinson, Foley and Holland 1996); 2) ‘policy as/in practice’ (Sutton and Levinson 2001) and; 3) ‘figured worlds’ (Holland et al. 1998). An ethnographic approach was best suited to this theoretical framing. It allowed me to examine the interplay of agency and structure in the creation of the world of this local nursery, in ‘postsecular’ societal conditions characterised by complex diversities and mobilities. It also allowed me to capture the ways in which national policy frameworks were interpreted by local social actors and blended with educational approaches stemming from the Sikh dharam.

Eden's diet : Christianity and vegetarianism 1809-2009

Calvert, Samantha Jane January 2013 (has links)
The vegetarian teachings of the Salvation Army, Quakers, the Seventh Day Adventists and other Christian groups have been largely neglected by academics. This study takes a prosopographical approach to the development of modern Christian vegetarianism across a number of Christian vegetarian sects, and some more mainstream traditions, over a period of two centuries. The method allows for important points of similarity and difference to be noted among these groups’ founders and members. This research contributes particularly to radical Christian groups’ place in the vegetarian movement’s modern history. This study demonstrates how and why Christian vegetarianism developed in the nineteenth century and to what extent it influenced the secular vegetarian movement and wider society. It contextualizes nineteenth-century Christian vegetarianism in the wider movement of temperance, and considers why vegetarianism never made inroads into mainstream churches in the way that the temperance movement did. Finally, the study considers the pattern of Christian vegetarianism’s development in four distinct periods (1809-1847, 1848-1889, 1890-1959 and 1960-2009) as well as the many principles and behaviours these sectarian groups shared such as a desire for a return to Eden or the Golden Age, dualism, purity and biblical vegetarianism.

Syncretic beliefs and practices amongst Muslims in Lagos state Nigeria : with special reference to the Yoruba speaking people of Epe

Balogun, Muhsin Adekunle January 2011 (has links)
Different disciplines have explored the history of Islām in Yoruba land which started in the early 18th century. However, the impact of religious syncretism has not been systematically studied. Therefore, this thesis examines the extent of the involvement of Yoruba Muslims in syncretic beliefs and practices in Nigeria using the Lagos State as a case study, with a view to bringing out the impact of Tawḥīd on them. In agreement with previous research, this study notes that there is a prevalence of religious syncretism among many Yoruba Muslims, but it principally argues that its impact affects many of them negatively. If continuous awareness campaign could be carried out, the phenomenon will be reduced. A triangulated method was used to carry out this study. The findings of this thesis indicated reappraisal of the problem associated with many Yoruba Muslims’ persistence in syncretism and its implications on their faith (īman). While this study appreciates the attempts of some scholars to eradicate this endemic problem, it reveals that Tawḥīd is not yet inculcated into many Yoruba Muslims within the Yoruba religio-cultural context. Therefore, a concerted effort is necessary among all stakeholders in the task of promoting the effective instillation of practical Tawḥīd.

Heidegger&#039 / s Holderlin Interpretations In Andenken Hymn: The Feast

Arslan, Mahmuthan 01 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores Heidegger&#039 / s H&ouml / lderlin interpretations to exhibit Heidegger&#039 / s thoughts on history as a destiny of a people. The feast as the occasion of the encounter of gods and men will be set as the the inception of the history and the time of the balanced destiny. The course of history will be explained as a result of compliance and accordance with destiny, other than being an output of cause-effect chain.

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