Spelling suggestions: "subject:"erbio"" "subject:"elbio""
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Correlazioni morfo-funzionali nei tessuti connettivi sopra- e sottopatellariMacciocca, Maria <1980> 21 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Skeletal Markers of Activity: Methodological and Interpretative Reflections after the study of the whole Frassetto Sassari identified skeletal collectionMilella, Marco <1977> 22 April 2010 (has links)
Entheses (skeletal attachment sites of muscles and ligaments) and their pathologic modifications (enthesopathies) have long been used as skeletal markers of activity in bioarchaeological (reconstruction of past populations lifestyle) and forensic (personal identification) contexts. However, a functional interpretation of these markers have to deal critically with the multifactorial etiology of the same. Factors such as sex, age, genetic factors, mechanical stress, metabolic conditions, etc.. can compete to produce the observed morphological variability at each attachment site.
The aim of this thesis has drawn on the ongoing debate about the informativeness of entheseal modifications as skeletal markers of activity and represent a deepening of the actual knowledge about the relationship between these characters and sex, age and physical activity.
For this purpose, the whole "Frassetto” identified skeletal collection of Sassari (Sardinia, Italy) was analyzed. The collection includes the skeletal remains of about 600 individuals died in the late 19th and early 20th century for whom information regarding sex, age at death and, in many cases the occupation are known The results obtained highlight the great age importance on the entheseal modifications.
The differences observed between sexes may reflect differences in the level or type of activity performed in life, but could also be related to a different bone tissue response to mechanical stress due to hormonal factors and different growth rates.
The role of biomechanical stress related to professional activities remains doubtful.
This is probably partly attributable to the analyzed sample characteristics (preponderance of farmers compared with other professions, different mean age of the considered professional subsamples), which has hampered the analysis of samples homogenous with regard to age, which is very influential on the entheses and enthesopathies expression.
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Studio dei profili di espressione dei microRNA nell'epatocarcinoma umanoFornari, Francesca <1979> 29 April 2010 (has links)
Il carcinoma epatocellulare (HCC) è il più frequente tumore maligno del fegato e rappresenta il sesto tipo di tumore più comune nel mondo. Spesso i pazienti con HCC vengono diagnosticati a stadi piuttosto avanzati, quando le uniche opzioni terapeutiche in grado di migliorarne la sopravvivenza sono la chemoembolizzazione dell'arteria epatica ed il trattamento con l'inibitore multi-cinasico, Sorafenib. In questo contesto, la scoperta del ruolo centrale dei microRNA (miRNA) nella tumorigenesi umana risulta di fondamentale importanza per lo sviluppo di nuovi marcatori diagnostici e bersagli terapeutici.
I microRNA (miRNA) sono delle piccole molecole di RNA non codificante, della lunghezza di 19-22 nucleotidi, filogeneticamente molto conservati, ed esercitano un ruolo cruciale nella regolazione di importanti processi fisiologici, quali sviluppo, proliferazione, differenziamento, apoptosi e risposta a numerosi segnali extracellulari e di stress. I miRNA sono inoltre responsabile della fine regolazione dell'espressione di centinaia di geni bersaglio attraverso il blocco della traduzione o la degradazione dell'mRNA target. Studi di profiling hanno evidenziato l'espressione aberrante di specifici miRNA in numerosi tipi di tumore umano.
Lo scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di individuare un pannello di miRNA deregolati nell'epatocarcinoma umano e di caratterizzare il ruolo biologico di tre miRNA deregolati nell'HCC, al fine di individuare alcuni dei meccanismi molecolari alla base della trasformazione maligna miRNA-associata. La nostra ricerca è stata inoltre focalizzata nell'individuazione di nuovi bersagli e strumenti terapeutici, quali i microRNA, per il trattamento combinato di HCC in stadio intermedio-avanzato.
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Infiammazione e cancro: l'interazione COX-2/CA-IX promuove il potenziale invasivo e la sopravvivenza in ipossia delle cellule del cancro colon-rettalePaterini, Paola <1973> 20 April 2010 (has links)
Cyclooxygenase-2/Carbonic anhydrase-IX up-regulation promotes invasive potential and hypoxia survival in colorectal cancer cells
Purpose: Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is a major mediator of inflammation, playing a pivotal role in colorectal carcinogenesis. Hypoxia is an universal hallmark of solid tumour in vivo. This investigation was prompted by the observation that in colorectal cancer cells the expression of COX-2 protein is positively correlated with that of the hypoxia survival gene Carbonic Anhydrase-IX (CA-IX).
Experimental Design: Since COX-2 gene expression and activity is increased in hypoxia, and that CA-IX is expressed also in normoxia in colorectal cancer cells, we tested the hypothesis that COX-2 activity in normoxia, as well as in hypoxia may be functionally linked to that of CA-IX gene. We investigated the role of COX-2 and CA-IX in colorectal cancer cell lines. In this regard, we performed RNA interference to knockdown COX-2 gene in vitro and immunohistochemistry to evaluate the protein expression of COX-2 and CA-IX in human colon cancer tissue specimens ex vivo.
Results: We found that COX-2, by PGE2 production, controls CA-IX gene expression in an ERK dependent manner. In line with this finding, we also showed that the COX-2 inhibition by a specific short harpin COX-2 RNA (shCOX-2) or by a specific drug (SC-236), down-regulated CA-IX expression in colon cancer cells. We then exposed colon cancer cells to hypoxia stimuli and found that COX-2/CA-IX interplay promoted hypoxia survival. Moreover, we also report that COX-2/CA-IX interplay triggers Matrix Metalloproteinase 2/9 (MMP-2/9) activation and enhances the invasiveness of colorectal cancer cells. Thus given our above observations, we found that CA-IX and COX-2 protein expressions correlate with more aggressive stage colorectal cancer tissues ex vivo.
Conclusions: Taken together these data indicate that COX-2/CA-IX interplay promotes an aggressive phenotype (hypoxia survival and invasiveness) which can be modulated in vitro by COX-2 selective inhibition and which may play a role in determining the biological aggressiveness of colorectal tumours. Moreover, in vitro and ex vivo data also suggest that the signatures of inflammation (COX-2) and hypoxia (CA-IX) may be difficult to be disentangled in colon cancer, being both responsible for the up-regulation of the same pathways.
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Analisi farmacoepidemiologica delle modalità di impiego e della tollerabilità dei trattamenti farmacologici per la sclerosi multiplaPiccinni, Carlo <1981> 15 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Modulation of epidermial growth factor receptor signaling in colon adenocarcinomaHysomema, Johana <1983> 10 May 2010 (has links)
The use of agents targeting EGFR represents a new frontier in colon cancer therapy. Among these, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) seemed to be the most promising. However they have demonstrated low utility in therapy, the former being effective at toxic doses, the latter resulting inefficient in colon cancer. This thesis work presents studies on a new EGFR inhibitor, FR18, a molecule containing the same naphtoquinone core as shikonin, an agent with great anti-tumor potential. In HT-29, a human colon carcinoma cell line, flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, and Western blot analysis, confocal spectral microscopy have demonstrated that FR18 is active at concentrations as low as 10 nM, inhibits EGF binding to EGFR while leaving unperturbed the receptor kinase activity. At concentration ranging from 30 nM to 5 μM, it activates apoptosis. FR18 seems therefore to have possible therapeutic applications in colon cancer.
In addition, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) investigation of the direct EGF/EGFR complex interaction using different experimental approaches is presented. A commercially available purified EGFR was immobilised by amine coupling chemistry on SPR sensor chip and its interaction to EGF resulted to have a KD = 368 ± 0.65 nM. SPR technology allows the study of biomolecular interactions in real-time and label-free with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity and thus represents an important tool for drug discovery studies. On the other hand EGF/EGFR complex interaction represents a challenging but important system that can lead to significant general knowledge about receptor-ligand interactions, and the design of new drugs intended to interfere with EGFR binding activity.
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Study of two novel streptococcus pneumoniae operons: pilus islet 2 and the lantibiotic operonDimitrovska, Valentina Metodi <1978> 23 April 2010 (has links)
Analysis of publicly available genomes of Streptococcus pneumoniae has led to the
identification of a new genomic element resembling gram-positive pilus islets (PIs). Here, we
demonstrate that this genomic region, herein referred to as PI-2 (containing the genes pitA,
sipA, pitB, srtG1, and srtG2) codes for a novel functional pilus in pneumococcus. Therefore,
there are two pilus islets identified so far in this pathogen (PI-1 and PI-2). Polymerization of
the PI-2 pilus requires the backbone protein PitB as well as the sortase SrtG1 and the signal
peptidase-like protein SipA. PI-2 is associated with serotypes 1, 2, 7F, 19A, and 19F,
considered to be emerging in both industrialized and developing countries. Interestingly,
strains belonging to clonal complex 271 (CC271) contain both PI-1 and PI-2, as revealed by
genome analyses. In these strains both pili are surface exposed and independently assembled.
Furthermore, in vitro experiments provide evidence that the pilus encoded by PI-2 of S.
pneumoniae is involved in adherence. Thus, pneumococci encode at least two types of pili
that may play a role in the initial host cell contact to the respiratory tract. In addition, the
pilus proteins are potential antigens for inclusion in a new generation of pneumococcal
Adherence by pili could represent important factor in bacterial community formation, since it
has been demonstrated that bacterial community formation plays an important role in
pneumococcal otitis media. In vitro quantification of bacterial community formation by S.
pneumoniae was performed in order to investigate the possible role of pneumococcal pili to
form communities. By using different growth media we were not able to see clear association
between pili and community formation. But our findings revealed that strains belonging to
MLST clonal complex CC15 efficiently form bacterial communities in vitro in a glucose
dependent manner.
We compared the genome of forty-four pneumococcal isolates discovering four open reading
frames specifically associated with CC15. These four genes are annotated as members of an
operon responsible for the biosynthesis of a putative lanctibiotic peptide, described to be
involved in bacterial community formation. Our experiments show that the lanctibiotic
operon deletion affects glucose mediated community formation in CC 15 strain INV200.
Moreover, since glucose consumption during bacterial growth produce an acidic
environment, we tested bacterial community formation at different pH and we showed that
the lanctibiotic operon deletion affected pH mediated community formation in CC 15 strain
INV200. In conclusion, these data demonstrate that the putative lanctibiotic operon is
associated with pneumococcal CC 15 strains in vitro bacterial community formation.
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Rapporto tra struttura e funzione della cistatina B e dei suoi mutanti in relazione all'epilessia mioclonica progressiva di tipo 1 (EPM1)Rispoli, Ada <1982> 20 April 2010 (has links)
This work shows for the first time that native CSTB polymerizes on addition of Cu2+ and DnaK (Hsp70). Cysteines are involved in the polymerization process and in particular at least one cysteine is necessary. We propose that Cu2+ interacts with the thiol group of cysteine and oxidize it. The oxidized cysteine modifies the CSTB structure allowing interaction with DnaK/Hsp70 to occur. Thus, Cu2+ binding to CSTB exposes a site for DnaK and such interaction allows the polymerization of CSTB. The polymers generated from native CSTB monomers, are DTT sensitive and they may represent physiological polymers. Denatured CSTB does not require Cu2+ and polymerizes simply on addition of DnaK. The polymers generated from denatured CSTB do not respond to DTT. They have characteristics similar to those of the CSTB toxic aggregates described in vivo in eukaryotic cells following CSTB over-expression.
Interaction between CSTB and Hsp70 is shown by IP experiments. The interaction occurs with WT CSTB and not with the ïcys mutant. This suggests that disulphur bonds are involved.
Methal-cathalyzed oxidation of proteins involves reduction of the metal ion(s) bound to the protein itself and oxidation of neighboring ammino acid residues resulting in structural modification and de-stabilization of the molecule. In this work we propose that the cysteine thyol residue of CSTB in the presence of Cu2+ is oxidized, and cathalyzes the formation of disulphide bonds with Hsp70, that, once bound to CSTB, mediates its polymerization. In vivo this molecular mechanism of CSTB polymerization could be regulated by redox environment through the cysteine residue. This may imply that CSTB physiological polymers have a specific cellular function, different from that of the protease inhibitor known for the CSTB monomer.
This hypothesis is interesting in relation to Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy of type 1 (EPM1). This pathology is usually caused by mutations in the CSTB gene. CSTB is a ubiquitous protein, but EPM1 patients have problems only in the central nervous system. Maybe physiological CSTB polymers have a specific function altered in people affected by EPM1.
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Ruolo biologico del sistema neuropeptidergico N/OFQ-NOP in fenomeni di degenerazione neuronale e tossicodipendenzaCavina, Chiara <1980> 15 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Studio delle caratteristiche botaniche, fitochimiche, farmacologiche e delle relative attività biologiche di alcune piante della medicina tradizionale africanaNadembega, Pascal <1966> 15 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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