Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bishop"" "subject:"blshop""
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An architecture for flexible manufacturing systems based on task-driven agentsPeschl, M. (Michael) 11 February 2014 (has links)
During the last decades significant changes in the buying behavior of customers can be observed. While in former days price sensitivity lead to more uniformed products, in present days manifold high-quality products and customization with reasonable prices and rapid delivery are demanded.
As a consequence, the industry asks for manufacturing systems which allow for fast ramp-up, multi-variant production and rapid adaptability. In this environment, several scientific approaches such as agent-based and holonic manufacturing systems have been investigated within the last years.
In order to cover all aspects of the foreseen future demands, the architectures for such systems are very complex and the system’s entities are characterized by very flexible behavior. Hence, the efforts for their implementation are rather high and the systems tend to exhibit non-deterministic behavior. Furthermore, the top down approach of most systems leads to a complete re-organization of the factory management. As a consequence the acceptance for such systems in real industrial environment at present day is very limited.
Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to develop an architecture for flexible manufacturing systems which allows for easy take-up in the industry. It is based on a bottom-up approach with a new kind of flexible, intelligent shop-floor components called Manufactrons. The architecture covers all layers of traditional factory organization with special emphasis on the shop floor organization. The approach and results are based on the research activities of the European Research Project XPRESS in which representatives of three major industry branches collaborated in order to find a solution for their future demands on flexible manufacturing systems.
The architecture has been implemented in the context of XPRESS in aerospace, automotive and electrical industry. The tests show the feasibility of the approach. The capability for a smooth integration of the new approach into existing manufacturing environment has successfully been demonstrated. / Tiivistelmä
Viime vuosikymmeninä asiakkaiden ostokäyttäytyminen on muuttunut merkittävästi. Ennen asiakkaiden hintatietoisuus johti yhtenäisiin tuotteisiin, kun taas nykyään vaaditaan moninaisempia tuotteita ja muokattavuutta kohtuulliseen hintaan. Samaan aikaan odotetaan korkealaatuisia tuotteita ja nopeaa toimitusta. Nämä seikat ovat aiheuttaneet tuotantoteollisuudelle uusia haasteita. Reagoidakseen nopeasti asiakkaiden vaatimuksiin tuotannonsuunnittelussa on alettu keskittymään korkealaatuisten tuotemuunnelmien määrän kasvattamiseen.
Tämän vuoksi tarvitaan tuotantojärjestelmiä, jotka mahdollistavat nopean Ramp Up -prosessin, moneenmuuntuvan tuotannon ja nopean mukautuvuuden. Tätä aihetta on viime vuosina lähestytty esimerkiksi agentteihin perustuvien ja holonisten tuotantojärjestelmien kautta. Kuitenkin näihin tulevaisuuden haasteisiin pystytään vastaamaan vain kompleksisilla arkkitehtuureilla ja järjestelmän entiteeteille ominaisia ovat hyvin mukautuvat käyttäytymismallit. Näiden toteuttamiseen tarvitaan paljon työtä ja järjestelmillä on tapana käyttäytyä epä-deterministisesti. Lisäksi ylhäältä alas lähestymistapa johtaa usein tehtaan täydelliseen uudelleenorganisointiin, minkä vuoksi lähestymistapaa ei suosita oikeissa teollisuusympäristöissä.
Tämän väitöstyön tarkoituksena on kehittää mukautuville tuotantojärjestelmille arkkitehtuuri, joka mahdollistaa järjestelmien helpon käyttöönoton teollisuudessa. Arkkitehtuuri perustuu alhaalta ylös -lähestymistapaan ja sisältää uudenlaisen joustavan ja älykkään tuotantotilakomponentin, manufactronin. Arkkitehtuuri kattaa kaikki perinteisen tehdasorganisaation kerrokset keskittyen kuitenkin erityisesti tuotantotilojen organisointiin.
Lähestymistapa ja tulokset perustuvat Euroopan Unionin XPRESS-tutkimusprojektiin. Projektissa tehtiin yhteistyötä kolmen suuren teollisuushaaran kanssa tarkoituksena löytää joustava tuotantojärjestelmäratkaisu tulevaisuutta varten. Arkkitehtuuria sovellettiin XPRESS-projektissa lentokone-, auto- ja elektoniikkateollisuuteen ja testit osoittivat lähestymistavan soveltuvuuden. Myös lähestymistavan sujuva integrointi olemassa oleviin teollisuusjärjestelmiin osoitettiin onnistuneesti.
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Small green farm shops on the countryside and their green marketing strategies : A cross case study of how and why small green Swedish farm shops work with green marketing strategies to interact with potential customersLorentzson, Rebecka, Kullberg, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines how small green Swedish farm shops are using green marketing and why customers are buying from small green farm shops. To examine this, two farm shops were chosen based on specific criteria; Gudmundsgården and Skrea Ost. The owners were interviewed about their marketing strategies and a questionnaire were handed out to their customers, regarding their attitudes towards green products and farm shops, in order to collect data from two perspectives and compare the farm shops’ perspective to the customers’ perspective. Both interviews resulted in similarities and differences between the farm shops regarding different marketing strategies and approaches, where customer relationships were the most important one. From the customers’ perspective, it was concluded that if a product was considered green, the green customers did not care much about the location of the farm shop or the price of the product. They are willing to drive further and pay more if they know that there are no additives in the product and that it has lower environmental harm. The research contributes with new knowledge about small green farm shops in Sweden, their marketing strategies and the importance of relationships.
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Podnikatelský plán / Business PlanKrálová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on formulating a business plan of enterprise providing services of car repair shop and tyre repair shop. There is a research of chosen literature realised in the theoretical part which covers knowledges needed for working out of the practical part. The practical part aims on designing of particular business plan. Its parts are, beside description of the subject, also market analysis, environment analysis, marketing and time plan and what if analysis. Financial plan is made in three versions which are evaluated with methods of financial analysis tools. The thesis is ended with evaluation of feasibility of intended plan.
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Optimalizační model výroby v potravinářském průmyslu / Optimization model of production in food industryBlachová, Katrin January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with planning and scheduling of production in the food industry. The theoretical part is concerned with the formulation and structure of the task scheduling and analyses the flow shop in the detail, for which a real application for an unnamed company has been created. It also briefly describes the technical specifications of production, which are crucial for the practical part. The practical part deals with the formulation of a mathematical model. The optimal solution is obtained using the optimization program MPL for Windows. Mathematical model includes variables that solves serial and parallel processors and try to capture as most exact as possible manufacturing processes with the technical specifications for a particular enterprise. The criterion for optimization is to minimize the cost in terms of the selected technology of production.
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Využití internetu v podnikáníKrňák, David January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zaměřuje na využití internetu jako prostředí pro podnikání. Pozornost je věnovávána především online marketingovým aktivitám s důrazem na propagaci webu. V práci jsou analyzovány jednotlivé nástroje marketingu na internetu a jejich vliv na návštěvnost a konverzní poměr. Cílem práce je zhodnotit tyto nástroje ve vztahu ke konkrétnímu online projektu a vytvořit efektivní kombinaci internetové propagace danému projektu.
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Možnosti zlepšení procesů v internetovém obchodě / Process improvement potencial in internet commerceFořt, David January 2008 (has links)
Dissertation Business process improvement possibilities in internet shop introduce reader with improvement possibilities in small e-shops with limited financial competence. Object of this work is determination conception process, finding suitable methods for process improvement in enterprise and on the basis of obtained information create process model chosen e-shop and usage some method for process improvement. At the beginning is reader introduced with concept e-shop and e-business. Next part is explained concept and sense of process access in companies operating in nowadays. Next part is about process improvement. First are explained concepts Business process improvement and Business process reengineering than are introduced methods suitable for process improvement. Methods are chosen from different areas, so is good to see the variety of ways that heads to process improvement. Next part is about MIPIM methodology. All steps are explained and extended with suitable methods and tools for each step. Next chapter introduces SkateMORE e-shop. Using SWAT analysis and strategic goals show us possible ways of process modification. Last chapter put deals with process improvement in practically using MIPIM methodology and chosen method mentioned in foregoing chapters. Dissertation ends with rating design of solution implementation. Implementation and rating is not a part of dissertation
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Zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti internetového obchodu využitím internetové reklamy / Improving the competitiveness of e-shop using internet advertisingVaněček, Jakub January 2009 (has links)
The subject of thesis is examining the impact of internet advertising and web site usability on the competitiveness of internet commerce. The aim of this work is the successful application of theoretical knowledge to practical examples of e-shop Lahůdkářství Jan Paukert. This application should show an increase in attendance and achievement of higher sales. The work is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. The first part is focused on theoretical knowledge in the field of usability and web ads, the second deals with their application to the internet shop.
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Využití Business Intelligence při analýze návštěvnosti internetového obchodu / Use of Business Intelligence with web analysis of an electronic storeErlebach, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
In the time of recent economic crisis is more than ever difficult to keep old and find new customers. Along with the growth of sales on the Internet there are also a growing number of competitors, which want their share of the market pie. The aim of this thesis is to use technologies and processes of Business Intelligence with web analysis of an electronic store in order to get new information and knowledge that should later on help with overcoming the two mentioned problems most companies running an internet business are today dealing with. In the first, theoretical part of this thesis there are described basic principles and processes of search engine optimization in term of both users and search engines. Next chapter follows the theory of web analysis. There are also described general as well as own selection criteria of the web analysis tool. Upon these criteria there are these tools described and evaluated. Last theoretical chapter deals with Business Intelligence, in particular with a data warehouse theory and with a process of a BI project. Introduction to the practical part is formed by a description of a current e-shop situation. In this part there is also mentioned current architecture solution, standing of the firm and its future vision. On the basis of selected web analysis tool and theoretical knowledge described in previous chapters there is than designed concrete solution and described process of its implementation, some of its outputs and also its costs. The main contribution of this thesis I see in gaining new and otherwise hardly accessible reports about the visit rate, which should ease and improve the process of website optimization and therefore help the company to strengthen its market position. Another contribution would be in demonstration of the BI implementation on a small business scale also with its cost accounting.
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Podnikatelský plán / Business planBartoš, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is to create business plan and verify its feasibility. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. First part is theoretical, where all basic concepts, legal forms and structure of business plan are defined. Practical part consists of the business plan for e-shop that is offering especially wines that are made by traditional ways. Practical part consist mainly of analysis of competitors, analysis of product portfolio, marketing strategy and financial plan.
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Prodej potravin přes Internet se zaměřením na Tesco v ČR / Grocery shopping online focused on TescoNousková, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with shopping and sale of grocery online focusing on Tesco Stores CR,a.s. The aim of the study is to evaluate the Tesco e-shop from user's perspective, compare it with the competition and to propose steps towards optimization. The first part of thesis describes general information about the Internet and e-commerce, online grocery market and its specifics. Following part includes analyzeds of grocery e-shops based on multi-criteria evaluation and comparison with the Tesco service. This thesis should help the company Tesco optimize their web and activities.
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