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Postkeynesianische Beschäftigungstheorie. Einige prinzipielle Überlegungen.Heise, Arne January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
In a most recent textbook on employment theory (Landmann/Jerger 1999), there is no mention of a distinct post Keynsian employment theory. This is the more surprising as the post Keynesian employment theory offers a truly macro-economic approach to the determination of the aggregate level of employment in an economy (with sets it apart from most neo-classical labour market theories) without lacking a comprehensive micro-economic foundation (as was the case with standard Keynesian employment theory). This paper intends to give a textbook-like survey of the principals of such a post Keynesian theory of employment and derives some principles for the impact of (nominal) wage policy on employment. (author's abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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Avaliação imunohistoquímica com marcador de citoqueratina de alto peso molecular (34BE12) na caracterização de benignidade em lesões da próstataGurgel da Trindade Meira Henriques, Luciana January 2003 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2003 / Os carcinomas da próstata são as neoplasias malignas de maior
prevalância no sexo masculino. Na última década os progressos na tecnologia
de imagem, através da punção-biópsia sob controle ultra-sonográfico e a
utilização dos exames bioquímicos para detecção do antígeno prostático
específico, tornaram possível o diagnóstico de lesões iniciais, muitas em
pacientes mais jovens. Como conseqüência, para o patologista vieram as
dificuldades de interpretação de lesões muito pequenas ou histologicamente
mal definidas, como a diferenciação entre hiperplasia adenomatosa atípica e
adenocarcinoma bem diferenciado. Termos como proliferação de pequenas
glândulas de significado incerto passaram a ser utilizados para as lesões
duvidosas, requerendo progredir na investigação. A literatura tem demonstrado
que a imunomarcação pelo anticorpo monoclonal anti-citoqueratina de alto peso
molecular (34βE12) é útil na confirmação de benignidade pela demonstração da
camada de células basais. Em nosso meio esse marcador tem sido pouco
utilizado. O estudo em tela visa analisar os primeiros resultados do método no
Departamento de Patologia do Hospital de Câncer de Pernambuco. A partir dos
arquivos deste serviço, foram selecionados 20 casos de um total de 172
registrados entre junho de 1997 e março de 2002. Esses casos constituiram
dois grupos, o primeiro formado por dez casos com diagnóstico de hiperplasia
nodular benigna da próstata e o segundo por dez casos de adenocarcinoma
prostático. Cada grupo incluiu 20 espécimes, dez obtidos por punção-biópsia e
dez por ressecção cirúrgica, constituindo 40 amostras para revisão histológica e
realização do exame imunohistoquímico. A imunomarcação demonstrou a
camada de células basais em todas as lesòes benignas tanto no material de
punção-biópsia (10/10), como nas peças cirúrgicas (10/10) revelando 100% de
positividade. Nos casos de adenocarcinoma, não houve demonstração da
camada de células basais, tanto no material de punção-biópsia (10/10) quanto
no de prostatectomia (10/10), resultando em 100% de negatividade. Os
resultados confirmam os dados da literatura quanto à acurácia do método na
confirmação da existência da camada de células basais, sendo recomendável
no esclarecimento de lesões duvidosas para exclusão de malignidade
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Wealth inequality and aggregate demandEderer, Stefan, Rehm, Miriam January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
The paper investigates how including the distribution of wealth changes the demand effects of redistributing functional income. It develops a model with an endogenous wealth distribution and shows that the endogenous rise in wealth inequality resulting from a redistribution towards profits weakens the growth effects of this redistribution. Consequently, a wage-led regime becomes more strongly wage-led. A profit-led regime on the other hand becomes less profit-led and there may even be a regime switch - in this case the short-run profit-led economy becomes wage-led in the long run due to the endogenous effects of wealth inequality. The paper thereby provides a possible explanation for the instability of demand regimes over time. / Series: Ecological Economic Papers
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Is there an equilibrium rate of unemployment in the long run?Stockhammer, Engelbert January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Distinguishing between profit led and growth led demand regimes, we analyze the conditions of existence and stability of long run equilibrium of unemployment. The model we employ has at its center the relation between growth and distribution. Growth can be either wage led or profit led. Distribution itself is a function of the unemployment rate, with higher unemployment leading to a higher profit share. We use Okun's Law to close the model, making the change of the rate of unemployment a function of growth. The interesting result of our analysis is that in profit led demand regime the short run and long run equilibrium are stable. However, if the demand regime is wage led, the same conditions that guarantee stability of the goods market equilibrium in the short run render impossible the existence of a long run equilibrium rate of unemployment, and vice versa. Thus, if Kalecki's proposition that higher wages lead to higher growth is true, there will be no equilibrium rate of unemployment in the long run that serves as an anchor for the economic system. (author's abstract) / Series: Working Papers Series "Growth and Employment in Europe: Sustainability and Competitiveness"
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Étude in silico et caractérisation fonctionnelle des complexes de TWIST1 / In silico study and functional characterization of TWIST1 complexBouard, Charlotte 13 July 2016 (has links)
La réactivation aberrante du gène TWIST1 embryonnaire a été identifiée dans le laboratoire comme un mécanisme d'inactivation récurrente des voies dépendantes de p53 et Rb dans de nombreuses tumeurs. En diminuant la sénescence et l’induction de l'apoptose, TWIST1 coopère avec des protéines oncogéniques dans la transformation cellulaire in vitro et intervient dans l'initiation et la progression tumorale in vivo. Comme TWIST1 est très faiblement exprimée dans la plupart des cellules adultes différenciées, elle constitue une cible attrayante pour des thérapeutiques futures. Récemment, l’héterodimère TWIST1/E2A (E12 ou E47, deux produits d'épissage alternatif du gène TCF3) joue un rôle pro-métastatique dans le cancer de la prostate (Gajula et al., 2015), alors que ce complexe est la forme oncogénique de TWIST1 dans des cellules épithéliales mammaires humaines (Jacqueroud et al., 2016). L'hétérodimérisation par l'intermédiaire des domaines HLH est une condition sine qua non pour la formation de domaine de liaison d'ADN (Murre et Massari 2000). Une approche in silico basé que la modélisation par homologie des complexes de TWIST1 met en évidence le rôle déterminant des boucles inter-hélicales dans le maintien de complexes de TWIST1 à l’ADN en étudiant plusieurs insertions de TWIST1 observées chez les patients atteints de syndrome Saethre-Chotzen (Bouard et al., 2014). Ensuite des approches in silico et in vitro nous ont permis de comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents à la reconnaissance des séquences E-box des promoteurs de gènes cibles par l'héterodimère TE et leur stabilisation sur l'ADN (bouard et al., 2016). Nous avons décrit trois états différents du complexe TWIST1/E12 lié à l'ADN à des séquences E-box fonctionnels et modifiés en fonction de l'affinité de reconnaissance des E-box par TWIST1 / E12 (Bouard et al, 2016). Et enfin, cette approche in silico nous a permis de montrer l’impact de la phosphorylation de TWIST1 sur la dimérisation et sur la liaison à l’ADN des complexes de TWIST1. Cette dernière étude met en exergue l’importance des régulations post-traductionnelles dans l’étude de l’activité de la protéine TWIST1 et dans la recherche d’inhibiteurs / Aberrant reactivation embryonic TWIST1 gene has been identified in the laboratory as a recurrent inactivation mechanism dependent pathways of p53 and Rb in many tumors. Decreasing senescence and the induction of apoptosis, TWIST1 cooperates with oncogenic proteins in cell transformation in vitro and is involved in tumor initiation and progression in vivo. As TWIST1 is very weakly expressed in most adult differentiated cells, it is an attractive target for future therapies. Recently, the heterodimer TWIST1 / E2A (E12 or E47, two alternative splice product of the TCF3 gene) plays a pro-metastatic role in prostate cancer (Gajula et al., 2015), while the complex is the oncogenic form of TWIST1 in human mammary epithelial cells (Jacqueroud et al., 2016). The heterodimerization through HLH areas is a prerequisite for DNA binding domain of training (Massari and Murre 2000). An in silico approach that based homology modeling of complex TWIST1 highlights the key role of inter-hélicales loops in the DNA TWIST1 complex retention student TWIST1 several insertions observed in patients Saethre syndrome -Chotzen (Bouard et al., 2014). Then approaches in silico and in vitro have enabled us to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the recognition of E-box sequences of the promoters of target genes by TE heterodimer and stabilize DNA (Bouard et al. 2016). We have described three different states of the complex TWIST1 / E12 bound to DNA to functional E-box sequences and modified according to the affinity recognition by E-box TWIST1 / E12 (Bouard et al, 2016). Finally, this approach in silico allowed us to show the impact of TWIST1 phosphorylation on dimerization and binding to DNA TWIST1 complexes. This latest study highlights the importance of post-translational regulation in the study of the activity of the protein and TWIST1 in the search for inhibitors
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Shareholder value orientation, distribution and growth - short- and medium-run effects in a Kaleckian modelHein, Eckhard January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
We discuss the effects of rising shareholder power on distribution and capital accumulation in a Kaleckian model. Increasing shareholder power is associated with decreasing managements' animal spirits, on the one hand, and increasing dividends distributed to shareholders, on the other hand. In the short run, increasing shareholder power may either have positive ('finance-led'), negative ('normal') or intermediate ('profits without investment') effects on capacity utilisation, profits and capital accumulation. In the medium run, the positive ('finance-led') effects may be maintained in a stable environment under very special conditions, whereas the negative ('normal') and the intermediate ('profits without investment') effects turn into cumulative disequilibrium processes with falling rates of capacity utilisation, profits and capital accumulation and rising debt- and rentiers' equity-capital-ratios. (author´s abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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Demand and distribution in integrated economiesRezai, Armon 30 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Aggregate demand is influenced by the functional income distribution of an economy and that of its trading partners. This relationship between income distribution and output is analyzed in a short-run two-country Neo-Kaleckian model. The effects of devaluation and redistribution are discussed in detail. Trade and redistribution within one country interact and output increases or decreases with changes in either depending on the specific distributional and exchange rate movements. The Marshall-Lerner condition is shown to be equivalent to the assumption of expansionary devaluation. If devaluation increases output, national redistribution policy toward wage earners is also more likely to be expansionary. (author's abstract)
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Wealth Inequality and Power Imbalances: Shedding Some Heterodox Light on a Neglected TopicRehm, Miriam, Schnetzer, Matthias 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This paper argues that the cumulative causation processes between wealth and power risk leading to an escalation of wealth inequality. We confirm with new survey data for the Eurozone Piketty's conclusions that wealth is highly concentrated and that this inequality is perpetuated through dynastic wealth. This leads to an ever-concentrating ability to shape economic and political institutions. While neoclassical economics has a blind spot where power is concerned, we discuss how heterodox approaches have attempted to conceptualize this structural power which influences the framework of economic activity. Finally, we discuss three concrete channels through which the unequal distribution of private assets may affect power relations and economic activity.
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Post Keynesian economics - how to move forwardStockhammer, Engelbert, Ramskogler, Paul January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Post Keynesian Economics (PKE) is at a cross road. The academic climate at universities has become more hostile to survival and the mainstream has become more diverse internally. Moreover, a heterodox camp of diverse groups of non-mainstream economists is forming. The debate on the future of PKE has so far focussed on the relation to the mainstream. This paper argues that this is not an important issue for the future of PKE. The debate has overlooked the dialectics between academic hegemony and economic (and social) stability. The important question is, whether PKE offers useful explanations of the ongoing socio-economic transformation. PKE has generated valuable insights but it offers little on important real world phenomena such as supply-side phenomena like the increasing use of ICT and the globalisation of production, social issues like precarisation and the polarization of income distribution or ecological challenges like climate change. It is these issues that will decide the future of PKE. (author´s abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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Accumulation, distribution and employment. A structural VAR approach to a Post-Keynesian Macro Model.Stockhammer, Engelbert, Onaran, Özlem January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
The paper investigates the relation between effective demand, income distribution and unemployment empirically. Its aim is to evaluate Keynesian, Kaldorian and neoclassical hypotheses about the determination of labor market variables. To do so, a vector autoregression model consisting of capital accumulation, capacity utilization, the profit share, unemployment and the growth of labor productivity is estimated. A general post-Keynesian model following the lines of Kalecki and Kaldor is presented and provides the specification for a structural VAR. The model is estimated for the USA, UK and France. (authors' abstract) / Series: Working Papers Series "Growth and Employment in Europe: Sustainability and Competitiveness"
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