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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conséquences à long-terme d’une alimentation à base de matières premières végétales sur la régulation du métabolisme énergétique et lipidique chez la truite arc-en-ciel : focus particulier sur les effets trans-générationnels et les stades précoces / Consequences of long-term feeding trout with plant-based diets on the regulation of energy and lipid metabolism : special focus on trans-generational effects and early stages

Lazzarotto, Viviana 25 February 2016 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, l'augmentation de la production aquacole a nécessité un changement dans la composition des aliments pour poissons, pour remplacer la farine (FP) et l’huile de poisson (HP) par des sources végétales plus disponibles. Dans ce contexte, le travail de ma thèse avait pour but d'analyser les effets d’une substitution totale et concomitante de la FP et HP par des ingrédients végétaux dans les aliments distribués pendant tout le cycle de vie de la truite arc-en-ciel, de la première alimentation jusqu’à la reproduction. Ce travail a montré pour la première fois que la truite peut survivre, se développer et avoir une descendance viable, lorsqu’elle est nourrie tout au long de son cycle de vie avec un régime 100% végétal. Un tel remplacement alimentaire a entraîné des changements radicaux dans le profil en acides gras des tissus des femelles. Cependant, nous avons constaté que la truite était capable de synthétiser des acides gras polyinsaturés à longue chaîne n-3 (AGPI-LC n-3) à partir de précurseurs présents dans l'aliment, et de stocker dans les ovules une partie de ces acides gras néosynthétisés dans le foie , permettant ainsi une reproduction efficace. Nous avons également étudié les possibles effets trans-générationnels d’une alimentation 100% végétale des géniteurs, sur la survie et la croissance de la descendance et sur sa réponse à différents régimes aux stades précoces, en nous appuyant sur des analyses du transcriptome des alevins entiers. Aucun effet significatif de l’alimentation maternelle avec des régimes à base de végétaux n’a été observé sur les descendants avant leur première alimentation, à l'exception d'un poids corporel légèrement inférieur (-13%) à celui des descendants de femelles nourries avec un aliment contenant des FP et HP. En revanche, des effets significatifs de l'alimentation maternelle sur le transcriptome des alevins sont apparus après 3 semaines d'alimentation. L'histoire nutritionnelle de la mère a affecté principalement des gènes impliqués dans la croissance/contraction musculaire et dans les métabolismes énergétique et glucidique. Quelle que soit l'origine maternelle, l’alimentation des alevins avec des aliments contenant des ingrédients végétaux conduit à une régulation positive des gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme des AA/protéines et le métabolisme du cholestérol, ainsi qu’à des changements dans l'expression des gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme glucidique. Enfin, les effets à long-terme de régimes à base de matières premières végétales chez la truite arc-en-ciel ont également été étudiés chez les juvéniles (10g) et les poissons «en croissance» (250-350g), en se focalisant principalement sur l’expression des gènes dans l’intestin et le foie. Cette étude à long-terme a mis en évidence chez les juvéniles des effets subtils sur des gènes intestinaux et hépatiques (transcriptome), avec principalement une augmentation de l’expression des gènes impliqués dans les voies de synthèse des AGPI-LC et du cholestérol chez les poissons nourris avec des régimes à base de plantes. Ces changements d’expression ont été maintenus chez les poissons «en croissance». L'expression de gènes impliqués dans le catabolisme des protéines, le métabolisme des glucides et dans le transport intracellulaire a également été modifiée par les régimes à base de plantes chez les juvéniles, mais ces résultats ne sont pas entièrement confirmés chez les poissons «en croissance». L'ensemble des résultats de cette thèse fournissent des informations originales sur l'utilisation de régimes alimentaires avec des taux de remplacement élevés de FP et d’HP pendant l'ensemble du cycle de vie des poissons, y compris les reproducteurs et les stades précoces, car la majorité des études précédentes avaient concerné la phase de grossissement. Des ajustements de la formule alimentaire sont encore nécessaires pour continuer à optimiser les performances de reproduction et la croissance des poissons d’élevage. / In the last years, the increase in aquaculture production has forced a change in fish feed composition, with increasing substitution of fish meal and fish oil by more available plant sources. In this context, the present PhD work aimed at analyzing the effects of different levels of concomitant dietary replacement of fish meal and fish oil by plant ingredients during the whole life cycle of rainbow trout (from first feeding to reproduction). This work showed for the first time that rainbow trout was able to survive, grow and produce viable offsprings, when fed a totally plant-based diet throughout the whole life cycle. Such dietary replacement resulted in drastic changes in tissues fatty acid profile of broodstock females. However, we found that trout was capable to synthetize n-3 long chain- polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) from dietary precursors and to transfer large amounts of these fatty acids in ova, so that an efficient reproduction can occur. We also studied the potential carry over generation effects of feeding broodstock a totally plant-based diet on progeny and their response to different diets at early stages, using molecular approaches, including the study of the whole body transcriptome. Considering the effects on progeny, the present study confirmed the capability of trout to survive and grow on a plant-based diet, but with slight differences in terms of weight. While no effects of maternal dietary background were observed before first feeding, except slightly lower body weight (-13%), significant effects on the transcriptome of whole body alevins appeared after 3 weeks of feeding. These effects of maternal nutritional history were mainly related to muscle growth/contraction and carbohydrate and energy metabolism. Irrespective of the maternal origin of progeny, first feeding diets containing plant ingredients resulted in up-regulation of genes involved in AA/protein and cholesterol metabolism, as well as in changes in the expression of genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. Finally, the effects of long-term feeding trout plant-based diets were also studied in juveniles (10g) and ongrowing fish (250-350g), mainly focusing on intestine and liver gene expression. The long term trial in juveniles highlighted subtle effects on both intestinal and hepatic gene expression (transcriptome), mainly related to LC-PUFA and cholesterol biosynthetic pathways, which were enhanced in fish fed the plant based diets. This transcriptional pattern was maintained in ongrowing fish. Genes involved in protein catabolism, carbohydrate metabolism and trafficking were also affected by plant-based diets in juveniles, but these results were not fully confirmed in ongrowing fish. Overall, the results of the present thesis allowed extending the use of diets with high replacement rates of fish meal and fish oil to the whole life cycle of fish, including broodstock and early stages. Adjustments of the feed-formula are still needed to further optimize reproductive and growth performance.

Kan kostnadsbedömningar i tidiga skeden byggt på BIM utföras? / Can an economic evaluation in the early stages of the building process be done with BIM?

Bäckner, Caroline, Vigert, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
Dagens samhälle står i stort inför en förändring gällande digitalisering där kostnadseffektivitet, produktivitet samt digitalisering samspelar. Den svenska byggsektorn har visat sig ha en låg utvecklingsgrad inom digitalisering. Ottosson upplyser om att drygt 80% av alla komplikationer i byggprojekt har sin grund i bristande kommunikation. Svensk byggtjänst har visat att kostnaderna för byggproduktionen och förvaltningen fördyras med omkring 60 miljarder kronor varje år. Det handlar i grund och botten om hur aktörer kommunicerar sinsemellan men även hur information hanteras digitalt. Ett känt begrepp i dagens byggbransch rörande digitalisering och kommunikation är BIM, ”Byggnadsinformationsmodell/modellering”. Konceptet handlar om att skapa och nyttja exakta digitala modeller från byggprojekt. Det går ut på att få fram information från den digitala modellen som är betydande för förverkligandet av byggnadsverket och som då uppfyller konceptet BIM. Begreppet berör informationshanteringen, det vill säga kommunikationen mellan olika aktörer. ÅF-Infrastructure AB sektion ”Byggekonomi – Rådgivning tidiga skeden” tilldelade författarna till detta examensarbete att undersöka en specifik metod för kostnadsbedömningar med hjälp av digitala modeller som underlag. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utreda förslaget till tillvägagångssätt för kostnadsbedömningar med hjälp av digitala modeller i syfte att utveckla företagets interna kostnadsbedömningsverktyg. I och med detta förfaringssätt kan rätt underlag i rätt stadium inom det tidiga skedet bidra till att öka kvaliteten i fattandet av ekonomiska beslut. Examensarbetet baserar sig på en kvalitativ metod i form av litteraturstudier, intervjuer, deltagande vid ämnesaktuella seminarier, observationer av möten samt en kvantitativ metod utförd i syfte att simulera flerbostadshusprojekt. Metoderna har undersökt möjligheten om informationshanteringssystemen Level Of Development och CoClass kan stå till förfogande med underlag inför kostnadsbedömning utav de tre stadierna inom tidiga skeden: idé- förstudie- och programhandlingsstadiet. Studien har visat på framför allt två utmaningar. Det finns utvecklingspotential både vad gäller klassifikationssystemet CoClass och kostnadsbedömningsverktyget Calc Frame. Gällande CoClass bör det framför allt vara klassifikationssystemet som informerar användaren angående vad som ska inrymmas under respektive informationsnivå. Det bör inte vara upp till näringslivet att tolka vad som ska ingå på respektive informationsnivå utan detta bör förfinas och tydliggöras inne i själva klassifikationssystemet. Ur en kostnadsbedömningssynpunkt har det inte gått att ta fram generiska byggnadsverkskomplex i Calc Frame. Då verktyget klarar av att hantera flera olika byggnadsverk kan dessa således kombineras till specifika och unika byggnadsverkskomplex. Teoretiskt sett skulle utvecklandet av generiska byggnadsverkskomplex vara möjligt om programmet vidareutvecklas. Om detta anses eftersträvansvärt så är vår bedömning att det är möjligt att vidareutveckla och applicera metodiken på byggnadsverkskomplex (med samma princip som programmet är uppbyggt) för att skapa generiska komplex. Vår studie har visat att kostnadsbedömningar i tidiga skeden byggt på BIM går att utföra. Huruvida ÅF-Infrastructure AB,s uppdatering av sitt interna kostnadsbedömningsverktyg är kompatibelt med digitala modeller, anser författarna vara bekräftat i och med att studien har visat att den metod som använts för att öka kvaliteten i kostnadsbedömningar är förenlig med det nya klassifikationssystemet CoClass. Rekommendationen är således att uppdatera samt utveckla kostnadsbedömningsverktyg gentemot klassifikationssystemet CoClass. / Today's society is at the forefront of a paradigm shift in digitization where cost-efficiency, productivity and digitalization interact. The Swedish construction sector has proven to have a low degree of development in digitization. Ottosson has shown that over 80% of all complications in construction projects are due to lack of communication. Svensk byggtjänst declares increasing costs for construction production and management by about SEK 60 billion each year. Basically, it is about how actors in the sector communicate among themselves, but also how information is handled digitally. A known concept in today's construction industry concerning information management and communication is BIM, "Building information model / modeling". The concept is about creating and utilizing precise digital models from construction projects. The aim is to obtain information from the digital model that is significant for the realization of the construction work and which then fulfills the BIM concept. The concept concerns information management, i.e. communication between different actors. ÅF-Infrastructure AB section "Byggekonomi – Rådgivning tidiga skeden" commissioned the authors of this master thesis to examine a specific method for cost assessments using digital models as a basis. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the suggestion for approaches to cost assessments using digital models in order to develop the company's internal cost assessment tools. With this procedure, the right basis at the right stage within the early stage can contribute to increasing the quality of the adoption of financial decisions. The degree project is based on a qualitative method in the form of literature studies, interviews, participation in subject-specific seminars, observations of meetings and a quantitative method performed in order to simulate multi-dwelling housing projects. The methods have investigated the possibility of the information management systems Level Of Development and CoClass being available with a basis for cost assessment of the three stages in the early stages: the idea- feasibility study- and the program action stage. The study has shown two greater challenges. There is development potential both with regard to the classification system CoClass and the cost assessment tool Calc Frame. Regarding CoClass, it should above all be the classification system that informs the user about what ought to be contained under each level of information. It should not be up to the business community to interpret what information includes in each level in the system, this necessitate should be refined and clarified within the classification system itself. From a cost assessment point of view, it has not been possible to produce generic building complexes in Calc Frame. But since the tool is capable of handling several different construction works, these can thus be combined into specific and unique building works. Theoretically, the development of generic building complexes would be possible if the program were further developed. If this is considered desirable, then our assessment is that it is possible to further develop and apply the methodology on building complexes (with the same principle as the program is designed) to create generic complexes. Our study has shown that an economic evaluation in the early stages of the building process can be done with BIM. Whether ÅF-Infrastructure AB's updating of its internal cost assessment tool is compatible with digital models, the authors consider that the study has shown that the method used to increase the quality of cost assessments is compatible with the new classification system CoClass. The recommendation is therefore to update and develop cost assessment tools against the classification system CoClass.

Numerická analýza smršťování vybraných silikátových kompozitů / Numerical analysis of selected silicate based composites shrinkage

Drbušková, Magdaléna January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is divided into two main parts. In the first theoretical part is described the problems of shrinking including a comparison of Czech standard and Model Code 2010, Vol. 1. The second practical part of the master`s thesis is focused on the numerical analysis shrinkage primarily on the initial stage of this process. The experimentally obtained data are set approximations of the relative deformation using ShrCeC. Subsequently the numerical simulation of shrinkage of selected silicate specimens using a computer applications SpatiDist and FyDiK 2D. The real test specimens are modelled as two-component composite consisting of cement paste and aggregates. The result is a parametric study takes into account the influence of type and size of grain aggregate.

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