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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implications of financial poverty on schooling and management in the Centane Unit

Mvenene Nongcwalisa January 2012 (has links)
This study sought to find out the implications of poverty on schooling and management in the Centane Educational Unit. Centane Educational Unit is part of the Mnquma Local Municipality. The other Educational units that constitute the Mnquma are Butterworth and Ngqamakhwe. The Mnquma is one of the 7 local municipalities that form Amathole District Municipality. The other areMbhashe, Amahlathi, Great Kei, Ngqushwa, Nkonkobe and Nxuba. Quantitative and qualitative and research designs were used. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data from the principals, the school governing bodies parent members, educators and learners of 5 selected section 20 junior secondary schools. Participants were selected using a random sampling technique. The sample was made up of 5 principals, 20 SGB parent members (4 from each school), 10 educators (2 from each school) and 10 learners (2 from each school). Learners were selected from the senior phase. The total number of the sample was 45. The researcher analysed the data collected by means of Statistical Package for Social Sciences. The findings were that poverty- whether absolute or relative- had an adverse impact on schooling and management in the Centane Educational Unit. Its impact relates to parents’ inability to meet financial school requirements. This impact ranges from learners’ poor attendance to school, learners’ lack of concentration on studies, poor participation on extra-mural activities and parents’ failure to pay for school needs. On the basis of the negative effects of poverty on schooling and management recommendations were made in order to conscientise stakeholders on how best they could push back the frontiers of poverty and obviate its detrimental effects on our education system. The researcher encountered such limitations as the geographical location of schools which are scattered and far apart, working responsibilities and pressures, bad and impassable roads, financial commitments, negative attitudes of certain educators, principals and parent components of the School Governing Bodies (SGB) and officials of the Department of Education towards the researcher’s aims of undertaking this study. However, the researcher managed to work with the interviewees as she tried to address these challenges through interactions with her informants.

Economic value and genetic prediction of clinical mastitis in South African Holstein cattle

Man'ombe, Edson 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mastitis is the most prevalent and costly production disease of dairy cattle; hence mastitis incidence is a distinctly important trait in dairy cattle. The primary objective of the study was to determine the economic value, and develop a model for genetic prediction of clinical mastitis in South African Holstein cattle. These procedures are a prerequisite to including this trait in the breeding objective. The cost of clinical mastitis per incident was calculated as the sum of revenue loss due to discarded milk during the infection period and the associated treatment costs. Economic value (ZAR/incident) was calculated as the change in profit (increase in costs) resulting from a simulated marginal increase in mastitis incidence in an average herd. Average economic losses due to clinical mastitis were estimated at ZAR919.96/cow/year and the average incidence was 0.9cases/cow/year. The economic value of clinical mastitis was ‐ZAR1079.51/incident. A model for predicting estimated breeding values (EBVs) for clinical mastitis using somatic cell score (SCS), fore teat length (FTL), udder depth (UD) and rear udder height (RUH) was developed, using genetic (co)variances among these traits. Since EBVs for SCS, FTL, UD and RUH are routinely estimated under the national genetic evaluation programme, EBVs for clinical mastitis can be predicted from the model developed in the current study. Thus, the results of the study provide the basis for including clinical mastitis in the breeding objective for South African Holstein cattle. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mastitis is die mees algemeenste en duursteproduksie siekte wat voorkom by melkbeeste, daarom is die voorkoms van mastitis 'n belangrike eienskap in melkbeeste. Die primêre doel van die studie was om die ekonomiese waarde te bepaal, asook die ontwikkeling van 'n model vir genetiese voorspelling van kliniese mastitis in Suid‐Afrikaanse Holstein beeste. Hierdie prosedures is 'n voorvereiste vir insluiting van hierdie eienskap as ‘n teeldoelwit in seleksie programme. Die koste van kliniese mastitis per voorval is bereken as die som van die inkomste verlies weens melk weggegooi tydens die infeksie periode en die gepaardgaande koste vir die behandeling. Ekonomiese waarde (ZAR / voorval) is bereken as die verandering in wins (toename in koste) wat voortspruit uit 'n gesimuleerde marginale toename in mastitis voorkoms in 'n gemiddelde kudde. Gemiddelde ekonomiese verliese as gevolg van kliniese mastitis was beraam op ZAR919.96/koei/jaar en die gemiddelde voorkoms was 0.9gevalle/koei/jaar. Die ekonomiese waarde van kliniese mastitis was ‐ ZAR1079.51/geval. 'n Model vir die voorspelling van beraamde teelwaardes (EBV’s) vir kliniese mastitis is ontwikkel deur gebruik te maak van die ko‐variansies tussen die onderskeie eienskappe: somatiese sel telling (SST), voorspeen lengte (VSL), uier diepte (UD) en agter uier hoogte (AUH). Aangesien teelwaardes vir SST, VSL, UD en AUH gereeld beraam word onder die Nasionale genetiese evaluasie program, kan teelwaardes vir kliniese mastitis voorspel word vanuit die model wat ontwikkel is in die huidige studie. Dus verskaf die resultate van hierdie studie ‘n basis vir die insluiting van kliniese mastitis as ‘n teeldoelwit in seleksie programme van die Suid‐Afrikaanse Holstein beeste.

Interrogating China’s approach to relations with sub-Saharan Africa in official documents (2000-2010) through critical discourse analysis

Ndenguino-Mpira, Hermanno 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: China‘s rise as an economic superpower has had important consequences for its relations with African countries over the past 10-15 years. Not only were these relations thoroughly reviewed and significantly increased, but China also adopted a new cooperation policy that its administration describes as being based on mutual benefits and win-win economic collaboration. However, there is a sceptical public opinion in Africa and also in some developed countries about China‘s current engagement with African countries, and in particular with countries from the sub-Saharan region. In fact, China is frequently accused of acting as a new colonizing power and of increasing its relations with African countries simply as a strategy to achieve higher power-politics status and to structure a new global economic order. The present study addresses the question of whether China‘s official discourse about its relations with sub-Saharan African countries from 2000 to 2010 contains any grounds for the sceptical public opinion mentioned above. In more concrete terms, the main objective of the study is to determine from a linguistic perspective, and more specifically from a critical discourse analysis point of view, whether there are any overt or covert messages of power and ideology in China‘s discourse to sub-Saharan African countries which could justify the sceptical public opinion about China‘s current engagement in this part of the continent . The texts representing China‘s discourse about its relations with sub-Saharan African countries that are examined for this study comprise official speeches, statements, and other related official documents delivered by Chinese officials in the period 2000-2010, and published in English on the websites of various institutions, including China‘s official websites. These texts are examined from within the framework of the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) as set out by, specifically, Wodak (2001a). The texts are analysed using the DHA three-dimensional procedure consisting of (i) identifying the Content(s) and Topic(s) of the specific discourse, (ii) investigating the discursive strategies used in the specific texts, and (iii) analysing the linguistic means and the specific context-dependent linguistic realizations. On the one hand, the analysis of the Discourse Topics indicates that the relations between China and sub-Saharan African countries are grounded in China‘s pluralist approach to international affairs. From this perspective, then, it could be argued that China‘s current engagement in sub-Saharan Africa does not warrant the sceptical public opinion mentioned earlier. On the other hand, however, the analysis of the discursive strategies used to represent China and sub-Saharan African countries, indicates that such sceptisism is likely warranted. The relations between China and African countries have predominantly been investigated from economic and political perspectives. However, the manner in which these relations are expressed, implied, negotiated, interpreted, distributed, etc. in discourse has not yet received any systematic attention. The present study was therefore undertaken to contribute, from a linguistic perspective, to the knowledge of and the debate about China‘s current engagement in Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: China se opgang as ‘n ekonomiese supermoondheid het belangrike gevolge gehad vir sy betrekkinge met Afrikalande oor die afgelope 10-15 jaar. China het hierdie betrekkinge deeglik hersien en beduidend uitgebrei, en het daarby ook ‘n nuwe samewerkingsbeleid aanvaar wat volgens sy administrasie gegrond is op wedersydse voordele en wen-wen ekonomiese samewerking. Daar is nietemin ‘n skeptiese openbare mening in Afrika en ook in sommige ontwikkelde lande oor China se huidige verbintenis met Afrikalande, en in die besonder met lande van die sub-Sahara streek. Trouens, China word gereeld daarvan beskuldig dat hy optree soos ‘n nuwe koloniale moondheid, en dat sy verhoogde betrekkinge met Afrikalande bloot ‘n strategie is om groter magspolitieke status te bekom en om ‘n nuwe globale ekonomiese struktuur daar te stel. Die huidige studie fokus op die vraag of China se amptelike diskoers oor sy betrekkinge met sub-Sahara Afrikalande vanaf 2000 tot 2010 enige gronde bied vir die genoemde skeptiese openbare mening. In meer konkrete terme, is die hoofoogmerk van die studie om vanuit ‘n taalwetenskaplike perspektief, en meer spesifiek vanuit die oogpunt van kritiese diskoersanalise, vas te stel of China se diskoers met sub-Sahara Afrika enige overte of koverte boodskappe van mag en ideologie bevat wat kan dien as regverdiging vir die skeptiese openbare mening oor China se huidige betrokkenheid in hierdie deel van die kontinent. In die studie word ‘n verskeidenheid tekste ontleed wat verteenwoordigend is van China se diskoers oor sy betrekkinge met sub-Sahara Afrikalande. Dié tekste sluit amptelike toesprake, verklarings en verwante dokumente van Chinese amptenare in wat gelewer is in die tydperk 2000-2010, en wat in Engels gepubliseer is op die webwerwe van verskeie instellings, insluitend China se amptelike webwerwe. Die tekste word ondersoek binne die raamwerk van die Diskoers-Historiese Benadering (DHB) soos uiteengesit in, spesifiek, Wodak (2001a). Die analise van die tekste volg die DHB se drie-dimensionele prosedure, wat die volgende inhou: (i) identifisering van die Inhoud(e) en Onderwerp(e) van die spesifieke diskoers, (ii) analise van die diskursiewe strategieë wat gebruik word in die spesifieke tekste, en (iii) analise van die talige middele en die spesifieke konteks-afhanklike talige realiserings. Aan die een kant dui die analise van die Diskoers Onderwerpe daarop dat die betrekkinge tussen China en sub-Sahara Afrikalande gebaseer is op China se pluralistiese benadering tot internasionale sake. Vanuit hierdie perspektief kan daar dus geargumenteer word dat China se huidige betrokkenheid in sub-Sahara Afrika nie gronde bied vir die skeptiese openbare mening wat hierbo genoem is nie. Aan die ander kant, egter, dui die analise van die diskursiewe strategieë wat aangewend word in die voorstelling van China en sub-Sahara Afrikalande daarop dat daar waarskynlik wel gronde is vir sulke skeptisisme. Die betrekkinge tussen China en Afrikalande is tot dusver merendeels vanuit ekonomiese en politieke perspektiewe ondersoek. Die wyse waarop sulke betrekkinge uitgedruk, geïmpliseer, onderhandel, geïnterpreteer, versprei, ens. word in diskoers, is egter nog nie sistematies ondersoek nie. Die huidige studie is gevolglik onderneem om, vanuit ‘n taalwetenskaplike perspektief, ‘n bydrae te lewer tot die kennis van en die debat oor China se huidige betrokkenheid in Afrika.

Os determinantes da qualidade da educação no Brasil / The determinants of quality in education in Brazil

Franco, Ana Maria de Paiva 13 February 2009 (has links)
As questões por trás da qualidade no ensino são centrais na área da economia da educação e de particular interesse para os países em desenvolvimento como o Brasil. Este trabalho analisa os impactos de diferentes características dos alunos, professores, turmas, diretores e escolas no desempenho dos alunos da 4ª série em Matemática, utilizando-se dois conjuntos de painéis de escolas construídos com base no SAEB de 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003 e 2005. Por utilizar uma base de dados pouco explorada para estas questões no caso do brasileiro, conseguiu-se captar o efeito de importantes variáveis que influenciam o aprendizado. Além disso, diferentes medidas utilizadas para se construir rankings de escolas foram analisadas utilizando-se os dados do SAEB. Os resultados indicam que há uma série de dificuldades envolvidas na construção de rankings confiáveis para guiarem as decisões dos agentes com base em exames de avaliação educacional, devido à elevada estratificação no sistema educacional e ao problema de reversão para a média, que causam ruído nas estimativas. Disto resulta que na maioria dos casos existe um trade-off entre o ranking refletir, principalmente, o SSE dos alunos da escola, por um lado, e apresentar uma volatilidade, por outro. No quarto capítulo avalia-se o impacto do FUNDEF sobre uma série de indicadores educacionais ao longo dos anos 1999, 2001, 2003 e 2005. Para tal utiliza-se um painel de 2.837 municípios com informações sobre suas escolas particulares e municipais, tiradas do Censo Escolar, e sobre os recursos líquidos recebido do Fundo, informações estas contidas na base FINBRA do Ministério da Fazenda. As estimações do efeito-Fundef são feitas pelo método de diferenças em diferenças simples e através do ajuste de quatro modelos de Efeitos Fixos. Os resultados apontam que o FUNDEF promoveu um aumento de da maior parte dos insumos escolares considerados, e há indícios de que tenha melhorado a qualidade do ensino quando são analisados os indicadores de fluxo e rendimento escolar. / The questions behind the quality in education are central in the field of economics of education and of particular interest for developing countries like Brazil. This work analyses the impacts of different characteristics of the students, teachers, classes, headmasters and schools on 4th grade students outcomes in mathematics with the use of two panel data sets built from the five SAEBs cycles 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2005. Because it uses a data base yet not very explored for these questions in the Brazilian case, it was possible to capture the effects of important variables that influence achievement. Furthermore, different measures used to construct school rankings were analyzed using SAEBs data. The results point that it is hard to construct trustful schools rankings to guide agents decisions based on educational evaluation exams because of the high stratification in the educational system and the mean reversion problem, that cause noise on the estimates. This implies that in most cases there is a trade-off between the rankings reflecting mainly the SES of the students, for one side, and present volatility, on the other. In the 4th chapter the impacts of FUNDEF over many educational indicators are evaluated thru the years 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2005. For that purpose a panel of 2.837 municipalities with information on theirs municipal and private schools and the net revenue they received from FUNDEF is used. Schools characteristics were obtained from the Censo Escolar, and the net transfers from FUNDEF to each municipality were obtained on the Ministry of Finances data base named FINBRA. The Fundef-effect estimations are made with the simple difference-in-difference methodology and through the adjustment of four Fixed Effects models. The results points that FUNDEF had promoted an improvement on the schools inputs indicators and one can also infer that there has been an improvement on the quality of education when its effects on promotion and abandon rates are analyzed.

Os determinantes da qualidade da educação no Brasil / The determinants of quality in education in Brazil

Ana Maria de Paiva Franco 13 February 2009 (has links)
As questões por trás da qualidade no ensino são centrais na área da economia da educação e de particular interesse para os países em desenvolvimento como o Brasil. Este trabalho analisa os impactos de diferentes características dos alunos, professores, turmas, diretores e escolas no desempenho dos alunos da 4ª série em Matemática, utilizando-se dois conjuntos de painéis de escolas construídos com base no SAEB de 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003 e 2005. Por utilizar uma base de dados pouco explorada para estas questões no caso do brasileiro, conseguiu-se captar o efeito de importantes variáveis que influenciam o aprendizado. Além disso, diferentes medidas utilizadas para se construir rankings de escolas foram analisadas utilizando-se os dados do SAEB. Os resultados indicam que há uma série de dificuldades envolvidas na construção de rankings confiáveis para guiarem as decisões dos agentes com base em exames de avaliação educacional, devido à elevada estratificação no sistema educacional e ao problema de reversão para a média, que causam ruído nas estimativas. Disto resulta que na maioria dos casos existe um trade-off entre o ranking refletir, principalmente, o SSE dos alunos da escola, por um lado, e apresentar uma volatilidade, por outro. No quarto capítulo avalia-se o impacto do FUNDEF sobre uma série de indicadores educacionais ao longo dos anos 1999, 2001, 2003 e 2005. Para tal utiliza-se um painel de 2.837 municípios com informações sobre suas escolas particulares e municipais, tiradas do Censo Escolar, e sobre os recursos líquidos recebido do Fundo, informações estas contidas na base FINBRA do Ministério da Fazenda. As estimações do efeito-Fundef são feitas pelo método de diferenças em diferenças simples e através do ajuste de quatro modelos de Efeitos Fixos. Os resultados apontam que o FUNDEF promoveu um aumento de da maior parte dos insumos escolares considerados, e há indícios de que tenha melhorado a qualidade do ensino quando são analisados os indicadores de fluxo e rendimento escolar. / The questions behind the quality in education are central in the field of economics of education and of particular interest for developing countries like Brazil. This work analyses the impacts of different characteristics of the students, teachers, classes, headmasters and schools on 4th grade students outcomes in mathematics with the use of two panel data sets built from the five SAEBs cycles 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2005. Because it uses a data base yet not very explored for these questions in the Brazilian case, it was possible to capture the effects of important variables that influence achievement. Furthermore, different measures used to construct school rankings were analyzed using SAEBs data. The results point that it is hard to construct trustful schools rankings to guide agents decisions based on educational evaluation exams because of the high stratification in the educational system and the mean reversion problem, that cause noise on the estimates. This implies that in most cases there is a trade-off between the rankings reflecting mainly the SES of the students, for one side, and present volatility, on the other. In the 4th chapter the impacts of FUNDEF over many educational indicators are evaluated thru the years 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2005. For that purpose a panel of 2.837 municipalities with information on theirs municipal and private schools and the net revenue they received from FUNDEF is used. Schools characteristics were obtained from the Censo Escolar, and the net transfers from FUNDEF to each municipality were obtained on the Ministry of Finances data base named FINBRA. The Fundef-effect estimations are made with the simple difference-in-difference methodology and through the adjustment of four Fixed Effects models. The results points that FUNDEF had promoted an improvement on the schools inputs indicators and one can also infer that there has been an improvement on the quality of education when its effects on promotion and abandon rates are analyzed.

Emerging economy resilience and vulnerability to adverse exogenous economic shocks: The case of Sub-Saharan Africa

Msutwana, Xolile January 2013 (has links)
The impact of the recent global financial crisis on the global economy has highlighted the level of integration of economies and the potential spillover effects as a result thereof. The implications are that the negative effects of the crisis can quickly spread to other economies through numerous transmission mechanisms. The response of developing or emerging economies to these unpredictable exogenous shocks becomes a topical issue. The concepts of economic vulnerability to and resilience against adverse exogenous shocks for emerging economies have since taken centre stage in many economic forums. Policy makers for emerging economies have come to the realisation that the increased economic vulnerability and a lack of economic resilience in their economies can erode the hard-fought-for gains in economic growth over the past decade and potentially harm their prospects as attractive destinations for foreign direct investment (FDI). This research analysed the resilience and vulnerability of emerging economies against adverse shocks using the sub-Saharan African (SSA) region as a case. The research used previous literature on emerging economies’ vulnerability and resilience to formulate four hypotheses around the major overarching themes of vulnerability and resilience. Two hypotheses looked at two functions of vulnerability, i.e. trade openness and financial integration, and two functions of resilience, i.e. international reserves accumulation and economic concentration. The findings of this research study were that SSA economies were vulnerable and not resilient against adverse exogenous shocks, and that few economies in the SSA region were prepared to successfully manoeuvre in an economic crisis. The structure of these economies inherently rendered these economies vulnerable. However, these economic structures also allowed the SSA region to achieve the high economic growth experienced during the past decade. The output of the methodology utilised in this research study resulted in a model that can be used to reduce the likelihood of an SSA economy being severely affected by an adverse economic shock. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / ccgibs2014 / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / MBA / Unrestricted

The effect of regulations on insurance companies expanding to emerging markets

Mahavadi, Ram Mohan January 2013 (has links)
Recent Solvency and Assessment Management (SAM) Regulations that are being proposed are the bone of contention in the Insurance Industry. Industry leaders argue that the financial regulations in South Africa are being imposed on companies too rapidly, despite South Africa’s financial regulations being one of the best in the world. However, South Africa’s Insurance market growth has reduced substantially and has reached a point of saturation. Insurers are analysing the international marketplace for growth opportunities in their business. Huge opportunities in Africa and in other emerging economies of the world have lured the Insurance companies to expand their operations beyond South Africa, at the expense of their operations in developed economies. These expansions, especially in unstable emerging economies come at a huge cost and carries inherent risks in moving to these territories. Qualitative exploratory research techniques were used to understand the link between the regulations and expansion plans to ascertain what the former has effect on the latter. Sixteen senior managers from the industry were interviewed, their responses analysed and results aggregated in this report. The results expressed that the effect of SAM on insurance companies is varied. Some companies endure the burden in terms of huge costs of implementation and operation and restrict their expansion plans; while large insurance companies with huge balance sheets see no impact on their plans. The research further includes the effect on insurance companies of other regulations such as nationalisation, sovereign rating downgrades and perceived skills gap in the market and proposed a model around these regulations. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / pagibs2014 / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / MBA / Unrestricted

Optimerad förfällning med hydrolys och fermentation av primärslam för utvinning av kolkälla till efterdenitrifikation. / Precipitation with hydrolysis of primary sludge for carbon source production to denitrification

Bjarne, Katrin January 2013 (has links)
Att rena vatten är kostsamt, från både en ekonomisk och miljömässig synpunkt, då behovet av fällningskemikalier, kolkällor och energi är stort. Det är därför önskvärt att titta på alternativa lösningar som möjliggör reningsverk att bli mer självförsörjande och kretsloppsanpassande. Hammarby Sjöstadverket är en pilotanläggning för avloppsvattenrening belägen i Stockholms sydöstra stadsdel i Henriksdal och ägs av IVL, Svenska Miljöinstitutet samt KTH. Sedan pilotanläggning byggdes år 2002, har flera olika reningstekniker utvärderats där fokus ligger på att sträva efter miljövänliga och kretsloppsanpassade system. Bland annat har en förfällningsteknik, så kallad trepunktsfällning utvärderats. Trepunktsfällningen innebär att ett metallsalt följt av två olika polymer tillsätts i flockningskammaren i inbördes ordning för att på så sätt kunna reducera en högre halt av det organiska materialet. Tidigare fällningsförsök på Hammarby Sjöstadsverket, har visat på att trepunktsfällningen kan avskilja det organiska materialet med upp till 90 %, vilket kan jämföras med en avskiljning på endast 75 % med vanlig förfällning. Detta examensarbete syftar till att validera redan framtagna resultat inom trepunktsfällning samt att genom biologisk hydrolys av primärslam, utvinna en kolkälla till efterdenitrifikationen innehållande så höga halter flyktiga fettsyror, Volatile Fatty Acids, (VFA) som möjligt samt undersöka kostnaderna för ett avloppsreningsverk med trepunktsfällning, biogasutvinning och uttag av intern kolkälla från primärslammet vid en uppskalning motsvarande 100 000 personekvivalenter. Fällningsförsöken utfördes i pilotskala med fällningskemikalien PAX XL-36 kombinerat med en lågmolekylär organisk polymer, Purfix-120, följt av en högmolekylär oorganisk polymer Superflock C-494. Syftet med trepunktsfällningen var att validera redan framtagna resultat inom trepunktsfällning och på så sätt avskilja så stora mänger organiskt material som möjligt i förfällningen så att ett primärslam innehållande en hög halt Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) erhålls. Två olika doseringar med PAX XL-36 testades, 145 respektive 193,5 g/m3. Bäst reduktion av COD och fosfor erhölls då 193 g/m3 PAX XL-36 kombinerades med 60 g/m3 Purfix-120 samt 0,025 g/m3 Superflock C-494. Då erhölls en COD-reduktion på 75 % samt en totalfosforreduktion på 83 %. Genom hydrolys av primärslam i laboratorieskala undersöktes torrsubstanshalter (TS-halter) på 1, 2 respektive 3 % och uppehållstider på upptill åtta dagar. Syftet med hydrolysen var i detta fall att undersöka vilken torrsubstanshalt samt vilken uppehållstid som gav högst produktion av VFA. Försöken visade att en TS-halt på 3 % producerade högst andel VFA och att produktionen av VFA för samtliga TS-halter var som störst under dygn två. VFA- och COD-produktionen ökade linjärt för samtliga TS-halter fram till och med dygn fem. Efter dygn fem började produktionen av VFA och COD för TS-halterna 1 och 2 % avta något. TS 3 % visade dock inte samma avtagande trend för VFA.  Även den dagliga ammoniumhalten och pH undersöktes. Ammoniumhalten ökade i takt med att VFA-halten ökade. pH hade generellt sett en avtagande trend. Fyra olika denitrifikationsförsök genomfördes i laboratorieskala med det uttagna hydrolysatet där den tillsatta COD-halten antingen var 3,3 eller 4 gånger den initiala nitratkvävekoncentrationen. Syftet med denitrifikationsförsöken var att utvärdera det framtagna hydrolysatets funktion som en kolkälla. Denitrifikationsförsöken uppvisade denitrifikationshastigheter mellan 4,3 och 7 mg NO3-N/g volatile suspended solids*h med kol-kvävekvoter (C/N-kvoter) mellan 3,9 och 12,3 mg COD/mg NO3-N. Lägst C/N-kvot erhöll lägst denitrifikationshastighet. Dock kunde inte slutsatsen dras att högst C/N-kvot gav högst denitrifikatioshastighet. Även de ekonomiska aspekterna undersöktes i syfte att utreda kostnaderna för ett avloppsreningsverk med trepunktsfällning, biogasutvinning och uttag av intern kolkälla från primärslammet vid en uppskalning motsvarande 100 000 personekvivalenter. Uttaget av en intern kolkälla skulle trots förlust i biogasutvinning vara ekonomiskt gynnsamt. Vinsten, i form av att ej behöva inhandla en extern kolkälla, i detta fall etanol, motsvarar biogasförlustens belopp. Trepunktsfällningens fällningskemikaliekostnader var den största posten och uppgick till 8 060 000 kr. Denna kostnad kontra mindre energiförbrukning i biosteget undersöktes också. Här uppgick besparingarna i biosteget till ca 1/8 av fällningskemikaliekostnaderna. Då trepunktsfällningen endast kunde ge en 75-procentig COD-reduktion, vilket motsvarar en vanlig förfällning, anses trepunktsfällningen vara ekonomisk ogynnsam då den medför extra kostnader av polymerer.  Istället borde trepunktsfällningen ersättas med en förfällning. Sammanfattningsvis kan det konstateras att en intern kolkälla i form av hydrolyserat primärslam skulle kunna ersätta en extern kolkälla rent funktionsmässigt. Dock måste åtgärder göras för att minimera produktionen av ammonium under slamhydrolysen. Ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv skulle utvinningen av en intern kolkälla endast vara ekonomisk gynnsam då trepunktsfällningen ersätts med förfällning. / Water treatment is costly, from both an economic and environmental point of view, since the need for precipitation chemicals, carbon sources and energy is high. It is therefore desirable to look for alternative solutions that enable plants to be more self-sustaining. Hammarby Sjöstadsverket is a pilot plant for wastewater treatment located in Henriksdal, a southeastern neighborhood of Stockholm. The plant is owned by IVL, Svenska Miljöinstitutet and Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH). Since the pilot plant was built in 2002, several different cleaning techniques have been evaluated with focus on striving for eco-friendly and eco-adapted systems. For instance, a pre-precipitation technique, so-called three step precipitation have been evaluated. The three step precipitation implicates that a metal salt followed by two different polymers are added in the flocculation chamber in the particular order to thereby enable to reduce a higher content of the organic material. In previous precipitation tests at Hammarby Sjöstadsverket, one managed to remove up to 90 % of the organic material using the three step precipitation (IVL, Hammarby Sjöstadsverket, 2011). This can be compared to a removal of only 75 % with ordinary pre-precipitation. This thesis aims to validate already obtained results within three step precipitation and with biological hydrolysis of primary sludge, extract a carbon source for post-denitrification containing as high concentrations of Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) as possible and to investigate the cost of a wastewater treatment plant with three step precipitation, biogas generation and collection of internal carbon source from primary sludge at an upscaling corresponding to 100,000 person equivalents. Precipitation experiments were carried out in pilot scale with the precipitation chemicals, PAX-XL 36, combined with a low molecular weight organic polymer, Purfix-120, followed by a high molecular weight inorganic polymer, Super Flock C-494. The purpose of the three step precipitation was to validate the already produced results within three step precipitation and thus separate as large amounts of organic material as possible in the precipitation so that a primary sludge containing a high chemical oxygen demand (COD) can be obtained.Two different dosages of Purfix-120 were tested: 45 and 60 g/m3. The best reduction of COD and phosphorus were obtained when 193 g/m3 PAX XL-36 was combined with 60 g/m3 Purfix-120 and 0.025 g/m3 Super Flock C-494. Hereby a COD reduction of 75 % and a total phosphorus removal of 83 % were obtained. By hydrolysis of primary sludge in batch experiments Total Solid (TS) concentrations of 1, 2 and 3 % and residence times of up to eight days were examined. The purpose of the hydrolysis in this case was to investigate which TS concentration and residence time that gave the highest production of VFA. The experiments showed that a TS concentration of 3 % produced the highest amount of VFA and that the VFA production of the three different TS concentrations peaked at the second day. The VFA and COD production increased linearly for the three TS concentrations up until day five. After day five the COD and VFA production, for the TS concentrations of 1 and 2 %, started to decrease slightly. However TS 3 % did not show the same declining trend for VFA. Furthermore the daily ammonium and pH were investigated.  As the VFA and COD concentration increased the ammonium concentration increased as well. pH had overall a  decreasing trend. Four different denitrification tests were performed in batch experiments with the extracted hydrolyzate. The added COD content from the hydolyzate was either 3.3 or 4 times the initial nitrate concentration. The denitrification tests showed denitrification rates between 4.3 and 7 mg NO3-N / g volatile suspended solids * h with carbon-nitrogen ratios (C/N ratio) between 3.9 and 12.3 mg COD/mg NO3-N. The lowest C/N ratio received the lowest denitrification rate. However, it could not be concluded that the maximum C/N ratio had the highest denitrification rate. Futhermore the financial aspects were examined in order to investigate the cost of a wastewater treatment plant with three step precipitation, biogas generation and collection of internal carbon source from primary sludge at an upscaling corresponding to 100,000 person equivalents. The extraction of an internal carbon source would, despite loss of biogas production, be economically beneficial. Gain, in terms of not having to purchase an external carbon source, in this case ethanol, amounts to the amount of the biogas loss. The three step precipitation chemical costs were the largest item, amounting to 8,060,000 SEK. This cost versus less energy utilization in the biological step was also examined. In this case the savings in the biological step amounted to about 1/8 of precipitation chemical cost. Since the three step precipitation only managed to remove 75 % of the COD, a removal which corresponds to an ordinary pre-precipitation, the three step precipitation is considered to be economically unfavorable as it involves additional costs of polymers. Instead the three step precipitation should be replaced with a pre-precipitation. In summary it can be stated that an internal carbon source in the form of hydrolyzed primary sludge could replace an external carbon source in a functional way. However, steps must be taken to minimize the production of ammonium during sludge hydrolysis. From an economic perspective, the extraction of an internal carbon source would only be economical favorable if the three step precipitation is replaced with pre-precipitation.

Die ontwikkeling en huidige aard van musiekblyspele in Suid-Afrika

Katzke, Marlie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDram)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The musical is one of the many forms of musical theatre and consists of certain qualities that define the genre. This form developed out of various genres en there are many approaches and definitions for the musical.This study investigates the nature and changing nature of the musical in South Africa, and it also studies the various factors that contributed and still contributes to the development of the concept musical.The economic-, socio-economic, historical- en cultural background of South Africa is used throughout the study to understand and interpret the nature and context of this theatrical art form. The study is divided into periods; pre – colonial South Africa, Colonial South Africa, Apartheid South Africa and Post-Apartheid South Africa. The above periods are furthermore organized into the following categories; historical background, available theatre spaces, the involvement of theatre makers, forms of musicals found and examples of musicals present during the specific periods.Various forms of the musical are researched; the indigenous community musical, the urban black musical, the anti-apartheid musical, the township musical, independent musicals, international phenomena, contemporary trends as well as the appearance and relevance of the musical at festivals in South Africa.The conclusion of the study is that the nature of musicals in South Africa is bound to various factors that influence this theatrical form, and the form is thus adaptable due to elements such as social-, cultural-, economic- en socio-economic factors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die musiekblyspel is ‘n onderafdeling van musiekteater en bevat spesifieke eienskappe wat dié genre definieer. Die vorm het ontwikkel vanuit verskeie genres en daar bestaan verskillende benaderings tot en definisies vir die musiekblyspel. Hierdie studie ondersoek die wese en aard en verandering van dié genre in Suid-Afrika, en ook die verskeie faktore wat bygedra het en steeds bydra tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van die konsep musiekblyspel. Die ekonomiese-, sosio-ekonomiese-, historiese- en kulturele agtergrond van Suid-Afrika dien as deurlyn, om sodoende ook die aard van die teatervorm in konteks te verstaan en te interpreteer. Die studie is voorts ook verdeel in Pre – koloniale Afrika, gevolg deur Koloniale Suid-Afrika, die Apartheid-era en laastens die Post-Apartheidsera. Die onderskeie tydperke is verder in die volgende onderadelings verdeel; historiese agtergrond, beskikbare teaterruimtes, betrokkenheid van teatermakers, vorme van musiekblyspele aanwesig en voorbeelde van musiekblyspele gedurende bogenoemde tydperke. Verskeie vorme van die musiekblyspel word bestudeer, onder andere die inheemse gemeenskapsmusiekblyspel, die inheemse swart musiekblyspel, die anti-apartheid musiekblyspel, die township-musiekblyspel, onafhanklike, nie staatsgesubsideerde musiekblyspele, internasionale verskynsels, hedendaagse tendense, asook die voorkoms en relevansie van musiekblyspele by kunstefeeste. Die gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat die aard van musiekblyspele in Suid-Afrika gebonde is aan verskeie faktore wat die teatervorm beïnvloed en sodoende is die vorm aanpasbaar weens elemente soos sosiale-, kulturele-, ekonomiese en sosio-ekonomiese faktore.

Veřejné stravování v České republice a Rakousku / Catering in the Czech Republic and Austria

VIKTORIN, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents an overview of school dinner (food) in the Czech Republic, Austria and selected states in Europe. In the theoretical part, it is described how the state school board works in the particular country. Food history, quality and scope together with legislation and economical aspects are described, too. In the practical part, results of questionnaire survey are interpreted with a focus on requests of dinners in particular categories. In addition, how diners are satisfied with food offers and healthy food used in canteens is shown in the result part. The presented analysis is a part of the UMBESA project, which promotes an increase of biofood, regional, seasonal and freshly prepared food in catering systems. This part further contains results - summary and recommendations.

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