Spelling suggestions: "subject:"economicidade.""
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Il coinvolgimento di utenti e familiari nella progettazione, gestione e valutazione dei servizi di salute mentale consente di migliorare i servizi, facendo valere gli interessi e la prospettiva di stakeholders che spesso vengono visti esclusivamente come ricettori passivi di prestazioni. La tesi prende il via da queste considerazioni, legate ad approcci recovery oriented, con l’obiettivo di analizzare come le organizzazioni sociosanitarie possono favorire la partecipazione e accogliere il punto di vista degli utenti e dei familiari attraverso l’introduzione di pratiche innovative. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo si è scelto di analizzare due casi: il Fareassieme del Servizio di salute mentale di Trento e il Social Point del Dipartimento di salute mentale di Modena. Attraverso osservazione e interviste, sono stati raccolti dati qualitativi che hanno portato a una interpretazione complessa e sfaccettata. In particolare, sono emersi due versanti: (1) quello del cambiamento culturale necessario per introdurre nell’organizzazione un nuovo approccio centrato sulla partecipazione e (2) quello della formalizzazione delle nuove pratiche partecipative, con i risvolti positivi e negati dell’incardinamento nell’organizzazione. Nelle conclusioni, si ipotizzano possibili sviluppi per la ricerca futura e si elencano i suggerimenti operativi emergenti dalla ricerca per i manager dei servizi sociosanitari. / The participation of users and family members in the design, management and evaluation of mental health services can improve services, relying on the interests and perspective of the stakeholders that are often seen only as passive recipients of services. The thesis takes away from these considerations, related to recovery-oriented approaches. The aim is to analyze how organizations can promote the health and social participation and accept the point of view of users and their families, through the introduction of innovative practices. I analyze two Italian cases: “Doing Together” (a project of the Mental Health Service of Trento) and “Social Point” (a service of the Department of Mental Health of Modena). Two issues emerged from qualitative data: (1) the organizational cultural change related to the introduction of a new approach, centered on participation and (2) the formalization of the participatory practices, with positive and negative consequences. In conclusion, I propose possible development for future research and suggestions to managers of health services.
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La tesi si propone di studiare i processi che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo dei sistemi previsionali dei futuri fabbisogni professionali in Italia e nel contesto internazionale. La ricerca si focalizza sui differenti approcci utilizzati nelle analisi previsive approfondendo in particolare le metodologie adottate dai seguenti istituti: BLS (Bureau Labor of Statistics - Stati Uniti); CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training); ISFOL (Istituto per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale dei lavoratori). Studiare l’andamento e l’evoluzione del mercato del lavoro, in termini di rilevazione dei fabbisogni professionali, significa realizzare un’analisi complessa, seppure di ampia utilità, che si appresta a essere riletta in chiave sociologica ponendo l’attenzione sui processi di definizione e rappresentazione del mercato del lavoro e del suo rapporto con la società. Il quadro interpretativo che guida la ricerca mette in luce tre dimensioni attraverso cui sono state intraprese diverse misure per implementare i sistemi previsionali sul piano funzionale, meta-funzionale e metodologico. La tesi approfondisce inoltre come l’analisi dei fabbisogni professionali possa rappresentare una delle premesse di lettura delle dinamiche del mercato del lavoro al fine di rendere più efficiente l’incontro tra domanda e offerta e di sviluppare un efficace sistema di formazione professionale e di istruzione finalizzato a garantire maggiore occupabilità, ad affrontare le politiche del lavoro e a gestire le relazioni industriali. / The thesis aims to study the processes that have contributed to the development of the employment forecasting systems adopted in the Italian experience in comparison with the international context. The research focuses on different approaches to the methodologies carried out by the following institutions: BLS (Bureau Labor of Statistics, USA); CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) and ISFOL (Italian Institute for the Development of Vocational Training for Workers). Studying the evolution of the labour market, in terms of analysis of occupational needs, requires a complex process of analysis which can be interpreted from a sociological perspective with regard to the definition and representation processes of the labour market and its relationship to society. The interpretative framework that guides the research highlights three dimensions through which employment forecasting systems have been realized: the functional dimension, the meta-functional dimension and the methodological dimension. The research also reflects on how an analysis of occupational needs can represent one of the premises of understanding of the dynamics of the labour market in order to bring about more efficient matching between labour demand and supply and to develop an effective vocational and educational training system aimed at guaranteeing more employability, in order to address labour policies and manage industrial relations effectively.
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Questa ricerca esplorativa qualitativa si è posta l’obiettivo di comprendere il funzionamento del peer support in ospedale e le ragioni che spingono alcuni pazienti a diventare peer supporter. È stata realizzata un’ osservazione di tre reparti ospedalieri italiani in cui il peer support è praticato e successivamente sono state condotte 27 interviste agli attori coinvolti (peer supporter, pazienti, operatori). Uno sguardo internazionale si è avuto con la realizzazione di due interviste a peer supporter del King’s Hospital di Londra.
I dati raccolti sono stati analizzati e interpretati alla luce del paradigma relazionale, secondo il quale il professionista da solo non è in grado di trovare delle soluzioni ad una malattia che colpisce una persona, ma necessita anche dell’aiuto della persona stessa per fronteggiare la situazione.
Dalla ricerca è emerso che la presenza del peer support produce benefici per il reparto ospedaliero e tutti gli attori coinvolti: i pazienti conoscono meglio i servizi, i loro doveri e diritti e comprendono meglio alcune scelte terapeutiche del medico; i medici comprendono meglio i vissuti dei pazienti e le loro esigenze, si avvicinano al paziente e riescono a lavorare meglio; i peer supporter valorizzano il proprio sapere esperienziale e si sentono utili. / This exploratory qualitative reasearch identifies the reasons who leads patient to become peer supporter and explain peer support program in hospital ward. Three italian hospital ward, whose already have a peer support program, have been selected.
Practicioners, patients and peer supporters were interview in these hospital departments (27 interviews in total), moreover each department was observed for three days to follow all the peer supporter’s activities.
Thanks to two peer supporter’s interviews who worked at King’s Hospital in London was possible to have an international view.
The collected qualitative data were then analyzed and interpreted according to the relational paradigm of social work. The idea of this approach is that social workers are not able to solve problems and to find solutions for the life problems; in the contrary professionals need to be helped from the service users. From the results emerged that the peer support program produce benefit for all people: the patients learned to know their rights and duties together with social and clinical services; the practitioners learned to know experiential knowledge, patient’s needs and how to work in a better way; the peer supporters learned to use their illness experience and feel useful.
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Creazione e Condivisione di Valore in Ghana - un Approccio Strategico per il Business Sostenibile in un Paese in Via di Sviluppo / CREATING AND SHARING VALUE IN GHANA - STRATEGIC APPROACH TO SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRYZOUGBA, ISSIAKA 14 September 2017 (has links)
Approcci strategici come lo shared value e il social impact vengono considerati strategie organizzative innovative in grado di ridurre il divario fra business e società facendo leva sulla sostenibilità. Seppur motivati da postulati promettenti, essi vengono spesso biasimati perché considerati scarsamente rilevanti o efficienti. La tesi analizza come alcune organizzazioni che hanno sottoscritto l’idea della creazione di valore condiviso siano in grado o meno di produrre benefici per loro stessi e per le comunità circostanti. Lo studio usa la metodologia del case study per indagare due multinazionali e quattro PMI in Ghana.
La ricerca adotta un approccio multidisciplinare allo studio organizzativo e strategico per esaminare le insidie dell’azione strategica in Ghana. Essa analizza il modo in cui i principi socioeconomici locali condizionano le scelte strategiche e la performance organizzativa. Il contributo maggiore della tesi è l’introduzione di una versione rivisitata del sistema di azione concreto (Crozier e Friedberg), per identificare le strategie di creazione di valore condiviso e impatto sociale efficientemente radicate nel contesto. Inoltre, la ricerca dimostra che i principi socioeconomici locali sono dei meccanismi dinamici di resilienza messi in atto per mezzo di controllo, collusione, negoziazione e resistenza. / Strategic frameworks like shared value or social impact creation have been posited as innovative organizational strategies capable of mending the gap between business and society through inclusive sustainability. If their claims are promising, they still face much criticism concerning their relevance and effectiveness. The dissertation investigates how organizations which have endorsed the idea of shared value creation are efficient, or not, at yielding benefits for themselves and their host communities. It uses the case study methodology to explore four SMEs and two multinational companies in Ghana.
The research builds on a multidisciplinary approach to organizational behavior and strategy to dig to ground the pitfalls of strategic action in Ghana, an epitome of the recent Africa Rising narrative. It scrutinizes the way local socioeconomic mores affect strategic choices and organizational performance. The major contribution of the thesis is to introduce a revisited version of Crozier and Friedberg’s concrete system of action for efficiently embedded strategies of shared value and social impact creation. With this, the work reveals that local socioeconomic mores are dynamic resilience mechanisms of control, collusion, bargaining, and/or resistance, which strategists must take account of in designing sustainable strategies, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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Lo sfruttamento delle vulnerabilità sistemiche da parte delle reti della tratta lavorativa in Europa: il caso del settore agricolo italiano / UNDERSTANDING HOW LABOUR TRAFFICKING NETWORKS EXPLOIT SYSTEMIC VULNERABILITIES IN EUROPE: AN EXPLORATION OF THE ITALIAN AGRICULTURE SECTOR / Understanding How Labour Trafficking Networks Exploit Systemic Vulnerabilities in Europe: An Exploration of the Italian Agriculture SectorMARCHESI, MARTINA ELENA 26 January 2021 (has links)
La tratta degli esseri umani a scopo di sfruttamento lavorativo (tratta lavorativa, labour trafficking) in Europa è un grave crimine contro le persone, che viola i diritti umani. La ricerca esistente si concentra principalmente sulle vittime, mentre lo studio degli autori di reato e sul modo in cui sfruttano le vulnerabilità del sistema è meno sviluppato. Questo è dovuto in parte alla mancanza di dati robusti, ma anche a un approccio della ricerca criminologica tradizionalmente rigido e settoriale. Al contrario, lo studio della tratta lavorativa richiede concetti flessibili, che riconoscano le radici profonde di questo fenomeno nell’intero sistema socioeconomico, più che il semplice prodotto della volontà degli autori dei reati.
Partendo dalle indicazioni della letteratura, questa ricerca si concentra sul settore agricolo italiano, non ancora esaminato da un punto di vista criminologico. L’obiettivo è la comprensione dei meccanismi attraverso i quali la tratta lavorativa nasce e si sviluppa. La scelta del contesto dello studio è dovuta alle caratteristiche peculiari dell’Italia, che rendono la tratta lavorativa in agricoltura centrale per il dibattito nazionale. Inoltre, l'Italia condivide alcune caratteristiche con altri paesi europei, e dunque alcune lezioni apprese da questo caso possono essere discusse alla luce del dibattito internazionale.
In primo luogo, un’analisi a livello macro esamina come i fattori strutturali associati nella letteratura internazionale alla tratta lavorativa si concretizzano nel contesto italiano. I risultati mostrano che il sistema stesso sembra creare un terreno fertile per lo sviluppo e il mantenimento della tratta lavorativa: la vulnerabilità dei lavoratori migranti è insita nell'attuale quadro normativo dell’immigrazione; la filiera agroalimentare impone ai produttori la riduzione del costo della forza lavoro; e l'attuale sistema legale basato sulla repressione delle condotte criminose inquadrate come eventi eccezionali è insufficiente.
In secondo luogo, un’analisi a livello meso descrive le caratteristiche generali delle reti della tratta lavorativa in Italia. Quattro casi studio selezionati con un metodo razionale e sistematico sono poi approfonditi per identificare le principali caratteristiche, modalità e organizzazione relazionale dei reati, e i metodi con cui viene sviluppata e mantenuta la condizione di sfruttamento delle vittime. I risultati mostrano che nei quattro casi studio le reti si sviluppano e si adattano alle opportunità offerte dal sistema legale. I risultati e gli insegnamenti tratti dal caso italiano sono infine discussi alla luce del dibattito internazionale sulla tratta lavorativa. / Labour trafficking in Europe is a serious crime against persons, violating their fundamental human rights. Existing research primarily focuses on the victims, while data on offenders and the manner in which they exploit vulnerabilities is less developed. Recent trends in criminological literature are highlighting how the past lack of research is related to the lack of robust data, but also to traditional rigid approaches with exception to few extreme cases. On the contrary, they call for more flexible concepts recognising that labour trafficking is not only the product of offenders’ will, but has deep roots embedded in the socioeconomic system.
Elaborating on these indications, this research focuses on the Italian agriculture sector, which has not yet been examined in literature from a criminological perspective, with the aim to understand the mechanisms through which labour trafficking originates and develops. This choice has been made because the characteristics particular to Italy make labour trafficking in agriculture central to the debate within the country; and because Italy shares some characteristics with other European countries, so some lessons learnt from this case can be discussed in light of the international debate on labour trafficking.
First, a macro-analysis examines how the structural factors associated in the international literature with labour trafficking take shape in the Italian context. The results show that the system itself seems to create a fertile ground for labour trafficking to develop and maintain: migrant workers’ vulnerability is inherent in the current migration regulatory framework; the agrifood supply chain makes it necessary for producers to lower the cost of workforce; and the current legal system based on the repression of abusive conducts seen as exceptional events proves ineffective.
Second, a meso-analysis at organisation/network level describes the general characteristics of labour trafficking networks in Italy, and then zooms in four case studies selected through a rational systematic method to identify the main features, modalities, and relational organisation of the crime commission, and how the exploitative condition of the victims is developed and maintained. The results show that in the four case studies the trafficking networks develop and adapt to the opportunities offered by the legal system. The results are finally discussed in light of the international debate on labour trafficking, and the lessons learned from the case of Italy.
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New Maps for Africa? Contextualising the 'Chinese Model' within Ethiopian and Kenyan Paradigms of DevelopmentFourie, Elsje January 2013 (has links)
Since the early 2000s, there has been a sharp increase in speculations that China’s development trajectory may provide a model for other developing countries—particularly those in Africa—to follow, and that this poses a profound challenge to the dominant global development paradigm. A highly-charged media and policy debate has increasingly made its way into the academic literature, with central questions focusing around the lessons that African and developing countries are drawing from China and around the desirability of such emulation. Due to the exploratory and recent nature of this growing literature, however, very few studies have been sufficiently grounded in empirical or theoretical analysis. This dissertation seeks to remedy this situation by examining the ideational influence of China’s development on those ultimately charged with evaluating and implementing these purported ‘models’: developing country elites. Drawing on the theories of cross-societal emulation (Westney 1987) and lesson-drawing (Rose 1991), it finds that elites in two countries cases—Ethiopia and Kenya-indeed seek to emulate countries in East Asia. China, however, is viewed as only one source of potential ‘lessons’, and its elites often embed its experiences within a wider East Asian development trajectory. In both country cases, this emulation challenges many of the assumptions that have driven development since the 1970s. Unlike the Washington Consensus, the development paradigm prompted by this lesson-drawing is historically-contingent and views nation-building by a strong, visionary political leadership as the country’s single most important priority. Because it favours large physical infrastructure projects, rapid economic growth, technologically-optimistic solutions and a civilisatory discourse, its divergence from the more recent ‘Augmented’ Washington Consensus is even more striking. In these and in other central lessons drawn, the development approach it most resembles, in fact, is the modernisation theory of the 1950s and 1960s. Despite the fact that both Kenya and Ethiopia thus possess modernising elites that seek to emulate aspects of the East Asian experience, different dynamics drive the process in each national context. In Ethiopia, a country slowly emerging from a history of communism and isolationism, a strong and ideologically unified ruling party looks to China, South Korea and other countries with a history of strong state intervention. In Kenya, by contrast, a coalition of business leaders, technocrats and planners view Singapore and Malaysia as potential models by virtue of a shared colonial history and divergent post-colonial path. Kenya’s vision, whilst more moderate, is also more constrained due to the relative lack of influence its modernisers wield in the political process. In both cases, historical factors bound and condition elites’ choice of model. The emerging literature on the ‘Chinese Model’ of development deserves credit for beginning to theoretically and empirically substantiate an important current policy debate, but it also vastly underestimates the importance of its predecessors. Given the extent to which Ethiopian and Kenyan elites root their emulation in the region as a whole, the East Asian ‘developmental state’ model is one such fore-runner. Most importantly, however, this emulation illustrates the enduring topicality of many of the assumptions of modernisation theory—assumptions that are likely to play a central role in informing African and even global development paradigms in the future.
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Innovation Patterns in the Design-Driven Industries. Opening Up the 'Made in Italy'Faludi, Julianna January 2016 (has links)
The main argument of the dissertation is structured around the relationship of innovation and modularity with a special focus on innovation openness. This research took a grasp in understanding the context, the classics, story of Italian design, and Made in Italy at the same time exploring design today: based on a field work in Milan, Lombardy. Case study method proved to be as most suitable for answering the explorative nature of this research. The approach was thus relying on secondary data, desk research and observation for understanding the context both from the angle of tradition and current discourse, as for reaching the next level: collecting cases worth to pursue. The cases presented were chosen to elucidate the targeted questions, and to open the path for further research. However, obstacles faced on the field narrowed the cases covered, and the breadth of the investigation of each case study. Limitations in data access did not allow going beyond the story, I had to rely on what was constructed by the company itself. Despite these obstacles the analysis benefited from the perspective of communication and branding: it made possible to investigate a complex innovation effort. This proved to be a valuable insight, since design-driven industries are driven by producing meanings, forming the discourse where communication plays a key role. This work explores what modularity means in production opening up the perspective toward the aesthetic and semantic realm of production of goods. Furthermore in search for the locus of innovation it examines the relationship of modularity, innovation and openness. By exploring architectural innovation [Henderson and Clark 1990] I found that core design concepts that define the direction of technological improvements enter the conceptual frame of innovation: • What was interpreted as ‘values’ by the company defining the design are proven to be core design concepts in the conceptual frame, as they define here a technological and conceptual [stylistic] frame. • Thus, architecture draws here a semantic and aesthetic frame of conveying meanings. [Not just merely defining the technological construction of the artifact described by the interaction of the elements]. • Procedural innovation [coined by me]: the effort that evolves around the main objective to most efficiently elaborate on the core design concepts in technological, and semantic realms. Further findings of the case studies suggest that open methodology of design and innovation is prone to come from third parties to established firms: • open design methodology as a communication strategy that contributes to innovation practices of the company, and not as a conscious strategy coming from the other way round. Here technological and communication tools are intertwined, as they are conveying meanings defined by the core design concepts • Firms in need for raising their capacities and reshaping organizational routines to innovate turn to third parties in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Services • elucidate hybrid forms of innovation Adding to theory The above-mentioned empirical findings were backed by a concise summary on: • open/ user/ collaborative innovation scholarship • links between modularity and innovation • and understanding the relationship of modular design in the history of design and architecture; also elaborating the: • Semantic frame of innovation: where the product is an architecture of meanings • Framework for understanding stylistic realm of conveying meanings and innovation • Linking modular design of products as a conceptual approach [aesthetics] and linking it to production from an evolutionary perspective Adding empirical insights to be considered for • Organizational theory: namely redefining the boundaries of the firm • Innovation openness: based on the locus of innovation • Modularity: apart from focusing on production, organization and that modular construction of goods has also a conceptual meaning (conceptually exploring the relationship of modular design and integrality with examples from architecture and classics of Italian design). Considering goods as an architecture of meanings and firms producing brands rather than goods, it draws on the implications of arrangement of production.
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Perchè non facciamo un altro figlio? Implicazioni economiche delle intenzioni riproduttive individuali e di coppia in Italia tramite un approccio Mixed-Method. / WHY NOT HAVING ANOTHER CHILD? THE ECONOMICS OF FERTILITY INTENTIONS FOR INDIVIDUALS AND COUPLES IN ITALY: A MIXED-METHOD APPROACHCAVALLI, LAURA 08 November 2010 (has links)
La presente tesi è un contributo allo studio delle implicazioni economiche delle intenzioni di fecondità e all’analisi degli aspetti economici legati ai processi decisionali riproduttivi. Precisamente la tesi, composta da tre capitoli indipendenti e basata su dati Italiani, si focalizza su donne, su individui che vivono in coppia e sulle coppie.
In particolare lo studio mira a comprendere: i) l'interazione esistente tra il mercato del lavoro (con un focus particolare sul ruolo del settore occupazionale femminile) e le preferenze per la formazione della famiglia; ii) le influenze della ripartizione dei ruoli domestici all’interno della coppia sulle intenzioni riproduttive; iii) le determinanti (all’interno delle coppie) dell’accordo/disaccordo circa l'intenzione di diventare genitori una seconda volta, e -per coppie che registrano un disaccordo- iv) le determinanti che spingono una donna a contrastare l’intenzione positive del suo partner per un secondo figlio.
La tesi utilizza il mixed-method design, una strategia basata sull’analisi quantitativa dei dati nonché sull’analisi approfondita di interviste: questo approccio consente di studiare l'argomento da diverse prospettive e -grazie ai due metodi di ricerca -quantitativo e qualitativo- di approfondire le conoscenze del fenomeno di interesse. / The thesis is a contribution to the study of the economic implications of fertility intentions and desires and of the economic aspects of the fertility decision making process. Precisely, it is based on three autonomous chapters and it aims at understanding: a) for women and for individuals within the couples the interplay between fertility and labour market preferences (with a particular focus on the role of women's sector of employment), and the influences that the (un)balanced division of domestic duties play on the intentions of becoming parents for another time in Italy; b) for couples living together the determinants of their (dis)agreement about the intention of becoming parents again; and c) for couples that disagree on future fertility plans, the determinants of female’s contrasting attitude towards her partners’ positive fertility intention.
The dissertation uses a mixed-method design- a strategy based on survey data analysis as well as in-depth interviews analysis: this approach allows investigating the topic from different perspectives, by means of both quantitative and qualitative research methods in order to provide new insights into the phenomenon of interest.
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La constatazione che in ambito sanitario il prodotto finale dei processi terapeutico-assistenziali, ovvero il miglioramento delle condizioni di salute dei cittadini, non possa essere definito soltanto in termini puramente economici e in un contesto in cui gli aspetti monetari costituiscono il perno intorno al quale si muovono tutte le strategie politiche, sociali ed economiche nazionali ed europee, costituisce il primum movens di questo progetto di ricerca. L’Azienda Sanitaria rappresenta, infatti, un locus in cui si embricano e sovrappongono le esigenze di numerose categorie di stakeholders (politici, fornitori, utenti e lavoratori) che, pur calati in un ambiente che possiede caratteristiche aziendali indissociabili da valutazioni finanziarie, non possono considerarsi esaurite nelle sole dimensioni economico-monetarie. Il valore finale dei processi di output di un’Azienda Sanitaria, sinteticamente riassumibile nel concetto di “soddisfacimento dei bisogni di salute della popolazione” riconosce, fra le componenti intrinseche del processo produttivo, cogenti sollecitazioni di carattere etico che presuppongono il rispetto di garanzie di equità, legittimità e imparzialità, irrinunciabili nella costruzione del prodotto finale.
Questo lavoro di ricerca concentra, quindi, la propria attenzione sul processo di creazione di valore nell’Azienda Sanitaria, a partire dalle suggestioni bibliografiche inerenti le principali variabili economiche e organizzative, per giungere a indagare le corrispondenze derivanti dalle componenti intangibili. / The finding that the final product in the health-care therapeutic process, namely the improvement of citizens' health, can not only be defined in purely economic terms and in a context where the monetary aspects are the pivot around which move all the political strategies, social and economic national and European, it is the primary cause of this research project. The Health Service is, in fact, a locus where they overlap the needs of various categories of stakeholders (politicians, suppliers, users and workers) who, although dropped in an environment that has business features inseparable from financial ratings, were not exhausted only in the economic and monetary dimensions. The final value of the output processes of a company Health, succinctly summed up in the concept of "meeting the health needs of the population" recognizes, among the intrinsic components of the production process, mandatory stress ethical which require compliance with guarantees of fairness , legitimacy and impartiality, essential in the construction of the final product.
This research focuses, therefore, its attention on the process of value creation in the Company Health, from bibliographical suggestions regarding the main economic and organizational variables, to come to investigate the matches resulting from intangible assets.
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Applicazione del diritto alimentare nell’Unione europea. Poteri pubblici e schemi privati per gestire le violazioni del diritto alimentare / FOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE EU. PUBLIC POWERS AND PRIVATE SCHEMES TO DEAL WITH FOOD LAW INFRINGEMENTSCORINI, ANTONIA 27 March 2018 (has links)
La tesi si incentra sull’applicazione del diritto europeo in materia alimentare. L’elaborato prende il via dall’analisi degli obiettivi fondamentali e degli strumenti principali del diritto alimentare, del suo sviluppo storico e delle questioni che ha affrontato. L’applicazione del diritto alimentare è studiata esaminando il sistema dei controlli nell’Unione europea e la correlata implementazione sia da parte degli Operatori del settore alimentare sia da parte delle Autorità Competenti in due Stati membri (Italia e Olanda).
Vengono, altresì, esaminati casi pratici in cui sono state rintracciate problematiche nell’applicazione del diritto alimentare o che hanno dimostrato le debolezze del sistema nel gestire le varie violazioni attinenti gli alimenti.
Lo studio intende inoltre dimostrare le carenze del sistema normativo sviluppando un concetto teoretico quale quello delle violazioni dovute al “fattore umano” e del loro impatto sugli interessi economici dei consumatori.
La tesi, quindi, si focalizza sugli strumenti più idonei alla gestione di violazioni di questa tipologia esaminando la legislazione recentemente adottata e prendendo in considerazione, altresì, le possibili soluzioni che possono derivare dai differenti approcci degli Stati membri e l’opportunità di utilizzare, parallelamente a regole ed attività svolte dalle Autorità competenti, standard privati. / The thesis analyses enforcement of EU food law.
The analysis starts by concentrating on the EU Food Law central objectives and basic tools, its historical development and the issues it has aimed to face.
Food Law Enforcement is analysed by examining food control systems in the European Union and their implementation by Food Business Operators as well as by the Competent Authorities in two Member States (Italy and The Netherlands).
Cases are scrutinised where problems of enforcement or weaknesses of the system have come to light in dealing with various possible violations which concern food.
The dissertation aims to show the shortcomings of the legal system and to contribute to solving them by developing a theoretical concept: that of behavioural infringements due to the human factor and of their impact on consumer economic interests.
The dissertation, therefore, focuses on the most suitable instruments in dealing with these infringements by examining the newly adopted legislation and by looking at what can be learnt from different approaches chosen in the two Member States studies, including that of combining the Competent Authorities rules and activities to those of Private schemes.
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