Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ekonomiese""
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Exaktní metody v obchodě (modelový přístup) / Exact methods in trade (model approximation)Zeithamer, Tomáš January 2003 (has links)
The paper deals with quantum economy. It means the methods of quantum mechanics are applied in the study of economic processes. The scalar abstract economic quantities are constructed as follows: general abstract economic quantity F , average abstract economic quantity FA, marginal abstract economic quantity FM, marginal average abstract economic quantity FMA, average marginal abstract economic quantity FAM, elasticity of abstract economic quantity EF. All the abstract economic quantities mentioned above are constructed as mappings. The general theory of abstract economic quantities is utilized in a construction of the abstract total gross profit TGP. The set of static models of total gross profit TGP is constructed in the case that the first unit gross profit is slowly changed with time while the second unit gross profit is quickly changed with time in comparison with the first unit gross profit.
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Automatizace externí ekonomické analýzy podniku / External Economic Analysisi of an EnterpriseBaroch, Václav January 2012 (has links)
Automatizované zpracování ekonomické analýzy podniku přináší jistá omezení. Klasická von Neumannova architektura doznala v poslední době určitých vylepšení, a je tak možné simulovat procesy, jejichž algoritmické zpracování bylo ještě před pár lety z praktického hlediska nemyslitelné, především kvůli nedostatečné početní a paměťové výkonnosti užívané IT technologie. Přes všechna zrychlení a razantní vylepšení IT technologií v posledních letech však softwarové zpracování simulace podnikových procesů naráží na dvě podstatná omezení, jež jsou popsána v práci. Je to nemožnost vytvářet izomorfní model reality a nutnost řešit simulaci interních a externích procesů v diskrétním čase.
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Etika a ekonomie v průběhu dějin ekonomického myšlení / Ethics and Economics in the Course of Economic Thinking HistoryPODHOROVÁ, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
"Ethics and Economics in the Course of Economic Thinking History" is the essay topic of the disertation. It aims at the description and definition of both terms in the history and it refers to their interactive links and separation in the past. Firstly, both terms are explained and then the most significant representatives and trends are mentioned. Due to their thoughts, ideas and opinions there was a possibility to develop the individual sciences. The theoretical part pays attention to current terms Green Economy and Green Growth which should help to solve the questions of the environment and its saving in the future. Both terms try to find the right solution that would reduce the environmental risks, decrease poverty and support economic growth with the tenable development, and other important topics. The practical part also pays attention to Green Economy. A wide range of societies is questioned about their awareness of the term Green Economy and other things that are connected with it. The survey was made in the South Bohemia region where a big number of societies was addressed. The result shows that more than a half of respondents is not aware of the term Green Economy at all. However they use and follow Green Economy principles so that they respect and live up to them unknowingly.
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Mezinárodní ekonomické vztahy Evropské unie / International economical relations of European UnionPikešová, Ludmila January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create scenarios of a possible development of future economic relations between the European Union and Russia. These scenarios of a possible development will be based on a description of those relations beginning with those that began to build up between these two subjects after a break-up of the USSR till the contemporary status when the situation between Europe (or more precisely the European Union) and Russia became considerably tense. There will be two suggested scenarios of a possible development and the first is possible to be marked as a pessimistic one and the second an optimistic one. The pessimistic scenario will continue to develop the status quo that is heading for a further limitation of economic cooperation. The optimistic one will take into account a gradual releasing from the sanctions and a cooperation improvement and it will discuss a possible progress of mutual economic relations.
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Aplikace neuronových sítí a metody ROC v klasifikačních úloháchPokorný, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The disseratation theses deals with the problem of cost-sensitive binary classification by means of neural networks applied in economical prediction tasks, especially in the field of financial distress prediction. The first part contains the review of existing research in this area and the challenging key points related to cost-sensitive classification are set there. After that, the application of existing Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) method, which is able to solve mentioned problems, is discussed and the possibility of its wider use in economical prediction is proposed. The methodology of ROC analysis application is shown in medical and economical experiment of classification with neural networks.
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Aristotelův koncept morálně politické ekonomie / Aristotle's Concept of Morally Political EconomicsWEIS, František January 2014 (has links)
The paper is concerned with the question, if Aristotle among the other scientifical areas dealt also with the economics. The first part is mainly an introduction to the historical context. The second part explaines the economical passages from Nicomachean Ethics, and the third part analyses several key terms from the economical passages in Politics (oikos, oikonomike, chrematistike). In the end is the paper focused on the contrast between Aristotle's notion of oikonomike and the modern economics.
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Thatcherism and its long-term consequencesHlína, Petr January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Credit rating z pohledu práva a ekonomie / Credit rating from the perspective of law and economicsBelvončíková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Credit rating is an important financial indicator of the debtor's ability to repay the debt duly and on time and it is expressed in a simple form of credit score. It has been talked about the issue of credit rating particularly in context of the financial crisis 2008 because of the failure of credit rating agencies and their contribution to global dimensions of the crisis. This thesis critically assesses the European legal regulation of credit rating in the light of 2008 financial crisis. The evaluation is carried through an economic analysis of law while also using the knowledge of behavioural economics, so that efficiency of both individual provisions and legal regulation as a whole is examined. The fundamental problem of current regulation is its ambiguity, as on the one hand it promotes greater institutionalization of credit rating and on the other hand it promotes greater market discipline of financial market participants. This dichotomy is inefficient because it does not provide for clear incentives neither for investors, nor for issuers or credit rating agencies. Key finding of this thesis is that credit rating regulation would be more efficient if it was aimed exclusively at supporting market discipline. It is important to draw conclusions from analysis of the efficiency of current...
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Predikce výsledků field experimentu v laboratoři / Predicting Field Experiment Results in a LabChadimová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at forecasting of experimental results in a lab environment, investigating often discussed external validity of laboratory experiments. We run a novel laboratory experiment in which the subject pool is asked to make predictions on results of a certain field experiment. The collected data is ana lyzed using different accuracy measures, arriving at several interesting results. First, the forecast among the 94 subjects is quite informative about the actual treatment effects although its accuracy substantially varies based on a type of accuracy measure and a particular treatment. Second, the average forecast is either more accurate or at least comparable to the mean individual forecast, proving the presence of "wisdom-of-crowds" effect.
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The effect of gambling on crime: evidence from the Czech Republic / Vliv hazardu na kriminalitu: evidence z České RepublikyLupač, Milan January 2016 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is to examine the relationship between gambling and crime in the Czech environment, where gambling is broadly available. Data about the individual gambling machines and tables together with the data about offenses in particular police districts were used in order to estimate the effect of gambling on crime. The final dataset observes 388 geographical units over the life span between April 2013 and December 2015. The study employs three estimation techniques the OLS, Poisson regression and Negative binomial regression to estimate the effect of gambling on crime. The main variable representing the size of gambling is the number of slot machines as these are the most broadly available type of gambling. The final estimated relationship between crime and slot machines is that one additional slot machine is associated with an increase in crime by 0.3-0.5% depending on the method and frequency. On the contrary, the effect of casino games, electromechanical roulettes, and dice devices on crime was found to be statistically insignificant. In addition, the study also analyses particular types of crimes, finding that gambling has an impact particularly on crimes that involve material benefits as opposed to the violent crimes. Moreover, it also conducts a what-if analysis demonstrating the estimated impact of reduction of gambling on the substantial drop of the number of offenses over the observed period was rather limited and account for 937 offenses.
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