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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vztah prospěchu a postojů k předmětům u studentů SŠ / The relationship between the pupil´s classification and their attitude to subjects at secondary school.

Hájek, Viktor January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the relationship between the pupil's classification and their attitude to economical subjects. The thesis is subdivided into two basic parts-theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part concerns about attitudes, motivations and classifications. The empirical part explains the outcome and result of my research, which was realized on pupils of third year of studies at economical secondary school.

Waveletová transformace a její aplikace při analýze ekonomických a finančních časových řad / Wavelet Transform and its Application in the Analysis of Economic and Financial Time Series

Bašta, Milan January 2006 (has links)
The thesis deals with a brief compilation of the theory of Fourier transform, linear filtration and a triad of wavelet transforms -- the maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT), the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the continuous wavelet transform (CWT). These transforms are among others applied to the analysis of the time-varying character of variability in the time series, to the detection of events of significant changes of variability, to the removal of noise in the time series (denoising) and to the time-scale analysis of the relationship of two time series. The analyzed time series used in this thesis are the logarithm of the Garman-Klass estimate of the historical volatility, the time series of stock returns and the logarithm of the monthly inflation rate. In some cases artificial time series are analyzed. The procedures and methods introduced in the thesis might be well implemented in the analysis of other economic and financial time series. The contribution of the thesis is a brief and easy-to-use compilation of the wavelet theory and the application of the wavelet transform to such financial and economic time series, where such an analysis tool has never been applied before. New insights into the properties of time series are thus obtained, insights, which might be hardly recovered by traditional means and methods.

Globální politická ekonomie nového regionalismu a Evropská unie / Global Political Economy of New Regionalism and the European Union

Hnát, Pavel January 2004 (has links)
The thesis focuses on theoretical and empirical analysis of the New Regionalism trends that are further applied to the case of the European Union. Aim of the thesis is to explain the substance and features of New Regionalism in the world economy and confront them with the current state of integration in the European Union. The matter is whether the European Union, which has belonged to the most successful examples of regional integration, is strong and flexible tool of its member states to cope with changing conditions of the globalized world economy and whether it can aspire for a more substantial role in regional and global governance.

Lokalizovaná ekonomie jako jeden z nástrojů řešení sociálních dopadů nezaměstnanosti v Jihočeském kraji / Localized economics as one of the tools to address the social impact of unemployment in the South Bohemia region

HOFHANZLOVÁ, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
I focused on the solving of the unemployment social impacts in the South Bohemian region via located economy in my thesis. According to the latest surveys unemployment is on the lowest level from the year 1996 both in the South Bohemian region and the Czech Republic. Nevertheless, there are certain groups of people who are threatened by unemployment. Moreover, current positive development of the unemployment cannot be considered as a permanent status. My thesis is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part I focused on the term of local economy, its tools, principles and furthermore I concentrate myself on the possibilities of incorporation people into the working process. Following part deals with global economy issues that have a negative impact on the local economy. Then I concentrate myself on the enterprise entities in the Czech Republic, their ownership structure, legal forms of enterprise and a development of business environment when a support of small and middle businesses can play an important role in the process of creating new job positions. The aim of my thesis is to map tools of local economy and a description of their usage, while emphasizing the business unit´s division, the possibilities of their development and creation of new job positions in the defined South Bohemian companies. With respect to the aim and specific characteristics of the defined group I chose a method of survey done via semi-structured interviews. Defined group is formed by chosen companies with Czech ownership in the South Bohemian region. For completing the employment data, I executed semi-structured interviews with two officers of České Budějovice Labor Office chosen with simple intentional choice. The results of my survey show that the defined companies with Czech ownership in the South Bohemian region are not enough motivated to create new job positions because (as the survey shows) the more employees they have the higher financial budget they need. Unfortunately, this extra budget is not available. Therefore, local companies cannot serve as a pillar against increase of unemployment in the context of current forms of enterprise support. The thesis may serve as a study material for students of Health and Social Faculty in the town České Budějovice or as an informational material for Labor Office CZ and representatives of South Bohemian region.

Ekonomické aspekty zdravotnictví v moderní společnosti / Economic aspects of health in modern society

Mertl, Jan January 2007 (has links)
Předmětem zkoumání jsou specifika zdravotní péče jako ekonomické kategorie, zdraví a jeho determinanty, význam a postavení zdravotnictví v moderní společnosti, ekonomické a institucionální charakteristiky tří odlišných zdravotnických systémů (Německo, Spojené státy americké, Velká Británie) a zejména vývoj a perspektivy českého zdravotnictví. Cílem práce je analyzovat ekonomické aspekty zdravotnictví v moderní společnosti v kontextu historie a současnosti zdravotnických systémů a zhodnotit relevantní implikace pro české zdravotnictví. Práce vychází z vlastností zdravotní péče jako ekonomického statku, konceptu investic do zdraví a významu zdraví pro lidský kapitál. Diskutuje rizika a příležitosti rostoucí potřeby a spotřeby zdravotní péče vyplývající z ekonomického rozvoje, stavu determinantů zdraví a změn v chování lidí, které sebou přináší rychlý vývoj současného světa. Přibližuje měnící se roli státu ve zdravotnictví a zkoumá otázky obecné dostupnosti zdravotní péče v moderní společnosti. Zabývá se vymezením vazeb ekonomických aspektů zdravotnictví ve vztahu k souvisejícím medicínským, etickým, sociálním a institucionálním aspektům, jež zpětně determinují prostředí a podmínky pro racionální rozhodování a jednání aktérů zdravotnického systému. Identifikuje a srovnává významné ekonomické a institucionální charakteristiky zdravotnických systémů v rámci zvolené typologie, včetně zhodnocení problematiky jejich konvergence. Ukazuje logiku jejich vnitřního fungování a příčiny jejich typických problémů (čekací seznamy, deficity, nerealizovaná péče). Zjištěné poznatky jsou využity v diskusi o perspektivách českého zdravotnictví a vyúsťují v analýzu možností využití ekonomických nástrojů se zaměřením na implementaci spoluúčasti pacientů a na další rozvoj pluralitního prostředí zdravotních pojišťoven (variabilní sazba zdravotního pojištění a stropy pro spoluúčast).

Financování umění / Financing of the art

Vozdecký, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This project is aimed at comprehensive analysis of financing of the arts in Czech republic. The study describes main sources of financing of art activities focusing on public financial support. The whole point of this study is to find out reasons for public supporting and to determine the legitimity from economic point of view. Last but not lest autor pays attention to multiplier effect an its real consequences.

Kooperace za neúplného monitoringu / Cooperation with incomplete monitoring

Caisl, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
We approach the topic of provision of public goods in an experimental economic study using the Public Goods Game setting. We allow subjects to punish each other but vary the structure and amount of information they can base their decisions upon. We try to add to the current literature on reciprocity and study whether people are willing to punish under such incomplete information. Since punishment under uncertain conditions can be quite destructive in terms of welfare, this closely relates to whether people are able to provide public good themselves or whether they need some external assistance. In terms of public policy, this can add to the debate on when should government provide certain services and when it should be left to individuals. In terms of behaviour inside of an enterprise, our study could be well applied to problems that arise when teams work on a common project but some people free-ride on effort of others.

Vnímání zpráv ekonomickými subjekty na kapitálovém trhu v období po finanční krizi

Gargulák, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of reports and Likes published on the social network Facebook and its influence on the volatility of the equity indices. The aim of this thesis is to identify the existence of the role of the social network site Facebook on the perception of market participants and the stock market. Specifically, the work follows a link between the information contained in the reports and through Likes on the social network site Facebook and the volatility of selected stock exchange indices. To assess the effect were used volatility time series models, specifically the model GARCH (1, 1). Based on the results of the models no evidence of a significant impact of these reports on the volatility of the equity indices was identified.

Economic analysis of the company with respect to its' localization

Válková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to find out if the chosen company is financially healthy and to evaluate the influence of the company on the region of its seat. In the first part of thesis, the literature review, the author deals with general definitions of terms such as region, regional development, regional policy and then more specifically, what is the economic analysis. The second part involves already practically made economic analysis of the selected company, characteristic of the region in which the company operates and localization analysis. The financial results are compared with company's competitor and with the particular industry. The localization analysis is described from the economical, social and environmental point of view.

Spotřební chování z pohledu behaviorální ekonomie / Consumer Behaviour from The View of Behavioural Economics

LUDVÍKOVÁ, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the irrationality of consumers, which is then tested experimentally for Czech consumers and experimental results are further compared with the results of American consumers.

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