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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tamprių plastinių geometriškai netiesinių strypinių konstrukcijų optimizavimas ribojant poslinkius / Optimization of geometrically nonlinear elastic plastic framework structures under displacement constraints

Popov, Michail 19 June 2014 (has links)
Disertaciniame darbe aprašyti autoriaus sudaryti geometriškai netiesinių tamprių plastinių statybinių strypinių konstrukcijų skaičiavimo ir optimizavimo uždavinių, ribojant konstrukcijos poslinkius, matematiniai modeliai. Sukurtas geometriškai netiesinių erdvinių strypinių konstrukcijų optimizavimo, ribojant poslinkius, uždavinio sprendimo originalus algoritmas. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, rezultatų apibendrinimas, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai bei 8 priedai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariama tiriamoji problema, aprašomas tyrimų objektas ir metodai, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašomas darbo mokslinis naujumas bei aktualumas, darbo rezultatų praktinė reikšmė. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos disertacijos tema autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos ir pranešimai konferencijose bei disertacijos struktūra. Pirmajame skyriuje analizuojamos projektavimo ir konstrukcijų optimizavimo uždavinių sąsajos, pateikiama trumpa konstrukcijų optimizavimo metodų analitinė apžvalga. Nagrinėjama netamprių geometriškai netiesinių plieninių rėminių konstrukcijų optimizavimo ribojant poslinkius problematika. Aprašomos pasirinktos pagrindinės prielaidos ir fizinės priklausomybės bei dydžiai, apibrėžiantys konstrukcijos įtemptąjį-deformuotąjį būvį (ĮDB). Pateikiamas konstrukcijų optimizavimo uždavinio matematinis modelis. Pasiūlomas algoritmas šiam uždaviniui spręsti. Apžvelgiamos optimizavimo uždavinio skaitinės realizacijos galimybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The optimization mathematical models of geometrically nonlinear elastic plastic frameworks structures optimization under displacement constraints are created in the thesis. Original solution algorithm was created for the optimization of geometrically nonlinear elastic-plastic frameworks structures under displacement constraints. The dissertation consists of introduction, 3 chapters, conclusions, references and 8 annexes. The introduction reveals the investigated problem, the object of research and describes the purpose and tasks of the thesis, research methodology, scientific novelty, the practical significance of results examined in the thesis. The introduction ends in presenting the author’s publications on the subject of the defended dissertation, offering the material of made presentations in conferences and defining the structure of the dissertation. Construction design and structures optimization problems correlation is describing in chapter 1. Short historical review of optimization methods and structures optimization analytical analysis are presented. Reviewing problematic of non-elastic geometrically nonlinear steel frame structures optimization under displacements constraints. Describing basic accepted assumptions and physical dependences and values describing structures real stress-strain state (SSS). Structure optimization problem mathematical model is presented. Algorithm for such optimization problem solution is suggested. Optimization problem numerical... [to full text]

A Study on the Deformation and Stress Distributions of ACF/ACA on the Flip-Chip Packaging

Lin, Yen-hong 03 September 2006 (has links)
In this thesis, the contact behavior of the conduct particles in the anisotropic conductive film (ACF) packaging process is investigated. The thermal elastic-plastic finite element (FE) model is employed to simulate the contact process. The commercial MARC finite element method package is used in this work. Two contact models of the ACF packaging are studied : the single particle and the multiple-particles models. In the single particle model a simple axial symmetric FE model is used to simulate the variation of elastic-plastic deformations during packaging process. The effect of coating thickness on the contact deformation is discussed. To explore the effect of particle distribution on the contact deformation and the conduct behavior in the ACF packaging, the multiple-particles 3D model has also been studied. However, to overcome the computing difficulties introduced from huge degrees of freedom, the equivalent nonlinear springs are employed to stand for some conductive particles. The effect of particle distribution and particle parameters on the conductive behavior are studied. Results indicate that the conductive particle parameters may affect the conductive characteristics significantly in the ACF packaging process.

Non-Linear Analysis of Ferroelastic/Ferroelectric Materials

Carka, Dorinamaria 18 February 2013 (has links)
Abstract Ferroelectric/ferroelastic ceramics are used in a range of smart structure applications, such as actuators and sensors due to their electromechanical coupling properties. However, their inherent brittleness makes them susceptible to cracking and understanding their fracture is of prominent importance. A numerical study for a stationary, plane strain crack in a ferroelastic material is performed as part of this work. The stress and strain fields are analyzed using a constitutive law that accounts for the strain saturation, asymmetry in tension versus compression, Bauschinger effects, reverse switching, and remanent strain reorientation that can occur in these materials due to the non-proportional loading that arises near a crack tip. The far-field K-loading is applied using a numerical method developed for two-dimensional cracks allowing for the true infinite boundary conditions to be enforced. The J -integral is computed on various integration paths around the tip and the results are discussed in relation to energy release rate results for growing cracks and for stationary cracks in standard elastic–plastic materials. In addition to the fracture studies, we examine the far field electromechanical loading conditions that favor the formation, existence and evolution of stable needle domain array patterns, using a phase-field modeling approach. Such needle arrays are often seen in experimental imaging of ferroelectric single crystals, where periodic arrays of needle-shaped domains of a compatible polarization variant coexist with a homogeneous single domain parent variant. The infinite arrays of needles are modeled via a representative unit cell and the appropriate electrical and mechanical periodic boundary conditions. A theoretical investigation of the generalized loading conditions is carried out to determine the sets of averaged loading states that lead to stationary needle tip locations. The resulting boundary value problems are solved using a non-linear finite element method to determine the details of the needle shape as well as the field distributions around the needle tips. / text

Non-Linear Analysis of Ferroelastic/Ferroelectric Materials

Carka, Dorinamaria 18 February 2013 (has links)
Abstract Ferroelectric/ferroelastic ceramics are used in a range of smart structure applications, such as actuators and sensors due to their electromechanical coupling properties. However, their inherent brittleness makes them susceptible to cracking and understanding their fracture is of prominent importance. A numerical study for a stationary, plane strain crack in a ferroelastic material is performed as part of this work. The stress and strain fields are analyzed using a constitutive law that accounts for the strain saturation, asymmetry in tension versus compression, Bauschinger effects, reverse switching, and remanent strain reorientation that can occur in these materials due to the non-proportional loading that arises near a crack tip. The far-field K-loading is applied using a numerical method developed for two-dimensional cracks allowing for the true infinite boundary conditions to be enforced. The J -integral is computed on various integration paths around the tip and the results are discussed in relation to energy release rate results for growing cracks and for stationary cracks in standard elastic–plastic materials. In addition to the fracture studies, we examine the far field electromechanical loading conditions that favor the formation, existence and evolution of stable needle domain array patterns, using a phase-field modeling approach. Such needle arrays are often seen in experimental imaging of ferroelectric single crystals, where periodic arrays of needle-shaped domains of a compatible polarization variant coexist with a homogeneous single domain parent variant. The infinite arrays of needles are modeled via a representative unit cell and the appropriate electrical and mechanical periodic boundary conditions. A theoretical investigation of the generalized loading conditions is carried out to determine the sets of averaged loading states that lead to stationary needle tip locations. The resulting boundary value problems are solved using a non-linear finite element method to determine the details of the needle shape as well as the field distributions around the needle tips. / text

Lenkiamų plokščių optimizacija prisitaikomumo sąlygomis / Optimization of bending plates at shakedown

Jarmolajeva, Ela 03 July 2007 (has links)
Disertaciniame darbe, pasitelkus deformuojamo kūno mechanikos energinius principus ir matematinio programavimo teoriją, iš vieningų pozicijų išnagrinėtos tiek tamprių, tiek tamprių-plastinių sistemų deformacijų darnos (Sen-Venano) lygtys. Sprendžiant energinio principo apie papildomos energijos minimumą pagrindu sudarytą ekstremumo analizės uždavinį, įrodoma, kad yra tik trys nepriklausomos Sen-Venano lygtys su atitinkamai performuotomis kraštinėmis sąlygomis. Prisitaikomumo teorija nagrinėja tamprių-plastinių konstrukcijų, veikiamų kintamos-kartotinės apkrovos, būvį, pasitelkdama tiek tamprumo, tiek plastiškumo teorijų pagrindines lygtis ir priklausomybes: disertaciniame darbe pavyko, pasinaudojant Kuno ir Takerio optimalumo sąlygomis, metodiškai pagrįstai įjungti į plastinį konstrukcijų skaičiavimą liekamųjų deformacijų darnos lygtis. Taigi, disertacijoje Kuno ir Takerio sąlygos originaliai pritaikytos tamprumo teorijos lygtims įtempiais ir asociatyvinio tekėjimo dėsnio išraiškoms plastiškumo teorijoje gauti. Pasinaudojant gautaisiais rezultatais patobulinta prisitaikančių lenkiamų plokščių optimizavimo teorija ir sukurti nauji tokių uždavinių sprendimo metodai. Netiesinių uždavinių matematiniai modeliai, sudaryti taikant pusiausvirų baigtinių elementų metodą, sprendžiami iteraciniu būdu, pasitelkus Rozeno projektuojamųjų gradientų algoritmą. Darbui būdinga tai, kad matematinio programavimo teorija optimizavimo problemos nagrinėjimą lydi nuo matematinio modelio sudarymo iki... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Adapted perfectly elastic-plastic structure satisfies strength conditions and it is safe with respect to cyclic-plastic collapse. But it can do not satisfy its serviceability requirements, for instance, stiffness ones. Therefore, not only strength, but also stiffness conditions-constraints should be included in the discrete mathematical models of bending plate parameter or load variation bound optimization problems (exactly such problems are considered in the dissertation). Using mathematical programming not only new optimization technique of bending plates at shakedown is developed, but also relation between Kuhn-Tucker conditions and strain compatibility (Saint-Venant) equations and dependences of associative yield law of the deformable body mechanics is showed in the dissertation. Mathematical models of nonlinear problems are constructed applying method of equilibrium elements and are solved by iterations using Rosen project gradient algorithm. The feature of this research work is that the theory of mathematical programming accompanies investigation of optimization problem from the construction of the mathematical model up to its numerical solution, at the same time revealing mechanical meaning optimality criterion of applied Rosen algorithm.

Skritulinio skerspjūvio strypo tampriai plastinio grynojo lenkimo tyrimas / Analysis of circular cross-section power hardening element under pure bending

Paulauskas, Algis 29 September 2008 (has links)
Dauguma mašinų ir mechanizmų detalių eksploatacijos metu veikiamos lenkimu. Esant trumpalaikėms perkrovoms, ypatingai įrengimų paleidimo ir stabdymo metu, šiose detalėse gali atsirasti tampriai plastinis įtempių - deformacijų būvis. Kadangi tokios perkrovos dažniausiai periodiškai kartojasi, detalės ar jų atskiri elementai patiria ciklinį tampriai plastinį deformavimą, kuris gali baigtis suirimu. Šiame darbe pateikiamas skritulinio skerspjūvio strypo statinio tampriai plastinio grynojo lenkimo analitinių priklausomybių, naudojant laipsninę įtempių-deformacijų kreivės plastinės dalies aproksimaciją, išvedimas. Gautos priklausomybės įvertina mechaninių medžiagos charakteristikų skirtumus tempimo ir gniuždymo atveju, jos gali būti naudojamos apskaičiuojant įtempių neutraliojo sluoksnio padėties pokyčiams deformavimo metu bei nustatant lenkimo momento ir didžiausios strypo deformacijos priklausomybę. Pateiktos priklausomybės gali būti pritaikytos ir cikliniam tampriai plastinio grynojo lenkimo analitiniam tyrimui. / In real condition a great majority of machines and structure elements are subjected to bending. Occasionally, such an element can be overloaded and its stress strain state exceeds the proportional limit. That’s why the study of elastic-plastic bending has a wide engineering science background and a very broad field of application. This work presents analytical research of circular cross-section element under pure bending. The simple power relation of stress and strain response in the region of plastic deformation is used. The relationships describing non-dimensional deviation of the stress neutral axis from symmetry axis of an element and non-dimensional monotonic bending moment are presented. Results of theoretical analysis are compared with experimental date. Derived relationships can be also fitted to analysis of circular cross-section element loaded by low cycle pure bending.

Lattice Strain Development in Inconel-690 under Bi-axial Compression and Tension

TODA, Rebecca 02 September 2010 (has links)
Nuclear reactor steam generator tubes, manufactured from Nickel alloys such as Inconel 690 (INC690), are potentially susceptible to failure by Stress Corrosion Cracking where crack initiation may be exacerbated by internal stress fields. A more comprehensive understanding of this potential failure mechanism was gained via an exploration of a model of INC690’s behaviour under Constrained loading conditions in compression and tension. An Elasto-Plastic Self-Consistent (EPSC) model was used to predict the lattice stresses and strains resulting from Constrained loading in INC690 for four crystallographic planes. The internal strain fields generated under such conditions were shown to be markedly different from those developed under Uniaxial loading. Finite Element Modeling was used to design tensile and compression samples as well as a testing rig that would allow the application of a compressive load along one axis of the specimen with simultaneous constraint along another and free-deformation along the third. Lattice strain measurements were done for both compressive and tensile loading using Time-Of-Flight neutron diffraction. The predicted and experimental values showed reasonable agreement; mainly in terms of crystallographic plane interaction and behaviour. Iterative computer modeling was used to achieve a more realistic depiction of the lattice strains developed. This research allowed for an extension on the Uniaxial findings by examining the material’s behaviour under more complex loading that better approximates steam generator tube operating conditions. / Thesis (Master, Mechanical and Materials Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2010-08-31 16:19:23.331


MILDRED BALLIN HECKE 09 March 2018 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho focaliza a análise elasto-plástica de componentes mecânicos e estruturais. Especial atenção é dada a formulação da equação constitutiva. A relação constitutiva em taxas é equacionada na forma de potenciais generalizados onde utiliza-se o conceito de subgradientes. Para tal, são introduzidos conceitos básicos da termodinâmica sendo usadas variáveis internas para descrever os mecanismos dissipativos. São apresentados pseudo-potenciais em incrementos finitos de tensões e deformações que incorporam a admissibilidade plástica e são capazes de descrever o descarregamento elástico local desde que não haja plastificação seguida de descarregamento no passo. Esta forma é utilizada na obtenção-de Princípios de Mínimo para a análise elasto-plástica. A discretização espacial é feita utilizando o Método dos Elementos Finitos. São considerados algoritmos para a solução de tal problema. São incluídas aplicações numéricas a problemas planos e a flexão de placas. / [en] The elastic-plastic analysis of structural components is considered. The formulation of the constitutive equations is specially focused. The constitutive relation for rates is derived from pseudo-potentials by using the sub-gradient concept. Internal variables are introduced to describe dissipation mechanisms and thermodynamical concepts are used in order, to obtain the corresponding potential relationships. Generalized potentials are also presented for the approximate constitutive relation in terms of finite increments of strain and stress. This formulation incorporate plastic admissibility constraínts and it is also able to describe local elastic unloading except the case when it follows plastic yielding in the true incremental process. This form of the constitutive equation is used next to obtain minimum principles for the elastic-plastic analysis. Spatial discretization is performed by means of the Finíte Element Method. Some algorithms are discussed for the solution of the variational formulations considered. Numerical applications are presented for plane problems and plate bending.


Yang, Mijia 17 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Non-Linear Finite Element Method Simulation and Modeling of the Cold and Hot Rolling Processes

Rivera, Alejandro 24 April 2007 (has links)
A nonlinear finite element model of the hot and cold rolling processes has been developed for flat rolling stock with rectangular cross section. This model can be used to analyze the flat rolling of cold and hot steel rectangular strips under a series of different parameters, providing the rolling designer with a tool that he can use to understand the behavior of the steel as it flows through the different passes. The models developed, take into account all of the non-linearities present in the rolling problem: material, geometric, boundary, and heat transfer. A coupled thermal-mechanical analysis approach is used to account for the coupling between the mechanical and thermal phenomena resulting from the pressure-dependent thermal contact resistance between the steel slab and the steel rolls. The model predicts the equivalent stress, equivalent plastic strain, maximum strain rate, equivalent total strain, slab temperature increase, increase in roll temperature, strip length increase, slab thickness % reduction (draft), and strip's velocity increase, for both the cold and hot rolling processes. The FE model results are an improvement over the results obtained through the classical theory of rolling. The model also demonstrates the role that contact, plastic heat generation and friction generated heat plays in the rolling process. The analysis performed shows that the steel in cold rolling can be accurately modeled using the elastic-plastic (solid Prandtl-Reuss) formulation, with a von Mises yield surface, the Praguer kinematic hardening rule, and the Ramberg-Osgood hardening material model. The FE models also demonstrate that the steel in hot rolling can be modeled using the rigid-viscoplastic (flow Levy-Mises) formulation, with a von Mises yield surface, and Shida's material model for high temperature steel where the flow stress is a function of the strain, strain rate, and the temperature. Other important contributions of this work are the demonstration that in cold rolling, plane sections do not remain plane as the classic theory of rolling assumes. As a consequence, the actual displacements, velocity, and stress distributions in the workpiece are compared to and shown to be an improvement over the distributions derived from the classical theory. Finally, the stress distribution in the rolls during the cold rolling process is found, and shown to be analogous to the stress distribution of the Hertz contact problem. / Master of Science

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