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New detectors for electron microscopyClough, Robert N. January 2015 (has links)
Detectors for Electron Microscopy have traditionally used a scintillator to generate photons from fast electrons, which are then detected by a sensor. However, in recent years direct detection has become an area of interest due to the potential improvements to detector performance. In this thesis various aspects of direct detection are presented. I will begin with simulations of direct detectors based on Joy’s model of straight trajectories between Rutherford scattering events, where signal is generated by inelastic scattering events. The effects of microscope operating voltage, detector thickness, a surface electrically dead layer and diode depth on detector performance are presented. A prototype detector was developed using the DUOS sensor, two thicknesses of the sensor were produced a 50μm thick detector and a 20μm thick detector. EBSD results are presented which show how the use of a reactive ion etch to reduce the dead layer thickness of a mechanically thinned sensor improve the detection efficiency of a sensor allowing EBSD work to be carried out at operating voltages as low as 5keV. The MTF and DQE of both thicknesses of DUOS sensor are measured at 80kV and 200kV, which show that there is little difference between the two thicknesses at 80kV, but at 200kV the thinner detector shows an improved MTF. The results are then and compared with the equivalent simulated detectors. I show how the high frame rate of a detector and rigid and non-rigid registration can be used to improve image quality, resolving the {331} lattice spacing which is not visible with a simple summation of frames. Detectors using gallium nitride rather than silicon as the base semiconductor are simulated. The MTF at the Nyquist frequency for a GaN detector is double that of a Si detector at an operating voltages of 80kV due to the smaller interaction volume of an electron in GaN. However, at higher voltages the improvement is much smaller as most electrons pass through the detector.
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Applications of focal-series data in scanning-transmission electron microscopyJones, Lewys January 2013 (has links)
Since its development, the scanning transmission electron microscope has rapidly found uses right across the material sciences. Its use of a finely focussed electron probe rastered across samples offers the microscopist a variety of imaging and spectroscopy signals in parallel. These signals are individually intuitive to interpret, and collectively immensely powerful as a research tool. Unsurprisingly then, much attention is concentrated on the optical quality of the electron probes used. The introduction of multi-pole hardware to correct optical distortions has yielded a step-change in imaging performance; now with spherical and other remnant aberrations greatly reduced, larger probe forming apertures are suddenly available. Probes formed by such apertures exhibit a much improved and routinely sub-Angstrom diffraction-limited resolution, as well as a greatly increased probe current for spectroscopic work. The superb fineness of the electron beams and enormous magnifications now achievable make the STEM instrument one of the most sensitive scientific instruments developed by man, and this thesis will deal with two core issues that suddenly become important in this new aberration-corrected era. With this new found sensitivity comes the risk of imaging-distortion from outside influences such as acoustic or mechanical vibrations. These can corrupt the data in an unsatisfactory manner and counter the natural interpretability of the technique. Methods to identify and diagnose this distortion will be discussed, and a new technique developed to restore the corrupted data presented. Secondly, the subtleties of probe-shape in the multi-pole corrected STEM are extensively evaluated via simulation, with the contrast-transfer capabilities across defocus explored in detail. From this investigation a new technique of STEM focal-series reconstruction (FSR) is developed to compensate for the small remnant aberrations that still persist – recovering the sample object function free from any optical distortion. In both cases the methodologies were developed into automated computer codes and example restorations from the two techniques are shown (separately, although in principal the scan-corrected output is compatible with FSR). The performance of these results has been quantified with respect to several factors including; image resolution, signal-noise ratio, sample-drift, low frequency instability, and quantitative image intensity. The techniques developed are offered as practical tools for the microscopist wishing to push the performance of their instrument just that little bit further.
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<p> The central idea behind digital image processing is quite simple. The digital image is fed into a computer one pixel at a time. The computer is programmed to insert these data into an equation, or series of equations, and then store the results of the computation for each pixel. These results form a new digital image that may be displayed or recorded in pictorial format (specific for the particular image processing system in use) or may itself be further manipulated by additional programs. The possible forms of digital image manipulation are literally infinite. The purpose of this project is to implement some image processing techniques to facilitate the image analysis research conducted in the Institute for Materials Research at McMaster University. </p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Quantitative structural and compositional characterisation of bimetallic fuel-cell catalyst nanoparticles using STEMMacArthur, Katherine E. January 2015 (has links)
Platinum-based catalysts for hydrogen fuel-cell applications have progressed greatly with the addition of a second element in either a mixed-alloy or core-shell structure. Not only do they contain a reduced amount of the more expensive platinum metal but they have been shown to demonstrate a significant improvement in catalytic activity. Further improvement of these systems can only be made by careful investigation of such catalyst panoparticles on an atomic scale. These nanoparticles provide a significant characterisation challenge due to their minute size and beam sensitivity. A new method of quantifying the annular dark-field (ADF) scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) signal on an absolute scale has been developed to address this problem. Experimental images are scaled to a fraction of the incident beam intensity from a detector map. The integrated intensity of each individual atomic column is multiplied by the pixel area to yield a more robust imaging parameter: a scattering cross section, σ. Using this cross section approach and simulated reference data, I show it is possible to count the number of atoms in individual columns. With some prior knowledge of the sample, this makes it possible to reconstruct the 3-dimensional structures of pure platinum nanoparticles. Such an approach has subsequently been extended to bimetallic particles here the elements are close in atomic number, using the platinum-iridium system as an example. In the same way that the cross section can be calculated from ADF image intensity, it is possible to calculate an energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) partial scattering cross section, beneficial especially because of the simplicity of its implementation. In sufficiently thin samples such that the number of x-ray counts is linearly proportional to sample thickness, we can determine element-specific atom counts. Finally, it is possible to combine EDX and ADF cross sections to provide us with quantitative structural and compositional information.
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A study of irradiation damage in iron and Fe-Cr alloysXu, Shuo January 2013 (has links)
Irradiation damage structures induced in pure Fe and Fe-Cr (up to 14%Cr) alloys by 2 MeV Fe+ ion irradiations in the temperature range 300-460°C were investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Specimens were irradiated in bulk to doses of 1.5 x 1019 Fe+/m2 (about 2.5 displacements per atom: dpa) and 4.5 x 1019 Fe+/m2 (about 7 dpa). In most cases, damage took the form of dislocation loops with diameters from 2-100nm; the loops were distributed uniformly within all the samples. At higher irradiation temperatures (400°C, 460°C), complex microstructures such as finger loops (50nm in width and 1 micron in length) and perpendicular <100> loop clusters, were observed in both pure Fe and Fe-Cr samples. Loop sizes and densities were seen to change as a function of irradiation temperature and dose. Loop sizes were seen to increase as the increase of irradiation temperatures and doses, while loop densities only increased with increasing doses and decreased as increasing temperatures. Loops with both types of Burgers vectors (<100> and ½<111>) were observed in all the samples. The proportion of <100> loops was higher in Fe than that in Fe-Cr alloys at the same irradiation condition, which has can be attributed to the high mobility of ½<111> loops in Fe, so that a large proportion of them will escape to the (001) foil surface. A transition in loop Burgers vectors as a consequence of increasing temperature was observed. In Fe, the proportion of <100> loops increased with increasing irradiation temperature from 40% at 300°C to 60% at 460°C. A similar trend was found in the Fe-Cr alloys, but due to the higher proportion of ½<111> loops in these alloys, the increase of <100> loops was not that obvious, being from 30% at 300°C to 45% at 460°C(Fe-11Cr). The effects of irradiation dose rate on the formation of dislocation loops by 2 MeV Fe+ ions were also investigated. These irradiations were carried out at 300°C with two different implantation dose rates: 6 x 10-4 dpa/s and 3 x 10-5 dpa/s. The implantation dose for both implantations was 0.38 x 1019 Fe+/m2 (0.5 dpa). Both the average loop size and loop densities for the Fe-Cr specimens subjected to the high dose rate irradiation were higher than that in the low dose rate irradiations. Take Fe-14Cr as an example, that the loop densities in high dose rate irradiation increased about 90% compared to that in low dose rate, and the average loop size in high dose rate irradiation was 30% larger than that in low dose rate irradiation. The ‘inside-outside contrast’ method was applied to determine the loop nature in all the samples. It was found that all the large loops (>5nm) are of interstitial type. Any vacancies are believed to exist in the form of small dislocation loops (<5nm) or sub-microscopic voids.
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Electron microscopy studies of precipitation in nuclear reactor pressure vessel steels under neutron irradiation and thermally ageingLim, Joven Jun Hua January 2014 (has links)
Maintaining the safe operation of nuclear power plants (NPPs) is crucial. This requires fully understanding the mechanism of long term irradiation and thermal ageing, as well as their effects, on components including the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). The research community is collecting data that will be required to support the case for extending the operation of western-type NPPs beyond that of 60 years. One of the current dilemmas faced by the long-term operation of RPVs is the formation of nanometre scale precipitates. These precipitates are known to cause embrittlement where it increases the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature of the RPV steels. The chemistry of these precipitates is strongly dependent on the chemistry of the RPV steels. In general, these precipitates can be categorised into two types, copper-rich precipitates (CRPs) and manganese-nickel (-enriched) precipitates (MNPs) [1, 2]. The concentration of copper in the precipitates depends on the bulk content of the steel [3]. The formation mechanism of the precipitates under neutron irradiation and thermal ageing, and their influence on material degradation at high neutron fluence (Φt), is still unclear. To understand the long term precipitation under irradiation and thermal ageing, high nickel and copper containing RPV steels with a similar microstructure an chemical composition as those currently in service were subjected to either neutron irradiation (to high neutron fluences, Φt ≥ 5 x 10<sup>23</sup> neutrons.m<sup>-2</sup>) or thermal ageing (for as long as ≈ 50,000 hours). CRPs and MNPs were both detected. The co-precipitation of the CRPs and MNPs were observed in thermally aged steels. The development of crystal structures in the CRPs is believed to be dependent on the size of the precipitates and the ambient temperature. When the CRPs reached a critical size, they underwent the martensitic transformation from BCC→9R→3R→FCC or FCT. The CRPs preferentially nucleate heterogeneously at the dislocation lines. Chemical analysis suggests that most of the CRPs are iron free. Under thermal ageing, the MNPs were found to precipitate at the interface of the CRPs and the matrix. These MNPs are found to be iron free too. Larger MNPs were often found to be at CPRs that were associated with dislocation lines. Also, based on the volume fraction observed, it is possible to suggest that the kinetics of nucleation and growth of the MNPs are relatively slow compared to the CRPs. This is in good agreement with the simulations reported in Refs. [4, 5]. It is the first time the MNPs are directly imaged from neutron irradiation low copper steels using electron microscopy. These irradiation-induced MNPs are densely populated in the neutron irradiated samples. It was found that the irradiation-induced MNPs are more sensitive to electron beams. It was thought that this was due to a relatively large amount of point defects present in the irradiation-induced MNPs.
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Quantitative analysis of core-shell nanoparticle catalysts by scanning transmission electron microscopyHaibo, E. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis concerns the application of aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) to the quantitative analysis of industrial Pd-Pt core-shell catalyst nanoparticles. High angle annular dark field imaging (HAADF), an incoherent imaging mode, is used to determine particle size distribution and particle morphology of various particle designs with differing amounts of Pt coverage. The limitations to imaging, discrete tomography and spectral analysis imposed by the sample’s sensitivity to the beam are also explored. Since scattered intensity in HAADF is strongly dependent on both thickness and composition, determining the three dimensional structure of a particle and its bimetallic composition in each atomic column requires further analysis. A quantitative method was developed to interpret single images, obtained from commercially available microscopes, by analysis of the cross sections of HAADF scattering from individual atomic columns. This technique uses thorough detector calibrations and full dynamical simulations in order to allow comparison between experimentally measured cross section to simulated ones and is shown to be robust to many experimental parameters. Potential difficulties in its applications are discussed. The cross section approach is tested on model materials before applying it to the identification of column compositions of core-shell nanoparticles. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis is then used to provide compositional sensitivity. The potential sources of error are discussed and steps towards optimisation of experimental parameters presented. Finally, a combination of HAADF cross section analysis and EDX spectrum imaging is used to investigate the core-shell nanoparticles and the results are correlated to findings regarding structure and catalyst activity from other techniques. The results show that analysis by cross section combined with EDX spectrum mapping shows great promise in elucidating the atom-by-atom composition of individual columns in a core-shell nanoparticle. However, there is a clear need for further investigation to solve the thickness / composition dualism.
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The self-assembly of nucleic acid bases on metal and mineral surfacesShvarova, Olga Y. January 2011 (has links)
The ability of RNA bases to self-assemble into larger structures is an important research area relevant to the origins of life. In the RNA helix the bases are arranged on a sugar-phosphate carcass but it has been suggested that the initial ordering could form on a flat surface. This thesis is an attempt to establish experimentally whether the complementary RNA bases, adenine and uracil, have the ability to self-assemble into large ordered structures when adsorbed on metal and mineral surfaces. The Au (111) surface was chosen as a preferred substrate as it is flat, relatively free of defects, chemically inert and reconstructs in a characteristic pattern of corrugation lines, which provide a reference for crystallographic directions. Six of the molecular phases shown were observed for the first time with molecular resolution and the possible two-dimensional arrangements of adenine and uracil molecules for these phases are proposed. The pure adenine and pure uracil structures have chiral unit cells and in the case of pure uracil alternating monochiral domains within the polychiral islands are created. Well-ordered intricate uracil-adenine bimolecular networks were also observed. The self-assembly of both uracil and adenine appears to be weakly influenced by the surface crystallography. The (100) surface of the mineral pyrite (FeS₂) was chosen as the alternative substrate as it is the most common face that occurs naturally in pyrite crystals. The experiments show the formation of small adenine and uracil crystals at the terrace edges. Neither uracil nor adenine were observed to form a monolayer on the surface of the terraces. The results of the experiments described in this thesis are very interesting in terms of establishing the possible mechanisms for creating regular chiral molecular networks and provide a useful insight into the role of surfaces in the processes of self-assembly of RNA bases.
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Powder processing of oxide dispersion strengthened steels for nuclear applicationsGorley, Michael January 2014 (has links)
Ferritic ODS steels show improved high temperature strength and irradiation tolerance compared with conventional ferritic steels, and are one of the key potential materials for fusion blanket structural applications. The processing of ODS steels is critical to their subsequent performance; however knowledge of the optimum processing approaches for these alloys is not complete. The microstructural evolution of ODS steels containing Y<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and other additions during manufacture has been investigated and the processing conditions optimised based on microstructural and mechanical investigations. Ferritic powders with Y<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and other additions were investigated, primarily using analysis on the micro- and nano-scale, with an emphasis on identifying the requirements for homogenization of the Y within the steel matrix. The Y<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> dispersion and subsequent development of the nano-precipitates during thermal treatment was investigated using in-situ neutron diffraction. The nano-precipitates were resolved at approximately 900◦C after 1hr, with coarsening and/or re-precipitation progressively increasing at higher temperatures. A significantly increased number density of nano-precipitates (∼2x10<sup>23</sup>m−3 to ∼7x10<sup>23</sup>m−3) was established by hot isostatically pressing an Fe-14Cr-3W-0.2Ti0.25Y<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> alloy at 950◦C compared with more traditional temperatures at 1150◦C, attributed to the increased coarsening and/or re-precipitation of the nano-precipitates at the higher temperatures. The influence of the mechanical alloy (MA)ing conditions on bulk mechanical properties was investigated using four point bend. The highest fracture toughness of ∼55MN/m<sup>3/2</sup> and ultimate strength of ∼1450MPa was achieved under conditions that minimised the mechanical alloying time and increased the average final size of the powders. An Fe-14Cr-3W-0.2Ti-0.25Y<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (wt%) ODS alloy manufactured under optimised conditions showed a bi-modal grain structure size distribution and had a comparatively high yield strength of >1200MPa at 20◦C and >330MPa at 700◦C. The grain structure and high yield strength were attributed to the random distribution of 25nm radius of gyration (R<sub>g</sub>) Y, Ti and O rich nano-precipitates randomly dispersed throughout the alloy. Long term thermal ageing (750hr at 1000◦C) reduced the room temperature yield strength and increased the proportion of larger grains in the bi-modal distribution, but high temperature yield strength was remarkably stable.
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Extrusion processing of chocolate crumb pasteWalker, Alasdair Michael January 2012 (has links)
This project considers the co-rotating twin screw extrusion of a confectionery paste comprising powdered proteins, sugars, water and fats. As is the case with many food industry products, this process has been developed experimentally with little quantitative understanding of how variations in processing conditions influence the formation of the extrudate. A variety of techniques have therefore been developed to characterise and quantify the dispersive mixing, distributive mixing and rheological flow properties of this complex, multiphase, viscoelastic, unstable material. These techniques have then been utilised in a pilot plant extruder study of the mechanics of mixing and paste formation during extrusion, considering the influence of both processing conditions and screw profile. The internal evolution of paste microstructure has been successfully tracked along the length of screw profile using dead-stop extractions of the screws. A rigorous off-line assessment of shear yield strength behaviour using cone penetrometry has shown the use of conventional off-line rheometers to be unviable due to rapid post extrusion hardening. This highlighted the need for an in-line rheological measurement technique for continuous extrusion analysis where the extruded material is severely time dependent and not extractable. In pursuit of this, a novel arrangement of bender elements is proposed and trialled, to rapidly characterise material parameters of viscoelastic pastes. A second technique looking to extend the application of shear wave interface reflection to multiphase pastes is also trialled. A novel analysis of thermogravimetric data (TGA) has generated a viable index of distributive mixing, suitable for use on complex multi-component materials where thermal decomposition temperatures of the components are not well defined. Quantitative image analysis of pastes using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical microscopy protein staining and a novel application of multiphoton microscopy (MPM) have been used to visualise paste microstructure and quantify dispersive mixing. From the pilot plant extruder study, the application of these techniques was successful in mapping the evolution of paste mixing and the resulting microstructure, as well as identifying key differences between pastes mixed by twin screw extrusion and batch mixing.
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