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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of chromium on the evolution of dispersoids in Al-Mg-Si alloys

Kenyon, Michael January 2018 (has links)
Aluminium is increasingly being used in the automotive industry to reduce the weight of vehicles. It is the additions of transition elements such as Mn and Cr that can be picked up during recycling, that can form dispersoid particles during homogenisation. Dispersoids play a significant role in the recrystallization and texture development for wrought Al-Mg-Si alloys by inhibiting grain boundary motion. It is therefore important to understand the precipitation kinetics of such particles. The Mn+Cr dispersoid phases are currently thought to nucleate on β'-Mg1.8Si particles via an intermediate semi-coherent precipitate denoted the u-phase. In this study, Al-Mg-Si alloys with additions of Fe and varying levels of Cr were cast to study the effect of different homogenisation regimes on the dispersoid precipitation mechanisms and final characteristics. Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA) was conducted to study the inhomogeneity of elements in the cast structure and through heating to the homogenisation temperature. It was found that Mg, Si and Fe segregate towards the dendrite edges during solidification while Cr segregates towards the dendrite centre. During heating, the matrix composition of both Mg and Si decrease and increase due to precipitation of Mg+Si phases. Cr and Fe stay segregated during the heating process due to the slower diffusion rates in the face centred cubic Al matrix. Dispersoid free regions have also been observed in the microstructure correlating to the elemental segregation in the as-cast condition. Optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopy was utilised in order to study the change in dispersoid characteristics with varying homogenisation regimes and as a function of distance through a grain. With an increase in homogenisation temperature, the mean size of dispersoids increased but number density decreased. For a longer dwell time, the dispersoids remained approximately the same size but increased in volume fraction and density. Increasing the heating rate did not significantly change the dispersoid size, volume fraction or density. The dispersoids size and number density was also studied as a function of distance through a number of grains with the interplay of nucleation, growth and coarsening discussed. Both α-Al(FeCr)Si and α'-AlCrSi dispersoids were found to exist with a variety of morphologies while the α'-AlCrSi dispersoids were found to have a larger effective diameter.

A Petrographic and Paragenetic Characterization of the Ertelien Ni-Cu Deposit (Norway) / En petrografisk och paragenetisk karaktärisering av Ertelien Ni-Cu-fyndigheten (Norge)

Niarezka, Alena January 2023 (has links)
The escalating demand for metals driven by advancements in renewable energy technologies and hightech products has underscored the significance of understanding and characterizing ore deposits. This study focuses on the Ertelien Ni-Cu deposit in Norway, a region rich in nickel, cobalt, and copper resources—essential components for the transition to a sustainable energy future. The deposit, located within the Kongsberg belt, holds substantial economic potential due to its Ni-Cu-Co sulfide mineral enrichment. Previous assay results from drill cores, optical microscopy, and electron probe micro-analysis were employed to characterize the mineralogy and based on this interpreter the formation mechanisms, and enrichment processes that formed the deposit.  The Ertelien deposit represents an igneous origin with significant Ni-Cu-Co content estimated at 2.7 million metric tons, with grades of 0.83%, 0.69%, and 0.06%, respectively, within a gabbronorite intrusive body. Optical microscopy and electron probe micro-analysis revealed a complex mineral assemblage including common silicates such as plagioclase, pyroxene, amphibole, mica, olivine, and others, as well as sulfides such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite.  The primary objective of this study is to conduct an in-depth examination of the geological, mineralogical, and enrichment aspects of the Ertelien deposit. Specifically, primary magmatic and assimilation processes involved in the formation of Ni-Cu-deposits were be evaluated, as well as any potential metal redistribution resulting from secondary processes. Mineralogical studies, facilitated by combining optical microscopy and electron microprobe analysis provided important information on the mechanisms contributing to metal enrichment in or deposits. Optical microscopy and electron probe microanalysis revealed a complex mineral assemblage including common silicates such as plagioclase, pyroxene, amphibole, mica, olivine, and others, as well as sulfides such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite.  The analyzed rock suite spans a range of compositions from gabbroic to tonalite, with MgO concentrations varying from 0.38 to 22.96 wt.%. Overall, there is a discernible trend of sulfur enrichment in or near samples characterized by low MgO and high Na2O and CaO contents, suggesting that sulfide saturation is likely associated with the assimilation of S-bearing gneisses into which the Ertelien gabbronorites intruded. Ni concentrations exhibit an increasing trend with depth. The nickel-to-cobalt ratio (Ni/Co) displays a discernible pattern that correlates with sulfide crystallization during the process of magmatic fractionation. Notable distinctions observed among groups characterized by differing Ni/Co contents in chalcopyrite, pentlandite, pyrrhotite, and pyrite reveal distinct trends in Ni concentrations. In conjunction with the presence of sphalerite and Ag-pentlandite, which are indicative of lower temperature origin compared to magmatic activity, all these observations provide compelling indications of diverse potential sources, including variations in magma compositions and the influence of hydrothermal processes.  Investigating ore formation conditions enhances the mining sector's ability to identify high-potential mineralization areas, vital for ensuring a stable supply of metals essential for renewable energy systems, electric vehicles, and advanced electronics. / Den eskalerande efterfrågan på metaller som drivs av framsteg inom förnybar energiteknik och högteknologiska produkter har understrukit betydelsen av att förstå och karakterisera malmfyndigheter. Denna studie fokuserar på Ertelien Ni-Cu-fyndigheten i Norge, en region rik på nickel-, kobolt- och kopparresurser – väsentliga komponenter för övergången till en hållbar energiframtid. Fyndigheten, som ligger inom Kongsbergsbältet, har en betydande ekonomisk potential på grund av dess Ni-Cu-Cosulfidmineralanrikning. Tidigare analysresultat från borrkärnor, optisk mikroskopi och elektronsondsmikroanalys användes för att karakterisera mineralogin och baserat på denna tolk för bildningsmekanismerna och anrikningsprocesserna som bildade fyndigheten.  Ertelien-avlagringen representerar ett magmatiskt ursprung med betydande Ni-Cu-Co-innehåll uppskattat till 2.7 miljoner ton, med halter på 0.83%, 0.69% respektive 0.06% inom en gabbronorit-intrusiv kropp. Optisk mikroskopi och elektronsondsmikroanalys avslöjade en komplex mineralsammansättning inklusive vanliga silikater som plagioklas, pyroxen, amfibol, glimmer, olivin och andra, såväl som sulfider som pyrit, kolopirit, pyrrotit, pentlandit.  Det primära syftet med denna studie är att genomföra en djupgående undersökning av de geologiska, mineralogiska och anrikningsaspekterna av Ertelienfyndigheten. Specifikt utvärderades primära magmatiska och assimileringsprocesser involverade i bildandet av Ni-Cu-avlagringar, såväl som eventuell metallomfördelning till följd av sekundära processer. Mineralogiska studier, underlättade genom att kombinera optisk mikroskopi och elektronmikrosondanalys gav viktig information om de mekanismer som bidrar till metallanrikning i eller avlagringar. Optisk mikroskopi och elektronsondsmikroanalys avslöjade en komplex mineralsammansättning inklusive vanliga silikater som plagioklas, pyroxen, amfibol, glimmer, olivin och andra, såväl som sulfider som pyrit, kolopirit, pyrrotit, pentlandit.  Den analyserade bergsviten sträcker sig över en rad kompositioner från gabbroic till tonalit, med MgOkoncentrationer som varierar från 0.38 till 22.96 viktprocent. Sammantaget finns det en urskiljbar trend av svavelanrikning i eller nära prover som kännetecknas av lågt MgO och högt Na2O- och CaO-innehåll, vilket tyder på att sulfidmättnad sannolikt är associerad med assimileringen av S-bärande gnejser i vilka Ertelien-gabbronoriterna inträngde. Ni-koncentrationer uppvisar en ökande trend med djupet. Förhållandet nickel till kobolt (Ni/Co) visar ett urskiljbart mönster som korrelerar med sulfidkristallisation under processen för magmatisk fraktionering. Anmärkningsvärda skillnader som observerats bland grupper som kännetecknas av olika Ni/Co-halter i karbonat, pentlandit, pyrrotit och pyrit avslöjar distinkta trender i Nikoncentrationer. I samband med närvaron av sfalerit och Ag-pentlandit, som indikerar lägre temperaturursprung jämfört med magmatisk aktivitet, ger alla dessa observationer övertygande indikationer på olika potentiella källor, inklusive variationer i magmasammansättningar och påverkan av hydrotermiska processer.  Att undersöka malmbildningsförhållanden förbättrar gruvsektorns förmåga att identifiera mineraliseringsområden med hög potential, avgörande för att säkerställa en stabil tillgång på metaller som är nödvändiga för förnybara energisystem, elfordon och avancerad elektronik.

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