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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da mercerização e irradiação por feixe de elétrons na aderência da fibra do ouriço da castanha do Brasil em matriz de polietileno de alta densidade / Influency of mercerization and electron beam irradiation on the adhesion between fibre from Brazil nut pod and a high density polyethilene matrix

Campos, Rejane Daniela de 18 September 2015 (has links)
O interesse na utilização de fibras naturais com matrizes poliméricas para a preparação de compósitos espalhou-se rapidamente ao longo dos últimos anos. No entanto, a adesão interfacial entre a fibra e a matriz tem ainda de ser aperfeiçoada. Para melhorar a adesão entre os constituintes e, consequentemente as propriedades mecânicas e térmicas dos materiais, duas abordagens foram investigadas: a irradiação por feixe de elétrons e a mercerização. Este trabalho descreve a fabricação e caracterização de biocompósitos de polietileno de alta densidade e fibra do ouriço da castanha do Brasil que foram preparadas por duas metodologias diferentes: a primeira foi irradiar o compósito com 150 kGy e a segunda foi irradiar a matriz com 15 kGy e então produzir o compósito. Para ambas as metodologias foram utilizadas fibras naturais mercerizadas e não mercerizadas. O efeito dos tratamentos estudados para melhorar a adesão entre a fibra e a matriz polimérica foi avaliado através de caracterizações mecânica, química, térmica e morfológica. Com base neste estudo, observou-se que a fibra do ouriço da castanha do Brasil é um material tecnicamente viável para uso como reforço em compósitos poliméricos. Observou-se que o processo de irradiação da matriz seguida da produção dos compósitos é um método eficaz para melhorar as propriedades térmicas e mecânicas dos compósitos biopoliméricos e que, quando comparado com o processo de mercerização, esse método pode ser considerado mais ambientalmente correto (sem produtos químicos e sem geração de resíduo), mais barato e mais simples. / The interest in the use of natural fibres with polymeric matrix for the preparation of composite spread rapidly over the last years. However, the interfacial adhesion between the fiber and the matrix has to be improved. To improve the adhesion between the constituents and consequently the mechanical and thermal properties of materials, two approaches were investigated: electron beam irradiation and mercerization. This paper describes the fabrication and characterization of biocomposites compounds with high density polyethylene and fibre from Brazil nut pod that were prepared by two different methods: the first irradiating the composite with 150 kGy and the second was radiating matrix with 15 kGy and then produce the composite. For both methodologies, natural fibers, mercerized and non-mercerized were used. The effect of the treatments to improve adhesion between the fiber and the polymer matrix was evaluated through mechanical, chemical, thermal and morphology charcterization. Based on this study, it was observed that fibre from Brazil nut pod is a technically viable material for use as reinforcement in polymer composites. It was observed that the process of matrix irradiation followed by the composite fabrication is an effective method for improving the thermal and mechanical properties of the composites, when compared with mercerization process, this method can be considered more environmentally friendly (no chemicals, and without generating waste), cheaper and simpler.

Síntese e caracterização de eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C pelo método da redução via feixe de elétrons para oxidação direta de metanol e etanol / Synthesis and caracterizational electrocatalysts Pt/C, PtAu/C and PtAuBi/C reduction by method of electron beam to direct oxidation of methanol and ethanol.

Cardoso, Elisangela Silvana 27 August 2012 (has links)
As células a combustível do tipo PEM (Próton Exchange Membrane) alimentadas diretamente por hidrogênio são consideradas as mais promissoras para a geração de energia elétrica, entretanto o uso de hidrogênio como combustível nestas células apresenta ainda alguns inconvenientes operacionais e de infra-estrutura, o que dificulta o seu uso. Assim, nos últimos anos, uma célula a combustível que utiliza um álcool diretamente como combustível (DAFC - Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell) tem despertado bastante interesse, particularmente aquelas que são alimentadas pelos combustíveis metanol ou etanol, pois apresentam várias vantagens, como por exemplo, a não necessidade de estocar hidrogênio ou gerá-lo através da reforma de hidrocarbonetos.Porém, células que utilizam diretamente metanol como combustível, apresentam correntes relativamente baixas e a oxidação completa do etanol é dificultado pela quebra da ligação CC e também há a formação de intermediários fortemente adsorvidos no eletrocatalisador de platina, como o monóxido de carbono (COads), resultando em baixos potenciais operacionais na célula.Para minimizar o efeito causado pelos venenos catalíticos faz-se necessária a adição de outros metais na composição do eletrodo de Pt. Tais metais devem atuar na reação fornecendo sítios para a adsorção de espécies que contenham oxigênio (OH ou H2O), em potenciais inferiores ao potencial de adsorção de OH na Pt.Este trabalho apresenta estudos da reação de eletro-oxidação destes álcoois, nos meios ácido e alcalino, sobre os eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C, utilizando o método da redução via feixe de elétrons. Os eletrocatalisadores PtAuBi/C foram preparados com diferentes composições atômicas a fim de se avaliar o efeito da adição de bismuto. Os experimentos foram caracterizados por voltametria cíclica e cronoamperometria, utilizando a técnica do eletrodo de camada fina porosa, obtendo informações em relação às atividades dos catalisadores, perfis eletroquímicos e suas estabilidades em relação ao tempo de operação. Os eletrodepósitos foram examinados usando análise de energia dispersiva de raios-X (EDX) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) a fim de determinar a composição de fases, o tamanho e a distribuição das nanopartículas metálicas no suporte. Os resultados eletroquímicos mostraram para oxidação eletroquímica de metanol, no meio alcalino, que o catalisador de PtAu/C apresentou melhor atividade eletrocatalítica e, no meio ácido, o catalisador Pt/C foi mais efetivo com relação às demais formulações preparadas e os eletrocatalisadores PtAuBi/C apresentaram-se pouco efetivos. No caso da oxidação do etanol, os dados eletroquímicos mostraram que, no meio ácido os catalisadores PtAu e Pt/C possuem comportamentos similares e os catalisadores PtAuBi/C demonstram baixa atividade. No meio alcalino, o sistema PtAuBi/C obteve melhor desempenho em relação aos demais catalisadores, obtendo maiores valores de correntes à baixos potenciais. / Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell powered directly by hydrogen are considered the most promising for the generation of electricity, however the use of hydrogen as fuel in these cells also presents some drawbacks and operational infrastructure, which hinders its use. Thus, in recent years, a fuel cell which uses an alcohol directly as a fuel (DAFC - Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell) has attracted considerable interest, particularly those that are powered by fuels methanol or ethanol, they present several advantages, such as not need to store hydrogen or generate it through reform of hydrocarbons. However, cells that use methanol directly as fuel, have relatively low current and complete oxidation of ethanol is hampered by the cleavage of C-C and there is also the formation of intermediate strongly adsorbed on the platinum electrocatalyst, such as carbon monoxide (COads), resulting in low operational potential in cell. To reduce the effect caused by the \"poisons\" catalyst is needed the addition of other metals in the composition of Pt electrode. Such, metals should act on the reaction providing sites for adsorption of species containing oxygen (OH or H2O) in potential below for adsorption of OH in Pt.In this work studies the reaction of electro-oxidation of this alcohols in acid medium and alkaline on the electrocatalysts Pt / C, PtAu / C and PtAuBi / C, using the method of reduction electron beam. The electrocatalysts PtAuBi / C were prepared with different compositions to evaluate the effect of addition of bismuth. The materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The electro-oxidation of methanol and ethanol were studied by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry at room temperature. The results showed for electrochemical oxidation of methanol in alkaline medium, the catalyst PtAu / C showed better electrocatalytic activity and, in the acidic medium, the catalyst Pt / C was more effective in relation to other formulations prepared and electrocatalysts PtAuBi / C were ineffective. In ethanol oxidation, the results showed that, in acidic medium, catalysts PtAu and Pt / C have similar behaviors and catalysts PtAuBi / C show low activity. In alkaline medium, the system PtAuBi / C performed better than the other catalysts, obtaining higher values of current at low potentials.

Síntese e caracterização de eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C pelo método da redução via feixe de elétrons para oxidação direta de metanol e etanol / Synthesis and caracterizational electrocatalysts Pt/C, PtAu/C and PtAuBi/C reduction by method of electron beam to direct oxidation of methanol and ethanol.

Elisangela Silvana Cardoso 27 August 2012 (has links)
As células a combustível do tipo PEM (Próton Exchange Membrane) alimentadas diretamente por hidrogênio são consideradas as mais promissoras para a geração de energia elétrica, entretanto o uso de hidrogênio como combustível nestas células apresenta ainda alguns inconvenientes operacionais e de infra-estrutura, o que dificulta o seu uso. Assim, nos últimos anos, uma célula a combustível que utiliza um álcool diretamente como combustível (DAFC - Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell) tem despertado bastante interesse, particularmente aquelas que são alimentadas pelos combustíveis metanol ou etanol, pois apresentam várias vantagens, como por exemplo, a não necessidade de estocar hidrogênio ou gerá-lo através da reforma de hidrocarbonetos.Porém, células que utilizam diretamente metanol como combustível, apresentam correntes relativamente baixas e a oxidação completa do etanol é dificultado pela quebra da ligação CC e também há a formação de intermediários fortemente adsorvidos no eletrocatalisador de platina, como o monóxido de carbono (COads), resultando em baixos potenciais operacionais na célula.Para minimizar o efeito causado pelos venenos catalíticos faz-se necessária a adição de outros metais na composição do eletrodo de Pt. Tais metais devem atuar na reação fornecendo sítios para a adsorção de espécies que contenham oxigênio (OH ou H2O), em potenciais inferiores ao potencial de adsorção de OH na Pt.Este trabalho apresenta estudos da reação de eletro-oxidação destes álcoois, nos meios ácido e alcalino, sobre os eletrocatalisadores Pt/C, PtAu/C e PtAuBi/C, utilizando o método da redução via feixe de elétrons. Os eletrocatalisadores PtAuBi/C foram preparados com diferentes composições atômicas a fim de se avaliar o efeito da adição de bismuto. Os experimentos foram caracterizados por voltametria cíclica e cronoamperometria, utilizando a técnica do eletrodo de camada fina porosa, obtendo informações em relação às atividades dos catalisadores, perfis eletroquímicos e suas estabilidades em relação ao tempo de operação. Os eletrodepósitos foram examinados usando análise de energia dispersiva de raios-X (EDX) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) a fim de determinar a composição de fases, o tamanho e a distribuição das nanopartículas metálicas no suporte. Os resultados eletroquímicos mostraram para oxidação eletroquímica de metanol, no meio alcalino, que o catalisador de PtAu/C apresentou melhor atividade eletrocatalítica e, no meio ácido, o catalisador Pt/C foi mais efetivo com relação às demais formulações preparadas e os eletrocatalisadores PtAuBi/C apresentaram-se pouco efetivos. No caso da oxidação do etanol, os dados eletroquímicos mostraram que, no meio ácido os catalisadores PtAu e Pt/C possuem comportamentos similares e os catalisadores PtAuBi/C demonstram baixa atividade. No meio alcalino, o sistema PtAuBi/C obteve melhor desempenho em relação aos demais catalisadores, obtendo maiores valores de correntes à baixos potenciais. / Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell powered directly by hydrogen are considered the most promising for the generation of electricity, however the use of hydrogen as fuel in these cells also presents some drawbacks and operational infrastructure, which hinders its use. Thus, in recent years, a fuel cell which uses an alcohol directly as a fuel (DAFC - Direct Alcohol Fuel Cell) has attracted considerable interest, particularly those that are powered by fuels methanol or ethanol, they present several advantages, such as not need to store hydrogen or generate it through reform of hydrocarbons. However, cells that use methanol directly as fuel, have relatively low current and complete oxidation of ethanol is hampered by the cleavage of C-C and there is also the formation of intermediate strongly adsorbed on the platinum electrocatalyst, such as carbon monoxide (COads), resulting in low operational potential in cell. To reduce the effect caused by the \"poisons\" catalyst is needed the addition of other metals in the composition of Pt electrode. Such, metals should act on the reaction providing sites for adsorption of species containing oxygen (OH or H2O) in potential below for adsorption of OH in Pt.In this work studies the reaction of electro-oxidation of this alcohols in acid medium and alkaline on the electrocatalysts Pt / C, PtAu / C and PtAuBi / C, using the method of reduction electron beam. The electrocatalysts PtAuBi / C were prepared with different compositions to evaluate the effect of addition of bismuth. The materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The electro-oxidation of methanol and ethanol were studied by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry at room temperature. The results showed for electrochemical oxidation of methanol in alkaline medium, the catalyst PtAu / C showed better electrocatalytic activity and, in the acidic medium, the catalyst Pt / C was more effective in relation to other formulations prepared and electrocatalysts PtAuBi / C were ineffective. In ethanol oxidation, the results showed that, in acidic medium, catalysts PtAu and Pt / C have similar behaviors and catalysts PtAuBi / C show low activity. In alkaline medium, the system PtAuBi / C performed better than the other catalysts, obtaining higher values of current at low potentials.


Neal, Jack A. 2009 May 1900 (has links)
The effects of electron beam (e-beam) irradiation and sanitizers in the reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella counts and attachment prevention on spinach was studied. Survival of these pathogens in spinach was observed at multiple times and temperatures. Inoculated spinach was examined by confocal microscopy to determine attachment sites and internalization of these pathogens. To determine the effectiveness of sanitizers in reducing pathogen numbers, inoculated spinach was treated with L-lactic acid, peroxyacetic acid, calcium hypochlorite, ozone, and chlorine dioxide. Inoculated spinach was exposed to e-beam irradiation and tested for counts of both pathogens immediately after irradiation treatment to determine bacterial reduction, and at 2 day intervals over 8 days to determine effects of ionizing irradiation on pathogen survival. Respiration rates were measured on spinach exposed to e-beam. The effectiveness of e-beam irradiation on the microbiological and sensory characteristics of spinach was studied. For spinach samples stored at 4�C and 10�C for 8 days, E. coli O157:H7 survived and grew significantly in samples stored at 21�C for 24 h. Confocal microscopy images provided valuable information on the attachment sites and internalization of the pathogens on spinach. The greatest reduction by a chemical sanitizer was 55�C L-lactic acid with a 2.7 log CFU/g reduction for E. coli O157:H7 and 2.3 log CFU/g reduction for Salmonella. Each dose of e-beam irradiation significantly reduced populations of both pathogens. Respiration rates of spinach increased as irradiation treatment doses increased. Total aerobic plate counts were reduced by 2.6 and 3.2 log CFU/g at 0.7 and 1.4 kGy, respectively. Lactic acid bacteria were reduced at both doses but grew slowly over the 35 day period. Yeasts and molds were not reduced in samples exposed to 0.7 kGy whereas 1.4 kGy had significantly reduced counts. Gas compositions for samples receiving 0.7 and 1.4 kGy were significantly different than controls. Irradiation did not affect the objective color or basic taste, aromatic or mouthfeel attributes of spinach. These results suggest that low dose e-beam irradiation may be a viable tool for reducing microbial populations or eliminating E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella from spinach with minimal product damage.

Mesure et modélisation du comportement de matériaux diélectriques irradiés par faisceau d'électrons / Measurement and modelling of dielectric materials behaviour under electron-beam irradiation

Banda Gnama Mbimbiangoye, Mallys Elliazar 01 December 2017 (has links)
Dans leurs usages courants comme isolants électriques, les matériaux solides organiques sont constitutifs aussi bien des câbles de transport d'énergie électrique, des circuits de commande et de conversion de puissance que des composants (micro)électroniques ou des systèmes embarqués (revêtement thermique des satellites, batteries d'accumulateurs...). La diversité des contraintes d'utilisation auxquelles ils sont soumis (champ électrique, rayonnement, température, humidité...) les prédisposent à emmagasiner des charges en leur sein, susceptibles d'affecter la fiabilité des systèmes qui en dépendent. L'un des moyens communément mis en œuvre pour étudier le comportement électrique de ces charges est la mesure de la distribution spatio-temporelle des charges d'espace, en soumettant le diélectrique à une différence de potentiel continue à travers deux électrodes. Cette méthode ne permet cependant pas toujours de distinguer clairement la contribution des charges dues à la génération, d'une part, et celles dues aux phénomènes de transport, d'autre part. Cette étude propose une approche alternative, consistant à déposer sous vide des charges (électrons) au sein de l'isolant par le biais d'un faisceau d'électrons, à une position connue et en quantité maîtrisée, en prenant en compte d'autres processus physiques liés à l'implantation d'électrons afin de prévoir et modéliser le comportement de ces matériaux irradiés. Des films de PolyEthylène basse densité (PEbd), préparés par thermomoulage, ont été irradiés par un faisceau d'électrons de 80 keV avec un flux de 1 nA/cm2. Les mesures de charge d'espace par la méthode Electro-Acoustique Pulsée (PEA), réalisées d'abord in-situ, puis ex-situ sous polarisation électrique DC, confirment une localisation effective de charges au sein du matériau. Les résultats sous polarisation électrique après irradiation mettent en évidence une importante présence de charges positives dans la zone irradiée du diélectrique. Les caractérisations électriques des films PEbd irradiés montrent un comportement complètement différent de celui d'un même matériau non-irradié, laissant penser à une modification de la structure chimique du matériau. Des mesures physico-chimiques (spectroscopie infra-rouge, Photoluminescence et Analyse Enthalpique Différentielle-DSC) sur ces films PEbd irradiés, ne montrent pas une dégradation significative de la structure chimique du diélectrique qui expliquerait le comportement électrique observé sous polarisation post-irradiation. Des mesures complémentaires montrent le comportement réversible du PEbd irradié puis polarisé, qui serait uniquement lié à la présence des charges générées par le faisceau. Les données expérimentales de cette étude ont parallèlement alimenté un modèle numérique de transport de charges, développé pour tenir compte des contraintes sous irradiation. Ce modèle a permis de reproduire les résultats d'implantation de charge par faisceau d'électrons in-situ ainsi que la majorité des processus électriques observés sur du PEbd irradié puis polarisé. Il confirme l'impact de la charge déposée par faisceau d'électrons sur le comportement sous polarisation et permet de conclure quant à l'origine des charges positives observées post-irradiation, qui seraient dues aussi bien aux phénomènes d'injection aux électrodes qu'à la création de paires électrons/trous par le faisceau d'électrons pendant l'irradiation. / In their common uses as electrical insulators, organic solid materials are constitutive of electric power transmission cables, power control and conversion circuits as well as (micro) electronic components or embedded systems (thermal coating of satellites, batteries of accumulators, etc.). Under various constraints of use (electric field, radiation, temperature, humidity ...) they can accumulate charges in their bulk which could affect the reliability of the systems in which they are employed. One of the commonly used means to study the electrical behavior of these charges is to measure the spatiotemporal distribution of charges by subjecting the dielectrics to a continuous potential difference between two electrodes. However, this method does not always allow clearly distinguishing the contribution of charges due to generation on the one hand and the one due to transport phenomena on the other hand. This study proposes an alternative approach, consisting in generating charges (electrons) within the electrical insulation using an electron-beam under vacuum. The charges are hence deposited at a known position and in a controlled quantity. Other physical processes related to the implantation of electrons must then be taken into account in order to predict and model the behavior of these irradiated materials. Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) films, prepared by thermal molding, were irradiated by a 80 keV electron-beam with a current flux of 1 nA/cm2. Space charge measurements using the Pulsed Electro-Acoustic (PEA) method, performed first in-situ and then ex-situ under DC electrical polarization, confirm an effective localization of charges within the material. The results under electrical polarization after irradiation show an important amount of positive charges in the irradiated zone of the dielectric. The electrical characterizations of irradiated LDPE films show a completely different behavior compared to the same non-irradiated material, suggesting a modification of the chemical structure of the material. Physico-chemical measurements (infrared spectroscopy, Photoluminescence and Differential Scanning Calorimetry-DSC) on these irradiated PEbd films do not show a significant degradation of the chemical structure of the dielectric which would explain the observed electrical behavior under post-irradiation polarization. Additional measurements show the reversible behavior of the irradiated then polarized PEbd, which would be only related to the presence of the charges generated by the beam. The experimental data of this study have simultaneously fed a numerical model of charge transport, developed to take into account the irradiation constraints. This model allows reproducing the in-situ results of charge implantation by the electron beam as well as the majority of the electrical processes observed on irradiated and polarized LDPE. It confirms the impact of the electron-beam deposited charge on the behavior under polarization and allows concluding on the origin of the positive charges observed after irradiation, which would be due to injection at the electrodes as well as to the creation of electron-hole pairs by the electron-beam during irradiation.

Transport de charges et mécanismes de relaxation dans les matériaux diélectriques à usage spatial / Charge transport and relaxation mechanisms in space dielectric materials

Hanna, Rachelle 02 October 2012 (has links)
Comprendre et modéliser le comportement des matériaux sous irradiation électronique est un enjeu important pour l’industrie spatiale. La fiabilité des satellites nécessite de maîtriser et prédire les potentiels de surface s'établissant sur les diélectriques. Ce travail de doctorat a donc pour objectif de caractériser et de modéliser les différents mécanismes physiques (en surface et en volume) gouvernant le potentiel de charges dans les matériaux polymères spatiaux tels que le Téflon® FEP et le Kapton® HN. La mise au point d'un nouveau dispositif et d'un protocole expérimental a permis de corroborer l'existence d’une conductivité latérale des charges, souvent négligée dans les modèles physiques et numériques. Les études paramétriques, révélant l’influence de l’énergie et le flux des électrons incidents, ont permis de brosser un portrait des processus mis en jeu pour le transport (par saut ou par piégeage/dépiégeage) de charges en surface. A la lumière de cette étude, une conductivité équivalente est extraite, assimilant le matériau à un système prenant en compte les mécanismes de transport volumique et surfacique. L'analyse des évolutions non-monotones de potentiel mesurées sur les polymères spatiaux en condition spatiale a permis de révéler une dépendance de la conductivité volumique induite sous irradiation avec la dose reçue. L'étude paramétrique réalisée sur les mécanismes de transport en volume révèle une influence minoritaire du déplacement du barycentre de charges et du vieillissement physicochimique. Un modèle «0D» à un seul niveau de pièges, prenant en compte les mécanismes de piégeage/dépiégeage et recombinaison entre les porteurs de charges, a été développé. Ce modèle simplifié permet de reproduire qualitativement les évolutions de potentiel expérimentales en fonction du débit de dose et lors d'irradiations successives. / Charging behaviours of space dielectric materials, under electron beam irradiation, is of special interest for future spacecraft needs, since this mechanism could induce electrostatic discharges and consequently damages on the sensitive systems on board. In order to assess the risks of charging and discharging, this work aims at understanding the overall charge transport mechanisms and predicting the electrical behaviour of the insulator materials, especially Teflon® FEP and Kapton® HN. For an optimized prediction, the first part of our work is thus to check whether lateral conduction process can take place in the overall charge transport mechanism. Through the definition of a new experimental set-up and protocol, we have been able to discriminate between lateral and bulk conductivity and to reveal the presence of lateral conductivity that is enhanced by radiation ionization processes. We have been able to demonstrate as well that lateral intrinsic conductivity is enhanced with the increase current density and when approaching the sample surface. The second part of our work deals with the characterization of the electrical charging behaviour of Teflon® FEP under multi-energetic electron beam irradiation and the modelling of the overall bulk charge transport mechanisms. An experimental study on charge potential evolution as a function of electron spectrum, electric field, relaxation time, dose and dose rate, was performed. A numerical model has been developed to describe the effect of the different abovementioned mechanisms on the evolution of the surface potential. This model agrees correctly with the experimental phenomenology at qualitative level and therefore allows understanding the physical mechanisms steering charge transport in Teflon® and Kapton®.

Influência da mercerização e irradiação por feixe de elétrons na aderência da fibra do ouriço da castanha do Brasil em matriz de polietileno de alta densidade / Influency of mercerization and electron beam irradiation on the adhesion between fibre from Brazil nut pod and a high density polyethilene matrix

Rejane Daniela de Campos 18 September 2015 (has links)
O interesse na utilização de fibras naturais com matrizes poliméricas para a preparação de compósitos espalhou-se rapidamente ao longo dos últimos anos. No entanto, a adesão interfacial entre a fibra e a matriz tem ainda de ser aperfeiçoada. Para melhorar a adesão entre os constituintes e, consequentemente as propriedades mecânicas e térmicas dos materiais, duas abordagens foram investigadas: a irradiação por feixe de elétrons e a mercerização. Este trabalho descreve a fabricação e caracterização de biocompósitos de polietileno de alta densidade e fibra do ouriço da castanha do Brasil que foram preparadas por duas metodologias diferentes: a primeira foi irradiar o compósito com 150 kGy e a segunda foi irradiar a matriz com 15 kGy e então produzir o compósito. Para ambas as metodologias foram utilizadas fibras naturais mercerizadas e não mercerizadas. O efeito dos tratamentos estudados para melhorar a adesão entre a fibra e a matriz polimérica foi avaliado através de caracterizações mecânica, química, térmica e morfológica. Com base neste estudo, observou-se que a fibra do ouriço da castanha do Brasil é um material tecnicamente viável para uso como reforço em compósitos poliméricos. Observou-se que o processo de irradiação da matriz seguida da produção dos compósitos é um método eficaz para melhorar as propriedades térmicas e mecânicas dos compósitos biopoliméricos e que, quando comparado com o processo de mercerização, esse método pode ser considerado mais ambientalmente correto (sem produtos químicos e sem geração de resíduo), mais barato e mais simples. / The interest in the use of natural fibres with polymeric matrix for the preparation of composite spread rapidly over the last years. However, the interfacial adhesion between the fiber and the matrix has to be improved. To improve the adhesion between the constituents and consequently the mechanical and thermal properties of materials, two approaches were investigated: electron beam irradiation and mercerization. This paper describes the fabrication and characterization of biocomposites compounds with high density polyethylene and fibre from Brazil nut pod that were prepared by two different methods: the first irradiating the composite with 150 kGy and the second was radiating matrix with 15 kGy and then produce the composite. For both methodologies, natural fibers, mercerized and non-mercerized were used. The effect of the treatments to improve adhesion between the fiber and the polymer matrix was evaluated through mechanical, chemical, thermal and morphology charcterization. Based on this study, it was observed that fibre from Brazil nut pod is a technically viable material for use as reinforcement in polymer composites. It was observed that the process of matrix irradiation followed by the composite fabrication is an effective method for improving the thermal and mechanical properties of the composites, when compared with mercerization process, this method can be considered more environmentally friendly (no chemicals, and without generating waste), cheaper and simpler.

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