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Comparação de métodos de mapeamento digital de solos através de variáveis geomorfométricas e sistemas de informações geográficasCoelho, Fabrício Fernandes January 2010 (has links)
Mapas pedológicos são fontes de informações primordiais para planejamento e manejo de uso do solo, porém apresentam altos custos de produção. A fim de produzir mapas de solos a partir de mapas existentes, o presente trabalho objetiva testar e comparar métodos de classificação em estágio único (regressões logísticas múltiplas multinomiais e Bayes) e em estágios múltiplos (CART, J48 e LMT) com utilização de sistemas de informações geográficas e de variáveis geomorfométricas para produção de mapas pedológicos com legenda original e simplificada. A base de dados foi gerenciada em ambiente ArcGis onde as variáveis e o mapa original foram relacionados através de amostras de treinamento para os algoritmos. O resultado dos algoritmos obtidos no software Weka foram implementados no ArcGis para a confecção dos mapas. Foram gerados matrizes de erros para análise de acurácias dos mapas. As variáveis geomorfométricas de declividade, perfil e plano de curvatura, elevação e índice de umidade topográfica são aquelas que melhor explicam a distribuição espacial das classes de solo. Os métodos de classificação em estágio múltiplo apresentaram sensíveis melhoras nas acurácias globais, porém significativas melhoras nos índices Kappa. A utilização de legenda simplificada aumentou significativamente as acurácias do produtor e do usuário, porém sensível melhora na acurácia global e índice Kappa. / Soil maps are sources of important information for land planning and management, but are expensive to produce. This study proposes testing and comparing single stage classification methods (multiple multinomial logistic regression and Bayes) and multiple stage classification methods (CART, J48 and LMT) using geographic information system and terrain parameters for producing soil maps with both original and simplified legend. In ArcGis environment terrain parameters and original soil map were sampled for training algoritms. The results from statistical software Weka were implemented in ArcGis environment to generate digital soil maps. Error matrices were genereted for analysis accuracies of the maps.The terrain parameters that best explained soil distribution were slope, profile and planar curvature, elevation, and topographic wetness index. The multiple stage classification methods showed small improvements in overall accuracies and large improvements in the Kappa index. Simplification of the original legend significantly increased the producer and user accuracies, however produced small improvements in overall accuracies and Kappa index.
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Invenções do Acre: de território a estado - um olhar social / \"Inventions of Acre - from territory to State - a social looking\"Maria José Bezerra 09 March 2006 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado \"Invenções do Acre -de território a estado - um olhar social. . .\" tem como objetivo central caracterizar o processo histórico de invenção do Acre em quatro momentos decisivos, a saber: o Acre estrangeiro, o Acre brasileiro, o Acre emancipado e o Acre viável. Como parte do objetivo explicitado destacam-se, também, questões relativas aos seguintes aspectos: a) o processo de anexação do Acre ao território nacional; b) a luta pela emancipação política do Acre; c) a participação das mulheres na luta emancipacionista acreana; d) a memória dos militantes políticos acerca do Acre-Estado; e e) as novas representações do Acre. Acrescentamos, ainda, que para a elaboração do presente trabalho utilizamos como fontes os depoimentos de seringueiros/seringueiras, das mulheres integrantes da \"Legião Acreana\" e dos militantes políticos do Acre, artigos dos jornais \"O Acre\" e \"O Estado\", livros, relatórios de prefeitos e governos do Acre, fotografias, coletâneas de documentos oficiais acerca da anexação do Acre ao Brasil, bem como alusivos à tramitação do processo de elevação do Acre a Estado, entre outros. A meta perseguida foi descrever as invenções do Acre, a partir de um \"olhar\" social, destacando sujeitos sociais não contemplados pela história oficial, tendo como horizonte demonstrar o custo social das referidas invenções para os segmentos subalternos. / The purpose of this doctoring thesis \"Inventions of Acre - from territory to State - a social looking\", has the central objective to characterize the historic process of invention of Acre in four decisive moments, to know: The foreigner Acre, The brazilian Acre, the Emancipated Acre and the Viable Acre. As part of the explicitated objective detach, also, questions relating to the following aspects: a) The process of anexation of Acre to the nacional territory; b) The fighting for politic emancipation of Acre; c) The participation of the Acreana women in the emancipationist fighting; d) The memory of the militant politicians about Acre-State; and e) The new representation of Acre. We add yet, that for the elaboration of the present work we utilized as font the reportings of the rubbertappers, of the Legião Acreana women and the militant politicians of Acre,and articles from Acre and State journals,books,reportings from mayors and governs of Acre, photos, collectanea of official documents about the anexation of Acre to Brazil, as well as allusive to the transmition of the elevation process of Acre to state ,among others. The persecuted aim was to describe the inventions of Acre, from a social looking, detaching social subjects not comtemplated by the official history, taking as horizon to demonstrate the social cost of the reffering inventions for the subaltern classes.
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Variações na extensão da cobertura de gelo do Nevado Cololo, BolíviaOliveira, Ana Maria Sanches Dorneles Ferreira de January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta padrões de flutuações das geleiras do Nevado Cololo, Bolívia, no período 1975–2011, determinado partir de dados orbitais, cartográficos e climáticos. As massas de gelo do Nevado Cololo são representativas das geleiras tropicais andinas que estão sujeitas a alternância entre condições atmosféricas úmidas (novembro-abril) e secas (maio-outubro) (outer tropics). Essa sazonalidade é determinada pela oscilação latitudinal da Zona de Convergência Intertropical (ZCIT) e perturbada pelos eventos não sazonais do fenômeno ENOS. A fase positiva, o El Niño, contribui negativamente para o balanço de massa dessas geleiras e foi frequente no intervalo investigado. Esse trabalho usou imagens TM/Landsat-5 para determinar a cobertura de gelo em 1989, 1997, 2008 e 2011. Aplicando o Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI), que utiliza as características espectrais opostas das massas de gelo no visível e no infravermelho próximo, este trabalho delimitou as geleiras do Nevado Cololo. Utilizando as informações de carta topográfica foi obtido um Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE), elaborado pela interpolação de pontos de elevação usando o método geoestatístico krigagem ordinária. As informações obtidas do sensoriamento remoto e da cartografia foram incorporadas a um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) para se obter parâmetros das geleiras. A análise da séries temporais de precipitação e temperatura usaram dados do Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC)/NOAA, do Climate Research Unit Time Series (CRUTS)/University of East Anglia e de duas estações meteorológicas. Os dados climáticos não apresentam tendências estatisticamente significativas, mas há uma fraca redução da precipitação durante os meses de novembro, dezembro e abril, condições essa que podem indicar menor nebulosidade durante o verão. Em 2011 só restavam 48 das 122 geleiras identificadas em 1975. Geleiras pequenas (< 0,1 km²) com cotas máximas baixas foram as mais afetadas e atualmente não existem geleiras abaixo de 4.626 m a.n.m. A cobertura de gelo era de 24,77 ±0,00032 km² em 2011, 42,02% menor do que em 1975. A perda superficial ocorreu em todas as vertentes, independente de orientação, mas as geleiras voltadas a leste foram mais afetadas. Mesmo a maior geleira do Nevado Cololo, face SW, perdeu 21,6% de sua área total e sua frente retraiu cerca de 1 km durante o intervalo de 36 anos. Proporcionalmente, houve o aumento do número de geleiras cuja declividade média está entre 30° e 40°. A redução da espessura gelo é atestada pela fragmentação de geleiras e afloramentos do embasamento em suas partes internas. A perda de massa dessas geleiras estudadas foi provavelmente causada pela intensificação dos processos de ablação. / This study presents fluctuations patterns for the Nevado Cololo glaciers, Bolivia, in the period 1975–2011, as determined from orbital, cartographic and climatic data. Nevado Cololo ice masses are representative of Andean tropical glaciers subjected to alternations of humid (November to April) and dry (May to October) (outer tropics) atmospheric conditions. This seasonality is determined by the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) latitudinal oscillation and disturbed by the no seasonal ENSO phenomena. The positive phase, El Niño, contributes negatively to these glaciers mass balance and was frequent during the investigated time period. This work used TM/ Landsat-5 imagery to determine the ice cover in 1989, 1997, 2008 and 2011. Applying the Normalized Snow Difference Index (NDIS), which uses the opposite spectral characteristics of ice masses in the visible and near infrared region, this work delimited the Nevado Cololo glaciers. Based on information from a topographic chart, we obtained a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using elevation points interpolated by the ordinary kriging geostatistical method. Information derived from remote sensing and cartographic sources was incorporated into a Geographic Information System (GIS) to obtain glaciers parameters. The analyses of precipitation and temperature time series used data from the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC)/NOAA, the Climate Research Unit Time Series (CRUTS)/University of East Anglia and from two meteorological stations. Climatic data show no statistically significant trend, but there was a weak precipitation reduction during November, December and April months, a condition that may indicate low cloudiness during the summer. By 2011, there were only 48 of the 122 glaciers identified in 1975. Small glaciers (<0.1 km²) with low maximum elevations were most affected and currently there are no glaciers below 4,626 m asl. The ice covered 24.77 km² in 2011, 42.02% less than in 1975. Surface loss occurred in all slopes, regardless of orientation, but glaciers facing east were most affected. Even the largest glacier in Nevado Cololo, SW face, lost 21.6% of its total area and its front retreated about 1 km during the 36 years period. Proportionately, there was an increase in the number of glaciers whose average slope is between 30° and 40°. The ice thickness reduction is attested by glaciers break up and bedrock outcrops in its internal parts. These glaciers mass loss was probably caused by the intensification of ablation processes.
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Padrões de formas de relevo e de uso e cobertura da terra na análise de áreas de viticultura por meio de técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Geoprocessamento: um estudo de caso no Vale dos VinhedosViel, Jorge Antônio January 2018 (has links)
Este estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar a importância da geomorfologia na implantação, gestão e monitoramento das áreas destinadas a indicações geográficas para vinhos e espumantes. Desta forma, desenvolveram-se dois estudos paralelos. O primeiro buscou analisar a acurácia vertical dos Modelos Digitais de Elevação (MDEs) SRTM v.3, Alos World 3D e ASTER GDEM v.2 na região da denominação de origem Vale dos Vinhedos, RS. Para tanto, os dados desses MDEs, com resolução espacial de 30 m, foram comparados com os de um MDE fotogramétrico com resolução espacial de 5 m no terreno, por meio de análises de regressão e correlação linear, e de perfis topográficos derivados desses modelos. O Padrão de Exatidão Cartográfica (PEC) de cada MDE foi analisado, para identificar a escala máxima de seu uso em estudos morfométricos. Foram avaliadas as eswcalas 1:25.000, 1:50.000 e 1:100.000, por meio de cálculos da Tolerância Vertical e do Erro Médio Quadrático (EMQ). Todos MDEs atenderam o PEC altimétrico classe A na escala 1:100.000. Na escala 1:50.000, enquadraram-se na classe C, enquanto que na escala 1:25.000 não houve enquadramento. O MDE SRTM v.3 foi o que apresentou melhores resultados morfométricos e o maior coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (r=0,995). O segundo estudo objetivou investigar os padrões de uso e cobertura da terra na região da denominação de origem Vale dos Vinhedos e relaciona-los com o mapeamento geomorfológico. Para esse estudo, foram mapeados a geomorfologia e as classes de uso e cobertura da terra. Ambos os mapeamentos foram realizados utilizando técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento. O padrão de relevo em forma de morros, na área de estudo, possui maior representatividade ocupando 77,13% da mesma. No mapeamento de uso e cobertura da terra a classe de maior representatividade foi a Floresta (nativa ou não), ocupando 36% da área de estudo. O cruzamento entre o mapeamento geomorfológico e os padrões de uso cobertura da terra permitiu identificar 35 classes. Conclui-se que os resultados obtidos podem servir de base para a escolha de MDEs, bem como, auxiliar no desenvolvimento de mapeamentos geomorfológicos. / This work aims to evaluate the importance of geomorphology in the implantation, management and monitoring of the areas destined to geographical indications for wines and sparkling wines. Therefore, two parallel studies were developed. The first study had the objective to analyze the vertical accuracy of digital elevation models (DEM) SRTM v.3, Alos Worls 3D and ASTER GDEM v.2 in Vale dos Vinhedos designation origin region localized in Rio Grande do Sul state. For such, the DEM’s data, with spatial resolution of 30 meters were compared with a photogrammetric DEM with spatial resolution of 5 meters in the ground by correlation and regression analyzes as well as topographic profiles derivate that models.The cartographic accuracy standard of all DEM was analyzed to identify the maximum scale of use in morphometric studies. Were investigated the scales 1:25.000, 1:50.000 and 1:100.000 by calculations vertical tolerance and mean square error (MSE). Every DEM analyzed respected the cartographic accuracy standard A group in 1:100.000 scale, as well as, C group in 1:50.000 scale. All DEM are not classified into any class in 1:25.000 scale. The SRTM v.3 DEM show better Pearson correlation (r=0,995) and morphometrics results. The second study investigated the land use and land cover pattern in Vale dos Vinhedos origin designation region and relates them with geomorphological mapping. For this work were mapped the geomorphology and the land use and land cover group. Both mappings were made with remote sensing and geoprocessing techniques. The High Hill landform patterns, in the study area, is more representative occupying 77,13%. In mapping of the land cover and land use the group more representative was Forest (native or not) occupying 36%. The crossing between geomorphology and land cover and land use patterns resulted in identification of 35 class. The results obtained in the studies it can be use as base for DEM choice and support the development of geomorphological mappings.
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Breeding Bird Census to Compare Long-term Changes in the Avifauna of the Spruce-fir Forest on Mount Guyot, Great Smoky Mountains National Park 1967-2015Brooks, Kevin C 01 December 2015 (has links)
The high-elevation forests of the Southern Appalachian Mountains have been impacted and rearranged by a tiny introduced pest from Europe, known as the Balsam Woolly Adelgid (Adelges piceaea), creating a concern for conservation. Breeding bird censuses, along with botanical surveys, have been conducted periodically on an established 60-acre plot since 1967 on the virgin forested slopes of Mount Guyot, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, with the last census being completed in 2015. Breeding bird populations are shown to rise and fall in response to the forest’s changes over the last 48 years. Comparisons are made between all studies in order to assess how bird populations are being affected by the changed forest dynamics.
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The Role of High-Elevation Headwater Runoff in Streamflow Generation and Water Supply in the Northern Andes, ColombiaLotero Lozano, Laura 02 November 2017 (has links)
Water security requires that sufficient quantities of water be available at critical times. This is particularly challenging for high-intensity urban and agricultural settings. In underdeveloped nations, streamflow is commonly the preferred water source, as it is readily available and delivered cost-free to users. Yet, the sources of these critical streamflows are often unknown. This issue is salient in the Northern Andes, where basic knowledge of controlling factors for the quantity, quality, and timing of runoff is lacking. High-elevation headwaters are the primary catchment areas in the Northern Andes, but the extent of water providing to municipalities in the Northern Andes is unknown. In this study, the contribution of water derived from the upper watershed to the streamflow in the Tulúa River which supplies water to 200,000 people in the city of Tulúa was quantified. The river runs 72 km through urban, agricultural, and industrial land use in the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. We collected 32 and 34 water samples in August and November, respectively. The water samples were representative of high-elevation headwaters runoff, shallow groundwater discharge, and streamflow throughout the watershed. Samples were analyzed for dissolved constituents and stable isotopes. The dissolved constituents were used in mass-balance mixing models to identify the source of streamflow in the lower watershed of the Tulúa River, where it the river supports a large municipality. Results indicate that approximately 50% surface runoff largely originates as high-elevation headwater runoff, including high-elevation settings where páramos dominate the land cover. These findings underscore the need for source-water protection efforts in the upper watershed, including the páramos. This project serves as a model for other páramo derived watersheds, where source-water protection is a critical challenge.
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The Effect of Elevation and Venous Occlusion Pressure on Cardiovascular Function in Physically Active Men Who Are ParaplegicMungovan, Sean F., n/a January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of the present investigation was to: 1) Determine the relationship between cardiac output (estimated using the acetylene rebreathing methodology) and oxygen consumption in a homogeneous group of men who are paraplegic. 2) Investigate whether lower limb elevation increases stroke volume and decreases heart rate at rest and during submaximal arm exercise. 3) Investigate whether the application of constant circumferential pneumatic pressure applied to dependent lower limbs increases stroke volume and decreases heart rate at rest and during submaximal arm exercise.
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Early Invasive Strategy in Unstable Coronary Artery Disease : Outcome in Relation to Risk StratificationDiderholm, Erik January 2002 (has links)
<p>In unstable coronary artery disease (CAD) it still is a matter of debate which patients should undergo early revascularisation. In the FRISC II study (n=2457) an early invasive strategy was, compared to a primarily non-invasive strategy, associated with reduced mortality and myocardial infarction (MI) rates. However, in this heterogeneous group of patients, tools for an appropriate selection to revascularisation are needed.</p><p>From the FRISC II study we evaluated the prognosis, the angiographic extent of CAD and the effects of an early invasive strategy in relation to risk variables on admission.</p><p>The occurrence of ST depression and/or elevated levels of Troponin T were associated with a higher risk for death and MI, more severe CAD and also with a reduction of death or MI by the early invasive strategy.</p><p>Elevated levels of the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (Il-6) were associated with a higher mortality but an unchanged MI rate. Elevated levels of Il-6, but not CRP, identified patients with a large reduction of mortality by the invasive strategy.</p><p>Age ≥ 70 years, male gender, diabetes, previous MI, ST depression and elevated levels of troponin and markers of inflammation were independently associated with an adverse outcome. The FRISC-score was constructed using these 7 variables. At FRISC-score ≥ 5 an early invasive strategy markedly reduced mortality and MI, at FRISC–score 3-4 death/MI was reduced, whereas in patients with a FRISC-score 0-2 neither mortality nor death/MI was influenced.</p><p>In unstable CAD, a non-invasive strategy seems justified only for patients at low risk, i.e. FRISC score < 2. In patients with intermediate and high risk, i.e. FRISC-score ≥ 3, an early invasive strategy is recommended.</p>
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Efficient strategies for collecting posture data using observation and direct measurement / Effektiva strategier för insamling av data om arbetsställningar geom observation och direkta mätningLiv, Per January 2012 (has links)
Relationships between occupational physical exposures and risks of contracting musculoskeletal disorders are still not well understood; exposure-response relationships are scarce in the musculoskeletal epidemiology literature, and many epidemiological studies, including intervention studies, fail to reach conclusive results. Insufficient exposure assessment has been pointed out as a possible explanation for this deficiency. One important aspect of assessing exposure is the selected measurement strategy; this includes issues related to the necessary number of data required to give sufficient information, and to allocation of measurement efforts, both over time and between subjects in order to achieve precise and accurate exposure estimates. These issues have been discussed mainly in the occupational hygiene literature considering chemical exposures, while the corresponding literature on biomechanical exposure is sparse. The overall aim of the present thesis was to increase knowledge on the relationship between data collection design and the resulting precision and accuracy of biomechanical exposure assessments, represented in this thesis by upper arm postures during work, data which have been shown to be relevant to disorder risk. Four papers are included in the thesis. In papers I and II, non-parametric bootstrapping was used to investigate the statistical efficiency of different strategies for distributing upper arm elevation measurements between and within working days into different numbers of measurement periods of differing durations. Paper I compared the different measurement strategies with respect to the eventual precision of estimated mean exposure level. The results showed that it was more efficient to use a higher number of shorter measurement periods spread across a working day than to use a smaller number for longer uninterrupted measurement periods, in particular if the total sample covered only a small part of the working day. Paper II evaluated sampling strategies for the purpose of determining posture variance components with respect to the accuracy and precision of the eventual variance component estimators. The paper showed that variance component estimators may be both biased and imprecise when based on sampling from small parts of working days, and that errors were larger with continuous sampling periods. The results suggest that larger posture samples than are conventionally used in ergonomics research and practice may be needed to achieve trustworthy estimates of variance components. Papers III and IV focused on method development. Paper III examined procedures for estimating statistical power when testing for a group difference in postures assessed by observation. Power determination was based either on a traditional analytical power analysis or on parametric bootstrapping, both of which accounted for methodological variance introduced by the observers to the exposure data. The study showed that repeated observations of the same video recordings may be an efficient way of increasing the power in an observation-based study, and that observations can be distributed between several observers without loss in power, provided that all observers contribute data to both of the compared groups, and that the statistical analysis model acknowledges observer variability. Paper IV discussed calibration of an inferior exposure assessment method against a superior “golden standard” method, with a particular emphasis on calibration of observed posture data against postures determined by inclinometry. The paper developed equations for bias correction of results obtained using the inferior instrument through calibration, as well as for determining the additional uncertainty of the eventual exposure value introduced through calibration. In conclusion, the results of the present thesis emphasize the importance of carefully selecting a measurement strategy on the basis of statistically well informed decisions. It is common in the literature that postural exposure is assessed from one continuous measurement collected over only a small part of a working day. In paper I, this was shown to be highly inefficient compared to spreading out the corresponding sample time across the entire working day, and the inefficiency was also obvious when assessing variance components, as shown in paper II. The thesis also shows how a well thought-out strategy for observation-based exposure assessment can reduce the effects of measurement error, both for random methodological variance (paper III) and systematic observation errors (bias) (paper IV).
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Early Invasive Strategy in Unstable Coronary Artery Disease : Outcome in Relation to Risk StratificationDiderholm, Erik January 2002 (has links)
In unstable coronary artery disease (CAD) it still is a matter of debate which patients should undergo early revascularisation. In the FRISC II study (n=2457) an early invasive strategy was, compared to a primarily non-invasive strategy, associated with reduced mortality and myocardial infarction (MI) rates. However, in this heterogeneous group of patients, tools for an appropriate selection to revascularisation are needed. From the FRISC II study we evaluated the prognosis, the angiographic extent of CAD and the effects of an early invasive strategy in relation to risk variables on admission. The occurrence of ST depression and/or elevated levels of Troponin T were associated with a higher risk for death and MI, more severe CAD and also with a reduction of death or MI by the early invasive strategy. Elevated levels of the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (Il-6) were associated with a higher mortality but an unchanged MI rate. Elevated levels of Il-6, but not CRP, identified patients with a large reduction of mortality by the invasive strategy. Age ≥ 70 years, male gender, diabetes, previous MI, ST depression and elevated levels of troponin and markers of inflammation were independently associated with an adverse outcome. The FRISC-score was constructed using these 7 variables. At FRISC-score ≥ 5 an early invasive strategy markedly reduced mortality and MI, at FRISC–score 3-4 death/MI was reduced, whereas in patients with a FRISC-score 0-2 neither mortality nor death/MI was influenced. In unstable CAD, a non-invasive strategy seems justified only for patients at low risk, i.e. FRISC score < 2. In patients with intermediate and high risk, i.e. FRISC-score ≥ 3, an early invasive strategy is recommended.
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