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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Duale Unterstützungsleistungen an den Berliner Eliteschulen des Sports

Zschätzsch, Daniel 29 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Das Verbundsystem „Eliteschulen des Sports“ (EdS) wurde geschaffen, um schulpflichtige Nachwuchsathleten bei der Bewältigung ihrer „dualen Karrieren“ zu unterstützen. In aktuellen Evaluationsstudien wird den EdS diese duale Wirksamkeit jedoch teilweise abgesprochen. Festgemacht wird dies maßgeblich an outputorientierten Ergebnis-kriterien, wie der Anzahl an Schulabschlüssen oder Medaillen, die in erster Linie die Sichtweise von Geldgebern und Eigentümern repräsentieren. Dies hat zur Folge, dass die Strukturen und Prozesse, auf denen ein erfolgreicher Output basiert, genauso wenig berücksichtigt werden wie die subjektiven Anforderungen, die Nachwuchsathleten an dieses Fördersystem stellen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird daher im Rahmen dreier Untersuchungsabschnitte die subjektiv empfundene Zufriedenheit der jugendlichen Athleten mit den EdS in den Fokus der Betrachtung gerückt. Zur Analyse dualer Karrierebedingungen an den EdS wurden zunächst auf der Basis einer expertengestützten Delphi-Untersuchung (N = 40) 20 Qualitätskriterien dualer Unterstützungsleistungen an den EdS identifiziert. Darauf aufbauend wurde ein Erhebungsinstrument (AZ-EdS; N = 445) entwickelt und faktoranalytisch überprüft, das die individuellen Ansprüche der Athleten an die EdS in standardisierter Form erfasst. Dieses diente abschließend als Grundlage für eine Zufriedenheitsanalyse (N = 445) mit Sportschülern, in der die Schwachstellen des Fördersystems EdS aus der subjektiven Athletensicht identifiziert wurden. Es zeigte sich, dass die Athleten das Fördersystem insgesamt positiv beurteilen. Hierbei wird vor allem den Strukturen und Prozessen, die dem Ergebnis vorgelagert sind, erhöhte Wichtigkeit beigemessen. Es offenbart sich allerdings auch eine hohe Subjektivität bei der Zufriedenheitsbeurteilung, so dass durch die Athleteneinschätzung zwar kritische Handlungs-felder aufgedeckt werden können, weitergehende Analysen anhand objektiver Maßstäbe jedoch unumgänglich sind. / The German Elite Sport Schools (ESS) have been established to support the “dual career“ of junior athletes by offering school education and optimal training conditions. However, present evaluations of ESS argue that the aimed dual efficacy is not achieved. This efficacy is mainly determined by analysing output-based criteria out of a shareholder-perspective, such as completed graduations or medals won. Thus, the structures and processes, on which a high output is based, are not taken into account nor the individual demands of junior athletes regarding the dual promotional system. The present work is reacting on this situation by performing three empirical studies, which focus on the individual satisfaction of junior athletes in a holistic approach. At first, a Delphi-analysis was performed (N = 40) to identify 20 quality criteria of dual support at the ESS. These criteria were used to develop and validate a standardized questionnaire (AZ-EdS; N = 445) assessing the individual demands of junior athletes regarding the ESS. The questionnaire was used as a base to determine the athlete satisfaction with the ESS and, furthermore, to reveal the weak spots of that support system out of an athlete point of view (N = 445). The results show, that the athletes judge the support system as overall positive. An elevated importance is ascribed to the structures and processes that are a precondition for the results. However, the results also show a high subjectivity of athlete ratings. Thus, the athlete opinions can be used to reveal weak spots concerning the ESS, but further analyses using objective facts are inevitable.

Big Fish in a small pond? : A quantitative study about independence and the social networks among corporate boards in Denmark, Finland and Sweden /

Bergmark, Jessica, Soidinmäki, Atte January 2014 (has links)
While the European Union is striving towards harmonization among the member countries, interlocks (connections) are a social phenomenon that has an implication on the Corporate Code but it is more implicitly pointed out with words like “other relevant information” or ”other significant board positions” that might affect the individual board member’s independence and ability to fully commit to the company. Although the board often is referred to as one single entity, it consists of many board members that individually can have an agenda that might deviate from all stakeholders’ goal. Every single director has a business network of social contacts, especially if they are elected to more than one company’s board. These individual directors create interlocks (links) between the firms they work for, and form a social network on company level, while the Code only recommends the companies to provide independence information and other significant assignments one by one as if they operate in solitude.   This exploratory study captures the corporate governance perspective about independence and the social networks of directors on supervisory corporate boards in Denmark, Finland and Sweden by investigating the interconnectedness of the directors and companies, and combines this data with the independence disclosure by companies.   We employed deductive approach and a quantitative archival research strategy based on secondary data from annual reports and corporate governance documents in a total of 150 companies to gather a sufficient database about the independence disclosure and the corporate networks.   We identified the most central companies and individuals in corporate framework, and found concentration of power to be evident. Identifying the director networks enabled us to focus on the structural aspects of the networks and what implications this has on the independence of the boards. Furthermore, this research analysed the disclosure independence by the companies and assessed, whether the current requirements on disclosure are adequate for their purpose.   We also found, contrary to our expectations, that the independence disclosure is not harmonized between the studied countries and therefore we assessed the disclosure by using insider-outsider theory. This showed that the current corporate codes do not capture the independence very accurately, and that harmonization of the codes in addition to insider-outsider theory would help the relevant stakeholders to get a “truer and fairer view” of the directors’ independence.   This study has been written especially the legislators in mind and suggests the use of insider-outsider -theory approach to the legislators for providing a more comprehensive and accurate view of the independence.

Das Dropout-Phänomen - Eine Untersuchung an Eliteschulen des Sports in Sachsen

Baron-Thiene, Anna 14 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Auffällig viele Athletinnen und Athleten beenden vorzeitig, d. h. vor Erreichen des individuellen Leistungshöhepunktes, ihre leistungssportliche Karriere (Dropout). Oftmals werden von den Dropouts neben gestiegenen Anforderungen im schulischen und sportlichen Bereich, auch Motivationsverlust sowie eine Verschiebung der Prioritäten als Gründe für ihre Entscheidung gegen eine Fortsetzung der leistungssportlichen Karriere angegeben. Ver- schiedene sportwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen beschäftigten sich bereits mit diesem komplexen Phänomen, eine zufriedenstellende Erklärung gelang indes nicht. Ein Großteil der bereits vorhandenen Studien betrachtet meist nur die retrospektive und damit eine oftmals verzerrte Sichtweise. Das Hauptanliegen dieser Untersuchung ist es daher gewesen, den Einfluss ausgewählter psychologischer Merkmale auf die Aufrechterhaltung des Leistungssports für Nachwuchsathletinnen und –athleten bereits prospektiv zu erfassen und damit eine Möglichkeit zu schaffen, dem frühzeitigen Ausscheiden entgegenzuwirken. Ein großes wissenschaftliches Interesse besteht hinsichtlich der Prävention von Dropout gerade im Nachwuchsleistungssport. Mittels eines Modelles, welches den Einfluss der erfassten psychologischen Merkmale auf den Verbleib bzw. Abbruch einer sportlichen Karriere abbildet, können Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung von Dropouts ergriffen werden.

Gristhorpe Man: an Early Bronze Age log-coffin burial scientifically defined

Melton, N., Montgomery, Janet A., Knüsel, Christopher J., Batt, Catherine M., Needham, S., Parker Pearson, M., Sheridan, A. January 2010 (has links)
A log-coffin excavated in the early nineteenth century proved to be well enough preserved in the early twenty-first century for the full armoury of modern scientific investigation to give its occupants and contents new identity, new origins and a new date. In many ways the interpretation is much the same as before: a local big man buried looking out to sea. Modern analytical techniques can create a person more real, more human and more securely anchored in history. This research team shows how.

Exploring the role of experiential learning in the development and performance of elite endurance athletes

Jackson, W. David 31 August 2009 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to explore how an athlete learns from experience and how this has impacted their development in becoming capable elite international athletes. Based on the qualitative theory of phenomenology, a purposeful sampling technique was used to identify participants who were experts in the phenomena being studied. In-depth interviews were conducted with four elite level triathletes (3 female; 1 male). A thematic analysis completed for each participant revealed a number of general themes. The four central themes that pervaded across participants included Learning from a New Coaching Approach, Learning from Performance, Learning during Performance, and Seeking out Learning. Different types of learning were evident and although the central themes fit with a number of different theories and models of learning, the best fit was the network model that recognizes multiple ways of learning. The relevance of experiential learning and the role of the athlete as an active learner were also highlighted. Implications for athletes and coaches include athletes being encouraged to explore various learning methods and coaches being challenged to create an environment that optimizes an athlete’s learning opportunities.

Education, gender and cross-cultural experience with reference to elite Arab women

Kirdar, Serra January 2004 (has links)
The core of the thesis investigates the role of education in the engendering of cultural change and leadership among a select group of a powerful 'first generation' of Arab women; specifically, the role of dual educational/cultural experiences, both Arab and Western. The broader aim of the study is to analyze the merging of cultural traditionalism and modernity and how dual education has enhanced the ability of women, especially Arab women, to become leaders in their professional careers, and within their respective communities, whilst still maintaining strong ties to their culture, religion and traditions, albeit to varying degrees. The writer has chosen to investigate the association between cultural identity and educational experience of elite educated Arab women, through a small sample, who have had exposure to both Western and Arab educational systems at different points in their lives. The researcher's heritage has led to a fundamental ideological interest in the coexistence of traditionalism and modernisation and whether the two can complement one another. There are now a significant number of Arab women who have had the privilege of education and exposure to the two types of systems. Yet, gender constraints and predefined gender roles still very much dictate the socio-cultural contexts in which such women have to operate. The patriarchal 'system' is omnipresent in the West as well as in the Arab world. The challenges the writer has faced even as a 'Western' Arab to reconcile tradition and intellectual and educational exposure has served as a greater impetus for this investigation. The investigation and the intent of this thesis as described above, is to test the preliminary hypothesis that, in the context of elite Arab women, their exposure to both West and Arab educational cultures is germane to their potential for influencing female professional development. How their educational experiences have influenced their own identities and their ability to adhere to the gender roles prescribed is of significant interest. What influence has such education had on these women's prospects for instituting and pioneering change in their respective societies and professions? Is the synergy of certain aspects of modernity and tradition possible? The general conclusion is that it is.

Privilege and policy : the indigenous elite and the colonial education system in Ceylon 1912-1948

Daniel, Lakshmi Kiran January 1992 (has links)
The development of educational policies in colonial Ceylon has hitherto been examined from the perspective of either the government or missionary agencies. The role of the indigenous elite in this process has not received the attention it deserves, but merely treated as a peripheral theme. This thesis attempts to redress the imbalance by focusing on the interaction between elite initiatives and the growth of cultural nationalism as key factors in the formulation of educational policy. The many dimensions of the elite's concern with educational policy are explored. The nature of their involvement and their contribution over time are the central themes of the present study. Newspapers, contemporary journals, various school magazines, the writings of the elite themselves and transcripts of debates in the Legislative and State Councils provide an insight into the public and private opinion of the English educated Ceylonese. Chapter one sketches the social background of colonial Ceylon. It describes the plural composition of the population and highlights the importance of language and religion as components of plurality. It also identifies the economic and educational opportunities through which elite status could be acquired. The form and content of education are similarly discussed. Chapter two describes the formulation of government policy and the early contributions of the indigenous leaders. Particular attention is paid to two issues - language and the administration of schools - which emerged as problems crucial to Ceylon's educational structure under colonial rule. Chapter three traces the organizational and individual responses of the upper strata in local society to education as shaped by growing cultural nationalism. The issues of language and religion now assumed a greater degree of political significance. New techniques of opposition, including the establishment of schools and cultural associations on Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim denominational lines, are analyzed in this chapter. In chapter four the repercussions of universal franchise in the educational field are assessed. The increasing political and social aspirations of the masses became the catalyst for action on the part of the leaders, as did the ethnic and caste antagonisms that had surfaced as potentially powerful factors. In chapter five, further political developments that induced the leadership to take a bold step forward - the construction of a free and egalitarian system of education - are examined. How elite competition emerged as a determinant of policy implementation is also discussed. This thesis concludes that while knowledge of English remained the sine qua non for the acquisition and preservation of status, the response of the privileged social group to educational problems in the face of increasing political challenges was to ensure that the availability to the masses of an education, albeit a vernacular education remained secure.

The Muscovite ruling oligarchy of 1547-1564 : its composition, political behaviour and attitudes towards reform

Myles, John Eric January 1988 (has links)
In recent decades considerable progress has been made in elucidating the assumptions and the dynamics of Muscovite court politics, and further scrutiny is attempted in this enquiry into the ruling oligarchy of 1547-1564. Chapters 1 to 3 are devoted to groundwork. In Chapter 1 an introduction to the ruling oligarchy is provided against the background of Muscovy's contemporary government and population. The goal of territorial aggrandisement pursued by Muscovite rulers from Ivan HI favoured "rationalisation" of the central government and reforms of the army's discipline and technology; moreover, the wars of conquest left untouched no element of the population. Tsar Ivan and his exercise of authority were especially strongly affected: the precedents established by earlier rulers encouraged him to consider Muscovy his private votchina. but such an attitude became increasingly anachronistic as the realms expanded and the tasks of governing it grew too complex for any one man. During the Oprichnina he attempted to resolve this contradiction by ruling autocratically; autocratic rule and those circumstances favouring it by 1564 are the dissertation's main theme. Even before 1564 Ivan IV was the central actor in Muscovite politics, and criteria are advanced whereby advisers close enough to qualify for the ruling oligarchy are identified. The mid-sixteenth century, as a prelude to autocracy, was a critical moment in Muscovite politics; the rich and varied historiography is surveyed in Chapter 2. The sources - their authors, dates, and value as historical evidence - are critically assessed in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 to 7 comprise the heart of the dissertation. In Chapters 4 to 6 an attempt is made to identify members of the ruling oligarchy of 1546-1564; their political behaviour and where feasible, their political attitudes are explored. In Chapter 7 the attitudes individual members maintained towards particular reforms envisaged at mid-century are explored. The dissertation's main conclusions are systematically expounded in Chapter 8, and as appropriate, their broader implications for Russian and European history are brought out.

Burnout in competitive and elite athletes

Gustafsson, Henrik January 2007 (has links)
Intensified training regimes and increasing competitive pressure make some athletes leave sports with shattered hopes and dreams. A number of these athletes drop out of sports due to burnout, which is characterized by an enduring experience of emotional and physical exhaustion, reduced sense of accomplishment and devaluation of sport participation as a consequence of prolonged chronic stress. Loss of engagement and diminished motivation also characterize burnout. But burnout is more than just a simple stress reaction, as not all athletes who experience stress burn out. Study I investigates the prevalence of burnout among competitive athletes. The number of athletes showing high levels of burnout was found to be between 1 and 9%. The number of athletes suffering from severe burnout was estimated at 1-2%. Contrary to what has been speculated, burnout was not more common in individual sports than in team sports. Study II investigated the burnout process using a case-study approach. It was found that burnout can evolve with different levels of severity, time perspectives and characteristics. There appears to be a relationship between overtraining syndrome and burnout, and the study gave support to the notion that burnout is the most severe outcome on the training fatigue continuum. Early success might lead to high expectations and an inner pressure to train, which in the three cases made the athletes ignore signs of maladaptation. Performance-based self-esteem appears to be a “driving force” in the burnout process. In Study III the burnout experience was investigated using qualitative interviews. Lack of recovery, “too much sports” and high external demands were described as causes of burnout. A stressful situation with multiple demands from sport, school and social relationships leads to a total overload, which has both physiological and psychological consequences. Critical factors were a unidimensional identity, performance-based self-esteem, an inflexible organization and feelings of entrapment. These restraining factors made the athletes remain in sports despite negative outcomes. Thus the three studies indicate that burnout is a serious problem in competitive and elite sports, that restraining factors offer an explanation for why athletes remain in sport despite negative outcomes, and that striving for self-esteem is crucial in the development of burnout.

Elite Management Strategies under Dictatorships and Their Determinants

Kim, Taekbin 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to uncover systematic patterns regarding elite management in dictatorships. To do so, it describes how dictators manage their elites and what factors determine the outcomes of their decision. Although considerable literature has examined the various structural features of dictatorships and has identified different elite management strategies to explain the persistence of dictatorships, few, if any, have empirically tested any of the theoretical propositions generated by this increasingly large body of literature. This dissertation is the first empirical attempt to explore the elite management strategies of various dictatorships, ranging from the individual case of the most extreme dictatorship (North Korea) as well as different kinds of military dictatorships (South Korea), and global patterns of autocratic regimes. To address the main research question, "what determines the choice of the dictator's elite management strategies?" this dissertation identifies three key factors - dictator, elites, and structure. The relationship between dictators and elites is basically hostile. Conflicts between actors over power acquisition often emerge in violent ways. Nevertheless, dictators do not always treat elites with repression. They sometimes make efforts to embrace and cooperate with the other elites. The variation of their strategies toward elites is determined by various conditions. The results of this dissertation indicate that three factors of dictators, elites, and the environments surrounding them significantly affect the elite management strategies under dictatorships. The main theoretical arguments of this dissertation are supported by the evidence in the three empirical chapters of this dissertation.

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