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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanisms of benzyl alcohol tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster

Alhasan, Yazan Mahmoud 19 August 2010 (has links)
Proper neuronal function requires the preservation of appropriate neural excitability. An adaptive increase in neural excitability after exposure to agents that depress neuronal signaling blunts the sedative drug effects upon subsequent drug exposure. This adaptive response to drug exposure leads to changes in drug induced behaviors such as tolerance, withdrawal and addiction. Here I use Drosophila melanogaster to study the cellular and neuronal components which mediate behavioral tolerance to the anesthetic benzyl alcohol. I demonstrate that rapid tolerance to benzyl alcohol is a pharmacodynamic mechanism independent of drug metabolism. Furthermore, tolerance is a cell autonomous response which occurs in the absence of neural signaling. Using genetic and pharmacological manipulations I find the synapse to play an important role in the development of tolerance. In addition, the neural circuits that regulate arousal and sleep also alter benzyl alcohol sensitivity. Beyond previously described transcriptional mechanisms I find a post-translational role of the Ca2+-activated K+-channel, slowpoke in the development of tolerance. Finally, I explore a form of juvenile onset tolerance, which may have origins that differ from rapid tolerance. The implications of this study go beyond tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster to benzyl alcohol and can shed light on human drug tolerance, withdrawal and addiction. / text

Užití astronomické nivelace pro vytváření modelů kvazigeoidu / Use of Astronomical Levelling for Creation of Quasigeoid Models

Jurčík, Josef January 2012 (has links)
My master´s thesis deals with use of astronomical levelling for creation of quasigeoid models. The basic input dates are componets of astronomical-geodetic deflections of the vertical in points, which are determined on AGNES and VEVEŘÍ nets. The dates are adjust for determination of relative quasigeoid. In literature [4], there is simplified solution for adjustment of this dates. The thesis looks for the most comprehensive solutions of adjustment without simplification. The solutions are compared.

Urbanisticko – architektonická studie areálu pro šetrný turismus Strachotín / Urban and architectural study of environmentally friendly tourist area Strachotín.

Malůšek, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
ANNOTATION On the banks of the Střední Novomlýnská reservoir, in the cadastre of the municipality of Strachotín, the diploma thesis presents the overall design of a multifunctional complex, based on a sensitive connection between organic farming, well-breeding, and eco-tourism. The proposal shows the concept of farming in a "closed circle", with regard to the environment. The urban solution deals with the selected land with an area of 20 ha. The architectural part closely introduces the system of objects, creating a new landscape, perceived by both a human and bird's eye perspective. The layout solution analyzes in detail the functional arrangement of the farm, trying to meet all the requirements for efficient management while maintaining the organic regime and the coexistence of visitors and employees. The complex also offers a restaurant, multifunctional hall, conference rooms, classrooms, workshops, a gym, and exhibition areas. Accommodation is provided by a system of separate buildings, presenting the current possibilities of natural construction and environmentally friendly technologies to the guests, while maintaining the comfort of living. The farm is fully equipped for weddings or corporate events. The design and material solution use a maximum of natural materials in combination with current technologies. In addition to designing a viable multifunctional unit, the aim of the thesis is also to bring added value to the region, by holding annual cultural events and regular activities for children and seniors from the surrounding municipalities. At the same time, the work aims to create a sensitive counterpoint to current tourist destinations in the area.

變數轉換之離群值偵測 / Detection of Outliers with Data Transformation

吳秉勳, David Wu Unknown Date (has links)
在迴歸分析中,當資料中存在很多離群值時,偵測的工作變得非常不容易。 在此狀況下,我們無法使用傳統的殘差分析正確地偵測出其是否存在,此現象稱為遮蔽效應(The Masking Effect)。 而為了避免此效應的發生,我們利用最小中位數穩健迴歸估計值(Least Median Squares Estimator)正確地找出這些群集離群值,此估計值擁有最大即50﹪的容離值 (Breakdown point)。 在這篇論文中,用來求出最小中位數穩健迴歸估計值的演算法稱為步進搜尋演算法 (the Forward Search Algorithm)。 結果顯示,我們可以利用此演算法得到的穩健迴歸估計值,很快並有效率的找出資料中的群集離群值;另外,更進一步的結果顯示,我們只需從資料中隨機選取一百次子集,並進行步進搜尋,即可得到概似的穩健迴歸估計值並正確的找出那些群集離群值。 最後,我們利用鐘乳石圖(Stalactite Plot)列出所有被偵測到的離群值。 在多變量資料中,我們若使用Mahalanobis距離也會遭遇到同樣的屏蔽效應。 而此一問題,隨著另一高度穩健估計值的採用,亦可迎刃而解。 此估計值稱為最小體積橢圓體估計值 (Minimum Volume Ellipsoid),其亦擁有最大即50﹪的容離值。 在此,我們也利用步進搜尋法求出此估計值,並利用鐘乳石圖列出所有被偵測到的離群值。 這篇論文的第二部分則利用變數轉換的技巧將迴歸資料中的殘差項常態化並且加強其等變異的特性以利後續的資料分析。 在步進搜尋進行的過程中,我們觀察分數統計量(Score Statistic)和其他相關診斷統計量的變化。 結果顯示,這些統計量一起提供了有關轉換參數選取豐富的資訊,並且我們亦可從步進搜尋進行的過程中觀察出某些離群值對參數選取的影響。 / Detecting regression outliers is not trivial when there are many of them. The methods of using classical diagnostic plots sometimes fail to detect them. This phenomenon is known as the masking effect. To avoid this, we propose to find out those multiple outliers by using a highly robust regression estimator called the least median squares (LMS) estimator which has maximal breakdown point. The algorithm in search of the LMS estimator is called the forward search algorithm. The estimator found by the forward search is shown to lead to the rapid detection of multiple outliers. Furthermore, the result reveals that 100 repeats of a simple forward search from a random starting subset are shown to provide sufficiently robust parameter estimators to reveal multiple outliers. Finally, those detected outliers are exhibited by the stalactite plot that shows greatly stable pattern of them. Referring to multivariate data, the Mahalanobis distance also suffers from the masking effect that can be remedied by using a highly robust estimator called the minimum volume ellipsoid (MVE) estimator. It can also be found by using the forward search algorithm and it also has maximal breakdown point. The detected outliers are then displayed in the stalactite plot. The second part of this dissertation is the transformation of regression data so that the approximate normality and the homogeneity of the residuals can be achieved. During the process of the forward search, we monitor the quantity of interest called score statistic and some other diagnostic plots. They jointly provide a wealth of information about transformation along with the effect of individual observation on this statistic.

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