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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma nova metodologia para planejamento estratégico utilizando mapas tecnológicos e detecção de frentes emergentes de pesquisa aplicada à radiofarmácia / A new methodology for strategic planning using technological maps and detection of emerging research fronts applied to radiopharmacy

Robert Joseph Didio 18 April 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa desenvolveu uma nova metodologia para dar apóio ao planejamento estratégico, utilizando o processo de elaboração de mapas tecnológicos (TRM Technological Roadmaps), associado com a aplicação do processo de detecção de frentes emergentes de pesquisa em bases de dados de artigos científicos e de patentes. A inovação introduzida nesta pesquisa é a customização do processo de TRM à radiofarmácia e, especificamente, a sua associação à técnica de detecção de frentes emergentes de pesquisa, a fim de comprovar resultados e estabelecer uma nova metodologia muito útil ao planejamento estratégico desta área de negócios. A unidade de negócios DIRF Diretoria de Radiofarmácia do IPEN CNEN/SP foi utilizada como base do estudo e implementação desta metodologia apresentada neste trabalho. / This research aims the development of a new methodology to support the strategic planning, using the process of elaboration of technological maps (TRM - Technological Roadmaps), associated with application of the detection process of emerging fronts of research in databases of scientific publications and patents. The innovation introduced in this research is the customization of the process of TRM to the radiopharmacy and, specifically, its association to the technique of detection of emerging fronts of research, in order to prove results and to establish a new and very useful methodology to the strategic planning of this area of businesses. The business unit DIRF - Diretoria de Radiofarmácia - of IPEN CNEN/SP was used as base of the study and implementation of this methodology presented in this work.

Sustainable photocatalytic oxidation processes for the treatment of emerging microcontaminants

Davididou, Konstantina January 2018 (has links)
This work investigates the elimination of new and emerging microcontaminants (EMs) from water by means of photochemical oxidation processes, namely heterogeneous and homogeneous photocatalysis. Representative compounds of artificial sweeteners (saccharin, SAC), endocrine disruptors (bisphenol-A, BPA), and pharmaceutica ls (antipyrine, AP) of high environmental persistence and widespread occurrence in the water cycle are used as case studies. Novel concepts that can make photochemica l oxidation a more cost-effective and environmentally benign technology are tested. In Chapter 4, the photocatalytic treatment of SAC and BPA is investigated. Novel submicronic anatase-rutile nanocomposite particles with tuned phase ratio are used as catalysts to increase the photocatalytic performance under UVA irradiation. At the best-assayed conditions (C0 = 3 mg/L, catalyst = 400 mg/L), SAC and BPA are completely degraded within 90 and 150 min of photocatalytic treatment, respectively. [variables: anatase-rutile ratio; initial substrate concentration; catalyst concentration; catalyst reuse; sonication during catalyst recovery] In Chapter 5, a UVA light-emitting diode (UVA-LED) and sunlight are used as irradiation sources to reduce energy requirements and environmental impacts of photocatalytic processes. The photocatalytic degradation of SAC and BPA is studied under UVA irradiation provided by either a UVA-LED or a conventional fluoresce nt blacklight UVA lamp (UVA-BL) and solar irradiation. At the best-assayed conditions (C0 = 2.5 mg/L, TiO2 = 250 mg/L), BPA is completely degraded within 20, 30, and 120 min under UVA-LED, solar, and UVA-BL irradiation, respectively. The treatment time required for the complete elimination of SAC is 20 min under UVA-LED and 90 min under UVA-BL irradiation. [variables: initial substrate concentration; catalyst concentration; water matrix; light source; reactor configuration] In Chapter 6, a comparative study is carried out among the photocatalytic systems of Chapters 4 and 5 in terms of EMs removal, photonic and energy efficiencies. Technica l and economic aspects of all the processes are assessed. LED-driven photocatalysis achieves the highest efficiency in terms of organic removal with the minimum energy consumption, rendering it the most sustainable technology for the treatment of EMs. In Chapter 7, olive mill wastewater (OMW) is used as an iron-chelating agent in the photo-Fenton reaction to obviate the need for water acidification at pH 2.8. Conventional, OMW- and EDDS-assisted photo-Fenton treatment is applied for SAC degradation in a solar compound parabolic collector (CPC). It was found that OMW forms iron complexes able to catalyse H2O2 decomposition and generate hydroxyl radicals. At the optimal OMW dilution (1:800), 90% of SAC is degraded within 75 min. [variables: pH; iron-chelating agent; initial SAC concentration; OMW dilution] In Chapter 8, other complexing and oxidising agents, namely oxalate and persulfate, are used for the intensification of AP degradation during UVA-LED photo-Fenton treatment. Neural networks are applied for process modelling and optimisation. At the optimal conditions (hydrogen peroxide = 100 mg/L, ferrous iron = 20 mg/L, oxalic acid = 100 mg/L), complete degradation of AP and 93% mineralisation is achieved within 2.5 and 60 min, respectively. [variables: initial concentration of hydrogen peroxide, ferrous iron, oxalic acid, persulfate] It is concluded that LED-driven photocatalysis is a sustainable technology for the elimination of EMs from water. Results from this work highlight the need for development and optimisation of engineering proper LED reactors. Furthermore, this work introduces a new concept towards the sustainable operation of photo-Fenton that is based on the use of wastewaters rich in polyphenols instead of pricey and hazardous chemicals for iron chelation. The addition of ferrioxalate complexes is proposed for the intensification of EMs mineralisation during UVA-LED photo-Fenton treatment. Finally, the findings of this work encourage the use of chemometric tools as predictive and optimisation tools.

Degradação fotocatalítica de nicotina em solução aquosa empregando ZnO, TiO2 e catalisadores não convencionais em suspensão

Franco, Marcela Andrea Espina de January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho estuda a degradação fotocatalítica da nicotina em solução aquosa, um alcaloide altamente tóxico que tem sido detectado em efluentes, águas subterrâneas e água mineral. Os experimentos foram realizados em um reator batelada sob irradiação ultravioleta, tendo sido avaliadas três principais variáveis: concentração inicial do contaminante, concentração de catalisador e pH inicial da solução. Foram realizados dois planejamentos de experimentos para os catalisadores comerciais ZnO e TiO2, com o objetivo de encontrar a melhor condição para promover a degradação da nicotina em água. Outros catalisadores, preparados a partir de resíduos industriais e laboratoriais, foram testados nas condições otimizadas. O método analítico empregado para quantificar a nicotina nas amostras foi a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência, o que permitiu registrar a formação de intermediários e subprodutos de reação. Os resultados experimentais demostraram que a degradação da nicotina por fotocatálise heterogênea é um processo bastante eficiente. Em ambos os planejamentos, o pH foi a variável que exerceu o maior efeito sobre a degradação, sendo este fortemente positivo. Já a concentração inicial de nicotina exerceu efeito negativo sobre a resposta e a concentração de catalisador em suspensão exibiu um ponto ótimo, que correspondeu a 0,91 g.L-1 para o ZnO, e 1,20 g.L-1 para o TiO2. Ensaios foram realizados nas condições otimizadas encontradas, onde cerca de 98% da molécula foi degradada utilizando ZnO em suspensão e 88% empregando TiO2, em uma hora de reação. A degradação fotocatalítica da nicotina demonstrou seguir uma cinética de pseudoprimeira ordem dentro do tempo de reação de 60 minutos, para os dois catalisadores comerciais. Entre os catalisadores não convencionais que foram testados, aquele que demonstrou o maior percentual de degradação foi obtido a partir de resíduo de uma indústria petroquímica, cerca de 43%. / The present work studies the photocatalytic degradation of nicotine in aqueous solution. This alkaloid is highly toxic and it has been detected in wastewater, groundwater and mineral water. The experiments were performed in a batch reactor under ultraviolet radiation. Three main variables of process were evaluated: initial concentration of pollutant, catalyst concentration and initial pH of the solution. Two experimental designs were performed for commercial catalysts ZnO and TiO2. The purpose was to find the best condition to promote the nicotine degradation in water. Other catalysts prepared from industrial and laboratory waste were tested under the optimized conditions. Analytical method used to quantify nicotine and its degradation products in all samples was high performance liquid chromatography. Experimental results showed that nicotine degradation by heterogeneous photocatalysis is a very efficient process. In both designs, initial pH was the most significant variable which has a strong positive effect. Initial nicotine concentration showed a negative effect, and catalyst concentration exhibited an optimal value for both commercial catalysts: 0,91 g.L-1 using ZnO, and 1,20 g.L-1 with TiO2. At the best conditions, about 98% of the molecule was degraded using ZnO and 88% with TiO2. Photocatalytic nicotine degradation followed a pseudo first order kinetic until 60 minutes of reaction for both commercial catalysts. Among the non-conventional catalysts tested, the one prepared from a petrochemical industry residue exhibited the highest photocatalytic degradation, about 43%.

Born Globals brasileiras: estudo da internacionalização de empresas de base tecnológica / Brazilian Born globals: study of technology-based firms internationalization

Ribeiro, Fernanda Cecilia Ferreira 16 February 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar a relação dos fatores do ambiente externo da empresa no país de origem, fatores organizacionais e fatores do empreendedor pelos quais algumas empresas de base tecnológica (EBTs) se internacionalizam de maneira acelerada desde sua fundação ou poucos anos após sua fundação. Cerca de 1000 EBTs foram aleatoriamente convidadas para responder o questionário. Ao final da coleta de dados a primeira base de dados gerada continha 214 respostas, das quais 85 foram obtidas de empresas com algum tipo de negócio no exterior, 39,7%. Destes, 54 questionários foram considerados válidos para esta pesquisa. Os resultados mostram que os fatores externos à empresa influenciam mais na internacionalização das EBTs em relação aos fatores internos. Assim, o habitat de localização, as parcerias, as políticas governamentais e a integração na cadeia de valor explicam de maneira significativa o processo de internacionalização das EBTs brasileiras. Porém, é a integração em cadeias produtivas globais o fator que melhor discrimina a internacionalização das EBTs born globals. Em relação aos fatores do empreendedor, as habilidades gerenciais internacionais do empreendedor também apareceram como importantes no processo acelerado de entrada no exterior das EBTs. Além disso, a tese apresenta uma taxonomia resultante de uma análise de clusters. Foram identificados três clusters: EBTs Born globals puxadas por cadeias globais, EBTs Born globals incentivadas por habitats de inovação e EBTs internacionalizadas não born globals. Portanto, esta pesquisa contribui para a discussão do processo de internacionalização acelerada das EBTs, contribuindo para suprir a lacuna da importância dos fatores externos, internos e do empreendedor no processo de internacionalização dessas empresas e apresentando uma taxonomia baseada em dados de born globals em mercados emergentes. / The objective of this thesis is to analyze the relation of factors external to the firm in the country of origin, organizational factors and entrepreneurial factors through which some technology-based firms (TBFs) internationalize in an accelerated manner since their foundation or a few years after their foundation. Approximately 1,000 TBFs were randomly invited to answer a questionnaire. At the end of data collection, the first database generated held 214 answers, of which 85 were obtained from firms which had some kind of business abroad (39.7%). Of those, 54 questionnaires were considered valid for this research. The results show that factors external to the firms influence more in the internationalization process of the TBFs in relation to internal factors. Therefore, location, partnerships, government policies and integration in the value chain significantly explain the internationalization process of Brazilian TBFs. However, integration in the value chain is the factor that best discriminates the internationalization of born global TBFs. In relation to entrepreneurial factors, international managing skills of the entrepreneur are also important to the accelerated internationalization process of the TBFs. Moreover, a taxonomy resulting of the analysis of clusters is presented in the thesis. Three clusters were identified: born-global TBFs generated by global chains, born-global TBFs motivated by innovation habitats and internationalized non-born global TBFs. Therefore, this paper contributes to the discussion of the accelerated internationalization process of TBFs, filling the gap regarding the importance of external, internal and entrepreneurial factors in the internationalization process of these firms and presenting a taxonomy based on data from born globals in emerging markets.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: An Experimental Study Examining the Relationship Between Music Lyrics and Body Satisfaction in Emerging Adult Women

Davis, Emilie Jill 01 August 2017 (has links)
Over the past decade, there has been an increase in academic research on media and its influences on body satisfaction. To date, the majority of body image literature focuses on low body satisfaction. While low body satisfaction leads to negative outcomes, high body satisfaction leads to a host of positive outcomes. Further, in a non-academic domain, it would seem that even some media icons are starting to take part in the effort to try to promote positive appearance messages. Singers like Christina Aguilera, Colbie Caillat, and Alessia Cara have begun writing songs like Beautiful, Try, and Scars To Your Beautiful to combat the rampant standard of the thin ideal. The current study consists of an experiment to examine the effects of positive or negative appearance music lyrics and their influence on body related outcomes (body satisfaction measured implicitly through an IAT, self-reports of body satisfaction, and observed body surveillance) in emerging adult women while moderating by adherence to sociocultural attitudes of media ideals. Results revealed that participants who listened to the positive lyrics reported significantly better body satisfaction as compared to those who listened to the negative lyrics. However, those who listened to positive lyrics did not report significantly better body satisfaction compared to those in the neutral condition and those in the neutral condition did not differ significantly from those in the negative condition. Due to preconceived schema regarding how participants already felt about their appearance, perhaps they were primed to hear lyrics confirming their appearance fears (or soothing them), but failed to attend to lyrics "unappearance" related (the neutral lyrics). Therefore, when asked about their body satisfaction, their responses reflected what they attended to, namely, either the positive or negative lyrics, not the neutral lyrics.

Effects of Key Social Factors on the Self-Efficacy of Emerging Adults

Wiggins, Madison G, Zorotovich, Jennifer 09 March 2018 (has links)
Self-efficacy is defined as “people’s beliefs about their capabilities to produce effects” (Bandura, 1994, p. 1) and has been firmly established in the literature as a motivator for behavioral change for decades (Bandura, 1977). Much of the literature has been dedicated to understanding the ways in which self-efficacy impacts outcomes within specific domains such as academics (Smith, 2018; McLean, 2018), work-related self-efficacy (Orth & Volmer, 2017; Perera, Granziera, & McIlveen, 2018), exercise and health-related self-efficacy (Martin, 2016; Thompson, Mitchell, Johnson-Lawrence, Watkins, & Modlin, 2017), among other specialized areas. Behavioral outcomes and attainment of future goals is arguably most important during during emerging adulthood, “the developmental period between adolescence and young adulthood” (Sussman & Arnett, 2014, p. 147). This developmental stage extends from 18 to 25 years wherein individuals begin to attain a certain level of independence from their families, and, for the first time, experience a new-found freedom not known in adolescence. This is a stage of exploration, a time to discover one’s own way in career, relationships, and views of the world (Sussman & Arnett, 2014). Much of the work dedicated to self-efficacy has focused on the predictive quality of the variable with less attention being given to the ways in which key social factors may determine self-efficacy and whether or not self-efficacy is differentially experienced between groups based on demographic characteristics. Key social factors (i.e., gender, race-ethnicity, social status, etc.) heavily inform individual development across the life course and are rooted within social contexts. These factors are central to contemporary issues surrounding disparities and differentials that exacerbate risk factors experienced by vulnerable populations. As families continue to become more and more diverse, the importance of studying the impacts of these factors is growing in importance. Utilizing the social role theory provides a framework for understanding how behavior is influenced by social stereotypes associated with gender, race, and social status (Eagly, 1987). Self-efficacious thought patterns impact much about a person in terms of how they view themselves, decisions they are likely to make, and what the associated outcome may be. Given the nature of emerging adulthood and the fact that many individuals are making monumental decisions that dictate future trajectories, the goal of this research is to study the relationship between gender, race-ethnicity, and social status and self-efficacy among emerging adults. Data on 284 participants were collected and analysis is forthcoming. Participants were recruited through the use of physical flyer postings, social media advertisements, and through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (mTurk) system. Regression analysis and bivariate assessments will be used to explore the relationship between self-efficacy and key social factors. Findings will be discussed in terms of how the self-efficacy of emerging adults is impacted by key social factors and what professionals can do with this information. Having these conversations will bring this information to the forefront of a greater conversation that needs to be had about systematic and societal inequalities that stem from the demographic of an individual.

FOMO, Relatedness, and Well-Being in Emerging Adults

Howard, Samantha, Duncan, James, Reed-Fitzke, Kayla, Ferraro, Anthony, Lucier-Greer, Mallory 09 March 2018 (has links)
From the viewpoint of Self-Determination Theory, this study evaluated theoretically competing models examining the relationships among one’s fear of missing out (FOMO) and multiple indicators of relatedness (satisfaction and frustration) with well-being (life satisfaction) and ill-being (depression) among a sample of emerging adults. The first model conceptualized that higher levels of FOMO would be related to higher levels of depressive symptomology and lower levels of life satisfaction, and that relationship would be mediated by relatedness satisfaction and frustration. Alternatively, the second model conceptualized that relatedness satisfaction would serve as a moderator of the relationship between FOMO and depressive symptomology and life satisfaction. Model 1 results indicated that an individual’s FOMO was associated with lower relatedness satisfaction and higher relatedness frustration, and, in turn, both forms of relatedness were significantly associated with perceptions of life satisfaction and depression. Model 2 results also indicated that one’s relatedness satisfaction or frustration did not serve as a moderator between the relationship of FOMO and well-being or ill-being. Discussion of the importance of relationship attachments, as well as clinical implications, will be included.

Sexual Consent in Emerging Adulthood: Implications for sex education and families

Dorman, Katherine M, Barnett, Rosemary V, Fogarty, Kate, Ostebo, Marit, Forthun, Larry 09 March 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the beliefs and behaviors of Emerging Adults relating to sexual consent, and how these ideas relate to an individual’s well-being. Specifically, this study used a survey that combined multiple questionnaires that were developed by the research team as well as an existing measure of consent: Sexual Consent Scale- Revised (Humphreys, T., & Brousseau, M. 2010). These questionnaires were used to answer the two questions that are the focus of this presentation and are of importance to schools, parents and family life educators: “How does an individual’s sexual behavior, beliefs or attitudes relate to individual wellbeing?” and “How does an individual’s sexual behavior relate to sexual consent?" This study was a preliminary look into sexual consent in emerging adulthood with a focus on wellbeing. The study included a total of 74 females (77.1%) and 21 males (21.9%); One (1%) participant identified as Other. The range of ages was 18-28, with a mean age of 20.14 years (SD 2.091). A total of 37 different majors were included (Undergraduate and Graduate). Most students indicated they were single (n=51, 56.6%) and 39 individuals indicated they were in a relationship (n=39, 43.3%). The two most important findings for this presentation are: There is an “Idealized” idea of sexual consent, disconnected from behavior, highlighted by the cognitive dissonance shown in responses to two items— 93% of individuals strongly agreed to the item: “I feel that sexual consent should always be obtained before the start of any sexual activity,” yet only 11% strongly agreed to the statement “I always verbally ask for consent before I initiate a sexual encounter” and the second important finding relates to the hypothesis— “As lack of perceived behavioral control increases, scores of assuming consent will also increase”. The data showed there is a significant, strong, positive relationship between behavioral control and assuming consent (r=.570, p=.000), indicating an important connection. This research is especially important in the current political/cultural climate—promoting sexual knowledge is becoming increasingly imperative for the overall wellbeing of individuals. The baseball model of getting to “bases” and “scoring” dominates US culture and may lead to ideas of competition versus ideas of mutual pleasure and enthusiastic consent. Educating families as well as youth is an important step to changing culture. Social Learning Theory provides a unique perspective in that both behavioral skills/practice and cognition need to be addressed in sex education in order to reinforce positive sexual consent behaviors. There is evidence that the time period from adolescence into emerging adulthood shows an increase in sexual risk taking, and the theory of Emerging Adulthood marks this time period as one of transitions and exploration (Arnett 2000, 2007). Educating youth before this time period may be key to promoting healthy behaviors. This study is an initial investigation into a complex topic that can be used to facilitate a discussion on sexual consent as well as the current implications for families and parents that need to educate their children about these topics.

The Role of Emerging Technologies in Rehabilitation

Hall, Courtney D. 29 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Role of Emerging Technologies in Vestibular Rehabilitation

Hall, Courtney D., Meldrum, Dara, Whitney, Susan L. 01 January 2014 (has links)
Book Summary: Recognized as two of the world's leading authorities on the subject, Susan Herdman and Richard Clendaniel, joined by a team of expert contributors, deliver the 4th Edition of the field's definitive text on the management of vestibular diseases and disorders. From assessment through therapy, they present the scientific and clinical knowledge you need to distinguish between vestibular and non-vestibular dizziness and to plan and implement the appropriate treatments.

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