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Návrhy na snížení nezaměstnanosti v okrese Žďár nad Sázavou / Suggestions for Reduction of Unemployment in the District of Žďár nad SázavouVávrová, Jiřina January 2013 (has links)
Master´s thesis is specialized on unemployment in the Zdar nad Sazavou region. It contains analysis of factors affecting unemployment and structure of applicants for a job in different categories, deals with an active employment policy and includes proposed solution which should lead to reduction of unemployment rate in this region.
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Návrhy na snížení nezaměstnanosti v okrese Vsetín / Unemployment Reduction Proposal in the District of VsetínHalaštová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on uneployment rate in dictrict of Vsetín. It contains an ana-lysis of factors affecting unemployment and applicants for job in different categories, deals with an active employment policy and presented proposals which should lead to reduction of unemployment in this district.
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Návrh na snížení nezaměstnanosti v okrese Třebíč / Suggestions for Reduction of Unemployment in the District of TřebíčŠedová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the problem of unemployment and its development in the district of Trebic in years 2009 – 2013. The work is focused of finding the causes of unemployment through labor market analysis, especially structure of job seeker. Some solutions that can help to reduce unemployment rate in the district of Trebic result from the conducted analysis. These are presented in the conclusion of the thesis.
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Vliv dávek v hmotné nouzi na motivaci snahy klienta úřadu práce k začlenění se do pracovního procesu / Influence of Social Benefits of Material Need on the Motivation of Employment Office Clients to Integrate into the Working ProcessKudláková, Anna January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Influence of Social Benefits of Material Need on the Motivation of Employment Office Clients to Integrate into the Working Process AUTHOR: Bc. Anna Kudláková, DiS. DEPARTMENT: Management and Supervision in Social and Health Care Organizations SUPERVIZOR: Prof. JUDr. Igor Tomeš, CSc. The goal of the dissertation is to describe the topic of unemployment in the Czech Republic not only in terms as well as historical development, social, economic, and social conditions of unemployed. The primary aim of this dissertation is to determine the impact of social benefits, depending on client's attempt to work on his or her inclusion into the work process. The dissertation seeks to determine whether passive labour market policies are effective, especially the social benefits for the unemployed. The paper also tries to explain the main causes of long-term unemployment and it is impact on individuals. The dissertation also seeks to find out whether the system of assistance in material need has a positive impact on clients of labour office or whether is discouraging to the potential efforts of eventual integration into the labour market. The dissertation also answers to the question if the system of assistance in material need is one of the conditions of the emergence of the poverty cycle. Key words:...
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Specifika osob 50+ při návratu na trh práce / Specifics of People 50+ Returning to Labour MarketMartincová, Anna January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with specifics of unemployed older adults who participate in projects of the Labor Office of the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis was to analyze the specifics of unemployed older adults when returning to the labor market with help of projects of the Labor Office of the Czech Republic. These specifics were identified in connection with the physical, mental, and social changes that occur in older adulthood. Other specifics were analyzed based on the position which the target group 50+ holds on the labor market and off of the labor market about impacts of unemployment to unemployed older adults. For the comprehensive summary of the issue, the theoretical part was augmented through essential characteristics of projects mediated by the Labor Office of the Czech Republic. Theoretic findings served for purposes in a qualitative survey. The qualitative survey was focused on two projects of the Labor Office: Jdi dál! 50+ v MSK and 50 PLUS v JmK. Theoretical findings were used to create questions which were used in semi-structured interviews with survey respondents. The research sample consisted of nine respondents, which five of them were project participants and other four were qualified project staff. Data analysis identifies specifics of project participants and approaches...
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Vliv státní politiky zaměstnanosti na osoby do 26 let / The Influence of state policy of employment to persons under the age of 26Hillebrandová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the Diploma thesis "The influence of state policy of employment to persons under the age of 26" is to define a group of young unemployment individuals with elementary and high education with certificate of apprenticeship. The thesis describes tools of employment policy, which influences the target group of people. The practical goal of the thesis is to conduct qualitative survey inside the user group of streetwork programme for children and young adults in the Cerny Most area. The users of the programme are target group in the thesis. The main purpose of the survey is to find out, what are the experiences of the users with jobs searching and with specific active tools of employment policy. The results of survey are analyzed and conclusions with recommendations are made. KEYWORDS The employment policy of Czech Republic Active tools of employment policy Unemployment Employment office (job centre) Ministry of Labor and social affairs of Czech Republic Social work
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Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen : Vilka skillnader finns det mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och privata arbetsförmedlingar?Karppinen, Claudia January 2008 (has links)
<p>During half a century the society has been changed from an industrial to knowledge-driven society. Industry companies have standardized requirements and companies that works with development in production has unique qualifications. The public employment office was created during a time that each tailored to then general requirements were dominating and the adaptation average appropriate worker and appropriate work where general. When the monopoly was stopped, crew companies begun to settle down on the market that flexibly adapt themselves to carried out now specialized needs that require sophisticated adaptation average work and job seekers. Companies lose the confidence for the public employment office and politicians threaten the organization with big closure. If the public employment office can continue to exist the adaptation of the average appropriate work and appropriate job seeker must function better. This led to the essay's aim: Which differences are between the public employment office and the private employment offices with respect to change ability?</p><p>In order to reply to the aim deductive run-up and qualitative survey method with semi structured interviews on a public employment office and private employment office were used. A higher manager and two section managers were interviewed on the public employment office and a manager on Adecco with snowball selection stem to get higher results that otherwise could not have been possible.</p><p>The result showed that the public employment office is devoting too much time to administrative information and meetings that instead would give results through communicating with carried out. But the personnel is motivated and becomes encouraged to giving new proposals, but that the legislation does not permit all changes. The crew company Adecco is a profit driven company that aims itself on profitable trade groups and does not have an extensive legislation what do that changes easy can come to levels. A lot of resources are imposed carried out and the adaptation goes good.</p><p>The conclusion is drawn that the public employment office can deliver a customer value to carry out. In order to that all companies will experience a value the public employment office also needs to concentrate against companies that require university graduates.</p> / <p>Under ett halvt sekel har samhället förändrats från industrisamhälle till kunskapssamhälle. Industriföretag har standardiserade krav och företag som sysslar med produktionsutveckling har unika kvalifikationer. Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen skapades under en tid som var anpassad till då generella krav var dominerande och anpassningen mellan lämplig arbetare och lämpligt arbete var generell. När monopolet avvecklades började bemanningsföretag etablera sig på marknaden som flexibelt anpassar sig till företagens numera specialiserade behov som kräver förfinad anpassning mellan arbete och arbetssökande. Företag mister förtroendet för den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och politiker hotar organisationen med stora nedläggningar. För att den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen skall kunna fortsätta existera måste anpassningen mellan lämpligt arbete och lämplig arbetssökande fungera bättre. Allt detta ledde fram till uppsatsens syfte: Vilka skillnader finns mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och de privata arbetsförmedlingarna med avseende på förändringsförmåga?</p><p>För att svara på syftet användes deduktiv ansats och kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer på en offentlig arbetsförmedling respektive privat arbetsförmedling. En högre chef och två mellanchefer intervjuades på den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen samt en chef på Adecco med snöbollsurval för att få fram högre resultat som annars inte hade varit möjligt.</p><p>Resultatet gav att inom den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen ägnas allt för mycket åt administrativa uppgifter och möten som istället skulle ge resultat genom att kommunicera med företagen. Men personalen är motiverad och blir uppmuntrade till att ge nya förslag, men att regelverket inte tillåter alla förändringar. Bemanningsföretaget Adecco är ett vinstdrivande företag som inriktar sig på lönsamma yrkesgrupper och har inte ett omfattande regelverk vilket gör att förändringar lätt kan komma till stånd. Mycket resurser läggs på företagen och anpassningen går bra.</p><p>Slutsatsen dras att den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen kan leverera ett kundvärde till företagen. För att alla företag skall uppleva ett värde behöver den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen även inrikta sig mot företag som kräver akademiker.</p>
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Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen : Vilka skillnader finns det mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och privata arbetsförmedlingar?Karppinen, Claudia January 2008 (has links)
During half a century the society has been changed from an industrial to knowledge-driven society. Industry companies have standardized requirements and companies that works with development in production has unique qualifications. The public employment office was created during a time that each tailored to then general requirements were dominating and the adaptation average appropriate worker and appropriate work where general. When the monopoly was stopped, crew companies begun to settle down on the market that flexibly adapt themselves to carried out now specialized needs that require sophisticated adaptation average work and job seekers. Companies lose the confidence for the public employment office and politicians threaten the organization with big closure. If the public employment office can continue to exist the adaptation of the average appropriate work and appropriate job seeker must function better. This led to the essay's aim: Which differences are between the public employment office and the private employment offices with respect to change ability? In order to reply to the aim deductive run-up and qualitative survey method with semi structured interviews on a public employment office and private employment office were used. A higher manager and two section managers were interviewed on the public employment office and a manager on Adecco with snowball selection stem to get higher results that otherwise could not have been possible. The result showed that the public employment office is devoting too much time to administrative information and meetings that instead would give results through communicating with carried out. But the personnel is motivated and becomes encouraged to giving new proposals, but that the legislation does not permit all changes. The crew company Adecco is a profit driven company that aims itself on profitable trade groups and does not have an extensive legislation what do that changes easy can come to levels. A lot of resources are imposed carried out and the adaptation goes good. The conclusion is drawn that the public employment office can deliver a customer value to carry out. In order to that all companies will experience a value the public employment office also needs to concentrate against companies that require university graduates. / Under ett halvt sekel har samhället förändrats från industrisamhälle till kunskapssamhälle. Industriföretag har standardiserade krav och företag som sysslar med produktionsutveckling har unika kvalifikationer. Den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen skapades under en tid som var anpassad till då generella krav var dominerande och anpassningen mellan lämplig arbetare och lämpligt arbete var generell. När monopolet avvecklades började bemanningsföretag etablera sig på marknaden som flexibelt anpassar sig till företagens numera specialiserade behov som kräver förfinad anpassning mellan arbete och arbetssökande. Företag mister förtroendet för den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och politiker hotar organisationen med stora nedläggningar. För att den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen skall kunna fortsätta existera måste anpassningen mellan lämpligt arbete och lämplig arbetssökande fungera bättre. Allt detta ledde fram till uppsatsens syfte: Vilka skillnader finns mellan den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen och de privata arbetsförmedlingarna med avseende på förändringsförmåga? För att svara på syftet användes deduktiv ansats och kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer på en offentlig arbetsförmedling respektive privat arbetsförmedling. En högre chef och två mellanchefer intervjuades på den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen samt en chef på Adecco med snöbollsurval för att få fram högre resultat som annars inte hade varit möjligt. Resultatet gav att inom den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen ägnas allt för mycket åt administrativa uppgifter och möten som istället skulle ge resultat genom att kommunicera med företagen. Men personalen är motiverad och blir uppmuntrade till att ge nya förslag, men att regelverket inte tillåter alla förändringar. Bemanningsföretaget Adecco är ett vinstdrivande företag som inriktar sig på lönsamma yrkesgrupper och har inte ett omfattande regelverk vilket gör att förändringar lätt kan komma till stånd. Mycket resurser läggs på företagen och anpassningen går bra. Slutsatsen dras att den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen kan leverera ett kundvärde till företagen. För att alla företag skall uppleva ett värde behöver den offentliga arbetsförmedlingen även inrikta sig mot företag som kräver akademiker.
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Role aktivní politiky zaměstnanosti při podpoře začínajících podnikatelů / The role of the active politics of employment in the course of the support of beginning entrepreneursVALVODOVÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The unemployment is an important economic as well as social problem which has a negative influence on not only the unemployed and their family but also our society. The society is trying to face up to the unemployment through a lot of ways. Measures of the active politics of employment are one of the possibilities of an increase in the employment rate. One of the tools of the active politics of employment is a contribution toward the creation of a socially efficient self-employment job. The purpose of this thesis was to conduct a survey of problems of the tools of the active politics of employment related to a support of beginning entrepreneurs. The first partial aim was to analyse the beginning entrepreneurs supported by these tools in South Bohemia. The second partial aim was to get a feedback from the beginning entrepreneurs supported by these tools of the active politics of employment in the Pisek District in the years 2007 through 2011 about how this support from the Employment Office helped them at the start of a business. The research part first included a secondary analysis of data related to the provision of the contribution toward the creation of the socially efficient self-employment job in South Bohemia. Then the data from the respondents who had received the given contribution were gathered through the qualitative research. The research included 11 participants who concluded a contract concerning the support given to the beginning entrepreneurs in the Pisek District after 2007. The findings result in the fact that some unemployed people can assert themselves at the market only if they start a business. All respondents agreed that this contribution had helped them at the start of their business even though the amount had not been large enough for many of them. The findings of the thesis bring information on the contribution toward the creation of the socially efficient self-employment job and the analysis of the information within South Bohemia. The findings can become a base for other researches related to the tools of the active politics of employment and they can also be used as a feedback for the Employment Office of the Czech Republic.
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Zaměstnanost z pohledu současné právní úpravy a úloha úřadů práce / Employment from the View of Current Legal Regulations and the Role of Employment OfficesPLÁŠILOVÁ, Eva January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the current situation of the labour market, as well as presents legal wording in the field of labour law, employment law, labour code, their ammendments, and other important legal regulations. The aim of this work is an analysis of the existing situation of the labour market and the cooperation with employment offices and companies in the Czech Republic. In addition, it looks to define an understanding of the real situations and problems these institutions struggle with, using statistical and mathematical models learned during my studies.
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