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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asinchroninių variklių su sinusinėmis trifazėmis apvijomis tyrimas / Research of Asynchronous Electric Motors With Sinusoidal Windings

Girdvainis, Voldemaras 18 June 2010 (has links)
Darbe įvertintos aštuonių tipų trifazių asinchroninių variklių statoriaus apvijų elektromagnetinės savybės, atlikus jų kuriamų sukamųjų magnetovarų harmonines analizes ir pagal jų rezultatus apskaičiavus elektromagnetinio efektyvumo koeficientus. Gauta, kad geriausius elektromagnetinius parametrus turi didžiausio vidutinio ir sutrumpinto žingsnio sinusinės trifazės apvijos su optimizuota sukamąja magnetovara. Eksperimentiškai išnagrinėtas gamyklinis trifazis asinchroninis 1,5 kW galios variklis su viensluoksne formine ir tas pats pervyniotas variklis su sinusine statoriaus apvija. Gamyklinio asinchroninio variklio su viensluoksne formine apvija ir pervynioto variklio su sinusine trifaze apvija visi energetiniai rodikliai apskaičiuoti atlikus jų tuščiosios veikos ir apkrovos bandymus bei panaudojus atskirų galios nuostolių metodą. Gauta, kad pervynioto asinchroninio variklio su sinusine trifaze apvija prie nurodytosios apkrovos statoriaus apvijos fazinė srovė sumažėjo 8,2 %, imama iš tinklo galia sumažėjo 5,3 %, galios nuostoliai sumažėjo 10,4 %, naudingumo koeficientas padidėjo 1,9 % ir galios koeficientas padidėjo 3,4 %, lyginant su gamyklinio asinchroninio variklio, esant tai pačiai apkrovai, atitinkamais energetiniais rodikliais. Nustatyta, kad asinchroninis variklis, turintis trifazę apviją su didesniu elektromagnetinio efektyvumo koeficientu, turi ir geresnius energetinius rodiklius. / The paper assesses the electromagnetic properties of stator winding of eight types of three-phase asynchronous motors, by performing harmonic analyses of the rotary magnetomotive forces they generate and using these results to calculate the electromagnetic efficiency coefficients. It was established that the best electromagnetic parameters are those of the sinus tri-phase winding with the largest medium and shortened step with optimised rotary magnetomotive force. Experimental analysis of a factory-made three-phase asynchronous 1,5 kW motor with a single layer form winding and the same rewound motor with sinus stator winding was performed. All energetic indicators of the factory-made asynchronous motor with a single layer form winding and the rewound motor with sinus three-phase winding were calculated after performing their no-load and load testing, and using the method of separate power loss. It was established that the phase current of the stator winding of the rewound asynchronous motor with a sinus three-phase winding, deceased by 8,2 percent at the indicated load, the power from the mains decreased by 5,3 percent, the power loss decreased by 10,4 percent, the efficiency coefficient increased by 1,9 percent and the power coefficient increased by 3,4 percent as compared to the respective indicators of the factory-made asynchronous motor at the same load. It was established that the asynchronous motor which has the three-phase winding with the larger electromagnetic... [to full text]

Asinchroninių generatorių tyrimas / Study of the induction generator

Ščerba, Andrius 02 June 2011 (has links)
Darbe atlikti trifazio asinchroninio generatoriaus, sujungto pagal nepriklausomo žadinimo ir pagal susižadinimo schemas, prie įvairių apkrovų eksperimentiniai tyrimai. Pateikti šių tyrimų bei skaičiavimų rezultatai, atlikta jų analizė. Asinchroninio generatoriaus, dirbančio pagal nepriklausomo žadinimo schemą, tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad jo energetiniai rodikliai nedaug mažesni už nurodytuosius variklio rodiklius. Generatoriaus apvijomis tekant nurodytajai srovei In = 4,7 A, jo atiduodama į tinklą aktyvioji galia P2 = 2,6 kW yra 18,18 % didesnė už nurodytąją variklio galią Pn = 2,2 kW. Asinchroninio generatoriaus, dirbančio pagal susižadinimo schemą esant pastoviam jo sukimo greičiui (n = const) ir kondensatorių talpai (C = = const), tyrimai rodo, kad šio generatoriaus energetiniai rodikliai yra ženkliai mažesni už nurodytuosius variklio rodiklius. Didėjant generatoriaus apkrovai gana sparčiai mažėja jo fazinė įtampa. Generatoriaus didžiausia apkrovos srovė I1 = 2,68 A, kuri buvo išmatuota esant sukimo greičiui n = 2000 min-1 = const ir kondensatorių talpai C = 120 μF = const, yra 43 % mažesnė už nurodytąją variklio srovę. Todėl galima teigti, kad asinchroninis generatorius, dirbantis pagal susižadinimo schemą, nebus pilnai išnaudotas. Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad asinchroninį generatorių, dirbantį pagal susižadinimo schemą, galima daugiau apkrauti didinant jo įtampą. Kad tai pasiekti, reikia, didinant generatoriaus apkrovą, atitinkamai didinti jo sukimo greitį arba (ir)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The present work presents an experimental research of a three-phase induction generator which was connected using separate excitation and self-excitation schemes under various loads. The results of the research and the calculations are provided and analyzed. The research results obtained from the separately excited induction generator show that its energetic indicators are not significantly lower than the provided motor indicators. When the rated current In = 4,7 A flows through the windings of the generator, its released active power P2 = 2,6 kW is greater than the rated motor power Pn = 2,2 kW by 18,18 %. The research on a self-excited induction generator with a constant revolution speed (n = const) and capacity of its capacitors (C = const) shows that the energetic indicators of this generator are of significantly lower values than the provided motor indicators. When the load of the generator is increased, its phase voltage decreases rather rapidly. The maximum load current I1 = 2,68 A of the generator was measured under the following conditions: the rotational speed n = 2000 min-1 = const and the capacity of the capacitors C = 120 μF = const. The results showed that it was 43 % less than the rated motor current. Therefore, it can be concluded that a self-excited induction generator will not be exploited to its full capacity. The carried out research shows that it is possible to increase the load of a self-excited induction generator by increasing its voltage. It is... [to full text]

Comparação de indicadores de eficiência energética e exergética em duas indústrias do setor sucroalcooleiro / Comparison of indicatives of energetic and exergetic efficiency in two industries of sugar-alcohol sector

Schirmer, Florian 27 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T19:25:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Florian Schirmer.pdf: 2016231 bytes, checksum: 57aa2561433d1c4c0448c03930721ca7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-27 / This work has an objective to study and to compare energetic and exergetic indicatives of two sugar and alcohol sector industry. The study was realized in 2005 harvest time at both industries. It was opted in doing the experiment collecting datas from individual boilers in each industry, quantity of ground cane, properties of cane and bagasse, quantity of energy involved in process per sectors, commercialized energy with the concession of each region and characteristics of each equipment involved in the process. The data were collected from respective department data-bank and through interviews with the responsibles for each sector, being the work based on studies done by diary and monthly average from collected data. The results pointed that each analyzed industry has different indicators for each studied data. The study states that both factories need more efficient equipments. And exergetic indicators presented results next to the studies done to Vale do Rosário Factory and mentioned on this work. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar e comparar indicativos energéticos e exergéticos de duas indústrias do setor sucroalcooleiro. O estudo foi realizado no período de safra 2005 em ambas as indústrias. Optou-se em se fazer o experimento utilizando-se dados das caldeiras individualmente em cada indústria, quantidade de cana moída, propriedades da cana e do bagaço, quantidade de energia envolvida no processo por setores, energia comercializada com a concessionária de cada região e características de cada equipamento envolvido no processo. Os dados foram colhidos dos bancos de dados dos respectivos departamentos e por meio de entrevistas com os responsáveis de cada setor, sendo o trabalho baseado em estudos feitos pelas médias diárias e mensais dos dados coletados. Os resultados apontaram que cada indústria analisada tem indicadores diferentes para cada dado estudado. O estudo comprova que ambas as usinas necessitam de equipamentos mais eficientes. Já os indicadores exergéticos apresentaram resultados muito próximos aos do estudo feito para a Usina Vale do Rosário e mencionados neste trabalho.

Comparação de indicadores de eficiência energética e exergética em duas indústrias do setor sucroalcooleiro / Comparison of indicatives of energetic and exergetic efficiency in two industries of sugar-alcohol sector

Schirmer, Florian 27 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:48:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Florian Schirmer.pdf: 2016231 bytes, checksum: 57aa2561433d1c4c0448c03930721ca7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-27 / This work has an objective to study and to compare energetic and exergetic indicatives of two sugar and alcohol sector industry. The study was realized in 2005 harvest time at both industries. It was opted in doing the experiment collecting datas from individual boilers in each industry, quantity of ground cane, properties of cane and bagasse, quantity of energy involved in process per sectors, commercialized energy with the concession of each region and characteristics of each equipment involved in the process. The data were collected from respective department data-bank and through interviews with the responsibles for each sector, being the work based on studies done by diary and monthly average from collected data. The results pointed that each analyzed industry has different indicators for each studied data. The study states that both factories need more efficient equipments. And exergetic indicators presented results next to the studies done to Vale do Rosário Factory and mentioned on this work. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar e comparar indicativos energéticos e exergéticos de duas indústrias do setor sucroalcooleiro. O estudo foi realizado no período de safra 2005 em ambas as indústrias. Optou-se em se fazer o experimento utilizando-se dados das caldeiras individualmente em cada indústria, quantidade de cana moída, propriedades da cana e do bagaço, quantidade de energia envolvida no processo por setores, energia comercializada com a concessionária de cada região e características de cada equipamento envolvido no processo. Os dados foram colhidos dos bancos de dados dos respectivos departamentos e por meio de entrevistas com os responsáveis de cada setor, sendo o trabalho baseado em estudos feitos pelas médias diárias e mensais dos dados coletados. Os resultados apontaram que cada indústria analisada tem indicadores diferentes para cada dado estudado. O estudo comprova que ambas as usinas necessitam de equipamentos mais eficientes. Já os indicadores exergéticos apresentaram resultados muito próximos aos do estudo feito para a Usina Vale do Rosário e mencionados neste trabalho.

Daugiafazių elektromechaninių keitiklių tyrimas / Research of multi-phase electromechanical inverters

Ostanovkaitė, Aurelija 21 June 2013 (has links)
Tiriamajame darbe elektromagnetiniu požiūriu palyginamos viensluoksnė forminė trifazė ir to pačio tipo šešiafazė apvijos. Atlikta šių apvijų kuriamų sukamųjų magnetovarų harmonė analizė ir pagal gautus rezultatus apskaičiuoti elektromagnetinio efektyvumo koeficientai. Gauta, kad viensluoksnė forminė šešiafazė apvija turi geresnius elektromagnetinius parametrus. Šios šešiafazės apvijos efektyvumo koeficientas yra 8,7 % didesnis nei viensluoksnės forminės trifazės apvijos. Atliktas eksperimentinis tyrimas su 1,5 kW asinchroniniu varikliu su viensluoksne formine trifaze apvija ir su tuo pačiu pervyniotu varikliu su ta pačia šešiafaze apvija. Asinchroninio variklio su viensluoksne formine trifaze apvija ir to pačio pervynioto variklio su ta pačia šešiafaze apvija visi energiniai rodikliai apskaičiuoti atlikus tuščiosios veikos ir apkrovos bandymus. Atlikus asinchroninio variklio eksperimentinius bandymus prie nurodytosios apkrovos trifaziam ir šešiafaziam asinchroniniam varikliui, buvo gauti tokie skaičiavimo rezultatai: pervynioto šešiafazio variklio statoriaus apvijos fazinė srovė sumažėjo 25 %, imama iš tinklo galia sumažėjo 10 %, galios suminiai nuostoliai sumažėjo 38 %, galios faktorius padidėjo 4 %, naudingumo faktorius padidėjo beveik 15 %, sukimosi momentas padidėjo apie 5 %. Nustatyta, kad asinchroninis variklis su viensluoksne formine šešiafaze apvija turi geresnius energinius rodiklius nei asinchroninis variklis su to paties tipo trifaze apvija. / In this research electromagnetic properties of single-layer former three-phase winding and the same type six-phase winding are assessed and compared. Harmonic analyses of magnetomotive force was carried out on the rotary forces they generate and, according to final results, the electromagnetic efficiency coefficients were calculated. It was established that electromagnetic parameters of the single-layer former six-phase winding are better. The efficiency coefficient of the single-layer former six-phase winding is 8,7 % higher compared to the same three-phase winding. The experimental analysis of a three-phase asynchronous 1,5 kW motor with a single-layer three-phase winding and the same rewound motor with the same six-phase winding was performed. All energetic indicators of the asynchronous motor with a single-layer former three-phase winding and rewound motor the same six-phase winding were calculated after performing a no-load and load tests. Performing a load testing of the asynchronous motor for single-layer three-phase winding and the same six-phase winding it was established that the current of the stator winding of the rewound asynchronous motor with a single-layer six-phase winding decreased by 25 % at the indicated load, the power from the network decreased by 10 %. Moreover, the power loss decreased by 38 %, the power factor increased by 4 %, the efficiency factor increased almost by 15 %, and the torque increased by 5 %. It was established that the asynchronous... [to full text]

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