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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

České energetické právo v kontextu ochrany životního prostředí / Czech Energy Law in the Context of Environmental Protection

Příborský, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation work analyzes the Czech energy law in the context of environmental protection. The thesis seeks out the contexts of principles and instruments of environmental protection in the legal regulation of energy. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of conceptual, administrative, and economic tools and their application at different stages of the energy chain. Attention is paid to the issue of energy terminology in the Civil Code and its importance in the construction phase of the energy infrastructure. The work analyzes the contexts of principles and instruments of environmental protection in thematic areas focused on business regulation in energy, supported energy production, nuclear energy and energy conservation, i.e. according to the areas regulated by the four basic pieces of energy legislation in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, activities in the energy sectors are described in terms of threats and damage of the individual components of the environment. The conclusion of the work points to the main problematic areas of the Czech energy law, including recommendations for their solution. Key words Czech Energy Law, Environmental Protection, Principles and Instruments of Environmental Protection

Legal ways and means the european community law can provide for the promotion of green fuels

Rentrop, Timm U.W. 05 January 1999 (has links)
Cette thèse explore les possibilités en droit européen pour promouvoir les carburants et combustibles d'origine agricole et forestier. Ce sujet est d'intérêt pour l'Europe, parce qu'il peut à la fois offrir une source d'énergie plus propre (c'est une source d'énergie renouvelable pouvant réduire les émissions en gaz à effet de serre et des gaz polluants), un nouveau déboucher pour la surcapacité de l'agriculture européenne et réduire la dépendance énergétique de l'Europe et ainsi sa sécurité d'approvisionnement.<p>La thèse commence en présentant brièvement les différentes politiques de l'Union Européenne qui concernent les biocarburants et -combustibles et en énumérant les mesures déjà pris dans le cadre de ces politiques qui donnent du soutien à cette technologie. Ceci inclut les différentes programmes de financement de recherche ou du développement régionale, les mesures de protection de l'environnement concernés, le traitement de cette source d'énergie par les systèmes fiscales réglés au niveau européen (accises et TVA)et surtout les actions dans le cadre de la Politique Agricole Commune (PAC), avec son soutien pour les différentes secteurs agricoles qui peuvent fournir les matières premières pour ces carburants/combustibles. Ceci révèle que l'action actuelle en faveur de cette technologie n'est pas une action intégrée mais de caractère ponctuel et ancillaire. En fait avec beaucoup des mesures existantes, la promotion des biocarburants/biocombustibles n'est pas le but principal, mais un but ancillaire - comme un soutien de cette technologie peut aider à atteindre le but principal,elle est soutenue. Par exemple, dans le cadre de la PAC, le soutien aux biocarburants actuellement est du au souhait de réduire la capacité de production d'autres produits en crise.<p>Ma thèse par contre, propose des actions qui sont développés spécifiquement avec le but de promouvoir cette technologie, où ce résultat n'est pas le sous-produit du souhait d'atteindre un autre but. Il y a d'abord des propositions sur comment le droit européen peut agir ici sans des modifications majeures,en étendant certaines mesures existantes ou en appliquant d'autres par analogie pour inclure un soutien à cette source d'énergie.<p>Suit la proposition d'une action intégrée du droit communautaire pour l'intervention en faveur des biocarburants/biocombustibles moyennant un nouveau type d'organisation commune de marché:<p>Ceci est une application du droit tout à fait innovante dans cette domaine. Il est proposé d'organiser l'intervention moyennant des appels d'offre avant la campagne de culture. Les agriculteurs doivent alors planifier leur production en avance et essayer de trouver des débouchés pour leurs produits avant de commencer à produire.<p>Sur base des résultats ainsi obtenus, ils demandent du soutien pour obtenir un revenu net équitable. Cette intervention peut prendre tous les formes actuels comme l'achat, aide directe, restitutions à la production,etc.<p>La thèse ensuite examine la conformité de le méchanisme avec les exigences de base du droit européen,rappellant les principes fondamentaux de droit européen, comme le respect des droits de l'homme, la non-discrimination, le droit à la propriété et la proportionalité,qui doivent être respectés par toute action législative sur le niveau européen.<p>Puis il y a l'analyse des avantages de cette manière d'intervenir: <p>En obligeant les producteurs de demander du soutien avant l'ensemencement, tous les décisions sur les types de produit, prix, quantités, etc. doivent être déjà prises et, par conséquent, l'organisme d'intervention n'est pas confronté avec des faits accompli après la récolte.<p>Au contraire, il connaît à l'avance la production et son niveau envisagée. Ceci offre la possibilité d'éviter des problèmes: l'intervention a le moyen avec l'outil du appel d'offre et le soutien accordé par conséquence, de diriger cette production envisagée en provoquant des changements avant que la production est entamé. De cette manière on peut éviter des surproductions - en refusant des demandes de soutien au delà d'un certain seuil(obligeant les producteurs à chercher des alternatives)ou - en demandant une réduction de la productivité spécifique(exigeant une agriculture plus extensive) si on préfère du soutien spécifique (par unité produite)plus élevé pour combler l'écart entre le revenu de la production et un revenu considéré comme équitable. Cette manière d'intervenir permet aussi de cibler avec plus de précision le soutien aux producteurs qui en ont vraiment besoin en donnant de la priorité aux demandes des producteurs les plus désavantagés, p.ex. les exploitations familiales ou ceux avec une production écologique etc. Alternativement, en offrant plus de possibilités d'obtenir du soutien dans une certaine catégorie de production, ce système peut permettre de inciter d'autres à se convertir pour un type d'agriculture souhaité. Ceci peut donner une direction à l'évolution structurelle de l'agriculture. Actuellement ce souhait de diriger le type d'exploitation se fait par un soutien plus élevé, avec du gaspillage de ressources budgétaires. Le système des appels d'offre (de demandes de soutien)proposé individualise l'intervention pour mieux cibler le soutien à ceux qui en ont besoin sans la rigidité de quotas.<p>En plus, comme la décision sur le soutien est seulement prise après la formation de contrats de vente des produits (et par conséquence après fixation de leurs prix effectifs), ce système d'intervention en fait laisse plus de liberté au marché que les systèmes actuels, à l'exception des situations où l'évolution de la production (envisagée)risque de provoquer des problèmes et l'intervention par conséquence incite un changement des décisions prises. Normalement ces décisions commerciales ne sont pas influencés par le niveau de soutien accordé après. C'est un type de "deficiency payments" avec la possibilité d'intervenir de manière 'dirigiste' si des problèmes s'annoncent. / Doctorat en droit / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Ordem econômica e energia : entre a teoria e a prática na geração de energia elétrica

Ecco, Juliano Martins January 2018 (has links)
Desde 2012, o sistema elétrico brasileiro tem passado por crise estrutural e regulatória que culminou no substancial aumento da tarifa. Em virtude dos baixos índices de pluviosidade e da adoção de medidas políticas não precedidas de efetivo planejamento, o sistema elétrico brasileiro, de predominância hidrelétrica, atua no seu limite. As usinas térmicas, que produzem energia cara e poluente, têm sido acionadas a fim de possibilitar a retomada das reservas hídricas, sem sucesso. Embora o marco regulatório vigente, baseado nas Leis n. 10.847 e 10.848/2004, tenha instituído mecanismos para a diversificação da matriz elétrica e para a participação da iniciativa privada em ambiente concorrencial, com a fragmentação dos segmentos do setor, a sua observação prática, treze anos depois, revela que os grandes ativos geradores de energia continuam entregues ao controle estatal e, com isso, submetidos a medidas políticas e regulatórias que afastam o investimento privado. Por meio de consulta à bibliografia especializada e às atuações da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), do Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME) e do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), este trabalho analisa os efeitos que se sucederam desde a edição da Medida Provisória n. 579/2012, posteriormente convertida na Lei n. 12.783/2013, passando por demais atos normativos no mesmo período até a Consulta Pública n. 33, empreendida pelo MME com vistas ao aprimoramento do marco regulatório do setor, com foco no estudo da geração de energia elétrica, na atração da participação da iniciativa privada, na criação de mecanismos para o financiamento de novos empreendimentos e no desenvolvimento de mercado que possa remunerar a disponibilidade dos geradores e, com isso, garantir o suprimento de forma adequada e promover a diversificação da matriz hidrotérmica com a inclusão de novas fontes renováveis. / The brazilian electricity system has undergone a structural and regulatory crisis started at 2012, which caused a substantial tariff increase. Due to the low rainfall rates and the adoption of political policies that were not preceded by effective planning, the brazilian hydropower system operates currently at its limit. The thermal plants, which generate expensive and polluting energy, have been activated to enable the resumption of water reserves, but had no success until now. Although the current regulatory framework, built on Laws n. 10.847 and n. 10.848/2004, had instituted mechanisms for the diversification of the electricity matrix and to attract private investment in a competitive environment, which became possible by the unbundling of the sector, its practical observation, thirteen years later, reveals that the large power generators remain under state control and, therefore, submitted to political and regulatory policies that deviate private investment Through the study of the specialized bibliography and the actions provided by the National Electricity Agency (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica – ANEEL), the Ministry of Mines and Energy (Ministério de Minas e Energia – MME) and the Audit Court of the Union (Tribunal de Contas da União – TCU), this dissertation analyzes the effects that have taken place after the presidential Provisional Measure (Medida Provisória) n. 579/2012, later converted into Law n. 12.783/2013, and other normative acts in the same period until the Public Consultation n. 33 (Consulta Pública n. 33), undertaken by MME in order to improve the sector's regulatory framework, focusing on the study of electric power generation, attracting private initiative, creating mechanisms for financing new ventures and the development of a capacity market that would make possible to guarantee the adequate supply and support the diversification of the hydrothermal matrix with the inclusion of new renewable sources.

International Investment Trend of Photovoltaics

Lin, Hsin-yu 22 July 2011 (has links)
What is the trend of the global solar PV industry? What is the importance of Solar Energy in Renewable Energy? Why shall we invest solar PV industry? What is the impact of Renewable Energy Bill, etc. (Law) and the purchase plan (policy) on the solar PV industry? For this research, we mainly analyze the importance of the investment in solar photovoltaic industry. We realize that energy issues have been significant via the analysis by the report of the World Organization, so we shall solve the energy crisis by energy conservation and the development and use of renewable energy. Moreover, we shall realize how to solve the obstacles of the raw materials in solar energy research and which way to get technical and capital in solar photovoltaic industry practice of states, from that we will understand solar energy and the investment relationship of photovoltaic industry. The research results can help readers understand the importance of solar energy, the investment consideration of solar photovoltaic industry and the characteristics of the global solar market, hoping that the policy tools in our country can be leading and continuing success in the future.

Ordem econômica e energia : entre a teoria e a prática na geração de energia elétrica

Ecco, Juliano Martins January 2018 (has links)
Desde 2012, o sistema elétrico brasileiro tem passado por crise estrutural e regulatória que culminou no substancial aumento da tarifa. Em virtude dos baixos índices de pluviosidade e da adoção de medidas políticas não precedidas de efetivo planejamento, o sistema elétrico brasileiro, de predominância hidrelétrica, atua no seu limite. As usinas térmicas, que produzem energia cara e poluente, têm sido acionadas a fim de possibilitar a retomada das reservas hídricas, sem sucesso. Embora o marco regulatório vigente, baseado nas Leis n. 10.847 e 10.848/2004, tenha instituído mecanismos para a diversificação da matriz elétrica e para a participação da iniciativa privada em ambiente concorrencial, com a fragmentação dos segmentos do setor, a sua observação prática, treze anos depois, revela que os grandes ativos geradores de energia continuam entregues ao controle estatal e, com isso, submetidos a medidas políticas e regulatórias que afastam o investimento privado. Por meio de consulta à bibliografia especializada e às atuações da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), do Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME) e do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), este trabalho analisa os efeitos que se sucederam desde a edição da Medida Provisória n. 579/2012, posteriormente convertida na Lei n. 12.783/2013, passando por demais atos normativos no mesmo período até a Consulta Pública n. 33, empreendida pelo MME com vistas ao aprimoramento do marco regulatório do setor, com foco no estudo da geração de energia elétrica, na atração da participação da iniciativa privada, na criação de mecanismos para o financiamento de novos empreendimentos e no desenvolvimento de mercado que possa remunerar a disponibilidade dos geradores e, com isso, garantir o suprimento de forma adequada e promover a diversificação da matriz hidrotérmica com a inclusão de novas fontes renováveis. / The brazilian electricity system has undergone a structural and regulatory crisis started at 2012, which caused a substantial tariff increase. Due to the low rainfall rates and the adoption of political policies that were not preceded by effective planning, the brazilian hydropower system operates currently at its limit. The thermal plants, which generate expensive and polluting energy, have been activated to enable the resumption of water reserves, but had no success until now. Although the current regulatory framework, built on Laws n. 10.847 and n. 10.848/2004, had instituted mechanisms for the diversification of the electricity matrix and to attract private investment in a competitive environment, which became possible by the unbundling of the sector, its practical observation, thirteen years later, reveals that the large power generators remain under state control and, therefore, submitted to political and regulatory policies that deviate private investment Through the study of the specialized bibliography and the actions provided by the National Electricity Agency (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica – ANEEL), the Ministry of Mines and Energy (Ministério de Minas e Energia – MME) and the Audit Court of the Union (Tribunal de Contas da União – TCU), this dissertation analyzes the effects that have taken place after the presidential Provisional Measure (Medida Provisória) n. 579/2012, later converted into Law n. 12.783/2013, and other normative acts in the same period until the Public Consultation n. 33 (Consulta Pública n. 33), undertaken by MME in order to improve the sector's regulatory framework, focusing on the study of electric power generation, attracting private initiative, creating mechanisms for financing new ventures and the development of a capacity market that would make possible to guarantee the adequate supply and support the diversification of the hydrothermal matrix with the inclusion of new renewable sources.

Ordem econômica e energia : entre a teoria e a prática na geração de energia elétrica

Ecco, Juliano Martins January 2018 (has links)
Desde 2012, o sistema elétrico brasileiro tem passado por crise estrutural e regulatória que culminou no substancial aumento da tarifa. Em virtude dos baixos índices de pluviosidade e da adoção de medidas políticas não precedidas de efetivo planejamento, o sistema elétrico brasileiro, de predominância hidrelétrica, atua no seu limite. As usinas térmicas, que produzem energia cara e poluente, têm sido acionadas a fim de possibilitar a retomada das reservas hídricas, sem sucesso. Embora o marco regulatório vigente, baseado nas Leis n. 10.847 e 10.848/2004, tenha instituído mecanismos para a diversificação da matriz elétrica e para a participação da iniciativa privada em ambiente concorrencial, com a fragmentação dos segmentos do setor, a sua observação prática, treze anos depois, revela que os grandes ativos geradores de energia continuam entregues ao controle estatal e, com isso, submetidos a medidas políticas e regulatórias que afastam o investimento privado. Por meio de consulta à bibliografia especializada e às atuações da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), do Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME) e do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), este trabalho analisa os efeitos que se sucederam desde a edição da Medida Provisória n. 579/2012, posteriormente convertida na Lei n. 12.783/2013, passando por demais atos normativos no mesmo período até a Consulta Pública n. 33, empreendida pelo MME com vistas ao aprimoramento do marco regulatório do setor, com foco no estudo da geração de energia elétrica, na atração da participação da iniciativa privada, na criação de mecanismos para o financiamento de novos empreendimentos e no desenvolvimento de mercado que possa remunerar a disponibilidade dos geradores e, com isso, garantir o suprimento de forma adequada e promover a diversificação da matriz hidrotérmica com a inclusão de novas fontes renováveis. / The brazilian electricity system has undergone a structural and regulatory crisis started at 2012, which caused a substantial tariff increase. Due to the low rainfall rates and the adoption of political policies that were not preceded by effective planning, the brazilian hydropower system operates currently at its limit. The thermal plants, which generate expensive and polluting energy, have been activated to enable the resumption of water reserves, but had no success until now. Although the current regulatory framework, built on Laws n. 10.847 and n. 10.848/2004, had instituted mechanisms for the diversification of the electricity matrix and to attract private investment in a competitive environment, which became possible by the unbundling of the sector, its practical observation, thirteen years later, reveals that the large power generators remain under state control and, therefore, submitted to political and regulatory policies that deviate private investment Through the study of the specialized bibliography and the actions provided by the National Electricity Agency (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica – ANEEL), the Ministry of Mines and Energy (Ministério de Minas e Energia – MME) and the Audit Court of the Union (Tribunal de Contas da União – TCU), this dissertation analyzes the effects that have taken place after the presidential Provisional Measure (Medida Provisória) n. 579/2012, later converted into Law n. 12.783/2013, and other normative acts in the same period until the Public Consultation n. 33 (Consulta Pública n. 33), undertaken by MME in order to improve the sector's regulatory framework, focusing on the study of electric power generation, attracting private initiative, creating mechanisms for financing new ventures and the development of a capacity market that would make possible to guarantee the adequate supply and support the diversification of the hydrothermal matrix with the inclusion of new renewable sources.

Energetické právo České republiky / Energy Law of the Czech republic

Blahoudková, Gabriela January 2020 (has links)
Energy law of the Czech Republic Abstract The diploma thesis is devoted to the Energy law of the Czech Republic and its main purpose is to analyse the regulation of enterprise in the energy sectors under public law. The thesis concentrates mostly on the regulation under the Energy act, but it also reflects relevant regulation contained in other statutes, regulations, European Union legislation or international agreements. The thesis also reflects the consequences of the stated regulation for the enterprises performing business activities in the energy sector. For this purpose, the thesis distinguishes between various entities operating on the market with (i) electricity, (ii) gas and (iii) heating. Besides it also defines what preconditions individual subjects must meet to perform the activities in energy sector and what obligations the energy law imposes on them. In this context the thesis concentrates on the instruments of legal regulation used in this field, especially the licence, the certificate of independence and the state authorization for the construction of the power stations or some gas facilities. Moreover, the thesis compares stated legal tools with legal tools used abroad; in particular with legal tools used in the Slovak Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany that were chosen because of...

The regulation of gas exploration, production and management : a life cycle analysis / Carmen Henning

Henning, Carmen January 2014 (has links)
Gas exploration and production at sea and on land is a recent phenomenon in South Africa. The reason for the sudden interest in gas exploration and production on land is that it may prove to be a solution to the need for cleaner forms of energy and provides the possibility for South Africa to move away from coal-based energy. In order to achieve this transition while keeping economic development intact, South Africa is in need of a “greener” option. Gas is considered the most environmentally friendly fossil fuel and therefore provides South Africa with this much needed “greener” option. The uncertainty about the nature and extent of the environmental impacts regarding gas exploration and production suggests that an efficient and effective energy and environmental law and policy framework is still needed to regulate onshore and offshore gas exploration and production during all phases of its life cycle. It furthermore requires of the authorities that they establish and enhance environmental protection and sustainability during all gas exploration and production operations in order to ensure that the environmental impacts that may occur during such operations are addressed in a holistic and integrated manner. This study focuses on conventional gas. South Africa’s energy and environmental law and policy framework that regulates gas exploration does not cover the entire life cycle of onshore and offshore gas activities. It is of paramount importance that the current fragmentation in the country’s existing energy and environmental regulatory framework be addressed and that a sufficient environmental governance regime, as envisaged in this study, is established. This will enable the administering agents to actively promote and maintain the welfare of the people, the ecosystems, the essential ecological processes and the biodiversity of South Africa, while promoting the utilisation of living natural resources on a sustainable basis to the benefit of all South Africans, present and future, as pledged in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The regulation of gas exploration, production and management : a life cycle analysis / Carmen Henning

Henning, Carmen January 2014 (has links)
Gas exploration and production at sea and on land is a recent phenomenon in South Africa. The reason for the sudden interest in gas exploration and production on land is that it may prove to be a solution to the need for cleaner forms of energy and provides the possibility for South Africa to move away from coal-based energy. In order to achieve this transition while keeping economic development intact, South Africa is in need of a “greener” option. Gas is considered the most environmentally friendly fossil fuel and therefore provides South Africa with this much needed “greener” option. The uncertainty about the nature and extent of the environmental impacts regarding gas exploration and production suggests that an efficient and effective energy and environmental law and policy framework is still needed to regulate onshore and offshore gas exploration and production during all phases of its life cycle. It furthermore requires of the authorities that they establish and enhance environmental protection and sustainability during all gas exploration and production operations in order to ensure that the environmental impacts that may occur during such operations are addressed in a holistic and integrated manner. This study focuses on conventional gas. South Africa’s energy and environmental law and policy framework that regulates gas exploration does not cover the entire life cycle of onshore and offshore gas activities. It is of paramount importance that the current fragmentation in the country’s existing energy and environmental regulatory framework be addressed and that a sufficient environmental governance regime, as envisaged in this study, is established. This will enable the administering agents to actively promote and maintain the welfare of the people, the ecosystems, the essential ecological processes and the biodiversity of South Africa, while promoting the utilisation of living natural resources on a sustainable basis to the benefit of all South Africans, present and future, as pledged in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The Politics of Atomic Energy

Hudson, David, fl. 1975- 08 1900 (has links)
The regulation of atomic energy has had a long and unique history in the United States and it is the effectiveness of that regulation which poses the problem analyzed here. Government documents and secondary sources are used to provide data and critical opinion about atomic energy regulation. The first chapter deals with the history of the earliest attempts to deal vith atomic energy while the second chapter is concerned with the political nature of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Questions o secrecy and potential environmental danger from the nuclear enterprise are topics for the third and fourth chapters respectively. A concluding chapter indicates the future direction the regulation of nuclear power may take under the newly established Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Energy Research and Development Administration.

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