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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Překlad ve výuce odborné angličtiny pro nefilology / Translation in Teaching English for Specific Purposes

Bahenská, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
Translation in Teaching English for Specific Purposes at the Tertiary Level The purpose of this thesis is to explore translation as an aid to language teaching from various perspectives relevant to English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes at the tertiary level of education. Our intention is to offer the option of incorporating translation activities within ESP courses at universities. The research presented in the thesis is relevant to the context of English as a foreign language, taught in a linguistically homogeneous environment to adult learners of ESP at a tertiary level, with a particular focus on English for legal purposes. The research questions dealt with in this thesis are as follows: 1. Can translation contribute to effective learning of English for Specific Purposes? 2. If the answer to the first question is 'yes,' what forms of translation activities are best suited to make such a contribution? 3. Is translation currently used in courses of English for Specific Purposes, and, more specifically, in courses of English for law taught in the Czech Republic? If so, how is it used? 4. What are learners' perceptions of translation activities? The first two questions are answered through a review of the relevant literature. The third question is answered through semi-structured interviews...

Analiza potreba kao kljuĉni aspekt u procesu izrade kursa engleskog jezika za oblast tehnološke i inženjerske struke / Needs analysis as a key design factor fortechnology and engineering oriented ESLcourses

Jerković Jelena 07 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Predmet ove disertacije je analiza potreba kao neophodni &ndash; prvi korak, pre izrade kursa engleskog jezika za oblast tehnolo&scaron;ke i inţenjerske struke. Kako je sa razvojem nastave jezika struke do&scaron;lo do objedinjavanja vi&scaron;e faktora u samom procesu analize potreba &ndash; analize jezika struke, analize ciljne situacije, analize trenutnog nivoa znanja polaznika kao i analize nastavnog konteksta, analiza potreba je u ovoj disertaciji sagledana sa svih pomenutih aspekata, a istraţivanje je obavljeno u dve faze. U prvoj fazi je ispitana analiza trenutnog stanja u vezi sa upotrebom i nastavom engleskog jezika sa aspekta studenata i predavaĉa engleskog jezika na tehnolo&scaron;kim fakultetima u Srbiji. S druge strane, sprovedena je i analiza potreba u vezi sa upotrebom engleskog jezika zaposlenih inţenjera tehnologije. Rezultati, koji su obraĊeni kvantitativnom metodom su pokazali nedovoljnu zastupljenost engleskog jezika struke i sa aspekta studenata i sa aspekta predavaĉa. Kada je u pitanju upotreba engleskog jezika zaposlenih inţenjera, rezultati su ukazali na potrebu za ĉestim kori&scaron;ćenjem engleskog jezika za potrebe svog posla, kao i na vaţnost znanja engleskog jezika radi veće uspe&scaron;nosti u poslu, posebno istiĉući jeziĉke ve&scaron;tine ĉitanja i usmene i pismene komunikacije.<br />Uzimajući u obzir dobijene rezultate analize potreba, pristupilo se izradi kursa engleskog jezika za potrebe studenata tehnologije, koji je trebalo da bude usklaĊeniji sa ispitanim potrebama budućih tehnologa i koji je bio ponuĊen eksperimentalnoj grupi studenata. Provera efikasnosti i svrsishodnosti<br />novog kursa izvr&scaron;ena je u drugom delu istraţivanja, sa jedne strane kvantitativnom metodom, poreĊenjem rezultata testa postignuća izmeĊu studenata iz eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe, a sa druge strane kvalitativnom metodom iz intervjua sa studentima. Rezultati testa postignuća su pokazali znaĉajno veću uspe&scaron;nost kumulativnog broja poena studenata iz eksperimentalne grupe (ukupna ocena 8,8) u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu studenata (6,77), &scaron;to je potvrĊeno i poreĊenjem pojedinaĉnih kriterijuma gde je u svim sluĉajevima ustanovljena statistiĉki znaĉajna razlika (p&lt;0,0001). Rezultati, dobijeni kvalitativnom metodom, su potvrdili vaţnost jezika struke u nastavi na fakultetu, posebno ukazujući na faktor motivacije, koji je u direktnoj vezi sa zastupljenosti jezika struke. &Scaron;to se tiĉe efikasnosti novog kursa, studenti su ukazali na vaţnost nastavnog materijala koji je neophodno da bude usmeren ka njihovoj budućoj struci, veću uĉestalost provere napretka studenata kao i na vaţnost afektivnih faktora (nastavnik, rad u grupama, atmosfera na ĉasu). Studenti su istakli ulogu nastavnika kao nekoga ko ih vodi kroz gradivo, a da pri tome nema dominantnu ulogu; rad u malim grupama im je omogućio veću slobodu da iznesu svoje mi&scaron;ljenje i uĉestvuju na ĉasu, a poţeljnu atmosferu na ĉasu su opisali kao opu&scaron;tenu a pri tome ipak radnu. Rezultati istraţivanja su pokazali da kursevi koji su bazirani na sprovedenoj analizi potreba daju bolje rezultate na testu i pokazuju veću motivaciju i veće jeziĉke kompetencije kod studenata, &scaron;to je jo&scaron; jedna potvrda teze o neophodnosti analize potreba kao koraka koji prethodi izradi EJS kursa.</p> / <p>This dissertation deals with needs analysis as a<br />necessary, first step before EST course design. Since<br />ESP teaching development covers numerous factors<br />in needs analysis &ndash; target situation analysis, discourse<br />analysis, present situation analysis and teaching<br />context analysis, needs analysis in this dissertation is<br />viewed from all of the mentioned aspects while the<br />research is conducted in two phases.<br />In the first phase, present situation analysis is<br />performed regarding use and teaching process from<br />the point of view of technology students and English<br />teachers. In parallel, needs analysis concerning the<br />English language use is also performed from the<br />employed technology engineers. The results obtained<br />and processed by quantitative methods showed poor<br />frequency of English for specific purposes in the<br />teaching process from the aspect of students and<br />English language teachers. Concerning English<br />language use by the employed technology engineers,<br />the results showed frequent English language use for<br />professional purposes as well as the importance of<br />English language competence for better performance<br />at work, especially emphasizing reading,<br />communicative and writing skills.<br />By taking into account the obtained needs<br />analysis results, a new course is designed for<br />technology students&rsquo; purposes more adapted to the<br />needs of future technologists, which was<br />subsequently offered to experimental group of<br />students. The assessment of the efficiency and<br />purposefulness of a new course is performed in the<br />second phase of the research, first by the quantitative<br />method, comparing the achievement test results of<br />experimental and control group of students, and then<br />by qualitative method from student interviews.<br />The results of the achievement tests showed<br />significant success in cumulative points of students<br />in experimental group (total grade 8,8) in relation to<br />control group (6,77), which was also confirmed by<br />the comparison of individual criteria in which<br />statistical significant difference is obtained<br />(p&lt;0,0001).<br />The results obtained by the qualitative method<br />confirmed the importance of English for specific<br />purposes in the teaching process at the faculty,<br />pointing out a motivation factor in direct relation to<br />frequency of English for specific purposes.<br />Regarding the efficacy of the new course, the<br />students emphasized the importance of teaching<br />material that should necessarily be focused on their<br />future profession, more frequent student achievement<br />tests as well as the importance of affective factors<br />(teacher, group work, class atmosphere). The<br />students also emphasized the teacher&rsquo;s non-dominant<br />role as a facilitator; as well as group work that<br />provides them more freedom to express their opinion,<br />and the preferred class atmosphere relaxed yet also<br />hard-working.<br />The research results showed that the courses<br />based on performed needs analysis give better results<br />at the achievement test, better motivation and higher<br />language competences of students that confirm the<br />thesis of necessary needs analysis as a pre-course<br />procedure.</p>

O aluno adulto e suas representações acerca do saber e aprender: uma investigação em um contexto de ensino de inglês para fins específicos / The adult student and his representations about knowing and learning: an investigation in an ESP, English for Specific Purposes, context

Chiaro, Tânia Regina Peccinini de 17 April 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho nasceu da investigação sobre um projeto de ensino de estratégias desenvolvido por uma escola de idiomas, que oferece cursos de Inglês para fins específicos, em empresas, para alunos cujos cargos envolvem áreas operacionais nos setores do turismo. Entendia-se que o projeto auxiliaria os alunos no desenvolvimento do exercício de aprender a aprender (a metacognição) e da auto-regulação. A análise dos dados partiu dos questionários respondidos por 60 alunos antes e depois da execução do projeto. Buscavam-se, entre os dados analisados, indicadores da repercussão do projeto com os alunos, bem como informações mais abrangentes que auxiliassem na compreensão desse aluno adulto e de suas características como aprendiz. Diante das respostas obtidas nos questionários, puderam ser observados dados quantitativos como o crescimento de índices na freqüência de utilização das estratégias, e a evolução dos alunos indicada em sua auto-avaliação, apontando a eficácia dos resultados alcançados pelo projeto. No entanto, foi na análise das perguntas abertas que se encontraram as informações mais relevantes sobre esse adulto aprendiz, informações essas que demonstravam as diferentes representações que esses sujeitos fazem do que é saber e aprender Inglês. Ao se deparar com essas informações escolheu-se utilizar como modelo teórico-metodológico para a análise a Teoria dos Modelos Organizadores do Pensamento, assumindo a complexidade desse sujeito aprendiz. Os modelos aplicados pelos sujeitos pesquisados demonstram que sua motivação para estudar Inglês incorpora representações acerca do que é saber Inglês e de como esse processo se dá, fazendo surgir em seus depoimentos suas crenças e valores acerca desses temas. Essas representações estão ligadas prioritariamente ao papel da escola nesse processo ou à repercussão do aprendizado na atuação profissional. O desempenho lingüístico permeia esses dois campos, com concepções diferentes em cada um deles. A presente pesquisa, que se constitui como um estudo de caso, tem a expectativa de, por meio da investigação dessas representações, poder contribuir para o entendimento desse adulto aprendiz, suas características e as motivações que o levam a querer aprender Inglês. / This research was originally planned to investigate about a learning strategy training project developed by a language institute that offers in company ESP courses to adults in operational areas of the tourism industry. The project aimed at helping students develop metacognition and self-regulation. The data gathered consisted of questionnaires answered by 60 students before and after the project conduction. Indications about the repercussion of the project among the students and information that could help understand these students and their characteristics as learners were sought in the data analysis. Through quantitative data analysis, the researcher found an increase in the use of strategies, as well as a significant change in students self-evaluations, which indicated that the project had accomplished some positive results. Nevertheless, the open-ended questions brought even more relevant information about these learners, for they showed the different representations students have of what it is to learn and to know English. Due to the complexity of the subject-learner, the research uses the Theory of the Organizing Models of the Thought as a theoretical-methodological approach. The models found in the analysis indicate that learners motivation to study English carry the influence of their representations of what it is to learn English and how the learning process happens. The study analyzed their beliefs and values as well, hoping to contribute for a better understanding of these learners, their characteristics and their motivation to learn English. These representations are mainly linked to the schools role in the learning process or the repercussion of knowing a second language for professional performance. The concept of linguistic ability is present in both groups in different ways. The research hopes to contribute to the understanding of this adult learner, his/her characteristics and the motivational aspects that drive him/her to learn English.

Inglês para fins específicos: aulas particulares centradas na produção oral para o exame TOEFL iBT

Simões, Renata Mendes 26 November 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renata Mendes Simoes.pdf: 1583071 bytes, checksum: b2dfb5b69b92ceadf64ea28788255342 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-11-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aims at investigating how an English for Specific Purpose one-to-one course, mainly focused on the speaking skill, meets the students learning needs and prepares them to take the TOEFL iBT test (Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based Test). The study is grounded on the theoretical principles about English for Specific Purposes as supported by Hutchinson and Waters (1987); Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998); Ramos (2004, 2009); Belcher (2009); Basturkmen (2010); needs analysis according to Hutchinson and Waters (1987); Dudley-Evans and ST. John (1998); Long (2005); task-based teaching as proposed by Willis (1996); Willis and Willis (2001, 2007); Ellis (2003, 2005); Skehan (2003); Nunan (2004); course design and material development according to Hutchinson and Waters (1987); Dudley Evans and St. John (1998); Graves (2000); Tomlinson (2001, 2003); and language assessment as defended by McNamara (2000) and Scaramucci (2004, 2009, 2011). Methodologically, this research is considered a case study (STAKE, 1998; JOHNSON, 1992), and it made use of the following instruments for data collection: questionnaires in the beginning of the course to identify the students profiles, and at the end of the course to learn about the students perceptions as to their progress; audio recording of two speaking tasks on the first and last day of class; teacher-researcher s diaries at the end of every class containing the students perceptions of their performance in class. The results revealed the students satisfaction regarding the course methodology and material, as well as the perception of reading and listening skills improvement. It was interesting to note that, although the main focus of the course was on the speaking skill, the perception of improvement of the writing skill was higher than that of the speaking skill. The students narratives also indicated the importance of teacher-student interaction and praised the attention given by the teacher to their emotional aspects. This work aims at bringing contributions not only to ESP course teachers and to those who work with language assessment, but also to the research field as it lacks studies related to the speaking skill and private classes / Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar como um curso de Inglês para Fins Específicos, com priorização na produção oral, realizado por meio de aulas particulares, atende as necessidades de aprendizagem de alunos e os capacita a prestar o exame TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based Test). O referencial teórico englobou os conceitos sobre Inglês para Fins Específicos de acordo com Hutchinson e Waters (1987); Dudley-Evans e St. John (1998); Ramos (2004, 2009); Belcher (2009); Basturkmen (2010); análise de necessidades conforme proposto por Hutchinson e Waters (1987); Dudley-Evans e ST. John (1998); Long (2005); ensino baseado em tarefa segundo Willis (1996); Willis e Willis (2001, 2007); Ellis (2003, 2005); Skehan (2003); Nunan (2004); desenho de curso e desenvolvimento de materiais à luz de Hutchinson e Waters (1987); Dudley Evans e St. John (1998); Graves (2000); Tomlinson (2001, 2003); e avaliação de línguas conforme defendido por McNamara (2000) e Scaramucci (2004, 2009, 2011). Este trabalho, caracterizado como estudo de caso (STAKE, 1998; JOHNSON, 1992), utilizou para coleta de dados os seguintes instrumentos: questionários no início do curso para investigar o perfil do aluno, e ao final do curso, para identificar as percepções dos alunos quanto a seu progresso; gravação em áudio no primeiro e no último dia de aula de duas tarefas de produção oral; diários da professora-pesquisadora ao final de cada aula com as percepções do aluno referente ao desempenho em aula. Os resultados revelaram a satisfação dos alunos quanto à metodologia e material didático empregados no curso e a percepção da melhora na compreensão oral e escrita. Foi interessante notar que, embora o curso tivesse mantido o foco principal na produção oral, a percepção de melhora da produção escrita foi superior à melhora da produção oral. Os relatos dos alunos também indicaram a importância da interação professora-aluno e a atenção dada pela professora ao aspecto emocional dos alunos para essa percepção de melhora. Este trabalho pretende trazer contribuições não só para aqueles que lecionam em cursos de Inglês para Fins Específicos e trabalham com avaliações de língua, mas também para o campo de estudos por ser este ainda carente de pesquisas sobre aulas particulares e produção oral

Aluno letrado, professor iletrado digitalmente?: reflexões sobre a docência de inglês em cursos superiores de informática

Fazio, Bernardete Spessoto Rodrigues 08 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bernardete Spessoto Rodrigues Fazio.pdf: 454524 bytes, checksum: bcb818ae0943e7aa6478e23cbe564049 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-08 / This study aims at describing and interpreting the classroom practice of English teachers who perceive themselves as digitally illiterate while evaluating their university Technology students as digitally literate. By addressing such a phenomenon of lived experience, this investigation therefore aims at reflecting upon teaching practice and digital literacy issues that emerge from instructional contexts in which computers must be used as mediators in ESP classes. To achieve its purpose, this study is founded on the concepts of reflection (Dewey, 1933, 1938, 1967; Perrenoud, 2002; Schön, 1983, 1987, 1992, 2000), digital literacy (Buzato, 2001; Soares, 2002) and English for Specific Purposes (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987; Strevens, 1988; Robinson, 1991; Dudley Evans & St. John, 2000; Ramos, 2005;Celani, 2005). The methodological approach adopted is the hermeneutic-phenomenological one (van Manen, 1990; Ricouer, 1986/2002; Freire, 2006, 2007). The phenomenon description and interpretation emerged from two teachers textual registers (narrative and interview) on their university teaching experiences in Technology courses and on the way they deal with their perceived digital illiteracy in order to fulfill the institutions and learners demands. This research results indicate that searching and reflection are the themes that constitute the phenomenon on focus, thus revealing its nature, its identity. Such outcomes may provide teachers of English with input to reflect upon digital literacy and upon the ESP approach applied to university contexts in which teachers and students have a different level of knowledge and expertise in managing technological resources / Este estudo tem por objetivo descrever e interpretar o fenômeno da prática docente de professores universitários de inglês que se percebem iletrados digitalmente e que ministram aulas para alunos que consideram digitalmente letrados. Trata-se, portanto, de um estudo que visa a refletir sobre a prática pedagógica e sobre questões de letramento digital que emergem quando se torna necessário inserir o computador como mediador em aulas de língua inglesa, ministradas de acordo com a Abordagem Instrumental. Esta pesquisa se fundamenta nos conceitos de reflexão (Dewey,1933, 1938,1967; Perrenoud, 2002; Schön, 1983,1987,1992,2000), de letramento digital (Buzato, 2001; Soares,2002), e nos pressupostos da Abordagem Instrumental ao ensino-aprendizagem da língua inglesa (Hutchinson & Waters,1987; Strevens,1988; Robinson, 1991; Dudley Evans & St. John, 2000; Ramos, 2005; Celani, 2005). A abordagem metodológica utilizada é a hermenêutico-fenomenológica (van Manen, 1990; Ricouer, 1986/2002; Freire, 2006,2007). A descrição e a interpretação do fenômeno em foco partem de registros textuais (narrativa e entrevista) de duas professoras sobre as experiências que viveram no Ensino Superior e sobre como buscam lidar com sua falta de letramento digital para atender as demandas da tecnologia, da instituição e de seus alunos. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que busca e reflexão são os temas que constituem a manifestação do fenômeno investigado, revelando sua natureza, sua identidade. Tais resultados podem contribuir para que docentes de inglês reflitam sobre questões de letramento digital e sobre a Abordagem Instrumental aplicada a contextos universitários em que professores e alunos têm conhecimento e domínio diferenciado do uso de recursos tecnológicos

O professor de inglês/course designer na hotelaria: desafios, reflexões e a (trans)formação de uma prática docente sob a influência da complexidade / The English teacher/course designer in the hotel market: challenges, reflections and the trans(formation) of a practice under influence of complexity

Souza, Andréa Braga Cazerta de 10 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrea Braga Cazerta de Souza.pdf: 3909458 bytes, checksum: 899c8984e82cba4507a93c5e9622e217 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-10 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The objective of this research is to describe and interpret the phenomenon the practice of an English teacher/course designer in two courses for the hotel market, searching for subsidies to better understand it. In this study, the theoretical principles of complexity (Morin, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010; Mariotti, 2002, 2007; Moraes, 2008,2010) are articulated with the theoretical bases provided by: English for Specific Purposes (Hutchinson & Waters,1987; Dudley-Evans & St John,1998); the design of specific courses (Graves, 2000); teacher education (Pineau, 1988; Pineau & Michéle, 1983; Freire, 2009); experiences and reflective thought (Dewey,193); and reflective practice (Schön, 1992). The hermeneutic-phenomenological approach (van Manen, 1990; Freire,1998, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, forthcoming) also establishes a steady dialogue with complexity, thus offering support to this research. The interpretation of the two courses investigated is made from the perspective of the researcher/teacher/course designer, considering the texts produced by all participants of this study. The articulation between my reflections and the participants texts make it possible for me to reflect upon and understand the phenomenon. The two lived experiences are described and interpreted separately to be articulated subsequently. Although the experiences are distinct, in both courses, the texts reveal three themes: necessity, difficulty and satisfaction, which are related to learning, change, balance, motivation, security, maintenance, interaction, overcoming, achievements and involvement &#9472; described in details in this study. The experiences lived in both courses have main points in common; nevertheless, each context has its own peculiarities which generate the gradual (trans)formation of my practice and promote my self-hetero-ecoformation (Freire, 2009) in a specific context / O objetivo desta dissertação é descrever e interpretar o fenômeno a prática docente de um professor de inglês/course designer em dois cursos para a área da hotelaria, buscando subsídios para melhor compreendê-la. Neste trabalho, os operadores da complexidade (Morin, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010; Mariotti, 2002, 2007; Moraes, 2008,2010) são articulados ao embasamento teórico do estudo: o ensino de inglês para fins específicos (Hutchinson & Waters,1987; Dudley-Evans & St John,1998); o design de cursos (Graves, 2000), a formação de professores (Pineau, 1988; Pineau & Michéle, 1983; Freire, 2009), as experiências e o pensamento reflexivo (Dewey,1938), e prática reflexiva (Schön, 1992). A abordagem hermenêutico-fenomenológica (van Manen, 1990; Freire,1998, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, no prelo), também estabelece interlocução com a complexidade, oferecendo suporte metodológico à pesquisa. A interpretação da vivência em dois cursos foi feita sob a ótica da pesquisadora, professora/course designer, por meio da utilização de instrumentos de registro textual, produzidos por mim e pelos demais participantes, meus alunos. A articulação entre minhas reflexões e a fala dos participantes me possibilitou refletir e compreender minha experiência. As duas vivências do fenômeno foram descritas e interpretadas separadamente para serem então articuladas, revelando três temas: necessidade, dificuldade e satisfação. Estes, por sua vez, estão relacionados à aprendizagem, mudança, equilíbrio, motivação, segurança, manutenção, interação, superação, conquistas e envolvimento &#9472; desdobramentos descritos e interpretados neste trabalho. A vivência nos dois cursos possui diversos pontos de interlocução; contudo cada contexto possui suas particularidades que geram a (trans)formação de minha prática e promovem a minha auto-heteroecoformação (Freire, 2009) docente em um contexto específico

Análise de necessidades de inglês jurídico para advogados

Silva, Fabrício Oliveira da 23 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabricio Oiveira da Silva.pdf: 1106652 bytes, checksum: 79ef151526f4cb25860dc88442e59c01 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aims at carrying out a needs analysis of English for lawyers from a countryside city of São Paulo state and for students of a reading and a writing course of Legal English. The theoretical background in Language for Specific Purposes this study is based upon are the ones by Hutchinson & Waters (1987), Dudley-Evans & St John (1998) and Ramos (2004), among others. This qualitative research relies on study case methodology according to Lüdke (1983), Lüdke & André (1986), Gil (1987), Johnson (1992), Stake (1998) and Denzin & Lincoln (1998). Interviews were carried out with two specialist informants, which allowed information to be gathered; from the gathered information two questionnaires were designed and administered to a group of participants: 8 professionals from Sorocaba-SP, 17 reading course students and 6 writing course students (both courses are given in São Paulo) which sums up 31 participants. Due to the lack of research focusing on the needs of legal professionals, this research provides an original contribution to Language for Specific Purposes and may assist in a better understanding of this context for professionals who are involved with English for Lawyers teaching. These results will help to design English courses in Sorocaba, as well as evaluate and redesign the Legal English courses in the capital, São Paulo, identifying learning needs and target situation needs / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo desenvolver uma análise de necessidades de inglês para advogados de uma cidade do interior do Estado de São Paulo e para alunos de cursos de leitura e redação jurídica. O arcabouço teórico em Ensino-Aprendizagem de Línguas para Fins Específicos está fundamentado especialmente nos preceitos de Hutchinson e Waters (1987), Dudley-Evans e St John (1998) e Ramos (2004), entre outros. A pesquisa tem caráter qualitativo com referencial metodológico do estudo de caso, segundo as orientações de Lüdke (1983), Lüdke e André (1986), Gil (1987), Johnson (1992), Stake (1998) e Denzin e Lincoln (1998). Foram realizadas entrevistas com dois informantes especialistas, que permitiram levantar informações que resultaram na elaboração de dois questionários aplicados ao grupo de participantes, composto por 8 profissionais de Sorocaba-SP, 17 alunos do curso de leitura e 6 alunos do curso de redação, ambos ministrados na cidade de São Paulo, totalizando 31 participantes. Em razão da carência de pesquisas que busquem levantar as necessidades de inglês de profissionais do Direito, esta pesquisa traz uma contribuição original para a área de Línguas para Fins Específicos e pode auxiliar no melhor entendimento desse contexto de trabalho para profissionais que se envolvem com o ensino de inglês para advogados. Os resultados deste trabalho fornecem dados que permitem elaborar cursos de inglês para advogados em Sorocaba, bem como avaliar e redesenhar os cursos de inglês jurídico da capital paulista, identificando necessidades de aprendizagem e da situação-alvo

Teaching English as an International Language (TEIL) in the Military Context: Incorporating TEIL into the English Curriculum of the Korea Military Academy

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: This study investigates how the teaching English as an international language (TEIL) framework can be integrated into the English curriculum of the Korea Military Academy (KMA). Addressing the research gap on TEIL and military settings, this study first critically reviews issues around the varieties of English (i.e., world Englishes), the international functions of English, and the pedagogical implications of TEIL in today’s globalizing world. The study then examines current challenges and objectives of ELT and suggests practical strategies for incorporating TEIL into the English curriculum of the KMA. The study suggests the following four strategies to apply TEIL into the English curriculum of the KMA: (a) introduce WE/EIL activities into the English Conversation course; (b) establish a WE/EIL course; (c) provide extracurricular WE/EIL activities; and (d) incorporate intercultural content into the Military English course. The study argues that implementing these suggestions would help cadets develop both their linguistic proficiency in English and intercultural communicative competence that are essential for them to become professional military communicators who can effectively communicate with interlocutors from diverse linguistic, cultural, and national backgrounds in international military contexts. While the study contributes to the literature by bridging the gap between TEIL and military contexts, it demonstrates the following implications: (a) a meaningful case of applying TEIL into the military context in Korea; (b) the importance of both linguistic proficiency in English and intercultural competence for ELT in the KMA; and (c) the possibility of influencing the Korea Air Force and Naval Academy to reexamine their English curricula. The study concludes that the English curriculum of the KMA should be revised based on the recognition of the symbiotic relationship among linguistic proficiency in English, exposure to diverse varieties of English, and intercultural competence in order to produce cadets who can effectively communicate in English as a military lingua franca for the success of their designated military objectives in the future. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis English 2019

工職英文之需求調查與教材評估準則 / Needs survey and evaluation scheme for industrial vocational high school english textbooks

蘇郁涵, Su, Yu-Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於為工職英文課本建構一套理論與實證兼顧的評估準則,並對工職學生的語言需求與期望作深入的探討。 評估準則建立在以下五個基礎之上。 (1) 工職英文教與學之現況 (2) 溝通式語言教學 (Communicative Language Teaching)的原理與原則 (3) 專業英文(English for Specific Purposes)的概念與議題 (4) 現有的教材評估準則 (5) 工職學生之語言需求與期望分析 為了解學生對英文的需求與期望,問卷調查與訪談成為此研究之重要部份,涵蓋了有: (1) 針對217位工職舉業生進行需求調查,以了解工業界使用英文的實際情形與溝通需求。 (2) 針對645位工職學生進行期望調查,以了解學生對英語教學的期望。 (3) 訪談5位工職畢業生、6位工廠主管,以了解工業界使用英文的詳細情形;訪談5位四技二專畢業生,以了解學生在進入四技二專後,使用英文的情形;訪談6位英文老師及3位工業英文教師,以了解英文及工業英文教學之概況。 本研究根據問卷調查與訪談的資料深入探討與分析了學生對英文的需求與期望,並對教育當局及編書者多所建議。分析結果並加以整合並融入根據理論及文獻探討所初步擬訂的教科書評量表中,以期能確實有效評估工職教科書。為使評量表發揮最大功用,本研究還設計了彈性的評分方式,並提供了使用方面的建議,希望對英文教師在選擇教科書時能有所助益。 / The purpose of the present study is twofold - to formulate a theory-and-survey based evaluation scheme for IVHS English textbooks, and to give an insight of IVHS students' language needs and wants. The evaluation scheme has been established on considerations of: (1) the current IVHS teaching/learning situation (2) general guidelines of communicative language teaching (CLT) (3) notions and issues of English for specific purposes (ESP) (4) evaluation schemes and criteria already proposed by other researchers (5) an analysis ofIVHS students' needs and wants To inquire into students' needs and wants, surveys and interviews have been conducted, including: (1) A needs survey on 217 IVHS graduates for the actual use of English and communicative needs in industries. (2) A wants survey on 645 IVHS students for their expectations toward an IVHS English textbook. (3) Interviews with 5 IVHS graduates, 6 factory supervisors, 5 technical college graduates, 6 English teachers, and 3 Industrial English' teachers for the situation and episodes requiring English in industries, academic use of English, and classroom use of textbooks. The present study faithfully reports on IVHS students' language needs and wants, along with some other suggestions for textbook writers and authorities concerned. Incorporating the findings from surveys and interviews, the evaluation scheme proposed is thus rooted on both theoretical and practical grounds. To ensure optimum usage of the scheme, its scoring system is devised to be flexible and its application is further provided.

Exploring the gifts and dreams of sewing circle members: skills mastery and peer support as vehicles for increasing self-efficacy among women who are newcomers (immigrants and refugees) to Canada

Williams, Judith January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experiences of women who have migrated to Canada and were members of a Sewing Circle in Central Park, Winnipeg. It was aimed to discover if involvement at the women’s centre increased levels of self-confidence and perceived self-efficacy for members. The study involved conversations and interviews with twelve women. The study was conducted between March and November 2012. Using qualitative research methodology, questions were asked to shape a better understanding of the circumstances that led participants to seek membership with a sewing circle and what membership in such a program had meant for them. The interview design included identifying some of the gifts, assets, resources, interests, skills and abilities the women had pre-arrival to Canada. Participants were asked to share goals and dreams they held for themselves in this new country. The feminist approach used for the study’s framework set the tone for a conversational style interview process, with time set aside for the interviewer and participant to exchange ideas. The collected data identified that all of the participants who had migrated as adults had skills-specific training, careers they enjoyed and/or were entrepreneurs in their home countries or countries of refuge. The main themes that emerged from the data described how the economic realities of learning and mastering the skill of sewing were of value to participants. Peer support, feeling like a part of something and finding a sense of family in the host country were also reasons for membership. The findings from the study show a need for policies that support interventions focused on building more inclusive communities and societies. Communities where academic qualifications, skills specific training, employment and entrepreneurial experience accumulated in other countries provide trajectories to a more direct path forward for people as they transition into the Canadian economy and integrate into Canadian society.

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