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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Protéines du rétrovirus endogène MSRV/HERV-W : étude des propriétés physiopathologiques et applications en immunothérapie / Proteins of the endogenous retrovirus MSRV/HERV-W : study of physiopathological properties and applications in immunotherapy

Bernard, Corinne 10 December 2009 (has links)
Les rétrovirus endogènes humains ont longtemps été considérés comme d'inactifs fossiles de l'ADN humain, mais leur abondance (8%) a récemment été révélée grâce au séquençage du génome humain. Plusieurs études indépendantes ont montré une association au niveau moléculaire entre le rétrovirus endogène humain MSRV de la famille HERV-W et la sclérose en plaques (SEP) ainsi que la schizophrénie (SCZ). Les éléments de la famille HERV-W codent pour une protéine d'enveloppe (Env) très immunopathogène. Cette protéine active une cascade autoimmune et inflammatoire via l'interaction du récepteur TLR4 avec les cellules présentatrices d'antigène, provoque une dérégulation du système immunitaire et induit une cytotoxicité particulière. Grâce à un test ELISA développé pour la détection des protéines HERV-W ex vivo, la présence significative d'une antigénémie MSRV-Env a pu être détectée chez environ 75% des patients SEP, alors que tous les contrôles sains étaient négatifs. Une antigénémie positive d'environ 50% chez des patients SCZ pour les protéines Env et Gag a également été rapportée, montrant une corrélation significative avec un sous-groupe de patients ayant un niveau élevé de protéine C-réactive. De plus, un modèle animal d'encéphalomyélite autoimmune expérimentale a pu être reproduit avec l'utilisation de la protéine Env. Ce modèle a montré des signes d'inflammation et de démyélinisation confirmées par des analyses IRM et histologiques, ainsi qu'une autoimmunité anti-myéline. Un anticorps monoclonal, sélectionné pour ses propriétés inhibitrices par rapport à l'activation du TLR4 par MSRV-Env, a été testé in vivo avec ce nouveau modèle animal et in vitro avec des cellules immunitaires. Une inhibition significative des symptômes cliniques en comparaison avec des contrôles non traités a été obtenue et l'innocuité du traitement a été vérifiée. L'interaction de la protéine Env du rétrovirus MSRV avec des facteurs environnementaux pourrait être à la source de la cascade inflammatoire en association avec la SEP ou la SCZ. Cette protéine représente une nouvelle cible thérapeutique dans le cadre du développement prometteur d'un anticorps thérapeutique monoclonal. L'ensemble des ces travaux a contribué à montrer qu'une partie des rétrovirus endogènes humains ont retenu leur activité, ce qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de recherche dans le domaine des maladies complexes humaines / Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) have long been considered as inactive fossils in human DNA, but recent sequencing of the human genome revealed that they are very abundant and constitute approximately (8%) of the human genomic sequences. Recent independent molecular studies have also shown an association between the MS-associated retrovirus MSRV of the human endogenous retroviruses type “W” (HERV-W) family and Multiple Sclerosis (MS), as well as Schizophrenia (SCZ). HERV-W elements encode a powerful immunopathogenic envelope protein (Env) that activates a proinflammatory and autoimmune cascade through interaction with Toll-Like receptor 4 (TLR4) on antigenpresenting cells, triggers dysregulation of the immune system and mediates a peculiar cellular toxicity. Using a specific ELISA immunoassay for ex-vivo measurement of HERV-W proteins, a highly significant prevalence of MSRV-Env antigenemia in MS sera (about 75%) was reported, whereas all healthy controls were negative. A positive Env and Gag antigenemia (about 50%) was also found in SCZ patients, and a significant correlation with an elevated level of C-reactive protein was shown in a subgroup of SCZ patients. Moreover, the MSRV-Env protein was shown to reproduce the hallmarks of an Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis, an animal model for MS, with major inflammatory demyelination confirmed by MRI and histology, as well as anti-myelin autoimmunity. An anti-Env monoclonal antibody, selected for its inhibiting effects on MSRV-Env interaction with TLR4 in human lymphoid cell cultures, was tested in vivo with this new MS model and also in vitro with human immune cells. Significant inhibition and prevention of clinical symptoms compared to untreated controls were observed. These rodent models are also useful for initial investigation of the safety of antibody, since the Env protein is not expressed in animal species except for non-human primates. A relationship between environmental factors and the pro-inflammatory MSRV-Env protein is thus a possible hypothesis regarding initiation of a pathogenic cascade leading to diseases such as MS and SCZ. The MSRV-Env protein now represents a novel target, and the neutralizing antibody being developed by GeNeuro, a promising therapeutical approach for the cure of these severe neurological diseases

Recherche d’interactants du domaine immunosuppresseur des protéines d’enveloppe rétrovirales / Research of Interactors of the Immunosuppressive Domain of Retroviral Envelope Proteins

Malicorne, Sébastien 19 December 2018 (has links)
La plupart des virus ont développé des mécanismes de résistance ou de suppression du système immunitaire pour parvenir à infecter durablement leur hôte. Ces mécanismes demeurent encore imparfaitement connus. Un domaine immunosuppresseur (IS) a été identifié au niveau de la région transmembranaire des protéines d’enveloppe des rétrovirus endogènes ou infectieux. Ce domaine hautement conservé a été décrit par exemple comme inhibant l’activation lymphocytaire. Dans le laboratoire, il a été caractérisé en particulier via des expériences de rejet de cellules tumorales in vivo, ce qui a permis de définir des mutations inactivatrices. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de résistance des rétrovirus au système immunitaire, mes travaux de thèse ont porté sur l’identification de la ou des protéines capables d’interagir avec le domaine IS. Plusieurs approches cellulaires et moléculaires ont été développées, basées pour la plupart sur l’utilisation de sondes fluorescentes obtenues par synthèse chimique, constituées des domaines IS provenant de différents rétrovirus. Dans un premier temps, les cellules du système immunitaire qui lient les protéines virales ont été identifiées : les lymphocytes B et les cellules myéloïdes (monocytes, cellules dendritiques et macrophages). Dans un second temps, des expériences de co-immunoprécipitation et de chromatographie d’affinité couplées à la spectrométrie de masse ont été réalisées dans le but d’identifier sur ces cellules les protéines membranaires responsables de ces liaisons. Plusieurs agents de couplages chimiques ont été utilisés afin de maintenir les liaisons domaine IS - protéine de faibles affinités. En raison de résultats non-reproductibles obtenus au cours de ces expériences, des tests de liaison du domaine IS sur des cellules transfectées avec des banques d’ADNc, ou lors d’expériences de double hybride ont été réalisées. Ces deux approches ont permis d’identifier des protéines membranaires potentiellement impliquées dans la liaison du domaine IS : les protéines X1 et X2. Les co-transfections de vecteurs d’expression du domaine IS et de X2 ont mis en évidence des interactions protéiques au cours d’expériences de co-immunoprécipitation et de microscopie confocale, en particulier avec le domaine IS du rétrovirus HIV-1. Concernant X1, sa transfection induit la liaison cellulaire des domaines IS de HERV-W et MLV. En revanche, aucune interaction directe entre X1 et le domaine IS n’a pu être démontrée, notamment dans des expériences de co-immunoprécipitation et de microscopie confocale.La découverte des protéines membranaires qui interagissent avec le domaine IS demeure un enjeu critique pour la compréhension des voies de signalisation et de transcription qui permettent aux rétrovirus d’exercer leur effet sur le système immunitaire, l’objectif de ces travaux étant d’identifier à terme des nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques.En conclusion, même si des travaux complémentaires demeurent nécessaires, les protéines X1 et X2 pourraient contribuer à l’immunosuppression rétrovirale. / Most viruses have developed mechanisms of resistance or suppression of the immune system to achieve lasting infection of their host. These mechanisms are still imperfectly known. An immunosuppressive (IS) domain has been identified in the transmembrane region of envelope proteins of endogenous or infectious retroviruses. This highly conserved domain has been described, for example, as inhibiting lymphocyte activation. In the laboratory, it has been characterized by tumor cell rejection experiments in vivo, which has made it possible to define inactivating mutations. In order to better understand the mechanisms of resistance of retroviruses to the immune system, my thesis focused on the identification of the protein(s) interacting with the IS domain. Several cellular and molecular approaches have been developed, based for the most part on the use of fluorescent probes obtained by chemical synthesis, consisting of IS domains from different retroviruses. At first, immune system cells that bind viral proteins have been identified: B cells and myeloid cells (monocytes, dendritic cells and macrophages). In a second step, co-immunoprecipitation and affinity chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry were performed to identify on these cells the membrane proteins responsible for these bonds. Several chemical coupling agents have been used to prevent detachment of low affinity binding between proteins and the IS domain. Due to non-reproducible results obtained during these experiments, IS domain binding assays on cells transfected with cDNA libraries, or in double hybrid experiments were performed. These two approaches made it possible to identify membrane proteins potentially involved in the binding of the IS domain: the X1 and X2 proteins. Co-transfections of IS domain and X2 expression vectors demonstrated protein interactions in co-immunoprecipitation and confocal microscopy experiments, particularly with the IS domain of the HIV-1 retrovirus. Concerning X1, its transfection induces binding of the IS domains of HERV-W and MLV on cells membrane. On the other hand, no direct interaction between X1 and the IS domain could be demonstrated, especially in co-immunoprecipitation and confocal microscopy experiments.The discovery of membrane proteins that interact with the IS domain remains a critical issue for understanding the signaling and transcription pathways that allow retroviruses to exert their effect on the immune system, the aim of this work being to identify new therapeutic targets.In conclusion, although further work is still needed, the X1 and X2 proteins may contribute to retroviral immunosuppression.

FC Receptor-Mediated Activities of Env-Specific Monoclonal Antibodies Generated from Human Volunteers Receiving a DNA Prime-Protein Boost HIV Vaccine: A Dissertation

Costa, Matthew R. 12 October 2016 (has links)
Human immunodeficiency type 1 (HIV-1) is able to elicit broadly potent neutralizing antibodies in a very small subset of individuals only after several years’ infection and as a result, vaccines that elicit these types of antibodies have been difficult to design. The RV144 trial showed that a moderate protection is possible, which may correlate with antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) activity. Previous studies in the Lu lab demonstrated that in an HIV-1 vaccine phase I trial, DP6-001, a polyvalent Env DNA prime-protein boost formulation, could elicit potent and broadly reactive, gp120-specific antibodies with positive neutralization activities along with multiple Fc mediated effector functions. I developed a protocol for the production and analysis of HIV-1 Env-specific human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) isolated from these DP6-001 vaccinees. By utilizing a labeled gp120 bait to isolate Env specific B cells, paired heavy and light chain immunoglobulin (Ig) genes were cloned and allowed for the production of monoclonal antibodies with specificity for gp120. By using this protocol, 13 isolated mAbs from four DP6-001 vaccinees showed broad binding activities to gp120 proteins of diverse subtypes, both autologous and heterologous to vaccine immunogens, with mostly conformational epitopes and a few V3 and C5 specific mAbs. Equally cross-reactive Fc-mediated functional activities, including ADCC and antibody dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP), were present with both immune sera and isolated mAbs, confirming the induction of non-neutralizing functional antibodies by the DNA prime- protein boost vaccination. Elicitation of broadly reactive mAbs by vaccination in healthy human volunteers confirms the value of the polyvalent formulation in this HIV-1 vaccine design.

"Avaliação do gene estrutural da proteína de ligação à lectina (MBL) e sua relação com a transmissão materno-fetal do HIV" / Evaluation of the structural lectin binding protein (MBL) gene and its relationship with maternal-to-child HIV transmission

Chagas, Kélem de Nardi 17 August 2005 (has links)
Avaliou-se a expressão do gene mbl2 em 79 crianças e suas mães HIV positivas com o objetivo de avaliar a sua influência na transmissão vertical. Os pacientes divididos em dois grupos: crianças HIV positivas e suas mães (n=18) e crianças HIV negativas e suas mães (n=61) foram avaliados pelo CH50 e AP50 (ensaios hemolíticos), dosagem e avaliação funcional da MBL, ativação da cascata terminal do complemento (ELISA) e o gene mbl2 (PCR). Os resultados não mostraram diferença significante entre os níveis séricos, atividade funcional e o gene da MBL entre os grupos, excluindo a sua influência sobre a transmissão materno-fetal do HIV / It was evaluated the mbl2 gene expression in 79 children and their HIV positive mothers with the aim to evaluate its influence on mother-to-child HIV. The patients were divided in two groups: HIV positive children and their mothers (n=18) and HIV negative children and their mothers (n=61) were evaluated by CH50 and AP50 (hemolytic assays); levels and functional MBL and terminal complement cascade (ELISA) and mbl2 gene (PCR). The results didn't show significant difference amons serum levels, functional activities and MBL gene between the groups, excluding the influence in the mother-to child HIV transmission.

"Avaliação do gene estrutural da proteína de ligação à lectina (MBL) e sua relação com a transmissão materno-fetal do HIV" / Evaluation of the structural lectin binding protein (MBL) gene and its relationship with maternal-to-child HIV transmission

Kélem de Nardi Chagas 17 August 2005 (has links)
Avaliou-se a expressão do gene mbl2 em 79 crianças e suas mães HIV positivas com o objetivo de avaliar a sua influência na transmissão vertical. Os pacientes divididos em dois grupos: crianças HIV positivas e suas mães (n=18) e crianças HIV negativas e suas mães (n=61) foram avaliados pelo CH50 e AP50 (ensaios hemolíticos), dosagem e avaliação funcional da MBL, ativação da cascata terminal do complemento (ELISA) e o gene mbl2 (PCR). Os resultados não mostraram diferença significante entre os níveis séricos, atividade funcional e o gene da MBL entre os grupos, excluindo a sua influência sobre a transmissão materno-fetal do HIV / It was evaluated the mbl2 gene expression in 79 children and their HIV positive mothers with the aim to evaluate its influence on mother-to-child HIV. The patients were divided in two groups: HIV positive children and their mothers (n=18) and HIV negative children and their mothers (n=61) were evaluated by CH50 and AP50 (hemolytic assays); levels and functional MBL and terminal complement cascade (ELISA) and mbl2 gene (PCR). The results didn't show significant difference amons serum levels, functional activities and MBL gene between the groups, excluding the influence in the mother-to child HIV transmission.

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