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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Facilitating the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) workflow in the architectural design process in Sweden

Lans, Sofie, Besterman, Beatrice January 2021 (has links)
In 2018 Sweden emitted approximately 56.2 million tons (Mt) CO2e. The building sector alone stands for 11.8 Mt of these emissions, 21% of the total amount. The Swedish government is now aiming for a net-zero carbon economy by 2045. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a method developed to create awareness of the total environmental load of a product's life cycle. Today, LCA calculations are time-consuming, expensive, and are not used in the early design phase where it is most beneficial for the environment. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how LCA is implemented in the AEC industry in Sweden and what requirements there are for BIM workflow and LCA integration in the early architectural design process. A mixed-method approach was applied, using the four research methods literature review, expert interviews, survey, and document analysis. This paper contributes with recommendations regarding the LCA workflow in the design process of the AEC industry in Sweden. Unlike previous research investigating LCA in the industry, the scope will improve the implementation in earlier stages of design for sustainable decision making and more accurate calculations in the later stages.


Johansson, Tim January 2017 (has links)
The planning, construction, management and use of our built environment are affected by diverse social, economic and environmental factors. Sustainable urban development is dependent on the understanding of the complex relations between the built environment, the social activities that take place over time and the interaction with the natural environment. The challenge to understand urban systems on both the local and global scale has inspired researchers and national agencies to develop sustainability indicators to support the planning, construction, management and use of the built environment. Access to open data of our built environment in national, regional and local databases opens new possibilities to generate models of our urban systems to facilitate visualization and analysis of indicators in order to enhance awareness of sustainability dimensions. Here spatial Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) technologies can be used in combination with Geographic Information system GIS to manage data sets from multiple sources in different formats. The purpose of this research is to investigate how spatial ETL technologies can be used to develop models in order to analyse and visualize the performance of urban systems. The applied method is grounded in system development and based on an abductive research approach that was repeated in six studies. Three of the studies deal with the relocation of Kiruna where models of the city was created and used to investigate the impact of mining subsidence on energy supply, infrastructure and buildings. The fourth case investigates the selection of insulation material on the embedded energy in a passive house in Kiruna. In the fifth case an urban model of the twin towns Malmberget/Gällivare was created to explore and relate data on attitudes from a survey to public data on population, infrastructure and built environment. The final case is the development of an energy atlas containing 90% of the multifamily building stock in Sweden. The atlas combines the energy performance and renovation status of multifamily buildings with public data of ownership, income of residents etc. for individual buildings in 3D models or aggregated on spatial scales ranging from 250x250 m squares through district and municipality to county areas in Sweden. The result shows that multiple sources in different formats, both standardized and non-standardized, can be utilized in the extraction of information for the purpose of developing urban performance models. The Swedish high-resolution LiDAR digital height model together property information makes it possible to represent the built environment by extruded footprints to give a 3D representation of all urban areas in Sweden (Level-Of-Detail 1). In combination with performance data (e.g. energy use, renovation status or result from surveys) urban performance GIS models can be created and visualized in applications (such as Google Earth, 3D pdf) to support decision-making on both individual and institutional level. The automation of the process to develop performance models offers a method for customizing information deliveries on the fly using original data sources according to defined requirements. The flexibility and customization are kept in the process rather than in the delivered model. This makes it easier to keep the performance model up to date. For the management of large performance models, e.g. the example of the national energy atlas, a staging phase was added in the automation process, in order to reduce the processing time.

Skräp är bara skräp om du skräpar ned : En fallstudie om att skapa ett användarvänligt avfallssystem och att kommunicera avfallsminimering och återvinning i Ebbepark, Linköping / Waste is just waste if you waste it : A case study on creating a user-friendly waste system and communicating waste minimization and recycling in Ebbepark, Linköping

Nilsson, Maria, Orsholm, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. However, today’s use of resources is higher than what earth can sustain and therefore the linear economy, where resources become waste right after usage, needs to evolve into a more circular one, an economy that uses and reuses resources in a more efficient way. To enable a development into a more circular economy, it’s important to design products that can be repaired, reused and recycled. Both the steps before and after waste arise are of importance. In upstream management the focus is on design and manufacturing of products and in downstream management the focus is on waste management methods. This master thesis studies the future urban district, Ebbepark, which is under development in Linköping, Sweden. The thesis studies the role of communication, design and visualization to minimize the environmental impact from waste management in an urban area with a mix of housing and offices. It is studied how the waste system can be designed to facilitate for its users to make the right decisions and how to reach out with messages and information about waste and consumption. The focus of the work lies on finding strategies to develop the waste management according to the waste hierarchy introduced by the European Union. A literature review was conducted laying the ground for the study. Interviews were held with people with knowledge and experience of waste management. A web survey was done with office workers in Linköping to find out their experiences regarding the waste system and consumption in the office environment and at home. Psychology and behavioral economics were studied to ascertain how human behavior can be altered. Important factors when it comes to waste are ease and information. To be able to leave your waste close to home is important and many would appreciate if recycling bins were included in their homes, which the housing enterprises should consider. In a densified district, lack of space is extra obvious and space for waste is seldom prioritized. According to Swedish law, commercial and domestic waste need to be treated separately, which means that a lot of space is required in Ebbepark to handle waste from households and offices. A great part of the commercial waste can however be thrown away at the same places as the domestic waste in Ebbepark. With services collecting office paper, a proposed collaboration regarding packaging material and access to the pneumatic waste system, only 1-4 % of the office waste remains and must be treated separately. The social impact people feel can be used in the waste system to improve human behavior. Collection sites that for example are light and open and located at places where people move, contribute to the social norm and increase the feeling of safety. The system information should be simple and straightforward and pictures and colour coordination can facilitate. At the same time people must have the right conditions to make sustainable choices. Strategies should be built on peoples experienced obstacles and advantages. Information and communication should be designed after their conditions and nudge them in the right direction. The housing enterprises have a responsibility to make sure there is a range of services that prevent waste and reuse products. Plastic is a material with great environmental impact in downstream management, partly because of the release of fossil carbon dioxide when incinerated, why actions to reduce the use of plastic material and increase the recycling is needed. Future studies should investigate how larger lifestyle changes can be achieved and how the municipal waste monopoly and the producer responsibility should be designed in the future to favor circular solutions. / Hållbar utveckling är en utveckling som tillgodoser dagens behov utan att äventyra kommande generationers möjlighet att tillfredsställa sina behov. Dagens resursutnyttjande är dock högre än vad jorden klarar av och dagens linjära ekonomi, där resurser används och sedan blir till avfall, behöver utvecklas till en mer cirkulär ekonomi, där resurser tas tillvara och blir till nya produkter efter användning. För att möjliggöra utvecklingen mot en cirkulär ekonomi är det viktigt att produkter designas för att kunna repareras, återanvändas och till sist materialåtervinnas. För att hanteringen av avfall ska bli mer hållbar är det därför viktigt att både fokusera på stegen innan avfall har blivit till och hanteringen av avfallet. Därför talas det om uppströms arbete, där fokus ligger på design och tillverkning av produkter och nedströms avfallshantering där fokus ligger på olika behandlingsmetoder för avfall. Det här examensarbetet studerar den framtida stadsdelen Ebbepark som byggs i Linköping. I arbetet studeras hur kommunikation, design och visualisering kan användas för att på ett effektivt sätt minska miljöpåverkan från avfallshantering i ett område med en blandning av kontor och bostäder. Det studeras hur avfallssystemet kan utformas för att underlätta för användarna att göra rätt samt hur budskap och information kring avfall och konsumtion kan nås ut med. Fokus i arbetet ligger på att hitta strategier för att lyckas utveckla avfallshanteringen i enlighet med EU:s avfallshierarki. En litteraturstudie har genomförts för att lägga grund till arbetet, därefter har intervjuer med personer insatta i avfallsområdet hållits samt en enkät har skickats ut till människor som arbetar i Sankt Kors kontorslokaler samt Swecos kontor i Linköping för att undersöka deras syn på avfallshantering och konsumtion på arbetet och i hemmet. För att studera hur människors beteende gällande konsumtion och avfall kan ändras har psykologi och beteendeekonomi studerats. Viktiga faktorer när det kommer till avfall är bekvämlighet och information. Att kunna lämna avfall nära hemmet är en viktig faktor. Många skulle uppskatta att det ingår kärl för källsortering i deras bostäder, vilket bostadsföretagen bör ta hänsyn till. I en förtätad stadsdel blir utrymmesbrist extra påtagligt och avfallsutrymmen prioriteras gärna bort. Verksamhetsavfall och hushållsavfall måste hanteras separerat idag enligt lagstiftning, vilket bidrar till att mycket utrymme måste tas i anspråk för att hantera avfallet från bostäder och kontor i Ebbepark. Det finns dock möjlighet att slänga en stor del av verksamheternas avfall i samma utrymmen som hushållsavfallet i Ebbepark. Med tjänster för hämtning av kontorspapper, ett föreslaget samarbete kring emballage och tillgång till sopsugen återstår endast 1–4 % av verksamheternas avfall som måste hanteras separat. Den sociala påverkan som människor känner kan användas i avfallssystem för att beteenden ska förbättras. Insamlingsplatser som exempelvis är ljusa och öppna och ligger på en plats med mycket rörelse bidrar till den sociala normen och ökar tryggheten. Information i systemet måste vara enkel och tydlig, gärna med bilder och färgkoordinering. Samtidigt måste det finnas förutsättningar för att göra hållbara val. Strategier bör bygga på människors upplevda hinder och fördelar och information och kommunikation bör utformas utifrån deras förutsättningar som knuffar dem i rätt riktigt. Fastighetsbolagen har ett ansvar att se till att det finns ett utbud av verksamheter och tjänster för att förebygga avfall och återanvända produkter. Plast är ett material som har stor miljöpåverkan nedströms i avfallshanteringen, delvis på grund av koldioxidutsläpp vid förbränning, därför bör åtgärder riktas mot att minska användningen och öka materialåtervinningen av plast. Vidare behövs det studeras hur större livsstilsförändringar kan fås igenom samt hur det kommunala monopolet och producentansvaret ska utformas i framtiden för att gynna cirkulära lösningar.

Desenvolvimento e validação de métodos analíticos para avaliação da remoção de sulfonamidas no tratamento de águas residuárias em reatores biológicos de leito fixo / Development and validation of analytical methods for assessing the removal of sulfonamides in the treatment of wastewater in fixed bed biological reactors

Carvalho, Lucas Sponton de 10 January 2014 (has links)
A presença de antibióticos no ambiente evidencia o problema do descarte inadequado de resíduos farmacêuticos e da ineficiência dos atuais sistemas de tratamento de resíduos. Como consequência a essa contaminação há a possibilidade de resistência microbiana e de outros efeitos nocivos, ainda não completamente compreendidos, sobre a fauna e flora aquática. O presente trabalho teve como um dos objetivos desenvolver métodos de preparo de amostra e análise para avaliar o potencial de um reator anaeróbio de leito fixo para a remoção de sulfonamidas de matrizes complexas, além de investigar possíveis resíduos dessa classe em diversos compartimentos ambientais da cidade de São Carlos. Para isso, métodos utilizando extração em fase sólida (SPE) e cromatografia líquida (LC) foram desenvolvidos em associação à análise por espectrometria de massas. Os resultados mostraram que o reator utilizado consegue remover satisfatoriamente o composto investigado, podendo ser, futuramente, uma alternativa aos tratamentos convencionais. Tais resultados foram obtidos a partir do desenvolvimento e validação de um método utilizando detecção por um analisador híbrido do tipo quadrupolo-tempo de voo (SPE-LC-QTOF). Outro método, baseado em SPE-LC-QTRAP (analisador híbrido quadrupolo-aprisionador de íons linear), foi validado visando mostrar que existe contaminação por sulfonamidas e trimetoprima em águas de córregos coletadas em algumas regiões da cidade. Tal objetivo foi atingindo, permitindo inclusive a comparação entre as figuras de mérito obtidas durante a validação dos métodos, que indicou que os analisadores (e os sistemas utilizados, em geral) possuem diferenças significativas que influem em parâmetros como o efeito de matriz, os limites de quantificação e a sensibilidade.<br/> Paralelamente aos métodos convencionais, alternativas de preparo e análise que reduziam a necessidade de grandes volumes de amostra e solventes também foram desenvolvidos. A associação de técnicas miniaturizadas de preparo de amostra e análise permitiu que limites de detecção comparáveis aos dos métodos utilizando SPE fossem atingidos, utilizando, inclusive, o analisador do tipo tempo de voo. Dessa forma, um novo escopo de aplicações usufruindo das características deste último analisador poderá ser desenvolvido a partir da melhor pré-concentração proporcionada pelas estratégias de miniaturização estudadas. / The presence of antibiotics in the environment demonstrates the problem of improper drug disposal and inefficiency of the current water treatment systems. As a result of this contamination, there is the possibility of microbial resistance and other harmful effects, not totally understood, on the aquatic flora and fauna. The present study aimed to develop methods for sample preparation and analysis in order to evaluate the potential of an anaerobic fixed bed reactor for removing sulfonamides from complex matrices and, in addiction, to investigate the presence of this class of contaminants in various environmental compartments of São Carlos. For this, methods using solid phase extraction (SPE) and liquid chromatography (LC), were developed in association with the analysis by mass spectrometry . The results showed that the reactor used can satisfactorily remove the compound investigated and may be, in future, an alternative to conventional treatments. These results were obtained from the development and validation of a method based on solid phase extraction associated with liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry using a hybrid quadrupole-time of flight (SPE-LC-QTOF) analyzer. Another method that was also developed and validated, based on SPE-LC-QTRAP (hybrid quadrupole-linear ion trap), was useful to show that there is contamination by sulfonamides and trimethoprim in water collected from rivers in some areas of the town. This objective was achieved, inclusive allowing the comparison between the figures of merit obtained during the methods validation, which indicated that the analyzers (and the systems used, in general) have significant differences which that affect parameters as matrix effect and quantification limits.<br/> In parallel with the conventional methods, alternatives of sample preparation and analysis that reduced the need of large volumes of sample and solvent were also developed.<br/> The association of miniaturized techniques of sample preparation and analysis allowed detection limits comparable to that of methods using SPE, even using small volumes of sample and solvent and a less sensitive mass analyzer. Thus, a new scope of applications, taking advantage of the characteristics of the QTOF, can be developed from the higher pre-concentration provided by the strategies studied in this work.

Användning av livscykelanalys för beslut vid nybyggnation av flerbostadshus? : En intervjustudie med fastighetsbolag verksamma i norr- och västerbotten / Användning av livscykelanalys för beslut vid nybyggnation av flerbostadshus? : En intervjustudie med fastighetsbolag verksamma i norr- och västerbotten

Lindberg, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Kraven på miljö och hållbarhet inom byggbranschen har ökat och medvetenheten kring hur naturresurser används har gjort att miljöfrågor har kommit att bli allt viktigare (Svensk Byggtjänst, 2016 a). Bygg- och fastighetssektorn står för ungefär 18 procent av Sveriges årliga utsläpp av växthusgaser (Boverket, 2018b). Dessutom bedömer Boverket (2017a) att det fram till 2025 behövs 600 000 nya bostäder, vilket leder till utsläpp som inte är försumbart i ett livscykelperspektiv. Syftet med examensarbetet är att kartlägga hur och om LCA (Livscykelanalys) i dagsläget används vid beslutsfattande hos byggherrar, i detta fall fastighetsbolag. Målet är att kunna presentera hur användandet av LCA ser ut hos fastighetsbolag verksamma i Norr- och Västerbotten och med det även få vetskap om på vilket sätt LCA används, varför eller varför inte LCA används. Målet är även att kunna presentera för- och nackdelar med att använda sig av LCA vid beslutsfattande för nybyggnation av flerbostadshus. Arbetet innefattar en litteraturgenomgång om hållbart byggande och LCA, en orienterande enkätundersökning och en intervjustudie med sju fastighetsbolag verksamma i Norr- och Västerbotten. Det erhållna resultatet är en sammanställning över det insamlade data vid genomförda intervjustudier samt den teori som finns inom ämnet. Målet är att kunna presentera hur användandet av LCA ser ut hos fastighetsbolag verksamma i Norr- och Västerbotten och med det även få vetskap om på vilket sätt LCA används, varför eller varför inte LCA används. Målet är även att kunna presentera för- och nackdelar med att använda sig av LCA vid beslutsfattande för nybyggnation av flerbostadshus. Studiens slutsats är att det i dagsläget är få fastighetsbolag i Norr- och Västerbotten samt i hela Sverige som använder sig av LCA. Incitamentet till att använda LCA är låg, detta beror främst på kunskapsbrist, att kravställning saknas och att många anser att en LCA är svår att förstå och genomföra. Detta är även några av de nackdelar som framkommit i denna studie. För de bolag som inte använder sig av LCA i dagsläget finns en vilja att börja använda sig av verktyget om användarvänligheten förbättras och om de ekonomiska fördelarna kan påvisas. Samtliga fastighetsbolag som intervjuats är övertygade att miljöfrågor kommer bli allt viktigare i framtiden och tror att LCA kommer att bli en del i att uppnå ett hållbart byggande. I denna intervjustudie är det ett fastighetsbolag som använder sig av LCA. Fastighetsbolaget, som använder sig av industriellt byggande, använder sig av LCA för att utveckla sin produkt och produktion och vill gärna ligga i framkant när det gäller miljöfrågor. Detta fastighetsbolag ser enbart fördelar med att använda sig av LCA. Litteraturstudien visar på att fördelarna med LCA är många, bland annat visar en LCA var den största miljöpåverkan finns i en byggnads livscykel och kan bidra till utveckling. Förslag till vidare studier är att kartlägga fler fastighetsbolag, till exempel fastighetsbolag verksamma i större städer där fler och större byggprojekt förekommer. Fastighetsbolaget som använde LCA i denna studie använde sig av industriellt byggande, det hade även varit intressant att veta om applicering av LCA på ett byggnadskoncept eller byggnad som helhet är lättare vid ett industriellt byggande än ett traditionellt byggande. / The demands for environmental and sustainability in the construction industry have increased as well as the awareness of how natural resources are used. This has made environmental issues more and more important (Swedish Construction Service, 2016a). The construction and real estate sector accounts for about 18 percent of Sweden's annual greenhouse gas emissions (Boverket, 2018b). In addition, Boverket (2017a) estimates that 600,000 new homes are needed till the year of 2025, this leads to emissions that are not negligible in a life-cycle perspective. The purpose of this thesis is to present if and how LCA (Life-cycle assessment) is currently used in decision making by builders, in this case real estate companies. The aim is to be able to present how LCA is used by builders active in the northen region of Sweden, why or why not LCA is used. The objective is also to present the pros and cons of using LCA in decision making when building multi-family houses. The work includes an interview study of seven real estate companies operating in the north of Sweden. The result obtained is a summary of the collected data from the interviews and the theory that exists in the subject. The study's conclusion is that there are currently few real estate companies in Norr- and Västerbotten, as well as throughout Sweden, using LCA. In this interview study, it is one real estate company that uses LCA. The real estate company uses LCA to develop its product and production and would like to be at the forefront of environmental issues. This real estate company only sees advantages of using LCA. And the literature study shows that the benefits are many, among other things, it shows where the biggest environmental impact is in a building's life cycle and can contribute to development.   However, the incentive to use LCA is low. This is mainly due to the fact that knowledge about LCA within their own organization is low and many find it difficult to understand and implement LCA. These are also some of the disadvantages found in this study, LCA is time consuming and it is difficult to get reliable data. For those companies that do not use LCA, at the present time, there is a will to start using the tool if user friendliness is improved and the economic benefits can be demonstrated.   All real estate companies interviewed are convinced that environmental issues will be increasingly important in the future and believe that LCA will be a part of achieving sustainable construction.   Proposals for further studies are to map more real estate companies, such as real estate companies operating in major cities where more and larger construction projects occur. The real estate company that uses LCA is using industrial construction, it would have been interesting to study if LCA is easier to applicate to an industrial building concept.

A anÃlise ambiental como subsÃdio para o desenvolvimento sustentÃvel do municÃpio de Capistrano-CE. / The environmental analysis as subsidy for the sustainable development of the city of Capistrano-CE.

Christina Bianchi 23 May 2005 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / A proposta desse trabalho foi analisar contextualmente o estado atual do meio ambiente do MunicÃpio de CapistranoâCE, produzindo informaÃÃes organizadas que permitam uma interferÃncia racional em sua evoluÃÃo e elaborando propostas que sirvam como subsÃdio para uma PolÃtica de Desenvolvimento SustentÃvel local e regional. A metodologia adotada nesta pesquisa foi conduzida sob a Ãtica do mÃtodo de abordagem sistÃmica, procurando-se fazer uma anÃlise do diagnÃstico dos componentes ambientais atravÃs de um enfoque interdisciplinar. Localizado na regiÃo nordeste do Estado do Cearà e inserido na MicrorregiÃo Administrativa do MaciÃo de BaturitÃ, Capistrano possui recursos ambientais tÃpicos do semiÃrido nordestino, apresentando uma histÃria de agricultura predatÃria, realÃada pela existÃncia de solos pobres, escassez de recursos hÃdricos, quantidade limitada e mà distribuiÃÃo das chuvas, altas temperaturas, elevada evapotranspiraÃÃo e baixa capacidade de retenÃÃo de Ãgua no solo. Historicamente seus recursos tÃm sido usados de maneira inadequada, principalmente devido ao imediatismo econÃmico e à ignorÃncia das formas de sua conservaÃÃo. O diagnÃstico dos componentes dos meios abiÃtico, biÃtico e antrÃpico permitiu a avaliaÃÃo do cenÃrio ambiental vigente no MunicÃpio, servindo como base para a identificaÃÃo dos geradores de impactos ambientais, para a avaliaÃÃo dos tipos e nÃveis da degradaÃÃo do meio, e para um zoneamento das Ãreas de mesmas caracterÃsticas. A partir desse diagnÃstico foram formuladas algumas medidas preventivas ou mitigadoras para os eventuais impactos negativos impostos pela aÃÃo antrÃpica e elaborado um prognÃstico da evoluÃÃo espontÃnea do ambiente. As informaÃÃes resultantes da anÃlise do contexto ambiental em que se encontra o MunicÃpio sÃo importantes subsÃdios para polÃticas pÃblicas que tenham como objetivo estabelecer um cenÃrio ambiental capaz de manter o equilÃbrio entre o uso racional dos recursos naturais e o desenvolvimento sÃcio-econÃmico local. Entretanto, a insistÃncia no atual modelo de exploraÃÃo agro-pastoril do MunicÃpio, desrespeitando suas caracterÃsticas naturais, vem desencadeando o processo de degeneraÃÃo dos ecossistemas. O aumento do desmatamento e das queimadas tem intensificado a erosÃo, evidenciada pela presenÃa de sulcos e ravinas. Os solos estÃo perdendo sua fertilidade natural e se houver persistÃncia na prÃtica desse modelo, eles perderÃo sua capacidade produtiva, e com isso, haverà perda da capacidade de suporte para qualquer atividade econÃmica ligada ao setor agropecuÃrio. Portanto, torna-se necessÃrio uma mudanÃa de pensamento e comportamento da populaÃÃo em relaÃÃo à utilizaÃÃo dos recursos naturais, caso contrÃrio, a evoluÃÃo desse quadro serà o inÃcio do processo de desertificaÃÃo. / The purpose of this work is the contextual analysis of the present status of the environmental at Capistrano County (Cearà State), producing organized information in order to permit a rational interference on its evolution through proposals subsidizing local and regional Sustainable Development Policies. The methodology adopted in this research was conducted under the optical of the systemic method approach, aiming to analyze the environmental components diagnosis through an interdisciplinary focus. Located at the North region of Cearà State and being part of the Administrative Region of the Baturità Mountain Range, Capistrano has typical resources of semiarid environment and shows a historical predatory agriculture, emphasized by the presence of poor soils, scarce water resources, limited and bad rain distribution, high temperatures and evapo-transpiration and low capacity of water retention in the soil. Historically their natural resources had been used under inadequate way due to economic rashness and to the absence of knowledge on their method of conservation. The diagnosis of on their abiotic, biotic and antropic compounds permitted an evaluation of the present environmental scenario at Capistranoâs County, being useful for the identification of the environmental impact actors, for the evaluation of types and levels of environmental degradation and for the zonation of areas with the same characteristics. From this diagnosis, some preventive or mitigatory actions for the eventual negative impacts imposed by the antropic activities were formulated and a prognostic of the spontaneous evolution of the environment was prepared. The information resulted from the analysis of the present environmental context of the County are important subsidies for the public politics aiming to establish an environmental scenario able to maintain the equilibrium between rational use of natural resources and socio-economic local development. However, the persistence on the present model of agro-cattle exploitation in the County which disregards their natural characteristics is provoking a degeneration process of the ecosystems. The disforestation and the burning of vegetation increase have intensified the erosion process which is evidenced by the presence of wrinkles and rill-erosion. Soils are losing their natural fertility and if this model persists they will lose their productive capacity and by this way there will be the loss the capacity support for any economic activity related to the agriculture sector. Therefore, it is necessary a population change on the thinking and behavior in relation to the use of natural resources or on the contrary the evolution of this figure will be the beginning of the desertification process.

Desenvolvimento e validação de métodos analíticos para avaliação da remoção de sulfonamidas no tratamento de águas residuárias em reatores biológicos de leito fixo / Development and validation of analytical methods for assessing the removal of sulfonamides in the treatment of wastewater in fixed bed biological reactors

Lucas Sponton de Carvalho 10 January 2014 (has links)
A presença de antibióticos no ambiente evidencia o problema do descarte inadequado de resíduos farmacêuticos e da ineficiência dos atuais sistemas de tratamento de resíduos. Como consequência a essa contaminação há a possibilidade de resistência microbiana e de outros efeitos nocivos, ainda não completamente compreendidos, sobre a fauna e flora aquática. O presente trabalho teve como um dos objetivos desenvolver métodos de preparo de amostra e análise para avaliar o potencial de um reator anaeróbio de leito fixo para a remoção de sulfonamidas de matrizes complexas, além de investigar possíveis resíduos dessa classe em diversos compartimentos ambientais da cidade de São Carlos. Para isso, métodos utilizando extração em fase sólida (SPE) e cromatografia líquida (LC) foram desenvolvidos em associação à análise por espectrometria de massas. Os resultados mostraram que o reator utilizado consegue remover satisfatoriamente o composto investigado, podendo ser, futuramente, uma alternativa aos tratamentos convencionais. Tais resultados foram obtidos a partir do desenvolvimento e validação de um método utilizando detecção por um analisador híbrido do tipo quadrupolo-tempo de voo (SPE-LC-QTOF). Outro método, baseado em SPE-LC-QTRAP (analisador híbrido quadrupolo-aprisionador de íons linear), foi validado visando mostrar que existe contaminação por sulfonamidas e trimetoprima em águas de córregos coletadas em algumas regiões da cidade. Tal objetivo foi atingindo, permitindo inclusive a comparação entre as figuras de mérito obtidas durante a validação dos métodos, que indicou que os analisadores (e os sistemas utilizados, em geral) possuem diferenças significativas que influem em parâmetros como o efeito de matriz, os limites de quantificação e a sensibilidade.<br/> Paralelamente aos métodos convencionais, alternativas de preparo e análise que reduziam a necessidade de grandes volumes de amostra e solventes também foram desenvolvidos. A associação de técnicas miniaturizadas de preparo de amostra e análise permitiu que limites de detecção comparáveis aos dos métodos utilizando SPE fossem atingidos, utilizando, inclusive, o analisador do tipo tempo de voo. Dessa forma, um novo escopo de aplicações usufruindo das características deste último analisador poderá ser desenvolvido a partir da melhor pré-concentração proporcionada pelas estratégias de miniaturização estudadas. / The presence of antibiotics in the environment demonstrates the problem of improper drug disposal and inefficiency of the current water treatment systems. As a result of this contamination, there is the possibility of microbial resistance and other harmful effects, not totally understood, on the aquatic flora and fauna. The present study aimed to develop methods for sample preparation and analysis in order to evaluate the potential of an anaerobic fixed bed reactor for removing sulfonamides from complex matrices and, in addiction, to investigate the presence of this class of contaminants in various environmental compartments of São Carlos. For this, methods using solid phase extraction (SPE) and liquid chromatography (LC), were developed in association with the analysis by mass spectrometry . The results showed that the reactor used can satisfactorily remove the compound investigated and may be, in future, an alternative to conventional treatments. These results were obtained from the development and validation of a method based on solid phase extraction associated with liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry using a hybrid quadrupole-time of flight (SPE-LC-QTOF) analyzer. Another method that was also developed and validated, based on SPE-LC-QTRAP (hybrid quadrupole-linear ion trap), was useful to show that there is contamination by sulfonamides and trimethoprim in water collected from rivers in some areas of the town. This objective was achieved, inclusive allowing the comparison between the figures of merit obtained during the methods validation, which indicated that the analyzers (and the systems used, in general) have significant differences which that affect parameters as matrix effect and quantification limits.<br/> In parallel with the conventional methods, alternatives of sample preparation and analysis that reduced the need of large volumes of sample and solvent were also developed.<br/> The association of miniaturized techniques of sample preparation and analysis allowed detection limits comparable to that of methods using SPE, even using small volumes of sample and solvent and a less sensitive mass analyzer. Thus, a new scope of applications, taking advantage of the characteristics of the QTOF, can be developed from the higher pre-concentration provided by the strategies studied in this work.

Fönster - renovering eller byte : En miljö- och kostnadsanalys av alternativen

Wiese, Lukas January 2019 (has links)
This report examines different types of window renovation optionsfrom an environmental and economical standpoint, with the purpose towiden the decision basis of the housing cooperative Utsikten, which’sreal estate is the subject of investigation in this report, and toenable corresponding investigations of similar real estates throughthe creation of a simplified calculation tool. The investigatedscenarios in the report are, apart from the reference case, changingthe windows to three glass windows, installation of an internalinsulation window, and replacing the inner glass of the existingwindow to insulation glass.Two calculation models were constructed, one with energy data fromthe simulation program VIP-energy. The other, simplified version withenergy data calculated from the windows U-value. Environmental datawas collected for installation of the different scenarios, transport,and energy consumption. Economy data was collected for installation,maintenance, and energy prices. All data was put together in thecalculation models and the results got compared.The calculations show that changing the windows to three glasswindows is the most economical alternative. It’s also the mostenvironmentally friendly option when data for Uppsala’s districtheating is used. If data for “district heating with high proportionrenewable“ is used, installation of an internal insulation window isthe most environmentally friendly option. Uncertainties about theresults are discussed in the report.

An integrated approach for techno-economic and environmental analysis of energy from biomass and fossil fuels

Mohan, Tanya 25 April 2007 (has links)
Biomass conversion into forms of energy is receiving current attention because of environmental, energy and agricultural concerns. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the environmental, energy, economic, and technological aspects of using a form of biomass, switchgrass (panicum virgatum), as a partial or complete replacement for coal in power generation and cogeneration systems. To examine the effects of such a substitution, an environmental biocomplexity approach is used, wherein the agricultural, technological, economic, and environmental factors are addressed. In particular, lifecycle analysis (LCA) and a three-dimensional integrated economic, energy and environmental analysis is employed. The effectiveness of alternate technologies for switchgrass preparation, harvest and use in terms of greenhouse gas impact, cost and environmental implications is examined. Also, different scenarios of cofiring and biomass preparation pathways are investigated. Optimization of the total biomass power generation cost with minimum greenhouse gas effect is undertaken using mathematical programming for various alternate competitive biomass processing pathways. As a byproduct of this work a generic tool to optimize the cost and greenhouse gas emissions for allocation of fuel sources to the power generating sinks is developed. Further, this work discusses the sensitivity of the findings to varied cofiring ratios, coal prices, hauling distances, per acre yields, etc. Besides electricity generation in power plants, another viable alternative for reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) is the utilization of biomass in conjunction with combined heat and power (CHP) in the process industries. This work addresses the utilization of biowaste or biomass source in a processing facility for CHP. A systematic algebraic procedure for targeting cogeneration potential ahead of detailed power generation network design is presented. The approach presented here effectively utilizes the biomass and biowaste sources as external fuel, and matches it with the use and dispatch of fuel sources within the process, heating and non-heating steam demands, and power generation. The concept of extractable energy coupled with flow balance via cascade diagram has been used as a basis to construct this approach. The work also discusses important economic factors and environmental policies required for the cost-effective utilization of biomass for electricity generation and CHP.

Novel Applications of the Waterloo Membrane Sampler (WMS) in Volatile Organic Compound Sampling from Different Environmental Matrices

Salim, Faten January 2013 (has links)
The Waterloo Membrane Sampler (WMS) is a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based permeation passive sampler developed at the University of Waterloo. This sampler has found numerous applications in the sampling of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from air and soil gas. In the presented thesis, studies were conducted to expand the WMS applicability to different environmental matrices. In the first part of this work, a modified version of the sampler, with a smaller area of the sampling surface, was calibrated towards seventeen VOCs listed as sources of concern in guidance documents for vapor intrusion. The calibration constant values obtained at different exposure periods demonstrated high reproducibility and independency of the exposure time. Furthermore, the application of the WMS for VOC sampling from groundwater was examined. This study involved seven VOCs considered as important groundwater pollutants. The performance of the sampler was examined at different concentration levels and for different exposure times. The effects of the sorbent type and bubble formation at the surface of the membrane on the sampling efficiency were evaluated in order to optimize the performance of the WMS. A hypothesis regarding the calibration constant values in water sampling compared to their values in air sampling was examined. The WMS demonstrated linear uptake of the targeted compounds over the studied periods of time and at different concentration levels. Very low detection limits were achieved for all studied compounds. The calibration constant values for the sampler towards the studied compounds were measured with a reasonable reproducibility. Nonetheless, the experimental values of the calibration constants in water sampling did not comply with the theory. Furthermore, a new method of bulk soil sampling was tested. In this approach, the soil sample is enclosed in a container along with the WMS placed in the headspace of the sample. The capability of the WMS to perform exhaustive extraction of volatile organic compounds trapped in the sample was tested in this case. Two compounds, TCE and PCE were used as model compounds to test the introduced method. The initial experiments involved sampling from spiked sand soil as the simplest scenario. The experimental setup was evaluated and modified accordingly to achieve the desired extraction. The effects of the exposure parameters on the extraction efficiency were examined through experimental design starting with extraction from sand followed by extraction from a soil with a high organic content. The three-factor factorial design used for this purpose included the three factors: temperature, water content, and exposure time. The results demonstrated high extraction efficiency achieved when sampling from sand and lower extraction efficiency when sampling from the soil with a high organic content. The recovery was enhanced to a large extent in the latter case at a higher temperature with very low detection limits. The results presented in this thesis indicate that the WMS can be a potential universal tool for sampling from all environmental matrices in vapor intrusion investigations.

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