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Environmental exposure assessment of metals from reclaimed land in Halmstad harbour : Sweden Part of an environmental risk assessmentAssarsson, Karin January 2015 (has links)
The harbour land fill in Halmstad has been described in the news as one of the most polluted areas in Halland County based on the a survey from the Swedish environmental protection agency. In order to identify the extent and severity of the situation several environmental investigations have been performed in this area. This report is based on available data from investigations and environmental reports from WSP, Höganäs AB, HEM and Halmstad municipality. This investigation focus on an “Area C” within the land fill where the main land fill material is i.a. slag from a steel work, construction waste, dredge spoil, waste from glass production and a casting shop. Of these material the focus have been on the metal rich slag from the steel work and its possible environmental impact. The environmental exposure of Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, Zn, Ni, Mo and V have been calculated as an annual load from Area C. Unfortunately the data available for this investigation has not been complete, e.g. slag concentration data with corresponding leachate data was only obtained for one year. The groundwater data and land fill metal concentrations have been measured only once. This made it impossible to investigate e.g. annual variations like ageing effects of the material or weather variations, variation in the properties of the deposed slag material and statistical significance in differences could not be calculated. Further characterisation of the land fill would be worthwhile in order to be able to draw some conclusions. Calculations of the environmental load has been performed based on concentration in the slag, the land fill, the leachate data of the slag and groundwater concentrations. A model has been developed to calculate the weighted land fill metal concentration. The partitioning coefficient, Kd; between soil and liquid has been calculated and used to estimate the environmental load. It was assumed that the groundwater data was the most reliable data, which indicated that the exposure may be higher than from common soil, especially for Pb and Mo. Relating the environmental exposure values with guideline values based on MKM (less sensitive land use)-land using HQ (hazard quotient) indicates a decreasing risk in the order Pb>V>Mo. However, the exposure is well below that from MKM soil which could be assumed, according to Swedish environmental protection agency guideline values, to be an acceptable exposure.
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Environmental assessment of the urban environmentForsberg, Anna January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis gives a systematic description of theEnvironmental Load Profile (ELP), an environmental assessmenttool developed for the urban environment. The purpose of thework was to improve the stringency of the system boundaries andfunctional units of the tool. This was achieved by putting theELP structure in the context of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)with a special emphasis on system boundaries. To create animproved scientific base for the ELP, a comparative study wasconducted using an evaluative framework for conceptual andanalytical approaches. Here, the ELP tool is compared with foursimilar environmental assessment tools for the builtenvironment.</p><p>Since, energy use in the operation phase is an importantfactor for the overall environmental performance of buildings,a sensitivity analysis was performed to investigate how theselection of heat and electricity mix affects the results of anenvironmental assessment of buildings. Four modes ofelectricity production and two modes of heat production wereapplied on three buildings with different technical systems intheir heat supply. The results show that the choice ofelectricity mix has a great influence on the outcome of anenvironmental assessment (EA) and it is suggested that both anaverage and marginal electricity mix should be applied inEA´s of the built environment. Further, it is argued thatconsequences of assumptions made should be explicitlycommunicated in the EA report, to allow the decision-makersrather than the analysts to make the final evaluation.</p><p>The ELP is primarily developed to follow up theenvironmental goaltwice as goodand assess theenvironmental performance of Hammarby Sjöstad, a newcity-district in southern Stockholm. The city-district is builtas a continuation of the inner Stockholm and the first part ofthe project, called Sickla Udde, is nearly finished. The ELPtool was applied in a first case study to answer the questionof how far Sickla Udde has reached in achieving the goal. Theassessment indicates that compared to a reference districtbased on the technology used in 1990, the environmentalperformance of Sickla Udde has reached the goaltwice asgoodfor some environmental load categories and 30percent for others. Although these findings are preliminary,they indicate a development in the right direction. Measurestaken contributing to largest environmental improvements are: amore efficient energy production (improved district heating)and use (e.g. lower U-values in the buildings, energy efficientappliances, heat exchange of ventilation air) and improvedsewage treatment. The results also demonstrate that theenvironmental load from domestic transports can be of the samemagnitude as from the buildings situated within thecity-district. Hence, resources spent to decrease environmentalload in the planning process should primarily be divoted toimproving domestic transportation systems and on optimising theoperational phase of the buildings.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>environmental assessment, urban district,environmental load profile, Hammarby Sjöstad, life cycleassessment, LCA, environmental management, builtenvironment</p>
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Analys av system för rening av avloppsvatten i en anaerob membranbioreaktor / Analysis of systems for treatment of wastewater in an anaerobic membrane bioreactorSundberg, Tove January 2006 (has links)
<p>The most common way to treat wastewater in Sweden today is by a combination of an activated sludge process and a chemical treatment. These processes are not very energy efficient and may not be the most environmentally friendly. That is why it is interesting to evaluate new alternative methods to see if they can be less harmful to the environment and help to a lower resource consumption. New techniques are tested in a pilot installation at Hammarby Sjöstad, Sjöstadsverket. To be able to evaluate these techniques in a wide perspective system analyses are conducted where different impacts can be considered, advantages and disadvantages in the systems.</p><p>Five system structures for water treatment have been constructed in Matlab/Simulink in this study. The URWARE (URbanWAter REsearch) model was used to conduct a system analysis, which made a comparison of the different systems possible. Four of the systems contained a new technique for water treatment, consisting of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR) combined with a VSEP (Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process) unit. This is one of the techniques that now are tested in Sjöstadsverket. The fifth system was a reference system designed as a conventional treatment plant. The wastewater treated in the different systems was in some cases mixed wastewater, in other source sorted, with or without food waste from kitchen waste disposers.</p><p>Results from the system analysis shows that the MBR technique gives some advantages compared to the conventional water treatment. A large part of the nutrients in incoming materials are recycled. The highest recycling percent is reached when the MBR technique is combined with compost that handles the food waste. The total impact on the environment by greenhouse gases and eutrophic substances is lower in all the alternative systems compared to the reference system. The system with the source sorted urine has the most favourable exergy turnover. When reversed osmosis is used in the treatment a lot of energy is needed which leads to a poor exergy turnover and the conventional technique is more advantageous in these cases. All the alternative systems give a larger acidification which is a disadvantage with the MBR technique.</p> / <p>Vid behandling av avloppsvatten i Sverige används idag i de flesta fall en aktivslamprocess kompletterad med kemiskfällning. Denna process är inte så energieffektiv och kanske inte heller den mest optimala ur miljösynpunkt. Därför kan det vara intressant att utvärdera nya alternativa metoder för att se om dessa kan vara skonsammare mot miljön och bidra till en minskad resursförbrukning. I Sjöstadsverket, som är en försöksanläggning vid Hammarby Sjöstad, undersöks flera nya tekniker i mindre skala. För att kunna utvärdera dessa tekniker utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv görs systemanalyser, där för- och nackdelar och andra effekter kan vägas in.</p><p>I föreliggande studie har fem systemstrukturer för vattenrening byggts upp i Matlab/Simulink. Substansflödesmodellen URWARE (URban WAter REsearch) användes för att utföra en systemanalys, som gjorde en jämförelse av de olika systemen möjlig. Fyra av systemen innehöll ny reningsteknik bestående av en anaerob membranbioreaktor (MBR) kopplad till en VSEP- enhet (Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process). Det är en teknik som nu testas i Sjöstadsverket. Det femte systemet var ett referenssystem utformat som ett konventionellt reningsverk. De vatten som behandlades i reningsverken var i vissa fall blandat avloppsvatten, i andra källsorterat, med och utan matavfall från köksavfallskvarnar.</p><p>Utifrån systemanalysen kan det konstateras att MBR-tekniken ger en del fördelar gentemot den konventionella reningen. Bland annat eftersom en stor andel av näringsinnehållet i avloppsvattnet kan fångas upp och återföras till åkermark. Bäst kretsloppspotential fås när membranbioreaktorn kombineras med en kompost som tar hand om allt matavfall. Totalt sett bidrar också alla de nya reningssystemen till lägre växthusgasutsläpp och lägre utsläpp av eutrofierande ämnen än referenssystemet med konventionell rening. Ur exergisynpunkt är den nya tekniken bättre än den konventionella i det fall då urin källsorteras. I de fall då omvänd osmos används vid behandling är den konventionella processen mer fördelaktig. En nackdel med MBR-tekniken är att utsläpp av försurande ämnen är markant större än för den konventionella tekniken.</p>
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Symbolism in the Courtroom: An Examination of the Influence of Non-Verbal Cues in a District Court Setting on Juror Ability to Focus on the EvidenceRichardson, Christine Rosalie, n/a January 2007 (has links)
Described in this thesis is research that examined the influence of courtroom symbolism on jurors' ability to focus on the evidence presented in a criminal trial. This research is unique as participants were 'real' jurors who had, at the time of participation in the research, recently completed deliberations on a District Court trial. To date no other research has explored the interaction between symbolism in the courtroom and the juror experience. The broad research question examined in this research was: Do symbolic elements in the courtroom environment draw juror attention away from the evidence being presented?. Three theories drawn from environmental psychology were utilised in this research (i.e., environmental uncertainty theory, environmental arousal theory and environmental load theory). Additionally, Rapoport's (1983, 1990) theory, which was drawn from the architectural field of knowledge, was utilised. Rapoport's theory facilitated the measurement of symbolism in the form of environmental cues found in the courtroom. To address the broad research question, eight subordinate research questions were formulated those being: (1) Do trait anxiety and court related factors influence the amount of attention jurors pay to the elements of the courtroom environment?, (2) Do trait anxiety and court related factors influence the effect on jurors of the attention they paid to the elements of the courtroom environment?, (3) Do trait anxiety and court related factors influence the sense of stress or arousal in jurors?, (4) Is there an association between attention paid by jurors to the environmental cues found in the courtroom, their ability to perform their role as a juror and their sense of appreciation for the function of the law?, (5) Is there an association between attention paid by jurors to the environmental cues in the courtroom and a state of elevated stress?, (6) Does the amount of attention paid by jurors to environmental cues found in the courtroom diminish over time?, (7) Does the effect on jurors of the attention they paid to the environmental cues in the courtroom diminish over time? and, (8) Does the amount of stress jurors experience diminish over time?. The eight research questions were addressed in two studies. The first involved a survey of jurors who had completed deliberations in District Court trials in Brisbane and Cairns during the period 19th July, 2001 and 18th July, 2002 (N=192). This study examined the amount of attention jurors paid to four elements of the courtroom environment (i.e., the courtroom design, the appearance and behaviour of court officials, the appearance and behaviour of those associated with the offence and the task of being a juror). Also examined in this study was the influence on jurors of the attention they paid to the elements of the courtroom environment. Juror experience of state anxiety as measured by the State Trait Anxiety Inventory [STAI] (Spielberger, 1983) was also examined. Additionally, the influence of trait anxiety as measured by the STAI (Spielberger, 1983) and court related factors (i.e., location of trial, prior jury experience, nature of the offence and length of trial) on the juror experience was examined. Two time frames were examined (i.e., initial contact with the courtroom and midpoint of juror experience) which allowed the examination of the influence of time on the juror experience. Interviews with jurors who had completed the survey (N=19) comprised the second study. This study allowed jurors to describe their experience on a jury from a more personal perspective. The elements of the juror experience that distracted and reinforced their ability to focus on the evidence and facilitated a sense of appreciation for the function of the law were discussed. Also discussed were the elements of the juror experience that caused jurors to experience anxiety. Overall, the findings of this research indicated that although symbolism in the courtroom was linked to juror anxiety, this was positive and facilitated juror attention to the evidence and a sense of respect for the criminal justice system. That anxiety experienced by jurors facilitated their focus on the evidence is consistent with environmental arousal theory in that for optimum performance one must experience a certain level of arousal. Also confirmed by the findings of this research is environmental load theory, an element of which predicts that jurors will be task driven when experiencing environmental load. That these two theories are linked by an underlying construct is evidenced by the findings of this research. These findings open up possibilities for future theoretical research using environmental arousal theory and environmental load theory. The findings of this research also suggest that jurors found the symbolism in the courtroom environment distracting and that some elements of the juror experience were onerous and stressful. However, previous experience in the courtroom and lower trait anxiety moderated these factors. Consequently, consistent with the results of this research courts might benefit from implementing an orientation program for prospective jurors such that they are familiarised with the courtroom environment. Such a program would moderate any distress experienced by jurors. In the context of such adjustments by the courts, the influence of symbolism in the courtroom are considered beneficial to the juror experience and there is no need for the courts to alter the courtroom setting or robing practices of lawyers.
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Analys av system för rening av avloppsvatten i en anaerob membranbioreaktor / Analysis of systems for treatment of wastewater in an anaerobic membrane bioreactorSundberg, Tove January 2006 (has links)
The most common way to treat wastewater in Sweden today is by a combination of an activated sludge process and a chemical treatment. These processes are not very energy efficient and may not be the most environmentally friendly. That is why it is interesting to evaluate new alternative methods to see if they can be less harmful to the environment and help to a lower resource consumption. New techniques are tested in a pilot installation at Hammarby Sjöstad, Sjöstadsverket. To be able to evaluate these techniques in a wide perspective system analyses are conducted where different impacts can be considered, advantages and disadvantages in the systems. Five system structures for water treatment have been constructed in Matlab/Simulink in this study. The URWARE (URbanWAter REsearch) model was used to conduct a system analysis, which made a comparison of the different systems possible. Four of the systems contained a new technique for water treatment, consisting of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR) combined with a VSEP (Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process) unit. This is one of the techniques that now are tested in Sjöstadsverket. The fifth system was a reference system designed as a conventional treatment plant. The wastewater treated in the different systems was in some cases mixed wastewater, in other source sorted, with or without food waste from kitchen waste disposers. Results from the system analysis shows that the MBR technique gives some advantages compared to the conventional water treatment. A large part of the nutrients in incoming materials are recycled. The highest recycling percent is reached when the MBR technique is combined with compost that handles the food waste. The total impact on the environment by greenhouse gases and eutrophic substances is lower in all the alternative systems compared to the reference system. The system with the source sorted urine has the most favourable exergy turnover. When reversed osmosis is used in the treatment a lot of energy is needed which leads to a poor exergy turnover and the conventional technique is more advantageous in these cases. All the alternative systems give a larger acidification which is a disadvantage with the MBR technique. / Vid behandling av avloppsvatten i Sverige används idag i de flesta fall en aktivslamprocess kompletterad med kemiskfällning. Denna process är inte så energieffektiv och kanske inte heller den mest optimala ur miljösynpunkt. Därför kan det vara intressant att utvärdera nya alternativa metoder för att se om dessa kan vara skonsammare mot miljön och bidra till en minskad resursförbrukning. I Sjöstadsverket, som är en försöksanläggning vid Hammarby Sjöstad, undersöks flera nya tekniker i mindre skala. För att kunna utvärdera dessa tekniker utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv görs systemanalyser, där för- och nackdelar och andra effekter kan vägas in. I föreliggande studie har fem systemstrukturer för vattenrening byggts upp i Matlab/Simulink. Substansflödesmodellen URWARE (URban WAter REsearch) användes för att utföra en systemanalys, som gjorde en jämförelse av de olika systemen möjlig. Fyra av systemen innehöll ny reningsteknik bestående av en anaerob membranbioreaktor (MBR) kopplad till en VSEP- enhet (Vibratory Shear Enhanced Process). Det är en teknik som nu testas i Sjöstadsverket. Det femte systemet var ett referenssystem utformat som ett konventionellt reningsverk. De vatten som behandlades i reningsverken var i vissa fall blandat avloppsvatten, i andra källsorterat, med och utan matavfall från köksavfallskvarnar. Utifrån systemanalysen kan det konstateras att MBR-tekniken ger en del fördelar gentemot den konventionella reningen. Bland annat eftersom en stor andel av näringsinnehållet i avloppsvattnet kan fångas upp och återföras till åkermark. Bäst kretsloppspotential fås när membranbioreaktorn kombineras med en kompost som tar hand om allt matavfall. Totalt sett bidrar också alla de nya reningssystemen till lägre växthusgasutsläpp och lägre utsläpp av eutrofierande ämnen än referenssystemet med konventionell rening. Ur exergisynpunkt är den nya tekniken bättre än den konventionella i det fall då urin källsorteras. I de fall då omvänd osmos används vid behandling är den konventionella processen mer fördelaktig. En nackdel med MBR-tekniken är att utsläpp av försurande ämnen är markant större än för den konventionella tekniken.
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Environmental assessment of the urban environmentForsberg, Anna January 2003 (has links)
This thesis gives a systematic description of theEnvironmental Load Profile (ELP), an environmental assessmenttool developed for the urban environment. The purpose of thework was to improve the stringency of the system boundaries andfunctional units of the tool. This was achieved by putting theELP structure in the context of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)with a special emphasis on system boundaries. To create animproved scientific base for the ELP, a comparative study wasconducted using an evaluative framework for conceptual andanalytical approaches. Here, the ELP tool is compared with foursimilar environmental assessment tools for the builtenvironment. Since, energy use in the operation phase is an importantfactor for the overall environmental performance of buildings,a sensitivity analysis was performed to investigate how theselection of heat and electricity mix affects the results of anenvironmental assessment of buildings. Four modes ofelectricity production and two modes of heat production wereapplied on three buildings with different technical systems intheir heat supply. The results show that the choice ofelectricity mix has a great influence on the outcome of anenvironmental assessment (EA) and it is suggested that both anaverage and marginal electricity mix should be applied inEA´s of the built environment. Further, it is argued thatconsequences of assumptions made should be explicitlycommunicated in the EA report, to allow the decision-makersrather than the analysts to make the final evaluation. The ELP is primarily developed to follow up theenvironmental goaltwice as goodand assess theenvironmental performance of Hammarby Sjöstad, a newcity-district in southern Stockholm. The city-district is builtas a continuation of the inner Stockholm and the first part ofthe project, called Sickla Udde, is nearly finished. The ELPtool was applied in a first case study to answer the questionof how far Sickla Udde has reached in achieving the goal. Theassessment indicates that compared to a reference districtbased on the technology used in 1990, the environmentalperformance of Sickla Udde has reached the goaltwice asgoodfor some environmental load categories and 30percent for others. Although these findings are preliminary,they indicate a development in the right direction. Measurestaken contributing to largest environmental improvements are: amore efficient energy production (improved district heating)and use (e.g. lower U-values in the buildings, energy efficientappliances, heat exchange of ventilation air) and improvedsewage treatment. The results also demonstrate that theenvironmental load from domestic transports can be of the samemagnitude as from the buildings situated within thecity-district. Hence, resources spent to decrease environmentalload in the planning process should primarily be divoted toimproving domestic transportation systems and on optimising theoperational phase of the buildings. <b>Keywords:</b>environmental assessment, urban district,environmental load profile, Hammarby Sjöstad, life cycleassessment, LCA, environmental management, builtenvironment / NR 20140805
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Evaluation of Recyclability and Recycling Efficiency of Metals for Waste Printed Circuit Boards / 廃プリント基板からの金属の回収並びに回収効率の評価Le, Hoang-Long 25 November 2013 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(エネルギー科学) / 甲第17966号 / エネ博第291号 / 新制||エネ||60(附属図書館) / 30796 / 京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科エネルギー社会・環境科学専攻 / (主査)教授 石原 慶一, 教授 東野 達, 教授 酒井 伸一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Energy Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Throughflow Study on Bleeding for Part Load Compressor OperationHedkvist, Simon January 2019 (has links)
The transition of the European energy grid to renewable energy sources is increasing the demand for back-up capacity with high flexibility. Current fossil fuel plants are continuously being forced into part load operation, where they are limited by pollution regulations that dictate their minimum environmental load, MEL. The power plants need to shut down when they no longer can comply to pollution regulations, but shutting down means that they can't act as quick back-up for the energy grid. Thus the EU project Turbo-Reflex aims to retrofit existing power plants in order to improve MEL by extending it to lower loads and, by doing so, meeting some of the back-up capacity that is needed. One method of improving MEL in a gas turbine power plants is reducing the mass flow from the compressor to the combustor. This study aims to investigate the stability and performance changes in a compressor as a function of intermediate mass extraction through bleeding lines. The study was made using a 2D throughflow model of a 15 stage axial compressor. Three different bleeding lines, positioned along the length of the compressor, were used for flow reduction. A design of experiments was made to get a structured data collection, combining different configurations of bleeding levels through the three lines, with up to 20% flow reduction. The influence of lowering the ambient temperature was also studied. Results detail the aerodynamic influence of intermediate mass extraction. The loading at the last stage increases with flow reduction, as evaluated by the diffusion factor, and stator 15 becomes the highest aerodynamically loaded position in the compressor. The increased loading is significantly dependent on the bleeding configuration, where upstream extraction is advantageous. The compressor power requirement has the same behavior, where extracting upstream has a 10% advantage. However, bleeding reduces efficiency, and in this regard it is better to use a bleed line further downstream. This combines into a trade off between these three parameters that needs to be made by the operator. Lowering the ambient temperature changes the interplay between these parameters. These research's results are part of the TURBO-REFLEX project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 764545.
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Posouzení environmentální zátěže vybranou technologií tvarování plastů / Environmental Impact Assessment for Chosen Plastic Molding TechnologyDufková, Hana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with assessment of environmental load by selected plastic molding technology. The first part is focused on the ecological legislation in the field of mechanical engineering, which also includes the production of plastics, and describes various methodologies for assessing the environmental load. Another chapter is an overview of polymers and their properties as well as the possibilities of plastics processing with description of individual types of production methods. The practical part of this work describes the composition of the produced piece and the injection molding process of plastic production. Its two methods (direct gating and hot sprue method) are analyzed and then the environmental load evaluation is performed using the LCA method – product life cycle assessment. The environmental load of both production methods is assessed.
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