Spelling suggestions: "subject:"environmental"" "subject:"environmental's""
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Rainfall variability in the upper Napo River Basin, Ecuadorian AmazonAyabaca, Marcelo Vicente 02 April 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the influence of elevation and other terrain characteristics over the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall. A comparative analysis was conducted between several methods of spatial interpolations using mean monthly precipitation values in order to select the best. Following those previous results it was possible to fit an Artificial Neural Network model for interpolation of monthly precipitation values for a period of 20 years, with input values such as longitude, latitude, elevation, four geomorphologic characteristics and anchored by seven weather stations, it reached a high correlation coefficient (r=0.85). This research demonstrated a strong influence of elevation and other geomorphologic variables over the spatial distribution of precipitation and the agreement that there are nonlinear relationships. This model will be used to fill gaps in time-series of monthly precipitation, and to generate maps of spatial distribution of monthly precipitation at a resolution of 1km2.
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Fixation of chromium and arsenic in a contaminated South Florida calcareous and organic soil mixture, with Portland cementEscobar, Jesus D. 27 August 1999 (has links)
Portland cement was evaluated as a fixation agent for a South Florida toxic soil mixture containing Chromium and Arsenic. Metal extraction assessment focused timely patterns of: concentration, solid loadings, effective diffusivities, and leachability indexes for three scaled preparations and controls, following Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (A) on leachates and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) matrix views. Fixation abated leaching Arsenic; released Chromium three folded Arsenic, yet non-toxic; sequential leaching and the EP toxicity test, rendered lower than 0.1 per cent, and less; year-round leaching matched the 24-hour EP test desorptions often. SEM suggested impact of diverse cement-soil matrices upon kinetics. Leaching Arsenic fitted a diffusion for semi-infinite particles, with initial lag. Correlated desorptions for Chromium, prescribed another model. Diffusion coefficients for Arsenic in weekly and monthly extractions, significantly overlapped. Adequacy of evaluated random error was confirmed by predicted observations. Cement detoxified the soils; no scaled preparation worked better than others tested.
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An In Situ MBfR System to Treat Nitrate-Contaminated Surface WaterJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: Nitrate, a widespread contaminant in surface water, can cause eutrophication and toxicity to aquatic organisms. To augment the nitrate-removal capacity of constructed wetlands, I applied the H2-based Membrane Biofilm Reactor (MBfR) in a novel configuration called the in situ MBfR (isMBfR). The goal of my thesis is to evaluate and model the nitrate removal performance for a bench-scale isMBfR system.
I operated the bench-scale isMBfR system in 7 different conditions to evaluate its nitrate-removal performance. When I supplied H2 with the isMBfR (stages 1 - 6), I observed at least 70% nitrate removal, and almost all of the denitrification occurred in the "MBfR zone." When I stopped the H2 supply in stage 7, the nitrate-removal percentage immediately dropped from 92% (stage 6) to 11% (stage 7). Denitrification raised the pH of the bulk liquid to ~ 9.0 for the first 6 stages, but the high pH did not impair the performance of the denitrifiers. Microbial community analyses indicated that DB were the dominant bacteria in the "MBfR zone," while photosynthetic Cyanobacteria were dominant in the "photo-zone".
I derived stoichiometric relationships among COD, alkalinity, H2, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and nitrate to model the nitrate removal capacity of the "MBfR zone." The stoichiometric relationships corresponded well to the nitrate-removal capacity for all stages expect stage 3, which was limited by the abundance of Denitrifying Bacteria (DB) so that the H2 supply capacity could not be completely used.
Finally, I analyzed two case studies for the real-world application of the isMBfR to constructed wetlands. Based on the characteristics for the wetlands and the stoichiometric relationships, I designed a feasible operation condition (membrane area and H2 pressure) for each wetland. In both cases, the amount of isMBfR surface area was modest, from 0.022 to 1.2 m2/m3 of wetland volume. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Civil and Environmental Engineering 2014
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Coupling Bioflocculation of Dehalococcoides to High-Dechlorination Rates for Ex situ and In situ BioremediationJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: Bioremediation of trichloroethene (TCE) using Dehalococcoides mccartyi-containing microbial cultures is a recognized and successful remediation technology. Our work with an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor has shown that high-performance, fast-rate dechlorination of TCE can be achieved by promoting bioflocculation of Dehalococcoides mccartyi-containing cultures. The bioreactor achieved high maximum conversion rates of 1.63 ± 0.012 mmol Cl- Lculture-1 h-1 at an HRT of 3.6 hours and >97% dechlorination of TCE to ethene while continuously fed 2 mM TCE. The UASB generated bioflocs from a microbially heterogeneous dechlorinating culture and produced Dehalococcoides mccartyi densities of 1.73x10-13 cells Lculture-1 indicating that bioflocculation of Dehalococcoides mccartyi-containing cultures can lead to high density inocula and high-performance, fast-rate bioaugmentation culture for in situ treatment. The successful operation of our pilot scale bioreactor led to the assessment of the technology as an onsite ex-situ treatment system. The bioreactor was then fed TCE-contaminated groundwater from the Motorola Inc. 52nd Street Plant Superfund site in Phoenix, AZ augmented with the lactate and methanol. The bioreactor maintained >99% dechlorination of TCE to ethene during continuous operation at an HRT of 3.2 hours. Microbial community analysis under both experimental conditions reveals shifts in the community structure although maintaining high rate dechlorination. High density dechlorinating cultures containing bioflocs can provide new ways to 1) produce dense bioaugmentation cultures, 2) perform ex-situ bioremediation of TCE, and 3) increase our understanding of Dehalococcoides mccartyi critical microbial interactions that can be exploited at contaminated sites in order to improve long-term bioremediation schemes. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Engineering 2015
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Development of an Optimized Fitting Routine for Comparing Theoretical Data with Experiments on Moisture Sensitive Beads for Carbon Dioxide CaptureJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most dangerous greenhouse gas. Its concentration in the atmosphere has increased to very high levels since the industrial revolution. This continues to be a threat due to increasing energy demands. 60% of the worlds global emissions come from automobiles and other such moving sources. Hence, to stay within safe limits, it is extremely important to curb current emissions and remove those which have already been emitted. Out of many available technologies, one such technology is the moisture swing based air capture technology that makes use of resin material that absorbs CO2 when it is dry and releases it when it is wet. A mathematical model was developed to better understand the mechanism of this process. In order to validate this model, numerical simulation and experimentation was done. Once the mechanism was proved, it was seen that there are many factors and parameters that govern this process. Some of these do not have definite value. To find the best fit value for these parameters, an optimized fitting routine needs to be developed that can minimize the standard deviation of the error. This thesis looks into ways in which the optimization of parameters can be done and the possible future work by using substantial data. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Civil and Environmental Engineering 2016
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Towards Improving Electron Recovery and Coulombic Efficiency of Microbial Electrochemical Cells Fed with Fermentable Electron DonorsJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: The microbial electrochemical cell (MXC) is a novel environmental-biotechnology platform for renewable energy production from waste streams. The two main goals of MXCs are recovery of renewable energy and production of clean water. Up to now, energy recovery, Coulombic efficiency (CE), and treatment efficiency of MXCs fed with real wastewater have been low. Therefore, the overarching goal of my research was to address the main causes for these low efficiencies; this knowledge will advance MXCs technology toward commercialization.
First, I found that fermentation, not anode respiration, was the rate-limiting step for achieving complete organics removal, along with high current densities and CE. The best performance was achieved by doing most of the fermentation in an independent reactor that preceded the MXC. I also outlined how the efficiency of fermentation inside MXCs can be enhanced in order to make MXCs-based technologies cost-competitive with other anaerobic environmental biotechnologies. I revealed that the carbohydrate and protein contents and the BOD5/COD ratio governed the efficiency of organic-matter fermentation: high protein content and low BOD5/COD ratio were the main causes for low fermentation efficiency.
Next, I showed how a high ammonium concentration can provide kinetic and metabolic advantages or disadvantages for anode-respiring bacteria (ARB) over their competitors, particularly methanogens. When exposed to a relatively high ammonium concentration (i.e., > 2.2 g total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN)/L), the ARB were forced to divert a greater electron flow toward current generation and, consequently, had lower net biomass yield. However, the ARB were relatively more resistant to high free ammonia-nitrogen (FAN) concentrations, up to 200 mg FAN/L. I used FAN to manage ecological interactions among ARB and non-ARB in an MXC fed with fermentable substrate (glucose). Utilizing a combination of chemical, electrochemical, and genomic tools, I found that increased FAN led to higher CE and lower methane (CH4) production by suppressing methanogens. Thus, managing FAN offers a practical means to suppress methanogenesis, instead of using expensive and unrealistic inhibitors. My research findings open up new opportunities for more efficient operation of MXCs; this will enhance MXC scale-up and commercial applications, particularly for energy-positive treatment of waste streams containing recalcitrant organics. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil and Environmental Engineering 2016
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Inactivation of Bacteria and Viruses in Water Using Ultraviolet Light and Advanced Oxidation Processes in a Bench-scale and Two Pilot-scale SystemsJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Adenoviruses cause gastrointestinal illnesses and have been listed on the U.S. EPA’s Contaminant Candidate Lists (CCL). They are highly resistant to ultraviolet (UV) inactivation. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are known to improve inactivation of microorganisms and simultaneously oxidize organics. The bacteriophage P22 was selected as a surrogate for adenoviruses due to their physical and genetic similarities.
The main objective of this study was to compare the synergic disinfection potential of titanium dioxide (TiO2) or peracetic acid (PAA) with UV for viruses and bacteria in water.
Both bench-scale and pilot-scale evaluation was done. A bench-scale collimated beam was included to evaluate the inactivation of P22 and E. coli by UV with and without TiO2 or PAA. A Purifics Photo-Cat system which is an integrated UV/ceramic membrane reactor was used for the pilot-scale TiO2-UV AOP experiments. For pilot-scale PAA-UV AOP experiments, an in-line D222 UV reactor unit provided by NeoTech Aqua Solutions, Inc. was used.
TiO2 doses of 1, 10, and 40 mg/L were applied in the collimated beam and the Photo-Cat system. Higher TiO2 doses resulted in a higher inactivation in the Photo-Cat and lower inactivation in the collimated beam apparatus. Adding 40 mg/L of TiO2 in the photo-Cat system improved P22 inactivation by 25% while it slightly decreased P22 inactivation in collimated beam apparatus.
PAA doses of 0.25 or 0.5 ppm were continuously injected upstream of the UV light and a 53% or 90% increase in inactivation was observed for E. coli, respectively, as compared to UV alone. However, P22 required higher dose with PAA-UV AOP and PAA concentrations of 1 or 10 ppm resulted in an 18% and 70% increase in the inactivation respectively, as compared to UV alone. Interestingly, when the same condition was applied to water with more organics (UVT 79%), E. coli exhibited the same level of susceptibility to PAA-UV AOP while P22 inactivation decreased.
The results provide new insight on the effectiveness and applicability of adding AOP to UV for microbial inactivation in water. PAA-UV AOP can potentially enhance existing UV disinfection systems with minimal chemical addition, and a simple retrofit to existing UV units. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2017
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Sedimentaatio ja eroosio Kokemäenjoen Porin osuudellaTervala, T.-M. (Tiia-Maria) 06 June 2016 (has links)
Porin alue on yksi Suomen merkittävimmistä tulvariskialueista ja Kokemäenjoen valuma-alue on yksi Suomen suurimmista valuma-alueista (27 000 km²), mikä lisää ajoittaisten suurien virtaaminen riskiä. Porin alueella tulvavaaraa lisää joen mukana kulkeutuvan kiintoaineen sedimentoituminen Porin alavan keskustan kohdalle ja suiston alueelle. Sedimentoitumisen lisäksi alueella on voimakasta eroosiota ja rantojen sortumia. Tämä tutkimus on osa vuonna 2003 aloitettua Porin tulvasuojeluhanketta.
Työssä tutkittiin Kokemäenjoen Porin osuudella tapahtuvaa eroosiota ja sedimentaatiota. Työn aineistona oli vuosien 2010 ja 2014 viistokaikuluotaukset joen uomasta. Näiden aineistojen perusteella joki luokiteltiin eroosio-, sedimentaatio- tai neutraalialueeksi. Merkittävimmistä joen kohdista tehtiin poikkileikkauskuvat. Eroosioalueet sijaitsivat pääsääntöisesti tutkimusalueen ylävirran osuudella ennen Porin keskustaa, ja sedimentoitumisalueet olivat vastaavasti joen alavirran osuudella Porin keskustan kohdalla sekä Luotsinmäenhaarassa. Pääsääntöisesti virtaama, maaperämuodostuma ja uoman muoto vaikuttavat siihen, mitä joen eri osilla on tapahtunut ja tapahtuu tulevaisuudessa.
Tutkimusalueella oli kaksi voimakkaan eroosion aluetta, joista toinen sijaitsi joen ylävirralla ja toinen alavirralla Luotsinmäenhaarassa. Voimakkaan eroosion alueella tapahtui yli 0,2 metriä eroosiota vuodessa. Voimakkaan eroosion jokiosioille on yhteistä se, että helposti erodoituva kerroksellinen hiekka-, siltti- ja savikerros oli esillä joen pohjalla. Kyseinen muodostuma vaikuttaa merkittävästi joen eroosioherkkyyteen.
Eroosioalueilla joki on syvä, kapea ja mutkainen. Eroosioalueilla oli esillä pääasiassa savi- ja silttikerrostumia, jotka eivät lähde liikkeelle yhtä helposti kuin hiekkakerrostuma. Ylävirran kaarteisiin on muodostunut ajansaatossa jyrkkiä syvänteitä, joissa oli tutkimusajanjaksolla tapahtunut liukupintasortumia joen törmän kaltevuuden ylittäessä 30–35 astetta.
Sedimentaatioalueelle oli laskeutunut hiekkaa neljän vuoden aikana enimmillään jopa metrin paksuudelta Luotsinmäenhaaraan alkuun. Jokea on ruopattu useamman kerran Porin keskustan kohdalta. Ruoppauksen jälkeen alueelle on kuitenkin jo sedimentoitunut hiekkaa niin paljon, että hiekan sedimentoituminen oli siirtynyt alavirralle päin Luotsinmäenhaaraan.
Tutkimusaineistojen perusteella joessa havaittiin selvä rajavirtaama, jonka ylittyessä suspensiossa eli veden virtauksen mukana kulkeutuva kiintoainemäärä lisääntyi voimakkaasti. Tämä rajavirtaama oli 360 m³/s, mutta kyseinen raja-arvo ei huomioi pohjassa kulkeutuvaa kiintoainekulkeumaa. Suspensiossa kulkeutui 1/3 kokonaiskiintoainekuormasta ja vastaavasti pohjakulkeumana 2/3. Suspensiossa kulkeutuva kiintoainekuorma vuosien 2010 ja 2014 tarkastelujaksolla oli lähellä vuosille 2039–2069 ennustettua ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamaa kiintoainekuormaa.
Tuloksien avulla voidaan ohjata ja parantaa Porin alueen maankäyttöä sekä tulvasuojelua. Porin kaupungin kaavoittamisratkaisuissa kannattaa huomioida, kuinka lähelle joen uomaa voidaan rakentaa. On syytä myös pyrkiä ennaltaehkäisemään joen uoman uusia sortumia alueilla, joissa tapahtuu selkeää eroosiota. Kokemäenjoella Porin keskustan alueella ruoppaaminen on tärkeää tulvasuojelun näkökulmasta, koska tulvan aiheuttamat hyyde- ja jääpadot muodostuvat helpoiten matalikoille. / Area at city of Pori is significant flood risk areas in Finland. The catchment area of the Kokemäenjoki river is one of Finland’s largest catchments (27 000 km²), which increases the risk of occasional high flows. At Pori, risk for flooding increases due to sedimentation to river channel at the city area and in the downstream deltas. Sedimentation and erosion affects the flow conditions and stability of riverbanks. In addition to the sedimentation also strong riverbed erosion and riverbank failures occurs regularly. This research is part of the flood protection project that started at Pori in 2003.
The aim of this thesis was to study the sedimentation and erosion in the Kokemäenjoki river at the Pori area. Diagonal echo-sounding data from riverbed were used from years 2010 and 2014. Based on results, river was categorized as erosion, sedimentation or as neutral zone. Cross-sectional figures were made from the most significant parts. According to the results, erosion zones were situated mainly in the upstream before the centre of Pori and sedimentation areas, respectively, in the downstream portion of the river, as well as in Luotsinmäenhaara river branch. Sedimentation and erosion was mainly controlled by flow conditions, soil layers and shape of the river channel, which are also controlling future conditions and processes.
In the study area, there were two strong erosion zones, one of which was located in the river upstream and one Luotsinmäenhaara river branch downstream. Erosion over 0.2 meters per year was observed. Strong erosion zones of river sections had easily erodible layered sand, silt and clay layer which allowed high erosion rates. Thus soil formation has significant impact on the erosion sensitivity at lower sections at Kokemäenjoki river.
In the areas, which was categorise as erosion the river is deep, narrow and meandering occurs. Soil layers at erosion areas were featured mainly by clay and silt soils which are not as easily eroded as sand. These areas also contained steep slopes and deep basins to river bed, while critical slope for river bank collation as observed to be 30–35 degrees.
Sedimentation zones are located mainly in the downstream from the centre of Pori and at the delta area, where the flow velocity is lower. During the research period of four years up to 1 meter sedimentation was observed at the beginning of Luostinmäenhaara river branch. The river has been dredged several times near to the centre of Pori. After the previous dredging, however, major sedimentation of sand has occurred.
Results showed clear flow boundary for suspended sediment transport at flow rate of 360 m³/s, but it does not account bed load material. At suspension circa 1/3 of the total solid load was transported, whereas remaining 2/3 was transported as bed load. Suspended sediment load during the period between 2010 and 2014 was close to the forecasted loading for the years 2039–2069 caused by climate change.
The results from this study can be used to control and improve the land use and flood protection of the Pori area. Extra care for planning is needed at Pori when constructed close to the river channel. Also erosion controlling area needed in areas with risk for new bank collapses. Dredging of Kokemäenjoki in the centre of Pori area is important in future to prevent local sedimentation and increased risk for flooding.
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Valuma-aluetekijöiden vaikutus virtavesien pH- ja lämpötila-arvoihinRomppanen, T. (Tatu) 08 April 2016 (has links)
Pohjoisen vesistöissä happamuus tuottaa usein ongelmia vesien ekologiselle tilalle ja virkistyskäytölle. Kausittaista happamuutta esiintyy yleensä alueilla, joilla sijaitsee turvepitoisia happamia sulfaattimaita. Tässä työssä pyritään löytämään uusien paikkatietoihin perustuvien menetelmien avulla happamuuden lähteitä ja keinoja happamuuspiikkien ennakoimiseksi.
Pohjois-pohjanmaalla Oulun lähistöllä sijaitseva Sanginjoki on yksi kausittaisesta happamuudesta kärsivistä vesistöistä. Sanginjoen happamuuden lähteitä ja arvoja on tutkittu Suomen ympäristökeskuksen Kaupunki ja vesi — Sanginjoen virkistyskäyttöarvon parantaminen ja ekologinen kunnostus -hankkeessa, jonka koko valuma-alueen kattavaan ja jatkuvatoimiseen pH-mittausaineistoon tämä työ pohjautuu.
Työssä verrataan Sanginjoen valuma-alueelta saatuja veden minimi pH-arvoja kunkin pH-mittauspisteen muodostaman alivaluma-alueen paikkatietoihin/valuma-aluetekijöihin. Sanginjoen alueen valuma-aluetekijätiedot saatiin CSN:n PaITuli ja GTK:n Hakku -paikkatietojen latauspalveluista. Paikkatietojen käsittely ja mittapisteiden alivaluma-alueiden muodostaminen työssä tehtiin ArcGIS:n karttapohja ArcMap:lla.
Työn tuloksissa löytyi yhteys happamien sulfaattimaiden, suoalueiden ja eräiden maaperäluokkien happamuutta vahvistavasta vaikutuksesta. Lisäksi eräät maaperäluokat ja laajemmat vesistöalueet työn tulosten perusteella vähentävät happamuutta virtavesissä. Tulosten pohjalta luotiin happamuutta kuvaava usean muuttujan regressiomalli, jonka avulla voidaan ennustaa lähes puolet (42,3 %) veden minimi pH-arvon suuruudesta. Tulokset antavat tukea jo aiemmin tunnetuille toimenpiteille happaman kuormituksen synnyn ehkäisemiseksi. Tietoja tulisi hyödyntää maankäytön suunnittelussa erityisesti Suomen rannikkoseutujen sulfaattimaavyöhykkeellä. / Acidification of water courses is a serious problem to the ecological status and the recreational use of lakes and rivers. Seasonal acidity is a common phenomenon in the northern areas which consists of peatlands and sulphate soils. This thesis includes new geographical information system (GIS) based methods to identify the sources of acidity and ways to predict the acidification peaks of streams.
River Sanginjoki at Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland is one of the river systems where periodic acidity occurs frequently. The sources and rates of acidity in the River Sanginjoki have been studied in previous projects. This thesis is utilize previous databases and is based on the whole river basin.
The relations between the minimum pH-values of each measurement and the properties of their sub-catchments were studied in this thesis. The data of the catchment properties were downloaded from Finnish GIS databases PaITuli and Hakku. The processing of the catchment data and the formation of the sub-catchment areas were performed using the ArcGIS software package.
The results showed acidity increasing effects with presence of the sulphate and four other soil types, and peatlands in the catchment area. Also evidence of decreasing acidity with certain soils types and water areas were found. A multiple regression model, which can be used to predict a sample’s minimum pH-value. The regression model can determine almost half (42.3%) of the variation of the minimum pH-value.
The results of this thesis support the known methods of preventing the formation of acid loads. Further on they can be suitable for planning the land use, especially in the coastal areas of Finland sulphate soils are common.
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Turvetuotannon vesien pumppauksen ja energiaratkaisujen yhteensovittamisen periaatteita ja mahdollisuuksiaHeikkala, M. (Milja) 06 June 2016 (has links)
Turvetuotannon vesien pumppauksessa ja puhdistuksessa on perinteisesti käytetty energianlähteinä verkkosähköä, dieselaggregaattia ja dieselmoottoria. Viime aikoina on herännyt kiinnostus uusiutuvan ja paikallisen energian hyödyntämiseen pumppauksessa. Uusiutuvan energian käyttämisessä tavoitteena on mm. säästää pumppauksen energiakustannuksissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin turvetuotannon pumppauksen ja energiaratkaisujen yhteensovittamisen periaatteita ja mahdollisuuksia. Työssä kartoitettiin nykyisiä pumppaus- ja vedenjohtamisratkaisuja turvetuotannossa sekä visioitiin mahdollisia tulevaisuuden ratkaisuja.
Kartoitukseen kuului vierailuja 20 pumppaamolla eli koekohteella kesällä 2015. Kohteet valittiin yritysten edustajien kanssa siten, että ne joko kuvaavat tyypillisiä pumppausratkaisuja tai esittelevät jo käytössä olevia erikoisuuksia. Koekohteita oli melko vähän, joten niistä ei voi päätellä luotettavasti pumppausratkaisujen yleisyyttä. Kohteet sijaitsevat ympäri Suomea; eteläisin Riihimäellä ja pohjoisin Oulun Ylikiimingissä. Jokaisesta koekohteesta täytettiin kysymyslomake. Lomakkeessa selvitettiin perustiedot kohteen pumppaamosta, pumpusta ja vedenjohtamisratkaisuista. Lisäksi selvitettiin kokemuksia ja kehitysideoita pumppaukseen liittyen.
Koekohteista puolet on painepumppaamoja. Pengerpumppaamoja on neljä, kelluvia keskipakopumppuja kaksi, pengerryspumppuja kaksi, yksi itseimevä pumppu sekä yksi mekaaninen tuulipumppu. Yhdeksän kohteen energialähde on sähköverkko, kuuden dieselaggregaatti, neljän dieselmoottori ja yhden tuuli.
Kohteista 12:lla on ympärivuotinen ja kahdeksalla tuotannon aikainen pumppaus. Kaikki ympärivuotisen pumppauksen kohteet ovat joko paine- tai pengerpumppaamoja. Sähkö- ja dieselpumppaamojen teho vaihtelee kolmesta kW:sta kahteen 22,5 kW:n pumppuun samalla kohteella. Pumppujen tilavuusvirrat vaihtelevat noin 2000–30 000 l/min välillä. Viidellä kohteella on kaksi samanlaista pumppua ja 13:lla yksi pumppu. Lisäksi tuulipumppu ja sen varapumppu ovat kaksi erillistä kohdetta.
Uusiutuvaa energiaa hyödyntää kolme kohdetta. Näistä kahdella on dieselaggregaattipumppaamo, joissa akkujen lataus ja automatiikka toimii osittain tuuli- ja aurinkoenergialla. Näissä kohteissa pieni aurinkokenno ja tuulimylly on sijoitettu konttiin. Yhdellä kohteella on mekaaninen tuulipumppu, jota tarvittaessa tukee kelluva dieselpumppu.
Tuulen voimalla voidaan pumpata vettä joko mekaanisesti tai tuottamalla sähköä tuuliturbiinilla. Perinteisillä mekaanisilla ratkaisuilla pumppujen tilavuusvirrat jäävät pieniksi, alle 1000 l/min. Mekaanisesta tuulipumpusta on saatavilla kaupallisia sovellutuksia ulkomailta. Mekaanisilla tuulimyllyillä toimivat pumput soveltuvat jatkuvaksi ”peruspumppaukseksi”, mutta suuremmilla virtaamilla ne saattavat tarvita rinnalleen tehokkaamman pumpun. Mekaanisen tuulipumpun käyttäminen esimerkiksi dieselpumpun lisäksi vähentää polttoainekustannuksia.
Sähköllä toimivia pumppuja voidaan käyttää auringon, tuulen tai molempien voimalla hybridijärjestelmissä. Tuulettomien ja pilvisten päivien varalta järjestelmiin voi kuulua myös aggregaatti. Uusiutuvan energian sovelluksilla riittävän suuren tilavuusvirran saavuttaminen voi olla vaikeaa. Varapumput ja suuri varastotilavuus tuotantoalueella helpottavat tehokkaan kuivatuksen saavuttamista. Tuulivoiman hyödyntämisessä haaste on tuulimyllyn — joko mekaanisen tai sähköisen — rakentaminen suolle.
Paikallisen sähköntuotannon haaste on sähkön varastointi tuulettomia ja vähemmän aurinkoisia aikoja varten. Akkutekniikka kehittyy ja akkujen hinta laskee, ja tulevaisuudessa aurinko- ja tuulisähkön hyödyntämisen sovellettavuus ja kannattavuus turvetuotannon vesien pumppaamisessa paranee. / The traditional energy sources for pumping and treating peat mining drainage waters are electrical network, diesel generators and diesel motors. Lately the interest towards renewable and local energy as a power source for pumping has emerged. The hope is that utilization of renewable energy will bring savings in pumping costs. This thesis studies the principles and possibilities of combined pumping and energy solutions in peat mining drainage. The thesis surveys current pumping and water conducting solutions and envisions possible future solutions.
The survey of current solutions included visits to 20 pumping stations (test subjects) in the Summer 2015. The subjects were chosen in collaboration with employees of the peat mining companies. Each subject is either a representation of typical pumping solution or a specialty already in use. The amount of test subjects is low, so the frequency of each solution cannot be deducted from the material. The test subjects are located across Finland; the southernmost in Riihimäki and the northernmost in Oulu. A questionnaire was filled for every test subject. Questions included basic information on the pumping station, the pump and the water conducting solution. In addition experiences and ideas for development of pumping solutions were asked.
Half of the test subjects (10) are pressure pumping stations. Four subjects are shaft pumping stations, two floating impeller pumps, two embankment pumps, one lobe rotor pump and one mechanical wind pump. The energy source for nine test subjects is electrical network, for two a diesel generator, for three a diesel motor and for one wind.
Twelve test subjects use round-year pumping and eight subjects work only during production time. All round-year working subjects are either pressure or shaft pumping stations. The power of electrical pumps varies between a 3kW pump and two 22,5 kW on the same site. The volume flow of pumps varies between roughly 2000 and 30 000 l/min. Five test subjects have two similar pumps and 13 only one pump. In addition the mechanical wind pump and its backup pump are two separate subjects.
Three test subjects utilize renewable energy. Two of them have generators as power sources with a small wind turbine and a solar panel to load batteries and power automation. One test subject is a mechanical wind pump with a backup pump powered by a diesel motor.
The power of wind can be used for pumping either mechanically or by producing electricity with a wind turbine. With traditional mechanical pumps the volume flows are less than 1000 l/min. Commercial mechanical wind pumps are available outside of Finland. Mechanical wind pumps are applicable for basic pumping in normal conditions, but may need a backup pump during higher flow rates. Using a mechanical wind pump with a diesel pump reduces fuel costs.
Electric pumps can be powered by wind or solar energy or both by using hybrid systems. The systems can include a backup generator for days without wind of solar radiation. Reaching high volume flows with renewable energy solutions is a challenge. Backup pumps and high storage capacity on the production area facilitate effective drainage. Building a wind turbine and its mast on a production area can be challenging due to soft soil.
The challenge of local electricity production is storing the electricity for cloudy and windless days. Battery technology evolves quickly and the cost of batteries decreases. In the future the availability and profitability of using wind and solar energy to power pumps in peat mining improves.
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