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Selected aspects of the ecology of the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) in Grant County, IndianaLandrum, Thomas W. January 1971 (has links)
Maternal colonies of the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus) were located and studied in Delaware, Grant, Hamilton and Madison Counties, Indiana, from March 1, 1970 to June 1, 1971. A total of 602 bats was captured. These banded bats provided data on intercolony movements and longevity. Three intercolony movements were recorded, all of short distances. Two bats were recaptured which had attained a minimum age of 12 years. Further detailed data regarding population levels; age as determined by canine tooth year and wing bone ossification; sex ratios; reproductive characteristics and body weight are discussed. / Department of Biology
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A two year study on the effects of monthly rainfall on weight gain in the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus)Howell, Kenneth J. January 1990 (has links)
Colonies of the Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus) were located and studied in Blackford, Delaware, Grant, Henry, Jay, Madison, and Randolph Counties, Indiana, from June 12, 1988 through August 25, 1989. During the study, 24 colonies were located. Attempts were made to capture as many bats as possible during visits to the colonies. Colony sites were revisited several times during the two year study. A total of 1,846 bats were captured, banded and examined. During examinations bats were sexed, aged, weighed, and checked for wing damage and ectoparasites. The weights from the captured bats provided data on differences in bat weights for the summer of 1988 and 1989. The summer of 1988 was characterized by drier than normal precipitation, and the summer of 1989 had wetter than normal precipitation. Several comparisons were carried out on the data. The comparisons showed a correlation between increased rainfall and increased bat weights. In the wet year of 1989, adult bats were significantly heavier than they were in 1988. Juveniles were slightly heavier but not significantly. Further detailed data regarding age and sex ratios; wing damage and ectoparasite occurence are discussed briefly. / Department of Biology
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Diet analysis of big brown bats (eptesicus fuscus) in east- central IndianaAlexander, Christina Lynn January 1995 (has links)
Big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) from a colony in Delaware County, Indiana were captured weekly from 9 July to 13 September, 1993. Food habits of the bats were quantified by analysis of fecal pellets collected in the field. The major foods were Coleopterans, particularly carabids and the agricultural pest Diabrotica undecimpunctata (averaging 54.47% and 32.91% of the total volume of fecal pellets, respectively). Other foods included Acrosternum hilare, Lepidoptera, Cicadellidae, Scarabaeidae, Curculionidae, Chrysomeloidea, Dytiscidae, Lygaeidae, Hemerobiidae, Gryllidae, Miridae, and Delphacidae. The volume of Carabidae and Galerucinae and the frequency of Carabidae and Scarabaeidae in fecal pellets varied temporally. Adults and juveniles differed significantly in the volume of Carabidae in the diet late in the summer. There was no significant difference in diet between the sexes. Diet of adults was more diverse than that of juveniles. Juveniles of both sexes had similar diet diversity. / Department of Biology
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Spectral and temporal characteristics of echolocation calls in pregnant and lactating big brown bats / Echolocation in pregnant and lactating big brown batsClarke, Alexa January 2023 (has links)
While they are pregnant and rearing pups, bats continue to leave their roosts to forage for food. Many bats use echolocation vocalizations as part of this process. Other mammalian species including primates experience changes in vocal characteristics during pregnancy and lactation. As echolocation is a vital tool for spatial navigation and prey detection in most bats, investigating echolocation characteristics during pregnancy through lactation may provide new insight into how reproduction, pregnancy and pup rearing influence vocalizations. We measured changes in mass and recorded echolocation calls of pregnant (n = 21) and non-pregnant (n = 2) female wild-caught big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) released by hand into roost emergence-like flight. Recording began ~15 days prepartum and ended when the last bat reached 34 days postpartum, when pups were expected to be weaned. Analyses were completed using MATLAB and R, primarily with repeated measures ANOVAs focused on echolocation calls present in the ~562 ms before and ~562 ms after take-off. Based on vocal changes experienced by humans during pregnancy and post-birth, correlations found between bat echolocation call characteristics and the effects of differences in mass on bat echolocation, we predicted that female bats in late-stage pregnancy would emit calls of shorter duration, longer pulse interval, narrower bandwidth, and lower centroid frequency compared to calls emitted by the same bat post-parturition and compared to non-pregnant bats, while source level remained unchanged. We found that pulse interval and source level did not change while pregnant/lactating or control bats were in flight, and that increases in call duration and decreases in centroid frequency and bandwidth in flight began in pregnancy and continued through the lactation period while remaining unchanged for the control bats. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / The goals of this study were to see if big brown bats change the way that they echolocate while they are pregnant and/or nursing pups, and what changes occur. We did this by recording the vocal sounds bats made while they were pregnant and after they had given birth, and looking to see if there were any changes in the duration of echolocation calls, the time between individual sounds, the range of sound frequencies in each call, the central sound frequency in each call, and each call’s sound pressure level over this time and compared to non-pregnant/nursing female big brown bats. We found that echolocation call duration increases over pregnancy and nursing pups, while frequency range and the centre frequency decreases.
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Examining the Pheromonal Potential of Estradiol in the Big Brown Bat / Estradiol as a Potential Pheromone in BatsGreville, Lucas James Stephen January 2021 (has links)
Historically, physiologists have believed steroid hormones act exclusively within the individual producing them. However, studies in mice have shown that bioactive 17β-estradiol (E2) is excreted in male urine and absorbed by female conspecifics where it binds to estrogen receptors in reproductive other tissues. This can lead to pregnancy disruption and/or cause precocious puberty in female conspecifics. In bats the transfer of tritium-labelled estradiol (3H-E2) from male to females has been shown during the mating season. I investigated the influence of season on 3H-E2 transfer and showed that females housed with 3H-E2 injected males had significantly higher levels of radioactivity in reproductive, neural, and peripheral tissues during reproductively relevant timepoints compared to the non-reproductive season. Because urine has been hypothesized as the vector of steroid hormone transmission in mice, I examined the natural patterns of sex steroids in the urine of male and female big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) across the annual reproductive cycle. I found that creatinine-adjusted E2, which corrects for animal hydration and activity, was significantly higher in male than female urine, and in adult compared to yearling urine. Seasonal differences in urinary E2 levels were observed within and between sexes. Finally, I designed a protocol to investigate the attractant properties of body odour and urine between bat sexes during the mating season. Using a two-alternative Y-maze arena, I found that female bats first approach the test arm containing urine of a male conspecific before exploring the arm with female urine. Females also tended to spend more time in the test-arm containing male urine and being in the male test-arm at the conclusion of the 5 min trial. My data supports the hypothesis that E2 has the potential to act as reproductive pheromone with urine as a likely vector. Given the close proximity of individual bats within a maternity roost, steroid hormone transfer between conspecifics quite likely occurs in nature and could have profound influences on female reproductive behaviour (e.g. receptivity) and physiology (e.g. estrus cycling). My research provides new evidence for the potential pheromonal actions of E2 in bats that is consistent with how sex steroids act as pheromones in other mammals. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Historically, physiologists have believed steroid hormones act exclusively within the individual producing them. However, studies in mice have shown that bioactive 17β-estradiol (E2) is excreted in male urine and absorbed by female conspecifics where it binds to estrogen receptors in reproductive and other tissues. This exogenous E2 can result in changes to female reproductive physiology and behaviour. Our lab has previously observed E2 to transfer between male and female captive big brown bats during the mating season. Research from this thesis provides evidence that the transfer of E2 from male to female bats is highest during times of mating and ovulation/fertilization. I also demonstrate that E2 naturally occurs in the urine of both male and females with age, sex, and seasonal differences in concentration. Lastly, I show that female bats are attracted to the urine of males. My research provides new evidence for the potential pheromonal actions of E2 in bats that is consistent with how sex steroids act as pheromones in other mammals.
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<p>Developing bat pups produce distinct vocalizations called isolation calls (I‐calls) that serve to attract the bat’s mother. How individual pups shift their vocalizations from I‐calls to downward frequency modulated (FM) sweeps during development remains unclear. By recording individual bat pups from the day of birth to twenty‐five days postnatal we observed behavioural and bioacoustic (temporal and spectral) changes in pup calls. Temporal characteristics examined were call duration and call rate; spectral characteristics were minimum frequency, maximum frequency, peak spectral frequency, total signal bandwidth, maximum frequency of the fundamental acoustic element and bandwidth of the fundamental. I‐calls were produced only until a certain point in development, after which pups change from emitting long‐duration, tonal I‐calls to downward FM signals and eventually short‐duration biosonar vocalizations. We discovered additional spectral changes in the harmonic structure of pup calls, with the number of harmonic elements decreasing with age. We also recorded pup vocalizations during prolonged separation from their mothers to determine if extended isolation alters the type, number or acoustic structure of emitted vocalizations. Rate of calling was influenced by prolonged separation; younger pups had higher calling rates and called longer than older pups. We also compared temporal and spectral characteristics of spontaneous and provoked calls. We found that provoked calls were more similar to vocalizations produced by younger pups. By documenting the vocal behaviour and acoustic structure of pups calling in different situations, this research provides groundwork for further studies on the ontogeny and development of FM vocalizations in bats and other mammals.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)
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Auditory Responses in the Amygdala to Social VocalizationsGadziola, Marie A. 01 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Acoustic sampling considerations for bats in the post-white-nose syndrome landscapeBarr, Elaine Lewis 27 January 2020 (has links)
Bat populations across North America are either facing new threats from white-nose syndrome (WNS) and wind energy development or have already experienced precipitous declines. Accordingly, researchers and managers need to know how to best monitor bats to document population and distribution changes, as well as where to look for persisting populations. Landscape-scale WNS impacts to summer bat populations are not well understood, and although acoustic monitoring is commonly used to monitor these populations, there is limited information about differences among acoustic detectors and the implications to managers thereof. My objectives were to model the relationship between WNS impact, influence of available hibernacula, and environmental factors for summer nightly presence of three WNS-affected bats and to compare how multiple models of acoustic detectors perform in terms of detection probability and nightly recorded bat activity. I collected acoustic data from 10 study areas across Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky to describe changes in nightly presence of WNS-affected bat species during summer 2017. During the same period of time, I compared five types of acoustic detectors at Fort Knox, Kentucky. My results show the potential efficacy of using a WNS impact-year metric to predict summer bat presence, and highlight which environmental variables are relevant for large-scale acoustic monitoring. Additionally, my findings suggest that each of the detector types tested would suffice for most research and monitoring activities, but standardization of detector type within the scope of a project or study should be encouraged. / Master of Science / Bat populations across North America are either facing new threats from white-nose syndrome (WNS) and wind energy development or have already experienced devastating declines. Accordingly, wildlife biologists need to know how to best monitor bats to document population and distribution changes, as well as where to look for remaining populations. Landscape-scale WNS impacts to summer bat populations are not well understood, and although acoustic technology is commonly used to monitor these populations, there is limited information about differences among acoustic detectors and the implications to managers thereof. My objectives were to model the relationship between WNS impact, influence of available bat hibernation caves, and environmental factors for summer nightly presence of three WNS-affected bats and to compare how multiple models of acoustic detectors perform in terms of detection probability and nightly recorded bat activity. I collected acoustic data from 10 study areas across Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky to describe changes in nightly presence of WNS-affected bat species during summer 2017. During the same period of time, I compared five types of acoustic detectors at Fort Knox, Kentucky. My results show potential viability of a WNS impact-year metric to predict summer bat presence, and highlight which environmental variables are relevant for large-scale acoustic monitoring. Additionally, my findings suggest that each of the detector types tested would suit most research and monitoring activities, but standardization of detector type within the scope of a project or study should be encouraged.
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Bat Habitat Ecology Using Remote Acoustical Detectors at the Army National Guard Maneuver Training Center - Fort Pickett, Blackstone, VirginiaSt Germain, Michael J. 12 June 2012 (has links)
Bats occupy diverse and unique niches and are regarded as important components in maintaining ecosystem health. They are major consumers of nocturnal insects, serve as pollinators, seed disperser, and provide important economic benefits as consumers of agricultural and forest pest insects. Bats have been proposed as good indicators of the integrity of natural communities because they integrate a number of resource attributes and may show population declines quickly if a resource attribute is missing. Establishing community- and population-level data, and understanding species interactions is especially important in changing landscapes and for species whose populations levels are threatened by outside factors of anthropomorphic disturbance from hibernacular visitation to energy production and fungal pathogens. For these reasons I have set out to establish habitat use patterns, detection probabilities, spatial and temporal occupancy, and investigate species interactions. This thesis is broken down into three distinct chapters each intended to be a stand-alone document. The first establishes the basic ecology from natural history accounts, provides an overview of the various sampling strategies, and gives a comprehensive description of the study area. The seconds sets out to identify the factors influencing detection probabilities and occupancy of six sympatric bats species and provide insight into habitat use patterns. The third examines spatial and temporal activity patterns and investigates species interactions. This study can provide understanding into the secretive and poorly understood patterns of free flying bats across the landscape. It can also deliver useful information to land managers regarding potential changes in landscape practices for the conservation of bat species. / Master of Science
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Microbiome cutané et maladie fongique émergente du syndrome du museau blanc chez les chauves-souris d’Amérique du NordLemieux-Labonté, Virginie 09 1900 (has links)
Le syndrome du museau blanc (SMB), causé par le champignon Pseudogymnoascus destructans
(Pd), a mis en péril les populations de chauves-souris hibernantes en Amérique du
Nord. Certaines espèces sont hautement vulnérables à la maladie alors que d’autres espèces
semblent être résistantes ou tolérantes à l’infection. Plusieurs facteurs physiologiques et
environnementaux peuvent expliquer ces différences. Or avant 2015, peu d’études avaient
porté sur le microbiome de la peau en relation avec cette maladie. La présente thèse vise
à caractériser le microbiome cutané de chiroptères affectés par le SMB afin d’identifier les
facteurs de vulnérabilité ou de résistance à la maladie. L’objectif principal est de déterminer
comment le microbiome est affecté par la maladie ainsi que de déterminer si celui-ci à un
rôle dans la protection face à l’infection fongique.
Au Chapitre 1, nous avons tout d’abord exploré et comparé le microbiote cutané
de petites chauves-souris brunes (Myotis lucifugus) non affectées par le SMB avec celui
de chauves-souris survivantes au SMB pour tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle le microbiote
cutané est modifié par la maladie. Nos résultats montrent que le site d’hibernation influence
fortement la composition et la diversité du microbiote cutané. Les sites d’hibernations Pd
positifs et négatifs diffèrent significativement en termes de diversité, ainsi qu’en termes de
composition du microbiote. La diversité est réduite au sein du microbiote des chauves-souris
survivantes au SMB et enrichi en taxons tels que Janthinobacterium, Micrococcaceae,
Pseudomonas, Ralstonia et Rhodococcus. Certains de ces taxons sont reconnus pour leur
potentiel antifongique et des souches spécifiques de Rhodococcus et de Pseudomonas peuvent
inhiber la croissance de Pd. Nos résultats sont cohérents avec l’hypothèse selon laquelle
l’infection par Pd modifie le microbiote cutané des chauves-souris survivantes et suggèrent
que le microbiote peut jouer un rôle de protection face au SMB.
Au Chapitre 2, nous avons étudié le microbiote d’une espèce résistante au champignon
Pd en milieu contrôlé avant et après infection afin d’établir la réponse potentielle à la maladie.
L’espèce étudiée est la grande chauve-souris brune (Eptesicus fuscus) dont le microbiote
cutané pourrait jouer un rôle de protection contre l’infection. Nos résultats montrent que la
diversité du microbiote de la grande chauve-souris brune inoculée avec Pd est plus variable
dans le temps, tandis que la diversité du microbiote des chauves-souris du groupe contrôle
demeure stable. Parmi les taxons les plus abondants, Pseudomonas et Rhodococcus, deux
taxons connus pour leur potentiel antifongique contre Pd et d’autres champignons, sont
restés stables durant l’expérience. Ainsi, bien que l’inoculation par le champignon Pd ait
déstabilisé le microbiote cutané, les bactéries aux propriétés antifongiques n’ont pas été
affectées. Cette étude est la première à démontrer le potentiel du microbiote cutané d’une
espèce de chauves-souris pour la résistance au SMB.
Au Chapitre 3, le microbiome cutané de la petite chauve-souris brune a été évalué
en milieu naturel dans le contexte du SMB, à l’aide de la métagénomique, une approche
haute résolution pour observer le potentiel fonctionnel du microbiome (métagénome
fonctionnel). Nos résultats ont permis d’établir que le temps depuis l’infection a un effet
significatif sur le métagénome fonctionnel. En effet, les chauves-souris dans la première
année suivant l’infection ont un métagénome fonctionnel perturbé qui subit une perte de
diversité fonctionnelle importante. Toutefois, le métagénome fonctionnel revient à une
structure et composition similaire d’avant infection après 10 ans. Certaines fonctions
détectées suite à l’infection sont associées à des gènes reliés au transport et à l’assimilation
de métaux, des facteurs limitants pour la croissance du champignon. Ces gènes
pourraient donc avoir un rôle à jouer dans la résistance ou la vulnérabilité à la maladie.
Globalement, l’étude du métagénome chez la petite chauve-souris brune indique une
vulnérabilité du métagénome fonctionnel au champignon, mais que celui-ci semble se rétablir
après 10 ans. Une telle réponse pourrait avoir un impact sur la résilience de M. lucifugus.
Cette thèse a permis d’acquérir des connaissances fondamentales sur le microbiome cutané
des chauves-souris en hibernation pour mieux comprendre les communautés microbiennes de
la peau dans le contexte du SMB. Le microbiome pourrait en effet jouer un rôle dans la
vulnérabilité et la résistance des chauves-souris à la maladie, et il est essentiel d’adapter
notre façon d’aborder la protection de ces espèces et de leur microbiome. Nous souhaitons
que les travaux de cette thèse permettent de sensibiliser les acteurs de la conservation à
l’existence et à l’importance potentielle du microbiome pour la santé de son hôte. Cette
thèse fait également état de l’avancement des méthodes d’analyses qui permettront d’être
de plus en plus précis et d’appliquer les connaissances du microbiome en biologie de la
conservation. / White-nose syndrome (WNS) caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd)
has put hibernating bat populations at risk in North America. Some species are highly
vulnerable to the disease while other species appear to be resistant or tolerant. Several
physiological and environmental factors can explain these differences. However, before 2015,
few studies have focused on the skin microbiome in relation to this disease. The present
thesis aims to characterize the cutaneous microbiome of bats affected by WNS in order to
identify the factors of vulnerability or resistance to the disease. The main objective is to
determine how the microbiome can protect against the Pd fungus, or conversely how the
microbiome is altered by the fungal infection.
In Chapter 1, we first explored and compared the skin microbiota of little brown bats
(Myotis lucifugus) unaffected by WNS with that of WNS survivors to test the hypothesis
that the skin microbiota is modified by the disease. Our results show that the hibernation
site strongly influences the composition and diversity of the skin microbiota. The Pd
positive and negative sites differ significantly in terms of diversity, as well as in terms of the
composition of the microbiota. Diversity is reduced within the microbiota of bats surviving
WNS and enriched in taxa such as Janthinobacterium, Micrococcaceae, Pseudomonas,
Ralstonia, and Rhodococcus. Some of these taxa are recognized for their antifungal potential
and specific strains of Rhodococcus and Pseudomonas may inhibit the growth of Pd. Our
results are consistent with the hypothesis that Pd infection modifies the skin microbiota of
surviving bats and suggest that the microbiota may play a protective role against WNS.
In Chapter 2, we studied in a controlled environment the microbiota of a species that
exhibits evidence of resistance with mild WNS symptoms, before and after infection, to
establish the potential response to the disease. The species studied is the big brown bat
(Eptesicus fuscus), whose skin microbiota could play a protective role against infection.
Our results show that the diversity of the microbiota of big brown bats inoculated with
Pd is more variable over time, while the diversity of the microbiota of the control bats
remains stable. Among the most abundant taxa, Pseudomonas and Rhodococcus, two taxa known for their antifungal potential against Pd and other fungi, remained stable during
the experiment. Thus, although inoculation with the Pd fungus destabilized the skin
microbiota, bacteria with antifungal properties were not affected. This study is the first to
demonstrate the potential of the skin microbiota of a bat species for resistance to WNS.
In Chapter 3, the skin microbiome of the little brown bat was evaluated in the natural
environment in the context of WNS, using metagenomics, a higher-resolution approach to
observe the functional potential of the microbiome (functional metagenome). Our results established
that the time since infection has a significant effect on the functional metagenome.
Indeed, bats in the first year after infection have a disrupted functional metagenome that
undergoes a significant loss of functional diversity. However, the functional metagenome
returns to a similar structure and composition to that observed before infection after 10
years. Certain functions detected following infection are associated with genes linked to the
transport and assimilation of metals, known limiting factors for the growth of the fungus.
These genes could therefore have a role to play in resistance or vulnerability to the disease.
Overall, this metagenomics study indicates functional metagenome vulnerability to the
fungus, although the original functional metagenome is reestablished after 10 years. Such
diversified response could impact M. lucifugus resilence.
This thesis provides fundamental knowledge on the skin microbiome of hibernating bats
to better understand the microbial communities of the skin in the context of WNS. The
microbiome could indeed play a role in the vulnerability and resistance of bats to disease
and it is essential to adapt our way of approaching the protection of these species and their
microbiomes. We hope that the results of this thesis will raise awareness among conservation
stakeholders about the existence and potential importance of the microbiome for the health
of its host. This thesis also reports on the advancement of analytical methods that will
make it possible to be more and more precise and to apply knowledge of the microbiome in
conservation biology.
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