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Distribuciones especiales de probabilidadLópez de Castilla Vásquez, Carlos 14 March 2007 (has links)
Las diapositivas contienen algunas distribuciones especiales de probabilidad como las siguientes: geométrica, Pascal y exponencial.
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Estadística Descriptiva Online (CE19), ciclo 2013-1Luna Flores, Wálter, Gutiérrez Flores, Silvia 18 March 2013 (has links)
Cuaderno de trabajo de los cursos Estadística Descriptiva Online (CE19) y Estadística Descriptiva (MA147), que corersponden al ciclo 2013-1. Contenido: organización de datos, resúmenes de datos, probabilidades, variable aleatoria y distribución de probabilidad, muestreo y estimación.
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Estadística Descriptiva Online (CE19), semestre 2013-2Luna Flores, Walter, Gutiérrez Flores, Silvia 21 August 2013 (has links)
Cuaderno de trabajo de los cursos Estadística Descriptiva Online (CE19) y Estadística Descriptiva (MA147), que corresponden al semestre 2013-2. Contenido: organización de datos, resúmenes de datos, probabilidades, variable aleatoria y distribución de probabilidad, muestreo y estimación.
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Estadística Descriptiva Online (CE19), ciclo 2014-0Gutiérrez Flores, Silvia, Luna Flores, Walter 02 December 2013 (has links)
Cuaderno de trabajo de los cursos Estadística Descriptiva Online (CE19) y Estadística Descriptiva (MA147), que corresponden al ciclo 2014-0. Contenido: organización de datos, resúmenes de datos, probabilidades, variable aleatoria y distribución de probabilidad, muestreo y estimación.
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Estadística Descriptiva Online (CE19), ciclo 2014-1Gutiérrez Flores, Silvia, Luna Flores, Walter 15 April 2014 (has links)
Cuaderno de trabajo de los cursos Estadística Descriptiva Online (CE19) y Estadística Descriptiva (MA147), que corresponden al ciclo 2014-1. Contenido: organización de datos, resúmenes de datos, probabilidades, variable aleatoria y distribución de probabilidad, muestreo y estimación.
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Estadística Descriptiva Online (CE19), ciclo 2014-2Gutiérrez Flores, Silvia, Luna, Walter 30 July 2014 (has links)
Cuaderno de trabajo de los cursos Estadística Descriptiva Online (CE19) y Estadística Descriptiva (MA147), que corersponden al ciclo 2014-2. Contenido: organización de datos, resúmenes de datos, probabilidades, variable aleatoria y distribución de probabilidad, muestreo y estimación.
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Temporal trends of incidence and survival of myeloid malignancies in Girona: a population-based study during the recent fifteen yearsOsca-Gelis, Gemma 17 October 2014 (has links)
Myeloid malignancies (MMs) are a heterogeneous group of haematological malignancies presenting different incidence, prognosis and survival. Changing classifications (French-American-British (FAB), World Health Organization (WHO) 2001 and WHO 2008) and few population-based published studies available in the literature, complicate international comparative epidemiological studies. This is the reason why the population-based Girona Cancer Registry exhaustively evaluates the actual status of MMs diagnosed in our province analysing a fifteen years period, with the aim to increasing the existing data related with incidence and survival of these infrequent pathologies / Les neoplàsies mieloides (NMs) són un grup heterogeni de malalties hematològiques que presenten diferències en la incidència i supervivència. Els canvis existents en la seva classificació (Franco-Americana-Britànica, Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS) 2001 i OMS 2008) i els pocs estudis de base poblacionals publicats disponibles a la literatura, han complicat els anàlisis epidemiològics comparatius d’aquestes malalties a nivell internacional. Per aquest motiu, el Registre de Càncer de Girona es va proposar avaluar exhaustivament l’estat actual de les NMs diagnosticades a la nostra província analitzant un període de quinze anys, amb el fi d’incrementar així el nombre de dades existents relacionades amb la incidència i supervivència d’aquestes patologies poc freqüents a la nostra societat
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Dynamics of optically levitated nanoparticles in high vacuumGieseler, Jan 03 February 2014 (has links)
Nanotechnology was named one of the key enabling technologies by the European Commission and its tremendous impact was envisioned early by 20th century physicist R.Feynman in his now oft-quoted talk "Plenty of Room at the bottom". Nanotechnology and nanoscience deal with structures barely visible with an optical microscope, yet much bigger than simple molecules. Matter at this mesoscale is often awkward to explore as it contains too many atoms to be easily understood by straightforward application of quantum mechanics (although the fundamental laws still apply). Yet, these systems are not so large as to be completely free of quantum effects; thus, they do not simply obey the classical physics governing the macroworld. It is precisely in this intermediate regime, the mesoworld, that unforeseen properties of collective systems emerge. To fully exploit the potential of nanotechnology, a thorough understanding of these properties is paramount.
The objective of the present thesis is to investigate and to control the dynamics of an optically levitated particle in high vacuum, a system which belongs to the broader class of nanomechanical oscillators. Nanomechanical oscillators exhibit high resonance frequencies, diminished active masses, low power consumption and high quality factors - significantly higher than those of electrical circuits. These attributes make them suitable for sensing, transduction and signal processing. Furthermore, nanomechanical systems are expected to open up investigations of the quantum behavior of mesoscopic systems. Testing the predictions of quantum theory on macroscopic scales is one of today's outstanding challenges of modern physics and addresses fundamental questions on our understanding of the world.
The state-of-the-art in nanomechanics itself has exploded in recent years, driven by a combination of interesting new systems and vastly improved fabrication capabilities. Despite major break-throughs, including ground state cooling, observation of radiation pressure shot noise, squeezing and demonstrated ultra-high force and mass sensitivity, difficulties in reaching ultra-high mechanical quality (Q) factors still pose a major limitation for many of the envisioned applications and significant improvements in mechanical quality (Q) factors are generally needed to facilitate quantum coherent manipulation. This is difficult given that many mechanical systems are approaching fundamental limits of dissipation. To overcome the limitations set by dissipation, I developed an experiment to trap and cool nanoparticles in high vacuum. The combination of nanoparticles and vacuum trapping results in a very light and ultra-high-Q mechanical oscillator. In fact, the Q-factor achieved with this setup is the highest observed so far in any nano- or micromechanical system.
The scope of the thesis ranges from a detailed description of the experimental apparatus and proof-of-principle experiments (parametric feedback cooling) to the first observation of phenomena owing to the unique parameters of this novel optomechanical system (thermal nonlinearities). Aside from optomechanics and optical trapping, the topics covered include the dynamics of complex (nonlinear) systems and the study of fluctuation theorems, the latter playing a pivotal role in statistical physics.
Optically trapped nanoparticles are just beginning to emerge as a new class of optomechanical systems. Owing to their unique mechanical properties, there is clearly a vast and untapped potential for further research. Primary examples of how levitated particles in high vacuum can impact other fields and inspire new research avenues have been the first observation of thermal nonlinearities in a mechanical oscillator and the study of fluctuation relations with a high-Q nanomechanical resonator. Based on recent progress in the field, a plethora of fundamental research opportunities and novel applications are expected to emerge as this still young field matures.
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Conjoint design of railway lines and frequency setting under semi-congested scenariosLópez Ramos, Francisco 24 February 2014 (has links)
This thesis develops mathematical programming models which integrate network design (ND) and line frequency setting (LFS) phases. These appear in transport planning studies that extend an existing urban public transportation system (UPTS) and are suitable for underground and rapid transit systems. The ND phase extends the working UPTS, taking as inputs the locations of candidate stretches and stations on the new lines, as well as construction costs which cannot exceed the available infrastructure budget. Regarding the LFS phase, frequencies and vehicles are assigned to functioning and newly built lines, providing that they do not exceed resource capacities and the time horizon. The developed models take into account the type of service patterns that may operate on the lines of the transport system. They include local services, where vehicles halt at every node in the line, and express services, in which vehicles halt at only a subset of nodes in the line. A passenger assignment model allows solving, simultaneously, the ND and LFS phases under a system optimum point of view.
The combined model has two variants: one which deals with inelastic demand and another which faces elasticities in demand. The latter originates from changes in the modal choice proportions of travelers and may result from modifications in the public transport system. The former does not take into account competition among several modes of transportation and it is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming problem. In contrast, the latter allows passengers to travel via two modes of transportation: public transport and private car. It is formulated as a mixed-integer linear bi-level programming problem (MILBP) with discrete variables only in the upper level. In both models, a complementary network is used to model transfers among lines and to reach the passenger¿s origin and/or destination nodes when the constructed UPTS does not cover them.
The model with inelastic demand is initially solved by means of the commercial solver CPLEX under three different mathematical formulations for the ND phase. The first two are exact approaches based on extensions of Traveling Salesman Problem formulations for dynamic and static treatment of the line¿s subtours, whereas the last one is an approximation inspired by constrained k-shortest path algorithms. In order to deal with large-sized networks, a quasi-exact solution framework is employed. It consists of three solving blocks: the corridor generation algorithm (CGA), the line splitting algorithm (LSA), and a specialized Benders decomposition (SBD). The LSA and CGA are heuristic techniques that allow skipping some of the non-polynomial properties. They are related to the number of lines under construction and the number of feasible corridors that can be generated. As for the SBD, it is an exact method that splits the original mathematical programming problem into a series of resolutions, composed of two mathematical problems which are easier to solve. Regarding the elastic demand variant, it is solved under the same framework as the specialized Benders decomposition adaptation for solving MILBP, which results from this variant formulation.
The inelastic demand variant is applied to two test cases based on underground network models for the cities of Seville and Santiago de Chile. Origin destination trip matrices and other parameters required by the models have been set to likely values using maps and published studies. The purpose of these networks is to test the models and algorithms on realistic scenarios, as well as to show their potentialities. Reported results show that the quasi-exact approach is comparable to approximate techniques in terms of performance. Regarding the elastic demand variant, the model is more complex and can be applied only to smaller networks.
Finally, some further lines of research for both modeling and algorithmic issues are discussed.
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Métodos estadísticos para evaluar la calidad del caféSalamanca Romero, Claudia Alejandra 13 April 2015 (has links)
La presente tesis realizó el análisis y evaluación de los métodos estadísticos para valorar la calidad del café. En este sentido, se dio un aporte para tratar de cuantificar y cualificar la calidad del café mediante las técnicas estadísticas abordados desde la estadística bayesiana, multivariada y del diseño experimental. Los métodos que se describen en cada uno de los estudios, muestran la relación y las diferencias de las diferentes técnicas empleadas. / This thesis was devoted to the analysis and evaluation of statistical methods to assess the quality of the coffee. In this sense, a contribution to try to quantify and qualify the coffee quality through statistical techniques addressed from Bayesian statistics, multivariate and experimental design were given. The methods described in each of the studies carried out, show the relationship and the differences of the different techniques used. / En aquesta tesi es va realitzar l’anàlisi i l’avaluació dels mètodes estadístics per a valorar la qualitat del cafè. En aquest sentit, es va tractar de quantificar i qualificar la qualitat del cafè mitjançant tècniques estadístiques abordades des de l’estadística Bayesiana multivariada i del disseny experimental. Els mètodes que es descriuen en cadascun dels estudis mostren la relació i les diferències de les distintes tècniques emprades.
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