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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podnikání a etické kodexy / Doing business and etical codes

Vacl, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na etické kodexy jako nástroj managementu pro zavádění norem podnikatelské etiky do podniku. Zabývá se dopady etického řízení podniku na jeho konkurenceschopnost a postavení na trhu a řeší vztah norem etických kodexů a práva. Cílem této práce je představení etických kodexů jako účinných prostředků pro řízení podniku a zvyšování jeho efektivity.

Podnikatelská etika v makléřských společnostech

Dočekalová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
DOČEKALOVÁ, P. Business Ethics in Brokerage Companies. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2014. This diploma thesis tries to capture current state of business ethics in selected brokerage companies that are providers of financial services. Literature review contains theoretical knowledge from the field of insurance agents, insurance brokers and business ethics. Realization of the goal is focused on determining a level of business ethics in two brokerage companies. Based on gathered information, recommendations have been suggested in the conclusion of the thesis. Recommendations should lead to improving current situation and thereby improving quality of business ethics realization of financial services providers.

Etika v podnikání (Firemní etika společnosti GE Money) / Ethics in Business (Corporate Ethics GE Money)

Kuchaříková, Hana January 2007 (has links)
Prepared by: Hana Kuchaříková Title of thesis: Business Ethics The subtitle of the thesis: Corporate ethics of GE Money, Inc. Objective: To characterize GE Money Bank, as to become familiar with its code of ethics. Then describe the behavior of employees of this company and find out how to comply with the rules of ethical behavior in practice. And compared with the ethical behavior of employees outside the banking sector. For comparison, IBM has been selected. Results: In this thesis it was found that neither company has a well developed code of ethics is unable to fulfill its essence in practice. Although employees are thoroughly trained, many do not comply with rules established by this Code. It was found many cases where there are violations and then suggested measures that could lead to at least partial removal. In comparison with IBM, it was found that the state of corporate ethics at both companies is very similar

Kazuistika jako nástroj k řešení eticky náročných lékařských rozhodnutí / The casuistry as a tool for a solving of ethically difficult physicians' decisions

Moravec, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The casuistical manner of dealing with ethical issues goes as far as to the antiquity, and afterwards it was considerably developed in Christianity. Nevertheless from the half of the 17th century it was criticized because of abusing and due to the supposedly "unscientific" character and subsequently it has been abandoned. The ridiculous criticism of Blaise Pascal in his "Provincial Letters" has presented the casuistry as a way in which it is possible to justify almost any behaviour and this evaluation has remained up to the present day. In the same era the mathematization of natural sciences has led to impressive successes and the similar mathematical exactness was expected also in other fields of the human knowledge. Also ethics was concerned with seeking such abstract general principles, which were supposed to describe, cover and explain the whole field of morality. The value of casuistry was seen only as an illustration of such principles in an individual case. In my diploma thesis I attempted to rehabilitate the casuistry as an ethical method. I discussed the book of American authors Albert R. Johnes and Stephen Toulin "The Abuse of Casuistry" from the year 1988. The presentation of this publication is one of purposes of my thesis. Then I examined the casuistry as an ethical method in cases of...

Srovnání auditu České republiky a Ruské federace

Gennadjevna, Olga January 2007 (has links)
Cílem práce bylo porovnat úpravy ekonomické oblasti auditu a auditorské profese dvou zemí. Práce je členěna do čtyř kapitol. Nejdříve se věnuje historickému vývoji auditingu v České republice a Ruské federaci včetně přístupu k definicím auditu, dále seznamuje s úpravou auditingu z hlediska legislativních norem, přístupu k auditu účetní závěrky, s auditorskou profesí, auditorskými směrnicemi, etickým kodexem a vybranými fázemi auditorských postupů v porovnání v České republice a v Ruské federaci. Závěr je zpracován ve snaze rekapitulace zjištěných charakteristik posuzované oblasti a uvedení vybraných odlišností.

Vegetariánství - cesta k řešení potravinové krize?

Vojkůvková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the vegetarianism and its potential to solve the food crisis in the world. Hypothesis was formulated and states that vegetarianism is a way to resolve this crisis. SWOT analysis method was used to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, oppor-tunities and risks of vegetarianism in term of economic, environmental and ethical aspects. The results show that vegetarianism is the way to solve the food crisis, but only on the theoretical level, because there are many factors and barriers which does not al-low the implementation of this solution in the full extent.

Úvod do bio artu / Introduction to bio art

Šperanda, Nina January 2016 (has links)
Bio art is a contemporary art practice that works with living organisms (except humans) or is created in cooperation with living organisms. It is relatively new art movement that is rooted deeply inside the history of evolution, domestication of animals and plants, technological discoveries, their development and science. Never before was art questioning its ethics and aesthetics in such profound, molecular and sub-molecular way. In this work I will consider the historical influences and conditions that led to current developments in the field. I will also try to explain the problematics of defining what bio art is and try to clarify the associated terminology. Most relevant and ground breaking works in the field will be mentioned as some new recent developments. Aesthetics of bio art is also an important subject often set aside by the ado around ethics of it. It is an extremely important subject to be considered when talking about bio art and I will try to sketch out a brief outline of it with references to philosophy and contemporary bio art theory.

Audit a personální audit

Kořínková, Eva January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Etická dilemata v sociální práci s romskými klienty / Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work with Roma Client

KAŠPAROVÁ, Vendula January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the description of the ethical dilemmas faced by social workers in their profession with the target group of Roma clients. The work is divided into four main parts. The first part describes the current situation of Roma in the Czech Republic and then the particular region in the South. There is also mentioned the social work in the context of the Roma minority. The second part is the connection of ethics and social work. There are also defined ethical problems and ethical dilemmas. There are introduced the experiences of dilemmas of social workers in the other part. This chapter is supported by qualitative research through interviews with social workers. The last part describes the analysis of the ethical dilemma in ethical theory according to the concept of the magazine article from Sociální práce/Sociálna práca.

Etická dilemata v hospicovém zařízení / Ethical dilemmas in hospice

KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The work is written in order to create an ethical justification for each of the considered solutions to the ethical dilemmas with which hospice workers can meet. The thesis is divided into three blocks. The first block is focused on the palliative, hospice care, on the issue of dying and death. Second block deals with general ethical issues, explaining the basic ethical concepts needed for my thesis and also contains my selected ethical theories that are relevant to meet the objectives of my thesis. The last block contains specific ethical dilemmas I have observed and experienced during my training in the Hospice of St. John N. Neumann based in Prachatice. First in this block are shown the values, which in my opinion, affect the decisions of workers. Subsequently is taken in account each identified ethical dilemma and is determined by its possible solution. Each option of the solution is justified by the argument supported by ethical theories, principles and values.

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