Spelling suggestions: "subject:"exclosures"" "subject:"enclosure""
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A restored elk (Cervus elaphus) population in eastern Kentucky may be affecting ecosystem processes in a landscape composed of reclaimed grassland expanses and isolated forest remnants. Elk routinely select forested ridge-tops as resting and ruminating sites. These locations are characterized by sparse or absent leaf litter, trampled and diminished vegetation, large deposits of dung, and urine-saturated soils. In fall 2003, a series of fenced ungulate exclosures were constructed; 8 on highly disturbed forested ridge-tops and 8 on reclaimed grasslands. Soil analyses measured % moisture, pH, total nitrogen, total carbon, ammonium, nitrate, phosphorus, and major extractable cations in 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm cores. Litter depths and percentages of bare ground, vegetative cover, litter cover, and woody debris were measured. Sediment and water samples were collected monthly from sediment traps on reference and experimental ridge-tops. Studentfs t-tests were used to determine significance (p . 0.10) between treatments. Disturbed ridge-tops had higher soil ammonium (0.68 mg/kg, 10-20 cm) than reference sites (0.25 mg/kg) in spring 2004 and lower ammonium (0.72 mg/kg, 0-10 cm; 0.44 mg/kg, 10-20 cm) than reference sites (1.80 mg/kg, 0-10 cm; 0.94 mg/kg, 10-20 cm) in summer 2004. Total carbon was higher inside (67.57 g/kg, 0-10 cm) than outside (45.38 g/kg) of ridge-top exclosures in fall 2004. Soil moisture, litter depths, and vegetative cover were generally lower, while % bare ground was higher on disturbed ridge-tops. Sediment collected from traps averaged 2.21g/m2 inside exclosures, 2.86 g/m2 outside exclosures, and 0.39 g/m2 on reference ridge-tops. These data suggest that this reintroduced species is changing several attributes of the Cumberland Plateau landscape. The lack of a predator such as the gray wolf (Canis lupis) or cougar (Puma concolor) likely contributes to the development of habitual elk use of landscape features such as remnant ridge-top forests. Such concentrated use may create conditions for the colonization of certain plant species including rare natives and invasive exotics. Continued monitoring of high use areas is recommended so that managers can fully understand the long-term impact of the return of this large, gregarious herbivore, and that appropriate management actions can be developed to promote native biodiversity.
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Pests and pest controlling organisms across tropical agroecological landscapes in relation to forest and tree-coverLemessa, Debissa January 2014 (has links)
A major challenge in agroecosystems is how to manage the systems so that it reduces crop pests and enhances natural pest control. This thesis investigates patterns of crop pests and top-down effects of birds and arthropod predators in relation to land-use composition across spatial scales. In paper (I) I examined the crop distribution and land-use types in relation to the crop raiding patterns in 15 transectsin sites close to and far from forests along with a questionnaire survey at household level. I found severe crop raiding close to forests, but it had no impact on crop composition growing between the two sites. In paper (II) I examined the effect of forest and tree cover, at local and landscape scales, on the abundance of arthropod predators by collecting specimens from 40 home gardens. My result showed higher abundance of arthropod predators when either the home garden or the surroundings had a high tree-cover, compared to when tree-cover at both scales was similarly either high or low. In paper (III) I investigated the effect of excluding birds and arthropod predators on leaf damage on rape seed in 26 home gardens. I found stronger top-down impacts from arthropod predators on crop pests in tree-poor gardens than in tree-rich gardens. There was no effect of birds. In paper (IV) I explored the effect of landscape complexity on bird and arthropod predation using plasticine caterpillars in 36 home gardens across landscapes. The rate of arthropod predation on caterpillars was higher in simple than in complex landscapes. The rate of bird predation did not vary between complex and simple landscapes. In simple landscapes, arthropod predation was higher than that of birds. The overall results suggest that simplified gardens/landscapes still have enough habitat heterogeneity to support arthropod predators for the significant top-down controlling effect on crop pests. However, I did not find clear effect of complexityon the top-down effect of birds. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript; Paper 3: Manuscript; Paper 4: Manuscript</p>
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Vegetation Assessment to Understand the Effect of Feral Goat Populations on Native Flora CompositionAdkins, Nicholas January 2012 (has links)
A vegetation assessment was conducted to understand the effect of feral goats (Capra hircus) on the vegetation of Isolated Hill Scenic Reserve located in Southern Marlborough.
New Zealand forests evolved without the pressure of mammalian herbivores but following human settlement they became subject to intensive browsing following the introduction of exotic mammals.
This study focuses on the presence of feral goats. Interest arises from the settlement of other countries and the subsequent liberations of feral goats which are now considered to be responsible for the significant removal of native vegetation as well as playing a dominant role in erosion. Changes in plant communities have occurred with the pressure of goat browsing as well as secondary effects such as habitat degradation
The purpose of this research was to investigate the changes in plant species composition since the initial and subsequent research conducted in 1985 and 1994. An analysis of previous work on the diet of multiple introduced ungulate species was also conducted. Previous studies were not limited to only feral goat studies and included other introduced herbivores to provide a broad overview of diets.
The New Zealand Forest Service implemented a programme for monitoring the seral forest in Isolated Hill Scenic Reserve using standard Forest Service vegetation quadrants. 32 quadrants were established, including three exclosures, in various locations around the Reserve to allow assessment of feral goat impacts on seral forests (forest whose constituents are of varied age classes). Nine forest service plots, including three exclosures were re-measured and an additional nine plots were measured.
Given the progression of vegetation change that has been observed during the course of this study, both analytically and observationally, Isolated Hill Scenic Reserve in its current state, involving the notable presence of feral goats and the vegetation types will continue to diminish in diversity.
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Encroachment of sandplain heathland (kwongan) by Allocasuarina huegeliana in the Western Australian wheatbelt: the role of herbivores, fire and other factorsk.maher@murdoch.edu.au, Kellie Maher January 2008 (has links)
Kwongan, also known as sandplain heathland, occurs in remnant vegetation throughout the fragmented landscape of the Western Australian wheatbelt. This vegetation community has high levels of species richness and endemism, and is of high conservation value. In many vegetation remnants in the wheatbelt the native tree species Allocasuarina huegeliana (rock sheoak) is expanding out from its normal range and encroaching into kwongan. A. huegeliana may ultimately dominate the kwongan, causing a decline in floristic diversity. Altered disturbance regimes, particularly the absence of fire and reduced or absent browsing mammal herbivores, are likely to be responsible for causing A. huegeliana encroachment.
This study used experimental and observational data from patches of kwongan in three Nature Reserves in the central and southern wheatbelt to investigate the role of fire, native mammal activities and interactions between these two factors in shaping A. huegeliana woodlandkwongan community boundaries. Investigations were carried out into the characteristics of encroaching A. huegeliana populations; the environmental factors affecting the extent of encroachment, naturally recruited juveniles, and seedling emergence and establishment; historical and current abundances of native mammals; and the effects of mammal herbivores on seedling establishment during inter-fire and post-fire periods.
Results from this study confirm that A. huegeliana has encroached into kwongan throughout the wheatbelt region and recruitment appears likely to continue in most areas. Few of the environmental factors measured in this study affected the extent of encroachment, the locations of naturally recruited A. huegeliana juveniles, and seedling germination and establishment. Western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) browsed extensively on seedlings, which largely prevented them from establishing in open areas of kwongan. However, numerous A. huegeliana seedlings escaped browsing herbivores by establishing in perennial shrubs, where they appeared to be tolerant of increased levels of inter-specific competition.
There was no native mammal common to all three Reserves that declined around the time that A. huegeliana encroachment most likely began in the 1970s. In addition, tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii) had little effect even where their densities were high. It is therefore unlikely that the decline of an individual mammal species initiated encroachment. A. huegeliana encroachment appears to be driven by increased propagule pressure, which is in turn caused by increased inter-fire intervals. Long periods of time without fire have enabled fire-sensitive A. huegeliana trees to produce increasing quantities of seed that are continuously released into kwongan. A range of other factors may interact synergistically with this process to affect encroachment and these are also discussed. This study considered the implications of these findings for management of remnant vegetation in fragmented landscapes, particularly kwongan in the Western Australian wheatbelt, and areas for further research are suggested.
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The Implications of Predator Management for an Endangered Shorebird; Do Nest Exclosures Affect the Behaviour of Piping Plovers and their Predators?Beaulieu, Gabrielle 01 June 2012 (has links)
Predators are a threat to many ground-nesting shorebirds, although it remains largely unknown how they interact with passive predator management techniques such as nest exclosures. I examined the effects of nest exclosures on incubating Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus melodus) and their predators on nesting beaches in Kouchibouguac and PEI National Parks. A combination of behavioural observations, video monitoring of nests and an artificial nest experiment was used to examine the effects of nest exclosures in this study system. The behaviour of Piping Plovers did not differ between exclosed and unexclosed nests, although different types of predators seemed to have an effect on plover nest attentiveness. Predators visited exclosed nests more often than unexclosed nests and spent more time in the vicinity of exclosed nests than unexclosed nests. Since increased adult mortality and nest abandonment have been documented at exclosed Piping Plover nests, as well as nests of other shorebirds, the results of this study provide evidence of a link between predator harassment and these negative effects.
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Interactions between white-tailed deer and vegetation in southern IllinoisLeeson, Ryan Elizabeth 01 May 2018 (has links)
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) have considerable impacts on woody and herbaceous vegetation. Many oak-hickory forests in the eastern U.S. are experiencing a lack of oak (Quercus) and hickory (Carya) regeneration, with deer being a likely culprit. Furthermore, few have studied deer use of different herbaceous food plot mixtures. I addressed these gaps in the literature by assessing deer impacts on forest and herbaceous vegetation in southern Illinois. I established 150 paired plots (enclosed and control) in June 2015 and measured 25 habitat variables to assess impacts of deer herbivory from August 2015 to August 2016. Oak seedlings were present more often and in higher numbers within enclosed plots (F1,299 = 6.25, P < 0.050 and F1,387 = 4.50, P < 0.050, respectively). There were no differences in the height of oak seedlings or the presence, number, or height of hickory seedlings in enclosed versus control plots (F1,53 = 0.010, P = 0.938; F1,299 = 0.850, P = 0.357; F1,267 = 1.16, P = 0.282; and F1,15 = 0.030, P = 0.855; respectively). During September-November 2015, I counted and marked fallen acorns within 50 random paired plots; the number of acorns discovered or lost did not differ between enclosed and control plots (F1,94 = 0.310, P = 0.578 and F1,8 = 0.120, P = 0.736, respectively). I suggest managers incorporate potential deer impacts when designing management plans to best encourage oak regeneration. During September-November 2015, I established 16 food plots (half tilled; each 0.05 ha in size), planted to 4 food plot types. I compared Big Tine Buck Brunch, Evolved Harvest Throw & Gro, Antler King No Sweat, and a food plot mixture that I created. I measured deer use via 2 methods: vegetation growth in exclosures versus control (i.e., unfenced) areas and camera traps. Deer used all 4 food plot mixtures (n = 292 – 2,522 pictures/plot over 9 weeks), having a negative impact on mean vegetation height outside of exclosures (F3,1148 = 6.71, P < 0.001). Analysis of camera data indicated that deer did not preferentially use any one food plot mixture over the others (F3,12 = 0.090, P > 0.050). There also was no difference in the proportion of deer pictured in the process of eating within each food plot mixture (F3,12 = 0.592, P > 0.050). I suggest any of these 4 food plot varieties could be planted by a hunter or wildlife manager in the Midwest and observe similar use by deer.
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Top Down Control in a Relatively Pristine Seagrass EcosystemBurkholder, Derek A 09 November 2012 (has links)
The loss of large-bodied herbivores and/or top predators has been associated with large-scale changes in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems around the world. Understanding the consequences of these declines has been hampered by a lack of studies in relatively pristine systems. To fill this gap, I investigated the dynamics of the relatively pristine seagrass ecosystem of Shark Bay, Australia. I began by examining the seagrass species distributions, stoichiometry, and patterns of nutrient limitation across the whole of Shark Bay. Large areas were N-limited, P-limited, or limited by factors other than nutrients. Phosphorus-limitation was centered in areas of restricted water exchange with the ocean. Nutrient content of seagrasses varied seasonally, but the strength of seasonal responses were species-specific. Using a cafeteria-style experiment, I found that fast-growing seagrass species, which had higher nutrient content experienced higher rates of herbivory than slow-growing species that are dominant in the bay but have low nutrient content. Although removal rates correlated well with nutrient content at a broad scale, within fast-growing species removal rates were not closely tied to N or P content. Using a combination of stable isotope analysis and animal borne video, I found that green turtles (Chelonia mydas) – one of the most abundant large-bodied herbivores in Shark Bay – appear to assimilate little energy from seagrasses at the population level. There was, however, evidence of individual specialization in turtle diets with some individuals foraging largely on seagrasses and others feeding primarily on macroalgae and gelatinous macroplankton. Finally, I used exclusion cages, to examine whether predation-sensitive habitat shifts by megagrazers (green turtles, dugongs) transmitted a behavior-mediated trophic cascade (BMTC) between sharks and seagrasses. In general, data were consistent with predictions of a behavior-mediated trophic cascade. Megaherbivore impacts on seagrasses were large only in the microhabitat where megaherbivores congregate to reduce predation risk. My study highlights the importance of large herbivores in structuring seagrass communities and, more generally, suggests that roving top predators likely are important in structuring communities - and possibly ecosystems - through non-consumptive pathways.
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Effects of anthropogenic disturbances and biotic interactions on stream biota in gulf coastal plain streamsGrubh, Archis R. 14 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Link Strength in Lake Littoral Food Webs: Net Effects of Small Sunfish and Larval DragonfliesJohnson, Dan M., Martin, Thomas H., Crowley, Philip H., Crowder, Larry B. 01 January 1996 (has links)
To show how predaceous fish and dragonflies affect benthic community structure, we conducted enclosure experiments in the littoral zone of Bays Mountain Lake, Tennessee. A 'natural' benthic assemblage was subjected to all combinations of 2 densities of 3 predator treatments - small sunfish, 0 or 4/m2; large dragonfly larvae, 0 or 15/m2; and dragonfly eggs at 2 densities, 90 or 900/m2. Treatments were assigned randomly in each of 6 spatiotemporal blocks. Net effects of predation over 4 mo show that small sunfish had 'strong' effects (>50% reduction of densities) on triclads, large daphnid cladocerans, and snails, and 'moderate' effects (50% > reduction > 25%) on small dragonflies and ostracods; all these effects were statistically significant, except the one on ostracods. Large dragonflies had moderate non-significant effects on triclads and ostracods. There were no significant increases in prey density associated with fish predation; but chydorid cladocerans and midge larvae showed 'weak' non-significant increases that might be caused by 'indirect effects' of fish predation on invertebrate predators or grazers. There were only 2 significant interaction terms indicative of 'higher-order interactions': Fish X Dragonfly on the large daphnid Simocephalus, and Fish X Egg Density on snails, which were associated with relatively low probabilities. In both cases, the net effect of dragonflies was to reduce prey densities more when fish were present.
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The Role of Teleost Grazers in a Relatively Pristine Seagrass EcosystemBessey, Cindy 27 June 2013 (has links)
Trophic downgrading of ecosystems necessitates a functional understanding of trophic cascades. Identifying the presence of cascades, and the mechanisms through which they occur, is particularly important for seagrass meadows, which are among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth. Shark Bay, Western Australia provides a model system to investigate the potential importance of top-down effects in a relatively pristine seagrass ecosystem. The role of megagrazers in the Shark Bay system has been previously investigated, but the role of macrograzers (i.e., teleosts), and their importance relative to megagrazers, remains unknown. The objective of my dissertation was to elucidate the importance of teleost macrograzers in transmitting top-down effects in seagrass ecosystems. Seagrasses and macroalgae were the main food of the abundant teleost Pelates octolineatus, but stable isotopic values suggested that algae may contribute a larger portion of assimilated food than suggested by gut contents. Pelates octolineatus is at risk from numerous predators, with pied cormorants (Phalacrocorax varius) taking the majority of tethered P. octolineatus. Using a combination of fish trapping and unbaited underwater video surveillance, I found that the relative abundance of P. octolineatus was greater in interior areas of seagrass banks during the cold season, and that the mean length of P. octolineatus was greater in these areas compared to along edges of banks. Finally, I used seagrass transplants and exclosure experiments to determine the relative effect of megagrazers and macrograzers on the establishment and persistence of three species of seagrasses in interior microhabitats. Teleost grazing had the largest impact on seagrass species with the highest nutrient content, and these impacts were primarily observed during the warm season. My findings are consistent with predictions of a behaviorally-mediated trophic cascade initiated by tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) and transmitted through herbivorous fishes and their predators.
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