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Ledarskap i vardagsarbetet : en studie av högre chefer i statsförvaltningenMoqvist, Louise January 2005 (has links)
The study aim at describing and analysing the practices of and conditions for senior managers in public administration, as well as which similarities and differences are in existence both within and between authorities in this respect. The practices of senior managers are studied in the light of two dimensions, one explicit that comprises the values, ideologies, interests, knowledge and feelings that senior managers express, as well as an executed dimension that encompasses physical activities, what managers do, how the work is executed, where work is done and with whom they work. These dimensions of managerial practices are studied with a special focus on leadership. The aim of this study can also be understood as to describe and analyse pedagogical processes (influence processes as well as learning and development processes) in a senior manager's work. The study has a multiple case study design comprising eight different authorities. Two sub-studies have been performed, one interview study consisting of 31 senior managers and one observation study comprised of six of these managers. The results show that leadership is a well-known concept, that great value is ascribed to it, that there is unanimity on the meaning of leadership as well as this meaning having changed over time. The results in the form of descriptions of managers' work show that there are many similarities between the managers in the study. For example, the work to a great extent is a question of interplay with other individuals and that in this social dimension the prerequisites for learning and developing processes exist. The study shows too that managers have a certain amount of room for action and that in their work managers take into consideration several different dimensions of contexts in the performance of their work. The managerial work is finally described in terms of an explicit and an implicit context with regard to the public character of the work involved. One conclusion is that there are differences between managers' conceptions of leadership that is executed. These differences can be understood by considering the background consisting of the simultaneous existence of normative respective experiential patterns of practice described in the study as the non-uniform work. Furthermore, the results indicate differences among the authorities but that these are small in relation to differences within the authorities. Thus the results can be interpreted as the immediate context in the form of a number of personal/local preconditions to a greater extent being formed for managerial work in relation to a more peripheral context. In this light, leadership is defined as a social, influence, learning and developmental process, which is executed as implicit and explicit work within the framework for a structural, an institutional and a subjective fields.
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Qualidade do gasto público municipal : uma abordagem microrregional para o estado do Rio Grande do SulBorges, Matheus Fachin January 2010 (has links)
O bem-estar social depende das decisões tomadas pelos gestores públicos. O direito de voto deve ser exercido com a maior racionalidade possível, de tal forma que o interesse coletivo se sobressaia sobre o privado. Para tanto, a sociedade deve absorver a maior quantidade de informação, propiciando não apenas a fiscalização da administração como também a participação na escolha pública. O Índice de Qualidade do Gasto Público representa um método capaz de auxiliar na tomada de decisão. Reflete o retorno social, em termos de indicadores, das despesas per capita realizadas, permitindo estabelecer uma hierarquia das microrregiões e definir referenciais de qualidade do gasto público. Aplicando o referido método para as microrregiões do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, funções Educação e Cultura, Habitação e Urbanismo e Saúde e Saneamento, observa-se a presença de deseconomias de escala, ou seja, o aumento da despesa não gera um retorno proporcional em termos de indicadores sociais, revelando ineficiência na alocação dos recursos públicos. / Social well-being depends on the decisions taken by government administrators. The right to vote should be exercised with the greatest rationality possible, in such as way that public interest outweighs private interests. In order to do so, society must absorb the greatest amount of information, empowering not only the assessment of administration but also participation in government choice. The Government Spending Quality Index represents a method capable of assisting the decision making process. It reflects social return, in terms of indicators, of per capita executed expenses, allowing a hierarchy of micro-regions to be established and references in quality government spending to be defined. Applying the aforementioned method in the micro-regions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Education and Culture, Habitation and Urbanism, and Health and Sanitation functions, one notes the presence of diseconomies of scale, that is, the increase in spending does not generate a proportional return in terms of social indicators, revealing inefficiency in the allocation of government recourses.
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Qualidade do gasto público municipal : uma abordagem microrregional para o estado do Rio Grande do SulBorges, Matheus Fachin January 2010 (has links)
O bem-estar social depende das decisões tomadas pelos gestores públicos. O direito de voto deve ser exercido com a maior racionalidade possível, de tal forma que o interesse coletivo se sobressaia sobre o privado. Para tanto, a sociedade deve absorver a maior quantidade de informação, propiciando não apenas a fiscalização da administração como também a participação na escolha pública. O Índice de Qualidade do Gasto Público representa um método capaz de auxiliar na tomada de decisão. Reflete o retorno social, em termos de indicadores, das despesas per capita realizadas, permitindo estabelecer uma hierarquia das microrregiões e definir referenciais de qualidade do gasto público. Aplicando o referido método para as microrregiões do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, funções Educação e Cultura, Habitação e Urbanismo e Saúde e Saneamento, observa-se a presença de deseconomias de escala, ou seja, o aumento da despesa não gera um retorno proporcional em termos de indicadores sociais, revelando ineficiência na alocação dos recursos públicos. / Social well-being depends on the decisions taken by government administrators. The right to vote should be exercised with the greatest rationality possible, in such as way that public interest outweighs private interests. In order to do so, society must absorb the greatest amount of information, empowering not only the assessment of administration but also participation in government choice. The Government Spending Quality Index represents a method capable of assisting the decision making process. It reflects social return, in terms of indicators, of per capita executed expenses, allowing a hierarchy of micro-regions to be established and references in quality government spending to be defined. Applying the aforementioned method in the micro-regions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Education and Culture, Habitation and Urbanism, and Health and Sanitation functions, one notes the presence of diseconomies of scale, that is, the increase in spending does not generate a proportional return in terms of social indicators, revealing inefficiency in the allocation of government recourses.
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Qualidade do gasto público municipal : uma abordagem microrregional para o estado do Rio Grande do SulBorges, Matheus Fachin January 2010 (has links)
O bem-estar social depende das decisões tomadas pelos gestores públicos. O direito de voto deve ser exercido com a maior racionalidade possível, de tal forma que o interesse coletivo se sobressaia sobre o privado. Para tanto, a sociedade deve absorver a maior quantidade de informação, propiciando não apenas a fiscalização da administração como também a participação na escolha pública. O Índice de Qualidade do Gasto Público representa um método capaz de auxiliar na tomada de decisão. Reflete o retorno social, em termos de indicadores, das despesas per capita realizadas, permitindo estabelecer uma hierarquia das microrregiões e definir referenciais de qualidade do gasto público. Aplicando o referido método para as microrregiões do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, funções Educação e Cultura, Habitação e Urbanismo e Saúde e Saneamento, observa-se a presença de deseconomias de escala, ou seja, o aumento da despesa não gera um retorno proporcional em termos de indicadores sociais, revelando ineficiência na alocação dos recursos públicos. / Social well-being depends on the decisions taken by government administrators. The right to vote should be exercised with the greatest rationality possible, in such as way that public interest outweighs private interests. In order to do so, society must absorb the greatest amount of information, empowering not only the assessment of administration but also participation in government choice. The Government Spending Quality Index represents a method capable of assisting the decision making process. It reflects social return, in terms of indicators, of per capita executed expenses, allowing a hierarchy of micro-regions to be established and references in quality government spending to be defined. Applying the aforementioned method in the micro-regions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Education and Culture, Habitation and Urbanism, and Health and Sanitation functions, one notes the presence of diseconomies of scale, that is, the increase in spending does not generate a proportional return in terms of social indicators, revealing inefficiency in the allocation of government recourses.
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Artikel 2(3) van die Wet op Testamente 7 van 1953Du Plessis, Jan Abraham. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Title page in Afrikaans and English / Die verhandeling handel oor die howe se hantering van testamentere geskrifte wat
nie aan die testamentsformaliteite voldoen nie. Die posisie voor die inwerkingtreding
van artikel 2(3) word eerste bespreek. Daarna bespreek ek die wysigings wat
aanbeveel is deur die regskommissie. Vervolgens bespreek ek die inwerkingtreding
van artikel 2(3) wat aan die howe die bevoegdheid gee om 'n testamentere geskrif
wat nie aan die formaliteite voldoen nie tot geldige testament te verhef.
Die spesifieke probleemareas met die interpretasie van artikel 2(3) word uitgelig en
in detail bespreek. Daarna maak ek 'n aanbeveling dat 'n handtekening of merk op
'n testamentere geskrif 'n drempelvereiste moet wees alvorens 'n hof dit kan
kondoneer. Ek sluit af met 'n opinie oor hoe die artikel in die toekoms geinterpreteer behoort te word. / The dissertation is about the way in which the courts handle testamentary writings
which do not comply with the formalities of a will. Firstly I discuss the position before
the implementation of section 2(3). Thereafter I discuss the recommendations of the
law commission. Then I discuss the implementation of section 2(3) which empowers
the court to legalise a document which does not comply with the formal requirements
of a will.
The specific problem areas with regard to the interpretation of section 2(3) are
highlighted and discussed in detail. Thereafter a recommendation is made that a
signature or a mark on a testamentary writing must be a prerequisite before a court can
consider condoning it. I conclude my dissertation with an opinion on how this section should be interpreted in the future. / Jurisprudence / LL. M. (Legum)
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Artikel 2(3) van die Wet op Testamente 7 van 1953Du Plessis, Jan Abraham. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Title page in Afrikaans and English / Die verhandeling handel oor die howe se hantering van testamentere geskrifte wat
nie aan die testamentsformaliteite voldoen nie. Die posisie voor die inwerkingtreding
van artikel 2(3) word eerste bespreek. Daarna bespreek ek die wysigings wat
aanbeveel is deur die regskommissie. Vervolgens bespreek ek die inwerkingtreding
van artikel 2(3) wat aan die howe die bevoegdheid gee om 'n testamentere geskrif
wat nie aan die formaliteite voldoen nie tot geldige testament te verhef.
Die spesifieke probleemareas met die interpretasie van artikel 2(3) word uitgelig en
in detail bespreek. Daarna maak ek 'n aanbeveling dat 'n handtekening of merk op
'n testamentere geskrif 'n drempelvereiste moet wees alvorens 'n hof dit kan
kondoneer. Ek sluit af met 'n opinie oor hoe die artikel in die toekoms geinterpreteer behoort te word. / The dissertation is about the way in which the courts handle testamentary writings
which do not comply with the formalities of a will. Firstly I discuss the position before
the implementation of section 2(3). Thereafter I discuss the recommendations of the
law commission. Then I discuss the implementation of section 2(3) which empowers
the court to legalise a document which does not comply with the formal requirements
of a will.
The specific problem areas with regard to the interpretation of section 2(3) are
highlighted and discussed in detail. Thereafter a recommendation is made that a
signature or a mark on a testamentary writing must be a prerequisite before a court can
consider condoning it. I conclude my dissertation with an opinion on how this section should be interpreted in the future. / Jurisprudence / LL. M. (Legum)
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Las nuevas tecnologías en la administración de justicia. La validez y eficacia del documento electrónico en sede procesalJaume Bennasar, Andrés 09 October 2009 (has links)
La tesis se encarga de analizar, por un lado, la integración y el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías en la Administración de Justicia; y, por otro, los parámetros que constituyen la validez y eficacia del documento electrónico. La primera cuestión se centra en la configuración de los Sistemas de Información de la Oficina Judicial y del Ministerio Fiscal, así como de la informatización de los Registros Civiles, donde el art. 230 LOPJ es la pieza clave. Se estudian sus programas, aplicaciones, la videoconferencia, los ficheros judiciales y las redes de telecomunicaciones que poseen la cobertura de la firma electrónica reconocida, donde cobran gran relevancia los convenios de colaboración tecnológica. La digitalización de las vistas quizá sea una de las cuestiones con más trascendencia, teniendo en cuenta que el juicio es el acto que culmina el proceso. Aunque no todos los proyectos adoptados en el ámbito de la e.justicia se han desarrollado de forma integral, ni han llegado a la totalidad de los órganos judiciales. El objetivo final es lograr una Justicia más ágil y de calidad, a lo cual aspira el Plan Estratégico de Modernización de la Justicia 2009-2012 aprobado recientemente.En referencia a la segunda perspectiva, no cabe duda que el Ordenamiento jurídico y los tribunales, en el ámbito de la justicia material, otorgan plena validez y eficacia al documento electrónico. Nuestra línea de investigación se justifica porque cada vez son más los procesos que incorporan soportes electrónicos de todo tipo, ya sea al plantearse la acción o posteriormente como medio de prueba (art. 299.2 LEC). Entre otros temas examinamos el documento informático, la problemática que rodea al fax, los sistemas de videograbación y el contrato electrónico. / La tesi s'encarrega d'analitzar, per una part, la integració i el desenvolupament de les noves tecnologies dins l´Administració de Justícia; i, per l'altra, els paràmetres que constitueixen la validesa i l'eficàcia del document electrònic. La primera qüestió es centra en la configuració dels Sistemes d´Informació de l´Oficina Judicial i del Ministeri Fiscal, així com de la informatització dels Registres Civils, on l'art. 230 LOPJ es la peça clau. S'estudien els seus programes, aplicacions, la videoconferència, el fitxers judicials i les xarxes de telecomunicacions que tenen la cobertura de la firma electrònica reconeguda, on cobren gran rellevància els convenis de col·laboració tecnològica. La digitalització de les vistes tal vegada sigui una de les qüestions amb més transcendència, tenint amb compte que el judici es l'acte que culmina el procés. Però no tots el projectes adoptats en l'àmbit de la e.justicia s'han desenvolupat d'una manera integral ni han arribat a la totalitat dels òrgans judicials. L'objectiu final es assolir una Justícia més àgil i de qualitat, al que aspira el Pla Estratègic de Modernització de la Justícia 2009-2012 aprovat recentment. En referència a la segona perspectiva, no hi ha dubte que l´Ordenament jurídic i els tribunals, en l'àmbit de la justícia material, donen plena validesa i eficàcia al document electrònic. La nostra línia d'investigació es justifica perquè cada vegada son més el processos que incorporen suports electrònics de tot tipus, ja sigui quant es planteja l'acció o posteriorment como a medi de prova (art. 299.2 LEC). Entre altres temes examinem el document informàtic, la problemàtica que envolta al fax, els sistemes de videogravació i el contracte electrònic. / The thesis seeks to analyse, on the one hand, the integration and development of the new technologies in the Administration of Justice; and, on the other, the parameters which constitute the validity and efficiency of the electronic document.The first question centres on the configuration of the Information Systems of the Judicial Office and the Public Prosecutor, as well as the computerisation of the Civil Registers, where the art. 230 LOPJ it's the part key. Their programmes, applications, the Video Conferencing, the judicial registers and the telecommunication networks which are covered by the recognised electronic signatures, are studied, where the agreements on technological collaboration gain great relevance. The digitalisation of evidence might perhaps be one of the questions with most consequence, bearing in mind that the judgment is the act by which the process is culminated. Although not all the projects adopted within the compass of e.justice have developed completely nor have reached all the judicial organs. The final objective is to achieve an agile, quality Justice, to which the recently approved Strategic Plan for the Modernisation of Justice aspires.With reference to the second perspective, there is no doubt that the juridical Ordinance and the tribunals within the compass of material justice grant full validity and efficacy to the electronic document. Our line of investigation is justified because there are more and more processes which are sustained by electronic supports of all kinds, whether it be at the establishment of the action or later, as a proof of it (art. 299.2 LEC). Amongst other things, we examine the computerised document, the problems which surround the fax, the systems for video recording and the electronic contract.
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