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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Clarendon, Shannon Renee 01 December 2017 (has links)
The post-firing variability of fire-affected rock (FAR) recovered from a stone-cooking platform within a prehistoric stone grill was examined. This examination tested the physical properties of FAR recovered from site CA-SBR-3773, located the Crowder Canyon Archaeological District in San Bernardino County, California. There is a lack of archaeological research in this area of Southern California; however, this project established a fundamental perspective of thermal feature reuse and episodes of firing activity for prehistoric cooking features by examining the physical changes FAR experienced due to various heat exposures. Regional archaeologists often encounter these features as they speckle the landscape of upland desert regions in California. This research is an experimental project that compares the cultural stones’ properties to those of non-cultural origin, which have been fired various times during controlled replicative experimentation. The end comparison identifies the FARs’ change in physical conditions. Repeated exposure to high temperatures has a direct relationship to the stability and matrices of rock, in this particular case, schist (Yavuz et al. 2010). As the stone is repeatedly exposed to high temperatures, its durability and structural components begin to deteriorate. This deterioration can be measured and compared to pre-fired physical properties. One of these physical properties is the stones’ porosity, which is calculated using the measured absorption rate of stone before and after exposure to firing episodes. These firing episodes are meant to approximate the cultural use of these stones during prehistoric cooking episodes. The results of the experiment show that FAR may have some diagnostic capabilities to infer multiple firing episodes, confirm facility reuse, and support suggested mobility with respect to available resources and temporal episodes through accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dating and other analyses such as micro-botanical analysis.

Jakten på benen : Experimentell undersökning av geokemiska förändringar i gravar med brända ben med pXRF

Nelson, Peter January 2018 (has links)
This study deals with the phenomenon of graves without any bone material combined with an application test of a portable X-Ray fluorescence detector (pXRF) instrument on simulated burial soils to see if we could get any closer understanding of this phenomenon. To test the instruments applicability on these types of conditions, an experiment was conducted with three different soil types. These were placed in separated, specifically pre prepared plastic tubes in groups of three per soil type and then prepared with circa 9 grams of cremated animal bones that was grinded down to a powder. The tubes were then subjected to eater flow equivalent to circa 50 years of rainfall. The tubes were thereafter disassembled and soil samples where gathered and analyzed with a pXRF. The results showed little movement of the bone powder and clear spikes of Ca and P could be seen at the place of disposal of the bone powder and some spreading sideways and down in the tube. The study also search for Mg as an indicator for bone material alongside Ca and P but no clear results could be reached due to excessive variation.   The method of using pXRF in the search for bone material in soils has, as seen in the results of this study, great potential even though more research is needed to reach a better understanding of the methods limitations.

Estudo das lâminas de pedra polidas do Brasil: diversidades regionais e culturais / Study of polished stone blades from Brazil: regional and cultural diversities

Gustavo Neves de Souza 04 July 2013 (has links)
No presente trabalho realizamos uma análise das lâminas líticas polidas produzidas pelos habitantes pré-históricos no território brasileiro, provenientes de diferentes regiões, grupos e modos de vida. A partir do estudo de coleções arqueológicas e de experimentações pretendemos compreender melhor as diferenças e semelhanças apresentadas por estas lâminas polidas em cada região e sua resistência a testes de impacto em laboratório. Foram analisados 926 artefatos, entre lâminas, fragmentos e alguns percutores. São peças que integram coleções de museus centrais em diferentes regiões do Brasil (Norte, Nordeste, Sudeste e Sul). São principalmente coleções antigas, que apresentam objetos provenientes de diversas partes de cada um dos estados, possibilitando uma cobertura territorial ampla. A despeito dos parcos dados de procedência das peças foi possível caracterizálas regionalmente de forma bastante clara, demonstrando que morfológica e tecnologicamente há variações significativas de uma região para a outra. Em alguns casos foi possível ir ainda mais longe, permitindo propor atribuições culturais a determinados tipos, relacionando-os a algumas Tradições Arqueológicas. No entanto, se tornou evidente também que a partilha dos modos de fazer regionais tem importância capital, que quase sempre vai além das escolhas culturais de um grupo específico. Os trabalhos experimentais (de compressão e impacto) evidenciaram a força necessária para a fragmentação de uma lâmina de basalto de tamanho intermediário, durante seu uso no corte, bem como permitiu estimar a força utilizada por um lenhador mediano, possibilitando compreender melhor algumas relações entre força de impacto, quebras e formas de encabamentos. Finalmente, conseguimos lançar luz sobre a importância das lâminas, tanto para as sociedades do passado, quanto para os arqueólogos do presente, mostrando-as como ferramentas importantes para a compreensão dos modos de vida e dos processos de ocupação do território. / In the present work, we performed an analysis of lithic polished blades produced by the prehistoric inhabitants of the Brazilian territory, from different regions, groups and ways of life. From the study of archaeological assemblages and of experimental archaeology we aim to better understand the differences and similarities presented by these polished blades in each region and their resistance to impact tests. We analyzed 926 artifacts, including blades, fragments and some hammerstones. These items integrate collections of central museums in different regions of Brazil (North, Northeast, Southeast and South). The collections were formed mostly from the middle of the XX century on and present objects from different parts of each of the states, making possible a wide territorial coverage. Despite the scarce data provenance for the pieces it was possible to characterize them regionally quite clearly, showing that morphologically and technologically there are significant variations from one region to another. In some cases it was possible to go even further, allowing the proposition of some cultural attributions to certain types of artifacts, relating them to some Archaeological Traditions. However, it also became clear that sharing the ways of doing things has a major role importance, which often goes beyond the cultural choices of a specific group. The experimental work (of compression and impact) revealed the force required to break a basalt blade of average size during its use in chopping, and allowing us to estimate the force used by an average lumberjack, then enabling a better understanding of some relationships between impact force, breakages and forms of hafting. Finally, we shed light on the importance of the blades, both for past societies, as to the present day archaeologists, showing them as important tools for understanding the ways of life and the processes involved in the human occupation of the territory.

The Role of Tool Function in the Decline of North America's Old Copper Culture (6000-3000 BP): An evolutionary and experimental approach

Bebber, Michelle Rae 17 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The analysis and interpretation of fragmented mammoth bone assemblages : experiments in bone fracture with archaeological applications

Karr, Landon Patrick January 2012 (has links)
The study of flaked mammoth bone tools from the Late Pleistocene is a topic that has inspired great interest in the archaeological community for the last 40 years. The interpretation of evidence of culturally modified mammoth bone tools has varied widely across both time and space. At different times and in different places, flaked bone toolmaking has been interpreted across the geographic expanse of the North American continent, from Beringia to central Mexico, and through a vast timeframe, from 120,000 years ago, until as recently as 10,000 years ago. The study of these purported flaked bone tool assemblages has taken many forms, and has involved efforts to understand broken mammoth bone assemblages by drawing analogies to stone toolmaking strategies, by understanding the multitude of taphonomic processes that affect archaeological bone assemblages, and by attempting to differentiate the effects of natural and cultural processes. This thesis reports on a series of experiments designed to lend new actualistic evidence to the debate surrounding flaked bone toolmaking. These experiments include investigations into the effect of different environmental conditions on the degradation of bones, the flaking characteristics of both fresh and frozen bones, and the effect of rockfall as a taphonomic process on bones exposed to different real-world environments. These experiments, paired with a body of previous research, provide a basis in actualistic and taphonomic research that allows for the reassessment of archaeological and paleontological broken mammoth bone assemblages. This thesis includes the reassessment and detailed taphonomic analysis of four mammoth bone assemblages relevant to understanding cultural bone modification and the effect of non-cultural taphonomic processes. New interpretations of zooarchaeological assemblages from Lange/Ferguson (South Dakota, USA), Owl Cave (Idaho, USA), Inglewood (Maryland, USA), and Kent’s Cavern (Devon, UK) reveal new data that revise the understanding of the nature of these assemblages, and the effect of both natural and cultural bone fracturing agencies.

Caractérisation thermique de structures de combustion par les effets de la chauffe sur les minéraux : thermoluminescence et propriétés magnétiques de foyers de la grotte des Fraux (Dordogne) / Thermal characterisation of combustion structures by the heating effect on minerals : thermoluminescence and magnetic properties of hearths from the cave of Les Fraux (Dordogne, France)

Brodard, Aurélie 29 January 2013 (has links)
Les structures de combustion constituent un témoin de la fréquentation humaine et leur étude permet d’appréhender un aspect du mode d’occupation d’un lieu donné. Ainsi, pour compléter les approches classiques qui s’intéressent à la typologie des foyers, à la fréquence des feux, à la nature des combustibles, etc., une caractérisation thermique de ces structures a été proposée. Elle s’appuie sur les impacts thermiques enregistrés par les sédiments soumis aux feux et plus précisément sur les modifications des propriétés de thermoluminescence (TL) et de magnétisme avec la chauffe.Le site-laboratoire est celui de la grotte de Fraux (Dordogne), occupée à l’Âge du bronze, dont le statut et le mode d’occupation pose question puisqu’elle présente tant des vestiges domestiques (sols de circulation, foyers, mobiliers) que des vestiges symboliques (manifestations pariétales, dépôts de mobilier). La place importante des foyers parmi ces vestiges a induit une étude spécifique de ces structures. En effet, ce site recèle plus d’une soixantaine de structures de combustion et, aspect important pour notre approche archéométrique, présente un état de conservation exceptionnel puisque la grotte est restée fermée depuis l’occupation de l’Âge du bronze.L’étude de certains foyers de la grotte des Fraux a permis de tester le potentiel de paléothermomètres fondés sur ces deux propriétés indépendantes à savoir la TL des grains de quartz et le magnétisme des oxydes de fer contenus dans les sédiments. Le paléothermomètre TL a été élaboré en comparant les signaux TL d’échantillons provenant de foyers archéologiques à ceux de références thermiques chauffées en laboratoire. Pour le magnétisme deux pistes ont été exploitées : les températures de déblocage de l’aimantation rémanente et l’évolution de la signature magnétique -minéralogie et taille de grain) avec la chauffe. La détermination des paléotempératures atteintes par les sédiments substrats des structures de combustion apporte une première indication sur leur intensité de chauffe. Afin d’étalonner ces informations paléothermométriques en termes d’énergie mise en jeu, des feux expérimentaux ont été réalisés. Ils ont permis de comparer les impacts thermiques entre feux archéologiques et feux expérimentaux, de construire un échantillonnage d’histoire thermique connue, mais aussi d’estimer les températures atteintes, les épaisseurs de sédiments affectés, les quantités de combustibles consommés pendant un temps donné, la quantité d’énergie dégagée par la combustion… Ces expérimentations ont aussi servi de base à une modélisation de la propagation de la chaleur dans les sédiments. Les simulations effectuées dans ce modèle numérique permettent alors d’estimer un temps minimal de fonctionnement des structures de combustion.Nous disposons ainsi d’un nouvel outil pour la caractérisation thermique de foyers archéologiques. / The study of the combustion structures, which are a remaining evidence of the human occupation, can give information about the way of occupation of a site. In this research we decided to complete the classical approaches of combustion structures generally based on typological description of hearths, frequency of fires, nature of fuel, etc. by a a thermal characterisation. This study deals with the thermal impacts recorded by the fired sediment. More precisely, the modifications of both thermoluminescence (TL) and magnetism properties with heating were investigated.The laboratory-site is the cave of Les Fraux (Dordogne, France) which was occupied in the Bronze Age. The archaeologists were wandering about the function and the way of occupation of this cave because of the existence of both domestic vestiges (archaeological occupation grounds, hearths, and ceramics) and symbolic evidences (rock art and votive ceramic deposition). A specific study of the combustion structures had started considering the significant number of hearths, more than sixty, and their importance in the human occupation. In addition, as the cave remained closed since the Bronze Age, the hearths are in an excellent state of conservation and that is an important point for our archaeometric study. The thermal characterisation of some hearths from the cave of Les Fraux firstly consisted in studying the paleothermometer potential of two properties: the thermoluminescence of quartz grains and the magnetism of iron oxides taken from the sediments. The TL paleothermometer was established by comparing TL signals of samples from archaeological hearths and those of thermal references heated in laboratory. Two properties were explored for the magnetic paleothermometer: the unblocking temperatures of the remanent magnetization and the evolution of magnetic signature (mineralogy and grain size) with heating. The paleotemperatures determined for the sediment of the hearths give a first information about the heating intensity of fires.Then experimental fires were carried out to calibrate paleothermometric data in quantity of energy and wood consumption, to check the suitability of laboratory thermal references, and to characterise the process of heat transfer inside the sediment. Finally, a numerical modeling of heat propagation within the sediment was implemented from temperatures recorded during fire experimentations. Numerical simulations performed in this model allowed us to estimate a minimal duration of functioning of the combustion structures.A novel tool for the thermal characterisation of combustion structures is then available.

Arqueologia Guarani e experimental no Baixo Paranapanema Paulista: o estudo dos sítios arqueológicos Lagoa Seca, Pernilongo, Aguinha e Ragil II / Guarani and Experimental Archaeology in the lower Paranapanema Paulista, the study of archaeological sites Lagoa Seca, Pernilongo, Aguinha and Ragil II

Baco, Hiuri Marcel di 10 May 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta alguns resultados do trabalho realizado com Arqueologia experimental sobre a tecnologia cerâmica Guarani, especificamente, com o acabamento de superfície da cerâmica corrugada, ungulada, espatulada, serrungulada e nodulada da área do Baixo Paranapanema Paulista. A experiência com os testes experimentais nos permitiu avaliar algumas das capacidades cognitivas que envolvem o trabalho do (a) ceramista, bem como demonstrar alguns aspectos da técnica de confecção da cerâmica relacionados com as escolhas dos indivíduos ceramistas que podem ter gerado a variabilidade cerâmica nos tipos de acabamento plástico de superfície externa. Além disso, comparamos o material arqueológico e a paisagem do Sítio Lagoa Seca com a de outros três sítios da Região do Baixo Paranapanema Paulista, para tentarmos contribuir com o entendimento do \"Sistema Regional de Ocupação Guarani\" da área do Projeto Paranapanema. / This study presents some results of work carried out on experimental archeology Guarani ceramic technology, specifically with the surface finish of ceramic corrugada, ungulada, spatulada, nodulada and serrungulada of Baixo Paranapanema Paulista. The experience with experimental tests allowed us to evaluate some of the cognitive abilities that involve the work of potter as well as demonstrate some aspects of the art of making pottery related to the choices of individuals potters who may have generated the variability in ceramic types finishing plastic of external surface. Furthermore, we compare the archaeological remains and landscape Site Lagoa Seca with the other three sites in the Baixo Paranapanema Paulista Region, to try to contribute to the understanding of the \"Sistema Regional de Ocupação Guarani\" of the Projeto Paranapanema.

Αρχαιολογικά κεραμικά ΒΔ Πελοποννήσου και προέλευση των πρώτων υλών τους : Πετρογραφική, ορυκτολογική, γεωχημική και αρχαιομετρική προσέγγιση

Ράθωση, Χριστίνα 08 February 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή είναι μία αρχαιομετρική μελέτη η οποία εστιάζεται στα ρωμαϊκά, ελληνιστικά και αρχαϊκά κεραμικά της Βορειοδυτικής Πελοποννήσου. Πετρογραφική, ορυκτολογική και γεωχημική έρευνα πραγματοποιήθηκε σε κεραμικά όστρακα ρωμαϊκών λυχναριών και ελληνιστικών και αρχαϊκών αγγείων διαφόρων τύπων (π.χ. κοτύλη, κάνθαρος, εξάλειπτρο, κιονωτός κρατήρας, μαγειρικό σκεύος). Τα ρωμαϊκά λυχνάρια (τέλη του 1ου μ.Χ.- έως το τέλος του 3ου-αρχές 4ου αι. μ.Χ..) προέρχονται από τρεις ανασκαφές που πραγματοποιήθηκαν στην πόλη των Πατρών. Οι δύο από αυτές έφεραν στο φως τα εργαστήρια παραγωγής των λύχνων (Εργαστήριο Α: ερυθροβαφή λυχνάρια, και Εργαστήριο Β: άβαφα λυχνάρια) ενώ η τρίτη αφορά ένα Λυχνομαντείο (αποθέτης λυχναριών). Πριν την εύρεση των Εργαστηρίων Α και Β τα λυχνάρια που βρίσκονταν σε ανασκαφές της Πάτρας (και της ευρύτερης περιοχής της Αχαΐας) θεωρούνταν τα μεν ερυθροβαφή εισηγμένα από την Ιταλία τα δε άβαφα, λόγω του χρώματος του πηλού τους, εισηγμένα από την Κόρινθο. Τα αρχαϊκά και ελληνιστικά κεραμικά όστρακα προέρχονται από αποθέτη της ανασκαφής της Κάτω Αχαΐας, η οποία έφερε στο φως τον ελληνιστικό οικισμό της Αρχαίας Δύμης (3ος-2ος αι. π.Χ.). Η τυπολογία των αρχαϊκών οστράκων (τέλη 7ου αρχές 6ου αι. π.Χ.) ομοιάζει με την αντίστοιχη των κορινθιακών αρχαϊκών αγγείων. Προσδιορίζοντας τα πετρογραφικά, ορυκτολογικά και γεωχημικά χαρακτηριστικά των κεραμικών δειγμάτων καθορίστηκε η πηγή προέλευσης της πρώτης ύλης τους και κατ´ επέκταση ο τόπος παραγωγής τους, ενώ δημιουργήθηκαν ομάδες αναφοράς που χαρακτηρίζουν την αρχαϊκή, ελληνιστική και ρωμαϊκή κεραμική λεπτοκρυσταλλικών αγγείων σε περιοχές της ΒΔ Πελοποννήσου. Η γεωλογική πηγή προέλευσης της ασβεστούχου αργιλικής πρώτης ύλης για την παραγωγή των κεραμικών και των τριών ιστορικών περιόδων είναι κοινή και προέρχεται από τα τοπικά τεφρά έως πρασινότεφρα Πλειο-Πλειστοκαινικά λιμναία και λιμνοθαλάσσια αργιλικά ιζήματα της ΒΔ Πελοποννήσου. Σύγκριση των πετρογραφικών, ορυκτολογικών, ορυκτοχημικών και γεωχημικών αναλύσεων δειγμάτων τοπικής αργίλου από τις Πλειο-Πλειστοκαινικές αποθέσεις που συλλέχθηκαν από την ευρύτερη περιοχή των ανασκαφών και αρχαίων κεραμικών έδειξε πλήρη αντιστοιχία. Το πιο ισχυρό στοιχείο όμως για την εξαγωγή του συμπεράσματος, ότι οι αρχαίοι κεραμείς χρησιμοποίησαν τα αργιλικά ιζήματα της ευρύτερης περιοχής τους ως πρώτη ύλη των κεραμικών, είναι η παρόμοια διακύμανση των κανονικοποιημένων τιμών των ιχνοστοιχείων και των σπάνιων γαιών, το ίδιο σχήμα κατανομής του Eu, και οι παρόμοιοι λόγοι Th/Co, Th/Sc, La/Co, La/Sc. Η πιθανή θερμοκρασία όπτησης που προέκυψε από την οπτική ενεργότητα της μικρομάζας κατά την πετρογραφική παρατήρηση και τον προσδιορισμό των ορυκτών όπτησης (φασαΐτης, γκελενίτης, ανορθίτης, σανίδινο) με την περιθλασιμετρία ακτίνων Χ, έδειξε πως η θερμοκρασία όπτησης κυμάνθηκε από Τ<700°C έως Τ≥1000°C για τα ρωμαϊκά λυχνάρια και για τα αρχαϊκά και ελληνιστικά όστρακα και με οξειδωτική ατμόσφαιρα να επικρατεί ως επί το πλείστον εντός του κλιβάνου. Όμως, οι αρχαίοι κεραμείς των Αρχαϊκών και Ελληνιστικών χρόνων φαίνεται πως έδιναν μεγαλύτερη προσοχή στην εφαρμογή των συνθηκών όπτησης (θερμοκρασία, ατμόσφαιρα, χρόνος όπτησης) από τους κεραμείς των Ρωμαϊκών χρόνων. Η πρώτη ύλη δεν φαίνεται να έχει υποστεί κάποια μορφή επεξεργασίας πριν από το ζύμωμα από τους κεραμείς κατά την παραγωγή των λύχνων, ενώ για την παραγωγή των αρχαϊκών και ελληνιστικών αγγείων η ομοιομορφία της μικρομάζας τους και οι χαμηλότερες περιεκτικότητες K2O, Na2O, Cs, Rb, CaO, που τα διαχωρίζει από τα ρωμαϊκά λυχνάρια, είναι ενδείξεις ότι η πρώτη ύλη υπέστη μία μικρή επεξεργασία καθίζησης για την απομάκρυνση των πιο αδροκρυσταλλικών κλαστικών κόκκων. Για την ‘ταυτοποίηση’ της πρώτης ύλης και των συνθηκών όπτησης των αρχαίων κεραμικών, κατασκευάστηκαν στο εργαστήριο κεραμικά δοκίμια χρησιμοποιώντας δείγματα τοπικής αργίλου, τα οποία ψήθηκαν σε τρεις διαφορετικές θερμοκρασίες 850°, 950° και 1050°C με αργό ρυθμό όπτησης. Η μακροσκοπική, πετρογραφική, ορυκτολογική και ορυκτοχημική ανάλυση των κεραμικών δοκιμίων έδωσε αποτελέσματα παρόμοια έως ταυτόσημα με τα αντίστοιχα αποτελέσματα των αρχαίων κεραμικών. Οι ομάδες αναφοράς με τα αρχαιομετρικά χαρακτηριστικά των ρωμαϊκών, ελληνιστικών και αρχαϊκών κεραμικών από ανασκαφές της ΒΔ Πελοποννήσου και ο προσδιορισμός της τοπικής προέλευσης της πρώτης ύλης τους σκοπό έχουν να συνεισφέρουν σε μελλοντικές συγκρίσεις : 1. Των πατρινών λυχναριών με λυχνάρια που έχουν παραχθεί από εργαστήρια της Κορίνθου και των Αθηνών ώστε να μπορέσει να γίνει ο διαχωρισμός της πρώτης ύλης τους και της τεχνολογίας τους. 2. Τα Εργαστήρια Α και Β έκαναν εξαγωγές λυχναριών. Η σύγκριση των ομάδων αναφοράς των πατρινών λυχναριών με λυχνάρια από ανασκαφές άλλων περιοχών θα προσδιορίσει εάν τα λυχνάρια που συλλέχθηκαν στις συγκεκριμένες περιοχές έχουν πατρινή προέλευση παραγωγής. 3. Των αρχαϊκών και ελληνιστικών λεπτοκρυσταλλικών αγγείων που έχουν παραχθεί από εργαστήρια του νομού Αχαΐας με αντίστοιχα κεραμικά αγγεία (ίδιας τυπολογίας και χρονολογίας) από ανασκαφές άλλων περιοχών για να προκύψουν πιθανές εμπορικές και οικονομικές συναλλαγές. / Petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical research was carried out on Roman ceramic lamps and Hellenistic and Archaic wares derived from excavations in northwestern Peloponnese. The studied sherds of Roman lamps (the late 1st A.D. - until the end of the 3rd - early 4th c. AD.) were collected from three excavations in the city of Patras, two pottery Workshops (A:produced red-painted lamps and B:produced unpainted lamps) and one Lychnomanteion. Until the excavations brought to light the existence of the two lamp Workshops (A and B), it was assumed that the red-painted lamps were imported from Italy and the unpainted lamps were imported from Corinth so as they were called “imported” and “Corinthian” lamps respectively. A deposit of Archaic ceramic sherds, dating from the late 7th - early 6th c. BC and Hellenistic sherds have been unearthed in the excavation of an Hellenistic settlement of Ancient Dyme (3th - 2nd c. BC) in the city of Kato Achaia. These sherds represent individual wares such as: skyphos, pinakio and krateras, and they display typological influence by Corinthian wares. The study of the petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of ceramic samples allowed us to determine the provenance of the raw materials used by ancient potters for their productions. Also a database is created based on these archaeometric characteristics of ancient fine wares in northwestern Peloponnese. The provenance of raw materials for the production of the Roman lamps and the Archaic and Hellenistic sherds is similar and derived from the local Plio-Pleistocene lagoon and lacustrine sediments of northwestern Peloponnese. Clay samples were collected from the Plio-Pleistocene deposits around the excavations and they were subjected to petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical analyses. The comparison of the results of their analyses with those of ancient ceramics indicated complete similarity. A comparison of the rare earth element and trace elements variation diagrams (spidergrams) between ancient ceramics and clay samples shows that the geochemical patterns of the ancient ceramics are very similar and fit well to the geochemical patterns of the local clay samples. These similarities strongly confirm the above suggestion that the ancient ceramics were produced from clay-rich sedimentary deposits of NW Peloponnese. The firing-temperature which was estimated based on the optical activity of micromass and the new mineral phases crystallized during firing (fassaite, gehlenite, anorthite, sanidine) indicated that for Roman lamps and Archaic and Hellenistic wares, the firing temperature ranged from Τ<700°C to Τ≥1000°C with a prevailing oxidizing atmosphere in the kilns. The potters in Archaic and Hellenistic times paid greater attention to the application of the firing conditions such as temperature, atmosphere and firing time than potters in Roman period. For Roman lamps their raw material does not seem to have been subjected to any initial processes (e.x. levigation, settling, sieving), in contrast the raw materials of the Archaic and Hellenistic sherds could have been subjected to a small refinement. Using local clay material, ceramic bricks produced in the laboratory in order to facilitate through their comparison the ‘identification’ of raw materials and firing conditions of ancient ceramics. The macroscopic, petrographic, mineralogical results of ceramic bricks are similar or identical to those of ancient ceramics. The archaeometric study of Roman ceramic lamps and Hellenistic and Archaic wares from excavations in NW Peloponnese aims to contribute to future comparison such as : 1. Between lamps produced in Patraian workshops with lamps produced in Corinthian, Athenian and Italian workshops in order to determine the provenance of their raw materials and technology. 2. Workshop A and B exported lamps. So the comparison of the archaeometric data of their lamps with the archaeometric data of lamps which have been found or will be found in excavations out of Achaia county, will help to decipher if the latter lamps were produced in Workshops A or B. 3. The Archaic and Hellenistic fine sherds studied here were produced in workshops established in the county of Achaia. The comparison of their archaeometric data with that data of fine wares (same typology and chronology) collected in excavations of other regions may give information about the commercial and financial dealings of the inhabitants of the Achaia county (Ancient Dyme).

Origins and comparative performance of the composite bow

Randall, Karl Chandler IV 02 1900 (has links)
This thesis shall identify the date origin of the composite bow within Mesopotamia and Elam. and both identify and quantify the design factors which lead to increased performance possible with composite construction. To accomplish this, the thesis begins by summarizing the problems and flaws that currently exist in the field of history as it applies specifically to archery and bow use. With problems identified, the thesis will then introduce the reader to the basics of bow mechanics, thereby laying the basis for physical testing. This in turn will empirically demonstrate flaws in the current iconographical method of bow identification. The thesis will then devise a new method for iconographic identification of composite construction that has greater proven accuracy, based upon proportional length, which will link extant artifacts with both physical test results and iconographic evidence. The reader shall then be led through a complete reevaluation of iconographical evidence for Mesopotamia and Elam starting at the beginning of the second millennium BCE and working backwards using this new method of iconographic evaluation to determine the point at which composite bow technology first appears in the ancient Near East. The thesis will finish with an overview of the above accomplishments and their potential impact on the study of ancient and military history. / Classics and World Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Classical Studies)

Landscape Variability in Tool-Use and Edge Damage Formation in South African Middle Stone Age Lithic Assemblages

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: This study explores how early modern humans used stone tool technology to adapt to changing climates and coastlines in the Middle Stone Age of South Africa. The MSA is associated with the earliest fossil evidence for modern humans and complex cultural behaviors during a time period of dramatic climate change. Human culture allows for the creation, use, and transmission of technological knowledge that can evolve with changing environmental conditions. Understanding the interactions between technology and the environment is essential to illuminating the role of culture during the origin of our species. This study is focused on understanding ancient tool use from the study of lithic edge damage patterns at archaeological assemblages in southern Africa by using image-based quantitative methods for analyzing stone tools. An extensive experimental program using replicated stone tools provides the comparative linkages between the archaeological artifacts and the tasks for which they were used. MSA foragers structured their tool use and discard behaviors on the landscape in several ways – by using and discarding hunting tools more frequently in the field rather than in caves/rockshelters, but similarly in coastal and interior contexts. This study provides evidence that during a significant microlithic technological shift seen in southern Africa at ~75,000 years ago, new technologies were developed alongside rather than replacing existing technologies. These results are compared with aspects of the European archaeological record at this time to identify features of early human technological behavior that may be unique to the evolutionary history of our species. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Anthropology 2016

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