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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

RC Structures Strengthened with Mechanically Fastened FRP Systems

Napoli, Annalisa 01 January 2009 (has links)
Recently, the use of Mechanically Fastened Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (MF-FRP) systems has emerged as a viable means for flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete members. The technique is suitable for emergency repairs where constructability and speed of installation are critical requirements. The MF-FRP system consists of pre-cured FRP laminates with enhanced longitudinal bearing strength that are attached to the concrete substrate by means of mechanical steel anchors. This research project presents an experimental investigation comprising a series of flexural tests on scaled one-way RC slabs. The test matrix includes MF-FRP strengthened specimens, a counterpart with the externally bonded (EB) FRP reinforcement, and a control specimen. The effects of fastener layout and laminate length on strength increase and failure mode were studied. It is shown that with proper selection of fastener layout the MF-FRP system results in a significant deformability and strength increase, where the latter is comparable to that attained using EB-FRP sheets. Specific gaps on the existing analytical procedures for flexural strengthening with MF-FRP systems are finally discussed.

Etude expérimentale et modélisation du comportement mécanique d’un matériau agrégataire / Experimental study and modelling of the mechanical behaviour of an aggregate material

Chatti, Marwen 10 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail concerne l’étude expérimentale et la modélisation du comportement d’un matériau composite agrégataire utilisé comme simulant pour les explosifs à poudre polymérisée (PBX). Dans un premier temps, une large campagne d’essais expérimentaux a été menée en utilisant certains protocoles expérimentaux originaux. Ces essais comprennent, des essais de : traction, compression, traction/compression alternées, compression triaxiale, compression 0°-90°-0°, couloir, torsion et torsion confinée. Les résultats expérimentaux ont permis de mettre en évidence les différents aspects de comportement du matériau : anisotropie induite par l’endommagement, effectivité, viscoélasticité, boucles d’hystérésis, sensibilité à la pression hydrostatique et présence des déformations irréversibles. Dans un deuxième temps, un modèle de comportement viscoélastique plastique endommageable a été proposé en utilisant une formulation microplan. Ce modèle a été implémenté dans un logiciel de calcul par éléments finis (Abaqus/Standard). Les essais ont été ensuite simulés et les résultats ont été comparés aux données expérimentales puis discutés. Enfin, deux critères qui gouvernent la rupture des matériaux étudiés, ont été identifiés. Ces critères ont été initialement développés dans la littérature pour le béton qui présente une microstructure et un comportement global similaires à ceux des matériaux agrégataires. / This study deals with the experimental investigation and the modelling of the behaviour of an aggregate composite material used as a simulant for Plastic-Bonded Explosives (PBX). At first, a large experimental campaign was conducted using some original experimental protocols. These tests include: tension, compression, alternated tension/compression, triaxial compression, compression 0°-90°-0°, channel-die, torsion and confined torsion. The experimental results highlighted different aspects of behaviour: damage induced anisotropy, effectivity, viscoelasticity, hysteresis cycles, sensitivity to hydrostatic pressure and presence of irreversible strains. At second, a damageable viscoelastic plastic model was proposed using microplane formulation. This model was implemented in finite element software (Abaqus/Standard). The tests were then simulated and the results compared to the experimental data, and then discussed. Finally, two failure criteria that govern the failure of the studied materials were identified. These criteria were initially developed in the literature for concrete materials that present a microstructure and behaviour similar to those of aggregate materials.

In vivo mechanical assessment of human elbow kinematics using a six axis parallel mechanism developed in house

Alrashidi, Mohammad January 2011 (has links)
Elbow joint laxity is a problem that normally comes with age; it increases up to critical levels due to rupture or damage to the ligaments of the elbow and affects the stability and capacities of the joint, interfering even with daily activities. This work investigates the kinematics of the elbow through in-vivo experimental measurement. To this end, a platform based on Stewart Platform mechanism was built and used at the bioengineering labs of Brunel University in West London, the UK, to measure the six degrees of freedom of the joint. This thesis aims to develop a method to simulate such motion which could be used for elbow implant design and manufacture. This work contributes to both the basic science of joint movement measurement and to the clinical applications of diagnosing elbow illness. In addition this research presents the preliminary results for a design for elbow implants. Tracking system developed in house was used to measure the degrees of freedom in healthy elbow motion. A pilot study was performed to assess the joint motion and its repeatability. A group of volunteers with normal elbow movement was used to carry out this study. A Stewart Platform mechanism based on the tracking system was used in this study as a non-invasive tool to capture elbow joint motion and track the trajectory and pattern of the motion in three-dimensional space. This thesis aimed to develop a method to simulate the elbow joint motion that could potentially be used for the elbow implants design and there manufacture. The goal of this study was achieved by in vivo measurement of the elbow movement. It was found that the results vary from person to person, but a healthy pattern of motion can be distinguished from an abnormal pattern. To ensure the result, the motion of the right and left hand of each person was compared,allowing the behaviour of the elbow motion to be judged and the results can help surgeons to analyze the motion of the elbow joint and follow up suspicions of abnormal behaviour in the joint or trace any possible joint laxity. Furthermore, the errors involved with the mechanism were calculated and appropriate factors were applied to correct them. As part of this study the manufacturing of medical implants was reviewed and discussed.

Etude du comportement thermo-mécanique d'un milieu granulaire et interactions milieu-réservoir / Study of the thermo-mechanical behavior of granular media and interactions medium-tank

Sassine, Nahia 16 November 2018 (has links)
Les systèmes de stockage d'énergie thermique sont des éléments centraux de divers types de centrales de production d'énergie fonctionnant à l'aide de sources d'énergie renouvelables. Ces systèmes de stockage thermique de type solide/fluide peuvent être considérés comme une solution rentable dans les centrales solaires à concentration. Un tel dispositif est constitué d'un réservoir rempli d'un lit granulaire à travers lequel circule un fluide caloporteur. Cependant, dans de tels dispositifs, le réservoir pourrait être soumis à une accumulation de contraintes thermiques au cours des cycles de chargement et de déchargement en raison de la dilatation thermique différentielle entre le milieu granulaire et la paroi du réservoir. Cette thèse a été consacrée à l'étude du comportement thermomécanique du lit granulaire à l'intérieur d'un réservoir de stockage thermique de type régénérateur solide/fluide. Pour atteindre cet objectif, deux approches ont été suivies : les approches numériques et expérimentales. Un modèle numérique basé sur la méthode des éléments discrets a été développé pour décrire le comportement du réservoir sous cyclage thermique. L'évolution des contraintes appliquées aux parois de la cuve au cours des cycles thermiques, est étudiée en tenant compte à la fois des charges thermiques et mécaniques, ainsi que de la cinématique du milieu granulaire à l'échelle des particules (c'est-à-dire des éléments discrets) et de la déformation thermo-mécanqiue du réservoir. Des simulations ont été effectuées pour différentes configurations thermiques (chauffage/refroidissement homogène du réservoir sur sa hauteur ou gradient vertical de température) et différents cas de condition limite (paroi rigide, paroi du réservoir avec un coefficient de dilatation thermique supérieur au lit de roche ou inversement). Le comportement du réservoir dépend des conditions thermiques et conditions aux limites imposées. De plus, un prototype de thermocline a été conçu et construit au sein du laboratoire au CEA, visant à étudier l'accumulation de contraintes sur les cycles thermiques. Le dispositif expérimental, appelé ESPERA, est équipé de dispositifs de mesure de force installés à différentes hauteurs sur la paroi du réservoir. Les dispositifs de mesure de force ont été développés et calibrés au CEA. Leur sensibilité a également été testée en développant un autre banc expérimental, P'tit- Pousse. Des essais expérimentaux ont été réalisés permettant de prouver l'accumulation des contraintes au cours des cycles. Finalement, une comparaison entre les résultats numériques et les premiers résultats expérimentaux obtenus en fin de thèse est proposée. / Thermal Energy Storage (TES) systems are central elements of various types of power plants operated using renewable energy sources. Packed bed TES can be considered as a cost effective solution in concentrated solar power plants (CSP). Such a device is made of a tank filled with a granular bed through which a heat-transfer fluid circulates. However, in such devices, the tank might be subjected to an accumulation of thermal stresses during cycles of loading and unloading due to the differential thermal expansion between the filler and the tank wall. This research was devoted to investigate the thermo-mechanical behavior of the granular bed inside a packed bed TES tank. To achieve this objective, two approaches were undertaken in this work, i.e. numerical and experimental. A numerical model was defined to describe the tank's behavior under thermal cycling based on the discrete element method (DEM). The evolution of tank wall stresses over thermal cycles, taking into account both thermal and mechanical loads, as well as the kinematics of the granular material at the particles scale (i.e. discrete elements), are studied here. The deformability of the tank itself under thermo-mechanical loads is also included in the numerical model. Simulations were performed for different thermal configurations (i.e. the tank is heated homogeneously along its height or with a moving vertical gradient of temperature) and different boundary condition cases (i.e. rigid wall, tank wall with a higher thermal expansion coeficient than the bed or inversely). The behavior of the tank is dependent on the imposed thermal and boundary conditions. In addition to this, a thermocline prototype was designed and constructed at the CEA laboratory, aiming at studying the stress accumulation over the thermal cycles. The experimental setup, called ESPERA, is equipped with force measurement devices, installed at different height positions on the wall. The force measurement devices were developed and calibrated at the CEA. Their sensitivity was also tested using a different developed setup, P'tit-Pousse. Experimental tests were carried out proving the stress accumulation over the cycles. Eventually, a comparison between the numerical results and the lately-obtained preliminary experimental measurements is proposed.

Etude expérimentale et numérique de la propagation de coupure dans des stratifiés composites soumis à des chargements complexes / Numerical and Experimental investigations on two bays cracks propagation into carbon/epoxy composites under complex loadings

Serra, Joël 16 November 2016 (has links)
La sensibilité des structures composites à la présence d'endommagements importants en zones singulières (trou, pointe d'entaille.. impose d'évaluer leur tolérance aux dommages. Dans un premier temps, un dialogue essai-calcul pour des sollicitations uniaxiales de traction simple sur composite stratifiés lisses, troués (plusieurs diamètres) et entaillés est mis en place. En utilisant différentes méthodes de suivi expérimental insitu (corrélation d'images, thermographie infrarouge) et post-mortem (micro-tomographie aux rayons-X), les scénarios de ruptures sont identifiés et comparés à ceux déterminés par simulation numérique « Discrete Ply Model ». Le modèle numérique est démontré valide pour simuler les cas étudiés (traction uniaxiale). Les influences de plusieurs paramètres du modèle sont étudiées dont la taille de maille et la présence de fissures discrètes. Dans un second temps, une étude expérimentale des stratifiés entaillés soumis à des sollicitations combinées à l'échelle supérieure (détail structural) est menée à l'aide du montage VERTEX conçu spécifiquement pour ces travaux. La modélisation de ce type d'essai est amorcée sur une plaque en aluminium pour valider la méthodologie de transfert de conditions limites obtenues par corrélation d'images. Cette stratégie est ensuite appliquée à un des drapages composite étudiés pour modéliser plusieurs types de sollicitations pour valider le « Discrete Ply Model » sur des cas de charge supplémentaires. / Composite structures sensitivity to substantial damage around notches leads us to assess their damage tolerance. First, both experiments and numerical simulations are being performed on small coupons under uniaxial tension for different configurations (plain, open-hole With different diameters and U-notch specimens). Using different methods of in situ experimental monitoring (image correlation, infrared thermography) and post-mortem micro-tomography (X-ray), failure scenarios are identified and compared to those determined by numerical simulations. The "Discrete Ply Model" is then proven valid to simulate the cases studied (uniaxial tension). The influences of several parameters such as mesh size and the presence of discrete cracks are investigated. Second, an experimental study of notched laminates subjected to complex loadings (structural detail scale) is conducted With the VERTEX rig, designed specifically for this work. Then, simulating this ype of tests is initiated on an aluminum plate to validate the methodology of boundary conditions (obtained by image correlation) transfer. This strategy is then applied to a notched laminated composite to validate the "Discrete Ply Model" on additional loading cases.


CLAUDIA MARCIA FERREIRA COSTA 14 March 2006 (has links)
[pt] O impactador inercial em cascata é um instrumento no qual uma amostra de ar e poluentes (aerossóis) é obrigada a percorrer um trecho contendo obstáculos, chamados placas de impactação. Os obstáculos forçam o jato a mudar de direção, mas como as partículas têm maior inércia do que o fluido, não acompanham as linhas de corrente do escoamento e acabam por depositar-se sobre estes obstáculos. Diferenças na geometria envolvendo diminuição de área de passagem de escoamento e conseqüente aumento de velocidades, fazem com que, a cada estágio, partículas de diâmetros menores sejam coletadas. O desafio é projetar um instrumento que maximize a eficiência de coleta, diminuindo as perdas por deposição indesejável de partículas nas paredes, recirculações e outros efeitos. Nesta Dissertação de Mestrado foi realizado o projeto de um impactador de três estágios coletando, respectivamente, partículas com diâmetro aerodinâmico de 10, 2,5 e 1 (mi)m, operando com vazão de 30 lpm (litros por minuto) e pressão atmosférica. Na análise de desempenho do instrumento, foram realizadas simulações numéricas com o objetivo de analisar características do escoamento e da trajetória de partículas e levantar as curvas de eficiência de coleta. Foram realizados, também, testes experimentais reproduzindo condições de uso com o intuito de levantar as curvas de eficiência reais. Os resultados numéricos e experimentais foram comparados e apresentam-se ao final, conclusões sobre o desempenho do instrumento e recomendações para trabalhos futuros. / [en] Impactors are simple devices in which a sample flows of air and pollutants flow around an obstacle, called impaction plate. Particles with sufficient inertia will slip across the flow streamlines and impact on the obstacle. Particles with less inertia will follow the airflow away from the impaction surface. Inertial cascade impactors have more than one impaction area. Each one has an impaction plate and a nozzle plate. From one stage to the other, the nozzle diameters become smaller and, consequently, the velocities are higher. This allows for the collection of smaller particles. The challenge is to design an instrument with the higher collection efficiency as possible, reducing wall losses, recirculation regions and other effects. In this study a 3-stages inertial cascade impactor was designed and tested. The cut-point aerodynamic diameters for each stage were 10, 2.5 and 1 (mi)m, respectively, when operating with a flow rate of 30 l/min at atmospheric pressure. To evaluate the instrument, some numerical simulations were performed. They provided results for the flow field, particle trajectories and the collection efficiency curves. Experimental tests were also done to allow for the determination of the real efficiency curves. The numerical and experimental data were compared. Finally, the conclusions of the work and recommendations for future studies are presented.

Metodologia numérico-experimental para caracterização de paredes arteriais

Formenton, Ana Barbara Krummenauer January 2014 (has links)
Análises numérico-experimentais são fundamentais na simulação numérica do comportamento de alguns tecidos biológicos ou mesmo de sua interação com outras estruturas, como o que acontece entre artérias e stents. Simulações numéricas podem auxiliar no projeto da estrutura tubular ou na escolha do modelo de stent mais adequado para uma dada indicação clínica, bem como no aprimoramento da técnica cirúrgica de posicionamento. A obtenção de dados experimentais do comportamento mecânico de artérias é um desafio devido a fatores biológicos e experimentais, como a retirada da amostra, controle de temperatura e de umidade no armazenamento e manuseio dos corpos de prova. Outras dificuldades se apresentam na fixação da amostra e na realização de medições de deformação, além da mudança que pode ocorrer no tecido para diferentes indivíduos ou mesmo no mesmo indivíduo. Do ponto de vista numérico, é necessário um modelo de material capaz de reproduzir o comportamento experimental observado. O objetivo do presente trabalho é estudar problemas envolvidos na caracterização numérico-experimental de paredes arteriais para então propor uma metodologia apropriada para ser aplicada em uma amostra de aorta de um suíno da raça Landrace. Modelos numéricos adequados para simular o comportamento do tecido em sua região fisiológica de deformação foram estudados, e através dos dados obtidos de procedimentos experimentais foi realizada a identificação de parâmetros do modelo escolhido. / Numerical and experimental analyses are essential to understand the numerical simulation of the behavior of some biological tissues or even their interaction with other structures, such as what happens between arteries and stents. Numerical simulations can help in the tubular structure project or in the choice of the most suitable stent for a given clinical indication, as well as in the improvement of the surgical techniques in the positioning. The experimental data acquisition of arteries’ mechanical behavior is a challenge due to biological and experimental factors such as the removal of the sample, temperature and humidity control in the storage and handling of specimens. Other difficulties are the sample fixation and the strain measurements as well as the change that can occur in the tissue for different individuals or even in the same one. From the numerical point of view is necessary a material model capable to reproduce the observed experimental behavior. The objective of this work is to study the issues involved in the numerical and experimental characterization of arterial walls and then propose a suitable methodology to be applied in a pig's aorta sample of Landrace's breed. Numerical models suitable for simulating the behavior of physiological tissue deformation were studied and, through the data from experimental procedures, parameters were identified to represent it.

Metodologia numérico-experimental para caracterização de paredes arteriais

Formenton, Ana Barbara Krummenauer January 2014 (has links)
Análises numérico-experimentais são fundamentais na simulação numérica do comportamento de alguns tecidos biológicos ou mesmo de sua interação com outras estruturas, como o que acontece entre artérias e stents. Simulações numéricas podem auxiliar no projeto da estrutura tubular ou na escolha do modelo de stent mais adequado para uma dada indicação clínica, bem como no aprimoramento da técnica cirúrgica de posicionamento. A obtenção de dados experimentais do comportamento mecânico de artérias é um desafio devido a fatores biológicos e experimentais, como a retirada da amostra, controle de temperatura e de umidade no armazenamento e manuseio dos corpos de prova. Outras dificuldades se apresentam na fixação da amostra e na realização de medições de deformação, além da mudança que pode ocorrer no tecido para diferentes indivíduos ou mesmo no mesmo indivíduo. Do ponto de vista numérico, é necessário um modelo de material capaz de reproduzir o comportamento experimental observado. O objetivo do presente trabalho é estudar problemas envolvidos na caracterização numérico-experimental de paredes arteriais para então propor uma metodologia apropriada para ser aplicada em uma amostra de aorta de um suíno da raça Landrace. Modelos numéricos adequados para simular o comportamento do tecido em sua região fisiológica de deformação foram estudados, e através dos dados obtidos de procedimentos experimentais foi realizada a identificação de parâmetros do modelo escolhido. / Numerical and experimental analyses are essential to understand the numerical simulation of the behavior of some biological tissues or even their interaction with other structures, such as what happens between arteries and stents. Numerical simulations can help in the tubular structure project or in the choice of the most suitable stent for a given clinical indication, as well as in the improvement of the surgical techniques in the positioning. The experimental data acquisition of arteries’ mechanical behavior is a challenge due to biological and experimental factors such as the removal of the sample, temperature and humidity control in the storage and handling of specimens. Other difficulties are the sample fixation and the strain measurements as well as the change that can occur in the tissue for different individuals or even in the same one. From the numerical point of view is necessary a material model capable to reproduce the observed experimental behavior. The objective of this work is to study the issues involved in the numerical and experimental characterization of arterial walls and then propose a suitable methodology to be applied in a pig's aorta sample of Landrace's breed. Numerical models suitable for simulating the behavior of physiological tissue deformation were studied and, through the data from experimental procedures, parameters were identified to represent it.

Metodologia numérico-experimental para caracterização de paredes arteriais

Formenton, Ana Barbara Krummenauer January 2014 (has links)
Análises numérico-experimentais são fundamentais na simulação numérica do comportamento de alguns tecidos biológicos ou mesmo de sua interação com outras estruturas, como o que acontece entre artérias e stents. Simulações numéricas podem auxiliar no projeto da estrutura tubular ou na escolha do modelo de stent mais adequado para uma dada indicação clínica, bem como no aprimoramento da técnica cirúrgica de posicionamento. A obtenção de dados experimentais do comportamento mecânico de artérias é um desafio devido a fatores biológicos e experimentais, como a retirada da amostra, controle de temperatura e de umidade no armazenamento e manuseio dos corpos de prova. Outras dificuldades se apresentam na fixação da amostra e na realização de medições de deformação, além da mudança que pode ocorrer no tecido para diferentes indivíduos ou mesmo no mesmo indivíduo. Do ponto de vista numérico, é necessário um modelo de material capaz de reproduzir o comportamento experimental observado. O objetivo do presente trabalho é estudar problemas envolvidos na caracterização numérico-experimental de paredes arteriais para então propor uma metodologia apropriada para ser aplicada em uma amostra de aorta de um suíno da raça Landrace. Modelos numéricos adequados para simular o comportamento do tecido em sua região fisiológica de deformação foram estudados, e através dos dados obtidos de procedimentos experimentais foi realizada a identificação de parâmetros do modelo escolhido. / Numerical and experimental analyses are essential to understand the numerical simulation of the behavior of some biological tissues or even their interaction with other structures, such as what happens between arteries and stents. Numerical simulations can help in the tubular structure project or in the choice of the most suitable stent for a given clinical indication, as well as in the improvement of the surgical techniques in the positioning. The experimental data acquisition of arteries’ mechanical behavior is a challenge due to biological and experimental factors such as the removal of the sample, temperature and humidity control in the storage and handling of specimens. Other difficulties are the sample fixation and the strain measurements as well as the change that can occur in the tissue for different individuals or even in the same one. From the numerical point of view is necessary a material model capable to reproduce the observed experimental behavior. The objective of this work is to study the issues involved in the numerical and experimental characterization of arterial walls and then propose a suitable methodology to be applied in a pig's aorta sample of Landrace's breed. Numerical models suitable for simulating the behavior of physiological tissue deformation were studied and, through the data from experimental procedures, parameters were identified to represent it.


Miles J Droege (11128536) 22 July 2021 (has links)
Class 8 heavy-duty truck platooning has demonstrated significant fuel economy benefits on routes with road grade less than±2% in literature, but there is little to no platooning research on routes with road grade greater than±2% - which make up a significant portion of U.S. highways. Therefore, the effort described in this thesis is aimed at assessing currently available two-truck platoon control strategies as well as developing new strategies to improve platoon performance on hilly terrain. Specifically, the strategies tested in this work include four types of lead truck speed control strategies and two types of platoon transmission shifting strategies. These strategies are tested using two experimentally validated heavy-duty, two-truck platoon simulation approaches where each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages. The trends observed from these two simulation approaches indicate that the lead truck speed control and transmission shifting strategies have a significant effect on the platoon fuel economy and gap control performance when the platoon operates on a hilly terrain route.

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