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Ochrana práv menšinových akcionářů / The protection of minority shareholders' rightsVostřel, Michal January 2011 (has links)
(The protection of minority shareholders' rights) The theme of this thesis is the protection of minority shareholders' rights. This problem of joint-stock companies is very comprehensive. So that this thesis is focused on rights belonging to shareholders with qualified share in stated capital of company which are situated in § 181 and § 182 in the Czech Commercial Code. The thesis consists of eight chapters. In the first chapter the comment of basic terms connecting to this topic is presented. The term of joint-stock company and its characteristic features are briefly engaged. Further the terms shareholder and minority shareholder are specified. The second chapter is focused on historical development of minority shareholders' rights from 1991 when the Commercial Code was enacted to the future. Special attention is given to amendments to the Commercial Code by Acts No. 142/1996 Coll., No. 370/2000 Coll. and No. 420/2009 Coll. In the third chapter the general comment about reasons of protection of minority shareholders' rights is given and areas of protection of these shareholders are specialized. The fourth chapter is concentrated on the right of minority shareholders to convence an extraordinary general meeting to discuss the program which is suggested. The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic has a...
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Mimořádný lidový soud v Praze / Extraordinary People's Court in PragueNěmečková, Daniela January 2014 (has links)
Résumé The outrageous crimes committed by the Nazis and their treacherous accomplices in Czechoslovakia demanded strict justice. These were the first words of the Decree No. 16/1945 concerning the punishment of Nazi criminals, traitors and their accomplices and concerning the Extraordinary People's Courts (so called the Great Decree). This decree was used to punish Nazi criminals, traitors and their accomplices who stood trial before the Extraordinary People's Courts. The biggest extraordinary people's court resided in Prague, it carried out its activity from 5th September 1945 to 4th July 1947 and it had to deal with eleven thousand cases. During its existence this court had to solve a lot of issues: such as missing professional judges and public prosecutors, problematic cooperation with the District National Committees, and finally the interpretation of problematic provisions. A lot of important Nazis had to stand trial before this court, such as the prosecutor of the Special court Kurt Blaschtowitschka, the politician of the First Republic and the Minister of State for Bohemia and Moravia Karl Hermann Frank, the Deputy Protector of Bohemia and Moravia Kurt Daluege, the gestapo leader in Kladno Harald Wiesmann with another fifteen gestapo members and at last the parachutist and later paid confident, the...
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Obnova řízení / Renewal of proceedingsFejklová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Remedial measures in criminal law are set mainly to eliminate and correct mistakes, which have occurred in the course of the trial. It acts as a review and a remedy of law and legal defects. It can be divided into regular and special ones. Amid the regular remedial measures belong appeal, complaint and protest, to a group of special remedial measures belong apart from a renewal of proceedings, a review of an appeal and a complaint for the breach of law. Renewal of proceedings is a special remedial measure, which brings with itself interference into legal power. Renewal of proceedings with which one can contest only some legitimate decisions, in which criminal prosecution has already finished, is used for a removal of shortcomings in factual findings, because at that time all the decisive facts had not been known and the evidence, which came up only after the former decision has come into legal force. New evidence or facts underlying this extraordinary breach into inalterability and binding of judgments made in criminal proceedings are only the facts that were not part of evidence or survey or were not applied by any of the parties engaged in the proceedings and the only evidence that was not designed nor made by either party during the proceedings. As new evidence can be even used evidence already...
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Problematika mimořádných událostí se zaměřením na povodně v období od 1997 do 2007 / Problems of extraordinary events with concentration to floods in period of time from 1997 to 2007.Ľuptovský, Matěj January 2011 (has links)
Title of a document: Problems of extraordinary events with concentration to floods in period of time from 1997 to 2007. Aim of a document: Characterize kinds of extraordinary events and assign to them some cases from CR with concentraining on floods. The legislature before and after acceptance of crisis laws. The economic incidence and loses of lives in effect of floods. Method: An analysis of obtained information oriented to a question of extraordinary events with concentraining on floods. Interview with the specialist of joint rescue service. Results: Complexed summary of extraordinary events, their characterizations and cases reffered to CR with concentraining on floods. Floody analysis of CR between 1997 - 2007 from aspekt of rise, progress and their results. Key words: Joint rescue service, an extraordinary event, crisis situation, floody, crisis kontrol.
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Mimořádný lidový soud v Poličce Ve světle výslechů / Extraordinary people's court in Polička In the light of examinationsChadimová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The task of the thesis is to describe cases which were judged by the Extraordinary People's court in Polička after the World War Two. The preamble of the thesis goes in for the methodology of the work with resources. Next part describes the Great Retribution Decree which enabled the creation on Extraordinary People's Courts. The main part of the thesis deals with concrete cases judged by Extraordinary People's Court in Polička. The principle of dividing the cases is the nationality of defendants and the term of imprisonment. The thesis is based on official resources.
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Mimořádná vydávání (Extraordinary Renditions) a lidská práva / Extraordinary Renditions and Human RightsŠvepeš, Petr January 2013 (has links)
1 Abstract Extraordinary Renditions and Human Rights Ing. Petr Švepeš The topic of this thesis is Extraordinary Rendition as the phenomenon of contemporary counter- terrorism strategies and its critical reflection in light of International Human Rights Law. Extraordinary Rendition represents a controversial method of obtaining intelligence information about terrorist activities carried out worldwide by the CIA. This method is based on the identification of terrorist suspects who might know valuable intelligence, followed by their tracing and subsequent kidnapping with direct assistance or connivance of the state in whose territory that person is located. Kidnapped persons are secretly transported by private jets via the "global spider's web" to a selected country which practices advanced interrogation techniques using various methods of torture. In this country the persons are incommunicado imprisoned and interrogated by local authorities. Extracted intelligence information is then passed on to the CIA and the suspects in this country are either criminally charged and indicted, further imprisoned without formal charges or simply "disappear." The main objective of this thesis is to present a detailed human rights analysis of Extraordinary Rendition and to identify potential violations of binding norms of...
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Mimořádné odškodnění ve sporech o náhradu škody na zdraví / Extraordinary compensation in personal injury casesDrobiš, Zbyněk January 2013 (has links)
Extraordinary compensation in personal injury cases The purpose of this thesis is providing the information about the compensation for damage to health in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on the development of case law. The introductory chapters are provided general assumptions of liability and introduced the issue of liability for damage caused by the nature of the used thing and liability for damage caused by operating activities with an emphasis on medical disputes. Also, a brief definition of lege artis procedure as a basic prerequisite for the performance of medical care. Definition of the conditions and extent of compensation for damage to health by the Ministry of Health No. 440/2001 Coll., including a comparation with the previous Decree No. 32/1965 Coll. The main basis of the thesis consists of a table of case law in terms of compensation for damage to health and the amount of granted compensation. Table of case law serves not only as a basis for drawing conclusions from the cases, but also to serve as a practical tool for practice to quick orientation in the personal injury cases, simply by searching for a similar injury and assessment of compensation according to the table of case law. In terms of compensation for damage to health, thesis also deals with the issue of personality rights,...
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Problematika výjimečného trestu / Problematics of extraordinary punishmentHanák, Radim January 2016 (has links)
The main theme of my thesis is institution of extraordinary punishment and the way how it is comprehended by Czech law. While imprisonment for life can be imposed in almost all European countries and this punishment isn't systematicaly excluded from criminal codes, the Czech conception is different. Czech law not only states which crimes are punishable by imprisonment for life but also that said crimes must fulfil legal conditions which characterize offender's motivations, means of execution and consequences of said criminal offence. These legal conditions, that are part of czech law since 1961, are in the center of interest of my thesis in spite of the fact that in the past it was embodied by death penalty which is unallowable for today's standarts. Other possibilities of imposing imprisonment for longer period than legally determined are also mentioned together with the strictest ways of criminal law punishments of legal persons or persons that are less than 18 years old. Other aims of this thesis are exploring of extraordinary punishment history (in terms of both death penalty and imprisonment) and comparation with current legal order. Domestic legal adaptation is evaluated from international and constitutional point of view, since life imprisonment can be rated as inadmissible by European...
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Problematika výjimečného trestu / Problematics of Extraordinary PunishmentPospíšilová, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
Problematics of extraordinary punishment Abstract In this diploma thesis I deal with the current legal regulation of the extraordinary punishment and its impact on prisoners. Extraordinary pinoshment is the strictest possible punishment of crime in the Czech Republic, that involves many areas of basic human rights and it significantly restricts them, for that reason, in my point of view, is necessary, that this issue has sufficient attention. The thesis is divided into eight chapters, except the last chapter, all of them are thematically divided into subchapters. At the beginning, I deal with the concept of punishment and philosophical grounds for punishment. The second chapter is devoted to the historical development of punishment in the Czech Republic, mainly focusing on the most severe punishment, as the death penalty, life imprisonment and the longest possible prison sentences. The third chapter discussed the most important international documents that significantly influenced our national legislation, both in sentencing and in providing appropriate conditions in prisons. The core parts of the thesis are chapters four and five, which deal with valid legislation. Chapter four deals with the issue of extraordinary punishment, the differences in the course of criminal proceedings, the possibilities of...
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Conceptualiser l’expérience ordinaire vécue par les consommateurs : vers une grille de lecture des dimensions des expériences de consommation ordinaires / Conceptualizing the ordinary experience experienced by consumers : towards an interpretative framework of the dimensions of ordinary consumption experiencesPersico, Carine 19 December 2018 (has links)
Le marketing expérientiel s’est construit autour d’une promesse : être en capacité de créer et d’offrir à ses clients des expériences extraordinaires. Ce cadre théorique, qui a plus de trente ans, s’inscrit dans une vision traditionnelle du marketing ; l’entreprise doit créer de la valeur pour ses clients et dans le paradigme expérientiel, cette création passe par la mise en place d’un contexte expérientiel visant à ré-enchanter la consommation. Ce constat a soulevé plusieurs interrogations chez l’auteur : d’une part l’entreprise peut-elle créer des expériences ? et d’autre part qu’entendons-nous par « ré-enchantement » ? Ce sont ces interrogations qui ont nourri la réflexion de départ de cette thèse. Cette réflexion a conduit à la formulation d’une problématique et des questions de recherche autour de l’expérience ordinaire vécue par le consommateur.En marketing plusieurs auteurs ont identifié les principaux aspects qui ressortent des expériences ordinaires des consommateurs. Néanmoins, ces recherches ne permettent pas de saisir ce qu’elles représentent du point de vue du consommateur. Pourtant, dans une optique managériale, identifier « l’ordinaire » du point de vue du consommateur permettrait aux entreprises de comprendre où se situe la valeur que celui-ci perçoit de l’expérience qu’il a qualifié d’ordinaire. Ainsi, cela permettrait aux entreprises de mettre en place des dispositifs ciblés pour améliorer l’ordinaire de leurs clients à travers la mise en œuvre d’un marketing du quotidien. Grâce à la mise en œuvre d’une méthodologie qualitative (entretiens compréhensifs et photo-élicitation), cette thèse s’interroge sur la compréhension du vécu des consommateurs dans des expériences qu’ils qualifient aux-même d’ordinaires. C’est à travers l’articulation des travaux scientifiques et de l’apport original de la littérature que cette recherche fournit une analyse de cet univers ordinaire à travers la consommation. S’interroger sur ce qui est constitutif de ce type d’expérience permet de proposer une grille de lecture de celle-ci en donnant des clés de compréhension du sens que les consommateurs lui donne. / Experiential marketing is built around a promise: to be able to create and offer its customers extraordinary experiences. This theoretical framework, which is over thirty years old, is part of a traditional vision of marketing; the company must create value for its customers and in the experiential paradigm, this creation involves the setting up of an experiential context aiming at re-enchanting the consumption.This observation has raised several questions for the author: on the one hand can the company create experiments? and on the other hand what do we mean by "re-enchantment"? These are the questions that nourished the initial reflection of this thesis. This reflection led to the formulation of a problem and research questions around the ordinary experience lived by the consumer.In marketing several authors have identified the main aspects that emerge from the ordinary experiences of consumers. Nevertheless, this research does not capture what they represent from the point of view of the consumer. However, from a managerial perspective, identifying the "ordinary" from the consumer's point of view will enable companies to understand where the value they perceive from the experience they have described as ordinary is. Thus, this would allow companies to set up measures devices to improve the ordinary of their customers through the implementation of a daily marketing. Thanks to a qualitative methodology (interviews and photo-analysis), this research examines the understanding of consumers' experiences through experiences they describe as ordinary. With the help of scientific works and the original contribution of literature that this thesis provides an analysis of this ordinary universe through consumption. Searching what constitutes this type of experience makes it possible to interpretative framework which will help understand the meaning that consumers attach to it.
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