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In Vitro Evaluation oF Aerosol Drug Delivery With And Without High Flow Nasal Cannula Using Pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler And Jet Nebulizer in PediatricsAlalwan, Mahmood A 31 July 2012 (has links)
Background: HFNC system is a novel device used with aerosol therapy and seems to be rapidly accepted. Although there are some studies conducted on HFNC and vibrating mesh nebulizer, the effect of HFNC on aerosol delivery using jet nebulizer or pressurized metered-dose inhaler (pMDI) has not been reported. In an effort to examine the effect of HFNC on aerosol deposition, this study was conducted to quantify aerosol drug delivery with or without a HFNC using either pMDI or jet nebulizer.
Methodology: The SAINT model, attached to an absolute filter (Respirgard II, Vital Signs Colorado Inc., Englewood, CO, USA) for aerosol collection, was connected to a pediatric breathing simulator (Harvard Apparatus, Model 613, South Natick, MA, USA). To keep the filter and the SAINT model in upright position to collect aerosolized drug, an elbow adapter was connected between the absolute filter and the breathing simulator. An infant HFNC (Optiflow, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare LTD., Auckland, New Zealand) ran at 3 l/min O2 was attached to the nares of the SAINT model. Breathing parameters used in this study were Vt of 100 mL, RR of 30 breaths/min, and I:E ratio of 1: 1.4. Aerosol drug was administered using: 1) Misty-neb jet nebulizer (Allegiance Healthcare, McGaw Park, Illinois, USA) powered by air at 8 l/min using pediatric aerosol facemask (B&F Medical, Allied Healthcare Products, Saint Louis, MO, USA) to deliver albuterol sulfate (2.5 mg/3 mL NS), and 2) Four actuations of Ventolin HFA pMDI (90 μg/puff) (GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA) combined with VHC (AeroChamber plus with Flow-Vu, Monaghan Medical, Plattsburgh, NY, USA). Aerosol was administered to the model with and without the HFNC and another without (n=3). Drug was collected on an absolute filter, eluted and measured using spectrophotometry. Independent t tests were performed for data analysis. Statistical significance was determined with a p value of <0.05.
Results: The mean inhaled mass percent was greatest for pMDI with (p = 0.0001) or without HFNC (p = 0.003). Removing HFNC from the nares before aerosol treatment trended to increase drug delivery with the jet nebulizer (p = 0.024), and increased drug delivery by 6 fold with pMDI (p = 0.003).
Conclusions: Aerosol drug may be administered in pediatrics receiving HFNC therapy using either jet nebulizer or pMDI. However, using pMDI, either with or without HFNC, is the best option. When delivering medical aerosol by mask, whether by jet nebulizer or pMDI, removing HFNC led to an increase in inhaled mass percent. However, the benefit of increased aerosol delivery must be weighed against the risk of lung derecruitment when nasal prongs are removed.
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Development of CFD Methodology to Quantify Particle-transmission Percentage of Personal Protective EquipmentSharma, Neha 24 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Untersuchung zum Beatmungserfolg mittels einer Larynxmaske und einer Gesichtsmaske durch in der Atemwegssicherung unerfahrene Studierende - eine Lehrevaluation vom Atemwegstrainer zum Patienten / Investigation on success of ventilation with a laryngeal mask or facemask by medical students unexperienced in airway management - a teaching evaluation from manikin training to patientBollinger, Matthias 17 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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<p>Evidence exists for the airborne transmission of contagious pathogens
such as SARS-CoV-2, influenza A virus and <i>Mycobacterium</i> <i>tuberculosis</i> in indoor environments.
These pathogens are carried in the respiratory droplets and transmitted through
airborne route to infect individuals. An important element in risk
assessment for pathogenic bioaerosol exposure is a determination of the inhaled
deposited dose rate – the number of deposited pathogenic
particles per minute – received by each respiratory region
and the fractional reduction of dose rate by different material
facemasks. This paper presents an aerosol physics-based modeling
framework to estimate the fractional reduction of regional
dose rate in diverse indoor healthcare environments. The
fractional reduction of dose rate is a useful metric to evaluate the
facemask effectiveness in reducing the inhaled dose rate. Data extraction of pathogenic
bioaerosol size distributions and size-dependent facemask filtration
efficiency curve combined with deposition fraction model become the baseline to
calculate the fractional reduction of dose rate by 10 different facemasks.
Facemask leakage is also considered for the realistic representation of its
impact on reduction fraction as current studies focus on mask material
filtration efficiency. This analysis considers how the fractional reduction of
dose rate is influenced by the pathogenic bioaerosol size
distribution, age-dependent respiratory parameters, age-specific
deposition fraction, facemask filtration efficiency and mask leakage.
Different factors drove variations in the reduction fraction of various
sized-pathogenic bioaerosols received by each respiratory region for each age
group. This framework can be a useful tool for decision-makers in evaluating
the mask’s effectiveness in reducing deposition of pathogenic bioaerosols.</p>
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Einfluss eines Beatmungshelmes auf die Leistung zweier verschiedener Intensivbeatmungsgeräte im Vergleich zu einer Gesichtsmaske und zur invasiven Beatmung - Eine experimentelle Lungenmodelluntersuchung / Influence of a helmet for noninvasive ventilation on the mechanical properties and performance of a respiratory system compared to a facemask and invasive ventilation - a lung model studyFischer, Sven 10 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Introduction: Treatment with Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) and Facemask Therapy (FM) has been reported as one of the most effective forms of treatment for patients with
Class III malocclusion, with maxillary involvement. Objective: To evaluate the cephalometric changes in the facial tegumentary in patients with malocclusion of skeletal Class III with maxillary retrusion, with greater or less extent, immediately after orthopaedic therapy, with RME/FM. Methods: The treatments with RME/FM were
performed by a single operator in a suitably selected sample (10 girls and 6 boys), whose the initial and final data were collected on two times (T0 and T1), evaluating
cephalometric parameters and soft tissue. The experimental phase lasted about 12 months. The data were analyzed and compared statistically (Wilcoxon Test - SPSS 13.0), through descriptive analysis, on changes in facial tissue and bone, and dental conditions. Results: A significant increase in maxillary forward growth, inhibition of
mandibular forward growth, and clockwise rotation of the mandible were observed. The maxillary incisors were significantly proclined and the mandibular incisors significantly retroclined. Conclusion: Changes produced in the midface were clinically and cephalometric observed, demonstrating anterior displacement of maxilla and point "A", improvement in facial convexity, correction of the anterior crossbite, increase in the overbite and overjet. However, more studies are needed, since the information in the literature are still inconclusive, given the divergent findings and consensus between
authors. / Introdução: O tratamento Ortodôntico com Expansão Rápida da Maxila (ERM) e Tração Reversa (TR) tem sido descrito na literatura como uma das mais eficazes formas de tratamento, para pacientes portadores de má oclusão de Classe III, com
envolvimento maxilar. Objetivo: Avaliar as alterações cefalométricas e no tegumento da facial, em pacientes portadores de má oclusão de Classe III esquelética, com retrusão maxilar em maior ou menor grau, imediatamente após o tratamento com ERM/TR. Metodologia: Os tratamentos com ERM/TR foram realizados pelo pesquisador, em uma amostra convenientemente selecionada, sem distinção de gênero (10 meninas e 6 meninos), jovens, com necessidade de tratamento, onde os dados iniciais e finais foram coletados em dois momentos (T0 e T1), avaliando parâmetros cefalométricos ósseos e de tecidos moles. O período experimental foi de aproximadamente 12 meses. Os
resultados foram analisados e comparados estatisticamente (Teste de Wilcoxon - SPSS 13.0), por meio de análises descritivas, quanto às alterações ósseas e no tegumento
facial, e quanto às modificações dentárias. Resultados: Significante aumento no crescimento anterior da maxila, limitação do crescimento anterior da mandíbula, rotação
mandibular no sentido horário. Incisivos maxilares foram significativamente proclinados e incisivos mandibulares retroinclinados. Conclusão: As alterações produzidas na face
média foram clinica e cefalometricamente observadas, demonstrando anteriorização da maxila e do ponto A , melhora na convexidade facial, correção do cruzamento anterior, viabilização de sobremordida e sobressaliência positivas. Entretanto, mais estudos são necessários, visto que as informações existentes na literatura ainda são pouco
conclusivas, dadas as divergências de achados e de consenso entre autores.
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Deploying Deep Learning for Facemask Detection in Mobile Healthcare Units : master's thesis / Внедрение глубокого обучения для распознавания лицевых масок в мобильных медицинских учрежденияхХаяви, В. М. Х., Hayawi, W. M. H. January 2024 (has links)
Identifying facemasks is an important duty that affects public health and safety, especially during epidemics of communicable diseases. Many architectures of deep learning models are being investigated for their effectiveness, as they have demonstrated great potential in automating this process. The performance of four well-known deep learning architectures—VGG19, VGG16, GRU, and Fully Convolutional Neural Networks (FCNN)—for facemask identification is thoroughly compared in this thesis. The goal of the study is to assess these architectures in terms of accuracy, efficiency, and robustness in order to offer important information for the creation of efficient facemask detection systems. This study examines the advantages and disadvantages of each model in relation to facemask detection through thorough testing and analysis. The models are statistically evaluated for their ability to detect facemasks in pictures or video streams using performance metrics including precision, recall, and F1-score. Furthermore, the actual feasibility of using these models in real-world applications is assessed by analyzing computational efficiency measures like inference time and model size. Moreover, the models' resilience is assessed in a range of demanding scenarios, such as changes in illumination, facial expressions, and occlusions. The consequences of these results are discussed in the thesis along with suggestions for improving each architecture for facemask detection tasks. This study's methodology focuses on developing and evaluating deep learning models for facemask recognition that are especially suited for usage in mobile health care units. This method seeks to guarantee high accuracy, robustness, and efficiency in real-world healthcare environments, where prompt and accurate facemask detection is essential. Four well-known deep learning architectures VGG19, VGG16, Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), and Fully Convolutional Neural Networks (FCNN) were chosen for the models' selection and development. Due to their shown effectiveness in a range of image recognition tasks and possible flexibility to facemask detection, these models were selected. / Идентификация лицевых масок является важной задачей, которая влияет на здоровье и безопасность населения, особенно во время эпидемий инфекционных заболеваний. Многие архитектуры моделей глубокого обучения исследуются на предмет их эффективности, поскольку они продемонстрировали большой потенциал в автоматизации этого процесса. В этой работе проводится тщательное сравнение производительности четырех хорошо известных архитектур глубокого обучения —VGG19, VGG16, GRU и полностью сверточных нейронных сетей (FCNN)— для идентификации лицевых масок. Цель исследования - оценить эти архитектуры с точки зрения точности, эффективности и надежности, чтобы предоставить важную информацию для создания эффективных систем обнаружения лицевых масок. В этом исследовании рассматриваются преимущества и недостатки каждой модели в отношении распознавания лицевых масок путем тщательного тестирования и анализа. Модели подвергаются статистической оценке на предмет их способности обнаруживать лицевые маски на изображениях или в видеопотоках с использованием показателей производительности, включая точность, запоминаемость и показатель F1. Кроме того, фактическая возможность использования этих моделей в реальных приложениях оценивается путем анализа показателей вычислительной эффективности, таких как время вывода и размер модели. Более того, устойчивость моделей оценивается в ряде сложных сценариев, таких как изменение освещения, выражения лица и прикуса. В диссертации обсуждаются последствия этих результатов, а также предложения по улучшению каждой архитектуры для задач обнаружения лицевых масок. Методология этого исследования направлена на разработку и оценку моделей глубокого обучения для распознавания лицевых масок, которые особенно подходят для использования в мобильных медицинских учреждениях. Этот метод призван гарантировать высокую точность, надежность и эффективность в реальных условиях здравоохранения, где важно быстрое и точное распознавание лицевых масок. Для выбора и разработки моделей были выбраны четыре хорошо известные архитектуры глубокого обучения VGG19, VGG16, Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) и полностью сверточные нейронные сети (FCNN). Эти модели были выбраны из-за их доказанной эффективности в решении целого ряда задач распознавания изображений и возможной гибкости в обнаружении лицевых масок. Ключевые слова: Распознавание лицевых масок, глубокое обучение, VGG19, VGG16, GRU, Полностью сверточные нейронные сети, Оценка эффективности, Мобильные медицинские учреждения.
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