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Family structures, trends and prospects in the East Kazakhstan regionUalkenova, Dinara January 2011 (has links)
This study addresses modern types of families in the East-Kazakhstan region and their role in the development of population. Using a sample of East-Kazakhstani women interviewed in 2008 in the "Family Transformation survey," this study focuses on continuously married women and women who have been previously married. The purpose of this thesis is analysis of factors influential on the intention to be divorced. Additionally, this thesis investigates issue: how a woman's family life-course (marital status and number of children born in the first marriage) influences the risk of a post-dissolution birth among divorced women. Also this study attempts to analyze how the experience of a marital dissolution affects a woman's cumulated fertility. The results show that women who underwent a marital dissolution have lower fertility than those who remained continuously married, and that repartnering enables this group of women to recapture the fertility lost with the dissolution of the first marriage. With a rise in divorce rates and existing differences of post-dissolution marital behaviors for those who have been previously married, it has become important to account for the type of dissolution (widowhood or divorce) of a union when analyzing partnership formation after the breakdown of a union. Additionally, this...
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Krizové centrum pro děti a rodinu v Jihočeském kraji v rámci intervenční péče / The Crisis centre for children and family in the South Bohemian Region within an intervention careVOLDŘICHOVÁ, Jana January 2007 (has links)
My Diploma Thesis themed ``the Crisis centre for children and family in the South Bohemian Region within an intervention care{\crqq} has a research character. This thesis is divided into two large parts and consists of a theory and practice. The theoretical part is divided into five major chapters. The first one describes the Crisis centre for children and family in the South Bohemian Region. The second one is devoted to CAN syndrome. The third one deals with the most important legislation solving breaking of the basic children rights. In the fourth chapter I focus on family and the last one is devoted to divorces, serious child suits, solving of divorce suits in a Crisis centre. The practical part is research oriented. The aim of the thesis was to find out to what extent the intervention care is implemented in the work of the Crisis centre for children and family in the South Bohemian Region during a divorce period and after. In the first hypothesis I supposed that the clients who used the support to families in a difficult life situation in the Crisis centre for children and family in the South Bohemian Region managed to keep their role of parentage also after the divorce and finished conflicts and child manipulation. In the second hypothesis I supposed that clients managed to keep their role of parentage also after the divorce and finished conflicts and child manipulation regardless of being married, divorced or single and whether they care together for own or adopted child. To confirm or disconfirm the defined hypotheses I used the method of a questionnaire. The questionnaires were intended for employees of the Crisis centre for children and family, the clients of the Crisis centre for children and family in the South Bohemian Region and to public. I prepared a different type of questionnaire for each group. In total I handed out 115 questionnaires. All of them were returned to me. The return was 100%. The hypotheses are analysed at the end of the practical part. They were confirmed. In the conclusion of the thesis the knowledge based on the theoretical and practical parts are included. The last part includes annexes referring to the actual matters (e.g. an International co-operation within a child care, casuistry, the leaflet of the Crisis centre for children and family in the South Bohemian Region).
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Funkčnost neúplné - rozvedené rodiny ve vztahu k dítěti / The functionality of single - parent - divorced family in relation to a childELIŠKOVÁ, Zdeňka January 2008 (has links)
Every man enters the marriage and founds family with the idea of undoubtebly lucky and everlasting attachment. Unfortunately, it often happens, that sooner or later, a break-up of this idea occurs. During our lives, all of us face the break-up of marriage, respectively the family from our experience or from people around. The family break-up phenomenon is largely interconnected with the disintegration of traditional society and its transformation into modern industrial society that is set up with other values, other way of life, and legitimity of its autority. If the family does not meet its main objectives, it means important risk for the man affecting his sensitive spots by its dysfunction and afunction. All the members of family, children and adults are given their home by the family. The family nowadays, however, is considerably vulnerable due to changed social situation. The growing number of single-parent families, i.e. families where mother or father themselves take care of their children, is increasing with the number of divorces. The family has as unsubstitutable role in development and children´s bringing up. Instability of family life represents a serious threat in child socialization. The family system functioning is based on personality character, especially in parents, and that is why, when one of the parents fails in his/her basic role, the whole community is severely disturbed. In this regard, it is necessary to ask a lot of questions: How do single-parent families function? Are these families functional in relation to the child? What problems do these families meet? Is it necessary to help these families and how to do it? The last investigation into functioning of families was conducted in the 1980s by means of the Questionnaire of family functionality in relation to a child by Prof. Dunovský. In my thesis I decided to test the functionality of present families, and exactly single-parent {--} divorced families, which are constantly increasing in our society. Every fourth family in the Czech Republic is reported to be single-parent family. The aim of my thesis is, therefore, the findings of functionality level of these single-parent {--} divorced families.
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Specifika práce s rodinou dítěte ohroženého rozvodem rodičů z pohledu sociálního pracovníka OSPOD - teoretický rozbor a případová studie / Specifics of working with the family of a child threatened by the parents' divorce from the view of a social worker under "OSPOD" (the authority for the social-legal protection of children) - theoretical analysis and caseBERANOVÁ, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals theoretically as well as in the scope of application practice with the issue of the children participation in the divorce disputes of parents as basic for the work of the social employee of an authority for the social and legal protection of children. The main target of the thesis was to describe, through the case studies, the course and specifics of the work with the family of a child endangered by the divorce of the parents from the point of view of the social employee of the authority for the social-legal protection of children (OSPOD). The partial target was, based on work with families, to formulate the recommendation for the consulting and activity of a social worker of OSPOD in the family of a child endangered by the divorce conflict of parents. In the scope of qualitative research by means of a case study I applied the method of participating observation, non-structured interview and the analysis of documents to acquire data. Based on the data acquired by these methods I made up four case studies. In three case studies, a more or less developed parental alienation syndrome, each time as a consequence of the alienation syndrome partner. In the four case studies the problems in the relation of the parent and the child after the divorce, originally interpreted by the father as the parental alienation syndrome, appeared as consequence of the non-sensitive involving of the child into the non-settled partner relationships between the parents from the part of parents and grand-parent. The work of a social employee of OSPOD in the investigated families had a consulting aspect, preventive aspect, it was done mainly on the level of individual and group interventions towards parents; that should respect and carry out the rights and duties following from the parental liability; partly the activity was carried out on the level of mediation work. Based on the comparison of individual case studies I formulated in the discussion part of the thesis the recommendation for the consulting work and activity of a social employee of OSPOD in the families of children the rights and interests of whom are endangered by the divorce dispute of parents.
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Nejlepší zájem dítěte v průběhu rozvodu rodičů a v porozvodové péči / Best interest of the child during the parents' divorce and in the post-divorce careBenešová, Zdeňka January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with contemporary family, in particular by ensuring the best interests of the child during the parents' divorce and post-divorce in care. The theoretical part introduces the characteristics of the contemporary family, as a result of socio-cultural development of society, and then attempts to put forward the concept of the current healthy family, as the possibility of a positive direction. It deals with the causes and manifestations of families at risk to stability, the question of divorce of parents in relation to a child after divorce and child care. It introduces the possibility of using supportive and protective services social and legal protection of children under current legislation. The subject of the practical work is still continuing casuistry's growing conflict divorce of parents, which resulted in threatening condition child's healthy development. The research focuses primarily on the way to fulfilling the practice of social and legal protection. Analyzes processes work, looking for the main obstacles to ensure the best interests of the child and trying to find possible solutions support and child protection. KEY WORDS
The best interests of the child, a healthy family, divorce, social and legal protection, system connection
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Životní kontext žáka rozvedených rodičů / Life context of pupil of divorced parentsREITINGEROVÁ, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this dissertation "Life context of a pupil of divorced parents" is to describe how parent's divorces influence children and their future life. In theoretical part I will define basic terms such as family, marriage, divorce and its causes. In the following part I will focus on after divorce childcare and reactions of children on divorce. Practical part is focused on both quantitative and qualitative researches. Quantitative research is conducted by questionnaire survey and qualitative research is carried out by in-depth interview. Participants in both studies were pupils who attend second grade of elementary school. The aim of this part is through a combination of questionnaires and interviews to determine how divorce affected these pupils.
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Možnosti sociální práce v kontextu potřeb dětí z rozvedených rodin / Possibilities of Social Work in the Context of the Children's Needs from Divorced FamiliesPauknerová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis focuses on the divorce of matrimony and its influence on children. It is attempting to provide a compact basic overview of how difficult time in life it can be. What are the needs and fears of children whose family is breaking apart. The aim of the Thesis is to map out the needs of the children in time of divorce and find out what kind of influence it had on them when they were growing up. The theoretical part consists of specialised literature that will be of help to us in understanding the divorce issues specifically in the area of the children's needs and fears during the uneasy life situations as a divorce. Empirical part is concerned with phenomenological approach. With the help of halfstructured interview with adults whose parents got a divorce during their pubescence and adolescence. Interview which maped out the needs according to Maslow's hieararchy of needs. The intention is to point out the fulfilling and unfulfilling needs of children at the times of their parent's divorce. Next there are recommendations, that should not be forgotten when it comes to a divorce, for parents from the respondents. Key words Divorce, children and divorce, family, needs and fears of children, pubescence, adolescence
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Střídavá péče o děti po rozvodu - výhody a nevýhody / Joint Physical Custody after Divorce - Advantages and DisadvantagesZELENÁ, Šárka January 2007 (has links)
In 1998 an amendment of the Family Act of 1963 made it possible, following the example of western countries, to entrust children to joint physical custody of parents, after their divorce. This gives them the possibility to equally share the upbringing and making decisions in important matters concerning their child after their divorce. This form of post-divorce organisation of child care is relatively new in this country, and that is why we have little experience with it so far. Specialists who are in contact with the questions of the joint physical custody present a number of both advantages and disadvantages. The objective of my diploma thesis was to map the particular questions, find out how the professional and non-professional public view the joint physical custody, and subsequently, compare these results. My further objective was to describe the advantages and disadvantages resulting from the shared parenting. My research was based on the hypothesis that the professional public regarded this post-divorce organisation of child care as suitable, further on the hypothesis that non-professional public was not sufficiently informed about this possibility of post-divorce organisation of child care, and, last but not least, the statement that there were differences between the attitude held by the professional and that held by the non-professional public to the questions mentioned. Two of the three hypotheses were confirmed in the course of the research. The conducted research is of explorative character, it combines elements of quantitative and qualitative research. To conduct it I used the method of questioning by means of an anonymous questionnaire, the data obtained were processed in the computer SPSS programme. In questions containing qualitative data, I conducted a qualitative content analysis. Another technique that I applied was the secondary data analysis. The research sample was made up of randomly chosen representatives of both professional and non-professional public from the Regions of South Bohemia and Hradec Králové. My thesis will serve as a feedback for specialists dealing with this field, it will be used for the needs of the Children and Family Crisis Centre in České Budějovice. Its results will serve for the improvement of information of professional and non-professional public.
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Rozvodové situace rodin s dětmi školního věku, z pohledu odborníků, zabývajících se rozvodovou problematikou. / Divorce situations of families with children of school age from the point of view of specialists dealing with divorce problems.MIKULOVÁ, Radka January 2010 (has links)
The number of divorced families has been continually increasing and the Czech society accepts such families with dependent children tolerantly. Nowadays we know that a family with both parents but full of violence is much worse for children than living with a single parent. Psychosocial development of children growing in incomplete families thus does not have to be marked negatively. Despite that, in most cases a breakdown of a marriage with children is perceived as a hard and frustrating situation. And all the involved parties need to cope, particularly with the failure and loss in their lives. The objective of the thesis was to map attitudes of workers of the department of social and legal protection of children, marriage and family counselors, crisis and emergency centers and other professionals to the divorce situation of families with children in school age. Partial objectives of the thesis included mapping of opinions of the workers about the shared custody, experience of professionals with family mediation and determination whether the professionals are offered possibilities of further education. The views of the professionals were collected by means of a questionnaire survey conducted in January, February and March. 415 questionnaires were distributed at random. The research group consisted of 99 returned questionnaires. The individual categories of professionals did not demonstrate any significant differences in their attitudes to the shared custody. Divorce mediation was viewed as a suitable method for resolution of family disputes. The research has also shown that the professional community is offered sufficient opportunities of further education. According to the responding professionals, incomplete (divorced) families are capable of ensuring successful development of the children. The professionals concurred particularly on the opinion that each divorce situation needs to be approached individually.
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Asistovaný styk rodičů s dětmi v České republice. / Assisted contact parents with children in the Czech RepublicHladíková, Hana January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis titled Assisted contact parents with children in the Czech Republic focuses on the current description of the service, which aims to promote relations in the divorcing family and the common safe and nonconflict contact between parents and child. The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe the current form of assisted contact parents with children in Czech organizations. The work is mentioned in the foreign organization, from which this practice has spread to the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part, which maps the assisted contact of parents with children. The theoretical part deals with the impact of family breakdown on the family, the description of assisted parenting with children. Part is dedicated to foreign organizations providing assisted parenting with children. The last chapter is then mapped by Czech organizations. The practical part shows the results of structured interviews with organizations. The interview was divided into four areas. During the research, it was found that the current state of assisted parenting with children is used by parents rather after the recommendation of the body for social and legal protection of children or the court. A big issue is funding, which is very complicated due to the non-abusive...
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