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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upotreba fazi logike u relacionim bazama podataka / Fuzzy logic usage in relational databases

Škrbić Srđan 19 March 2009 (has links)
<p>Doktorska disertacija pripada oblasti<br />informacionih sistema, odnosno podoblasti koja<br />se bavi upravljanjem skladi&scaron;tenjem i<br />pretraživanjem informacija. Osnovni cilj<br />disertacije je modeliranje i implementacija<br />skupa alata koji omogućavaju upotrebu fazi<br />logike u radu sa relacionim bazama podataka.<br />Da bi se do tog skupa alata do&scaron;lo, najpre je<br />relacioni model podataka pro&scaron;iren elementima<br />teorije fazi skupova, a zatim je definisano fazi<br />pro&scaron;irenje upitnog jezika SQL &ndash; PFSQL.<br />Interpreter za taj jezik je implementiran u<br />okviru fazi JDBC drajvera koji, osim<br />implementacije interpretera, sadrži i elemente<br />koji omogućavaju jednostavnu upotrebu ovih<br />mehanizama iz programskog jezika Java. Skup<br />alata je zaokružen implementacijom CASE<br />alata za razvoj fazi-relacionog modela baze<br />podataka. Osim toga, razmatrane su i<br />mogućnosti za upotrebu PFSQL jezika u<br />vi&scaron;eslojnim aplikacijama.</p> / <p>This doctoral dissertation belongs to the<br />field of information systems, subfield<br />information storage and retrieval management.<br />The main subject of the dissertation is modeling<br />and implementation of a set of tools that allow<br />usage of fuzzy logic in relational database<br />applications<br />In order to achieve that goal, at first, the<br />relational data model is extended with elements<br />of fuzzy set theory. After that, a fuzzy<br />extension of the SQL query language, called<br />PFSQL, is defined. An interpreter for that<br />language is implemented as a part of the fuzzy<br />JDBC driver. Beside the implementation of the<br />interpreter, this fuzzy JDBC driver contains<br />elements that allow simple usage of offered<br />mechanisms from Java programming language.<br />The set of tools is concluded with the<br />implementation of the CASE tool for the<br />development of fuzzy-relational data models. In<br />addition, possibilities to use PFSQL language<br />on the middle tier of multi tier systems are<br />discussed.</p>

Razvoj namenskog sistema fazi logike za primenu u sistemima za upravljanje XML dokumentima / The development a dedicated system for the application fuzzy logic in systems for manage of XML documents

Panić Goran 15 April 2014 (has links)
<p>U stvarnom životu većina informacija dolazi kao neprecizne ili<br />nepotpune vrednosti.&nbsp; XML tehnologija je napravila veliki<br />napredak u oblasti skladi&scaron;tenja i prenosa podataka.&nbsp; Doktorska<br />disertacija defini&scaron;e fazi XML sintaksu koja kombinuje neodređenosti<br />u vrednostima XML-a i neodređenosti u strukturi XML dokumenata.<br />Takođe, rad pro&scaron;iruje standardnu XQuery upitnu sintaksu fazi<br />elementima i uvodi prioritete i pragove zadovoljenja pomoću<br />GPFCSP-a. Za razliku od drugih radova koji se fokusiraju na<br />postavljanje teorija i definisanje sintaksi, rad posebnu pažnju<br />posvećuje praktičnoj upotrebi definisanih sintaksi. Za potrebe<br />istraživanja razvijen je softverski paket koji omogućava rad kako sa<br />standardnim, tako i sa fazi XML, XSD i DTD dokumentima, kao i<br />postavljanje i izvr&scaron;avanje prioritizovanih fazi XQuery upita. Alat je<br />testiran nad primerima iz prakse.</p> / <p>In real life, as opposed to virtual, most information comes in the<br />form of imprecise or incomplete values. XML&nbsp; technology has<br />made great progress in the field of storage and data transfer.<br />This doctoral dissertation&nbsp; developed XML extension which<br />combines&nbsp; indefiniteness in the values of XML and<br />indefiniteness in the structure of XML into a single fuzzy XML<br />extension. Furthermore,&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; expands XQuery syntax<br />with fuzzy values and&nbsp; includes priorities and thresholds in<br />fuzzy XQuery extension using&nbsp; GPFCSP for the first time.<br />Unlike other papers that focus on setting up theories and<br />defining syntax, in this&nbsp; dissertation, special attention&nbsp; is turned<br />to their practical use. A tool for working with XML, XSD and<br />DTD documents and prioritized fuzzy XQuery extension<br />queries has been developed. The tool has been tested on<br />practical examples.</p>

Model računarskog simulacionog sistema za upravljanje geoprostorom u uslovima neodređenosti / Model of the Computer Simulation System for Managing Geospace under Uncertainty Conditions

Obradović Đorđe 18 April 2011 (has links)
<p>Cilj - Cilj istraživanja je razvoj modela, implementacija prototipa i verifikacija računarskog simulacionog sistema koji omogućuje rad sa nepreciznim geoprostornim podacima u realnim uslovima, i pro&scaron;irivanje postojećiim sistemima, razvoja novih algoritama za obradu, novih modela za reprezentaciju procesa i njihovu integraciju.<br />Metodologija - Za modeliranje neodređenosti i nepreciznosti u podacima i procesima kori&scaron;ćen je fazi pristup. Za razvoj softverskog sistema kori&scaron;ćen je objektni pristup (UML 2.0.), model vi&scaron;eslojne distribuirane softverske arhitekture, kombinacija vi&scaron;e objektno orijentisanih programskih jezika, i standardi iz oblasti prostornih podataka i procesa. Verifikacija je izvr&scaron;ena na primeru ekstrakcije prostornih osobina na<br />osnovu rasterskih mapa, i implementirana su dva prostorna procesa u skladu sa definisanim modelima.<br />Rezultati - Predloženi su modeli tačkastih (fazi tačka), pravolinijskih (fazi duž) i jednostavnih povr&scaron;inskih (fazi trougao, fazi krug) nepreciznih objekata pomoću fazi skupova. Date su definicije i osobine osnovnih prostornih operacija (prostorna merenja, prostorne funkcije i prostorne relacije). Dat je predlog za modeliranje geoprostornih procesa i algoritam za odreĎivanje fazi konveksnog omotača koji se odlikuje smanjenom računskom složeno&scaron;ću u odnosu na postojeće algoritme.<br />Ograničenja istraživanja/implikacije &ndash; Sistem ne obuhvata standardizovan format za razmenu nepreciznih prostornih podataka. To znači da se format razmene mora implementirati u softveru.<br />Praktične implikacije - Predloženi modeli mogu se, pre svega, koristiti u geografskim informacionim sistemima, ali i u analizi slike, te drugim zadacima koji zahtevaju modelovanje realnog prostora (robotika i slično).<br />Originalnost/vrednost &ndash; Originalni doprinosi su sledeći: novi modeli tačkastih (fazi tačka), pravolinijskih (fazi duž) i jednostavnih povr&scaron;inskih (fazi trougao, fazi krug) objekata, novi modeli osnovnih prostornih operacija (prostorna merenja, prostorne funkcije i prostorne relacije) i novi algoritam za odreĎivanje fazi konveksnog omotača koji se odlikuje smanjenom računskom složeno&scaron;ću u odnosu na postojeće algoritme.</p> / <p> Purpose- The purpose is model development, software prototype implementation and verification of the computer simulation system which provides support for imprecise data processing under real conditions, as well as extensions to existing systems, development of novel algorithms for data processing, new models for processes&rsquo; representation and their integration.<br /> Design/methodology/approach - Fuzzy approach is used for modelling uncertainties and imprecision. For the software system&rsquo;s development object approach (UML 2.0), multi-tiered distributed software architecture,<br /> combination of several object programming languages, and standards for geospatial data and processes are deployed. Verification is carried out by the example of spatial features extraction from raster maps which is applied to two spatial processes compliant to the proposed model.<br /> Findings- Models for point (fuzzy point), line (fuzzy line) and simple planar (fuzzy triangle, fuzzy circle) imprecise objects are proposed. The definitions and basic features of spatial operations (spatial measurements, spatial functions and spatial relations) are given. A proposal for modelling geospatial processes is given and the algorithm for fuzzy convex hull characterized by reduced computational complexity.<br /> Research limitations/implications - The system does not comprise standardized format for imprecise data interchange. This means that interchange format should be implemented within the software.<br /> Practical implications - The proposed models can be used, primarily for geographic information systems, but they can be also deployed in image analysis as well as tasks requiring modelling of the real space (robotics, etc.).<br /> Originality/Value - The main original contributions are: novel models for point (fuzzy point), line (fuzzy line) and simple planar (fuzzy triangle, fuzzy circle) imprecise objects, novel models for imprecise spatial operations (spatial measurements, spatial functions and spatial relations), and the algorithm for fuzzy convex hull characterized by reduced computational complexity.</p>

Primena uopštenih inverza u rešavanju fazi linearnih sistema / Application of generalized inversis on solving fuzzy linear szstems

Miler Jerković Vera 14 May 2018 (has links)
<p>Predmet izučavanja doktorske disertacije jeste postavljanje univerzalne metode za rešavanje fazi linearnih sistema primenom blokovske reprezentacije uopštenih inverza matrice. Pre svega, postavljen je potreban i dovoljan uslov za ekzistenciju rešanja fazi linearnog sistema. Zatim je data tačna algebarska forma rešenja i na kraju je predstavljen efikasan algoritam.</p> / <p>Thе subject of research of thesis is setting universal method for solving fuzzy linear systems using a block representation of generalized inversis of a matrix. A necessary and sufficienf condition for the existence solutions of fuzzy linear systems is given. The exact algebraic form of any solutiof fuzzy linear system is established.</p>

Mere neodređenosti i primena u aktuarstvu / Uncertainty measures and actuarial application

Paunović Marija 06 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja ovog rada su mere neodređenosti, posebno mera<br />kredibliteta, kao i mogućnost njihove primene u aktuarstvu. U cilju<br />generalizacije teorije kredibiliteta, uvedena je nova mera, nazvana mera c-<br />kredibiliteta. Mera c-kredibiliteta na X je skupovna funkcija takva da su<br />zadovoljene osobine normalnosti, monotonosti, samodualnosti i maksimalnosti.<br />Za nju su dokazane neke osobine kao što su npr. subaditivnost i<br />poluneprekidnost. Nadalje, definisan je integral zasnovan na meri c-<br />kredibiliteta, a navedena su i dokazana određena svojstva. Nova mera je uvedena<br />i u fazi okruženju kao agregirana vrednost mera mogućnosti i neophodnosti.</p> / <p>This thesis studies uncertainty measures, especially credibility measure, as well as<br />the possibility of their application in actuaries. In order to generalize credibility theory,<br />a new fuzzy measure is proposed, called c &minus; credibility measure. C &minus; credibility<br />measure on X is a set function that satisfies normality, monotonicity, self-duality and<br />maximality. Certain properties of the c&minus;credibility measure are proved, such as, for<br />example, subadditivity and semicontinuity. Furthermore, an integral based on this<br />measure is defined, in analogy to the existing integrals, and its properties are proved.<br />Then, the credibility measure in a fuzzy environment is introduced as the aggregate<br />value of the possibility and necessity measures.</p>

Nejednakosti za integrale bazirane na neaditivnim merama

Štrboja Mirjana 30 November 2011 (has links)
<p>Klasi&pound;ne integralne nejednakosti vezane za Lebegov integral uop&sup2;tene<br />su za integrale bazirane na neaditivnim merama. U ovoj tezi dokazana je<br />Bervaldova nejednakost za Sugenov integral. Data je nejednakost koju zadovoljava<br />univerzalni integral, &pound;ije su posledice nejednakosti ebi&sup2;eva i Minkovskog.<br />Uop&sup2;tenja nejednakosti Jensena, ebi&sup2;eva, Holdera i Minkovskog<br />dokazane su za pseudo-integral i data je njihova primena u pseudo-verovatno-<br />&cent;i. Sli&pound;no kao u klasi&pound;noj teoriji mere pokazane nejednakosti za pseudointegral<br />su primenjene prilikom uop&sup2;tavanja klasi&pound;nog Lp prostora</p>

Model procene kvaliteta podzemne vode sa povećanim sadržajem arsena primenom fazi logike / Model assessment for groundwater quality with elevated arsenic content with application of fuzzy logic

Kiurski-Milošević Jelena 20 September 2015 (has links)
<p>Doktorska disertacija &ldquo;Model procene kvaliteta podzemne vode sa<br />povećanim sadržajem arsena primenom fazi logike&rdquo; urađena je kao rezultat<br />potrebe za istraživanjem mogućnosti primene fazi logike u savremenom<br />pristupu procene kvaliteta podzemnih voda. Imajući u vidu da ova tematika<br />nije dovoljno istražena u na&scaron;em okruženju i da joj nije dat odgovarajući<br />akcenat i težina, osnovni cilj disertacije je da se razrade optimalni modeli za<br />procenu kvaliteta podzemnih voda sa povećanim sadržajem arsena.<br />Disertacija pored teorijske dimenzije prezentuje i primenu evaluiranih fazi<br />modela na primeru eksperimenatlno odabranog lokaliteta grada Zrenjanina.<br />Razvijene modele je moguće transponovati na urbanim i ruralnim područjima<br />uz odgovarajuće iteracije.</p> / <p>PhD Thesis &ldquo;Model assessment for groundwater quality with elevated arsenic<br />content with application of fuzzy logic&rdquo; was elaborated as a result of the need<br />to explore the possibilities of application of fuzzy logic in the modern<br />approach of assessing the groundwater quality. Because this issue has not<br />been sufficiently explored and it was not given proper emphasis and weight,<br />the main aim of the dissertation is to develop optimal models for assessing<br />the groundwater quality with elevated arsenic content. Dissertation, besides<br />theoretical dimensions, presente and evaluate the implementation of the<br />created models to the experimentaly selected locality of the city of Zrenjanin.<br />The developed models can be transposed to the urban and rural areas with<br />appropriate iteration.</p>

Nepokretna tačka u metričkim i generalizovanim metričkim prostorima / Fixed point in metric and generalized metric spaces

Carić Biljana 26 February 2018 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja u doktorskoj disertaciji su metode za egzistenciju i konstrukciju nepokretne tačke za jednoznačna i višeznačna preslikavanja kontraktivnog tipa u metričkom i generalizovanim metričkim prostorima (konveksan metrički, fazi metrički i fazi G metrički prostor).</p> / <p>The subject of research in the doctoral dissertation is the methods for the existence and construction of a fixed point for the single and multivalued mappings of a contraction type in metric and in generalized spaces(convex metric spaces, fuzzy metric spaces and fuzzy G-metric spaces).</p>

Modeli neodređenosti u obradi digitalnih slika / Models of digital image processing under uncertainty

Delić Marija 01 September 2020 (has links)
<p>Problemi klasifikacije i segmentacije digitalnih slika su veoma<br />aktuelni i zastupljeni u praksi. Potreba za modelima koji razmatraju<br />ovu problematiku u poslednjih nekoliko decenija ubrzanim tempom<br />poprima sve veći značaj i obim u svakodnevnom životu. Koriste se u<br />računarskoj grafici, prepoznavanju oblika, medicinskoj analizi slika,<br />saobraćaju, analizi dokumenata, pokreta i izraza lica i sl.<br />U okviru ove disertacije, predstavljeno istraživanje motivisano je<br />primenama razvijenih modela u klasifikaciji i segmentaciji<br />digitalnih slika. Istraživanje obuhvata dva segmenta. Ovi segmenti<br />povezani su terminom neodređenosti, koji je uz upotrebu adekvatnog<br />matematičkog aparata (teorije fazi skupova), ugrađen u modele razvije<br />za primenu u obradi slike.<br />Jedan pravac istraživanja baziran je na teoriji fazi skupova, t-<br />normama, t-konormama, operatorima agregacije i agregiranim<br />funkcijama rastojanja. U okviru toga, istraživanje je sprovedeno sa<br />struktuiranom matematičkom podlogom, izložene su osnovne<br />definicije, teoreme, kao i osobine korištenih operatora, prošireni<br />su teorijski koncepti t-normi i t-konormi. Definisani su novi tipovi<br />operatora agregacije i njihovom primenom konstruisane su nove<br />funkcije rastojanja, čija je upotreba diskutovana kroz uspešnost u<br />procesu segmentacije digitalnih slika.<br />Drugi pravac istraživanja, izložen u ovoj disertaciji, obuhvata više<br />inženjerski pristup rešavanju problema klasifikacije tekstura<br />digitalnih slika. U skladu sa tim, detaljno je analizirana i<br />diskutovana klasa lokalnih binarnih deskriptora teksture.<br />Inspirisana uspešnošću pomenute LBP klase deskriptora, uvedena je<br />jedna nova podfamilija &alpha;-deskriptora teksture. Uvedeni model<br />deskriptora formiran je na temeljima idejnih principa lokalnih<br />binarnih kodova i bazičnih pojmova iz teorije fazi skupova. Praktična<br />upotreba i značaj predstavljenog modela demonstrirani su kroz veoma<br />uspešne procese klasifikacije na nekoliko javno dostupnih baza slika.</p> / <p>Classification and segmentation problems of digital images is a very attractive<br />topic and has been making impact in many different applied disciplines. In the<br />past few decades, the demand for models that address these issues has been<br />gaining momentum and applications in everyday life. These models are used in<br />computer graphics, shape recognition, medical image analysis, traffic, document<br />analysis, facial movements and expressions, etc.<br />The research within this doctoral dissertation was motivated by the application of<br />developed methods in classification and segmentation tasks. The conducted<br />research covered two segments, which were linked by the term of indeterminacy,<br />with the usage of the theory of fuzzy sets, which is incorporated into methods<br />developed for application in image processing.<br />One direction of the research was founded on the theory of fuzzy sets, t-norms,<br />t-conorms, aggregation operators, and aggregated distance functions. Within this<br />framework, the research was conducted with a structured mathematical<br />background. Firstly, basic definitions, theorems and characteristics of the used<br />operators were presented, followed by the theoretical concepts of t-norms and tconorms<br />that were extended. New types of aggregation operators and distance<br />functions were defined, and finally, their contribution in the digital image<br />segmentation process was explored and discussed.<br />The second direction of the research presented in this dissertation involved more<br />of an engineering-type of approach to solving the problem of the classification of<br />digital image textures. To that end, a class of local binary texture descriptors<br />(LBPs) was analyzed and discussed in detail. Inspired by the results of the<br />above-mentioned LBP descriptors, one new sub-family of the $\alpha$-<br />descriptors was introduced by the author. The introduced descriptor model was<br />based on the conceptual principles of LBPs and basic definitions from the fuzzy<br />set theory. Its practical usage and importance were established and reflected in<br />very successful classification results, achieved in the application on several<br />publicly available image datasets.</p>

Modeliranje efikasnosti i efektivnosti željezničkih operatera / Modeling of the efficiency and effectiveness of railway undertakings

Blagojević Aleksandar 22 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se razvije model za ocjenu<br />efikasnosti i efektivnosti željezničkih operatera koji bi<br />bio u funkciji povećanja konkurentskih sposobnosti istih. Da<br />bi se to ostvarilo na osnovu stanja u literaturi i praksi,<br />definisani su i vrednovani kriterijumi koji utiču na<br />efikasnost i efektivnost i izvršen njihov izbor primjenom<br />fazi AXP. Razvijeni su modeli za ocjenu efikasnosti<br />željezničkog operatera. U razvoju modela korišćeni su<br />principi DEA i fazi logike da se modeluje neodređenost u<br />podacima i koristi ekspertsko znanje za ocjenu. Testiranjem<br />modela na željezničkom operateru u BiH zaključeno je da je<br />model primjenljiv kao alat za ocjenu efikasnosti.</p> / <p>The objective of this study was to develop a model for evaluating the<br />effectiveness and efficiency of railway undertakings, which would be<br />aimed at increasing the competitive capabilities of the railway<br />undertakings. In order to achieve this on the basis of the state in<br />literature and practice, the criteria that affect the efficiency and<br />effectiveness are defined and evaluated and their selection is made<br />with the application of Fuzzy AHP. Models for the assessment of the<br />efficiency of railway undertakings have been developed. In developing<br />the model, the principles of DEA and Fuzzy logic have been used to<br />model the uncertainty in the data and to use the expertise for<br />assessment. By testing the model on the railway undertaking in Bosnia<br />and Herzegovina it was concluded that the model is useful as a tool for<br />the assessment of efficiency.</p>

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