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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reducción catalítica de Óxidos de Nitrógeno (NOx) en corrientes gaseosas

UZCATEGUI PAREDES, ALVARO 11 June 2010 (has links)
En esta tesis se estudia la reducción catalítica de los óxidos de nitrógeno, procedentes de emisiones de vehículos móviles, en condiciones de exceso de aire. Se optimiza un catalizador, basado en hidrotalcitas, Co/Mg/Al, dopadas con V/Na. Por otro lado, se estudia la eliminación de estos contaminantes en un FCC, empleando para ellos catalizadores basados en Ce/Al en forma de nanopartículas dopados con otros metales de transición. / Uzcategui Paredes, A. (2010). Reducción catalítica de Óxidos de Nitrógeno (NOx) en corrientes gaseosas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8408

Utilización de residuos de Neumáticos Fuera de Uso en conglomerantes con base cemento portland y de activación alcalina para uso en prefabricados de bajo coste económico y medioambiental

Gudiel Rodríguez, Edwin Roberto 20 November 2017 (has links)
Abstract In many countries around the world, and even more so in developing countries, the problem of the use of end-of-life tires (NFU) is very much present, mainly because they lack selective collection and an adequate management system. The retreading method is the alternative process in NFU management, which consists of replacing the worn tread of a used tire, performing the reconstruction of its original structure. The scraping of the surface is the stage where all the waste that is obtained in the form of tire fibers (FN) and particles is generated. This type of waste can be valued as raw material to obtain pre-fabricated non-conventional building elements and low economic and environmental costs. In this work, tire residues have been used in the preparation of cement / pozzolan matrices and alkaline activation matrices. For this purpose different residues have been used: In the case of cementitious matrices, a residue of the petroleum industry has been used as pozzolan; The fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) as a 15% substitution of cement for this residue. In the case of geopolymeric mortars, two types of waste have been used as the precursor agent: FCC, and blast furnace slag (SC). On the other hand, and for the preparation of the activator solution, a mixture of sodium hydroxide and rice husk ash (CCA) has been used as the source of silica. In parallel, and for mortars with slag, sodium carbonate activator has been used as activator. In all previous systems, part or all of the aggregate has been replaced by FN, as an ecological option for the reuse of this material. The objective of this study is to evaluate the NFU from its application as FN in ultra-light binder mixtures based on portland cement and alkaline activated cement, so that many of its physical, mechanical, thermal and thermographic properties have been analyzed, To develop applications in civil engineering and building as is the case of microconcrete tiles. The use of FN decreases the density of the hardened mixtures and reaches the minimum values of compressive strength, collected by the standard for masonry pieces. On the other hand, the analysis of thermography and thermal conductivity show that the increase of FN in the dosage of mortars decreases the values of heat transmitted in the studied material, reaching lower values than in conventional concretes and similar to that of light concrete with clay expanded. / Resumen En muchos países del mundo y más aún en países en desarrollo está muy presente el problema generado por la presencia de los neumáticos fuera de uso (NFU), fundamentalmente porque carecen de una recogida selectiva y de un adecuado sistema de gestión. El método del recauchutado es el proceso alternativo en la gestión de NFU el cual consiste en sustituir la banda de rodadura gastada de un neumático usado, realizando la reconstrucción de su estructura original. El raspado de la superficie, es la etapa donde se genera la totalidad de los residuos que se obtienen en forma de fibras de neumático (FN) y partículas. Este tipo de residuos puede ser valorizado como materia prima para obtener elementos de construcción prefabricados no convencionales y de bajo coste económico y medio ambiental. En este trabajo se han usado residuos de neumáticos en la preparación de matrices de cemento/puzolana y matrices de activación alcalina. Para ello se han utilizado distintos residuos: En el caso de matrices cementicias se han utilizado como puzolana un residuo de la industria del petróleo; el catalizador gastado de craqueo catalítico (FCC) como una sustitución del 15% de cemento por este residuo. En el caso de los morteros geopoliméricos se ha usado como agente precursor dos tipos de residuos: el FCC, y la escoria de alto horno (SC). Por otra parte, y para la preparación de la disolución activadora se ha usado una mezcla de hidróxido sódico con ceniza de cáscara de arroz (CCA), como fuente de sílice. Paralelamente, y para los morteros con escoria, se ha usado como activador carbonato sódico. En todos los sistemas anteriores, se han sustituido parte o todo el árido por FN, como una opción ecológica para la reutilización de este material. El objetivo de este estudio es la valorización del NFU a partir de su aplicación como FN en mezclas conglomerantes ultraligeras con base de cemento portland y cemento activado alcalinamente, por lo que se han analizado muchas de sus propiedades, físicas, mecánicas, térmicas y termográfica, para desarrollar aplicaciones en la ingeniería civil y la edificación como es el caso de las tejas de microconcreto. El uso de FN disminuye la densidad de las mezclas endurecidas y alcanza los valores mínimos de resistencia a compresión, recogidos por la norma para piezas de mampostería. Por otra parte, el análisis de termografía y de conductividad térmica manifiestan que el incremento de FN en la dosificación de los morteros disminuye los valores de calor transmitido en el material estudiado, alcanzando valores menores que en hormigones convencionales y similares al del hormigón ligero con arcilla expandida. / Resum A molts països del món, i especialment en països en desenvolupament, està molt present el problema produït per la presència dels pneumàtics fora d'ús (NFU), principalment perquè els manca una recollida selectiva i amb un adequat sistema de gestió. El mètode del recautxutat és el procés alternatiu en la gestió de NFU, el qual consisteix en substituir la banda de rodament gastada d'un pneumàtic utilitzat, realitzant la reconstrucció de la seua estructura original. El raspat de la superfície és l'etapa on es genera la totalitat dels residus que s'obtenen en forma de fibres de pneumàtic (FN) i partícules. Aquest tipus de residus pot ser valoritzat com a matèria prima per a obtenir elements prefabricats no convencionals i de baix cost econòmic i mediambiental. En aquest treball s'han utilitzat residus de pneumàtics en la preparació de matrius de ciment/putzolana i matrius d'activació alcalina. Amb eixe objectiu, s'han utilitzat diversos residus: En el cas de matrius cementícies s'ha utilitzat com a putzolana un residu de la industria del petroli; el catalitzador gastat de craqueig catalític (FCC) com una substitució del 15% de ciment per aquest residu. En el cas dels morters geopolimèrics, s'han utilitzat com agent precursor dos tipus de residus: el FCC i l'escòria d'alts forns (SC). D'altra banda, per a la preparació de la dissolució activadora s'ha utilitzat una mescla d'hidròxid sòdic amb cendra de la corfa d'arrós (CCA) com a font de sílice. En tots els sistemes mencionats, s'ha substituït parcial o totalment l'àrid per FN, com una opció ecològica per a la reutilització d'aquest material. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és la valorització del NFU a partir de la seua aplicació com FN en mescles conglomerants ultralleugeres amb base de ciment pòrtland i ciment activat alcalinament. Per aquest motiu, s'han analitzat moltes de les seues propietats, físiques, mecàniques, tèrmiques i termogràfiques, per a desenvolupar aplicacions en l'enginyeria civil i l'edificació, com ara les teules de microformigó. L'ús de FN disminueix la densitat de les mescles endurides i aconsegueix els valors mínims de resistència a compressió, recollits per la norma per a peces de maçoneria. D'altra banda, l'anàlisi de termografia i de conductivitat tèrmica manifesten que l'augment de FN en la dosificació dels morters disminueix els valors de calor transmès en el material estudiat, obtenint valors menors comparat amb els formigons convencionals i similars al formigó lleuger amb argila expandida. / Gudiel Rodríguez, ER. (2017). Utilización de residuos de Neumáticos Fuera de Uso en conglomerantes con base cemento portland y de activación alcalina para uso en prefabricados de bajo coste económico y medioambiental [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/91231

Parameter estimation of a six-lump kinetic model of an industrial fluid catalytic cracking unit

John, Yakubu M., Mustafa, M.A., Patel, Rajnikant, Mujtaba, Iqbal 19 September 2018 (has links)
Yes / In this work a simulation of detailed steady state model of an industrial fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit with a newly proposed six-lumped kinetic model which cracks gas oil into diesel, gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), dry gas and coke. Frequency factors, activation energies and heats of reaction for the catalytic cracking kinetics and a number of model parameters were estimated using a model based parameter estimation technique along with data from an industrial FCC unit in Sudan. The estimated parameters were used to predict the major riser fractions; diesel as 0.1842 kg-lump/kg-feed with a 0.81% error while gasoline as 0.4863 kg-lump/kg-feed with a 2.71% error compared with the plant data. Thus, with good confidence, the developed kinetic model is able to simulate any type of FCC riser with six-lump model as catalyst-to-oil (C/O) ratios were varied and the results predicted the typical riser profiles.

Modeling the Role of Surfaces and Grain Boundaries in Plastic Deformation

Kuhr, Bryan Richard 15 August 2017 (has links)
In this dissertation, simulation techniques are used to understand the role of surfaces and grain boundaries in the deformation response of metallic materials. This research utilizes atomistic scale modeling to study nanoscale deformation phenomena with time and spatial resolution not available in experimental testing. Molecular dynamics techniques are used to understand plastic deformation of grain boundaries and surfaces in metals under different configurations and loading procedures. Stress and strain localization phenomena are investigated at plastically deformed boundaries in axially strain thin film samples. Joint experimental and modelling work showed increased stress states at the intersections of slip planes and grain boundaries. This effect, as well as several other differences related to stress and strain localization are thoroughly examined in digital samples with two different grain boundary relaxation states. It is found that localized stress and strain is exacerbated by initial boundary disorder. Dislocation content in the randomly generated boundaries of these samples was quantified via the dislocation extraction algorithm. Significant numbers of lattice dislocations were present in both deformed and undeformed samples. Trends in dislocation content during straining were identified for individual samples and boundaries but were not consistent across all examples. The various contributions to dislocation content and the implications on material behavior are discussed. The effects of grain boundary hydrogen on the deformation response of a digital Ni polycrystalline thin film sample is reported. H content is found to change the structure of the boundaries and effect dislocation emission. The presence of dispersed hydrogen caused a slight increase in yield strength, followed by an increase in grain boundary dislocation emission and an increase in grain boundary crack formation and growth. An atomistic nano indenter is employed to study the nanoscale contact behavior of the indenter-surface interface during nano-indentation. Several indentation simulations are executed with different interatomic potentials and different indenter orientations. A surface structure is identified that forms consistently regardless of these variables. This structure is found to affect several atomic layers of the sample. The implications of this effect on the onset of plasticity are discussed. Finally, the implementation of an elastic/plastic continuum contact solution for use in mesoscale molecular dynamics simulations of solid spheres is discussed. The contact model improves on previous models for the forces response of colliding spheres by accounting for a plastic regime after the point of yield. The specifics of the model and its implementation are given in detail. Overall, the dissertation presents insights into basic plastic deformation phenomena using a combination of experiment and theory. Despite the limitations of atomistic techniques, current computational power allows meaningful comparison with experiments. / Ph. D. / Certain engineering metals have a remarkable bend-then-break quality. This allows a metal component to withstand damage without totally failing. The process of permanent distortion is called plastic deformation. Metals, in nearly all practical forms, contain defects. During plastic deformation, defects are generated, moved, changed and annihilated. The rates of these actions govern the mechanical behavior of metals. There are several types of defects and several ways in which they can interact, forming a complex interplay during plastic deformation. The focus of this dissertation is on plastic deformation associated with two particular defect types: surfaces and grain boundaries. Because these defects occur on a very small length scale, the details of their behavior can best be observed via simulation. For this reason, Molecular Dynamics was employed as the primary research tool, and other methods were used for validation. This allows fully 3D rendering of our simulated samples with atom-scale resolution, and complete stress/energy information. In each of the 6 manuscripts presented in this dissertation, new insights into the plastic deformation around surfaces or grain boundaries is presented.

Craqueamento catalítico de n-Heptano sobre zeólitas ZSM-12 com diferentes razões SiO2/Al2O3 visando obter aditivos de baixo custo para catalisadores de FCC

Silva, Alexandre Caldeira 27 February 2009 (has links)
The oil is of vital importance to society due to its derivatives with large employment in economic activities and especially its use as an energy source. The economic and social expansion of the country in recent decades, it requires significant development of our infrastructure, especially in the energy sector. The oil that is positioned as the energy source worldwide leader showed marked increase in the average international price over the past years. In this adverse scenario, improvements in the process of refining the oil representing the large-scale gains for society. The present research study is to evaluate the characteristics of efficiency of catalysis of zeolites ZSM-12 for use as additives for lowcost production of heterogeneous microporous catalysts for catalytic cracking of step (FCC), allowing further reductions in the cost of refining oil. The zeolites are crystalline aluminosilicates, which, in its acid form, playing the role of the main active component of FCC catalysts. In our study the zeolite ZSM-12 (zeolite Socony Mobil) a zeolite synthesized with high SiO2/Al2O3 ratio that presents a structure formed by pores dimensional elliptical opening 12 containing tetrahedral SiO4 (or AlO4) with diameter of 5.5 x 5.9 Å. The results were very promising for the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio assessed, with high conversion and selectivity (mainly the C1 and C3), pointing to ZSM-12 that potential low cost of zeolitic additive for FCC catalysts. / O Petróleo é de vital importância para a sociedade devido aos seus derivados com largo emprego nas atividades econômicas e principalmente sua utilização como fonte energética. A expansão econômica e social do país, nas últimas décadas, vem exigindo importante desenvolvimento da nossa infra-estrutura, notadamente no setor de energia. O petróleo que se posiciona como a fonte de energia líder mundial, apresentou acentuada oscilação do preço médio internacional ao longo dos últimos anos, atingindo no segundo semestre do ano de 2008 o maior preço já praticado desde os primórdios da indústria petrolífera. Neste cenário adverso, melhorias no processo de refino do petróleo representam ganhos em larga escala para sociedade. O presente trabalho de pesquisa teve como finalidade avaliar as características de eficiência de catálise de zeólitas ZSM-12 (Zeolite Socony Mobil) para serem utilizadas como aditivos de baixo custo para produção de catalisadores heterogêneos microporosos para a etapa de craqueamento catalítico (FCC), possibilitando futuras reduções no custo de refino do petróleo. As zeólitas são aluminossilicatos cristalinos, que, na sua forma ácida, desempenham o papel de principal componente ativo dos catalisadores de FCC. A zeólita ZSM-12 apresenta uma estrutura formada por poros unidimensionais de abertura elíptica contendo 12 tetraedros SiO4 (ou AlO4), com diâmetro de 5,5 x 5,9 Å. Nos experimentos foram utilizadas amostras de ZSM- 12 de razões SiO2/Al2O3 de 50, 80, 100 e 150, e foi possível observar que quanto maior a cristalinidade da amostra (verificada por difração de raios-X) maior a conversão durante o craqueamento. A região de máximo de conversão ocorre aproximadamente na razão SiO2/Al2O3 de 80 a 100 e intervalos de tempo entre 0 e 20 minutos. Os resultados mostraram-se bastante promissores para as razões SiO2/Al2O3 avaliadas, apresentando alta conversão e seletividade (principalmente ao C1 e C3), apontando a ZSM-12 como potencial aditivo zeolítico de baixo custo para catalisadores de FCC.

Controle da injeção de catalisador em uma unidade piloto tipo FCC a frio.

Moura, Alex Elton de 31 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-04-15T15:07:33Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação CONTROLE DA INJEÇÃO DE CATALISADOR EM UMA UNIDADE PILOTO TIPO FCC A FRIO.pdf: 3413557 bytes, checksum: 5abbf7dd3a8cab8c21085e585d6282f6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-15T15:07:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação CONTROLE DA INJEÇÃO DE CATALISADOR EM UMA UNIDADE PILOTO TIPO FCC A FRIO.pdf: 3413557 bytes, checksum: 5abbf7dd3a8cab8c21085e585d6282f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-31 / CNPQ / O Craqueamento Catalítico Fluidizado (FCC) é largamente utilizado no processo de refino do petróleo para transformar hidrocarbonetos de baixo valor comercial em produtos de elevado valor agregado, como gasolina, diesel e GLP. A crescente demanda de combustíveis fósseis, que são recursos não renováveis, requer melhor compreensão do processo e da operação, desafios que tem atraído o interesse da indústria e da academia pelo FCC. Esse processo é bastante competitivo e está em continuo desenvolvimento tecnológico, cujas pesquisas estão divididas em duas grandes linhas: modelos fluidodinâmicos frios e modelos cinéticos. A combinação das informações obtidas nas linhas de pesquisas deve retornar ao processo industrial e garantir a competitividade. Com essa perspectiva, foi construída uma Unidade Piloto a Frio (UPF), no Departamento de Energia Nuclear da UFPE, para a investigação de parâmetros fluidodinâmicos no riser da unidade com auxílio das medidas de transmissão gama. A transmissão gama é requerida como método não intrusivo para medir a distribuição da concentração do catalisador no reator do FCC o riser. Com a operação da UPF realizam-se medidas em tempo real de pressão, vazão, intensidade da radiação, com a condição de que a automação garante que as variáveis do sistema estão sob controle. Este controle é necessário para realização das medidas porque as hipóteses dos modelos matemáticos para simular o escoamento bifásico ar–catalisador de FCC, assumem que o sistema é um leito fluidizado circulando em regime estacionário. Numa unidade piloto como no processo industrial, o controle da injeção de catalisador é um processo de extrema importância, pois a eficiência da reação de craqueamento dos hidrocarbonetos depende da concentração e da distribuição do catalisador no riser. No presente trabalho foi desenvolvido um novo tipo de injetor de sólidos, com desempenho avaliado em função da pressão, intensidade gama e da estabilidade do sistema sob controle automatizado. Os resultados apresentados demonstram que as variáveis do processo, medidas em tempo real, apresentaram a precisão requerida para a operação do sistema em regime estacionário. / The Fluid Catalyst Cracking FCC is a worldwide used process in petroleum refinery aiming to break fossils long carbohydrates chains into more commercial interesting products as gasoline, diesel, GLP. Increasing demand for renewable energy due to time limiting of the fossils sources and also for environmental reasons requires a continuous development and innovation of the FCC process. Such a demand brings technologic and academic efforts in order to keep FCC as a competitive commercial process. Therefore, the research follows two big lines: fluid dynamics and kinetic which for physical models are developed to simulate industrial plants for studying and return the obtained innovation. Looking for such a research perspective a cold model UPF was installed at Nuclear Energy Department of UFPE for fluid dynamic parameters investigation by means of gamma ray transmission measurements. The nuclear nonintrusive technique is required in the riser for the solid concentration distribution measurements. Online measurements of pressure, flow and gamma intensity are carried out during UPF automated operation that is keeping by control a stead state regime. Such operational conditions are assumed in the hypotheses of mathematical models that air-FCC catalyst flow can be simulated as a circulating fluidized bed in a stead state regime. As for a pilot unit in industrial plants the solid injection in riser is very important as the catalyst concentration distribution maps the cracking reactions, therefore, determining process efficiency. In this work a new solid injector was developed, its capability in keeping stable operational conditions was demonstrated by pressure and gamma intensity measurements under automation control.

Propriedades magnéticas do modelo de Hubbard em estruturas tipo FCC

Souza, Thiago Xavier Rocha de 10 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The study about magnetic properties of strongly correlated electrons has been an problem of interest in physics by the great technological importance of various materials with this characteristic. A well-known theoretical approach, known as the Hubbard model, has been used in an attempt to describe such phenomena. This model considers the interactions and electron mobility in a simplified way for describing phenomena like itinerant magnetism and the metal-insulator transition. In this study were analyzed the thermodynamic clusters properties of structures with fcc lattice symmetry containing 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 sites. An exact numerical diagonalization method was used, where the subspaces of the problem were separatly analyzed and put together on, which is a procedure that reduces the processing data time. In order to improve the diagram of quantum states also carried out a ground state analysis of the clusters, known in the literature and obtained from systems with 4, 5 and 6 sites. On this subject a new diagram was developed showing the quantum states transition using the Lanczos method, applied to clusters with 4 to 8 sites in this case. Finally, a comparison was made between the thermodynamic properties and the results found in the new quantum state diagram. The agreement between them is good. / O estudo de propriedades magnéticas de elétrons fortemente correlacionados tem sido um problema de interesse da física pela grande importância tecnológica de vários materiais com essa característica. Uma famosa abordagem teórica, conhecida como modelo de Hubbard, vem sendo utilizada na tentativa de descrever esse tipo fenômeno. Esse modelo considera interações e a mobilidade eletrônica descrevendo de forma simplificada fenômenos como magnetismo itinerante e transição metal-isolante. Neste trabalho foram analisadas propriedades termodinâmicas de clusters de estruturas com simetria da rede fcc contendo 4, 5, 6, 7 e 8 sítios. Foi utilizado um método de diagonalização numérica exata, onde os subespaços do problema foram analisados separadamente e reunidos posteriormente, procedimento que reduz o tempo de processamento dos dados. Foi também realizada uma análise do estado fundamental dos clusters com o intuito de aprimorar o diagrama de estados quânticos, conhecido na literatura, obtido a partir de sistemas com 4, 5 e 6 sítios. Sobre esse assunto, foi desenvolvido um novo diagrama que indica a transição de estados quânticos a partir da utilização do método de Lanczos, neste caso, aplicado a clusters de 4 a 8 sítios. Por fim, foi feita uma análise comparativa entre as propriedades termodinâmicas e os resultados encontrados no novo diagrama de estados quânticos que mostraram boa coerência entre si.

Tuning the Curie temperature and phase fraction of FeNi25-based alloys with Mn and Co for magnetocaloric applications

Sanglé-Ferrière, Marie January 2020 (has links)
This paper discusses the search of an FeNi25-based alloy with a face-centered cubic crystal structure exhibiting a Curie point around room temperature, for magnetocaloric applications. Fe was substituted in various amounts with FCC-stabilising elements Mn and Co as these elements respectively decrease and increase the Curie Temperature, thus enabling to tune the Curie point. Three characterization methods were carried out on the samples: Magneto- thermo-gravimetry (MTG), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and finally, vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) measurements were performed. All samples displayed several Curie points, each corresponding to various FCC phases. Also, the last sample, FeNi25Mn6Co2, had an FCC phase fraction of almost 99% and presented two Curie points in the continuity of one another one at -35°C and another at 91°C. Hence, at room temperature, the sample underwent a magnetic phase transition passing from its ferromagnetic state to a paramagnetic one. / Detta arbete består i att utröna möjligheterna att med utgångspunkt från den binära sammansättningen FeNi25 erhålla en ytcentrerad kubisk fas (fcc) med en Curie punkt vid rumstemperatur. Syftet är att använda dessa legeringar i magnetokaloriska tillämpningar. Strategin är att både Mn och Co är fcc stabliliserande grundämnen, och att Mn sänker och Co ökar Curie temperaturen. Tre olika karakteriseringsmetoder användes; röntgendiffraktometri (struktur), Magneto-Termo-Gravimetri (magnetisering vs temperatur) och konventionell magnetometri vid rumstemperatur (magnetisering vs magnetiskt fält, Vibrating Sample Magnetometry VSM). Resultaten visar att även om kristallstrukturen i det närmaste är fullständigt fcc, så ger de magnetiska mätningarna vid handen att flera olika faser är vid handen med avesvärt olika Curie temperaturer. Som en illustration av detta förhållande kan nämnas att sammansättningen FeNi25Mn6Co2 uppvisar en fcc-fraktion på i det närmaste 99%, men har vid en M(T) mätning ett förlopp som enklast förklaras med en Curie punkt vid ca -35C och en ytterligare vid ca 90°C. Denna observation signalerar att de magnetiska egenskaperna torde vara mer beroende av exakt distribution av de ingående atomslagen i fcc strukturen än vad de röntgendiffraktometriska undersökningarna kan detektera.

Aspects of QCD uncertainties and fast QCD predictions for high-energy collider experiments

Bothmann, Enrico 03 November 2016 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit adressieren wir die Schwierigkeit, Präzisionsvorhersagen mit dem kompletten Satz theoretischer Unsicherheiten in der perturbativen Quantenchromodynamik im Rahmen von Monte-Carlo-Simulationen zu treffen, angesichts der zunehmenden Komplexität der dazu nötigen Berechnungen. Die Anforderungen an die Rechenleistung können so groß sein, dass nicht in jeder Anwendung die bestmögliche Präzision erzielt wird. Wir präsentieren eine Reweighting-Methode für den Monte-Carlo-Ereignisgenerator SHERPA. Diese erstellt Variationen der nominellen Vorhersage mit vergleichsweise geringem zusätzlichen Zeitaufwand. Die Methode ist kompatibel mit aktuellen Multijet-Berechnungen nächsthöherer Ordnung, die mit Korrekturen von allen Ordnungen durch einen Partonschauer versehen sind. Zusätzlich diskutieren wir neue Entwicklungen für einen weiteren Reweighting-Ansatz, der auf QCD-Interpolationsgittern beruht. Diese ermöglichen noch schnellere Variationen für Berechnungen fester Ordnung. Solche Gitter können für Monte-Carlo-Simulationen automatisiert erstellt werden mithilfe von Interfaces wie MCgrid. Unsere Verbesserungen für MCgrid ermöglichen die Erstellung vielseitigerer Gitter, die eine größere Klasse von Berechnungen, Gitter-Implementierungen und Skalenvariationen unterstützen. Darüber hinaus diskutieren wir, auf welche Weise solche Gitter für die Unterstützung von Resummationseffekten erweitert werden müssten. Neben dem Reweighting studieren wir noch die Verwendung von Extrapolationsmethoden für die Vorhersage von Jet-Raten hoher Multiplizitäten, welche an zukünftigen Hochenergiebeschleunigern allgegenwärtig sein werden. Diese Methoden basieren auf dem Skalierungsverhalten der Jet-Raten. Eingebettet ist diese Studie in eine allgemeinere Diskussion der zu erwartenden Jet-Aktivität an einem Proton-Proton-Beschleuniger mit einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 100 TeV.

Simplified core physics and fuel cycle cost model for preliminary evaluation of LSCR fueling options

Lewis, Spenser M. 22 May 2014 (has links)
The Liquid Salt Cooled Reactor (LSCR) provides several potential benefits compared to pressurized water-cooled reactor systems. These include low operating pressure of the liquid salt coolant, the high burnup tolerance of the fuel, and the high operating temperatures which leads to increases in efficiency. However, due to inherently low heavy metal loading, the fuel cycle design presents specific challenges. In order to study options for optimizing the fuel design and fuel cycle, SCALE6.1 was used to create simplified models of the reactor and look at various parameters. The primary parameters of interest included packing factor and fuel enrichment. An economic analysis was performed on these results by developing a simple fuel cycle cost (FCC) model that could be used to compare the different options from an economic standpoint. The lithium enrichment of the FLiBe coolant was also investigated. The main focus was to understand the practical limitations associated with the Li-7 enrichment and whether it could be used for beneficial purposes. The main idea was to determine whether a lower-than-equilibrium enrichment could be used at reactor start up so that the Li-6 isotope acts as a burnable absorber. The results for the lithium enrichment study showed that the enrichment converges over time, but the amount of time required to reach steady state is much too long and the FLiBe coolant could not be utilized for reactivity control as a burnable absorber. The results found through this research provide reasonable guidelines for expected costs and narrow down the types of configurations that should be considered as fuel design options for the LSCR. Additionally, knowledge was gained on methods for modeling the system not only accurately but also efficiently to reduce the required computing power and time.

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