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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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NGOU NGOUPAYOU, JEAN DANIEL. January 1982 (has links)
A series of experiments was conducted to evaluate the value of jojoba meals in chick, rabbit and laying hen diets. Treated meals used in these studies had been subjected to solvent, chemical and microbial treatments for the removal of simmondsin toxicants. Feeding 5% untreated jojoba meal diets to either chicks, rabbits or laying hens resulted in a general poor performance as evidenced by reduced feed intake, poor growth and poor feed conversion; in addition, low egg production and egg output were obtained with laying hens. Incorporation of the untreated meal (containing 4.7% simmondsin compounds) at 10% of the diet caused 55.6% mortality in chicks. A pair-feeding study with chicks revealed that reduced feed intake rather than toxic effects was responsible for decreased growth and mortality. A similar study with rabbits showed that both high levels of simmondsin toxicants and palatability were responsible for poor growth. Of the seven meals tested with chicks, only the Lactobacillus acidophilus #1911 treated meal supported adequate growth when added to the diet at a level of 10%. However, feed conversion was poor at this level of suplementation. Lowering the simmondsin toxicants to .34% of the meal allowed adequate growth in weanling rabbits when incorporated in the diet at levels up to 15%. Slightly lower amino acid digestibilities were obtained for diets containing this meal. Studies of amino acid availabilities with the jojoba meals indicated a general low availability for the essential amino acids (33.7% for lysine and 43.4% for methionine). Starch digestibility was also low (22%) and true metabolizable energy varied from 1.71 to 1.90 kcal/g in laying hens. Jojoba meal also contains a trypsin inhibitor (TI) with activities reaching 5.48 TIU/g which was inactivated in 30 min at 15% moisture and 100 C. Tannic acid levels in the jojoba meals varied from 1.50 to 2.57%. Poor amino acid availabilities were still obtained after TI inactivation. The use of jojoba meal in the feeding of poultry or rabbits will require the removal of the simmondsin toxicants, denaturation of the TI as well as consideration of the poor amino acid availability and low energy content.

Effect of wildlife on forage selection by cattle (Bos indicus Lichtenstein) in a semi-arid environment, Kenya

Esilaba, Moses Otiali 21 July 2014 (has links)
Rangeland resources play a significant role in household production and sustainability of livelihoods among pastoral communities in Kenya. Although wildlife is one of the rangeland resources, it is viewed by pastoralists as a competitor with livestock for grazing resources rather than an economic resource. It is assumed that competition between wild herbivores and cattle may have an impact on the forage biomass in rangelands as well as on livestock production. It is from this view point of competition between wildlife and livestock for forage resources, that this study assessed effects of forage utilization by wildlife on cattle diet, plant community composition, forage biomass and level of forage utilization in semi-arid lands in Kenya. The following hypotheses were tested: there is a decline in proportion of dominant grasses due to wildlife grazing; there is a decline in forage biomass due to grazing by wildlife and there are changes in the diet of cattle (Bos indicus Lichtenstein) due to grazing by wild herbivores. Grazing experiments were conducted at the Kenya Long-term Exclosure Experiment (KLEE) on Mpala Ranch, Laikipia District, Kenya. A number of techniques were used during data collection: line transects and 1m2 quadrats to assess plant species composition, richness and diversity. Forage biomass and increment in forage weight in grazed and ungrazed exclosures were determined by use of a disc pasture meter, whereas plant species consumed by cattle and wild herbivores were assessed by observation during feeding. The dietary forage composition of herbivores was done by micro-histological analysis of faecal samples of cattle, zebra, oryx, hartebeest and Grant’s gazelle. The results indicate that there was a high (>21 %) proportion of the tall coarse grasses (Pennisetum stramineum and P. mezianum) in the exclosures grazed by cattle with wildlife in wet and dry seasons, whereas 21 % in the exclosures grazed by wild herbivores. The proportions of Themeda triandra in the exclosures grazed by cattle with wildlife in the dry season was 18 %, whereas it was more than 25 % in the exclosures grazed by cattle with wildlife in the wet season. The results also indicate that there were very highly significant (p<0.0032 and p<0.0015) differences in percentage composition of dominant and less dominant grasses between the grazed and ungrazed exclosures during the dry seasons, whereas a significant (p<0.05) difference and a highly significant (p<0.01) difference in percentage composition between the grazed and ungrazed exclosures during the wet seasons. 5 – 6 % of the total herbaceous forage biomass (0.7 % dry matter intake) was consumed in the exclosures grazed by wildlife, whereas 13 – 17 % (2.8 % dry matter intake) was consumed in the exclosures grazed by cattle. There was a large decrease of forage biomass in the pasture grazed by cattle. However, there was no significant (p<0.133) difference in forage biomass in exclosures grazed by large wildlife or grazed by elephants (mega-wildlife). There was less than 12 % utilization of dominant grass species in the exclosures grazed by wildlife, whereas over 40 % utilization of dominant grass species in the exclosures grazed by cattle. The results indicate that there is no evidence that grazing by wild herbivores decreases forage biomass in the pasture. Wildlife, therefore, should not be hunted out on communal grazing lands because it has no significant impact on the available forage biomass for livestocks. Nonetheless, stocking rates of livestock should be consistent with forage production so that wildlife conservation is integrated in pastoral production systems.

Perfil da amamentação e alimentação complementar no município de Registro - SP / A. Breastfeeding and complementary feeding patterns in the city of Registro SP

Tamasia, Gislene dos Anjos 05 August 2013 (has links)
Introdução. O aleitamento materno é a mais sábia estratégia natural de vínculo, afeto, proteção e nutrição para a criança e constitui a mais sensível, econômica e eficaz intervenção para redução da morbimortalidade infantil. Para a continuidade da nutrição adequada e do desenvolvimento saudável de crianças, é fundamental que a introdução de alimentos seguros, acessíveis e culturalmente aceitos na dieta da criança ocorra em época oportuna e de forma adequada. Objetivo. Analisar a situação da amamentação e alimentação complementar no município de Registro-SP, em 2011. Métodos. Foram coletadas informações sobre alimentação infantil, características das crianças menores de um ano de idade e de suas mães, seguindo a metodologia proposta no projeto Amamentação e Municípios, do Instituto de Saúde. Os dados foram digitados no aplicativo AMAMUNIC 1.0 e transportados para o programa SPSS 13.0. Realizou-se a análise dos indicadores de aleitamento materno e alimentação complementar, propostos pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. A associação entre os desfechos (aleitamento materno exclusivo e alimentação complementar) e as variáveis explanatórias (características maternas e das crianças), realizou-se por meio do modelo de Poisson, por se tratar de um estudo transversal e desfechos não raros. As variáveis que, na análise bivariada apresentaram p<0.20 foram introduzidas no modelo múltiplo. Resultados. Foram incluídas no estudo 713 crianças menores de um ano. A prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) em menores de seis meses foi de 50 por cento e a probabilidade de AME aos 180 dias de vida foi 13,1 por cento . As crianças que estavam em AME no primeiro dia em casa e não usavam chupeta foram as que apresentaram maior chance de AME. Verificou-se que apenas dois terços das crianças estavam recebendo a AC de acordo com as recomendações do Ministério da Saúde e 70 por cento recebiam alimentos não saudáveis. Não utilizar mamadeira foi a única variável que mostrou influência positiva sobre as práticas de alimentação complementar. Conclusões. A situação encontrada nesse estudo está aquém das recomendações propostas pela OMS, entretanto esses resultados poderão contribuir para o desenho de intervenções no local / Introduction. Breastfeeding is the best natural strategy of bonding, affection, protection and nutrition for children and is the most sensitive, cost-effective intervention to reduce infant morbidity and mortality. For the continuity of proper nutrition and healthy development of children, it is essential that the introduction of safe, affordable and culturally acceptable food in the diet of the child occurs in timing and appropriately. Objective. To analyze the situation of breastfeeding and complementary feeding in the city of Registro, SP, Brazil, in 2011. Methods. Information about infant feeding, characteristics of children under one year of age and their mothers were collected following the methodology of Breastfeeding and Municipalities Project. Data were typed into the software AMAMUNIC 1.0 and transported to SPSS 13.0. The analysis of breastfeeding and complementary feeding indicators were performed based on World Health Organization recommendations. The association between outcomes (exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding indicators) and the explanatory variables (characteristics of mothers and children), was performed by the Poisson model, because it is a cross-sectional study of not rare outcomes. The variables in the bivariate analysis with p <0.20 were included in the multivariable model. Results. The study included 713 children under one year. The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) was 50 per cent and the probability of EBF up to 180 days of life was only 13,1 per cent . The analysis of the determinants of EBF showed that children who were exclusively breastfed in the first day at home and not using pacifiers showed the greatest chance of EBF. When analyzed indicators of complementary feeding (CF), it was found that only two thirds were receiving the CF in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and 70 per cent had unhealthy foods. Children not using bottles showed positive influence on complementary feeding practices. Conclusions. The situation found in this study is far from recommendations by WHO, however these results may contribute to the design of interventions in place

Qualidade da dieta de escolares do município de São Paulo / Diet s quality of school children in São Paulo

Prado, Barbara Grassi 31 July 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O hábito alimentar dos escolares pode ser influenciado por características sociodemográficas e do ambiente, seja escolar, doméstico oufora do lar e a valiar o consumo de alimentos do escolar em diferentes locais,pode fornecer informações sobre a qualidade dos alimentos ofertados em cada local. O Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Revisado (IQD -R) é um instrumento apropriado, pois, analisa a qualidade dos alimentos consumidos, comparando - os com as recomendações brasileiras. OBJETIVO: descrever a qualidade da dieta de escolares utilizando o IQD - R. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado com escolares de 7 a 10 anos de duas escolas municipais de São Paulo. Foram coletadas informações socioeconômicas, de estado nutricional e de consumo alimentar, por meio da aplicação de três recordatórios de 24h. A qualidade da dieta foi avaliada pelo método IQD-R. RESULTADOS:A média do IQD-R foi de 64,6 pontos e a maioria dos escolares apresentou dieta que necessita de modificação. Os componentes que apresentaram menores escores foram cereais integrais e sódio, e os maiores escores foram observados nos óleos, carnes, ovos e leguminosas, e cereais totais. As meninas apresentaram maior consumo de frutas e menor consumo de carnes, ovos e leguminosas, e sódio. O menor consumo de sódio esteve associado ao maior nível de escolaridade da pessoa de referência da família e maior número de refeições diárias. Escolares que consomem café da manhã possuem maior consumo de vegetais e de leite e derivados. O maior consumo de refeições em casa esteve associado com o menor consumo de gordura saturada e calorias provenientes de gordura sólida e açúcares de adição (Gord_AA), além de ser fator de proteção para uma melhor qualidade da dieta. Escolares que consumiram refeições fora do lar, apresentaram maior consumo de cereais integrais e Gord_AA. CONCLUSÃO: A análise da qualidade da dieta dos escolares mostrou que estes não consomem os alimentos e nutrientes conforme a recomendação brasileira. O maior número de refeições em casa é considerado como fator de proteção para uma melhor dieta quando comparado ao maior número de refeições fora do lar, por isto, ações de educação alimentar e nutricional devem ser direcionadas aos escolares, com intuito de reduzir o consumo de alimentos industrializados e fora do lar. Além disto, a presença do nutricionista nas unidades produtoras de alimentos e na regulamentação da produção dos alimentos industrializados, pode auxiliar na elaboração de cardápios saudáveis, em que se incluem os cereais integrais, frutas e hortaliças, utilizando-se o aproveitamento integral dos alimentos, modos de preparo com menos gordura, como as preparações cozidas, assadas e grelhadas, redução na quantidade de sal de adição e da utilização de alimentos industrializados. / INTRODUCTION: the feeding habits of school children can be influenced by sociodemographic characteristics and environment, whether school, home or outside the home. To assess food intake school among children in different settings can provide information about the quality of food offered at each lo cation. The Healthy Eating Index 2005 (HEI - 2005) is an appropriate tool, for assessing the quality of food consumed, comparing them with Brazilian recommendations. OBJECTIVE: to describe the diet quality of school children by means of the HEI - 2005. METHODS : this was a cross - sectional study of school children 7 - 10 years of two public schools in São Paulo. Information on socioeconomic and nutritional status was collected, as well as, food consumption by the application of three 24 - hour records. The diet quali ty was assessed by HEI - 2005 method. RESULTS: the mean HEI - 2005 score was 64.6 points and most children presented a diet needing improvement. The components that had lower scores were whole grains and sodium, and higher scores were observed for oils, meats, eggs and beans, and total cereals. Girls had higher consumption of fruits and lower consumption of meat, eggs and beans, and sodium. The lowest sodium intake associated with parents higher level of education and increased number of daily meals. School ch ildren who consumed breakfast had higher consumption of vegetables and milk. The increased consumption of meals at home was associated with lower intake of saturated fat and calories from solid fats and added sugars (SoFAAS), in addition to being a protect ive factor for a better diet quality. School children that consumed meals outside the home had higher intake of whole grains and SoFAAS. CONCLUSION: The assessment of diet quality of school children showed that they do have a food intake that meets Brazili an recommendations . The more meals at home is regarded as a protective factor for a better diet when compared to more meals outside the home, thus, shares of food and nutrition education shall be directed to the school children, in order to reduce the cons umption of processed foods and outside the home. Furthermore, the presence of a nutritionist in food producing units and the regulation of the production of processed foods, can help to develop healthy menus, where whole grains, fruits and vegetables are i ncluded, using the full utilization of food, modes of preparation with less fat as cooked, baked and grilled preparations, reduction in the amount of added salt and the use of processed foods.

Perfil da amamentação e alimentação complementar no município de Registro - SP / A. Breastfeeding and complementary feeding patterns in the city of Registro SP

Gislene dos Anjos Tamasia 05 August 2013 (has links)
Introdução. O aleitamento materno é a mais sábia estratégia natural de vínculo, afeto, proteção e nutrição para a criança e constitui a mais sensível, econômica e eficaz intervenção para redução da morbimortalidade infantil. Para a continuidade da nutrição adequada e do desenvolvimento saudável de crianças, é fundamental que a introdução de alimentos seguros, acessíveis e culturalmente aceitos na dieta da criança ocorra em época oportuna e de forma adequada. Objetivo. Analisar a situação da amamentação e alimentação complementar no município de Registro-SP, em 2011. Métodos. Foram coletadas informações sobre alimentação infantil, características das crianças menores de um ano de idade e de suas mães, seguindo a metodologia proposta no projeto Amamentação e Municípios, do Instituto de Saúde. Os dados foram digitados no aplicativo AMAMUNIC 1.0 e transportados para o programa SPSS 13.0. Realizou-se a análise dos indicadores de aleitamento materno e alimentação complementar, propostos pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. A associação entre os desfechos (aleitamento materno exclusivo e alimentação complementar) e as variáveis explanatórias (características maternas e das crianças), realizou-se por meio do modelo de Poisson, por se tratar de um estudo transversal e desfechos não raros. As variáveis que, na análise bivariada apresentaram p<0.20 foram introduzidas no modelo múltiplo. Resultados. Foram incluídas no estudo 713 crianças menores de um ano. A prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) em menores de seis meses foi de 50 por cento e a probabilidade de AME aos 180 dias de vida foi 13,1 por cento . As crianças que estavam em AME no primeiro dia em casa e não usavam chupeta foram as que apresentaram maior chance de AME. Verificou-se que apenas dois terços das crianças estavam recebendo a AC de acordo com as recomendações do Ministério da Saúde e 70 por cento recebiam alimentos não saudáveis. Não utilizar mamadeira foi a única variável que mostrou influência positiva sobre as práticas de alimentação complementar. Conclusões. A situação encontrada nesse estudo está aquém das recomendações propostas pela OMS, entretanto esses resultados poderão contribuir para o desenho de intervenções no local / Introduction. Breastfeeding is the best natural strategy of bonding, affection, protection and nutrition for children and is the most sensitive, cost-effective intervention to reduce infant morbidity and mortality. For the continuity of proper nutrition and healthy development of children, it is essential that the introduction of safe, affordable and culturally acceptable food in the diet of the child occurs in timing and appropriately. Objective. To analyze the situation of breastfeeding and complementary feeding in the city of Registro, SP, Brazil, in 2011. Methods. Information about infant feeding, characteristics of children under one year of age and their mothers were collected following the methodology of Breastfeeding and Municipalities Project. Data were typed into the software AMAMUNIC 1.0 and transported to SPSS 13.0. The analysis of breastfeeding and complementary feeding indicators were performed based on World Health Organization recommendations. The association between outcomes (exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding indicators) and the explanatory variables (characteristics of mothers and children), was performed by the Poisson model, because it is a cross-sectional study of not rare outcomes. The variables in the bivariate analysis with p <0.20 were included in the multivariable model. Results. The study included 713 children under one year. The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) was 50 per cent and the probability of EBF up to 180 days of life was only 13,1 per cent . The analysis of the determinants of EBF showed that children who were exclusively breastfed in the first day at home and not using pacifiers showed the greatest chance of EBF. When analyzed indicators of complementary feeding (CF), it was found that only two thirds were receiving the CF in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and 70 per cent had unhealthy foods. Children not using bottles showed positive influence on complementary feeding practices. Conclusions. The situation found in this study is far from recommendations by WHO, however these results may contribute to the design of interventions in place

Wheat and barley silages for steers and lambs

Berger, Larry Lyle January 2011 (has links)
Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Effect of lysine to energy ratio on the productivity and carcass characteristics of indigenous Venda chickens aged one to thirteen weeks and raised in closed confinement

Alabi, Olushola John January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D. (Animal Production )) -- University of Limpopo, 2013 / Eight experiments were conducted to determine the effect of dietary lysine to energy ratio on the productivity and carcass characteristics of indigenous Venda chickens aged one to thirteen weeks and raised in closed confinement. The eight experiments were based on four different energy levels of 11, 12, 13 and 14 MJ of ME/kg DM. Each dietary energy level had four different levels of dietary lysine (8, 9, 11 and 14 g lysine/kg DM). Thus, different dietary lysine to energy ratios were calculated. Experiments 1 to 4 determined the effect of dietary lysine to energy ratio on productivity of unsexed Venda chickens aged one to seven weeks. Each experiment commenced with 160 unsexed day-old indigenous Venda chicks with an initial live weight of 30 ± 3 g per bird and was carried out for seven weeks. In each experiment, the chicks were randomly assigned to four treatments with four replications, each having 10 chicks. A complete randomized design was used for each experiment. All data were analysed by one-way analysis of variance. Where there were significant differences, the Duncan test for multiple comparisons was used to test the significance of differences between treatment means. A quadratic regression model was used to determine the ratios for optimum productivity in each experiment while a linear model was used to determine the relationships between dietary lysine to energy ratio and optimal responses in the variables measured. Results indicated that dietary lysine to energy ratio for optimal responses depended on the variable of interest. In Experiment 1, feed intake, growth rate, live weight, ME intake and nitrogen retention were optimized at different dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.722, 0.719, 0.719, 0.670 and 0.712, respectively. There was a positive and strong relationship (r2 = 0.950) between dietary lysine to energy ratio and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Results from Experiment 2 indicated that feed intake, growth rate, FCR, live weight, ME intake and nitrogen retention were optimized at dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.719, 0.742, 0.788, 0.742, 0.734 and 0.789, respectively. In Experiment 3, dietary lysine to energy ratio did not have any effect (P>0.05) on all the parameters measured. However, quadratic analysis indicated that dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.817, 0.883, 0.920, 0.898, 0.895 and 0.955 optimized feed intake, growth rate, FCR, live weight, ME intake and nitrogen retention of the chickens, respectively. Experiment 4 results showed that feed intake, growth rate, FCR, live weight ME intake and nitrogen retention were v optimized at different dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.906, 0.964, 1.023, 0.966, 0.963 and 0.951, respectively. Experiments 5 to 8 determined the effect of dietary lysine to energy ratio on productivity, carcass characteristics, sensory attributes and haematological values of female indigenous Venda chickens aged eight to thirteen weeks. The layouts, treatments, design and execution were similar to those described for Experiments 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively, except that Experiments 5 to 8 were for female indigenous Venda chickens aged eight to 13 weeks. These chickens were different from those used in Experiments 1 to 4. They were raised on a grower mash (16 % crude protein, 11 MJ of ME/kg DM and 180 g of lysine) prior to commencement of the study. Each experiment commenced with 120 eight weeks old female Venda chickens with an initial live weight of 412 ± 3 g per chicken. In each experiment, the chickens were randomly assigned to four treatments with five replicates, each having six chickens. Results obtained from Experiment 5 showed that feed intake, growth rate, FCR, live weight, ME intake, carcass weight, dressing percentage, breast meat, drumstick, wing weight, breast meat drip loss, juiciness, flavour, haemoglobin and pack cell volume were optimized at different dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.672, 0.646, 0639, 0.649, 0.655, 0.656, 0.664, 0.669, 0.665, 0.663, 0.631, 0.708, 0.623, 0.556 and 0.609, respectively. In Experiment 6, the diets were formulated to have higher lysine to energy ratios than those in Experiment 5 by using a dietary lysine level of 9 g lysine/kg DM. Results from this experiment showed that feed intake, FCR, nitrogen retention, carcass weight, dressing percentage, breast meat, gizzard weights and breast meat pH at 2, 12 and 24 hours after slaughter were optimized at dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.798, 0.613, 0.777, 0.742, 0.753, 0.729, 0.758, 0.752, 0.802 and 0.797, respectively. Red blood cell and haemoglobin values in this experiment were optimized at dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.480 and 0.624, respectively. In Experiment 7, dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.79, 0.85, 0.92 and 1.00 g lysine/ MJ of ME were used. Dietary treatments in this experiment had no effect (P>0.05) on all the production parameters measured except feed and apparent metabolisable energy intakes. Quadratic analysis of the results indicated that dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.964, 0.912, 0.900, 0.890, 0.910, 1.090, 0.934 and 0.895 optimized feed intake, apparent metabolisable energy, carcass, breast meat, drumstick weights and vi breast meat drip loss, juiciness and flavour, respectively. A positive and very strong relationship (r2 =0.998) was observed between dietary lysine to energy ratio and pack cell volume. Experiment 8 diets were formulated to have higher dietary lysine to energy ratios than the other experiments. Results of this experiment indicated that all the production parameters were influenced (P<0.05) by dietary lysine to energy ratio except mortality. Feed intake, growth rate, feed conversion ratio, live weight, apparent metabolisable energy and nitrogen retention were optimized at dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.996, 0.980, 0.991, 1.010, 0.957 and 0.993, respectively. Dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.992, 0.974, 0.991, 0.992, 1.023, 0.981, 0.979 and 0.815 optimized carcass weight, dressing percentage, breast meat, drumstick, liver weights and breast meat tenderness, juiciness and flavour, respectively. There were variations in the optimal lysine to energy ratios for different parameters investigated. In a diet containing 8 g of lysine per kg DM, 11.13 MJ of ME/kg DM and 150 g of CP/kg DM, dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.719 and 0.649 are recommended for optimal live weight of Venda chickens aged one to seven and eight to 13 weeks, respectively. In a diet containing 9 g of lysine per kg DM, 12.13 MJ of ME/kg DM and 180 g of CP/kg DM, dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.742 and 0.712 are recommended for optimal live weight of Venda chickens aged one to seven and eight to 13 weeks, respectively. In a diet containing 11 g of lysine per kg DM, 12.51 MJ of ME/kg DM and 220 g of CP/kg DM, dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.878 and 0.894 are recommended for optimal live weight of Venda chickens aged one to seven and eight to 13 weeks respectively. In a diet containing 12 g of lysine per kg DM, 12.05 MJ of ME/kg DM and 240 g of CP/kg DM, dietary lysine to energy ratios of 0.996 and 1.010 are recommended for optimal live weight of Venda chickens aged one to seven and eight to 13 weeks, respectively. The results obtained in this study showed that different production parameters of Venda chickens were optimized at different lysine to energy ratios. This implies that the nutritional requirements of these chickens are dynamic and thus, dietary lysine to energy for optimal production depends on the production parameter of interest. This has implications on ration formulation for indigenous chickens.

The influence of diet on the chemical composition of cattle and sheep

Tudor, G. D. (Geoffrey Donald) January 1990 (has links) (PDF)
Bibliography: leaves 175-196. The influence of starch in grain-based diets on fat development in cattle and sheep is investigated.

Administration of the Behavioral Pediatrics Feeding Assessment Scale (BPFAS) to Parents of High-Risk Infants: How to Best Identify Those at Risk for Feeding Difficulties

Evans, Monica 29 June 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of the Behavioral Pediatrics Feeding Assessment Scale (BPFAS) in identifying children at risk for feeding difficulties when given to parents by interview versus without assistance. Thirty subjects from Emory Developmental Progress Clinic (Emory DPC) participated in the study and were randomized to receive the BPFAS either by interview or without assistance. Mean BPFAS scores were compared by survey administration method and nutrition referral status for the total cohort as well as by age (1.5 year) and weight status (<25th percentile, 25-75th percentile, >75th percentile) using the t-test. The association between survey administration method as well as nutrition referral status and referral score category (84) was determined using the Chi-square test, as was the relationship between nutrition referral status and the response to each BPFAS question. No difference in mean BPFAS score or referral score category by survey administration method was found in the total cohort. However, a higher BPFAS score was observed for children >1.5 years of age who were referred for nutrition intervention vs. not referred (95.33 vs. 62.5, respectively; p=0.004). There was also a significant association between the number of patients referred for nutrition intervention vs. not referred and referral score (11 vs. 19, respectively; p=0.041). There was no association between responses to individual BPFAS questions and nutrition referral status. In conclusion, evaluation of other feeding assessment surveys or the in-house development of a screening tool may be better alternatives for the Emory DPC.

Dietary compostion and nutritional status of sheep and goats grazing two rangeland types in Baluchistan, Pakistan

Wahid, Abdul 29 August 1990 (has links)
The main objective of this research was to assess the nutritional status of sheep and goats grazing two rangeland types in Baluchistan, Pakistan. These types were Artemisia maritima/Haloxylon griffithii association represented by the Zarchi Field Station and Cymbopogon shoenanthus, found at the Tomagh Field Station. Seasonal above ground biomass production and variability in the quality of major plant species was determined at four phenological growth stages for two years. At the same time a relative palatability index of major plant species and preference of sheep and goats was also determined. The Analysis of Variance procedures (ANOVA) of Statistical Analysis System (SAS, 1985) were used to evaluate various null hypotheses. Forage quality decreased with the advancement of phenological growth stages in all plants studied. On both study sites (Tomagh and Zarchi), spring forage samples were of higher quality than those of other seasons. Advance in season brought significant changes in the nutrient content of plant species. Grasses were lower in crude protein concentration and higher in neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content than forbs and shrubs. Plant species were not statistically different in phosphorus concentration. From March through October, sheep and goat diets varied in their botanical composition on both study sites. Grasses remained a major component of animal diets at Tomagh throughout the grazing seasons. However, sheep and goats consumed a higher percentage of shrubs with the passage of time while grazing Zarchi area. Across all the grazing seasons, the diets of both animal species were deficient in protein and phosphorus. The lignin ratio technique was evaluated for its use in determining daily dry matter and apparent nutrient digestibility consumed by grazing animals. Highly variable digestion co-efficients of lignin (both positive and negative) were obtained by using sheep and goat rumen liquors. As much as 51.0% of forage lignin in samples was digested. Negative lignin digestion co-efficients were also obtained from forage samples. These ranged from -1.0% to - 103.0%. Lignin biodegradation and/or complexing during in vitro digestion invalidated its use as an internal marker in digestion studies on these rangelands. / Graduation date: 1991

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