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Facteurs limitant l'endurance au débit maximal d'oxygène chez l'homme / Limiting factors of endurance at maximal oxygen utpake in humanPetot, Hélène 30 November 2011 (has links)
Le débit maximal d’oxygène (VO2max), aussi appelé consommation maximale d’oxygène, est actuellement l’un des paramètres central pour la compréhension de la physiologie humaine lors d’un effort physique. Plus ce débit est important et plus le sujet, sportif ou non, est capable de fournir une grande quantité d’énergie pour courir, sauter, voir courir plus vite, sauter plus haut… Ainsi, le temps pendant lequel l’homme est capable de soutenir cette valeur de débit maximal (endurance au VO2max) est l’un des facteurs déterminant de la performance. Plus ce temps est long et plus le sujet maintient une haute vitesse de course. C’est pourquoi, de nombreuses études dans le domaine de la physiologie humaine et sportive se sont attachées à analyser les facteurs limitants le VO2max et l’endurance au VO2max. Néanmoins, si les facteurs limitants du VO2max sont aujourd’hui largement acceptés, les facteurs limitant l’endurance au VO2max restent encore à déterminer. La mise en place d’un modèle expérimental innovant utilisant comme variable indépendante la VO2max et non la puissance, comme cela était fait habituellement, a permis de mettre en évidence les facteurs limitant l’endurance au VO2max. Grâce à ce modèle, nous avons démontré que l’endurance au VO2max dépend de variations de puissance (ou de vitesse) durant cet effort au VO2max. Cette variation de puissance permet d’épargner les réserves du métabolisme anaérobie. Ainsi, nous avons montré que ces réserves anaérobies sont également un facteur limitant de l’endurance au VO2max. De plus, l’endurance au VO2max n’est pas corrélée au VO2max des sujets. Autrement dit, un sujet, avec un VO2max bas sera capable de soutenir longtemps son VO2max, s’il a en contre partie une grande capacité anaérobie et s’il est capable d’adapter sa vitesse de façon adéquate lors de sa course. L’endurance au VO2max sera identique au niveau de la mer ou en altitude (3000m) et ne dépendra pas des facteurs cardiovasculaires intervenant dans l’équation de Fick, principaux facteurs limitants de l’amplitude du VO2max. L’ensemble de ses résultats a donc permis, pour la première fois, de déterminer des facteurs limitant l’endurance au 2max qui sont différents des facteurs limitant l’amplitude du VO2max. Ces nouvelles connaissances sur l’endurance trouveront des applications dans la planification des entraînements sportifs afin d’améliorer la qualité des entraînements et en épargnant le surentraînement aux sportifs. De plus, ces données pourraient être également mise en œuvre chez les sujets dont les capacités physiques ont été endommagées par des pathologies (cardiaques, respiratoires par exemple). / Maximal Oxygen uptake (VO2max) is currently one of the central parameters for the comprehension of human physiology during a physical activity. Higher is this oxygen uptake is and greater is the energy supply to run or jump for trained or untrained subjects … Thus, the time during which the subject is able to support this maximal oxygen uptake (endurance at VO2max) is one of the factors determining the performance. Longer is this endurance at VO2max Higher is the speed of race maintains by the subjects this is why, Among the numerous studies in the field of human and sporting physiology, the limiting factors of VO2max and the limiting factors of endurance at VO2max were studied. Nevertheless, if the limiting factors of VO2max today are well accepted, the factors limiting the endurance at VO2max still remain to be determined.The development of an innovating experimental model using VO2max as independent variable and not the power, as that was usually done, highlight the factors limiting the endurance at VO2max. Thanks to this model, we showed that the endurance at VO2max depends on variations of power (or speed) during this effort at VO2max. This variation of power minimizes the anaerobic metabolism reserve utilization during the 2max plateau. Thus, we showed that these anaerobic reserves are also a limiting factor of the endurance at VO2max. Moreover, the endurance at VO2max was not correlated with the VO2max. In other words, a subject, with a low VO2max may be able to support VO2max for a long time, if the anaerobic capacity is important and if the speed variation is properly adapted during the race. The endurance at VO2max is identical at sea level and in hypoxic condition (3000m) and that not depend on the cardiovascular factors entering in the Fick equation, known as limiting factors of VO2max amplitude. For the first time, all of these results determine factors limiting the endurance at VO2max which are different from the factors limiting the amplitude of VO2max. This new knowledge about endurance will find applications in the planning of the sport training in order to improve its quality and by saving athletes overtraining. Moreover, these data could also be implemented for subjects whose physical capacities are damaged by pathologies (cardiac, respiratory impairments for example).
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Reference frames and negative main Fick diffusion coefficientsShevtsova, Valentina 12 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Herzminutenvolumenbestimmung nach dem Fickschen Prinzip : Vergleich von zwei Methoden in Ruhe und unter Belastung / Cardiac Output measured by the Fick Principle. Comparison of two Methods at Rest and During ExerciseWeber-Weigand, Dorothee January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ficksche Prinzip gilt als der Goldstandard der Bestimmung des Herzminutenvolumens. Neben der invasiven Bestimmung über einen Pulmonaliskatheter steht die nicht-invasive Rückatmungsmethode (Rebreahting) zur Verfügung. Bereits 1996 ist von FW Schardt eine weitere nicht-invasive ergospirometrische Variante vorgestellt worden, die ohne Rückatmung auskommt. Hier wird der gemischt-venösen Kohlendioxidgehalt basierend auf den Kohlendioxidverbrauch berechnet. Ziel der Arbeit ist eine vergleichende Darstellung der Bestimmungsmethode nach Schardt mit dem als Referenzmethode dienenden Rückatmungsverfahren. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf Messungen unter hohen Belastungen gelegt, denn hier neigt das Rebreathingverfahren zur Unterschätzung des Herzminutenvolumens, zudem wird die Rückatmung selbst für den Patienten unerträglich. Parallel wurde bei 36 Probanden das Herzminutenvolumen sowohl durch Rebreathing (Qt) wie auch nach Schardt (HMV) ergospirometrisch auf dem Fahrradergometer (in 50 Watt Stufen) bis maximal 350 Watt bestimmt. Ausgewertet wurde die absolute bzw. prozentuale Abweichung des HMV von Qt, sowie HMV vom Mittelwert beider Methoden nach Bland/Altman bzw. Critchley/Critchley. Unter Einbeziehung der Ergebnisse aller Belastungsstufen wird deutlich, dass die Werte für HMV bei niedrigeren Ausgangswerten unter den Werten der Rückatmungsmethode (Qt) liegen. Dagegen werden bei hohen Belastungen für HMV höhere Werte berechnet als für Qt. Die größten Abweichungen sind in Ruhe die zu erkennen. Die Abweichung des HMV vom Mittelwert beider Methoden liegt in Ruhe im Mittel bei 18,8%, unter niedriger Belastung bei 8,7-9,4%. Die Grenzen der Übereinstimmung überschreiten jedoch die Grenzen der Genauigkeit. Die niedrigsten Abweichungen sind bei mittelschwerer Belastung (150-200 Watt) zu verzeichnen, sowie geringe Abweichungen unter sehr hoher Belastung (1,2-4,0%). Die Grenzen der Übereinstimmung liegen innerhalb der Grenzen der Genauigkeit. Die prozentuale Abweichung der Ergebnisse für das Herzminutenvolumen nach Schardt vom Mittelwert beider Methoden liegt über allen Belastungsstufen innerhalb der von Critchley und Critchley geforderten +/- 20 Prozent. Insgesamt konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Methode nach Schardt eine Variante des Fickschen Prinzips liefert, die als einfache, nicht invasive Maßnahme auch unter hoher Belastung und bei wiederholten Messungen anwendbar ist und insbesondere unter mittleren und hohen Belastungen mit der Rebreathingmethode austauschbar ist. / The Fick principle is known as the goldstandard for measuring the cardiac output. Apart from the invasiv measurements via a pulmonalis catheter there is another option for measuring the cardiac output by non-invasive rebreathing. FW Schardt already introduced another non-invasive ergospirometric alternative in 1996 working without rebreathing. Aim of the thesis is to compare the method according to Schardt to the well-known rebreathing method which is used as a reference method. Stress is laid on measurements at high strain because then the rebreahting method tends to underestimate the cardiac output, additionally the rebreathing itself then becomes unbearable. The cardiac output of 36 subjects was measured at the same time according to Schardt (HMV) as well as to Rebreahting (Qt) with incremental treadmill tests (50 watt steps) until a maximum of 350 watts. The absolute and the percentage deviation of the HMV from Qt as well as from the mean value of both methods was analysed. Afterwards the results were evaluated according to Bland/Altmann and Critchley/Critchley. Considering all the results of the various stress levels it became apparent that the HMV results were below the Qt results at low stress levels, in contrast to high stress levels where the HMV results are higher than the Qt results. The largest deviations are apparent at rest : The deviation of the HMV from the mean value of both methods is about 18.8%, at low stress levels (50-100 watts) about 8.7 – 9.4%. Here the limits of agreement exceed the limits of precision. The lowest deviations are found at medium stress levels (150-200 watts), as well as slight deviations at high stress-levels (250-350 watt).Here the limits of agreement are within the limits of precision. At all stress levels the percentage deviation for HMV from the mean value of both methods lies within the +/- 20 % demanded by Critchley/Critchly. The main conclusion of this thesis is that the method according to Schardt offers an alternative to the Rebreahting method expecially at high and middle stress levels. It is a simple, non-invasive method which can be easily applied under high stress levels and can be repeated several times.
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On the Validity of the Imbert-Fick Law: Mathematical Modelling of Eye Pressure MeasurementGonzalez Castro, Gabriela, Fitt, A.D., Sweeney, John 20 March 2016 (has links)
Yes / Ophthalmologists rely on a device known as the Goldmann applanation tonometer to make intraocular
pressure (IOP) measurements. It measures the force required to press a flat disc against
the cornea to produce a flattened circular region of known area. The IOP is deduced from this
force using the Imbert-Fick principle. However, there is scant analytical justification for this
analysis. We present a mathematical model of tonometry to investigate the relationship between
the pressure derived by tonometry and the IOP. An elementary equilibrium analysis suggests that
there is no physical basis for traditional tonometric analysis. Tonometry is modelled using a hollow
spherical shell of solid material enclosing an elastic liquid core, with the shell in tension and
the core under pressure. The shell is pressed against a rigid flat plane. The solution is found using
finite element analysis. The shell material is anisotropic. Values for its elastic constants are obtained
from literature except where data are unavailable, when reasonable limits are explored.
The results show that the force measured by the Goldmann tonometer depends on the elastic constant
values. The relationship between the IOP and the tonometer readings is complex, showing
potentially high levels of inaccuracy that depend on IOP.
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Mathematical modelling of tonometryGonzalez Castro, Gabriela, Fitt, A.D. January 2004 (has links)
No / A mathematical model which describes the functioning of a Goldmann-type applanation tonometer is proposed in order in order to verify the validity of the Imbert-Fick principle. The spherical axi-symmetric elastic equilibrium equation and solved using a Love stress function. Conclusions are drawn regarding the circumstances under which the Imbert-Fick principle may or may not be vaild.
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A Novel Iterative Method for Non-invasive Measurement of Cardiac OutputKlein, Michael 29 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis provides a first description and proof-of-concept of iterative cardiac output measurement (ICO) – a respiratory, carbon-dioxide (CO2) based method of measuring cardiac output (CO). The ICO method continuously tests and refines an estimate of the CO by attempting to maintain the end-tidal CO2 constant. To validate the new method, ICO and bolus thermodilution CO (TDCO) were simultaneously measured in a porcine model of liver transplant. Linear regression analysis revealed the equation ICO = 0.69•TDCO + 0.65 with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.89. Analysis by the method of Bland and Altman showed a bias of -0.2 L/min with 95% limits of agreement from -1.1 to 0.7 L/min. The trending ability of ICO was determined using the half-circle polar plot method where the mean radial bias, the standard deviation of the polar angle, and 95% confidence interval of the polar angle were -8º, ±17º, and ±33º, respectively.
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A Novel Iterative Method for Non-invasive Measurement of Cardiac OutputKlein, Michael 29 November 2013 (has links)
This thesis provides a first description and proof-of-concept of iterative cardiac output measurement (ICO) – a respiratory, carbon-dioxide (CO2) based method of measuring cardiac output (CO). The ICO method continuously tests and refines an estimate of the CO by attempting to maintain the end-tidal CO2 constant. To validate the new method, ICO and bolus thermodilution CO (TDCO) were simultaneously measured in a porcine model of liver transplant. Linear regression analysis revealed the equation ICO = 0.69•TDCO + 0.65 with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.89. Analysis by the method of Bland and Altman showed a bias of -0.2 L/min with 95% limits of agreement from -1.1 to 0.7 L/min. The trending ability of ICO was determined using the half-circle polar plot method where the mean radial bias, the standard deviation of the polar angle, and 95% confidence interval of the polar angle were -8º, ±17º, and ±33º, respectively.
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The 190th birthday of Adolf FickBardow, André 30 January 2020 (has links)
Adolf Fick’s work represents in many ways an important starting point for modern scientific research
on diffusion. Diffusion itself is a slow process taking long time to progress. In this talk, we aim to discuss
the progress of diffusion science. For this purpose, we present a highly subjective review of the study
of diffusion since the times of Adolf Fick. Our focus is on mutual diffusion in liquids which is at the
heart of many processes in (bio)chemical systems. Here, diffusion is often the rate-limiting step and thus
decisive for overall process performance.
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Estimação de Parâmetros de Secagem de Alimentos- Formulação de Luikov e uso da Transformada Integral GeneralizadaSilva, Cristiane Kelly Ferreira da 22 December 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-12-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Drying is one of the most widely used commercial processes for the preservation of
agricultural products, whose maximum objective is to maintain its qualities. On the other
hand, for the optimal design and control of processes and equipments it is necessary a clear
understanding of the involved phenomena and the transport properties of the product being
handled. In this sense two mathematical models were developed, in the configuration of an
infinite plane plate, with the aim of studying the process of drying food. The first model
was based on Fick's second law, to model the process of mass transfer, treated by the
Classical Integral Transform Technique (CITT). The second model was developed for the
analysis of the simultaneous heat and mass transfer using the equations of Luikov, where
the distributions of temperature and moisture content inside the food were obtained
following the formalism inherent to the Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT).
In both models, the thermophysical properties are considered constant. The results
obtained in the two models were compared and found that they are able to describe the
process of drying food. The influence of thermophysical parameters relating to the
simultaneous heat and mass transfer was also analyzed. The accuracy of the calculations of
a heat and mass balance depends on the precision as that is known the properties of the
product and the choice of reliable data for these properties is an important part to any
careful analysis engineering. Thus, an inverse problem of parameters estimation, for the
mass transfer, was solved through the Levenberg-Marquardt's minimization algorithm. The
results obtained through the solution of the inverse problem for the effective mass
diffusivity are the same order magnitude of those reported in the literature.
Key words - food drying, Fick law, Luikov, GITT, inverse method. / A secagem é um dos processos comerciais mais usados na conservação de produtos
agropecuários, cujo objetivo máximo é a manutenção de suas qualidades. Por outro lado,
para o dimensionamento e controle ótimos dos processos e dos equipamentos é necessário
um claro entendimento dos fenômenos envolvidos e das propriedades de transporte do
produto que está sendo manuseado. Neste sentido, foram desenvolvidos dois modelos
matemáticos, na configuração de uma placa plana infinita, com o objetivo de se estudar o
processo de secagem de alimentos. O primeiro modelo foi baseado na segunda lei de Fick,
para modelar o processo de transferência de massa, tratado através da Técnica da
Transformada Integral Clássica (CITT). O segundo modelo foi desenvolvido para a análise
da transferência simultânea de calor e massa usando-se as equações de Luikov, onde as
distribuições de temperatura e teor de umidade no interior do alimento foram obtidas
segundo os formalismos inerentes à Técnica da Transformada Integral Generalizada
(GITT). Em ambos os modelos as propriedades termofísicas são consideradas constantes.
Os resultados obtidos nos dois modelos foram comparados e constatou-se que os mesmos
são capazes de descrever o processo de secagem de alimentos. Avaliou-se também a
influência dos parâmetros termofísicos referentes à transferência simultânea de calor e
massa. A exatidão dos cálculos de um balanço de calor e massa depende da precisão com
que se conhecem as propriedades do produto e, a escolha de dados confiáveis dessas
propriedades é uma parcela importante para qualquer análise cuidadosa de engenharia.
Desta forma, um problema inverso de estimação de parâmetros, para a transferência de
massa, foi resolvido através do algoritmo de minimização de Levenberg-Marquardt. Os
resultados obtidos através da solução do problema inverso para a difusividade efetiva de
massa são da mesma ordem de grandeza dos reportados na literatura.
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[pt] O petróleo é constituído por uma cadeia de hidrocarbonetos, os quais se
precipitam na forma de partículas sólidas de parafina, quando a sua temperatura cai
abaixo de um patamar conhecido como TIAC (Temperatura Inicial de
Aparecimento de Cristais). Essas partículas podem se depositar nas paredes internas
dos dutos obstruindo o escoamento, podendo gerar prejuízos da ordem de milhões
de dólares. Por esse motivo, a habilidade de previsão e controle da deposição de
parafina em eventos futuros é de fundamental importância tanto para projetistas
como operadores de tubulações. Visando lidar com esse problema, grande esforço
vem sendo feito pela comunidade científica com o intuito de aperfeiçoar as
metodologias para previsão do depósito de parafina. Frequentemente, a modelagem
da difusão das espécies é realizada utilizando a Lei de Fick, válida para misturas
binárias, apesar dos hidrocarbonetos presentes no petróleo formarem uma mistura
multicomponente. O presente trabalho propõe avaliar o fluxo difusivo de massa das
espécies utilizando o modelo Stefan-Maxwell, compatível com sistemas
multicomponentes. Para determinar a evolução axial e temporal da espessura do
depósito de parafina, o escoamento foi modelado como uma mistura líquido/sólido
e equações de conservação de energia, massa, quantidade de movimento linear e
continuidade das espécies são resolvidas, acopladas com o modelo termodinâmico
de múltiplas soluções sólidas, para determinação da precipitação da parafina. As
equações de conservação foram resolvidas utilizando o software de código livre
OpenFOAM (marca registrada). Uma comparação das previsões obtidas com a modelagem de Fick
e de Stefan-Maxwell com dados experimentais, mostrou que no início do processo
de deposição, o impacto do modelo difusivo é desprezível. Porém, observou-se que
a medida que o tempo passa, o modelo de Stefan Maxwell prevê um maior
incremento da concentração das espécies mais pesadas no interior do depósito de
parafina quando comparado com a previsão da modelagem de Fick. / [en] Petroleum is formed by a chain of hydrocarbons, which precipitates in the
form of solid particles of paraffin, when its temperature drops below a threshold
known as Wax Appearance Temperature (WAT). These particles can be deposited
on the inner walls of the pipelines, obstructing the flow, which can generate losses
in the order of several millions of dollars. For this reason, the ability to predict and
control wax deposition in future events is of fundamental importance for both
designers and operators of pipelines. In an attempt to deal with this problem, a great
effort has been made by the scientific community aiming to improve wax deposition
prediction methodologies. Often, the modeling of species diffusion is performed
using Fick s law, valid for binary mixtures, although the hydrocarbons present in
the oil form a multicomponent solution. The present work proposes to evaluate the
species mass diffusive flux employing the Stefan-Maxwell model, compatible with
multicomponent systems. To determine the axial and temporal evolution of the wax
deposition thickness, the flow was modelled as a liquid/solid mixture and the
conservation equations of energy, mass, linear momentum and species continuity
were solved coupled with the thermodynamic model of multiple solid solutions, to
determine the paraffin precipitation. The conservation equations were solved using
the open-source software OpenFOAM (trademark). A comparison of the predictions obtained
with the Fick and Stefan-Maxwell models with experimental data showed that at
the beginning of the deposition process, the impact of diffusive model is negligible.
However, it was observed that as time passes, the Stefan-Maxwell model predicts
a greater increase in the concentration of heaviest species inside the wax deposit
when compared to the prediction of Fick s law
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