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Origine de l’éclatement de grain sur des pièces forgées en Inconel 718 / Origin of inhomogeneous grain growth in Inconel 718 forgingsAgnoli, Andrea 19 December 2013 (has links)
L'Inconel 718 est un superalliage base nickel très utilisé pour produire les disques de turboréacteurs. Typiquement, une gamme de forgeage à chaud se compose de plusieurs étapes de déformation et de recuit. La présence des particules de seconde phase (particules de phase delta dans l'Inconel 718) permet en principe de limiter la croissance de grains pendant les étapes de recuit grâce au phénomène d'ancrage de Zener. Néanmoins, l'hétérogénéité microstructurale (distribution des particules, écrouissage, composition chimique) peut favoriser une croissance anormale des grains pendant le recuit. Ce phénomène est connu industriellement sous la terminologie d'"éclatement de grains". Les objectifs de la thèse étaient d'identifier les mécanismes responsables de l'éclatement des grains qui peut survenir durant les étapes de recuit sur les pièces forgées en Inconel 718, de les modéliser, et de simuler numériquement le phénomène. Les mécanismes physiques à l'origine du phénomène sont d'abord étudiés expérimentalement grâce à la caractérisation (par MEB et EBSD) des pièces forgées. L'influence des particules de seconde phase et de l'énergie stockée (estimée par des mesures de désorientations intragranulaires) est notamment étudiée. A partir des observations réalisées, une explication est proposée : le phénomène apparaît lorsque les forces motrices pour la migration des joints de grains dépassent la force de freinage de Zener ; ceci peut se produire lorsque la microstructure contient de l'énergie stockée, distribuée de manière hétérogène. Des essais de torsion à chaud sont mis en place pour reproduire, en laboratoire, le même phénomène, étudier la sensibilité aux paramètres thermomécaniques, et tester les hypothèses émises concernant les mécanismes. Les mécanismes ainsi identifiés comme responsables de l'éclatement de grains sont enfin simulés au moyen d'un modèle numérique en 2D. Le modèle numérique en champ complet est basé sur la méthode des éléments finis, et utilise le formalisme level-set pour décrire les joints de grains. La simulation de l'évolution microstructurale prend en compte à la fois les forces motrices des joints de grains liées à la capillarité et à l'énergie stockée, et l'interaction des joints de grains avec les particules de seconde phase. Ainsi, l'effet de la distribution de l'énergie stockée (estimée à partir de données expérimentales) a pu être étudié numériquement dans des microstructures avec particules. / Inconel 718 is a nickel base superalloy commonly used to manufacture the rotating disks of turbojet engines. Such disks are generally produced by hot forging, which involves a sequence of different deformation and annealing steps. The presence of second phase particles (delta phase in Inconel 718) is commonly exploited to limit grain growth during annealing via the Zener pinning phenomenon. Nonetheless, microstructure heterogeneity (with regards to second phase particles, hardening, texture and chemical composition) can lead to inhomogeneous grain growth during annealing. The objectives of this PhD work were to understand, model and simulate numerically the phenomenon of inhomogeneous grain growth that can occur in Inconel 718 turbine disks during the annealing steps of hot forging sequences. The physical mechanisms which may explain the occurrence of the phenomenon are investigated experimentally by performing SEM and EBSD analyses of Inconel 718 industrial pieces. The focus is placed on the influence of second phase particles and strain energy (estimated from intragranular misorientations) on the occurrence of the phenomenon. From those observations, it is inferred that the phenomenon occurs when the grain boundary driving forces overcome the Zener pinning forces; this is achieved when stored energy is present and heterogeneously distributed. Moreover, hot torsion tests are carried out to reproduce the phenomenon in laboratory, to evaluate its sensibility to thermomechanical parameters and to test the previously postulated mechanism. The validity of this mechanism is finally demonstrated by modelling numerically the phenomenon in 2D. The full field numerical model is based on a level set description of the grain boundaries in a finite element context. Microstructure evolution is simulated explicitly taking into account Zener pinning, capillarity and stored energy driven grain growth in a single framework. The effect of strain stored energy distributions (estimated from experimental data) in pinned microstructures is investigated focusing on the conditions leading to inhomogeneous grain growth.
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Développement de systèmes actifs d'épandage prenant en compte la dynamique du véhicule porteur et le relief du terrain / Development of active control devices taking into account the carrying vehicle dynamic and the field elevationAbbou-Ou-Cherif, El Mehdi 15 November 2017 (has links)
Le relief représente une perturbation de l’épandage, qui n’est pas encore gérée par les épandeurs centrifuges des engrais minéraux. Pour combler cette lacune, nous proposons de développer un nouveau dispositif de commande. Un modèle est d’abord développé afin d’avoir des cartes d’application mettant en exergue les erreurs d’application dans divers cas du relief. Il utilise une technique de mise à jour des conditions initiales des vols balistiques en tenant compte des angles d’inclinaison du tracteur à chaque point de la trajectoire. Les simulations effectuées montrent que les amplitudes de surdosage et de sous-dosage peuvent atteindre ±40%, et sont dues à la modification de la portée des particules comparée à la situation sur un terrain plat. Les reliefs irréguliers sont les plus affectés à cause de la différence d’inclinaison entre le tracteur et la surface d’épandage, tandis que seule la gravité agit dans le cas de reliefs réguliers. En tenant compte de ces résultats, un système qui commande l’inclinaison des disques est proposé car il est capable de corriger les écarts de portée des particules tout en ciblant les zones fortement affectées. Les lois de commande sont déduites de la résolution d’un problème d’optimisation. L’objectif y est de minimiser la somme des écarts quadratiques de portée d’un nombre limité de particules représentatives de la déformation de la nappe statique. Cette approche de correction permet de réduire les erreurs d’application à l’intervalle admissible de ±10%, même en présence de changements d’attitude de haute fréquence du tracteur. / Non-flat fields represent a disturbance for fertilizer spreading, that is not handled yet by centrifugal spreaders. To bridge this gap, a new control device is proposed. A model is build first to derive application rate maps highlighting application errors in several cases. It uses an updating technique of ballistic flights initial conditions, taking into account the tractor orientation. The simulations conducted show that overapplication and underapplication may reach ±40%, and that they stem from altered particles range compared to that on a flat field. Irregular fields are the most affected due to the difference between the tractor and spread surface inclination, while only the gravity acts on regular fields. These results allowed retaining a system based on discs inclination, because it can both correct the particles range and target the most affected areas. The control laws are deduced from solving an optimization problem. Its objective is minimizing the sum of quadratic range errors of a limited number of particles representative of the static the spread pattern deformation. This approach allows reducing the application errors to ±10%.
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Komplexní simulační model vibračního generátoru / Complex simulation model of vibration power generatorHarapát, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This work is focusing on analysis of current development in energy harvesting projects in aerospace industry field, and on analysis of current development in vibration generator field. It is also concentrating on establishment of a complex simulation model of vibration generator. It deals with modeling of magnetic field of generator and its cross connection with a mechanic and an electronic model.
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Laser-akustische Messtechnik in der Materialcharakterisierung: Numerische Schallfeldberechnung und praxisgerechte Auslegung für die kontaktlose VolumenprüfungWindisch, Thomas 24 February 2016 (has links)
Testing equipment based on the propagation of elastic waves are commonly used for measuring specific material properties. As a prerequisite for accurate measurements a reliable acoustic coupling of probe and specimen is highly important. Therefore, high-resolution testing equipment is using fluids as couplant. In certain conditions, only non-contacting methods can be considered. This is the case for example, if particular high or low temperatures are present, if topographic features impede the use of ultrasonic probes, diffusion or solubility processes exist, measurements at vacuum are addressed and if high purity requirements need to be fulfilled. Hence, subject of this work is a method which offers to handle these constraints.
With the emergence of modern laser systems the scientific basics for a non-contacting, laser-acoustic excitation of ultrasound were discovered. The tremendous development of commercially available laser systems during the last decade was taken as reason to investigate, to which extent former scientifically designed laboratory setups can now be merged into one single application oriented measuring system. All considerations are based on the thermoelastic excitation of ultrasound in combination with a likewise laser-based detection. By this, a self-contained measuring chain is built which combines the attributes non-destructive, non-contacting and application oriented within one ultrasonic measurement system for the first time.
Thermal calculations lead to more precise equations which predict a laser-induced, local temperature rise of about 100 K. The examination of sound field simulations, as a prerequisite for the design of ultrasonic systems, identified an additional complex of problems. Although existing calculation approaches presuppose laser intensity profiles what can be described in analytical terms, real-world laser sources exhibit a complex shaped spatial distribution of laser energy. Based on a preceding CEFIT simulation, the developed CPSS method enables the calculation of the time resolved, 3D wave propagation of arbitrary shaped sources. A comparison to measured data successfully validated the results of simulation.
By presenting selected scenario of measurements, the practical suitability of this non-contacting method is demonstrated. Using a transmission setup enables the characterization of open-pore ceramic coatings as well as the deduction of longitudinal and transversal speeds of sound. Equally, the imaging and estimation of the depth position of artificial defects with 0.7 mm in diameter is shown. Measurements based on a reflection setup provided evidence of a resolution limit of at least FBH = 1 mm in 4.5 mm depth. Additional examples demonstrate the ability to detect close-surface defects, the analysis of the challenging lamb waves zero-group-velocity S1 mode as well as the utilization of buried laser-acoustic sources. / Prüfsysteme, welche die Ausbreitungseigenschaften elastischer Wellen zur Ableitung spezifischer Messgrößen nutzen, sind etablierte Messverfahren. Voraussetzung für zuverlässige Ergebnisse ist stets die sichere akustische Kopplung zwischen Sensor und Material. Daher arbeiten hochauflösende Prüfsysteme mit Fluiden als Koppelmedium. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen scheiden kontaktierende Ultraschallsysteme allerdings ersatzlos aus. Dies ist beispielsweise der Fall, wenn die Probe eine besonders niedrige oder hohe Temperatur besitzt, topografische Eigenschaften ein sicheres Ankoppeln der Kontaktprüfköpfe erschweren, Diffusionsvorgänge oder Löslichkeiten zu beachten sind, in Vakuum zu arbeiten ist oder erhöhte Reinheitsanforderungen vorliegen. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine Technik welche hilft, diese Einschränkungen zu umgehen.
Mit dem Aufkommen der ersten Laserquellen entstanden die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen zur kontaktlosen Anregung und Detektion von Ultraschall. Die rasante Entwicklung kommerziell verfügbarer Lasersysteme der vergangenen Dekade wurde zum Anlass genommen zu untersuchen, in wie weit sich die einst wissenschaftlich orientierte Laboraufbauten zu einem anwendungsnahen Messsystem zusammenführen lassen. Basis der Arbeiten ist die thermoelastische Anregung von Ultraschall in Kombination mit einer ebenfalls kontaktlosen Detektion. Damit entsteht eine geschlossene Messkette welche erstmals die Eigenschaften zerstörungsfrei, kontaktlos und anwendungsorientiert in einem Ultraschallmesssystem vereint.
Ausgangspunkt stellt die thermische Simulation der Anregung dar. Mit Hilfe präzisierter Gleichungen wird eine lokale Erwärmung von lediglich 100 K vorausgesagt. Für die zur Auslegung eines akustischen Messsystems notwendige Schallfeldsimulation wurde eine weitere Problematik identifiziert. Während bekannte Rechenansätze stets analytisch beschreibbare Strahlprofile des Lasers voraussetzen, zeigen reale Laserquellen kompliziert gestaltete räumliche Intensitätsverteilungen. Auf Basis einer vorangestellten CEFIT-Simulation ist mit der entwickelten CPSS-Methode eine zeitdiskrete Berechnung der 3D-Wellenausbreitung beliebiger Quellgeometrien möglich. Vergleiche mit realen Messdaten bestätigen die Simulationsrechnungen.
Anhand ausgewählter Messszenarien wird die Praxistauglichkeit der kontaktlosen Arbeitsweise demonstriert. Neben der Charakterisierung einer offenporigen keramischen Beschichtung erlauben Transmissionsmessungen die Berechnung der longitudinalen und transversalen Schallgeschwindigkeiten. Ebenso ist die Abbildung wie auch die Beurteilung der Tiefenlage von Referenzfehlern mit lediglich 0,7 mm Durchmesser möglich. In Reflexionsmessungen wurde eine Auflösungsgrenze von mindestens KSR = 1 mm in 4,5 mm Tiefe nachgewiesen. Weitere Beispiele zeigen die Sensitivität hinsichtlich oberflächennaher Fehler, die Auswertung der anspruchsvollen „Zero Group Velocity“ S1-Mode der Lambwelle wie auch die Nutzung eingebetteter Quellen.
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Studies on Retinal Circulation in Experimental Animals, Healthy Human Eyes and Eyes with Diabetic RetinopathyTomić, Lidija January 2008 (has links)
The retina is a highly metabolically active tissue with large demands on the supply of nutrients. Disorders affecting the retina often include some vasculopathy with an impact on retinal circulation. Studies of retinal haemodynamics could thus help to detect, differentiate and diagnose diseases, to monitor changes in disease as well as progression and efficiency of the therapy. The present studies were an attempt to validate and determine the clinical usefulness of a newly developed technique for studying the retinal circulation in human eyes. We used different techniques to evaluate different parameters of retinal circulation. We examined how leukocyte velocity determined with Blue Field Simulation and transit times, mean transite time (MTT) and arterio-venous passage (AVP), and vessel diameter, determined from fluorescein angiograms, together reflects the retinal circulation. MTT was determined with a method based on an Impulse-Response technique, MTTIR. In a study on monkeys we compared our method, together with two conventional methods, with an absolute measurement of retinal blood flow (RBF) determined with labelled microspheres. There was a weak, but not statistically significant, correlation between retinal blood flow and MTTIR (r2 = -0.60, p = 0.06), but no useful correlation between retinal blood flow and either of the other two measures of transit times. In a study on healthy eyes we determined the effect of a physiological provocation, changes in arterial blood gases, on retinal circulation. Breathing pure oxygen or increased level of carbon dioxide in inspired air had no effect on MTT, but oxygen reduced leukocyte velocity and vessel diameter and carbon dioxide increased leukocyte velocity significantly. We concluded that unchanged transit time trough the retinal tissue was not due to a lack of effect of the gas provocation but a result due to concomitant changes in volume and flow. In a study on eyes of patients with diabetic retinopathy we investigated the relation between the extent of retinal circulation changes and the severity of the diabetes retinopathy (DRP). Transit times were relatively unaffected until proliferative DRP (PDRP) developed. In eyes with PDRP both MTTIR and AVP were increased. After panretinal photocoagulation treatment MTTIR returned to normal levels and vessel diameters tended to decrease while leukocyte velocity and AVP remained unchanged. We concluded that the increase in MTTIR in eyes with PDRP is at least partly explained by vessel dilation, causing an increased volume of the retinal vascular bed.
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Phase-field modeling of solidification and coarsening effects in dendrite morphology evolution and fragmentationNeumann-Heyme, Hieram 17 September 2018 (has links)
Dendritic solidification has been the subject of continuous research, also because of its high importance in metal production. The challenge of predicting macroscopic material properties due to complex solidification processes is complicated by the multiple physical scales and phenomena involved. Practical modeling approaches are still subject to significant limitations due to remaining gaps in the systematic understanding of dendritic microstructure formation. The present work investigates some of these problems at the microscopic level of interfacial morphology using phase-field simulations. The employed phase-field models are implemented within a finite-element framework, allowing efficient and scalable computations on high-performance computing facilities. Particular emphasis is placed on the evolution and interaction of dendrite sidebranches in the broader context of dendrite fragmentation, varying and dynamical solidification conditions.
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Развој алгоритма и система за дедуктивну предикцију и анализу кретања кошаркашких судија / Razvoj algoritma i sistema za deduktivnu predikciju i analizu kretanja košarkaških sudija / Development of an algorithm and a system for deductive prediction and analysis of movment of basketball refereesPecev Predrag 04 May 2017 (has links)
<p>Докторска дисертација припада области информационих система, са јасним акцентом на употребу неуронских мрежа за решавање проблема вишеструких зависних временских серија који је у овом докторату дефинисан.Основни циљ дисертације је креирање система у форми едукативног софтвера путем којег ће се обучавати младе кошаркашке судије</p><p>Један од кључих елемената овог доктората јесте симулација хоризонталног видног поља на основу којег се утврђује да ли је резоновано кретање кошаркашких судија било адекватно или није. Стога развијени софтвер поседује споменуту едукативну примену.</p><p>Како би се реализовао споменути софтвер спроведено је истраживање које је обухватило обучавање великог броја традиционалних вишеслојних перцептрона као и формирање посебне LTR – MDTS структуре неуронске мреже за коју се сматра да је погодна за решавање постојећег проблема. За реализацију симулације хоризонталног видног поља разматрано је више алгоритама из области рачунарске графике а Sweep and Prune алгоритам је парцијално пружио основу за развијени и тренутно имплементирани алгоритам.</p> / <p>Doktorska disertacija pripada oblasti informacionih sistema, sa jasnim akcentom na upotrebu neuronskih mreža za rešavanje problema višestrukih zavisnih vremenskih serija koji je u ovom doktoratu definisan.Osnovni cilj disertacije je kreiranje sistema u formi edukativnog softvera putem kojeg će se obučavati mlade košarkaške sudije</p><p>Jedan od ključih elemenata ovog doktorata jeste simulacija horizontalnog vidnog polja na osnovu kojeg se utvrđuje da li je rezonovano kretanje košarkaških sudija bilo adekvatno ili nije. Stoga razvijeni softver poseduje spomenutu edukativnu primenu.</p><p>Kako bi se realizovao spomenuti softver sprovedeno je istraživanje koje je obuhvatilo obučavanje velikog broja tradicionalnih višeslojnih perceptrona kao i formiranje posebne LTR – MDTS strukture neuronske mreže za koju se smatra da je pogodna za rešavanje postojećeg problema. Za realizaciju simulacije horizontalnog vidnog polja razmatrano je više algoritama iz oblasti računarske grafike a Sweep and Prune algoritam je parcijalno pružio osnovu za razvijeni i trenutno implementirani algoritam.</p> / <p>Doctoral dissertation belongs to the field of information systems, with a clear emphasis on the use of neural networks for solving the problem of multiple dependent time series, which is defined in this doctorate. The main objective of the thesis is to create a system in the form of educational software that will be used druring the training of young basketball referees.One of the key elements of this doctorate is a simulation of a horizontal field of vision on the basis of which it is determined whether the movement of reasoned basketball referees was adequate or not. Therefore developed software has aforementioned educational use. In order to realize the aforementioned software, a research was conducted that included training of a large number of traditional multilayer perceptron neural networks and the formation of special LTR - MDTS neural network structure which is considered to be suitable for solving the presented problem. For the realization of the simulation of the horizontal field of vision a large number of algorithms in the field of computer graphis was considered and Sweep and Prune algorithm partially provided the basis for the developed and currently implemented algorithm.</p>
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Parallélisation de simulations interactives de champs ultrasonores pour le contrôle non destructif / Parallelization of ultrasonic field simulations for non destructive testingLambert, Jason 03 July 2015 (has links)
La simulation est de plus en plus utilisée dans le domaine industriel du Contrôle Non Destructif. Elle est employée tout au long du processus de contrôle, que ce soit pour en accélérer la mise au point ou en comprendre les résultats. Les travaux menés au cours de cette thèse présentent une méthode de calcul rapide de champ ultrasonore rayonné par un capteur multi-éléments dans une pièce isotrope, permettant un usage interactif des simulations. Afin de tirer parti des architectures parallèles communément disponibles, un modèle régulier (qui limite au maximum les branchements divergents) dérivé du modèle générique présent dans la plateforme logicielle CIVA a été mis au point. Une première implémentation de référence a permis de le valider par rapport aux résultats CIVA et d'analyser son comportement en termes de performances. Le code a ensuite été porté et optimisé sur trois classes d'architectures parallèles aujourd'hui disponibles dans les stations de calcul : le processeur généraliste central (GPP), le coprocesseur manycore (Intel MIC) et la carte graphique (nVidia GPU). Concernant le processeur généraliste et le coprocesseur manycore, l'algorithme a été réorganisé et le code implémenté afin de tirer parti des deux niveaux de parallélisme disponibles, le multithreading et les instructions vectorielles. Sur la carte graphique, les différentes étapes de simulation de champ ont été découpées en une série de noyaux CUDA. Enfin, des bibliothèques de calculs spécifiques à ces architectures, Intel MKL et nVidia cuFFT, ont été utilisées pour effectuer les opérations de Transformées de Fourier Rapides. Les performances et la bonne adéquation des codes produits ont été analysées en détail pour chaque architecture. Dans plusieurs cas, sur des configurations de contrôle réalistes, des performances autorisant l'interactivité ont été atteintes. Des perspectives pour traiter des configurations plus complexes sont dressées. Enfin la problématique de l'industrialisation de ce type de code dans la plateforme logicielle CIVA est étudiée. / The Non Destructive Testing field increasingly uses simulation.It is used at every step of the whole control process of an industrial part, from speeding up control development to helping experts understand results. During this thesis, a simulation tool dedicated to the fast computation of an ultrasonic field radiated by a phase array probe in an isotropic specimen has been developped. Its performance enables an interactive usage. To benefit from the commonly available parallel architectures, a regular model (aimed at removing divergent branching) derived from the generic CIVA model has been developped. First, a reference implementation was developped to validate this model against CIVA results, and to analyze its performance behaviour before optimization. The resulting code has been optimized for three kinds of parallel architectures commonly available in workstations: general purpose processors (GPP), manycore coprocessors (Intel MIC) and graphics processing units (nVidia GPU). On the GPP and the MIC, the algorithm was reorganized and implemented to benefit from both parallelism levels, multhreading and vector instructions. On the GPU, the multiple steps of field computing have been divided in multiple successive CUDA kernels.Moreover, libraries dedicated to each architecture were used to speedup Fast Fourier Transforms, Intel MKL on GPP and MIC and nVidia cuFFT on GPU. Performance and hardware adequation of the produced algorithms were thoroughly studied for each architecture. On multiple realistic control configurations, interactive performance was reached. Perspectives to adress more complex configurations were drawn. Finally, the integration and the industrialization of this code in the commercial NDT plateform CIVA is discussed.
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Active dielectrophoretic trapping for deterministic single-cell encapsulation in droplet microfluidicsSurana, Prasanna January 2023 (has links)
The research work focuses on optimizing various parameters for controlling cells using negative dielectrophoresis and entrapping them in droplet microfluidics. This is achieved by developing a conductivity medium, combining CytoRecovery, BSA, and EDTA, to maintain a steady count of single cells with good viability over an extended period. The study involves the optimization of frequency and voltage applied to the electrodes to achieve the desired dielectrophoretic forces for long-term cell manipulation. The optimization is based on simulations performed using myDEP and COMSOL software. Additionally, the stability of the conductivity medium is tested during prolonged electric field applications. Considering the significance of working with cells, ensuring the temperature inside the channels remains within physiological limits is vital. Both COMSOL simulations and physical experiments using Rhodamine B dye are conducted to achieve this objective. Moreover, a well-designed process flow is proposed for performing cellular entrapment in droplets. Finally, a novel microfluidic cleaning protocol has been developed to efficiently eliminate both non-biological and biological contaminants from the microfluidic chamber. This innovative protocol has the potential to enable the reuse of any microfluidic chip that does not possess a functionalized surface. / Forskningsarbetet fokuserar på att optimera olika parametrar för att kontrollera celler med hjälp av negativ dielektrofores och fånga in dem i droppmikrofluidik. Detta uppnås genom att utveckla ett konduktivitetsmedium, som kombinerar CytoRecovery, BSA och EDTA, för att upprätthålla ett jämnt antal enstaka celler med god livsduglighet under en längre period. Studien involverar optimering av frekvens och spänning som appliceras på elektroderna för att uppnå de önskade dielektroforetiska krafterna för långvarig cellmanipulation. Optimeringen är baserad på simuleringar utförda med mjukvaran myDEP och COMSOL. Dessutom testas konduktivitetsmediets stabilitet under långvariga elektriska fälttillämpningar. Med tanke på betydelsen av att arbeta med celler är det viktigt att se till att temperaturen inuti kanalerna håller sig inom fysiologiska gränser. Både COMSOL-simuleringar och fysiska experiment med Rhodamine B-färgämne genomförs för att uppnå detta mål. Dessutom föreslås ett väldesignat processflöde för att utföra cellulär infångning i droppar. Slutligen har ett nytt mikrofluidrengöringsprotokoll utvecklats för att effektivt eliminera både icke-biologiska och biologiska föroreningar från mikrofluidkammaren. Detta innovativa protokoll har potential att möjliggöra återanvändning av alla mikrofluidiska chip som inte har en funktionaliserad yta.
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