Spelling suggestions: "subject:"financial statements""
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Implementace IFRS / Implementation of IFRSJirmusová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
Main topic of this diploma thesis is an overall analysis of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) implementation. However it focuses not only on the implementation process itself but it also describes IFRS as such; deals with its history and its function in both international and Czech accounting environments. Part of this thesis is also a comparison of bookkeeping according to Czech accounting regulations and international accounting standards; summary of legal differences, and problems that come with these differences. Second part of the thesis introduces an analysis of the implementation process shown on a particular Czech company -- RETAL CZECH a.s.
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Věcný koncept a účetní řešení likvidace korporace v ČR a komparace s koncepty a účetním řešení v zahraničí / Comparison of legal, accounting and tax aspects of dissolution of the business company in the Czech republic and in the Poland republicLelková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis is describing the process of winding up of business company, as a process leading to closure of business and dissolution of a company. The work is focused on legal, accounting and tax purposes in the Czech Republic and as well as in the Poland republic, including analysis of the diversity.
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Vliv implementace IFRS do německých účetních předpisů na vypovídací schopnost účetních výkazů SME / Impact of IFRS Adoption into German GAAP on SME’s Financial Statement Informative ValueTrytko, David January 2014 (has links)
The legislated Accounting principles modernizing act, abbreviated BilMoG, caused a fundamental accounting reform in Germany. The most important international accounting standards IFRS were implemented in to elsewise conservative accounting rules. Due to fact the main users of GAAP in Central Europe are SME, the description and analysis of IFRS's implementation in to German GAAP seems to be beneficial for SME's financial statement informative value for the first year as of December 31, 2010. Major receiver of SME's financial statement is not the institutional investor but financing bank and other creditor. The aim of the thesis is to verify assumed informative value's improvement of SME's financial statement as their most important finance reporting form. The verification of defined hypothesis is based on rigorous and systematic SME's characteristic analysis as well as their applicable GAAP's. After recognition of the most important German GAAP's changes follow the IFRS comparison and a feasibility evaluation of German qualitative characteristics used not only by SME. The consequent empirical research mergers the provided analysis and recognition of the fundamental and by SME frequently used balance positions with quantitative and qualitative assessment of adjustment to be made for preparation of consolidated financial statement in accordance with German accounting rules and principals. This research is based on near 70 available audited Czech SME's financial statements for the financial years before and after partly IFRS adoption into German GAAP (BilMoG). The findings and results establish the verified informative value's improvement of financial statements. The finance lease recognition (necessary capitalisation) persists to be the most significant adjustment between Czech and German financial statement after BilMoG. This fact clearly shows the deficiency of current Czech GAAP. Extent and number of required adjustments are on the decrease and the current German GAAP seems to be applicable for SME's purposes either. Thesis conclusion draws the attention and requirement to improve the Czech GAAP. Also continuance of prudence principle after partly IFRS adoption is fixed. Surprisingly the positive tax law impact is found out, especially not only on allowances or provisions, but also on other relevant accounting areas as such asset definition, discounting of long term provisions, finance lease recognition etc.
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Účetní řešení pro nabývání dceřiných jednotek / Accounting treatment for acquisition of subsidiariesAšenbrenerová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with accounting treatment for acquisition of subsidiaries. Accounting treatment is shown at the level of consolidated financial statement in accordence with the current version of IFRS. At the beginning of the thesis are briefly state the reasons for the business combination and then is described single control model under IFRS 10. The following are the common elements of the accounting treatment for all possibilities of acquisiton of subsidiaries. The next chapter is devoted to the options of acquisition of subsidiaries. The chapter deals with an acquisition achieved in stages, an acquisition achieved without the transfer of consideration or reverse asquisition.
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Vliv rozšíření konsolidačního celku na jeho ekonomickou situaci / Influence of Consolidation Group Expansion on its Economic SituationKliglová, Marta January 2020 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with the subject of consolidated financial statement of group TOS VARNSDORF with the main focus on evaluation of economic influence caused by consolidation group expansion. First part of the master’s thesis concerns with definition of consolidation and therefore represents basics for the following practical application. Subsequently, the actual economic situation of the concern is analysed, consolidation of financial statements is accomplished by appropriate consolidation methods and afterwards, the final assessment of achieved impact is executed.
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Účetnictví podle českých a mezinárodních účetních standardů / Accounting in Accordance with Czech Accounting Law and IFRSBaladová, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the master´s thesis is the comparison of the financial statements prepared in compliance with Czech accounting legislation and in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS). This thesis deals with the differences in reporting under Czech accounting legislation and IAS/IFRS in selected company and compares the subject of accounting according to Czech accounting legislation and IAS/IFRS.
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Analýza výkonnosti skupiny podniků / Performance Analysis of a Group of CompaniesBlaženec, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
Master´s thesis deal with performance analysis of a group of companies. It is divided into several parts. The first part is focused on theoretical bases describing a group of companies, the consolidated financial statement and financial analysis for the consolidated financial statement. The second part deal with practical application of financial analysis group of companies. The thesis also contains analysis of problems and proposals for improving the economic situation of a group of companies.
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Konsolidační pravidla / Consolidation RulesPsohlavec, Karel January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the consolidation rules, particularly the elimination of intercompany profit system resulting from reciprocal market activities in consolidating companies. These rules are further examined in terms of the efficiency and administrative burden. In the practical part of the information is evaluated.
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IFRS a česká účetní legislativa / IFRSs and Czech Accounting AdjustmentMikulcová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The subject of the master´s thesis is the comparison of the financial statements prepared in compliance with Czech accounting legislation and in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS). This thesis deals with the differences in reporting under Czech accounting legislation and IAS/IFRS in selected company and subsequent assessment of the impact of changes to the image of the company.
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IFRS a česká účetní legislativa / IFRS and Czech Accounting AdjustmentŠprochová, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
The master´s thesis focuses on comparing of requirements of accounting statements which were made up according to the Czech legislation and International Financial Reporting Standards – IAS/IFRS. The main topic of the work is to compare differences between the both systems and their impact on statement information. The differences are based on the data of a selected company.
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