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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ProteÃnas antifÃngicas do lÃtex de Marsdenia megalantha [GOYDER & MORILLO, 1994] â CaracterizaÃÃo BioquÃmica e mecanismos de aÃÃo / Antifungal proteins Marsdenia latex megalantha [Goyder & MORILLO 1994] - Biochemical Characterization and mechanisms of action

Henrique Pinho Oliveira 20 February 2009 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Marsdenia megalantha (Apocynaceae) à uma espÃcie encontrada sobre rochas granÃticas no interior do Nordeste brasileiro. Ao sofrer injÃrias, diferentes partes da planta exudam lÃtex que, rapidamente, coagula, prevenindo perda de Ãgua e penetraÃÃo de patÃgenos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as propriedades antifÃngicas do lÃtex M. megalantha e identificar proteÃnas relacionadas com o mecanismo de defesa das plantas contra fitopatÃgenos. Para isso, indivÃduos dessa espÃcie foram coletados no municÃpio de QuixadÃ-CE e o lÃtex coletado em alÃquotas de tampÃo Tris-HCl 0,05 M, pH 8,0, contendo NaCl 0,15 M (10:1, v/v), a fim de evitar sua coagulaÃÃo. Esse material foi centrifugado a 10.000 x g, 10 min, 25 ÂC, dialisado exaustivamente contra Ãgua destilada e, novamente, centrifugado sob as mesmas condiÃÃes. O sobrenadante, denominado de proteÃnas totais do lÃtex, apÃs diÃlise contra tampÃo acetato de sÃdio 0,05 M, pH 5,2, foi submetido à cromatografia em coluna de Resource-Q, equilibrada com esse mesmo tampÃo. Duas fraÃÃes protÃicas foram obtidas, uma nÃo retida (FnRq), obtida com o tampÃo de equilÃbrio, e uma retida (FRq), resultante do acrÃscimo de NaCl 0,2 M ao tampÃo. Na avaliaÃÃo do potencial antifÃngico, FnRq (22 μgP/mL) se mostrou capaz de inibir a germinaÃÃo dos esporos de Fusarium solani. Quando avaliadas atividades enzimÃticas relacionadas ao mecanismo de defesa das plantas, quitinases, peroxidases e proteases foram detectadas em ambas as fraÃÃes oriundas da Resource Q. FnRq, apÃs cromatografia em coluna de Superose 12 HR 10/30, resultou em dois picos (S1 e S2), com atividades enzimÃticas distintas, porÃm ambas com potencial para inibir a germinaÃÃo dos esporos de F. solani. Em S1 ficou concentrada toda atividade peroxidÃsica, diferentemente de S2 que reteve a atividade quitinÃsica. Por PADE-SDS, S1 se mostrou puro, como uma Ãnica banda de Mr de 67 kDa, diferindo de S2, cujo perfil apresentou vÃrias bandas protÃicas. Sequenciamento por degradaÃÃo de Edman revelou que a extremidade NH2-terminal de S1 estava bloqueada. AvaliaÃÃo dos mecanismos de aÃÃo antifÃngica usando esporos de F. solani mostrou que proteÃnas presentes no lÃtex de M. megalantha sÃo capazes de interferir com o funcionamento de bombas de prÃtons, de induzir a produÃÃo de espÃcies reativas de oxigÃnio e de causar alteraÃÃes na permeabilidade de membranas. Esses resultados apresentam o lÃtex de M. megalantha como uma rica fonte de proteÃnas antifÃngicas, com potencial para serem usadas na defesa contra o fitopatÃgeno F. solani. / Masdenia megalantha (Apocynaceae ) is a species which grows on the hinterland in Northeast, Brazil. Upon injuries, each organ of the plant exudates a latex which quickly coagulates on exposure to air, preventing losses of water and the penetrat ion of plant pathogens. This present work had the aim to describe the antifungal properties of M. megalantha latex and to identify the related proteins in plant defense against phytopathogenous. So, latex was harvested from trees in Quix adÃ, CearÃ, Brazil, and diluted with 0.05 M Tris - HCl, pH 8.0, containing 0.15 M NaCl (10:1, v/v) , to prevent its coagulation. The diluted latex was centrifuged (10,000 g , 10 min, 25 ÂC), dialyzed extensively against water, and further centrifuged under the same above conditi ons. The supernatant, denominated Latex Proteins (LP), after exhaustive dialysis against 0.05 M sodium acetate, pH 5.2, was applied to a Resource - Q column equilibrated with this same buffer. Two different fractionswas obtained, one the non - retained protein s (FnRq), eluted with the equilibrating buffer, and the other, the retained proteins (FRq), eluted with 0.2 M NaCl in the above buffer. The FnRq (22 μfP/mL) was the only fraction able to inhibited the spore germination of the phytophatogenic fungi Fusarium solani . In addition, the evaluation of some enzymatic activities involved in plant defense mechanisms against phytopathogenous fungi such as chitinases, peroxidases and proteases were observed in both fractions from Resource - Q. FnRq, after performed in a Superose - 12 HR 10/30 column chromatography, originated another two different protein peaks (S1 and S2), showing different enzymatic activities, but both capable to inhibit the spore germination of the phytopathogenic fungi F. solani . S1 concentrated all th e peroxidase activity, whereas S2, which concentrate the chitinolityc activity. Under SDS - PAGE, S1 was presented as a purified protein band, instead of S2. Indeed, the NH2 - Terminal sequence under Edman degradation showed that S1 protein was blocked. The an tifungal action mechanisms evaluated in this work has showed that these protein presents in M. megalantha latex were able to interfere with the proton pump present in plasmatic membrane, and also to induce the ROS production, and promote alteration in the membrane permeability within the F. solani spores. These results show the latex from M. megalantha as a rich source of antifungal proteins, with potential to been used in the defense against the phytopathogenous F. solani.

Atividade de lectinas de leguminosas sobre a germinaÃÃo de esporos de fungos fitopatogÃnicos / Activity of lectins of legumes on the germination of spores of pathogenic fungi

Francisco Vassiliepe Sousa Arruda 06 February 2009 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Lectinas representam um grupo diversificado de proteÃnas, tanto em termos de tamanho e estrutura, quanto com relaÃÃo Ãs atividades biolÃgicas que desempenham sobre diferentes organismos. A maioria das lectinas tem sido isolada de plantas e algumas podem exercer atividades antifÃngicas marcantes. Este trabalho apresenta o efeito de cinco lectinas estruturalmente relacionadas, as quais foram purificadas, respectivamente, das sementes de Canavalia ensiformis (ConA), C. boliviana (Cbol), C. maritima (ConM), C. brasiliensis (ConBr) e C. gladiata (ConG), sobre o crescimento in vitro dos fungos fitopatogÃnicos Mucor sp., Rhizoctonia solani, Colletotrichum musae e C. lindemuthianum. No sentido de determinar o efeito das lectinas, os esporos fÃngicos foram devidamente isolados, tratados com cada uma das lectinas na concentraÃÃo de 500 μg/mL durante 24 horas e entÃo inoculados para crescimento a 27ÂC em placas de poliestireno de 96 poÃos contendo caldo batata dextrose. O crescimento dos fungos foi avaliado em diferentes tempos atravÃs da determinaÃÃo da densidade Ãptica a 620 nanÃmetros. O controle negativo foi feito com NaCl 0,15 M. No sentido de verificar se o efeito das lectinas sobre o crescimento fÃngico era meramente proteico, os fungos foram crescidos na presenÃa de albumina sÃrica bovina (BSA). Os resultados mostraram que o crescimento de Mucor sp. foi diminuÃdo quando seus esporos foram tratados com ConA. Por outro lado, todas as outras lectinas promoveram o aumento de seu crescimento. Com relaÃÃo Ãs outras espÃcies, observou-se que o crescimento fÃngico à aumentado quando os esporos sÃo tratados com as lectinas. / Lectins represent a diversified group of proteins, both in terms of size and structure, as well as in relation to biological activities that they play on different organisms. Most of lectins have been isolated from plants and some of them can exert remarkable antifungal activities. This work shows the effect of five structurally related lectins, which were purified from the seeds of Canavalia ensiformis (ConA), C. boliviana (Cbol), C. maritima (ConM), C. brasiliensis (ConBr) and C. gladiata (ConG), respectively, on the in vitro growth of phytopathogenic fungi Mucor sp., Rhizoctonia solani, Colletotrichum musae and C. lindemuthianum. In order to determine the effect of lectins, fungal spores were properly isolated, treated with each lectin in a concentration of 500 μg/ml for 24 hours and then inoculated to growth at 27ÂC in 96-well polystyrene plates containing potato dextrose broth. The fungal growth was assessed at different times by measuring the optical density at 620 nanometers. The negative control was performed with 0.15 M NaCl. In order to verify if the effect on fungal growth occurred merely by the presence of protein, the fungi were grown in the presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA). The results showed that the growth of Mucor sp. is decreased when spores were treated with ConA. On the other hand, all the other lectins enhanced its growth. With respect to other species, it was observed that fungal growth is increased when the spores were treated with lectins.

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